The distance from a trap to a vent is determined by local plumbing code re­quirements. Allowable distances are usually given either in text or in tables within a codebook. There can be a sig­nificant difference from one code to the other. To illustrate this, I’d like you to refer to Figures 5.18, 5.19, and 5.20. The tables you see in these illustrations represent differences between three major plumbing codes. You should no­tice that the distances from traps to vents is the same for two codes and dif­ferent for one code. You must refer to the plumbing code that is being en­forced in your area for specific sizing requirements. The information pro­vided here is representative of the types of charts, tables, and information you will likely work with, but it is not necessarily the code that you will be

Grade on drain pipe (in)

Size of trap arm (in)

Maximum distance between trap and vent (ft)














4 and larger


FIGURE 5.18 ■ Trap-to-vent distances in Zone One. (Courtesy of McGraw-Hill)


FIGURE 5.19 ■ Trap-to-vent distances in Zone Two. (Courtesy of McGraw-Hill)


FIGURE 5.20 ■ Trap-to-vent distances in Zone Three. (Courtesy of McGraw-Hill)

working with. Our intent here is to learn how to size systems, so consider the information here as a learning tool, rather than a code ruling.

Slab and Stem Wall Treatment and Detailing

Concrete can act as a wick for ground mois­ture, thereby promoting water damage and fungal growth in other materials through moisture transfer. A layer of coarse gravel under the slab with no fines smaller than half an inch will break capillary action. A layer of continuous, unpunctured polyethylene di­rectly under the slab will help prevent water vapor and soil gases such as radon from find­ing their way through cracks in the slab. A fully cured slab can also be sealed to further prevent moisture and soil gases from enter­ing the building and to create a more finished floor surface. Some sealers are solvent based and should be avoided. The following sealers are more benign:

• AFM Safecoat CemBond Masonry Paint:

Water-resistant coating for cement, con­crete block, and masonry

• AFM Safecoat DecKote: Waterborne coat­ing for use on concrete, magnesite, walk­ways, breezeways, and patios

• AFM Safecoat MexeSeal, AFM Safecoat Penetrating Water stop: Water-based seal­ers and finish coats

• AFM Safecoat Watershield: Water repel­ling sealer for masonry and painted sur­faces

• AgriStain for Concrete: Sealer and stain for concrete, plaster, and porous tiles

• Vocomp-25: A solvent-reduced, water – based sealer

• Weather-Bos Masonry Boss Formula 9:

A water reducible sealer for all above – grade concrete and masonry surfaces; helps reduce dusting, powdering, efflores­cence, spalling, cracking, and freeze-thaw damage

• Xypex: A nontoxic (according to manu­facturer), zero-VOC chemical treatment for the creation of moisture resistance and the protection of concrete; creates a non­soluble crystalline structure that perma­nently plugs the pores and capillary tracts of concrete. Xypex concentrate DS-i and DS-2 are dry-shake formulations designed for horizontal surfaces.

Further Reading

Timusk, John. Slabs on Grade. National Building Envelope Council, Building Science Treatise, Construction Canada 92-07.

Computation of multivariate normal probability

Подпись: Ф( z | Rx ) = P (Z1 < Z1, Z2 < Z2, ■■■ , ZK < ZK | Rx ) Computation of multivariate normal probability Подпись: <£( z | Rx) dz 0 (2.116)

Evaluation of the probability of multivariate normal random variables involves multidimensional integration as

Accurate evaluation for Ф(г |Rx) is generally difficult and often is resolved by approximations.

Подпись: L(a, b | p) = L Computation of multivariate normal probability Подпись: + L b,0 Подпись: (pb - a)(sign b) /a2 - 2pab + b2

Bivariate normal probability. For abivariate case, Fortran computer programs for computing the lower left volume under the density surface, that is, Ф(а, b | p) = P(Z1 < a, Z2 < b | p), have been developed by Donnelly (1973) and Baughman (1988). The double integral for evaluating the bivariate normal probability can be reduced to a single integral as shown in Eq. (2.111). Sev­eral approximations have been derived (Johnson and Kotz, 1976). Derivation of bounds for the bivariate normal probability is presented in Sec. 2.7.3. For a bivariate normal probability, exact solutions have been obtained in the form of figures such as Fig. 2.28 for computing the upper-right volume under the bivari­ate standard normal density surface, that is, L(a, b | p) = P (Z1 > a, Z2 > b | p), in which L(a, b | p) can be expressed in terms of L(a, 0 | p) as

0, if (ab > 0 or ab = 0) and a + b > 0

1, Подпись: (2.117)otherwise 2


Computation of multivariate normal probability

L(a, 0lp) for 0 < a < 1 and -1 < p < 0.

