Mean-Value First-Order Second-Moment (MFOSM) Method

In the first-order methods, the performance function W (X), defined on the basis of the loading and resistance functions g(XL) and h(XR), are expanded in a Taylor series at a reference point. The second – and higher-order terms in the series expansion are truncated, resulting in an approximation involving only the first two statistical moments of the variables. This simplification greatly en­hances the practicality of the first-order methods because, in many problems, it is rather difficult, if not impossible, to find the PDF of the variables, whereas it is relatively simple to estimate the first two statistical moments. The pro­cedure is based on the first-order variance estimation (FOVE) method, which is summarized below. For a detailed description of the method in uncertainty analysis, readers are referred to Tung and Yen (2005, Sec. 5.1).

Mean-Value First-Order Second-Moment (MFOSM) Method

The first-order variance estimation (FOVE) method, also called the vari­ance propagation method (Berthouex, 1975), estimates uncertainty features of a model output based on the statistical properties of the model’s stochas­tic basic variables. The basic idea of the method is to approximate a model involving stochastic basic variables by a Taylor series expansion. Consider that a hydraulic or hydrologic performance function W (X) is related to K stochastic basic variables because W(X) = W(X1,X2,…,XK), in which X = (X1, X 2,…, XK )t, a K-dimensional column vector of variables in which all Xs are subject to uncertainty, the superscript t represents the transpose of a matrix or vector. The Taylor series expansion of the performance function W (X) with respect to a selected point of stochastic basic variables X = xo in the parameter space can be expressed as

in which wo = W(xo), and є represents the higher-order terms. The partial derivative terms are called sensitivity coefficients, each representing the rate of change in the performance function value W with respect to the unit change of the corresponding variable at xo.

Dropping the higher-order terms represented by є, Eq. (4.19) is a second – order approximation of the model W(X). Further truncating the second-order terms from it leads to the first-order approximation of W as

Mean-Value First-Order Second-Moment (MFOSM) Method



d W (X)
d Xk


W (X)


(Xk xko)








or in a matrix form as

Подпись: (4.21)W (X) = wo + sO (X – x o)

Подпись: and Mean-Value First-Order Second-Moment (MFOSM) Method

where sO = VxW(xo) is the column vector of sensitivity coefficients with each element representing dW/дXk evaluated at X = xO. The mean and variance of W by the first-order approximation can be expressed, respectively, as

Подпись: and Подпись: {Aw & wo + So (Mx x o ) aw & So Cx so Подпись: (4.24) (4.25)

In matrix forms, Eqs. (4.22) and (4.23) can be expressed as

in which fix and Cx are the vectors of the means and covariance matrix of the stochastic basic variables X, respectively.

Commonly, the first-order variance estimation method consists of taking the expansion point xo = (Ax at which the mean and variance of W reduce to

{Aw & g(Mx) — w (4.26)

and aw & s*CxS (4.27)

in which s = Vx W(p, x) is a K-dimensional vector of sensitivity coefficients eval­uated at xo = fAx. When all stochastic basic variables are independent, the variance of model output W could be approximated as


aw ^2 skal =s * Dxs (4.28)


in which Dx = diag(a12, af,…, aK)isaK x K diagonal matrix of variances of the involved stochastic basic variables. From Eq. (4.28), the ratio sak/Var( W) indi­cates the proportion of the overall uncertainty in the model output contributed by the uncertainty associated with the stochastic basic variable Xk.

The MFOSM method for reliability analysis first applies the FOVE method to estimate the statistical moments of the performance function W (X). This is done by applying the expectation and variance operators to the first-order Taylor series approximation of the performance function W (X) expanded at the mean values of the stochastic basic variables. Once the mean and stan­dard deviations of W (X) are estimated, the reliability is computed according to Eqs. (4.9) or (4.10), with the reliability index ^MFOSM computed as

Amfosm = , (4.29)

Vs1 Cx s

where fxx and Cx are the vectors of means and covariance matrix of stochas­tic basic variables X, respectively, and s = VxW(px) is the column vector of sensitivity coefficients with each element representing d W/дXk evaluated at X = l^x.

Example 4.6 Manning’s formula for determining flow capacity of a storm sewer is

Q = 0.463n—1 D267 S 05

in which Q is flow rate (in ft3/s), n is the Manning roughness coefficient, D is the sewer diameter (in ft), and S is pipe slope (in ft/ft). Because roughness coefficient n, sewer diameter D, and sewer slope S in Manning’s formula are subject to uncertainty owing to manufacturing imprecision and construction error, the sewer flow capacity would be subject to uncertainty. Consider a section of circular sewer pipe with the following features:

Model parameter

Nominal value

Coefficient of variation

Roughness coefficient (n)



Pipe diameter (D, ft.)



Pipe slope (S, ft/ft)



Compute the reliability that the sewer capacity could convey a discharge of 35 ft3/s. Assume that stochastic model parameters n, D, and S are uncorrelated.

Solution The performance function for the problem is W = Q — 35 = 0.463n-1 D267 S0 5 — 35. The first-order Taylor series expansion of the performance function about no = xn = 0.015, Do = xd = 3.0, and So = xs = 0.005, according to Eq. (4.20), is

W ^ 0.463(0.015)—1(3)2’67(0.005)°’5 + (9Q/дn)(n — 0.015) + (9Q/дD)(D — 3.0)

+ (9 Q/д S )(S — 0.0005) — 35

= 41.01 — 2733.99(n — 0.015) + 36.50( D — 3.0) + 4100.99( S — 0.005) — 35 Based on Eq. (4.26), the approximated mean of the sewer flow capacity is

Xw ^ 41.01 — 35 = 6.01 ft3/s

Owing to independency of n, D, and S, according to Eq. (4.28), the approximated variance of the performance function W is

oQ ъ (2733.99)[6]Var(n) + (36.50)2Var(D) + (4100.99)2Var(S)


Var(n) = (QnM-n)2 = (0.05 x 0.015)2 = (7.5 x 10—4)2 Var(D) = (QDjxD)2 = (0.05 x 3.0)2 = (1.5 x 10-1)2 Var(S) = (QS/xS)2 = (0.05 x 0.005)2 = 0.000252 = 6.25 x 10—8 the variance of the performance function W can be computed as

oQ ъ (2733.99)2(7.5 x 10—4)2 + (36.50)2(1.5 x 10-1)2 + (4100.99)2(2.5 x 10—4)2 = 2.052 + 5.472 + 1.032 = 35.23(ft[7]/s)2

Hence the standard deviation of the sewer flow capacity is V35.23 = 5.94 ft3/s.

