With what to begin repair in a bathroom
Fine bathroom everyone wishes. The bathroom is a place for tension removals after wearisome working day. The bathroom helps us to cheer up in the mornings and to relax in the evening.
Before, than to start repair of a bathroom follows обмыслить a color palette of bathroom equipment and furnish materials that everything harmoniously mixed up on color.
Nevertheless, beauty in a bathroom on the second place, and a practicality on the first. It is better to begin repair with development of the plan. In the plan it is necessary врисовать the provision of subjects. The plan will help will be caused with the best choice of location of the washing machine, a sink, a shower cabin etc. Can be (in particular if small), it is necessary to make the bath area some options to find the suitable decision.
Compact to a room bath not always allow to deliver a full-size bathroom, it is necessary to offer bath dimensions in favor of a sink and the washing machine. Not the bad decision – sinks of an unusual (incorrect) form. Feature of this device consists that the part of a sink is placed in a bathroom opposite to a headboard.
There is an unlimited number of decisions for increase in functionality and economy of a place in a bathroom – cases mirrors, the washing machine or a linen basket under a sink, sliding racks etc.
At a choice of a bath it is most ideal to give the preference to the tested manufacturing companies since quality of a bath, its safety, durability and environmental friendliness is proved by quality of used materials and technology of processing.
Cabin for a shower – a separate subject. To put it or is not present – a personal record of everyone. Many consider that their bathroom is small for installation of a separate shower. It not so. At present there are a lot of small-sized shower booths which it is possible “впихунть” practically in though what room
Shower cabin – a difficult product. Here also as well as at a bath choice, manufacturing company experience is important, on another at operation there can be difficulties with course of water or opening of doors.
Hydromassage bath and boxing – good option if, naturally, the place allows. To establish similar system it is slightly more difficult, but level of comfort will pay back costs. It is necessary to hold in the head, a hydromassage bath – the electronic device therefore at a choice of the device it is necessary to be vigilant.
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