Values for a < 0 can be obtained using L(a, 01—p) = 0.5 – L(-a, 0lp)

Figure 2.28 Bivariate normal cumulative distribution function. (After Abramowitz and Stegun, 1972.)

The relationship between Ф^, b | p) and L(a, b | p) is

Ф(a, b | p) = —1 + Ф^) + Ф(Ь) + L(a, b | p) (2.118)

From the definitions of Ф^, b | p) and L(a, b | p) and the symmetry of the bivari­ate normal PDF, the following relations are in order:

Ф^, to| p) = Ф^) Ф(то, b | p) = Ф(Ь) (2.119a)

L(a, – to | p) = 1 – Ф^) L(-to, b | p) = 1 – Ф(Ь) (2.119b)


Computation of multivariate normal probability

L(a, 0lp) for 0 < a < 1 and 0 < p < 1.

Values for a < 0 can be obtained using L(a, 01—p) = 0.5 – L(-a, 0lp) Figure 2.28 (Continued)

L(a, b | p) = L(b, a | p) (2.119c)

L(-a, b | p) + L(a, b | —p) = 1 – Ф(Ь) (2.119d)

L(-h, —k | p) — L(k, h | p) = 1 — Ф(К) — Ф(к) (2.119e)

Example 2.21 Consider two correlated normal random variables X1 and X2 with

their statistical properties being

E(X1) = 10 Var(X1) = 9 E(X2) = 5 Var(X2) = 4 Cov(Xb X2) = 3.6

Compute P(X1 < 13, X2 < 3).

Computation of multivariate normal probability





Figure 2.28 (Continued)


Computation of multivariate normal probability

L(a, 0ip) for a > 1 and -1 < p < 1.

Values for a < 0 can be obtained using L(a, 01-p) = 0.5 – L(-a, 0lp)

Solution Based on the given information, the correlation coefficient between X1 and X2 is

Cov( X ь X2) 3.6 n„

P1,2 = ————————- = r – r – = 0.6

&X2 V9v4


Подпись: P1,2 = 0.6P(X! < 13, X2 < 3) = PIZ! < 13 – 10, Z2 < 3-5

= P(Zi < 1, Z2 < -11 P1,2 = 0.6) = ф(а = 1, b = -11 P12 = 0.6)

By Eq. (2.118),

Подпись: (a)Ф(1,-1|0.6) = -1 + Ф(1) + Ф(-1) + Д1, —1|0.6) Since ab = -1 < 0, according to Eq. (2.117),

,|й6)=К Чж)+К-Чж)- 2

= Д1, 0 | 0.894) + Д-1, 0 | 0.894) – 0.5

From Fig. 2.28b, Д1, 0 | 0.894) = 0.159. Since Д-1, 0 | 0.894) = 0.5 – L(1, 0 | -0.894), and according to Fig. 2.28a, by extrapolation, Д1, 0 | —0.894) = 0.004,

Д-1,0 | 0.894) = 0.5 – 0.004 = 0.496

Consequently, Д1, -11 0.6) = 0.159 + 0.496 – 0.5 = 0.155.

According to (a), the bivariate normal probability is Ф(1, -11 0.6) = Д1, -11 0.6) = 0.155. Alternatively, the bivariate normal probability can be computed by Eq. (2.121), and the result of the numerical integration for this example is 0.1569.

Multivariate normal probability. Johnson and Kotz (1976) show that if the correla­tion coefficient pij can be expressed as pij = XiXj for all i and j and |Xj | < 1, then each correlated standard normal random variable Zk can be represented by

Zk = Xk Z0 + J1 – Zk for k = 1> 2> ••• > K

where Z0, Z1, Z2,…, Z’Kare independent standard normal variables. The in­equality Zk < zk can be expressed as

iyl zk – Xkz0

Zk < —/

Подпись: Ф( г | Rx) Подпись: Ф (u) Computation of multivariate normal probability Подпись: Zk - Aku Подпись: du Подпись: (2.120)

Then the multivariate normal probability can be calculated as

Подпись: Ф( г | Rx) Computation of multivariate normal probability Подпись: zk J~pu /1 — P Подпись: du Подпись: (2.121)

As can be seen from Eq. (2.120), the computation of the multivariate normal probability is reduced from multiple integrals to a single integral for which the result can be obtained accurately by various numerical integration techniques. (see Appendix 4A) Under the special case of equicorrelation, that is, ptj = p, for all i and j, the multivariate normal probability can be computed as

This equation, in particular, can be applied to evaluate the bivariate normal probability.