The MFOSM reliability index is ^mfosm = 6.01/5.94 = 1.01. Assuming a normal distribution for Q, the reliability that the sewer capacity can accommodate a discharge of 35 ft3/s is

Ps = P [Q > 35] = $(^mfosm) = Ф(1.01) = 0.844 The corresponding failure probability is pf = Ф( —1.01) = 0.156.

Yen and Ang (1971), Ang (1973), and Cheng et al. (1986b) indicated that provided that ps < 0.99, reliability is not greatly influenced by the choice of distribution for W, and the assumption of a normal distribution is satisfactory. However, for reliability higher than this value (for example, ps = 0.999), the shape of the tail of a distribution becomes very critical. In such cases, accurate assessment of the distribution of W (X) should be used to evaluate the reliability or failure probability. The MFOsM method has been used widely in various hydrosystems infrastructural designs and analyses such as storm sewers (Tang and Yen, 1972; Tang et al., 1975; Yen and Tang, 1976; Yen et al., 1976), culverts (Yen et al., 1980; Tung and Mays, 1980), levees (Tung and Mays, 1981; Lee and Mays, 1986), floodplains (McBean et al., 1984), and open-channel hydraulics (Huang, 1986).

Example 4.7 Referring to Example 4.6, using the same values of the mean and stan­dard deviation for sewer flow capacity, the following table lists the reliabilities and failure probabilities determined by different distributional assumptions for the sewer flow capacity Q to accommodate the inflow discharge of 35 ft3/s.













As can be seen, using different distributional assumptions might result in signifi­cant differences in the estimation of failure probability. This results mainly from the fact that the MFOSM method solely uses the first two moments without taking into account the distributional properties of the random variables.

Assuming that stochastic parameters in the sewer capacity formula (that is, n, D, and S) are uncorrelated lognormal random variables, the sewer capacity also is a lognormal random variable. The following table lists the values of the exact reliabil­ity index and failure probability and those obtained from the MFOSM by Eq. (4.29) and (4.8). The table indicates that approximation by the MFOSM becomes less and less accurate as the computation approaches the tail portion of the distribution.

Inflow rate (ft3/s)




pf = Ф(-0Р


pf = Ф(-в2)



2.384 x 10-7


» 0



2.728 x 10-4


3.290 x 10-5



3.045 x 10-3


2.296 x 10-3



3.810 x 10-1


3.943 x 10-1



8.988 x 10-1


8.954 x 10-1

NOTE: 01 = ixw/aw, 02 = MlnwMnw, and W = Q – inflow.

Application of the MFOSM method is simple and straightforward. However, it possesses certain weaknesses in addition to the difficulties with accurate es­timation of extreme failure probabilities mentioned earlier. These weaknesses include [8] 2 3

Mean-Value First-Order Second-Moment (MFOSM) Method

Figure 4.3 Differences in expansion points and reliability indices between the MFOSM and AFOSM methods.

TABLE 4.2 Effect of Skewness on the Accuracy of p Estimated by the MFOSM Method















7.036 x 10-15


1.350 x 10-3






1.759 x 10-6


3.593 x 10-2






9.402 x 10-3


1.841 x 10-1






1.190 x 10-1


3.260 x 10-1

NOTE: pf = P(W < 0.1), with W being a lognormal random variable.

of the original performance function. In case the performance function is highly nonlinear, linear approximation of such a nonlinear function will not be accurate. Consequently, the estimations of the mean and variance of a nonlinear performance function will be less accurate. The accuracy asso­ciated with the estimated mean and variance deteriorates rapidly as the degree of nonlinearity of the performance function increases. For a linear performance function, the FOVE method would produce the exact values for the mean and variance.

4. Sensitivity of the computed failure probability to the formulation of the per­formance function W. Ideally, the computed reliability or failure probabil­ity for a system should not depend on the definition of the performance function. However, this is not the case for the MFOSM method. This phe­nomenon of lack of invariance to the type of performance function is shown in Figs. 4.4 and 4.5. The main reason for this inconsistency is because the MFOSM method would result in different first-order approximations for dif­ferent forms of the performance function. Consequently, different values of mean and variance will be obtained, resulting in different estimations of re­liability and failure probability for the same problem. This behavior of the MFOSM could create an unnecessary puzzle for engineers with regard to which performance function should be used to obtain an accurate estimation of reliability. This is not an easy question to answer, in general, except for a very few simple cases. Another observation that can be made from Figs. 4.4 and 4.5 is that the discrepancies among failure probabilities computed by the MFOSM method using different performance functions become more pronounced as the uncertainties of the stochastic basic variables get larger.

5. Limited ability to use available probabilistic information. The reliability index в gives only weak information on the probability of failure, and thus the appropriate system probability distribution must be assumed. Further, the MFOSM method provides no logical way to include available information on basic variable probability distributions.

From these arguments, the general rule of thumb is not to rely on the result

of the MFOSM method if any of the following conditions exist: (1) high accuracy

Mean-Value First-Order Second-Moment (MFOSM) Method

Figure 4.4 Comparison of risk-safety factor curves by different methods using various distributions with &L = = 0.1, where Wj = R — L, W2 = (R/L) — 1, and W3 = ln(R/L), and R is the

resistance of the system and L is the load placed on the system. (After Yen et al., 1986.)

Mean-Value First-Order Second-Moment (MFOSM) Method

Figure 4.5 Comparison of risk-safety factor curves by different methods using various distri­butions with &L = &R = 0.3, where Wj = R — L, W2 = (R/L) — 1, and W3 = ln(R/L), and R is the resistance of the system and L is the load placed on the system. (After Yen et al., 1986.)

requirement for the estimated reliability or failure probability, (2) high non­linearity of the performance function, and (3) many skewed random variables involved in the performance function. However, Cornell (1969) made a strong defense for the MFOSM method from a practical standpoint as follows:

An approach based on means and variances may be all that is justified when one appreciates (1) that data and physical arguments are often insufficient to establish the full probability law of a variable; (2) that most engineering analyses include an important component of real, but difficult to measure, professional uncertainty; and (3) that the final output, namely, the decision or design parameters, is often not sensitive to moments higher than the mean and variance.

To reduce the effect of nonlinearity, one way is to include the second-order terms in the Taylor series expansion. This would increase the burden of analysis by having to compute the second-order partial derivatives. Another alternative within the realm of first-order simplicity is given in Sec. 4.5. Section 4.6 briefly describes the basis of the second-order reliability analysis techniques.

