The great libraries of the Abbasids

Two grand libraries flourished under the Abbasids. They were motivated by the same goals as the ancient libraries of Alexandria and Pergamon: the prestige of the sovereign and the attraction to scholars from everywhere. The grand library of Baghdad, the Bayt al-hikma was developed under the reign of Haroun al-Rashid (786 – 809). It benefited from the latter’s acquisition of ancient Greek works from the court of Constantinople, a practice continued by his successor al-Mamun (813 – 833). A strong memory of the belle epoch of these rich libraries persisted in the 15th century:

“The caliphs and the sovereigns had a lively interest in the grand libraries and paid close atten­tion to them, enabling them to acquire beautiful and numerous collections. It is said that the greatest libraries of Islam were the following three: the library of the Abbasid caliphs of Baghdad, […], the library of the Fatamide caliphs of Cairo […] and the library of the Umeyyade caliphs of Spain.”[324]

The influence of the Baghdad library begins to fade when the capital is relocated to Samarra in 836. But Alexandria, Antioch, Edhessa, Haran, and Nisibia remain great intellectual centers.

Finite Difference Method

The finite difference method doesn’t postulate explicitly any specific shape of the unknown field. As we are concerned with partial differential equations, exact deriva­tives are replaced by an approximation based on neighbouring values of the un­known (still denoted as p):

P,+1 – Pi-1

W/, 2L

where the subscript i denotes the cell number and L denotes the cell size. For an orthogonal mesh, such derivatives are easily generalised to variable cell dimen­sions. However, non-orthogonal meshes pose problems that are highly difficult to solve and are generally not used. Boundary conditions have then to be modelled by the juxtaposition of orthogonal cells, giving a kind of stepped edge for oblique or curved boundaries. Similarly, local refinement of the mesh induces irreducible global refinement. These aspects are the most prominent drawbacks of the finite difference method compared to the finite element one. On the other hand computing time is generally much lower with finite differences then with finite elements.

Patching Holes and Punctures

It is not necessary to repair each hole in a sign. When a hole does not damage the mes­sage or symbol and does not create the impression of a sloppy sign, then repair may not be needed. The following procedures can be used to make field repairs on signs.

Retroreflective Aluminum Sign Panels

• Remove all damaged background sheeting and legend. Usually this means about 1 in (25 mm) from the edge of the hole. A retractable-blade knife is a useful tool for this.

• Straighten the sign (flatten out the hole puncture nipple area) using a ball peen hammer and a flat surface (truck bed, trailer bed, or a fender dolly).

• Remove any additional sheeting damaged during straightening.

• Clean the entire area with xylol; then apply varnish maker’s and painter’s (VM&P) naphtha.

• Patch the hole or puncture on both sides of the sign backing material using 3M Company No. 425 UAL aluminum foil tape or equal. Use a squeegee to apply firm pressure on both sides of the sign. On large holes, start placing the foil at the bot­tom of the hole, overlapping each strip about f4 in (6 mm) in shingle fashion as you move up, and cover the hole area.

• Apply retroreflective background sheeting, extending it at least L in (13 mm) beyond the foil tape strips.

• Replace damaged legend with die-cut, pressure-sensitive, prespaced letters, borders, or symbols and firmly squeegee them into place.

• Seal edge of new background sheeting and legend with 3M Company No. 700 edge sealer or equal. If the sign is subject to snow burial and replacement sheeting extends to the edge of sign, place 3M Company transparent film (No. 639 or equal) along that top edge.

Instead of making small patches to signs with holes, a portable double-roller unit for applying a full-sized sign face to a sign blank in the field can be used. After patching the holes, remove the paper material protecting the adhesive backing. Carefully align the new sign face sheet with one edge of the sign blank and spread the new sign face over the sign blank as smoothly as possible by hand. Then crank the sign blank with new sign face through the portable roller unit to properly pressure-seat the new sign face. Seal the edge of the new sheeting if necessary.

Retroreflective Plywood Panel Signs

• Remove all loose wood on both sides of the sign and all damaged sheeting.

• Fill holes with wood filler, let the surface set, and sand smooth if you think the holes need to be filled for a field repair. Allow filler to harden. Small holes can be covered by foil tape without filling.

• Wipe areas with clean cloth.

• Cover holes on both sides of the plywood sign blank with 3M Company No. 425 UAL aluminum foil tape or equal. Apply firm pressure to the tape on both sides of the plywood sign back using a squeegee. On large holes, start placing the foil at the bottom of the hole, overlapping each strip about 1/4 in (6 mm) in shingle fashion as you move up and cover the hole area.

• Apply retroreflective background sheeting, extending it at least У2 in (13 mm) beyond the foil tape strips on the face of the sign.

• In the area covered by the patching, replace any damaged legend with die-cut, pressure – sensitive, prespaced letters, borders, or symbols and firmly squeegee them in place.