Подпись: dФ( z | p) Computation of multivariate normal probability Computation of multivariate normal probability Подпись: Zk fpu /1 - p Подпись: K=1 K E E ak (u)aj (u)Apkj k = 1 j = k + 1 Подпись: du

Under the general unequal correlation case, evaluation of multivariate nor­mal probability by Eq. (2.120) requires solving for K A’s based on K(K – 1)/2 different values of p in the correlation matrix Rx. This may not necessarily be a trivial task. Ditlevsen (1984) proposed an accurate algorithm by expanding Ф(г | Rx) in a Taylor series about an equal correlation pij = p > 0, for i = j. The equicorrelation p is determined in such a way that the first-order expansion term dФ(z | p) vanishes. The term dФ(z | p) can be expressed as

Подпись: where Подпись: ak (u) = ф Подпись: zk Jpu /1 - p Подпись: Zk fpu /1 - p Подпись: (2.123)


and Apij = pij – p. In computing the value of d Ф^ | p), numerical integration generally is required. However, one should be careful about the possible nu­merical overflow associated with the computation of ak (u) as the value of u gets large. It can be shown that by the L’Hospital rule, limu^TO ak(u) = 0 and

limu^-TO ak (u) = u.

Determination of the equicorrelation p for the expansion point can be made through the iterative procedure, as outlined in Fig. 2.29. A sensible starting value for p is the average of pij:

Подпись: (2.124)— 2

p = K (K – 1) ^ pij


Подпись: Figure 2.29 Flowchart for determining the equicorrelation in a Taylor series expansion.

Once such p is found, Ditlevsen (1984) suggests that the value of Ф(г | Rx) can be estimated accurately by a second-order approximation as

Ф(г |Rx) ^ Ф(г | p) + 1 d2Ф(г | p) (2.125)

Подпись: d2Ф(г | p) Подпись: 1 4(1 - p )2 Computation of multivariate normal probability Подпись: Zk — Vpu V1 — p

in which Ф(г | p) is computed by Eq. (2.121), and the second-order error term is computed as


Подпись: du(u)aj (u)a, r (u)as(u)(—br )Sir (—bs)SjsApij Aprs

i = 1 j = 1 r = 1 s = 1


Подпись: bk (u) Подпись: zkJ~P u ak(u)/1 - p Подпись: (2.127)

where Sir is the Kronecker’s delta, having a value of 1 if i = r and otherwise 0, and

As can be seen, the evaluation of Ф(z |Rx) is reduced from a multiple integral to a single integral, which can be executed efficiently and accurately by many numerical integration algorithms.

Подпись: Ф(-г) Computation of multivariate normal probability Подпись: z Computation of multivariate normal probability

For the univariate normal distribution, an asymptotic expansion of Ф(гО is (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1972) for z


Подпись: Ф(^ |Rx) Подпись: exp(- 2zt Rx1 z) VIRx| Пf= 1 ak Подпись: for |z |^ж Подпись: (2.129)

This expansion for Ф(z) is smaller than every summand with an odd number of terms and is larger than every summand with an even number of terms. The truncation error decreases as the number of terms increases. Note that Eq. (2.128) is particularly appropriate for evaluating the normal tail probabil­ity. The expansion has been generalized by Ruben (1964) for the multivariate normal distribution as

in which the coefficients ak are elements in a vector a obtained from

Подпись: (2.130)a= Rx 1z

It should be noted that Eq. (2.130) is valid only when all coefficients ak are positive. The right-hand-side of Eq. (2.129) provides an upper bound for the multivariate normal probability.


Volumetric properties are among the most frequently cited requirements for SMA mixtures checked at the laboratory level. The primary requirement is to ensure the needed content of voids in compacted samples. Mechanical requirements (e. g., stability) are seldom determined, whereas performance-related properties (e. g., resistance to rutting) can be more often seen in specifications. Table 6.13 shows a short summary of different types of requirements. The corresponding summary of requirements for SMA in accordance with the European classification system after EN 13108-5 can be found in Chapter 14.

