Triaxial Dynamic Compression Test
A concept similar to side supported creep tests applies to the triaxial dynamic compression test. In this method, a specimen is subjected to compression with lateral support. This method has been widely regarded as one of the most accurate, reflecting the state of stress in a loaded pavement. Moreover, it enables the measurement of parameters of an asphalt mixture used for the analysis of pavement viscoelasticity (Huurman, 2000). Undoubtedly, it is a recommended method for testing rut resistance. It is described in EN 12697-25 as method B.
12.1.3 Wheel-Tracking Test
The best known direct tests for resistance to deformation are wheel-tracking tests, conducted with special devices. There are many types of them, such as European devices (according to EN 12697-22), the Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Device, and the APA.
The European standard EN 12697-22 classifies the rutting equipment into small devices and large devices.
According to Table B.5 in EN 13108-20 (the standard that regulates the methods for asphalt mixture type testing), the small device method (testing in air) has application in testing SMA. It is meant for pavement courses subjected to loads less than 13 tons per truck axle. Pavements subjected to loads heavier than 13 tons per axle are tested in a large device. More information on that subject can be found in Chapter 14.
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