• Seal edge of new background sheeting and legend with 3M Company No. 700 edge sealer or equal. If the sign is subject to snow burial and replacement sheeting extends to the top edge of the sign, place 3M Company transparent film (No. 639 or equal) along the top edge.

• Lightly spray a sealing film of flat black enamel paint (use an aerosol can) over the aluminum foil tape covering the holes on the back of the sign panel. Be careful to keep paint off the front sign face, because paint will destroy the night retroreflec – tion. If your agency paints plywood sign backs some color other than black, use an appropriate color if possible.

Space-Saving Walls

To conserve space, builders often attach 1×3 furring strips to basement walls. These strips help secure insulation and provide a base for attaching drywall. But furring strips are viable only if the foundation walls are dry and relatively plumb and flat. If foundation walls are lumpy and off-plumb, a stud wall erected inside the foun­dation is the only way to create a flat plane for finish materials.

Подпись: of the rim joists. Then insulate the rim joists with rigid insulation or encapsulated (poly- wrapped) fiberglass batts. ► Lumber in direct contact with masonry walls or floors should be pressure-treated; relatively benign biocides in pressure-treated wood include alkaline copper quat (ACQ) and copper boron azole (CBA). If you use non- treated furring strips, prevent rotted ends by keeping the bottoms of the vertical strips 1/2 in. above concrete floors. ► Don’t place fiberglass or cellulose next to masonry walls because fibrous materials will retain moisture and foster mold. In basements and crawl spaces, closed-cell XPS panels are a better choice because they are impermeable to and unaffected by moisture. Open-cell XPS is Fortunately, not all stud walls guzzle space. Lightweight steel studs are only 15/ in. deep; but, as noted in Chapter 4, they can be quirky to work with. The third option, flat-framing, is a winner: Rotate 2×4 studs 90° so that their broad side faces the foundation wall and use 2×2 plates at top and bottom. Because modern 2x4s are actually 1V2 in. by 31/ in., a flat-framed wall is only 11/ in. deep, and the 3V2-in. faces give you plenty of surface for screwing on drywall. Besides, unlike skimpy furring strips, 2x4s won’t split.

Space-Saving Walls


Where winters are less severe, it’s

In cold climates, avoid thermal breaks by butting rigid-insulation panels together and sealing seams with builder’s tape.

acceptable to have thermal breaks between insulation panels. Use power – actuated nails or concrete screws to attach furring strips directly to masonry walls. See the wall-top details shown in the drawing at left.


This old 1930-era forced-hot-air system has asbestos-insulated ducts and a gas burner that guzzled fuel in the dead of winter.


The induced-draft, condensing gas furnace that replaced the old one (above) is much smaller (note the duct holes of the old furnace) and achieved 95 percent fuel efficiency.

also acceptable in sub floor areas but, as noted earlier, open-cell foams are more permeable and will allow moisture to migrate.

Mold grows on paper-faced drywall, so don’t use it in basements. Instead, use paper­less drywall such as Fiberock®, Humitek™, and DensArmor™. Cement board, such as WonderBoard® and HardiBacker®, is com­pletely impervious to water, but it is expensive and requires more work to install. Consider running a 12-in. band of cement board along the bottom of the walls to prevent moisture absorption through the basement floors, and then use something less expensive above it, as shown in the drawings on the facing page.

Cold climates. In cold climates, basement wall insulation should be continuous; in other words, there should be no thermal breaks. To achieve this continuity, use construction adhesive to adhere XPS panels directly to the foundation or to a vapor barrier adhered to the walls, if required by code. To find an adhesive that’s chemically compatible with rigid-foam panels, read the product literature for both materials. As you install the panels, butt their edges tightly together and cover the joints with builder’s tape.

Подпись: Rigid-metal duct (left) offers the least resistance to airflow; seal its joints and insulate the runs through unheated areas. Flexible insulated ducts, such as Wire Flex™ (center), and Aluma Flex™ (right) don't need fittings to make turns; but Wire Flex can be punctured. Aluma Flex offers a good balance of strength and flexibility.

If space is tight in the basement, flat-frame a 2×4 wall 16-in. on center, with 2×2 top and bottom plates. Use a powder-actuated nailer or concrete screws to secure the bottom plate to a concrete floor. (Wear ear and eye protection.) Use wood screws to attach the top plate to the first-floor joists or, where joists run parallel, to 2×4 nailers inserted between the floor joists and rim joists. (Predrill holes for the concrete screws.)

Installing 2-in. panels of XPS will yield an R-10 rating. In very cold climates, you might want add 1 f2-in. panels between the studs of the new 2×4 wall as well, creating a composite rating of R-17.5 for the two layers.