Requirements for laboratory-designed SMA mixtures according to the European standard EN 13108-5 can be found in Chapter 14 (see Table 14.3).

Upon completing the design of an aggregate mix and the contents of binder and stabilizer (see Chapter 8), it is worth investigating whether the properties of a newly prepared SMA mixture can yield the characteristics required by the customer after construction. A more detailed description of those qualities and related research may be found in Chapters 10 and 12.

Summary of Requirements for SMA Mixtures in Various Countries

TABLE 6.13



example of occurrence


Air void content in

2.0%-4.0% (v/v)

Majority of

Declared recommended

compacted SMA





(v/v) for heavy traffic

<5.0% (v/v)

New Zealand

Declared upper limit

-5.0% (v/v)


(related to so-called refusal density) Recommended value for

VMA mixture

>17% (v/v)

United States

SMA 0/11 in heavy duty pavements

17% threshold used at the

>19% (v/v);

South Korea

stage of production control; 17.5 or 18.0% (v/v) threshold recommended at the recipe stage 19% limit for SMA 0/10;

Voids filled with

>20% (v/v) 70%-85%


20% limit for SMA 0/8 SMA for heavy duty traffic

binder (VFB)



Recommended 85%

Air voids content in

>2.0% (v/v)

New Zealand

Depending on design

compacted SMA samples with

>2.5% (v/v)

Czech Republic b


Determined when

maximum compaction energy

Marshall stability

>6.0 kN

Czech Republic b

compacting Marshall samples with the effort 2×100

Only when applying

Uniaxial creep

>16 MPa

Poland b

Marshall method for designing SMA

Used before implementation

stiffness modulus (static mode)

Wheel tracking test


Poland b

of WTT apparatus EN 12697-22 method—

Austria b

small device; temperature

60°C; 10,000 cycles, method B (PRDa! r or WTSajr)



Summary of Requirements for SMA Mixtures in Various Countries



example of occurrence


Resistance to water

> 70%

United States

AASHTO T283 method (see


> 80%

Slovakia b

Chapter 12)

EN 12697-12 method (see

Binder/mastic drainage

> 90%

< 0.3% (m/m)

Poland b The majority of

Chapter 12)

Testing with Schellenberg’s


method or similar

Note: AASHTO = American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; PRD = Proportional Rut Depth, result of WTT; SMA = stone matrix asphalt; VMA = voids in mineral aggregate; WTS = wheel tracking slope, result of WTT; WTT = wheel tracking test.

a If samples are prepared with gyratory compactor, the maximum density is read after 300 or 350 gyrations.

b Since 2006 requirements in European CEN members have to be established according to EN 13108-5 and test methods in EN 12697 with test conditions as in EN 13108-20.

6.5 summary

• SMA mixtures may be used both in wearing and intermediate layers.

• The suggested minimum thickness of a course equals 3.5-4 times the max­imum aggregate size.

• As a general rule, heavy traffic loadings require coarser mixtures. In these cases the mixtures 0/11 and 0/12.5 mm are the most popular solutions. Unfortunately, such mixtures also have weak points, including low noise reduction, higher permeability, and worse antiskidding properties in com­parison with finer mixtures.

• The coarse aggregate fraction

• When one designs the composition of the coarse aggregate fraction, to achieve the best gap-gradation the percentages of the finest and inter­mediate fractions should be reduced but the proportion of the coarsest ones should be increased.

• An increase in the content of air voids in the aggregate mix and the amount of binder in SMA result from an increase in the coarse aggre­gate content. Specifying the content of particles larger than 2 mm in an SMA aggregate mix does not explicitly determine either its aggregate structure or its properties; it is necessary to supply information on the amount of particles larger than 5 or 8 mm (or similar sieves).

• Increasing the share of particles larger than 5 mm leads to opening the mix; that effect is even more obvious when increasing the content of particles larger than 8 mm. Therefore, manipulating the content of the coarsest grains offsets the strongest impact on changes in the content of air voids within the coarse aggregate fraction.

• Designing SMA with a very high content of the coarsest particles brings about the necessity of adding a larger amount of binder, and possibly more stabilizer too. Such mixtures are also characterized by higher per­meability and greater compaction resistance.

