Category Baths

Bathroom equipment? Statue!

Bathroom equipment? Statue!
What associations in you are caused by the word "sink". For certain, the first remembers a bathroom equipment subject, and it is completely reasonable, after all we contemplate such sinks every day. And here the 2nd association, completely can be, there is a sea sink – a cockleshell, the spiral curl "filled" with noise of a Continue reading

About a tree in a bathroom

About a tree in a bathroom
Wood furnish is often used in modern interiors. Agree, the decor topped with a natural structure of a natural tree, looks very comfortably and presentably. Certain especially courageous designers use a tree even for bathroom equipment furnish.

Yes, wood baths – already long since not news, but will at present go speech about the bathroom Continue reading

Stages of polgy repair in a bathroom

Stages of polgy repair in a bathroom
Bathroom repair – not only only desire to save up money. To execute repair of a bathroom is means to embody the requirements and desires completely, without foreign representation and taste, without loss of a large quantity of nervous cages from viewing of "skill" of workers. When you carry out repair without the aid of others, precisely Continue reading

Flaminia – elite Italian bathroom equipment

Flaminia – elite bathroom equipment. The exclusive distributor of Flaminia factory on the district of the Russian Federation – JSC TD Zolotoy Keith. Flaminia – the world favourite on production of luxury bathroom equipment. Always available. elite bathroom equipment, the Italian bathroom equipment, bathroom equipment, color Continue reading

We build a well on giving

We build a well on giving
You like to spend a free time at a dacha? Do not represent itself without work on a kitchen garden, you like to equip flower beds or simply serenely to have a rest outdoors? Then the country site should correspond to all requirements of comfort!

Basic parts of modern giving – a well! The well is not only only water for manufacturing of food, Continue reading

Picturesque detail in an interior of a bathroom

Picturesque detail in an interior of a bathroom
We speak about design of a bathroom very much. We discuss different types of a tile, we pay attention to regiments, lockers and polotentsesushilka, and new models of bathroom equipment and absolutely povsevremenno on a look. But about something all of us forgot. Not from the evil, no, simply this thing is usually so imperceptible, as is necessary.
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Bath with the Caribbean temper

You happened on islands of the Caribbean Sea? Let’s tell, on Dominica which is famous for the whole world geological, and historical sights? Yes, specifically there it is possible to behold eminent beaches with black sand or to walk around national park to Kabrits placed on the peninsula near to the last settlement of natives.

Though the piece Continue reading

Restoration of enamel of a bath

Restoration of enamel of a bath
Enamel restoration – trudozatratny, but easy procedure, which completely under force to the newcomer. But, for this purpose, to make everything from the 1st time, it is necessary to do in the beginning everything truly…

The 1st stage – removal of zarzhavely smudges. A rust clean slaborazogrety shchavelny acid mixed with water in a proportion Continue reading

Generous copper in sudden performance

Generous copper in sudden performance
The most part of models of modern bathroom equipment becomes from санфаянса or metal. And what if hunting something truly smart, sustained in coordination with traditional traditions, but at all this non-trivial?

The conclusion is simple: it is necessary to look at usual materials of the zany. If metal, why by all means stainless steel with Continue reading

Acrylic baths

Acrylic baths
Evenly usual all baths from cast iron give in, and it is not magnificent, after all development of modern technologies is not necessary on a place. That unique material as acryle is faultless for baths though what color and form. The baths made of acryle, not only are only functional, but also are very beautiful. Because at acryle very Continue reading