Moderate climates. In moderate climates, ther­mal breaks in the basement walls are acceptable. So you can attach vertical furring strips directly to the masonry walls, using powder-actuated nails or concrete screws, and then place foam panels between the strips. Use pressure-treated wood. Because conventional 1×3 furring strips are only 14 in. thick, use 2x2s or 2x4s on-face instead, spac­ing them 16 in. on center. If there’s a possibility that they could wick moisture from the basement floor, keep the furring strips 1 h in. above floors.

Triaxial Dynamic Compression Test

A concept similar to side supported creep tests applies to the triaxial dynamic com­pression test. In this method, a specimen is subjected to compression with lateral support. This method has been widely regarded as one of the most accurate, reflect­ing the state of stress in a loaded pavement. Moreover, it enables the measurement of parameters of an asphalt mixture used for the analysis of pavement viscoelasticity (Huurman, 2000). Undoubtedly, it is a recommended method for testing rut resis­tance. It is described in EN 12697-25 as method B.

12.1.3 Wheel-Tracking Test

The best known direct tests for resistance to deformation are wheel-tracking tests, conducted with special devices. There are many types of them, such as European devices (according to EN 12697-22), the Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Device, and the APA.

The European standard EN 12697-22 classifies the rutting equipment into small devices and large devices.

According to Table B.5 in EN 13108-20 (the standard that regulates the methods for asphalt mixture type testing), the small device method (testing in air) has application in testing SMA. It is meant for pavement courses subjected to loads less than 13 tons per truck axle. Pavements subjected to loads heavier than 13 tons per axle are tested in a large device. More information on that subject can be found in Chapter 14.


Although it is not ideal in all climates or seasons, a whole-house fan can be a very attractive alter­native to air-conditioning. A simple fan is more reliable and less expensive than a single window – mounted AC unit, and it can effectively cool an entire house. As shown in the illustration at right, the principle is simple: A single, centrally located fan pulls in fresh air through open windows and blows hot indoor air outside. By turning the fan on in the evening and opening all major windows, it’s possible to quickly cool a house that has become hot during the day.

These fans work best in dry climates, or at least when the air is cool and dry outdoors. In the winter, when the fan is not being used, it must be protected with an insulated cover to prevent heated air from entering the attic space. I make a simple cover from plywood and then glue several layers of rigid foam to the top and sides.




– Ridge vent


Gable vents –






A fan pulls in cool night air through the windows and pushes hot air that has built up during the day through the gable-end or ridge vents.


Insulated fan cover for winter months


Placed in a central

location, a whole – house fan can cool a small house quickly.





A WHOLE-HOUSE EXHAUST FANПодпись:Подпись: Growing up, Jill and her family moved frequently, but when Jill met her husband, a member of the Pascua Yaqui Native American tribe with extensive family in Arizona, she figured she was in Tucson to stay. Finding a home to live in, however, was challenging. “A lot of people are selling their homes in California and New Mexico and coming here," she says. “They're only building houses for $300,000 and up, but the wages around here haven't moved. Even some middle-income families are having a hard time." Подпись: After struggling with illness due to mold and allergy contaminants in their apartment, Jill has found her new Habitat house to be a place of rest and dreams for the future. “It's our nest, our place where we're going to grow old together, a place to call our own. I call it our perfect little nest." —Rebekah Daniel Подпись:

stifr Habitat

"f 11 for Humanity


Polyethylene sheeting is also commonly used as a vapor barrier. Thin (6 mil), clear “poly” sheet material is stapled to the face of studs, attic joists, and (on cathedral ceilings) rafters. The barrier is kept continuous by overlapping adjoining sheets and sealing the overlap with silicone or another sealant.

It’s much easier to describe what a vapor barrier does than to explain why it is essential in some situations but not in others. I once had to tear out an entire wall that had rotted because the house had no vapor barrier. There was so much water trapped in the walls that you could literally wring it out of the insula­tion. A vapor barrier would have prevented such damage.

To understand why and where a vapor bar­rier is important, imagine what happens when someone takes a long, hot shower in your home when it’s freezing cold outside. The bathroom is foggy with water vapor, and some of that warm, humid air makes its way into the attic and the exterior walls. The air can easily pass through openings around electrical outlets and light fixtures and even through the gypsum board itself, which absorbs moisture readily. At some point, the temperature in the attic and the exterior walls drops enough to cause condensa­tion. This dew point can occur in the middle of the attic or wall insulation or against roof and wall sheathing. Over the course of a cold winter, a steady supply of moist interior air can easily accumulate, causing soggy insulation, mold, and rotten wood.

A vapor barrier prevents the movement of vapor from a warm area to a cold surface. In cold climates, it should definitely be installed right underneath the drywall, paneling, or other interior wall finish material. Instructions for installing a poly vapor barrier are provided in the next section.