• Increasing the quantity of flat and elongated particles in a mixture has the following effects:

– Increases the content of air voids in an aggregate mix

– Diminishes the workability of the mix

– Increases the risk of crushing the flat and elongated particles during compaction (followed by squeezing mastic out)

• The sand fraction and filler

• Designing an SMA using the maximum quantity of filler and the mini­mum amount of fine aggregate is disadvantageous

• The quantity of filler should generally be near the middle of the allow­able range, which means about 9-10% (m/m), to enable an appropriate amount of 0.063/2-mm material on sieves less than 1.0 mm.

• Using high quantities of natural (non-crushed) sand should be avoided, and for SMAs created for heavy traffic, its use should be generally excluded.

• A surplus of mastic in comparison with the void space among chip – pings causes the appearance of fat spots and a local decrease in antiskid properties.

• Too low a quantity of mastic means a too large an air void content in a compacted course, high absorption and water permeability, and conse­quently a shorter life.

• The binder content

• Corrective coefficients of the binder content that are dependent on the aggregate density should be used.

• The content of air voids in an SMA mixture design should not be adjusted by changing the binder content; it should be done with cor­rections of contents and gradation of the aggregate fractions, including the following:

– The content of the coarse aggregate fraction (see Section

– The ratios of constituents within the coarse aggregate fraction (see Section 6.З.1.2.)

– Filler content

– Binder content, as a final resort

• The content of VMA can be evidence of problems with air voids in com­pacted SMA specimens; an increase in VMA should be achieved by add­ing coarser chippings (more material retained on a 4 mm or 5 mm sieve) or by decreasing the amount of filler, while a decrease in VMA should be achieved by adding finer chippings.

• When comparing volume requirements of various guidelines, one should keep in mind major differences in procedures for determining density, which eventually change the range of results.


In-Situ Infiltration Measurement

Because cracks play such an important part in allowing water to enter a pavement through the surfacing, laboratory assessments of the permeability of intact asphaltic mixtures are not overly useful. Therefore, a range of techniques have been developed to assess permeability by infiltrating water into the pavement surface from a device which acts over a limited area of the surface (e. g. Ridgeway, 1976; Cooley, 1999; Fwa et al., 2001; Taylor, 2004; Mallick & Daniel, 2006). Used randomly on the surface, the infiltration observed will be likely to relate to the mean value – be­ing a combination of water entering through intact material and via degradation cracks induced by compaction, by the environment or by traffic. Alternatively, the devices may also be used over specific cracks or joints to assess the water that can enter through that crack or joint (e. g. Mallick & Daniel, 2006). Essentially, two approaches have been adopted – to keep the surface of a specific piece of pavement wet and monitor what water supply rate is required to do this, or to provide a falling head arrangement and note the rate of head drop.

Some of the earliest work on infiltration, in this case through specific joints, involved the fixing of a bottomless wooden box, sealed with clay around its edges, onto an area of pavement containing a measured length of crack crossing the box. Sufficient water is added to the box to maintain a thin layer over the enclosed pave­ment, the rate at which water is added to maintain this condition can be monitored and the quantity of water infiltrating the pavement structure per unit length of crack calculated. The mean infiltration rate generated by Ridgeway (1976) using this ap­proach was approximately 100 cm3/h/cm of crack. Site crack lengths and infiltration rates are given in Table 5.3.

An overall infiltration rate for a large area of pavement can be deduced from that measured as infiltrating through particular cracks. To achieve this, Baldwin, et al. (1997) suggested that maintenance intervention occurs when 10% of the sur­face is cracked which, they said, was equivalent to 0.002 cm of crack/cm2 of pave­ment surface This represents a worst-case value for infiltration through cracks if

In-Situ Infiltration Measurement

Fig. 5.2 Laboratory permeameter for cores of asphaltic mixtures (FDOT, 2006). Reproduced cour­tesy of the Florida Department of Transportation

they exist in the same magnitude across the whole of a pavement’s surface. Thus the infiltration over such a well cracked pavement would be given by:

IRmax = 0.02 X ic (5.1)

where IRmax is the maximum anticipated infiltration in units of litres/hour/m2 of pavement area and ic is the infiltration measured through one crack in units of


Crack length (cm)

Infiltration rate(cm3/h/cm of crack)

Summer 1974

Autumn 1974




























Table 5.3 Site crack lengths and infiltration rate generated by Ridgeway (1976)

Approx. mean infiltration rate = 100 (cm3/h/cm of crack).

