Pulling Layout from a Corner (16" O. C.)

Pull layout so that sheathing will break in the middle of a joist/stud. Hook tape on the outside edge of rim joist/plate. Pull and locate 16" on tape, then measure back half the thickness of joist/stud (%" for 2x stock) and mark. This puts the layout mark on 15W. Make an X on the correct side of the layout mark to show the location of the joist/stud.

Continue marking in this way for each subsequent 16" space, thus: 3Ш", 47W, 63W, etc. Finish by drawing square lines through the mark.

The reason for subtracting the %" is that the 4′ x 8′ sheathing will be installed from the outside edge of the rim joist/plate, not from the center.

16" O. C. 16" O. C. 16" O. C. 16" O. C,

15У4" , 3Ш" , 47%" , 63%

4′ x 8′ Sheathing

Rim joist/plate

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