Vapor barriers are often eliminated in warm climates, especially in areas of low humidity, such as the Southwest. But you may want to consider installing a vapor barrier beneath the exterior siding if the house will be exposed to

warm, moist air outdoors and frequent air­conditioning indoors.

In mixed-climate zones—the region that extends from the mid-Atlantic states through the Carolinas and west by southwest to northern Texas—the need for a vapor barrier is minimal. In those regions, where mild winters are the rule, any moisture that does enter the wall cavities can dry from the outside in during the summer and from the inside out during the winter.

Installing a polyethylene vapor barrier

To work effectively, a vapor barrier must be installed with care. Even the smallest holes in a poly or kraft-paper vapor barrier must be sealed with housewrap tape or its equivalent. Use a durable, high-quality tape; neither duct tape nor packing tape will hold over the long run.

A friend of mine is a carpenter in Fairbanks, Alaska. They’re serious about vapor barriers up there. They cut sheets of poly from rolls that are 10 ft. to 20 ft. wide and 100 ft. long, covering the entire ceiling and all the exterior walls (on the inside). They even make sure to put poly behind a bathtub installed against an exterior wall.

In any given room, there are two steps to installing a poly vapor barrier. This isn’t a job you want to do solo; have helpers so that some can spread the sheet out over framing members while others staple it fast. You can begin as soon as all the insulation is in place.

1. Install the ceiling poly. Cut a piece of poly to fit the ceiling. If you have to use several pieces, make sure they overlap by at least one joist (or rafter, if you’re working on a cathe­dral ceiling). Seal overlaps with a layer of mastic, acoustical sealant, or housewrap tape. At the edges of the ceiling, the poly should lap at least 3 in. down onto the walls. Begin stapling the poly to the joists or joist chords in the center of the room and work out toward the walls. My friend staples about 12 in. o. c. through small, precut squares of heavy paper. This keeps the poly from tearing. Fit the poly


Seal the vapor barrier to an outlet box. A bead of caulk seals a poly vapor barrier around the rim of an outlet box to reduce air infiltration and maintain a continuous vapor barrier. [Photo by Scott Gibson, courtesy Fine Homebuilding magazine © The Taunton Press, Inc.]

tightly into all corners so the drywall will go on easily. The drywall holds the poly tight against the studs and insulation.

2. Install poly on the walls. Make this sheet continuous so that it laps over the ceiling poly along the wall’s top plate and extends past the bottom plate to lap about 3 in. onto the subfloor surface. First staple the sheet along the top plate, working from the upper center of the wall and down and out to the edges of the wall. If you need to join one sheet of poly to another, overlap them by at least one stud and seal the lap as described previously.

You can sheet right over door and window
openings, then cut openings in the poly after it’s


Loose-fill insulation—usually cellulose—can be blown in at low pressure to supplement existing attic insulation or pumped into wall cavities at high pressures to achieve a dense pack that’s virtually airtight. Before insulating, be sure to review earlier sections of this chapter on sealing air leaks, correcting excess moisture, and block­ing insulation to keep it away from potential ignition sources such as chimneys and unrated recessed lights. Also keep insulation away from knob-and-tube wiring that’s still energized (see Chapter 11 for more information about this old wiring).

Equipment. You can rent insulation blowers and hoses. And some suppliers will loan the equip­ment free if you buy the insulation from them. If you’re loose-filling an attic in a two – or three – story house or dense packing insulation in walls,
you’ll need a more powerful machine, usually wired for 240 volts or 120/240 volts. Almost all pumping units require two workers, one to feed insulation into a hopper and the other to operate the hose. Consequently, most machines have a remote on/off switch so the hose operator can stop the blower as cavities fill up. A remote switch also allows you to shut off the blower at the first sign of a clogged hose. Most machines have adjustable gates or air inlets that control the air-insulation mixture. Have the equipment sup­plier explain safe operating procedures to both workers.

Units typically come with 3-in. corrugated plastic hoses whose sections join with steel cou­plings. If you’re blowing-in attic insulation at low pressure, 3-in. hoses can blow a lot of insulation quickly. (When filling large, open places such as attic floors, pump a low-air, insulation-rich mix.) When filling wall cavities at low pressure,

Подпись: Hoses often clog near the reducer. To clear a clog, remove the reducing nozzle, insert the end of the hose in a trash bag, and turn on the blower. If that doesn't work, rap the sides of the hose and use a stick to dig out whatever you can. installers typically use a 3-in. by 1-in. reducer to minimize the size of the holes they’ll need to patch later. However, when dense-packing cellu­lose into wall cavities, some professionals prefer to duct-tape a 5-ft. or 6-ft. length of 1-in. clear vinyl tubing to the end of the 3-in. hose.

Narrower hoses are easy to snake into tight spaces—you can feed them into the far reaches of a cavity—and they deliver insulation at greater velocity. Clear vinyl tubing also allows you to see if the insulation is flowing freely. Because nar­rower hoses are more likely to clog, run an air – rich, low-insulation mix through them. To clear clogs, blow air alone through the hoses.

