Watershed Characteristics

Characteristics of the watershed area directly affect the hydrologic analysis. Basic fea­tures of the watershed basin include size, shape, slope, land use, soil type, storage, and orientation.

The size of the watershed basin is the most important characteristic affecting the determination of the total runoff. It is generally measured in acres, square miles, or square kilometers and is defined by the limits of the topographic divide. A topographic divide is a line that separates water flow between basins, thus causing the rainfall that falls on one or the other side to flow into a particular watershed. The location of this divide, and thus the perimeter of the basin, may be determined from aerial photographs, topographic maps available from the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), and field surveys.

The shape of the watershed primarily affects the rate of water flow to the main channel. Because the rainfall in narrow watersheds reaches the main stream relatively quickly, a narrow basin generally has a low peak discharge compared with a fan – or pear-shaped basin of otherwise similar characteristics.

The main effect the slope has on water flow is on the time of concentration, or the time it takes the rainfall to flow from the farthest point in the watershed to the point under consideration. Everything else being equal, steeper slopes cause a shorter time of concentration, and thus a higher peak discharge, than do flatter slopes.

The use of the land and the type of surface the precipitation falls upon have an obvious impact on the flow of water. Developed areas covered by asphalt or concrete will allow a much greater percentage of the rainfall to flow to the point under deliber­ation than will an undeveloped vegetated area.

Peak flows may be reduced by the effective storage of drainage water. Of the three main types of storage—interception, depression, and detention—detention storage has the major impact in determining runoff. Interception refers to storage on aboveground fixtures such as plants, and depression refers to storage in depressions in the ground surface. Interception storage will eventually evaporate, and depression storage will either evaporate or infiltrate into the ground. Detention storage is runoff that is either in transit to the main channel or in storage in a pond, swamp, basin, or constructed detention chamber prior to transmission.

The final characteristic of the watershed basin is orientation. Taking into account the slope of the basin, if it is north – or south-facing, the runoff may be affected. If the basin accumulates snow and faces north, the snow may not melt until the late spring. If the snow melt is caused by a spring rain, the total runoff will be increased. On the other hand, if the basin faces south, the snow melt may come much earlier in the year, and with evaporation and infiltration, it may not contribute as greatly to the runoff. Basin orientation for small, steep basins also affects the peak rates of runoff. Where these basin types are in line with prevailing storm movements, the watershed responds with higher, shorter peak discharges.

Exterior Sheathing

Exterior sheathing in wood frame construc­tion is attached to the outside of the frame and makes up the surface to which the exte­rior finish is applied. Before manufactured sheet goods such as plywood were available, ix or 2x material was nailed to the studs for this purpose. In standard wood frame construc­tion today, exterior-grade plywood or OSB (oriented strand board, also known as wafer – board) is typically used as exterior sheath­ing for the entire building or at corners where shear strength is required. These materials contain varying degrees of formaldehyde and isocyanates and do not have the longevity of solid wood products.

Many problems with the use of OSB in roof and wall sheathing have recently been iden­tified. In fact, one prominent manufacturer was the subject of a class action suit. When the board gets wet it is vulnerable to fungal invasion and rapidly deteriorates. Asphalt – impregnated fiberboard or asphalt-sheathed insulating board is commonly used as infill between the corner shear panels. Since asphalt

is a known carcinogen, we believe that any ex­posure level is too high when other alterna­tives exist.

When an air barrier or airtight drywall as­sembly is used on the interior face of a wall, sheathing material will not have as great an impact on the indoor air quality as the ma­terials exposed to the interior. Moreover, the sheathing will have had several weeks in place to air out before it is covered up. In a perme­able or breathing wall system, where vapor barriers are eliminated with the intent of al­lowing vapor movement through the wall, the type of exterior sheathing must be more carefully considered in terms of both perme­ability and harmful chemical content. The fol­lowing maybe included in your specifications to reduce the pollution generated by exterior sheathing: [9]

• non-odorous foam boards such as bead board

• AdvanTech: very low emissions, dura­ble composite wood sheathing for walls, floors and roof

Remembering Common Sense

Most of our new houses are really not designed at all, but assembled without much thought for their ultimate composition. Architects seldom have anything to do with the process. Instead, a team of marketing engineers comes up with a product that will bring in more money at less cost to the developer. The team’s job is to devise a cheap structure that people will actually pay good money for. Low-grade, vinyl siding, ornamental gables and asphalt shingles have become their preferred medium. Adding extra square footage is about the cheapest, easiest way there is to increase a property’s market value, so it is applied liberally without any apparent attempt to make the additional space particularly useful. The final product is almost always a bulky conglomeration

of parts without cohesion — a success, by industry standards, where over­sized invariably equals big profits.