Computer Models

Many computer models have been developed for calculating rainfall runoff. Examples include the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-HMS model, the NRCS TR-20 model, and the FHWA-funded HYDRAIN system. As with all computer models, the accuracy and validity of the output can be only as accurate and valid as the input. The input and output data must be carefully inspected by a capable and practiced user to ensure valid results. (See D. R. Maidment, Handbook of Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, 1993; and Highway Drainage Guidelines, Vol. 2, AASHTO, 1999.)

Example: Time of Concentration, Rainfall Intensity, and Design Discharge. A grassy roadside channel runs 500 ft (152 m) from the crest of a hill. The area contributing to the flow is 324 ft (98 m) wide and is made up of 24 ft (7.3 m) of concrete pavement and 300 ft (91 m) of grassy backslope. The distance from the channel to the ridge of the drainage area is 200 ft (61 m). The channel has a grade of 0.4 percent, and the edge of the contributing area is 5 ft (1.5 m) above the channel. Determine the time of concentration, rainfall intensity, and design discharge based on a 10-year-frequency rainfall.

Assume the grassy backslope is similar to the watershed described by the example in Table 5.1 with C = 0.32. From Table 5.2, assume for the pavement C = 0.90. Then, from Eq. (5.3), the weighted average value of the runoff coefficient is

Подпись: 0.90 X 7.3 + 0.32 X 91 7.3 + 91
Подпись: SI units: C
Подпись: 0.36

Подпись: 0.36

Подпись: 0.90 X 24 + 0.32 X 300 24 + 300
Подпись: U.S. Customary units: C

Separate the flow into overland flow and concentrated flow components for deter­mining the time of concentration. For the overland flow time, proceed as follows.

The length of travel is 200 ft (61 m). The difference in elevation between the channel and the ridge of the drainage area is 5 ft (1.5 m). The slope is

U. S. Customary units: S = — = —— = 0.025 or 2.5%

3 L 200

SI units: S = 22 = 22 = 0.025 or 2.5%

L 61

Подпись: 14.6 min

Подпись: 1.8 (1.1 - 0.32) (200)1/2 2.51/3
Подпись: U.S. Customary units: To

The overland flow is computed using Eq. (5.4):

SI units: Same calculation, using L = 61 X 3.28 = 200 ft

For the concentrated flow time, Manning’s equation [Eq. (5.11) below] is used to determine the concentrated flow velocity. Manning’s n value is taken from Table 5.6 and a hydraulic radius must be assumed.

U. S. Customary units: V = 227 (0.50)2/3 (0.004)1/2 = 2.2 ft/s

SI units: V = (0.15)2/3 (0.004)1/2/0.027 = 0.66 m/s

Then the concentrated flow time is computed using Eq. (5.7):

U. S. Customary units: T = —222— = 3.8 min 60 (2.2)

SI units: T = ————- = 3.8 min

60 (0.66)

Therefore the total time of concentration is 14.6 min + 3.8 min or 18.4 min.

Now use Fig. 5.1 to get a 10-year rainfall intensity of 3.8 in/h (96 m/h). Using the rational method Eq. (5.2), the design discharge for the 3.7 acres (0.015 km2) area is

U. S. Customary units: Q = 1 X 0.36 X 3.8 X 3.7 = 5.1 ft3/s

SI units: Q = 0.278 X 0.36 X 96 X 0.015 = 0.14 m3/s

The assumed hydraulic radius used in Manning’s equation must be verified by using Eq. (5.11). Through trial and success, the depth of flow is determined to be 0.71 ft (0.22 m), and therefore the hydraulic radius is 0.48. The assumed value is close to this so the convergence is acceptable.

Double adjustment

Actually all modern radiators are equipped with such comfortable device as a regulator, allowing to adjust temperature «under», and even absolutely to block access of the heat-carrier to one of radiators, without mentioning system as a whole.

But as a whole control of two-trumpet systems is not so ordinary, as it seems on the 1st look. Unskillfull Continue reading

Method after AASHTO T 305-97

The U. S. method of mastic draindown testing has been described in the standard AASHTO T 305-97. It is used for porous asphalt mixes (also called open-graded friction course [OGFC]) and SMA mixes. Test parameters are shown in Table 8.2.

Samples of the mix are placed in wire baskets (Figure 8.3). For SMA mixes equal to and larger than 9.5 mm maximum aggregate size, the basket should have

6.3 mm holes in the mesh, and for 0/4.75 mm SMA mixes, the holes should be 2.36 mm.

8.2.3 Methods after EN 12697-18

The two methods of draindown testing that are given in the European standard EN 12697-18 are the method with a basket and Schellenberg’s method. The method with a basket after EN 12697-18 (Part 1) is mainly used for draindown testing of porous asphalt. In principle, it is possible to determine only binder draindown but not mastic


Draindown Test Parameters according to AASHTO T 305-97

Подпись: Number of samples Test temperatureПодпись: Sample weight Test time duration Test procedureПодпись:Four total; test two samples of a mix at each of the two test temperatures.

Samples are to be tested at two temperatures:

1. The expected production temperature in an asphalt plant (two samples)

2. A temperature higher by 15°C than the expected production temperature (two samples)

1200 ± 200 g

60 ± 5 minutes (or 70 ± 5 minutes in case of oven cooling)

1. Weigh the tray to catch flowing mastic to an accuracy of 0.1 g.

2. Mix components of an SMA mix at a fixed temperature.

3. Put the prepared mix into a weighed wire basket; do not pack the mix into the basket, and do not postcompact it either.

4. Measure the basket mass with an accuracy of 0.1 g.

5. Check the temperature of the mix; it should not drop by more than 25°C below the desired test temperature. If it does cool too much, the mix should be kept in the oven for 10 minutes longer, (i. e., up to 70 minutes).

6. Place the basket with the mix on the tray, and then put it into the oven for 60 ± 5 minutes.

7. Remove the tray with the basket from the oven, and weigh the basket with the mix or the tray itself with an accuracy of 0.1 g.

8. Determine draindown as a percentage of the mastic mass remaining on the tray in relation to the total mass of the mix before testing.

• When stirring the mix components, pay attention to the proper sequence of their dosages, particularly fibers, polymers, and so on.

• The temperature of aggregate in the oven (before mixing) cannot exceed the desired production temperature of a mix by more than 28°C.

• The final result is the arithmetic average of the two samples at each test temperature.


FIGURE 8.3 The wire basket for draindown testing according to AASHTO T 305-97. (Photo courtesy of Karol Kowalski and Adam Rudy, Purdue University.)

because the basket used here has small perforated holes. Moreover, these holes may be blocked during the testing of mixes containing larger quantities of mastic and fiber stabilizers. This is the reason why that method has limited application for SMA draindown testing.

