Baths of a jacuzzi

Since old times it was clear that water procedures in a compartment with massages have only positive impact on a human body. So happens that in certain cases for improvement of health can be enough only small massage of a back. And in fact massage by means of a jacuzzi will be the beautiful decision in a similar situation.

What after all itself represent jacuzzi baths?

Let’s begin with history. So happened that in the Italian family of the Jacuzzi everyday massage procedures were necessary to the child. His big brothers were very bright people, and the invention of a massage bath considered by us became result of merge of their resourcefulness and the developed events. The invention underwent many improvements and completions while in the fifties the twentieth century of the Jacuzzi did not adjust creation of hydromassage baths commercially.

Baths of a jacuzzi
Jacuzzis can be various forms and the sizes. Three types of baths use big distribution: rectangular baths, round and angular. If you plan to choose a bath from judgments of a practicality, that, on my look, it is most ideal тормознуть on angular models – it is possible to establish them actually in though to what bathroom. Round jacuzzis are suitable only for smart bathrooms of the huge size.

For the real moment of a jacuzzi in most cases become from an artificial stone, plastic or cast iron. Color can be any. Though that in fact is completely natural, the most vserasprostranenny option are jacuzzis of traditional snow-white color. Standard the jacuzzi is established on a floor, on four legs that provides sufficient stability and lowers vibrations at operation of the massage pump.

Each of us can have a reasonable question: than after all massage in a jacuzzi differs from ordinary massage? In fact massage in a jacuzzi is carried out by means of vials of air and water flows. Thus modern hydromassage baths can differ from each other type of giving of massage streams. In ordinary jacuzzis massage is carried out by means of the nozzles located in boards of a bathroom. Almost always them can be 6 – on three from each party. That quantity of nozzles in fact can be completely enough for this purpose to relax in a comfortable situation. Another matter if backbone acupressure is necessary to you is perfect. For these purposes there are the models which have been in addition equipped with special adjustable nozzles which are installed on face walls. They will provide additional massage of a back, including a backbone and a waist, or a foot of feet. In the combined jacuzzis the massage effect turns out because of a combination Baths of a jacuzzi
of the hydromassage (water) and aero massage (air) nozzles which quantity can reach even more than fifty pieces. Unlike water nozzles, air in most cases have on day of a bath. Through them air that does pleasant effect of raging water is forced. In special models of a jacuzzi possibility to submit to water flows ozone is provided that in certain cases can have additional curative effect.

The system of a hydromassage consists of the pump, the compressor, a control system, also nozzles and system of branch pipes. There is an equal dependence between capacity of a jacuzzi and full quantity of the established nozzles. At huge volumes of baths more massive pumps also are installed. Management of water supply and vials of air is carried out, without getting out of a jacuzzi, by means of the DU panel or the control panel. In exclusive models of the jacuzzis equipped with the integrated computer, possibility of installation of several programs of a hydromassage is provided.

For long neotkazny work of a jacuzzi, also maintenance of its protogenic external shape special leaving is necessary. Namely for this purpose, that openings of water supply were not hammered, it is necessary to establish filters for water, it is most ideal with the greatest level of a filtration. To wash a jacuzzi without the aid of others completely it is not required – to pour only enough in it special cleaning solution and to establish a jacuzzi on a mode of automatic cleaning.
Baths of a jacuzzi

Jacuzzis very much differ on own price, and the economical option of a house hydromasseur, in principle, can allow for itself even a family with average prosperity. But as though you did not choose economical option, completely it is not necessary to try to save up besides on installation. To be engaged in installation of baths jacuzzis specialists, on another the means saved for today should only, can turn back truly a big headache in case of an exit of your acquisition out of operation even prior to the beginning of operation, or when flooding neighbors from below in a month – another.

And in summary hunting to prevent that, despite of all beauty аква massage in a jacuzzi, before purchase of a hydromassage bath it is necessary to direct attention to a condition of own health. After all in certain cases reception аква procedures in a jacuzzi can be and is not recommended. So in case you suffer from any acquired diseases, it is most ideal for to consult earlier with the treating doctor. Well and if with health at you everything is all right, as they say, forward – behind purchase! Truly the good invention of brothers of the Jacuzzi will bring you many pleasant feelings and positive feelings.

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