Comfort – the greatest!
happened at you such that, having gathered water in a bath, you with pleasure fall to pleasant heat, plunging to the bottom, and suddenly … notice that waters left much, and it is splashed out too much. Here disappointment! Even if on a floor the towel lies, it is necessary to break own process of a relaxation and something to solve for prevention of a flood and visit of neighbors from below.
It appears, that time and forever to get rid of similar experiences it is necessary to direct only attention to a special bath which founders represent as
"perelivny". It has a double board and in it the solution of a problem. The Perelivny bath of Sok® is calculated that through a side of an internal bowl water will be poured, getting to the second, external bath, and already from there will begin to leave in plums.
Material from which this fascinating bath from the Kohler company – usual to us high-quality acryle and fiber glass is executed. The width – 104 cm, depth – 63,5 is long models of 195 cm, see. As we contemplate, in it there is a lot of place, it is possible and to be located together … The it is more that the bath of Sok® is not only only water and a hydromassage (13 nozzles for creation of «effect of champagne»), also pleasant function of a hromoterapiya.
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