Even when left to certified architects, the design of our homes can some­times be less than sensible. Too frequently, a licensed architect’s self-per­ceived need for originality takes precedence over the real needs of his or her clients. Common sense is abandoned for frivolous displays of talent. Where a straight gable would make the most sense, a less savvy architect will throw in a few cantilevers and an extra dormer, just for show. Subtractive design is abandoned for hopes of personal recognition and for what is likely to be a very leaky house. Common sense is an inherent part of all great architecture. Sadly, this crucial resource has become anything but common in the creation of residential America.

Certainly the most famous example of those whose aspirations for a good name took precedence over good design was Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright was fond of innovative methods and extravagant forms. Those novel houses that once earned him recognition as a peerless innovator have since earned him another kind of reputation. Leaks are a part of many Wright houses. Wright has become infamous not only for his abundant drips but for his im­pudent dismissal of their significance. "If the roof doesn’t leak,” he professed, "the architect hasn’t been creative enough.” And to those clients who dared to complain about seepage, he would repeatedly quip, "That’s how you can tell it’s a roof.”

Subtractive design is integral to, and nearly synonymous with, vernacular design. Both entail planning a home that will satisfy its inhabitants’ domestic needs without far exceeding them. This is also what is known as common sense. When applied to buildings, the word "vernacular” in fact means "com­mon”: that is to say "ordinary” and "of the people.” In contrast to housing that is made by professionals for profit or fame, vernacular housing is designed by ordinary folks simply striving to house themselves by the most proven and effective means available.

Webster’s defines vernacular as "architectural expression employing the commonest forms, materials, and decorations” (Webster’s Third New Inter­national Dictionary, G. and C. Merriam Co. 1966. p. 2544). If a particular type of roof works better than any other, then that is what is used. In short, vernacular architecture is not the product of invention, but of evolution—its parts plucked from the great global stew pot of common knowledge and com­mon forms. Anything is fair game so long as it has been empirically proven to work well and withstand the test of time. By using only tried-and-true forms and building practices, such design successfully avoids the multitude of post­occupancy problems typical of more "innovative” architecture.

The vernacular home does not preclude modern conveniences. There are, after all, better ways to insulate these days than with buffalo skins. The ver­nacular designer appropriates the best means currently available to meet human needs, but, technology is, of course, employed only where it will en­hance the quality of life within a dwelling and not cause undue burden.

Mendocino gable (right)

Roof and Floor Framing

Solid beams, round logs, or 2X joisting are commonly used for shorter roof spans. Man­ufactured trusses, typically made of compos­ite wood products and assembled into profiles engineered for strength, are commonly used for longer spans. They have several advantages over solid lumber. They are less expensive, use wood resources more efficiently, have greater span capabilities, provide a deep pocket for roof insulation, and can be fabricated with a built-in slope for flat roof application.

Truss joists, commonly called TJIs, are manufactured beams containing either ply­wood or dimensional lumber for top and

Подпись: Ceiling framing components.
Roof and Floor Framing

bottom chords, and either plywood or press – board for the webs. Because they are a very cost-effective way to frame large spans, truss joists are widely used in residential construc­tion. The members are subjected to heat dur­ing manufacturing, which helps cure them, reducing the quantity of VOCs they emit into a new home. A small amount of formaldehyde remains. In new home construction, the cu­mulative effect of several low emissions can add up to unacceptable levels. Where an air­tight gypsum board assembly or air barrier is applied between the structure and the living space, these fumes will be fairly insignificant. If there is still concern, however, the TJIs can be sealed. BIN Primer Sealer is particularly good for this purpose because the white color allows you to visually inspect the job and make sure everything has been well coated. Another option is to use open-web roof trusses with dimensional lumber for the top and bottom chords and webs, thereby avoiding the use of pressboard entirely.

