Choose Energy-Efficient Mechanical Help

While I’m a firm advocate for passive cooling, I also believe there is a place for mechanical systems. Used in conjunction with passive-cooling techniques, the effec­tiveness of both can be enhanced, leading to lower energy use without any compromise in comfort.

Choose Energy-Efficient Mechanical HelpПодпись: Start small. Strategically placed mechanical devices, such as the fan at the top of the hallway, can enhance passive design.That said, if you are going to use both passive and mechanical systems, it’s im­portant they work together. When hiring a heating and cooling contractor, choose someone who can size a mechanical system with your passive-cooling elements in mind and who will recommend energy-efficient equipment.



Seeking Solar Professionals

When considering passive design, you should seek the services of a qualified pro familiar with the right strategies for your home and climate. professionals accredited by the U. S. Green Building council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program are a good place to start. Make sure anyone you hire to size or install mechanical sys­tems understands the effect your home’s passive elements will have on the sys­tem. The following resources can help in your search:

•U. S. Green Building Council: www. usgbc. org

•American Solar Energy Society: www. ases. org

•North Carolina Solar Center: www. ncsc. ncsu. edu

•Energy Star program: www. energystar. gov

•Southface Energy institute: www. southface. org

Choose Energy-Efficient Mechanical Help

Mechanical assist. This fan, at the top of the sloped ceiling, can also enhance passive design.

If your climate demands it, one mechani­cal component you might consider is a de­humidifier. When you rely on natural ven­tilation to cool your house, you need to be aware that letting in the breeze also means letting in moisture. When the air leaves, the moisture may remain. In these cases, mechanical systems can help to dehumidify the air, preventing mold and damage to your home.

The best way to introduce mechanical cooling to a passive house is to start small. Ceiling fans are a simple way to enhance natural ventilation. If you’ve installed radiant-floor heating tubes in the floor slab, you can boost its cooling effect by pumping cool water through the pipes in summer­time. Although this strategy must be care­fully monitored to avoid condensation, it can have the added benefit of preheating your domestic hot water.

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