Nail Let-in Bracing

Nail Let-in Bracing

Подпись:Подпись: Let-in bracing is installed to prevent "racking" of the wall. Racking in a wall frame occurs when the top plate moves independently from the bottom plate.
Two 8d common nails or 3” x,131" nails each stud


Nail Let-in Bracing
1 x 4 let-in brace Bottom plate

Nail Let-in BracingNail End of Joist

Подпись: Three 16d common nails or four 3" x ,131" nails through rim joist Two 16d nails, or 3" x .131" nails toenail. One on each side of joists. Nail Let-in Bracing

Nail Let-in Bracing

This illustration shows the installation of a floor joist on top of the double plate. The rim joist provides not only a good nailing surface, but also a structural component as it spans the space between the studs and prevents lateral rotation of the joists.

Nail Rim Joist

Here the rim joist is being installed. It is a structural component that provides an edge for the building and an attachment for the joists to prevent lateral rotation.


Top plate


Rim joist


Double plate


16d at 6” O. C. or 8d at 6” O. C. or 3” x .131" at 6" O. C.


Nail Let-in Bracing

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