Schellenberg’s method according to EN 12697-18 (Part 2) has been applied in draindown testing of porous asphalt containing fibers and other asphalt mixes like SMA. The essential information on that method is shown in Table 8.3.

Direct Integration Method

Direct Integration Method Подпись: dr dt Подпись: (4.11a) (4.11b)

From Eqs. (4.1) and (4.4) one realizes that the computation of reliability requires knowledge of the probability distributions of the load and resistance or of the performance function W. In terms of the joint PDF of the load and resistance, Eq. (4.1) can be expressed as

Direct Integration Method Подпись: (4.12a) (4.12b)

in which f R L(r, t) is the joint PDF of random load L and resistance R, r and t are dummy arguments for the resistance and load, respectively, and (r1, r2) and (t1, t2) are the lower and upper bounds for the resistance and load, respectively. The failure probability can be computed as

This computation of reliability is commonly referred to as load-resistance interference.

Подпись: 150

TABLE 4.1 Reliability Formulas for Selected Distributions


of W


Coefficient of

variation Reliability ps — P (W > 0)


Probability density function fw(w)




Direct Integration Method











МГп w Oln w


Direct Integration Method







Direct Integration Method


1 + в wo






Direct Integration Method

1 – IG[a, в(w – $)]| Г(а)*




a + в$


Bu (a, в)t
B(a, в)



a^—– (b — a)

a + в




(b – a)


Direct Integration Method



a + в + 1 (a + в)^и


Direct Integration Method
Direct Integration Method



for a w m


/ 1/2 /1 ab + am + bm

V2 6^w J


a + m + b



_ (b – w)2

(b – a)(b – m) for m < w < b

b – w b-a


for m w b


1 b – a V3 b + a


a + b




for a < w < b






*IG( ) — incomplete gamma function. t Bu(■) — incomplete beta function. SOURCE: After Yen et al. (1986).


Example 4.2 Consider the following joint PDF for the load and resistance: f R, L(r, t) = (r + t + r t)e-(r +t+rt) for r > 0,t > 0

Compute the reliability ps.

Подпись: Ps = Подпись: (r + t + r t)e-(r +t+r t} dt Подпись: dr

Solution According to Eq. (4.11), the reliability can be computed as

/* TO

/ [-(1 + t)e-(r +t+r t) ]0 dr


e-r – (1 + r )e-(2r +r2)

dr =

1 e-(2r +r2) _ e-r


= 0.5


When the load and resistance are statistically independent, Eq. (4.11) can be reduced to

Ps = Г2 FL(r) fR(r) dr = Er [Fl(R)] (4.13a)

Jr 1

or Ps ^"2[1 – Fr(t)] fL(t) dt = 1 – El[Fr(L)] (4.13b)


in which Fl() and Fr () are the marginal CDFs of random load L and resistance R, respectively, Er [Fl(R)] is the expected value of the CDF of random load over the possible range of the resistance, and El[Fr(L)] is the expected value of the CDF of random resistance over the possible range of the load. Similarly, the failure probability, when the load and resistance are independent, can be expressed as

Pf = 1 – Ps = Er[1 – Fl(R)] = El[Fr(L)] (4.14)

A schematic diagram illustrating load-resistance interference in the reliability computation, when the load and resistance are independent random variables, is shown in Fig. 4.2.

Example 4.3 Consider that the load and resistance are uncorrelated random vari­ables, each of which has the following PDF:

Load (exponential distribution):

f L(t) = 2e-2t for t > 0

Resistance (Erlang distribution):

f r(r) = 4re-2r for r > 0

Compute the reliability Ps.



fw (w)

Direct Integration Method

Figure 4.2 Schematic diagram of load-resistance interference for computing failure probability: (a) marginal densities of load and resistance; (b) PDF of load and CDF of resistance; (c) compute f L,(i) x Fr(r) over valid range of load; the area underneath the curve is the failure probability; (d) PDF of the performance function; the area left of w = 0 is the failure probability.


Direct Integration MethodDirect Integration MethodDirect Integration Method

Direct Integration Method

Подпись: Ps = / (4re-2r) Jo Direct Integration Method Подпись: dr

Solution Since the load and resistance are uncorrelated random variables, the relia­bility ps can be computed according to Eq. (4.13a) as

Подпись: J Q


/ (4re-2r )(1 – e-2r) dr


1 + r) e-4r – (1 + 2r )e-2r

= 0.75

In the case that the PDF of the performance function W is known or derived, the reliability can be computed according to Eq. (4.4) as

п to

Ps = / fw(w) dw (4.15)


in which f w(w) is the PDF of the performance function.

Example 4.4 Define the performance function W = R – L, in which R and L are independent random variables with their PDFs given in Example 4.2. Determine the reliability ps using Eq. (4.15).

Solution To use Eq. (4.15) for the reliability computation, it is necessary to first obtain the PDF of the performance function W. Derivation of the PDF of W can be made based on the derived distribution method described in Tung and Yen (2005, Sec. 3.1) as follows: Define W = R – L and U = L from which the original random variables R and L can be expressed in terms of new random variables W and U as L = U and R = W + U. By the transformation of variables, the joint PDF of W and U can be expressed as

fw, u(w, u) = f R, L(r, t)| J |

Подпись: J =

Подпись: 0 1 1 1

Подпись: - d L dW d R -dW Подпись: d L- dU d R dU-

in which the Jacobian matrix J is

The absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian matrix | J | is equal to one. Hence the joint PDF of W and U is

fw, u(w, u) = f r(r) fL(t)| J | = f r(w + u) f l(u)(1) = 8(w + u)e 2(w+2u)

Подпись: fw(w) Подпись: PTO fw,u(w, u) du Подпись: 11 + 4w 2 e2w Подпись: for w 0

for – to < w < ж and u > 0. Because the marginal PDF associated with the perfor­mance function W is needed, it can be obtained from the preceding joint PDF as

Подпись: Ps = Подпись: 0 Подпись: 1 + 4w e2w Подпись: dw = Подпись: w+4 Подпись: e Direct Integration Method Подпись: 0.75

From the derived PDF for W, the reliability can be computed as

In the conventional reliability analysis of hydraulic engineering design, un­certainty from the hydraulic aspect often is ignored. Treating the resistance or capacity of the hydraulic structure as a constant reduces Eq. (4.11) to

Ps = l fbU) di (4.16)


in which ro is the resistance of the hydraulic structure, a deterministic quan­tity. If the PDF of the hydrologic load is the annual event, such as the annual maximum flood, the resulting annual reliability can be used to calculate the corresponding return period.

