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To design, and then to maintain

Planning for the maintenance of an engineering structure as an integral part of its design has become routine in modern practice. Yet, by necessity, this preoccupation was also present in numerous ancient projects. For example planning of the irrigation system of Sechuan, with its intake at Dujiangyang, obviously took into account the need to clean the intakes and to maintain the dikes and the intake control mechanisms. The designers also anticipate the need for a procedure to dewater the works for maintenance during low-flow periods. Canal cleaning was a continuous activity in the old land of Sumer. From the archives of Mari, we know that these maintenance efforts were tedious and

Table 10.1 The oldest known dams












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The early technologies

One may be skeptical of the overall contribution of Hellenistic science – its relative dis­connection with practical application, or its failure to document the significant revolu­tion represented by hydraulic energy. But the incontestable fact remains that in the study of the science and techniques of Antiquity preceding the Middle Ages, one cannot avoid marking pre – and post-Alexandria. The Hellenistic period represents a watershed, or divide, that is reflected in the two distinct parts of this book.

The earliest technology appeared before the turmoil that followed the epic reign of Alexander the Great. The elements of this technology can be briefly listed in the order of their appearance as follows:

– dams, made of rocks or earth, whose earliest traces are found on the Syro – Mesopot...

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Inappropriate use of ladders is the number one cause of falls. Ladders are used so often in framing that it is easy to overlook basic safety guidelines. Always remember the following:

• The feet of the ladder need to be on a stable surface so the ladder will be level.

• When ladders are used to access an upper surface, make sure they extend at least three feet above the upper surface, and secure the top to prevent them from being knocked over. (See “Ladder Extension" photo.)

• Do not use the top or top step of a step ladder.

• For straight or extension ladders, remember the 4 to 1 rule. For every four feet of height the ladder extends, it needs to be placed one foot out at the base.

• Check the ladder for defective parts, and remove any oil or grease on the steps.

• Never leave...

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Rebates and Tax Breaks Could Be the Keys to the Future

What takes the sting out of the high cost of buying into renewable-energy systems is a combination of federal tax credits and state and utility rebates. The federal credit, pegged at 30% of system cost, is open to

Rebates and Tax Breaks Could Be the Keys to the Future
Rebates and Tax Breaks Could Be the Keys to the Future
Подпись: DC pump
Подпись: Controller

everyone. State and utility rebates, however, vary. Where they are generous, such as in California or Hawaii, you can expect robust growth for the solar industry.

Originally due to lapse in 2008, the fed­eral tax credit has been extended for eight years. However, the on-and-off nature of government support is a "travesty," says Collins, and a chronic problem for the solar industry. "You can’t do this with stops and starts," he adds. "It’s been the history of incentives for renewables for the past 25 years."

Merrigan says that as many as 35% of all houses in...

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Seasonal Variation in Pavement Design and Analysis – Some National Examples

A.1 Introduction

The primary objective of this annex is to present examples of how moisture condi­tion is taken into account in pavement design and analysis.

The pavement design regarding the influence of water has significantly different objectives in different European countries. While in central and northern Europe the most important question is how to protect the pavement structure from frost action, in southern European countries it is more critical to control excessive water that suddenly penetrates the pavement after heavy rainfall. At the same time identical processes play significantly different roles in different climates...

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Steps in Construction of FAST Diagrams

The following steps are recommended in the construction of the FAST diagram:

1. Function listing. Prepare a list of all functions, by assembly or by system, using the verb-and-noun technique of identification of function. Do this by brainstorming the questions (a) “What does it do?” and (b) “What must it do?”

2. The function worksheet. Using lined paper, prepare a three-column function work­sheet in the format shown in Fig. 10.2. Insert the listed functions from above, one at a time, into the central column. Then, ask of each function the following questions:

a. How do I (verb) (noun)? Record the answer(s) in the right column.

b. Why do I (verb) (noun)? Record the answer(s) in the left column.

FIGURE 10.2 Function worksheet for FAST.

3. The diagram layout...

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Future Performance

The observation of climate changes, as a consequence of global warming, reveals the aggravation of extreme situations, including alternating torrential rain periods with drought situations. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that road drainage systems are calculated for extraordinary phenomenon (both precipitation and flow) associated with a predetermined return period, which includes an allowance for the worsening of weather conditions. Designing to historic weather patterns is likely to mean that there will be an increase in the frequency when elements of the drainage system will not have adequate capacity, with inevitable consequences for the safety of users and, eventually, for the survival of the infrastructure itself.

Today’s road drainage elements should be monitored to allow mea...

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The legacy of Alexander is somewhat mixed insofar as innovation is concerned. To his credit there is the city of Alexandria, with its cultural diversity and intellectual fertility. Of course there is also Archimedes, founder of hydrostatics and supposed inventor of the “Archimedes screw”. There is also Ctesibios, inventor of the fire pump. But other inno­vations never really emerged from their cocoons to find practical application. These include the aeolipile (wind ball) of Heron, a device whose further development could easily have led to the steam engine. There were many other such inventions, and seem­ingly useless gadgets, that were destined to be investigated or rediscovered by Arab sci­entists or, even later, by Leonardo da Vinci and other great thinkers of the Renaissance...

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Using Solar for Space Heating

Solar collectors are commonly used for do­mestic hot water, but they also can supple­ment both forced-air and hydronic heating

systems. In Europe, says Tim Merrigan of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Boulder, Colo., package systems that do both are relatively common. But due to heavy winter-heating loads and reduced solar potential, homeowners in this country shouldn’t expect to get much more than one-third of their winter heat from solar sources with today’s technology.

Elia Kleiman, the president of Synepex Energy in Cambridge, Mass., says the pro­portion of winter heat from solar depends on the type of heating system, the amount of insulation installed, and the tightness of the house...

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Whole-house backups (where none of the plumbing fixtures drain) indicate either a problem in the building drain, the sewer, or the septic system. There is no way to know where the problem is until some investigative work is done. It’s possible that the problem is associated with the septic tank, but you will have to pinpoint the location where trouble is occurring.

For all the plumbing in a house to back up, there must be some obstruc­tion at a point in the drainage or septic system beyond where the last plumb­ing drain enters the system. Plumbing codes require clean-out plugs along drainage pipes. There should be a clean-out either just inside the foundation wall of a home or just outside the wall...

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