Foundation wall insulation
Foundation insulation isn’t used in mild climates. But in areas with frigid winter months, il uni improve interior comfort and save on heating costs. Even though it’s not required by code in many areas, it’s definitely worth installing wherever prolonged freezing temperatures are expected. You can install insulation on the inside or outside of a crawl space or basement wall. Exterior insulation, in the form of rigid foam boards, is glued to the foundation walls before backfilling. Where they’re exposed above the finished grade on the exterior, insulation boards must be protected with siding material or stucco. It’s important to remember that ary type of foundation insulation can provide a hidden passageway for termites and other insects to enter the house. Make sure you cut off this passageway bv installing a termite shield beneath the sill. As shown in the illustrations on pp. 46-47, the shield should be installed between the top of the foundation and the sill.
Drainage around the foundation
After you’ve taken care of the details men-
tionedabove, you can begin backfilling around the foundation. Along the looting, install perforated drainpipes in a bed of gravel several inches thick. Cover the pipe with at least several more inches of gravel. To prevent
the drainage channel from silting up, cover the top layer of gravel with filter fabric before backfilling it with soil.
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