In-Situ Infiltration Measurement

In-Situ Infiltration Measurement In-Situ Infiltration Measurement In-Situ Infiltration Measurement

Inner Frame

Tap to which piping is attached

In-Situ Infiltration Measurement


Fig. 5.3 Infiltrometer used by Taylor (2004). Reproduced with permission of J. Taylor

Table 5.4 Infiltrometer results obtained by Taylor (2004)


Distress classification*





infiltration for well-cracked zones l/hr/m2

Mean infiltration at maintenance level (single cracks) l/hr/m2


Fatigue cracking (alligator-type)




Fatigue cracking (alligator-type)




Longitudinal cracking




Longitudinal cracking at edge of patch (over service trench)

Good patch but edge seal is lost



Patch (over service trench). Slight ravelling




Patch (over service trench). No ravelling




Fatigue Cracking (alligator-type) with some ravelling




Fatigue Cracking (alligator-type) with some ravelling




Fatigue Cracking (alligator-type) with some ravelling




Fatigue Cracking (alligator-type) with some ravelling



n/a = not applicable.

* Types of classification taken from SHRP1 (1993).

cm3/hour/cm of crack. It seems likely that direct use of this equation will over­estimate a pavement’s potential to accept water. This is because water flowing through one crack may spread laterally below the surface whereas water flowing through one of many adjacent cracks at the same time will be constrained by water flowing through its neighbouring cracks.

To overcome this potential over-reading, a double ring infiltrometer can be used (e. g. Fig. 5.3). The level of water in both a central area and an annular ring are main­tained at the same level but only ingress from the central area is monitored as this should flow only vertically through the pavement because of the ‘confinement’ of­fered by the ingress from the outer ring. Data obtained in this way by Taylor (2004) is shown in Table 5.4. Eq. 5.1 has been used to bring the data in the last column to the same units as for the data recorded directly in the penultimate column.

The mean infiltration ability of the pavements studied by Taylor (2004) and of the cracks studied by Ridgeway (1976) are similar if Eq. 5.1 is accepted -3.33 and 2 l/h/m2 respectively, giving confidence of their representativeness.

Another approach, as adopted at the US National Center for Asphalt Technol­ogy (NCAT) (Cooley, 1999) employs a device comprising a series of cylindrical standpipes of reducing cross section stacked on top of each other as a form of a

1 Strategic Highway Research Program (US)

Table 5.5 Summary of infiltrometer data reported by Cooley (1999) Calculated permeability, Laboratory measured


field 10

-6 m/s

permeability 10 6



St Dev




St Dev



Mississippi 1









Mississippi 2









Virginia 1









Virginia 2









S Carolina 1









S Carolina 2









St Dev = Standard Deviation.

falling head permeameter. The lowest cylinder is sealed to the pavement surface using a metal plate over a rubber disc. When the pavement is most permeable only the lowest standpipe is used while when it is least permeable the tallest, narrowest permeameter is employed. Unlike the devices described above, relatively imperme­able pavements will, therefore, be subjected to unrealistically high surface water pressures. Whereas even a heavy rainstorm will only impose a few millimetres of water on the surface, the NCAT device can deliver as much as 0.5 m of head. With this device permeability values were obtained as shown in Table 5.5. The comparative laboratory data in the Table were obtained from cores taken from the same pavements and tested using a permeameter as described in Section 5.4.1. The much larger permeability values than given in Table 5.2 is evident, illustrating the important, but often overlooked, need to achieve adequate in-situ densities.

For such falling head tests, the coefficient of permeability, K (in m/s), may be estimated using Eq. 3.10. Other procedures for measuring the permeability of porous asphalt have been introduced by Fwa and his co-workers for both laboratory and in-situ evaluations (Tan et al., 1999; Fwa et al., 2002).

Replacement Windows

If existing sashes have deteriorated and you’d like to avoid the major headache of ripping out existing frames, casing, finish surfaces, and siding, then replacement windows can be a cost-effective solution. These units come encased in frames, which you insert into existing wood frames, after removing the old sashes and pulling the parting beads so that old jambs are reasonably flat. Just cut the sash cords and leave old sash weights in the wall.

