Installation of an acrylic bath

Installation of an acrylic bath
Process of installation of an acrylic (plastic) bath practically differs nothing from bath installation from steel. Difference that the most part of models fasten not on bolts or a samokleyka, and are fastened саморезами to a bath bottom.

There are 3 methods of installation of an acrylic bath: installation on a frame or legs, installation on the "brick", the combined installation. The most reliable – the 2nd and 3rd method because established such makary bath, actually is not exposed to deformation.

Let’s make out any of methods.

Installation of an acrylic bath
Bath installation on legs – more quick and usual method. To the bottom, fasten adjustable legs, c which help an acrylic bath expose on level. To do a bias along the edges at all this it is not necessary, the bath form already foresees a bottom bias.

Further to a wall strengthen special hooks, with the help which the board of an acrylic bath will not cave in and depart.

The last штришок – installation of the screen closing a place with a side and under a bathroom.

Installation of an acrylic bath
Bath installation on a brick, till speed, not that quick, but on indicators much more reliable. This type of installation is used, if legs do not go complete with a bathroom.

To establish an acrylic bath on a brick – it is easy. The basis on which the bath is put is under construction of bricks. The basis should be established so that between a bottom and a bathroom there was a distance in centimeter. After measurements the partition with auditing windows is under construction. Further, when cement will seize, a bath establish on "box", and an opening between a laying from a brick and boards – "blow" assembly foam. Then in a bath gather water that foam nestled under weight, and a gap between the basis and it was pressurized.

The combined installation.

This type of installation is an association of the 2nd above-mentioned methods. Installation of a bath becomes on factory legs, and then is duplicated by a brick.

On perimeter between a wall and a bathroom it is advised поклеить a silicone strip which загерметизирует connections and not from spoils the esthetic. The auditing dverka can be established by means of silicone, without necessity of drilling of openings.

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