If a site lacks water, it is important to deter
mine the cost of obtaining it. If the site is served by the local municipality, the water company may be able to give you an estimate. If the site is rocky, you may need to excavate trenches by blasting the surrounding rock. If you must drill a well, the neighbors or the local well driller can inform you of the depth of surrounding wells and give you information about water quality. If the site already contains a well, ensure that the submersible pump was manufactured after 1979, or that it is safe. If the
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The American Society of Dowsers Inc., dowsers. org
BioGeometry, biogeometry. com and vesica. org The British Society of Dowsers, geomancy. org The Canadian Society of Dowsers, canadiandowsers. org
The Canadian Society of Questers, questers. ca International Institute for Bau-Biology & Ecology, buildingbiology. net
Pyramid School of Feng Shui, Nancilee Wydra, fengshuibydesignonline. com
a. Information provided by Dulwich Health and available at dulwichhealth. co. uk.
b. Alf Riggs. "Harmful Effects from Earth Radiation & Electrical Fields" [online]. [Cited December 19,2007.] whale. to/v/riggsi. html
c. Hans Nieper."Modern Medical CancerTherapy Following the Decline of Toxic Chemotherapy." Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients. November 1996, pp. 88-89. Dr. Nieper’s Revolution in Technology, Medicine and Society. MIT Verlag, 1985, pp. 206,222. Lecture notes from a medical seminar in Los Angeles, July 4,1986, pp. 13-15, 22, 28, available from Brewer Science Library, mwt. net/~drbrewer/other. htm. See also Hans
A. Nieper et al. The Curious Man: The Life and Works of Dr. Hans Nieper. Avery, 1998.
d. Kathe Bachler. "Noxious Earth Energies and Their Influence on Human Beings" [online]. [Cited December 19,2007.] whale. to/v/bachler. html. See also Kathe Bachler. Discoveries of a Dowser. 5th ed., Veritas, 1984 and Kathe Bachler. Earth Radiation. Wordmasters, 1989.
e. AlfRiggs."MyalgicEncephalomyelitis"[online]. [Cited Decembers,2007.] alfredriggs. com
J. David McAuley has practiced architecture in Canada for 29 years using Building Biology, feng shui, and Earth energy dowsing. He is currently studying BioGeometry. David designs buildings to support health in balance with the environment, including sacred spaces, healing retreat centers, and socially conscious spaces for those in need. He can be contacted at 519-823-2441 or jdm-arch .com.
oils in older pumps contain PCBs, they represent a serious health threat should a rupture occur. Whatever the source of potable water, it should be tested by a professional and filtered or purified as required. Water quality will be discussed further in Division n.