Подпись: Ps = Direct Integration Method Direct Integration Method Подпись: (4.17)

To express the reliability in terms of stochastic variables in load and resis­tance functions, Eq. (4.11) can be written as

in which f (xL, xR) is the joint PDF of model stochastic basic variables X. For independent stochastic basic variables X, Eq. (4.17) can be written as

Direct Integration MethodK

П fk (Xk) d xr (4.18)


in which fk ( ) is the marginal PDF of the stochastic basic variable Xk.

The method of direct integration requires the PDFs of the load and resistance or the performance function to be known or derived. This is seldom the case in practice, especially for the joint PDF, because of the complexity of hydrologic and hydraulic models used in design. Explicit solution of direct integration can be obtained for only a few PDFs, as given in Table 4.1 for the reliability ps. For most other PDFs, numerical integration may be necessary. Computation­ally, the direct integration method is analytically tractable for only very few special combinations of probability distributions and functional relationships. For example, the distribution of the safety margin W expressed by Eq. (4.5) has a normal distribution if both load and resistance functions are linear and all stochastic variables are normally distributed. In terms of the safety factor expressed as Eqs. (4.6) and (4.7), the distribution of W (X) is lognormal if both load and resistance functions have multiplicative forms involving lognormal stochastic variables. Most of the time, numerical integrations are performed for reliability determination. When using numerical integration (including Monte Carlo simulation described in Chap. 6), difficulty may be encountered when one deals with a multivariate problem. Appendix 4A summarizes a few one­dimensional numerical integration schemes.

Example 4.5 Referring to Example 4.1, the stochastic basic variables n, D, and S in Manning’s formula to compute the sewer capacity are independent lognormal random variables with the following statistical properties:



Coefficient of variation

n (ft1/6)



D (ft)



S (ft/ft)



Compute the reliability that the sewer can convey the inflow discharge of 35 ft3/s.

Solution In this example, the resistance function is R(n, D, S) = 0.463 n-1 D2 67S0 5, and the load is L = 35 ft3/s. Since all three stochastic parameters are lognormal random variables, the performance function appropriate for use is

W(n, D, S) = ln(R) – ln(L)

= [ln(0.463) – ln(n) + 2.67 ln(D) + 0.5ln(S)] – ln(35)

= — ln(n) + 2.67 ln(D) + 0.5 ln(S) – 4.3319

The reliability ps = P [W(n, D, S) > 0] then can be computed as follows:

Since n, D, and S are independent lognormal random variables, ln(n), ln(D), and ln( S) are independent normal random variables. Note that the performance function W(n, D, S) is a linear function of normal random variables. Then, by the reproductive property of normal random variables as described in Sec. 2.6.1, W(n, D, S) also is a normal random variable with the mean

Pw = – Mln(n) + 2.67Pln(D) + °.5Mln(S) – 4.3319

and the variance

Var( W) = Var[ln(n)] + 2.672Var[ln( D)] + 0.52Var[ln( S)]

From Eq. (2.67), the means and variances of log-transformed variables can be obtained as

Var[ln(n)] = ln(1 + 0.052) = 0.0025 Pln(n) = ln(pn) – 0.5 Var[ln(n)] = -4.201

Var[ln(D)] = ln(1 + 0.022) = 0.0004 Pln(D) = ln(pD) – 0.5 Var[ln(D)] = 1.0984

Var[ln(S)] = ln(1 + 0.052) = 0.0025 Pln(S) = ln(pg) – 0.5 Var[ln(S)] = —5.2996

Then the mean and variance of the performance function W (n, D, S) can be computed as

pw = 0.1517 Var(W) = 0.005977

The reliability can be obtained as

ps = P (W > 0) = Ф f—) = ф( 10,1517 ^ = Ф(1.958) = 0.975 awJ VV0.005977 J

Estimation of Time of Concentration

The time of concentration or rainfall duration is equivalent to the length of time it takes for the runoff to travel from the most remote point of the watershed to the point of solution. This assumes that there is a uniform rate of rainfall over the entire water­shed resulting in the maximum flow at the point being investigated. The total time of concentration is comprised of three distinct components: overland flow time, shallow concentrated flow time, and concentrated flow time.

Overland flow is thought to occur for no more than 300 ft (91 m) and perhaps even less. The overland flow time may be approximated by the curves in Fig 5.2. It is based on the following equation:

Подпись: (5.4)T = 1.8(1.1 – C)(L)1/2 o [N(100)]1/3

where To = overland flow travel time, min C = runoff coefficient L = overland travel distance, ft (m X 3.28)

S = slope

Подпись: 364 Estimation of Time of Concentration

Given: An undeveloped watershed consisting of (1) rolling terrain with average slopes of 5%, (2) clay-type soils, (3) good grassland area, and (4) normal surface depressions.

Подпись:Find: The runoff coefficient C for the above watershed.

Source: From Highway Design Manual, California Department of Transportation, with permission.

Подпись: TABLE 5.2 Runoff Coefficients for Developed Areas Type of drainage area Runoff coefficient Business: Downtown areas 0.70-0.95 Neighborhood areas 0.50-0.70 Residential: Single-family areas 0.30-0.50 Multiunits, detached 0.40-0.60 Multiunits, attached 0.60-0.75 Suburban 0.25-0.40 Apartment dwelling areas 0.50-0.70 Industrial: Light areas 0.50-0.80 Heavy areas 0.60-0.90 Parks, cemeteries 0.10-0.25 Playgrounds 0.20-0.40 Railroad yard areas 0.20-0.40 Unimproved areas 0.10-0.30 Lawns: Sandy soil, flat, 2% 0.05-0.10 Sandy soil, average 2-7% 0.10-0.15 Sandy soil, steep, 7% 0.15-0.20 Heavy soil, flat, 2% 0.13-0.17 Heavy soil, average, 2-7% 0.18-0.25 Heavy soil, steep, 7% 0.25-0.35 Streets: Asphaltic 0.70-0.95 Concrete 0.80-0.95 Brick 0.70-0.85 Drives and walks 0.75-0.85 Roofs 0.75-0.95 Source: From Highway Design Manual, California Department of Transportation, with permission.

The overland flow time can also be calculated by the kinematic wave equation:

Подпись: (5.5)T = K(L06)(n06) o (i°’4)(S03)

Подпись: where To K L S n ioverland flow travel time, min

0.93 for U. S. Customary units (6.98 for SI units)

length of overland flow path, ft (m)

slope of overland flow

Manning’s roughness coefficient

rainfall intensity, in/h (mm/h)

The solution of the kinematic wave equation is an iterative procedure since the overland flow time is a function of the rainfall intensity and the rainfall intensity is a function of the time of concentration.

