Flood Frequency

There are two accepted alternatives for determining the design flood frequency at a specific site: (1) by policy and (2) by economic assessment. An example of an estab­lishment of a design flood frequency by policy is the Code of Federal Regulations, which specifies that the design flood for encroachment onto through lanes of interstate highways […]


The science of hydrology is concerned with the estimation of the intensity of rainfall, thedistribution of the flow of the rainwater over the land, and the determination of the flow quan-tity (peak and total) that eventually reaches some specified point, the “point of solution.” Of primary concern to the highway engineer is the frequency of […]

Kevin E. White, P. E

Principal Hydraulic EngineerE. L. Robinson EngineeringColumbus, Ohio A properly designed highway requires a well-designed drainage system. This requires a determination of the quantity of runoff reaching the drainage structures and an accurate analysis of water flow through the structures in order to properly size them. Also, a working knowledge of structural characteristics of buried pipe […]


In recognition of the serious potential destructive effects of earthquakes, AASHTO specifications contain comprehensive provisions for seismic design. Although earlier speci­fications contained some provisions, the more comprehensive provisions were not adopted until the 1980s. They were based on a detailed study by consultants who were specialists in that field, with review and participation by bridge […]


For concrete-slab bridges where expansion is not provided, the slab is normally sup­ported directly on the substructure, concrete on concrete. A “centerline of bearing (singular)” is denoted on plans at each support. (Some states do not identify a centerline of bearing at the end bent of a slab bridge. Instead, they measure the end span […]