In addition to a tight-fitting dust mask and eye protection, you’ll need a drill and drill bit (or hole saw) to drill into exterior sheathing, a flat bar to pry up siding, and a shingle ripper or a mini-hacksaw to cut through nail shanks if you’ve got wood siding. If there’s vinyl or aluminum sid­ing, you’ll also need a zip tool, which has a hook on one end, to lift the tops of the courses you want to remove and get access to the nails holding the siding strip. If the exterior is stucco, you’ll need a tungsten carbide hole saw to drill through it.


Blown-in installation is typically fed through a 3-in. hose that is reduced into a 1-in. nozzle, which is inserted into holes drilled in the siding. The remote switch draped over the end of the hose enables the operator to shut off the blower quickly, should a clog develop.

Prep work. When insulating from inside the house, first seal off the heating registers to keep insulation out of the ducts, and rent a commercial shop vacuum with a fine filter for cleanup. Before insulating, clear the room of furniture or cover it with plastic tarps. Important: Before drilling, turn off the elec­

trical power to the affected areas, and use a voltage tester (see p. 235) to make sure the power’s off.

Insulating open attics. You’ll want to avoid blocking the airflow from soffit vents; so before blowing insulation, install blocking or air chutes to hold the insulation back. If the attic joists are exposed, run planks across them so you can move safely around the attic. If you staple loca­tion flags to the joists, they can double as rough depth gauges as you add insulation. If the attic has floorboards (rather than plywood), pry them up in the center of the attic to expose the joists. Then blow insulation into the joist bays. It’s diffi­cult to blow insulation much farther than 4 ft., so remove boards every 8 ft. or so and feed in about


Подпись: Vermiculite is a small, pebble-like, gold or brown mineral fiber (colored rather like mica) that was widely used for insulation and soundproofing. A loose-fill material, it was often poured in attic floors. But vermiculite often contains asbestos. If you see it in your home, don't disturb it, for only an experienced asbestos-abatement contractor should remove it. Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Web site for more information (


Подпись: 4 ft. of the blower hose under the floorboards on both sides of the opening, gradually withdrawing the hose as the bays fill. Insulating closed walls. Blowing-in insulation is a dusty job, so do it from outside the building if possible. The task varies according to the siding you have. If you have wood, vinyl, or alu- Exploring Exterior Walls Before you order insulation and rent a blower, see if the exterior walls are already insulated. О You can explore them from inside the house by turning off the electrical power to a section of wall (use a voltage tester to be sure the power's off) and removing a section of baseboard. Use a utility knife to cut through a small section of plaster or drywall and look inside the wall. Or you can go outside and pry off a section of siding and drill a hole through the sheathing to see what's inside. If there's no insulation, you're good to go. In houses built in the 1940s and later, you may find anything from multiple layers of crinkly, tar-impregnated insulation paper to 1-in. or 2-in. fiberglass or mineral-wool batts. If wall cavities are less than half filled, you can probably insert 1-in. vinyl tubing into them and blow-in cellulose to improve heat retention. But if you wad up old batts as you try to push in tubing, blowing in more insulation probably won't be cost-effective: You'll have cold spots. Focus instead on adding attic insulation and sealing air leaks. If you find that the exterior walls are uninsulated, next explore to locate fire-stops (blocking between studs) and let-in braces running diagonally. A length of stiff insulated wire or flexible vinyl tubing makes a good probe. Typically, there will be one fire- stop per stud bay, thus dividing each bay into two cavities. You'll need to drill one hole in each cavity to fill it with insulation, so drill holes in the upper third of each cavity. Drilling toward the top of a cavity also minimizes the chances that you'll drill through electrical cables in exterior walls. Cables that run horizontally are usually 12 in.—the height to most receptacles—to 24 in. above finish interior floors. Finally, don't forget to drill into the stud bays above and below windows and above doors. image718minum siding, remove a course or two when you drill your exploratory holes toward the top of each wall cavity. It’s possible to drill through wood siding and plug it later; but it’s preferable to remove the wood siding, drill through the sheathing, and then replace the siding over the plugged sheathing. If there’s vinyl or aluminum siding, insert a zip tool under the top of the course you want to remove, and slide a flat bar under nails holding the siding strip. Then replace the siding after plugging the insulation holes.

If you have stucco siding, drill directly through it; stucco is tenacious and malleable so plugs will hold well and can be hidden easily by texturing patches to match the surrounding surface.

