Teploizoyaltsiya of pipes – materials and installation, a part 1
What to do, if the water pipe was chilled? Anything, only to change! To frosts all the same, pipes are made of what material – qualitative покрытыя by zinc steel or cheap metalplastic, the frost is capable to "break off" any pipe with similar ruthlessness. Your pipes to "keep" few years without additional warming? Races on races it is not necessary, completely can be that the negative temperature will make the business, if not now, tomorrow! To warn it, it is necessary to warm water pipes.
Let’s make out types of heat insulators, requirements to which they should correspond and briefly we will have a talk about their installation.
Most likely, at you in a yard or in the house not kilometers of pipes, means, works on warming will be a little, and you completely will cope with it by own efforts.
At water supply systems exists 2 more a weak spot: not heated room and the street a room. If to warm water pipes indoors – rather usual problem, pipes located on the street (in particular in an exit place to pumps, counters, wells etc.) to warm so simply it will not turn out.
Requirements to materials.
The accepted, consumer requirements to materials heaters are consolidated to durability of operation and simplicity of installation:
– ability to self-attenuation and fire-prevention safety at application;
– density – the material should own the highest water-repellent qualities;
– durability;
– convenience of installation, numerous application;
– applicable price.
As to production requirements to a material before warming pipes, it is necessary to familiarize with technical and operational lines of the chosen type of a heat insulator, for example:
– heatsaving-up characteristics should be the highest, and heatconductivity – low;
– characteristic water absorption – destructions are outright connected eventually;
– stability to chemical and biological environment;
– working temperature and additional isolation.
Knowing the main characteristics, and features of placement of a water pipe, you without special troubles can make the best choice.
Types of materials for warming.
Passed times when warming of pipes was carried out by a wadded blanket or heat insulators similar to it. The present sector is much more various. Let’s make out the most vserasprostranenny materials by means of which warming is carried out.
2nd part
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