Estimation of Time of Concentration

FIGURE 5.1 Typical rainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves. (From Design and Construction of Storm and Sanitary Sewers, ASCE, 1986, with permission)

Caution is urged in the application of this equation. Manning’s roughness coeffi­cient n varies with the depth of flow. Therefore, n values suitable for open-channel flow should not be used in the kinematic wave equation. Table 5.3 lists roughness coefficient values appropriate for use.

After 200 to 300 ft (61 to 91 m) of overland flow, water tends to concentrate into rills and gullies. This type of flow is termed shallow concentrated flow. The velocity of shallow concentrated flow can be estimated using the following relationship:

V = KCkVl00S (5.6)

where V = velocity, ft/s (m/s)

K = 3.28 (1.0 in SI units)

Ck = intercept coefficient (see Table 5.4)

S = slope, ft/ft (m/m)

The final type of overland flow to investigate is flow that is captured in a stream, ditch, or closed conduit. This type of flow is referred to as concentrated flow.

Manning’s equation is used to estimate the velocity of concentrated flow (see Art. 5.3.3). It should be noted that the use of Manning’s equation is an iterative process and the assumed hydraulic radius must be checked for convergence.

The shallow concentrated flow time and the concentrated flow time can be determined by using the velocities obtained from the investigation of the shallow concentrated flow and the concentrated flow. The appropriate equation is as follows:

Подпись: (5.7)

Подпись: FIGURE 5.2 Overland time of concentration curves. Conversion: 1 ft = 0.3048 m. (From Highway Design Manual, California Department of Transportation, with permission)



where Tf = time of shallow concentrated flow or concentrated flow, min L = overland length of flow, ft (m)

V = velocity, ft/s (m/s)

The total time of concentration is then the summation of the times of concentration for each of the distinct flow types.

As an alternative to the above procedure, where the channels are well defined and the overland flow is generally over bare ground, the total time of concentration may be estimated from the Kirpich equation[6]:

TABLE 5.3 Manning’s Roughness Coefficient, n, for Overland Sheet Flow

Surface description


Smooth asphalt


Smooth concrete


Ordinary concrete lining


Good wood


Brick with cement mortar


Vitrified clay


Cast iron


Corrugated metal pipe


Cement rubble surface


Fallow (no residue)


Cultivated soils

Residue cover < 20%


Residue cover > 20%


Range (natural)



Short grass prairie


Dense grasses


Bermuda grass



Light underbrush


Dense underbrush


*When selecting n, consider cover to a height of about 1 in. This is the only part of the plant cover that will obstruct sheet flow.

Source: From Urban Drainage Design Manual, HEC

Подпись: T c Подпись: K Подпись: L �'77 S05 I Подпись: (5.8)

22, FHWA, with permission.

Подпись: where Tc K L Stime of concentration, min

0.0078 for U. S. Customary units (3.97 for SI units)

maximum flow length, ft (km)

total slope = total change in elevation divided by L

The value of Tc should be multiplied by 2 where the surfaces are grassy, by 0.4 where they are asphalt or concrete, or 0.2 for concrete channels. (See Modern Sewer Design, AISI.)

The total time of concentration may also be calculated from the following modified form of the Williams equation*:

TABLE 5.4 Intercept Coefficients

Types of surface

Intercept coefficient Ck

Forest with heavy ground litter


Min. tillage cultivated; woodland


Short grass pasture


Cultivated straight row


Poor grass; untilled


Grassed waterways


Unpaved area; bare soil


Paved area


Source: Adapted from Location and Design Manual, Vol. 2:

Drainage Design, Ohio Department of Transportation, with permission.

Tc = KLA-0lS-02 (5.9)

where Tc = time of concentration, min

K = 21.3 for U. S. Customary units (14.6 for SI units)

L = maximum flow length, mi (km)

A = total watershed area, mi2 (km2)

S = slope

A minimum time of concentration of 5 min is recommended by the FHWA. (See D. R. Maidment, Handbook of Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, 1993.)

Another common and simple method for determining the runoff is the NRCS method. The determination of the peak discharge is dependent upon the time of con­centration, the cumulative rainfall, and the soil and cover classifications. (See the fol­lowing from the NRCS: National Engineering Handbook, 1985; and “Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,” TR-55, 1986.)

Original Schellenberg’s Method

A method of mastic draindown testing was published in 1986 by Kurt Schellenberg and Wolfgang von der Weppen (Schellenberg and Weppen, 1986). Their original method, which consisted of warming up a sample of SMA mix placed in a glass beaker, is summarized in Table 8.1.


Parameters of Draindown Testing according to Schellenberg’s Method

Number of samples 1

Test temperature 170°C ± 1°C

Sample weight 1000-1100 g

Test time duration 60 ± 1 minutes

Test procedure 1. Warm-up an empty beaker in an oven at test temperature, take it out and

weigh it, and put it into the oven.

2. Mix SMA components.

3. Remove the beaker from the oven, quickly put a prepared mix into the beaker, and weigh them altogether.

4. Place the beaker with the mix in the oven for 60 ± 1 minutes.

5. Remove the beaker with the mix from the oven and empty the mix by tilting the beaker upside down.

6. Weigh the cooled beaker with remaining mastic to an accuracy of 0.1 g.

7. Calculate the draindown as a ratio of the mass remaining in the beaker to the original SMA mass and express result as a mass percentage.

Source: Based on Schellenberg K. and von der Weppen W., Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Homogenitats-

Stabilitat von Splittmastixasphalt. Bitumen, 1, 1986.

Performance Functions and Reliability Index

In reliability analysis, Eq. (4.3) alternatively can be written in terms of a per­formance function W (X) = W (XL, XR) as

ps = P [W(Xl, Xr) > 0] = P [W(X) > 0] (4.4)

in which X is the vector of basic stochastic variables in the load and resistance functions. In reliability analysis, the system state is divided into the safe (sat­isfactory) set defined by W (X) > 0 and the failure (unsatisfactory) set defined by W (X) < 0 (Fig. 4.1). The boundary that separates the safe set and failure set is a surface, called the failure surface, defined by the function W(X) = 0, called the limit-state function. Since the performance function W(X ) defines the condition of the system, it is sometimes called system-state function.


Performance Functions and Reliability Index

Figure 4.1 System states defined by performance (limit-state) function.

The performance function W(X) can be expressed differently as

Wi(X) = R – L = h(XR) – g(XL) (4.5)

W2(X) = (R/L) – 1 = [h(Xr)/g(Xl)] – 1 (4.6)

W3(X) = ln(R/L) = ln[h(Xr)] – ln[g(Xl)] (4.7)

Referring to Sec. 1.6, Eq. (4.5) is identical to the notion of a safety margin, whereas Eqs. (4.6) and (4.7) are based on safety factor representations.

