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Nail Sheathing

Nail Sheathing

Make sure edges are aligned when nailing girders and beams together.


Nail Sheathing

Nail Sheathing Подпись: Six 16d nails or 3” x ,131" nails or 8d common nails, 2 - one side 1 - other side 3 - into double plate

Nail Joist Blocking


Nail in 1У" from edge


maximum spacing on edges – 9 nails


1/з" space between sheets. (Increase spacing if sheathing is exposed to moisture.)


12" maximum spacing in field – 5 nails




Joist rafter or stud






Уз" space


У2" from edge of sheathing to nail (No closer to edge than 3/8".)

  Nail Sheathing



Mark stud/joist/rafter spacing on the sheathing and then align the framing component with the mark before nailing. This ensures straight, evenly spaced framing.


Nail Sheathing

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Energy Upgrades Are Cheaper Than You Think

While the cost of fixing wet basements and adding bathrooms can add up quickly, energy upgrades can be folded in without putting projects out of reach. In fact, they don’t really cost that much more because they’re integral to the decisions and choices made in the renovation process.

If you consider your renovation from a whole-house approach, you might find that you can add modern conveniences (an extra bathroom, bedroom, or office space) and comfort without building an addition, and reduce energy costs in the process. The base­ment and attic are already built; you just need to use them. By adding rooms in the basement and attic, you often can reconfig­ure the floor plan to accommodate an extra bathroom, a larger kitchen, or a master suite.

Replacing the furnace, the boiler, or the HVAC...

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A focus on durability

Although the details in this book have been selected partly on the basis of their widespread use, the primary focus is on durability. I believe that wood-frame buildings can and should be built to last for 200 years or more. To accomplish this, a building must be built on a solid foundation; it must be designed and built to resist moisture; it must be protected from termites, ants, and other insect pests; it must be structurally stable; and it must be reasonably protected from the ravages of fire. All these criteria may be met with standard construction details if care is taken in both the design and the building process.

There are some accepted construction practices, however, that I do not think meet the test of durability...

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© Disconnect plumbing pipes and electrical cables in areas about to be demolished—and check with a voltage tester to be sure the power’s off. Be methodical and work slowly.

Подпись: PRO"ГIP When removing casing or molding, use a nail punch to drive finish nails through the back of the trim piece. That's far less damaging than attempting to grip and pull nails from the face side. Подпись: llllWrecking bars have differing lengths and end configurations. Most are crowbars with crooked

Подпись: Wrecking and prybars. 1, Crook-neck wrecking bars; 2, L-bar; 3, flat bar; 4, cat's paw; 5,8-in. prybar/nail puller; 6, cat's paw with punch point. ends for better leverage. The longer the bar, the better the leverage.

L-bars are wrecking bars with a flat L-shaped end instead of a crook. Drive the L into lumber that’s nailed together and twist the tool to pry the pieces apart.

Flat bars (also called Wonderbar® or handy bars) are the best tool to ease off delicate trim without damaging it. Pry the trim up gradually along its length.

A cat’s paw is the tool of choice if you’re pulling a lot of nails out of framing...

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Magnetic bit holders magnetize drill bits so screws don’t fall off the bit. Some types also have a collet that keeps the screw centered as you drive them in.

Extension bit holders enable you to drive screws where drill/drivers won’t fit.

Flexible bit holders drive screws at angles drill/drivers can’t reach.

Drill bit extensions enable you to drill deeper with the bits you’ve got.

A ratchet-handle bit driver can turn Phillips – or

hex-head screws in tight spaces. They’re also
great for turning the leveling devices on refrigera­tor legs.

A stubby screwdriver has a reversible bit: one side Phillips-head, the other slotted.

A 4-in-1 screwdriver is the screwdriver to own, if you have only one.

Allen wrenches tighten Allen screws on a lot of tools, including drill bit extensions.