Special Procedures for Interior Garage Walls

Ideally, to prevent harmful automobile fumes from entering the home the garage should not share walls with it. If this is not possible, a series of extra procedures should be followed:

• Follow procedures for airtight gypsum board installation (as outlined in Divi­sion 9) between garage and home.

• Apply Type X gypboard to garage walls per code.

• Use a solid core, weatherstripped door between home and garage.

• Thoroughly seal the door sill with one of the sealants listed in Division 7.

• Make all electrical penetrations in the wall airtight. (See section on gasketed electrical boxes in Division 16.)

• Seal and tape any plumbing penetrations between garage and home with aluminum tape.

• Provide automatic mechanical exhaust ventilation in the garage as outlined in Division 15.



Interior-grade plywood and particleboard are typically used for subflooring in standard con­struction. Urea-formaldehyde glues are used to bond the wood during manufacturing. This is a concentrated, volatile form of formalde­hyde that contributes significantly to indoor air pollution. In addition, the subflooring may then be attached to the framing underneath with solvent-based glues that will also con­tribute to the pollution level.

Solid wood, as well as the cementitious subfloor sheeting more commonly used in commercial building, can be considerably more expensive, but exterior-grade plywood can substitute for interior-grade plywood for only a small increase in cost. While exterior – grade plywood contains less-volatile phenol – based formaldehyde glues, it will still release significant amounts of formaldehyde into the air when new. Airing out the wood by cross­stacking it onsite is better than installing it im­mediately after delivery. Sealing the wood af­ter it has been aired out will provide the most protection against toxic fumes and this extra step may be taken for chemically sensitive in­dividuals. We suggest the following specifica­tions for healthier subfloor installation: [8]

• structural cementitous sheeting

• їх finish floor boards laid parallel to walls over ix subfloor laid diagonally to walls may be a good solution when a finished wood floor is desired; verify for proper span conditions with the archi­tect or engineer

• exterior-grade plywood that has been aired out; may be sealed with BIN Pri­mer Sealer or another acceptable sealer on all six sides for extra protection for chemically sensitive individuals


The science of hydrology is concerned with the estimation of the intensity of rainfall, the
distribution of the flow of the rainwater over the land, and the determination of the flow quan-
tity (peak and total) that eventually reaches some specified point, the “point of solution.”

Of primary concern to the highway engineer is the frequency of occurrence of the peak discharge. Although many methods for determining runoff have been proposed over the years, making an accurate prediction is difficult, because of the many and varying para­meters that contribute to the complexity of the problem. These parameters include the affected drainage area, the rainfall intensity, the time of concentration of the rainfall, and the percent of the rainfall that will actually reach the point of solution. In addition to the difficulty in forecasting flows due to the inaccuracies in measuring and predicting the above parameters, different techniques that are commonly used to predict flows may pro­duce significantly different results for a specific site and situation.

The objective of hydrologic analysis is to estimate the quantity of runoff for which a specific hydraulic structure must be designed. The magnitude of the study must be propor­tional to the risks involved. Those risks include the potential for damage to the roadway and adjacent property and the importance of the roadway in the transportation system.

Harmony of simplicity in a bathroom

Many people like a Japanese miniatyurizm where there is nothing excessive, and the preference is given to natural materials and usual forms. Perhaps, the similar design is more necessary at registration of bathrooms. In – 1-x, there we deal with a limited place, in – 2-x, in the course of clarification of soul and a body of scenery to anything. For Continue reading

Working with Brick

Common brick-related repairs include repoint­ing mortar joints, repairing chimney tops, rebuilding chimneys and fireboxes, and cleaning bricks. You may also have to repair or add flash­ing where the chimney meets the roof, as shown in Chapter 5. Less common repairs include filling openings after the removal of doors or windows. If you want to create an opening to a brick wall, leave that to a structural engineer and a licensed and insured mason.