Ideally, the holes you drill should be slightly larger than the diameter of the insulation injector —the hose reducer or the vinyl tubing used to blow in insulation. If the injector is smaller than the hole, pressurized air escaping will roughly equalize the amount being blown in. If the holes and the injector are exactly sized, little air will escape and the wall cavity will quickly become so pressurized that you can’t blow in insulation. Conversely, if the holes are too large, insulation will be blowing all over the place and you’ll have larger holes to patch. So make the holes roughly ‘/ in. larger than the diameter of the injector.

As you blow cellulose into each drilled hole, cover the hole (and the inserted tube) loosely with a rag or a scrap of fiberglass insulation.

The rag will allow pressurized air to escape but will prevent the cellulose from blowing out.

As the insulation starts becoming densely packed, the insulation flowing through it will slow. When a cavity is almost full, it will become so airtight that it will block the flow of additional insulation, causing the blower to whine. (If you stick your index finger into the hole of a filled cavity, it will meet resistance similar to that of poking a middle-aged stomach.) After filling a few cavities, you’ll get a sense of how much insu­lation you need to fill each one, and the blower’s whine will become familiar. At that point, use the remote on/off to shut off the blower and allow the pressure in the hose to subside. Then pull out the injector and go on to the next cavity.

Note: If you insert clear vinyl tubing all the way into cavities to dense-pack them, gradually pull back the tubing 8 in. to 12 in. as each starts to fill and the insulation flow slows.

Plugging the holes. After each cavity is filled, plug the holes in sheathing with precut beveled wood plugs or corks. (Your insulation supplier should have them in stock.) Smear exterior-grade polyurethane glue around the edges of each plug, and use a hammer and a scrap block to drive the

Подпись: o THINGS TO BE AWARE OFimage719Подпись: If you blow-in insulation too densely, you can cause the interior drywall to bulge. So as you fill the first few stud bays, have someone monitor the drywall or plaster surfaces for nail pops, cracks, and bulges. Such excessive pressure isn't common, but it can happen. Second, if a cavity takes forever to fill, either the hose is clogged or the cavity has an opening, and you're pumping cellulose into a nearby cabinet or crawl space. To clear clogs, disconnect the last hose coupling, shut off the insulation feed, and blow air through the hose. If insulation is flowing and the cavity's still not filling, shut off the blower, find the escape hole and plug it. plugs flush to the sheathing. Replace the siding sections, caulk the joints, prime, and paint.

If you drill holes in interior walls to blow in cellulose, plug the holes with manufactured styrene foam plugs that push in till they’re slightly below the wall surface. To reduce dust and ensure clean edges, some installers hand-make a drywall punch by angle-cutting a short length of electrical metal conduit (EMT) at a sharp angle, so that one end looks like the point of an enlarged hypodermic needle. Use a hammer to rap the blunt end of the punch. Finally, cover the plug or the punched hole with self-adhering mesh tape (see Chapter 15), and one or two coats of setting-type joint compound; feather it out to make a smooth join.


There are almost as many ways to insulate base­ment walls as there are builders. In this brief section you’ll find two space-conserving assem­blies that should prevent mold, while retaining conditioned air.

Suggestions. Here are six suggestions for insulating below grade:


Transfer cut-lines quickly to rigid insulation by using your measuring tape as a marking gauge. Slide your hands in unison-one holding the tape in position along the panel edge, the other holding a utility knife next to the tape’s free end.

► If a basement is chronically damp because of exterior water, correct that problem before insulating. See "Damp Basement Solutions," on p. 224.

► Plastic vapor barriers aren’t usually needed on foundation walls insulated with foam panels, unless required by local codes— typically, in regions with severe winters. Once you’ve remedied exterior water sources, allow incidental moisture in the foundation walls to migrate outward or inward, so the walls can dry.

Подпись: Rigid insulation cuts easily with a crosscut saw. Cut the panel width 7o in. proud so that friction will hold it in place between the joists or the studs.

Seal and insulate the tops of foundation walls because that’s where basements most often leak air and lose heat. Caulk along the mudsill-foundation joint and apply expandable foam along the tops and bottoms

Oversize Units Dehumidify Poorly and Waste Money

Approximately two-thirds of all residential air conditioners are too large. According to Bruce Harley, an HVAC consultant with Conservation Services Group in Westbor- ough, Mass., these oversize units "will cool your house, but they’re not necessarily
designed to run efficiently." The first prob­lem is that they dehumidify poorly. Oversize units satisfy the temperature at the thermo­stat so quickly that only a little moisture has time to condense on the evaporator coil. This phenomenon is known as short cycling, and it’s more of a problem in humid climates. If cycles are very short, moisture on the coil can evaporate back into the house before it drains away.

Second, air-conditioning units are least efficient when they start up. It can take 15 minutes to reach operating efficiency, so oversize units run more short cycles, and more of their time is spent running in the least efficient part of the cycle. As a result, they use more energy, and costs to operate them run 20% to 30% higher than for prop­erly sized systems. Finally, at an installed

Reducing Your Cooling Needs

Oversize Units Dehumidify Poorly and Waste MoneyAir conditioners consume about two-thirds of electricity use during peak summer periods. Save money by making energy-efficient improvements before installing a new air-conditioning system.

