West Bridge on the Great Belt Link, Denmark


Another example of an SMA bridge application in Europe is found on one of the longest bridges in Europe—the Great Belt Link connecting Denmark with Sweden.

FIGuRE 13.1 Grading of the SMA aggregate mix, Roosteren design. (Data from von Brochove, G. G., Voskuilen, J., and Visser, A. F.H. M., Proceedings of the 4th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Conference, Copenhagen, paper 402-102, 2008.)

It is a 6600-m long, prestressed concrete structure with an asphalt pavement consist­ing of the following courses (Wegan, 2000):

• 15 mm open graded asphalt concrete (drainage layer)

• 40 mm thick asphalt concrete (protective course)

• 40 mm thick SMA (wearing course)

The expected lifespan of the SMA layer on this bridge is 25 years.

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