To conserve resources and get the best­looking results, respect existing masonry. Match existing bricks and mortar as closely as possible, including the thickness of mortar joints.

When repointing brick, choose a mortar of appropriate strength.


Of the many types of brick available, renovation calls mainly for building brick, also called com­mon brick. Building brick is classified according to its weathering grade: SW (severe weathering), MW (moderate weathering), and NW (nonweath­ering). SW grade should be used where brick­work will be below grade—that is, in contact with the soil and hence subject to freezing in cold climates. Use SW on all floors, whether indoor or outdoor. MW grade is used indoors or on exteriors above grade. NW is used only indoors, though not as flooring.

Standard-size brick is nominally 8 in. by 4 in. by 233 in.; but it is actually 7% in. by 358 in. by 2!4 in., to accommodate mortar joints 3з8 in. thick. Thus three courses of brick (and mortar) will be 8 in. high.

Brick is also named according to its position­ing, whether it is laid on its face, end, or side. Stretcher and header are the most common place­ments, with rowlock patterns often being used to finish courses beneath windowsills or to cap the tops of walls where coping isn’t used.

In masonry work, the word bond has several different meanings. Mortar bond denotes the adhesion of brick (or block) to mortar. Structural bond refers to the joining or interlocking of indi­vidual units to form a structural whole. If there are two wythes (pronounced w-EYE-ths) of brick
(a double wall), the wythes may be bonded struc­turally by steel ties, or by header bricks mortared into both wythes, or by grout poured into the cavity between the two wythes. Finally, pattern bond indicates brick placement, as shown in "Bond Patterns,” on p. 186.

If you’re laying up a typical brick pattern— say, running bond—you will need about 63з4 bricks per square foot of wall; figure 7 bricks per square

I Bricklaying Terms_______

Подпись: TIPПодпись: To determine how clean aggregate is, put about 2 in. in a quart jar and nearly fill the jar with clean water. Shake the jar. If there's a layer of silt V8 in. or more floating on the water, wash the entire load of aggre-gate carefully or get a new load. Because seashore sand is coated with salt and its particles have been ground smooth by water action, never use it as an aggregate. 1111 Подпись: I Brick Names Based on Positioningimage377"Two wythes



Подпись:Подпись: RunningПодпись: Roman thirdПодпись:Подпись: Flemish Подпись: Running, common, Roman third, Flemish, and Dutch cross-bond are stronger because their head joints are staggered.foot in order to have enough extra for waste. As you handle bricks, inspect each for soundness. All should be free of crumbling and structurally significant cracks. When struck with a trowel, bricks should ring sharp and true.


You should wet bricks before using them so they won’t absorb moisture from the mortar mix. Hose down the brick pile once a day (more often in hot, dry weather), but don’t overdo it. If the bricks become too wet, they will slide around on the mortar bed.

Cutting bricks. Wear goggles when cutting bricks. If you’re cutting across brick faces, rent a brick cutter, a levered tool that cuts easily. Otherwise, cut bricks by hand.

An experienced mason can score and cut bricks with only a trowel, but you’ll probably find that a brick set works better. Placing the

1 г


II 1


1 г


II 1




1 II


II 1



Jl____ II


1 ІГ


II 1

1 II


II 1

1 II


II 1

1 II


II 1

1 II


II 1

1____ IL

___ IL

___ II___ 1


1 ІГ


II 1

1 ІГ


II 1


1 ІГ


II 1

Dutch cross-bond

□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□ Stacked header

brick on a bed of sand makes the brick less likely to jump when you strike the brick set. After marking the cut-line on the face of the brick, hold the brick set perpendicular to the brick and strike it with a 4-lb. hand sledge. Because the edge of the brick set is beveled on one side, keep the bevel on the waste side of the line. You can also use a mason’s hammer as shown in the top photo at right, controlling the cut by using the hammer point to score entire­ly around the brick. Then rap the scored line sharply to break the brick.