Start by measuring the existing window frames carefully, because replacement units fit snugly inside them. Old frames are frequently out of square, even if their jambs are parallel. Thus, in addition to measuring height and width, note which way a frame leans, so you can order the biggest rectangle that will fit into that opening. To install most replacement units, apply a 3/s-in. bead of siliconized acrylic caulk along the inside faces of the interior or exterior window stops and across the sill in line with those stops. Set the new window in bottom first, tilt it up into place, and then press its vinyl frame into the caulking so there’s a good seal. There’s little shimming; many models have adjustable screw jacks that hold side jambs tight to the opening. Use a mild expanding polyurethane foam to seal the gaps around the unit.

Admittedly, these units are something of a compromise. If existing frames and casings are parallel but not plumb, replacement windows are commonly installed slightly off-plumb. Replacement sashes tend to be narrower than old-fashioned wood ones, so there’s also an aesthetic compromise. That noted, vinyl – or Fiberglas®-clad replacement units are typically one-half the cost of custom-milled wood sashes, require little maintenance, and cut drafts and energy costs dramatically. Their color range is limited—white—but you can paint Fiberglas. Aluminum-clad units come in dozens of colors but are the most expensive option, and salty coastal air will eventually corrode the metal.

Подпись: The area under the roof is a messy place to work, especially if the ceiling's insulated. Use sheet plastic to isolate the area below the lightwell and a dustpan and trash bags to store the insulation for reuse. Wear gloves, a dust mask, and goggles. To protect your head from roofing nails sticking through the sheathing, wear a hard hat. (You should already have gotten a tetanus shot.)Подпись: 1111


Folks often order skylights larger than they need to be. Keep in mind that even the smallest unit brightens a room greatly. Moreover, much of the light gain comes from reflections off the sides of the lightwell (or lightshaft), which is why wells are usually painted white. You can increase the amount of light markedly by flaring out the sides of the well. If you need more light than one nar­row skylight will yield, consider “ganging” sever­al, side by side, in adjacent rafter bays. Smaller skylights are easier to frame out, and the fewer rafters you disturb, the better.

Most skylights are sized incrementally to fit between rafters spaced 16 in. or 24 in. on center. Thus skylights routinely come in 24-in., 32-in., and 48-in. widths. Skylights 32 in. wide are the most popular size because you need to cut only one rafter to accommodate the unit. Velux®, for example, has several models whose inside curb dimensions are 30’/г in. wide—the same distance between rafters spaced 16-in. on center, if one rafter in between is removed. Aligning the inner faces of skylight curbs and rafters also makes installing drywall much easier. Attached to the
roof sheathing with L-shaped mounting brackets, the sides of Velux units sit right over rafters.


This section provides general guidance related to the framing procedures shown in the photos. Usually, it doesn’t matter whether you cut ceiling joists or rafters first, as long as they’re adequately supported. Some pros prefer to frame out the lightwell completely before opening the roof; whereas others place the skylight first and meas­ure down from that.

Insulation. Remove the ceiling insulation. Then disconnect and cap any wires and pipes that will need to be rerouted around the opening. (Use a voltage tester to be sure the power’s off.) Where possible, work from a stepladder rather than sit­ting on ceiling joists; that way, you’ll be less likely to crack the finish ceiling. The job will go faster if one worker on a ladder measures carefully and calls out measurements for headers, trimmers, lightwell studs, and the like to a second worker on the floor, who does the cutting.

Before cutting ceiling joists, support them
with a strongback, which is a piece of dimension

Skylight Positioning

Temporary braces support cut-through rafter.


STEP4 Mark the Plates

Building walls is like baking a cake. Success depends on having all the right ingredients. When you mark the plates, you’re setting the exact locations for all of the headers, cripples, studs, corners, and wall intersections associ­ated with each wall in the house.

Mark corners and channels first

When marking up each plate, start with the locations of corners and wall intersections, which are referred to as channels or tees (see the illustration below). As well see shortly, corners and channels require extra studs so that the walls can be properly nailed together once they are raised. The extra studs also provide backing for drywall. Use a channel marker to mark corners and channels on the plates. Store-bought aluminum markers arc available, as shown in the photo at left on the
facing page. It’s also easy to make your own (see the illustration on the facing page).

Take time to make accurate lavout marks.


STEP4 Mark the Plates
Sloppy work at this stage means trouble after the walls have been raised and you begin to plumb and straighten them. Draw accurate lines along all edges of the marker, including the inside edges of the plates, where one wall intersects another. In other words, mark the inside, the outside, and the top surfaces ol the through-wall plate. This is important. These corner and channel marks also indicate where the double top (or cap) plates will intersect, tying together through walls and butt walls, Use keel to mark an “X on the top plate to let the wall-builder know the location of a corner or channel. Some carpenters write out the word “tee" to note the location of an intersect­ing channel.

