Shower, sauna, disco

Shower, sauna, disco
Modern shower systems seem from time to time simply real paradise for кинестетиков. After all, as it is clear, such people when "studying" world, in the main thing, rely on tactile feelings. And if for визуалов sight, and for аудиалов – hearing, for кинестетиков – a touch is most important.

Well, the Graff company knows, than them to amuse. Though, as it seems to us, to take a shower by means of the latest system, anybody will not refuse. Judge: the bathroom equipment built in a wall has the most modest minimalist design, but at all this everything can very much almost.

Shower, sauna, disco
For example, predvideno some options of water supply, from usual shower to a real storm stream, and massage panels will promote to arrange hydromassage therapy. Not including it the Kohler company specially for flourishes "Graff" made steam generators. Now it is possible to visit a bath, without leaving a shower booth! Switching between modes is carried out by means of the comfortable control panel, modes can be programmed beforehand.

Think, it everything? Are mistaken! For аудиалов and визуалов the producer too prepared a surprise. The matter is that the system is armed besides the integrated illumination, also columns for listening of the loved music. Generally, all pleasures rolled into one, more precisely, in one shower.

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