Finish Carpentry

Many manufactured composite board prod­ucts designed for interior use contain urea – formaldehyde binders. They outgas form­aldehyde for many months and contribute significantly to the indoor pollution level. In standard construction, these interior-grade

Подпись:composites are used in many finish applica­tions including cabinetry, molding, shelving, and trim. They should not be used in a healthy home. The following maybe specified:

• No sheetgoods or trim pieces containing urea-formaldehyde shall be used.

• Exposed interior finish wood shall be comprised of solid wood and finished with a low-VO C finish as specified in Division 9.

• Where sheet goods are used, choose one of the low-emission boards listed in the section on cabinets, or exterior-grade ply­wood that has been aired out, thoroughly sealed on all edges and surfaces with an acceptable vapor barrier sealant, and fin­ished with one of the paints specified in Division 9.

• Trim pieces shall be milled of solid wood or made of formaldehyde-free composites such as Medite II or equal.

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