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Blessings and calamities

A flood in an alluvial valley is two-faced. It is always a threat when it is more severe than usual. But when well synchronized with the cycles of agriculture, the flood can be used to fertilize and water the soil before plowing and planting. This is the case with the

Figure 1.4 The deity “Nile” (Hapy), God of nourishment worshipped during the flood (note its full breasts), temple of Philae at Aswan (photo by the author).

Blessings and calamitiessummer flood of the Nile, which extends from June through August. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, on the other hand, flood in the spring (March through June), which coincides with the ripening of grains...

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Legislation Affecting Use of Recycled Material

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). RCRA classified solid waste management facilities and practices, required states to develop comprehensive state plans for solid waste management (Dufour, op. cit., p. 99). RCRA also emphasized the growing landfill capacity problem and the need to develop approaches to handling wastes. In the preamble of RCRA, attention was called to the vast quantity of recoverable materials that are placed in landfills and to the fact that the recovery or conservation of many of these materials would benefit the United States by reducing projected landfill capacity require­ments, retaining and expanding our national resources, and reducing the country’s depen­dence on foreign resources.

In reference to recycled materials, Section 6002 of RCRA requires...

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Given the vast amount of building materials required to construct and maintain the trans­portation infrastructure in the United States, the country’s highway system represents a tremendous opportunity for the beneficial use of reclaimed and recycled resources. However, the reclamation and reuse of waste material must be done in an environmentally responsible manner.

The handling, disposal, and reuse of solid waste is regulated by a number of environ­mental statutes. Increased cost of complying with these requirements has increased the appeal of recycling and resource management. Because solid waste material is not as uni­form as raw materials, the characteristics, performance, cost of preparing, and application of solid waste vary with the source and type of the material...

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Asthma Related to Mold Exposure

When Dori Bennett was 46 she consulted with Dr. Elliott for the sudden onset of severe asthma. She had apparently been in good health until she moved into a new home. A leak in the home was repaired prior to the move, and the house had passed inspection. After her asthma progressed to the point of requiring hospitalization, it was sus­pected that the source of her problem was in her home. An environmental consulting firm noted heavy growth of mold in the crawl space. Molds found included Aspergillus, Actinomycetes, Bacil­lus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillium, Phoma, and Ulocladium. Several strains of virulent molds, some of which are known to cause asthma, pneumonia, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and immune dysfunction, grew on culture plates.

Her family hired an environmental ...

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Tools to Own

Consider buying most of the safety equipment listed here.


Hearing protectors will prevent permanent ear damage and reduce fatigue while using power tools. There are a number of styles, from reusable foam plugs to earmuffs; properly fitted, they should reduce noise 15 decibels to 30 decibels (db). Look for models that meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI) S3.19-1974 specifications.

Eye protection is a must when you’re using power tools or striking nails or chisels with a hammer. Safety glasses or goggles that meet ANSI Z87.1-1989 specs are strong enough to stop a chunk of metal, masonry, or wood without shattering the lens. (Most lenses are polycarbon­ate plastic...

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Management of Industrial Lead-Based Paint Removal Projects

The following steps have been developed for managing lead-based paint removal projects based on procedures in Trimbler’s Industrial Lead Paint Removal Handbook.

Initial Project Evaluation. In the initial project evaluation, the owner or specifier must determine whether the coating contains lead-based paint either by reviewing earlier plans and specifications for the structure or by sampling and analysis.

Prebid Assessment of Paint Removal Methods and Debris Generated. The owner or specifiers should estimate how much waste will be generated by methods evaluated to be appropriate to the size and circumstances of the project. Designing a testing program to evaluate the toxicity of waste generated may be appropriate for large paint removal projects.

Understanding the Regulations before Prepa...

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If you are framing every day, the nailing patterns in this chapter will soon become second nature.

For the part-time framer, they can serve as a quick reference.

Building codes and generally accepted practices were followed in developing the nailing patterns in this chapter. When the plans call for other nailing patterns, however, be sure to follow them.

You will notice in this chapter that there are different nails specified for the same nailing. There are many different styles of nails. The five most frequently used categories are:

• Common nails

• Box nails

• Sinker nails

• Gun nails

• Positive placement nails

You will see a 3” x.131” nail specified frequently. This nail is the most common P-nail, or pneumatic gun nail, used.

The common nails are listed because they are ty...

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Specifications Guidelines

Specifications for scraping or blasting lead-based paint from structures should be written with worker safety and environmental issues in mind, so that qualified contractors who can adhere to a high level of quality and compliance are selected for the project. These specifi­cations should

• Describe the extent of surface preparation and the degree of containment required and let the contractor propose how to accomplish this.

• Identify key health and safety and environmental regulations to ensure that the con­tractor is aware of these regulations and plans compliance strategies in the bid.

• Clearly state that the paint to be removed is lead based. The highway department should have had the paint tested prior to contract bid if there is any doubt whether the paint is lead based...

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Sharing a Vision

Подпись: MANY HANDS, ONE GOAL Working together gets a wall raised.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE a decent place to live. Most of us don’t want to live in a mansion. We only want a clean, safe place where we can live and raise our children. A decent house uplifts our spirits and provides dignity and hope for the future.

It is hard for many people to real­ize what it’s like to live in a moldy, leaky house with rat holes in the wall and plumbing that’s inadequate or nonexistent. Yet that is the condition of millions of people living around the world today. Poor housing is not just somewhere else, livery city in this country has its share.

Habitat for Humanity has a goal of eliminating poor housing by working
with families who need a hand up. There is no magic wand to wave that will produce a new home...

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If you can draw it, you can build it

If you’re drawing your own plans, the process— though slow and often frustrating—will give you a clearer understanding of your house than many builders ever have. It can save vou from making costly mistakes and will likely contribute to building a better house.

A good wav to test vour ability to visualize a house design based on plans is to visit some building sites where vou can examine both the plans and the actual construction details as the house goes up. If you’ve bought stock plans, they may seem bewildering initially; as you work with them, they’ll become much easier to read and understand. The ability to both draw and read plans gets easier with experience.

If you can draw it, you can build it If you can draw it, you can build it


STEP 5 Get Organized to Build

Building a house is a process that consists of a seemi...

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