• A tight, well-insulated building reduces cooling needs by keeping warm, humid air

• Buy high-performance, low-e, argon-filled windows to reduce solar gain, which accounts for up to 70% of the cooling load on air-conditioning systems.

• Wide overhangs, trees, or vegetation is helpful. East-west glass is more of a problem than south-facing glass in summer.

• Use radiant barriers on the underside of uninsulated roof rafters if the HVAC equipment is in the attic; otherwise, just insulate the attic. In addition, insulate the ductwork.

• Install smart thermostats that turn off the air-conditioning when it’s not needed and then bring the house to the right temperature before you arrive home.

cost of around $1,000 per ton, oversize sys­tems cost more. Why pay for 5 tons if 21/2 will do the job?

How Much Cooling Do You Need?

Smaller systems use less energy and re­move more moisture because they run long enough to reach peak efficiency. So what’s the right size for an air-conditioning system? It depends.

The standard method for calculating the proper size for a residential central air­conditioning system is found in ACCA’s (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) Man­ual J—Residential Load Calculation by Hank Rutkowski, P. E. It’s a methodical approach to arrive at room-by-room cooling loads for sizing ducts and whole-house systems. The room-by-room totals are important because you can’t design a duct system properly without this calculation.

Manual J takes into account and averages solar-heat gains, which don’t peak in all rooms at the same time. It also includes the house’s orientation to the sun and shading, which greatly affect the cooling load as well
as the insulation values of walls, ceilings, and floors. Window types, locations, and specifications as well as internal-heat gains (people, lighting, and appliances) also are figured in.

The right-size system is not a rule-of – thumb amount derived from the square footage of a house. In her book Air­Conditioning America (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998), Gail Cooper writes that air-conditioning engineers 100 years ago called sizing by the rule-of-thumb method "futile and foolish." According to the folks that I’ve talked to, that remains true today.



Glass fibers can irritate your skin and damage your eyes and lungs, so safety precautions are very important when working with fiberglass insulation. Cover your body with a loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirt and long trousers, and wear gloves and a hat, especially while insulating a ceiling (see the photo below). It’s best to wear a pair of quality goggles, too, because eyeglasses alone don’t keep fiberglass par­ticles out of your eyes. Make sure the goggles fit properly; goggles that fit well don’t fog over. Wear a good-quality dust mask or, better yet, get yourself a respirator. Don’t scratch your skin while you’re working (you’ll just embed glass fi­bers), and be sure to wash up well when you are finished. CUTTING BATTS. Cutting fiberglass batts to size is straightforward. The best tool for the job is a sharp utility knife. Note that I said “sharp." A dull blade will tear paper­faced batts, and torn paper doesn’t work as a vapor barrier. A sheet of plywood or OSB makes a good cutting table. Place the insulation batt on the worktable, with the paper side down if you’re using faced batts. Measure where the batt should be cut and add at least V2 in. (it’s better for a

batt to be a bit snug than to have a gap at the edge or the end). Compress it with a straight board, then run the knife along the board, as shown in the photo above. Be careful with the utility knife. If it’s sharp, you don’t have to exert a lot of pressure. Keep the hand that is holding the board out of the blade’s path.

When fitting batts around a window, you’ll need to cut pieces to fit above and below the window. To speed the pro­cess of insulating walls, I measure both spaces, mark their lengths on the cutting table, and cut as many pieces as I need. Don’t be sloppy with your cuts. Even small holes or gaps in fiberglass insulation can dramatically reduce its effectiveness.

INSTALLING BATTS. Batts faced with kraft paper have a foldout tab that should be stapled to the face of the studs or ceiling joists. The most common method of attaching faced batts to wood is with a hammer-type stapler and 1/4-in.-long staples. Make sure the staples go in all the way, so that you won’t have problems hanging drywall later. Unfaced batts are held by friction between studs or joists until the vapor barrier or drywall is in place.



Insulate around electrical boxes. First, divide the batt into two layers instead of compressing it. Slide the back layer behind the outlet box (see the photo above), then cut out the front layer to fit around the box (see the photo below). This technique also works for installing fiberglass batts around electrical wires and plumbing pipes. [Photos

by Steve Culpepper, courtesy Fine Homebuilding magazine © The Taunton Press, Inc.]
uninsulated space around them. Don’t use these fixtures. It’s much better to choose models that require no insulation gap. You can insulate right up to and on top of those fixtures. Some states require that fixtures be airtight, too, so check with your building inspector.