Example 4.1 Consider the design of a storm sewer system. The sewer flow-carrying capacity Qc (ft3/s) is determined by Manning’s formula:

Qc = 0463xcD8/3 S1/2 n

where n is Manning’s roughness coefficient, Xc is the model correction factor to account for the model uncertainty, D is the actual pipe diameter (ft), and S is the pipe slope (ft/ft). The inflow Ql (ft3/s) to the sewer is the surface runoff whose peak discharge can be estimated by the rational formula

Ql =кLCiA

in which Xl is the correction factor for model uncertainty, C is the runoff coefficient, i is the rainfall intensity (in/h), and A is the runoff contributing area (acres). In the reliability analysis, the sewer flow-carrying capacity Qc is the resistance, and the peak discharge of the surface runoff Ql is the load. The performance functions can be expressed as one of the following three forms:

W1 = Qc – Ql = 0463XcD8/3S1/2 – XLCiA n

W2 = Qc – 1 = 0463XcD8/3S 1/2x-1C-1i-1 A-1 – 1 2 Ql n c L

W3 = ln ^= ln(0.463) – ln(n) + ln(Xc) + 3 ln(D) + 1 ln(S) – ln(XL)

– ln(C) – ln(i) – ln( A)

Also in the reliability analysis, a frequently used reliability indicator в is called the reliability index. The reliability index was first introduced by Cornell (1969) and later formalized by Ang and Cornell (1974). It is defined as the ratio of the mean to the standard deviation of the performance function W (X), which is the inverse of the coefficient of variation of the performance function W (X),

Подпись:в ___ gw


in which gw and aw are the mean and standard deviation of the performance function, respectively. From Eq. (4.8), assuming an appropriate probability
density function for the random performance function W (X), the reliability then can be computed as

Ps = 1 – Fw(0) = 1 – Fw(-в) (4.9)

in which Fw( ) is the cumulative distribution function of the performance func­tion W, and W’ is the standardized performance function defined as W’ = (W – pw)/aw. The expressions of reliability ps for some distributions of W(X) are given in Table 4.1. For distributions not listed, expressions can be found in Sec. 2.6. For practically all probability distributions used in the relia­bility analysis, the value of the reliability ps is a strictly increasing function of the reliability index в. In practice, the normal distribution is used commonly for W(X), in which case the reliability can be computed simply as

Ps = 1 – Ф(-в) = ф(в) (4.10)

where Ф( ) is the standard normal CDF the table for which is given in Table 2.2. Without using the normal probability table, the value of Ф( ) can be computed by various algebraic formulas described in Sec. 2.6.1.

Finding Rafter Length: Examples

Breaking the process of cutting rafters into the four basic characteristics described in this chapter helps to organize the task, but it is still a complicated process. Probably the best way to learn is to work through the steps in figuring individual rafters. The following illustration is an example of a roof that has a number of different rafters and a ridge board identified. Nine additional examples explain how to find the lengths for these rafters and ridge board based on the illustration.

Finding Common Rafter Length – Example 1 on Roof Example Illustration

The roof span at this area is 28′-0", making the run equal to У2 the span of 14′-0" minus half the thickness of the ridge board (3/4"). That makes the adjusted run 13′-111/4". Multiplying that times the diagonal percent for a 6/12 pitch roof (which is 1.118) gives a run diagonal length of 15′-7". If you add that length to the overhang diagonal of 2′-11/s", the rafter length is 17′-81/s". The overhang diagonal

is found by subtracting the fascia (IV2") from the 2’­0" overhang, which gives (22У2"), and multiplying by the diagonal percent 1.118.

Finding a Jack Rafter Length – Example 2 on Roof Example Illustration

Most hip rafters are on 90° corners, with the hip runs in the middle of the corner. Because the two sides of a triangle made by a 90° angle and two 45° angles are the same, the run of the jack rafter can be easily found.

The distance of your layout to the center of your rafter is the same distance as your run to the center of your hip. Just subtract one half the thickness of the hip at a 45° angle (11/16") from the run, and multiply that figure by your diagonal percentage. Then add on your overhang diagonal length. This will give you your rafter length. In this example, the rafter is on layout at 8′-0", so we subtract 11/16" (half the thickness of the U/2" hip at 45°), giving 7′-1015/16", which is multiplied by the diagonal percent of 1.118. The result is 8′-101/s". Add this to the overhang diagonal of 2′-11/s" (same as common rafter overhang), and we get a jack rafter length of 10-111/4". Note that because the connection angle is 45° , the measurement should be taken to the center of your cheek cut.

Finding a Ridge End Common Rafter Length—Example 3 on Roof Example Illustration

As long as you use the top cut illustration in “Connection # 1," then this rafter will be cut the same length as the king common rafter adjacent to it.

Finding a Hip Length—Example 4 on Roof Example Illustration

Finding the hip length requires an additional step and uses the hip-val diagonal percent. First find the hip run. It is the diagonal created by a triangle in which the other two sides are the run of the ridge end common and the line from the hip corner to the ridge end common. In this case, the span is 40′, so the run is 20′, and the distance from the corner is also 20′. Using the calculator, enter 20′ for the run, 20′ for the rise, and press the diagonal button.

The result is 28′- 37/16". This distance is the run of your hip.

Subtract half the distance of the ridge at a 45° angle, which for a 11/2" ridge is 11/16", leaving an adjusted hip run of 28′- 23/8". Then find the hip overhang length using a similar procedure. The sides are 2′, which leads to a 2′-915/16" diagonal. Then subtract 11/2" at a 45° angle for the fascia (which is 2V8"), so the hip overhang run is 2′-713/16". Add this figure to the 28′- 23/8" hip run, and you get a hip rafter run of 30′-103/16". Multiplying that number by the hip – val diagonal percent of 1.061 results in a hip rafter length of 32′-83/4". Remember, these lengths are to the middle of the rafter, and each end has two 45° connection angle cuts at a 6/12 hip-val pitch angle.

Finding a Valley Rafter Length— Example 5 on Roof Example Illustration

This valley will be the same length as the hip rafter for the 28′-0" span section, except for the end cuts. On the bottom, the 45° cuts will be concave ( < ) instead of convex ( > ) like the hip. At the top, there will be a full-width 45° cut. The top-end adjustment will require you to subtract one half the thickness of the ridge at 45°, which is 11/16".

Connection #2 Hip Rafter with Square End Cut

Finding the valley rafter length is similar to finding the hip length, and requires the following steps:

• Span = 28-0"

• Run = 14′-0"

• Top adjustment = subtract У2 ridge board at 45°

= 11/i6".