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Packing and Delivery Forms

Loose fibers are packed in self-shrinkable plastic bags. They are thrown into a mixer intact and the film melts into the binder during mixing. Granulated cellulose fibers may be bagged like other fibers (Figure 4.7) or packed in big-bags (Figure 4.8). Both loose and granulated fibers can be supplied in autotankers (Figure 4.9).


FIGuRE 4.7 Granulated stabilizer in PE bags of various mass—from 3 to 10 kg. (Photo courtesy of J. Rettenmaier and Sohne GmbH + Co. KG, Germany.)


FIGURE 4.8 Dosing method of granulates—emptying a big-bag onto a conveyor belt. (Photo courtesy of Excel Industries Ltd., U. K.)



FIGURE 4.9 Tractor-storage bin unit loaded with granulated stabilizer. (Photo courtesy of Excel Industries Ltd., U. K.) Summary

The following is ...

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Granulated Fibers

Granulated products (Figure 4.6a and b) are produced by coating fibers with a binder or other binder-soluble agents. A binder coating enables control of the forces on fibers during granulation and separation of individual fibers, which is necessary for distributing them evenly in an SMA mix.

The granulated form of these products makes dosage at production easy. The fiber granules are supplied in big-bags or autotankers and are stored in the bags or silos. Automatic loading with screw-pneumatic feeders is also possible.

Special attention should be paid during the preparation of laboratory samples. Due to compression of the granules during production, a higher shear force is needed to distribute the fibers; therefore one should use a mechanical mixer...

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Can a Vintage Home Be Energy Efficient?


Подпись: process because many of them have under-gone numerous renovations over the years. You never know exactly what you'll find. In Old Houses, Most Systems Are at the End of Their Useful Life A hundred years can take its toll on infra-structure, and this is often the case with old houses. The water line from the street, electrical wiring, plumbing, mechanical systems— all are often nearing the end of their life. It would be foolish to renovate a house without replacing these basic systems. Windows often no longer function as intended, either. Their ventilation properties are hindered by layers of paint, or they simply became swollen shut years ago. If neglected, siding can need repair or replacement, too. While the shape, floor plan, and details of an old house allow it to endure, people often think they need an addition to provide In America, there are around 58 million houses that were built before the last energy crisis. Because these pre-1970s houses have little or no insulation, they are all ripe for energy-efficiency improvements. Houses eat up 20% of the energy used in this coun­try and account for 21% of the carbon diox­ide that contributes to global warming. This adds up to a huge opportunity.

America’s old houses can be made much tighter and can even approach net-zero energy use. Here, I’ll highlight three houses that my company, Building Science Corp., has renovated. Each house had different limitations and learning curves. I share one of the houses with my husband and business partner, Joe Lstiburek, and two of them have been used as our office space.

Renovating an old house is an expe...

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Because the foundation transfers the weight of the house to the soil, prudent engineering principles and calculations are necessary. However, prescriptive code requirements often codify the worst case situation, adding unnecessarily to costs for all founda­tions built in an area. The optimum foundation will depend on factors such as climate, soil, topography, and building loads.

Basically, concrete footing widths are determined by total design loads in pounds per linear foot of footing and allowable soil bearing capacity in pounds per square foot. Column footing sizes are determined by total design load in pounds and allowable soil bearing capacity in psf. See Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1

Footing Widths, in Inches, or Typical Single Family Dwelling Loads

Design Load Allowable Soil Bearing C...

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2.1.1 Statewide Systems Planning

The beginnings of any roadway project involving government money are found in a statewide transportation planning program. The state transportation department devel­ops a set of goals and objectives which take into account social, economic, environ­mental, and developmental goals of other state, federal, and local agencies. Based on these goals and objectives, the department identifies transportation improvement needs throughout the state. The approach is from a multimodal standpoint; that is, not just highways are considered, but all forms of transportation, including public trans­portation, railroads, water, aviation, bikeways, and pedestrian ways (Ref. 6).

2.1.2 Transportation Programming Phase

In order to evaluate various projects from various parts ...

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