Insulating between floor joists in crawl spaces

Floor insulation is important in a house with a crawl-space foundation. Often, it is not enough

Подпись: IIII III III III III III III III II III III III III III III III II III III III III III III III II III III III III III III II III III III III III III III II III III III III III III III II III III III III III III III II III KEEPING COLD AIR FROM ENTERING AT THE RIM JOISTS WORKING WITH FIBERGLASS INSULATIONПодпись: Floor insulation must be well supported to do its job. Here are three reliable methods for providing support.Подпись:Подпись: Wood lath nailed to the bottom of the floor joists 12 in. to 16 in. o.c.Подпись:Подпись:WORKING WITH FIBERGLASS INSULATION

To keep cold air from entering on top of the floor insulation, ensure that insulation is right up against the subfloor (above, left) or roll the insulation up the inside of the rim joist to the subfloor (above, right). Either of these techniques will help prevent a cold floor.


just to put insulation under the floor, because cold can pass through the rim joist. Unless batts fill the entire joist space, cold air can seep in through the rim joist and over the top of the batts, making the floor uncomfortably chilly.

To prevent this, you can either hold the insulation high or roll it up to cover the rim joist (see the top left illustration). Better yet, use a thicker batt with a higher R-value to fill the entire joist space and butt up against the rim joist.

When insulating between I-joists, make sure the insulation is wide enough to extend all the way from web to web. If you live in a cold part of the country and you’re using kraft paper-faced insulation, the paper should face toward the floor. This may seem backward, but the paper acts as a vapor barrier (more on that later) and must face the heat, so to speak. If you live in an area where cooling (air-conditioning) is an issue for a majority of the year, staple the kraft paper to the under­side of the joists.

It can be a pain to install batts of insula­tion under a floor, because there is often not much space between the ground and the joists. It’s not a lot of fun to lie on your back and install fiberglass batts! Sometimes, especially in dry climates, it’s possible to insulate the floor before you sheathe. The drawback with this technique is that subcontractors (plumb­ing and heating, especially) may not treat your work with TLC. In rainy Oregon, we wait to insulate until after the shingles are on and the house is closed in. Either way, take your time, and make sure that underfloor insulation batts are installed properly and securely around all pipes and conduits.

There are a number of ways to hold under­floor batts in place (see the bottom left illustra­tion). In Oregon, it’s common to nail strips of lath every 12 in. to 16 in. o. c. across the bottom of the joists once the insulation is installed. It’s a lot of work, but it holds the batts securely without compressing them. Another way is to staple polypropylene (not cotton) twine or

Подпись: Store fiberglass scraps in a garbage bag. Spare and scrap pieces of fiberglass can easily blow all over a job site. To keep this fluffy material under control, put it in a large plastic garbage bag. Partial rolls can also be stored in a plastic bag until needed.

mesh to the bottom edges of the joists. I’ve also seen people staple chicken wire or hardware cloth across the joists. Still another option is to use wire supports designed specifically for the job. These wire supports, called lightning rods or tiger teeth, clip between joists and bow up against the batts, holding them in place. Installed about every 12 in. or so, they do a good job of keeping the batts in place for years to come. Just take care not to compress the batts when installing the rods.


Unlike housewrap, a properly installed vapor barrier is supposed to be impermeable. Vapor should not pass through it. Different materi­als are used as vapor barriers. The kraft-paper facing on fiberglass batt insulation is designed to function as a vapor barrier. To form a continu­ous barrier, the paper flanges must overlap on the stud face, where they are stapled in place.

Sign Cleaning

Sign legibility can be restored or improved by general cleaning and removal of foreign substances from the sign face. Sign cleaning products are commercially available for use in removing common soil and severe contaminants such as paint and adhesives. In the majority of cases the required cleaning products can be obtained from local hardware stores. Strong solvents and incomplete removal of the contaminant can damage the sign reflectivity. Strong solvents should be trial-tested prior to application on the sign. The following steps can be used to clean signs of common soil and some contaminants [47]:

• General sign cleaning: Mild, nonabrasive cleaners and detergents suitable for painted or enameled surfaces are recommended for removal of common soil. Cleaners should be free of strong aromatic solvents or alcohols and be chemically neutral (pH of 6 to 8 is recommended).

• Pollen and fungus can be removed by washing the surface with 3 to 5 percent solutions of laundry bleach (sodium hypochlorite). This should be followed with detergent wash and a clear water rinse.

• Lipstick, crayon, tar, oil, bituminous materials, and some oil-based paints can often be removed with mild solvents such as mineral spirits (toluene), kerosene, heptane, or naphtha. Wipe the contaminated area lightly with a soft cloth saturated with the solvent. Continue wiping lightly until the contaminant is removed. If this does not work, then try the next step.

• Wipe the contaminated area with a soft cloth moistened with lacquer thinner. Continue wiping lightly until the contaminant is removed.

• A nighttime reflectivity check or a nighttime visual inspection of all signs from which contaminants have been removed should be conducted.