Kevin E. White, P. E

Principal Hydraulic Engineer
E. L. Robinson Engineering
Columbus, Ohio

A properly designed highway requires a well-designed drainage system. This requires a determination of the quantity of runoff reaching the drainage structures and an accurate analysis of water flow through the structures in order to properly size them. Also, a working knowledge of structural characteristics of buried pipe systems and effects of environmental factors is necessary to provide for long-term performance. Timely inspection and maintenance of drainage facilities will ensure satisfactory service life. If all of these issues are properly addressed, an efficient drainage system can be devel­oped. Because a large percentage of highway funds is spent on culverts, storm drains, and other drainage facilities, it is incumbent upon the engineer to use funds wisely and create an efficient drainage system. Thus, the roadway and adjacent property will be protected without wasting taxpayers’ money.

This chapter includes a review of fundamental hydrology considerations and runoff estimation, fundamentals of the hydraulics of open-channel flow, and design considera­tions and methods for the various components of highway drainage. The design, construc­tion, and service life of both flexible and rigid pipe are addressed, as well as rehabilitation and maintenance. The range of products is broad, extending from small-diameter drainage pipe to long-span structures that may be used for the replacement of short-span bridges. Article 5.6 may be referred to for a general description of the major products available.


In recognition of the serious potential destructive effects of earthquakes, AASHTO specifications contain comprehensive provisions for seismic design. Although earlier speci­fications contained some provisions, the more comprehensive provisions were not adopted until the 1980s. They were based on a detailed study by consultants who were specialists in that field, with review and participation by bridge engineers and design firms. The standards developed apply to conventional steel and concrete girder and box girder construction with spans up to 500 ft, but do not cover suspension, cable – stayed, arch-type, and movable bridges.

Bridges and components designed to the AASHTO seismic provisions may suffer damage under severe seismic events, but should have a low probability of collapse due to ground shaking. The general philosophy adopted in the development was

• Small to moderate events should be resisted elastically without significant damage.

• Realistic seismic ground motion intensities should be used in design.

• Large events should not cause bridge collapse, and damage that occurs should be

readily detectable and repairable.

Seismic performance categories are assigned on the basis of a ground acceleration coefficient for the site determined from a contour map of the United States, and an importance classification of “critical,” “essential,” or “other.” Different degrees of design complexity are specified, depending on the seismic performance category. Each bridge is assigned to one of four seismic zones, and one of four different site coefficients is applied to approximate the effects of the site conditions (soil profile) on the response. Lateral forces and displacements may be determined from a single-mode spectral analysis, a multimode spectral analysis, or more rigorous procedures. Elastic response is assumed in the analysis, but forces are adjusted with response modification factors. The lateral forces are applied in orthogonal directions in combination to account for the directional uncertainty of earthquake motions. An important require­ment specifies the minimum length of the bearing seat supporting the expansion ends of girders, determined as a function of the span length and the height of the supporting columns. Foundation design is also treated.

Seismic retrofit is a major consideration for older structures, particularly in the western United States. Serious distress and collapse of some bridges in California during the Loma Prieta (1989) and Northridge (1994) earthquakes received wide publicity. However, the problem structures were generally those designed and constructed to earlier standards. Where bridges were built according to modern methods, problems were minimal. Problems included failure of reinforced-concrete rigid-frame supports, failure of reinforced-concrete columns, columns punching through decks, and collapse of a structural steel span where the longitudinal displacement was excessive.

Active programs are in place to retrofit older structures to current criteria, but it is a massive undertaking that requires several years to accomplish. Some of the tech­niques being applied include (1) increasing the length of the seats for the bearings to provide a greater tolerance for longitudinal displacements, (2) adding cable restraints and hold-down devices at supports and hinges to restrict excessive movement and keep members in place, (3) adding spiral reinforcing steel and steel jackets or composite overwraps to strengthen concrete column piers, (4) replacing obsolete bearings with energy-dissipating types having lead cores or shock absorbers, and (5) adding founda­tion tie-down rods inserted into holes drilled into the soil. In the Northridge earthquake, several structures that had recently been retrofitted survived intact, giving confidence to the retrofit program. Retrofitting is not limited to the west but is under way in other parts of the United States as well.


