Original Schellenberg’s Method

A method of mastic draindown testing was published in 1986 by Kurt Schellenberg and Wolfgang von der Weppen (Schellenberg and Weppen, 1986). Their original method, which consisted of warming up a sample of SMA mix placed in a glass beaker, is summarized in Table 8.1.


Parameters of Draindown Testing according to Schellenberg’s Method

Number of samples 1

Test temperature 170°C ± 1°C

Sample weight 1000-1100 g

Test time duration 60 ± 1 minutes

Test procedure 1. Warm-up an empty beaker in an oven at test temperature, take it out and

weigh it, and put it into the oven.

2. Mix SMA components.

3. Remove the beaker from the oven, quickly put a prepared mix into the beaker, and weigh them altogether.

4. Place the beaker with the mix in the oven for 60 ± 1 minutes.

5. Remove the beaker with the mix from the oven and empty the mix by tilting the beaker upside down.

6. Weigh the cooled beaker with remaining mastic to an accuracy of 0.1 g.

7. Calculate the draindown as a ratio of the mass remaining in the beaker to the original SMA mass and express result as a mass percentage.

Source: Based on Schellenberg K. and von der Weppen W., Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Homogenitats-

Stabilitat von Splittmastixasphalt. Bitumen, 1, 1986.

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