Day-care centers, pre-schools, and nursery schools all fall under the same classification when computing minimum needs for plumbing fixtures. Figure 9.6 shows you the formulas for figuring the number of fixtures needed. It’s a simple table. Basically, you supply one toilet and one lavatory for each 15 oc­cupants of the building. If the school will have 30 occupants, you must install two toilets and two lavatories. When 45 people will be in the school, you need three toilets and three lavatories. This is one of the easiest sizing exer­cises going.


Requirements for elementary and secondary schools are a bit more complex than those applying to pre-schools. Even so, the process of sizing the fixture needs is not difficult. Look at the table in Figure 9.7. Notice that the table is very similar to the ones we have been using. An equal number of toilets and lavato­ries is required in both male and female restrooms. One drinking fountain is re­quired for every three classrooms in the school. It is also a requirement that a drinking fountain be located on each floor of the building. All you have to do in order to figure fixtures for a school is look at the number of occupants and reference it next to the number of fixtures. For example, if you have 98 occu­pants, you need three toilets and two lavatories in each bathroom.

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