In the design of a new bridge, provision must be made for maintenance inspection. For example, plate girders can be provided with safety handrails, safety railings can be specified on top of wide piers for inspectors to check bearings, and safety ladders can be installed to provide access to elements of the bridge otherwise difficult to reach. For deck-type bridges of moderate span and width, it will be possible to access the superstructure from special bridge inspection vehicles operating on the deck. For longer spans where the depth of girder exceeds the vertical capacity of a boom, and for wider bridges where the horizontal reach of the boom is not adequate, it may be necessary to provide catwalks or permanent movable inspection platforms. These devices are becoming increasingly popular as inspection and maintenance require­ments are given the attention they deserve in the design process.

4.16 SCOUR

Stream scour can undermine bridge piers or abutments, resulting in collapse of spans and loss of life. Several such incidents, including collapses in Alabama, New York (Schoharie Creek bridge on the New York Thruway, 1987), and Tennessee, caused FHWA to mandate the evaluation of all highway bridges for scour vulnerability by 1997.

An insidious aspect of scour is that soil around a foundation can be removed and rede­posited during a flood without leaving clear evidence that this has occurred, so that material may be present but may not provide the required support. Beyond surveying the stream bot­tom for local lowering of the flow line and inspecting around the pier by visual, manual, and remote means, current techniques for determining whether a loss of support has occurred are limited. They include physical probing and use of ground-penetrating radar.

Bridge scour evaluation requires input from hydraulic engineers as well as from structural and geotechnical engineers. Following the determination of a total scour prism, all three disciplines should be involved in providing structural stability.

Scour Study. A scour study at an existing bridge will include some or all of the following:

• A channel bottom physical inspection

• A channel bottom topographic inspection

• A localized scour evaluation conducted around each substructure element

• Photographic or video recording of observations

• Hydraulic analysis

• Soils investigation including laboratory testing

Hydraulic Analysis. In the hydraulic analysis, depth of scour is calculated for 100-year and 500-year floods. Inclusion of the 500-year flood calculation reflects a change of thinking in regard to bridge hydraulics that has taken place in the last 20 or 30 years. Previously, it was thought acceptable to have a very small percentage of bridges wash out in a severe flood, and if this did not occur the hydraulic design requirements were considered excessive. The current thinking is that a complete washout should be avoid­ed, even in very extreme floods because total cost of a bridge failure would be more than design for scour. A difficulty in implementing this policy, as in earthquake engi­neering, is that the hydrologic database has been developed over a relatively short period of time in the United States.

AASHTO LRFD specifications require the bridge foundations to be investigated for the following two conditions:

• 100-year design flood for scour or an overtopping flood of lesser recurrence interval

at strength and service limit states

• 500-year check flood for scour or an overtopping flood of lesser recurrence interval

at extreme event limit state

AASHTO Model Drainage Manual contains guidance on design procedures and computer software for hydrologic and hydraulic design.

A series of hydraulic analysis computer programs are available to assist in scour analysis. They include HEC-18, Evaluating Scour at Bridges; HEC-20, Stream Stability at Highway Structures; HEC-23, Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures; HEC-RAS, River Analysis System; HY-8, Culvert Hydraulics Analysis; and FHWA’s water surface modeling program, WSPRO. These programs are primarily for inland streams. In coastal areas, tidal velocities and hurricane surge velocities may also cause scour. To perform the hydraulic analyses for these condi­tions, it may be necessary to obtain data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and to use other analysis techniques.

Soils Investigation. The objective of the soils investigation is to determine whether and to what degree the soils are subject to being eroded. Grain size is of particular interest.

Countermeasures. Where a potential for undermining is found, countermeasures will be required to ensure the stability of the bridge. Countermeasures include riprap, poured-concrete protective aprons with keyed edges, cabled-concrete sections, pre­cast-concrete units, rock-filled basket mattresses, and protective piles or sheet-piling. In the case of new bridges, where more opportunities for preventing scour exist, some of the available options are a larger waterway opening that reduces stream velocity, location of piers out of the scour-vulnerable zone, use of deeper piles, and selection of a different pier shape.

Design Information on Plans for New Bridges. Information from the scour analysis for a new bridge should be placed on the construction drawings so that a permanent record of scour estimates, and their effect on design, is readily available for future inspections and for improvement of this design process.