Category Shower cabins

Shower of next day: bathe and charmed

Shower of next day: bathe and charmed
The unique technological novelty was presented at the International Imm Cologne 2012 exhibition passing in Cologne. Having united in fruitful creative alliance, the German companies Dornbracht and Gira and the Revox company from Switzerland developed the project printsipno the new shower, named Connected Comfort – Home Automation for the Senses.
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The shower to accept – to lie down …

The shower to accept – to lie down …
Telling about equipment novelties for bathrooms, we still never mentioned a fascinating design which appeared on free sale not so long since. Speech about a horizontal shower of the German production which can be beheld in a Spa salons will go.

So, shower horizontal oblivny Vichy brand. It is executed from composit materials, fastens to a wall, Continue reading

Pleasant about useful

Pleasant about useful
On the real acceptance of a bath we often do not have time, and here on a shower it is possible to find 15-20 minutes always. And in particular it is pleasant, when for that small gleam of time two pleasures – bathing and massage are possible скооперировать to a descent.

The BAS company represents a novelty – a collection of hydromassage Continue reading

Shower pallet the hands

Shower pallet the hands
Our bathroom small the area and an unusual form, in it is available a niche which is visible on a photo. We very much would like, that the washing machine stood specifically in a bathroom, instead of was restricted in kitchen. Therefore we decided to save up a place, having arranged the shower pallet заместо with a bathroom.

It is necessary to Continue reading

Sanitary partitions

Sanitary partitions
Sanitary partitions
At repair, re-planning or construction of a new structure it is impossible to forget about "intimate" places, such as a bathroom, a bathroom etc. Giving to pretentiousness to the main room and allocating under it bulk of efforts, we often disregard a question of sanitary cabins. Deaf walls are always the cracked tile and/or the peeled-off Continue reading

Visually –

are original

Visually -
How many time said to the world that a shower it is not simple a watering can with a nozzle. On the contrary, this ordinary subject can own very non-trivial design. Well, the world, and is more exact, designers listened, and now they do the most various models on though what taste. Now the shower can be small and huge, horizontal Continue reading

Shower, sauna, disco

Shower, sauna, disco
Modern shower systems seem from time to time simply real paradise for кинестетиков. After all, as it is clear, such people when "studying" world, in the main thing, rely on tactile feelings. And if for визуалов sight, and for аудиалов – hearing, for кинестетиков – a touch is most important.

Well, the Graff company knows, than them Continue reading

Miniatyurizm of a modern shower cabin: style and convenience

Miniatyurizm of a modern shower cabin: style and convenience
Very many modern people prefer to usual baths shower cabins – they are comfortable, well and places indoors borrow unlike less. But a cabin to a cabin discord, and the phrase «saw one – saw everything» here it is not pertinent.

For example, usual to us square or rectangular souls all give way to the more nice colleagues of the approximated Continue reading

Full … relax

Full … relax
We try completely all rooms in own apartment to make faultless and unique. Many allocate for a bathroom an unusual role therefore select for its equipment modern bathroom equipment and various devices.

Wide demand shower cabins or the shower mixers permitting promptly to be refreshed and relax under streams of a warm pleasant voditsa soon Continue reading

Two for two

You too start an argument every morning with own half about the one who the 1st will take a shower? And naturally you were bothered by quarrels on trifles which can spoil mood for all day. Truly the double shower of La Cage d’Amour – new development of the well-known factory Catchpole & Rye from Great Britain became rescue from similar troubles.
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