• Hip run = 19′-99/i6" = On the calculator enter 14′-0".

Charts provide bird’s mouth plumb line lengths.

– Then press the run button, enter 14′-0".

– Then press the rise button and then the diagonal button.

Overhang hip run = 2′-713/16"

– On calculator enter 1′-10 1/2" run then 1′-10 1/2" rise, then press diagonal.

Add the hip run and the overhang hip run =

19′-99/іб" + 2′-713/іб" = 22′-53/8".

Subtract for the top adjustment %" on a 45° = 11/16" (See “Connection #2“ illustration on previous page.)

Adjust the hip rafter run = 22′-53/s" – 11/16" = 22′-45/16".

Hip rafter length =

22′-45/16" x 1.061 (hip-val diagonal percent) = 23′-811/16".

The top will be a 45° saw cut for the connection angle at a 6/12 hip-val cut for the pitch angle.

The bottom will be concave ( < ), two 45° saw cuts at a 6/12 hip-val cut.

Finding a Valley-to-Ridge Jack Rafter-Example 6 on Roof Example Illustration

There are a couple of ways to find the length of this rafter. The ridge location is easy to establish as half the span of 40′, making it 20′. The valley point can be determined by figuring the distance the valley runs before the rafter starts. In this case, since the rafters all conveniently line up and run at 24"

O. C., the easiest method is to count the rafter spaces from the other side of the roof. In this example, there are seven rafter spaces; therefore the run will be

14′. Subtract half the distance of the 45° bottom cut for the valley rafter (11/16"), and half the thickness of the ridge board (3/4"), and the run will be 13′- 103/16". The rafter length will be 13′-103/16" x 1.118 (diagonal percent) resulting in a 15′-513/16" rafter length. The connection angle at the top will be a 90° saw cut, and the pitch will be at a 6/12 common cut on the speed square. The bottom will be a 45° saw cut at a 6/12 common cut. The measurement will be to the center of the 45° cheek cut.

Finding Valley-to-Hip Jack Rafter Length-Example 7 on Roof Example Illustration

There are different ways to find the run length. Here is a way that has not yet been illustrated. In this example, run length will be figured from the 28′ span length. The run for the 28′ span is 14′.

The top of the rafter is 2′ past the end of the ridge

Jack rafter run lengths equal layout lengths.

board, which will add 2′ to the run going up the hip that it connects to.

The run at the bottom will be shortened by 4′ because it extends up the valley the equivalent of 4′ of run. This leaves 12′ of run. Adjust for top and bottom by subtracting one half of a 45° angle for top and bottom cuts or two times 11/16" (21/8") = 11′-97/8" times 1.118. This makes for a rafter length of 13′-25/8". Both the top and bottom would have a 45° cheek cut for the connection angle and would be marked at a common 6/12 for the pitch angle.

Ridge-to-Ridge Hip Rafter-Example 8 on Roof Example Illustration

In this example, the rafters are so conveniently arranged that we can see the hip rafter goes from the center of one rafter to the center of another rafter with two in between, resulting in a distance of 6′.

Another way to find this length is to calculate the difference in the runs for the ridges that establish the height difference. One has a span of 28′-0" for a run of 14′-0", while the other has a span of 40′-0" for a run of 20′-0".

The difference is 6′-0", the same as we just figured.

Once you have the 6′-0" of run, then you follow the same procedure as with a hip and make the necessary top and bottom adjustments. First establish the hip run. Enter 6′-0" run and 6′-0" rise on the calculator and press diagonal, which gives you the hip run of 8′-5 13/16". The top will be a standard hip connection. Therefore one half the ridge at a 45° angle (11/16") will be subtracted. At the bottom it will be a #2 connection. (Connection #2.) Therefore subtract one half the thickness of the ridge at a 45° angle, or 11/16". The

bottom will also require a square cut 7/16” deep on the end. You can establish the thickness of this square cut by finding the diagonal for the triangle in which the other two sides are the same and created by the balance of the difference between half the distance of the ridge board at 45° and half the distance of the ridge board at 90°.

The 7/16" square cut will not affect your hip run. This means that you can subtract the 11/i6” and 11/i6” to get an adjusted hip run of 8′-311/16". Multiplying 8′-311/16" x 1.061 (hip-val diagonal percent) gives you the ridge to ridge hip rafter length of 8′-93/4 The top cut will be a regular hip cut with convex (>) 45° cuts at a 6/12 hip-val pitch. The bottom will be a 45° cut at a 6/12 hip-val pitch with a 7/16" square cut end.

Finding the Ridge Board Length – Example 9 on Roof Example Illustration

The ridge board runs parallel with the wall at the other end of valley #5 and the hip of the 28′-0" span. That length is 12′-0", so the length of the ridge is 12’­0" with adjustments at the ends. The hip connection is a number 1, so one half of the thickness of the common rafter (3/4") is added. At the other end, it is a connection #2, and the ridge will extend to the next rafter, adding 231/4" to the length.

The ridge board length therefore is: 12′-0" + %" + 231/4" = 14′-0". Both ends will be cut at 90° with square ends.


Until you have framed many roofs, cutting rafters is always going to be a challenge. Three ways to make it easier are:

• First, use the diagonal percent to find the rafter length.

• Second, figure lengths to the framing points and then make the adjustments.

• Third, become familiar with and use a construction calculator for the math.

If ever you get stumped, you can always organize your thinking by using the four basic characteristics of cutting rafters:

1. Find the length.

2. Adjust for the top and bottom.

3. Figure the angle cuts for the top, bottom, and bird’s mouth.

4. Figure the height of the bird’s mouth.

Finish Carpentry

Many manufactured composite board prod­ucts designed for interior use contain urea – formaldehyde binders. They outgas form­aldehyde for many months and contribute significantly to the indoor pollution level. In standard construction, these interior-grade

Подпись:composites are used in many finish applica­tions including cabinetry, molding, shelving, and trim. They should not be used in a healthy home. The following maybe specified:

• No sheetgoods or trim pieces containing urea-formaldehyde shall be used.

• Exposed interior finish wood shall be comprised of solid wood and finished with a low-VO C finish as specified in Division 9.

• Where sheet goods are used, choose one of the low-emission boards listed in the section on cabinets, or exterior-grade ply­wood that has been aired out, thoroughly sealed on all edges and surfaces with an acceptable vapor barrier sealant, and fin­ished with one of the paints specified in Division 9.

• Trim pieces shall be milled of solid wood or made of formaldehyde-free composites such as Medite II or equal.