Step 16-Plumb & Line (continued)

Racking Brace


Do not let brace protrude above double plate.


Two 16d nails in top plate.


One 16d nail in center if it is a bearing wall or exterior wall.


Step 16-Plumb & Line (continued)

Подпись: Two 16d nails into bottom plate once the wall is plumbed.Step 16-Plumb & Line (continued)

Use crowbar to rack brace and wall. Turn brace around if wall

needs to be racked in other direction.

Racking a wall is moving the top of the wall with the bottom secure until the wall is plumb.

One framer racks the wall with a brace and crowbar, while the second framer checks for plumb.

Updated: 14 ноября, 2015 — 8:30 пп