Подпись: AN "X" IS EASY TO SPOT. Mark an "X" or the word "tee" on the top plate to indicate where one wall intersects another.Подпись: The fastest, most accurate way to mark corners and channels is with a tool the same width as the butt walls. In less than a minute, you can cut and nail together such a tool from scrap. Select two pieces of 2x stock about 10 in. long. Turn one piece on end and place the second piece flat against it to form a T'. With the second piece protruding over the first by 3 in., nail the two together with 16d nails.Подпись: MARK JOINING WALLS WITH A CHANNEL MARKER. Be sure to make layout marks on all three exposed faces of the plates on the inside, the outside, and the top.Подпись: MAKING A CHANNEL MARKERSTEP4 Mark the PlatesПодпись:STEP4 Mark the Plates

Keep layout marks clean and simple

Methods of marking header locations on plates differ regionally. Whichever system you use, keep it simple! Check the floor plans for eadi header location, then position the header on the top plate, aligning the sides of the header with the edges of the plate. Mark down from both ends of the header, across both the top and the bottom plates. On outside walls, make these marks on the outside; on interior walls, make marks on the stud I avoid side.


Next to the end line, mark an “X" on both plates on the side away from the header to indicate the king-stud location (see the photo onp. 88). King studs are nailed alongside headers and hold door and window frames together. On the other side of the line, under­neath the header, make a long, straight line along both plates to indicate that there will be an opening at that location and dial no sluds should be nailed there.

No matter what the plans indicate, keep interior wall headers at least I ‘/* in. avvav from

Подпись:corners and channels so you’ll have space on which to nail door and window trim. In hurri­cane and earthquake /ones, exterior walls must not have window or door openings less than 4 ft. from an exterior corner.

Above all, mark clearly. These plates will be pulled up and moved during framing. Gear marks improve the odds that all framing members will be attached accurately.

Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines

This method is possibly the quickest way to figure stud heights and build rake walls. Here is how it is done:

• First, lay out the bottom plate in the same way you would if you were going to frame an ordinary wall.

• Spread your studs, making sure that they are long enough to reach the top of the rake wall.

• Toenail the bottom plate from the inside of the plate so that when the wall is lifted, the nail will function as a pivot point on the layout line.

• Cut the length of the beginning stud to match the adjoining wall. Take into consideration the location of the rafters if the lookouts rest on the rake wall, and the thickness of the plates on the rake.

• Set the beginning stud square with the bottom plate.

• Use the rise percent to find the length of the longest stud. (See the “Rake Wall, RP, DP, Saw Angle" illustration.)

• Set that stud square with the bottom plate.

• Nail the rest of the studs to the bottom plate.

• Block the wall where required.

• Position all the studs so they are square.

• Chalk a line along the top of the studs.

• Cut each stud.

• Measure and cut the top plate and double plate.

• Nail the top plate to the studs, and the double plate to the top plate.

Method 4: Stick Frame

With this method, you are framing the wall in place.

• Find the beginning stud and the longest stud heights in the same way you would with the other methods.

• Nail the bottom plates to the floor, and brace the beginning stud and the longest studs

in place.

• Make sure that the studs are plumb before continuing.

• Measure, cut, and nail the top plate onto the studs.

• Lay out the top plate using the “Figure Lengths on Paper" method, or plumb up from the bottom plate. Measure, cut, and nail the remaining studs in place.

Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines

D = Distance from start of rake wall


Wall location


H = Height of stud to short point


(RP)-Rise Percent =


L = Layout point for studs to short point Wall Type =


Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines

BH = Beginning stud Height


Angle for saw


Roof pitch =


Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines
Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines

L = D X DR


L = D X DP


Stud #


B = Backer KS = King Stud Top PL = Top Plate


Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines

Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines



D = Distance from start of rake wall H = Height of stud to short point L = Layout point for studs to short point

BH = Beginning height of rake wall








(D x RP) + BH


L = D x DP


Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines
Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines
Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines



Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines
Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines



Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines



Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines
Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines
Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines
Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines

Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines

Method 3: Build and Chalk Lines

Please note that the beginning stud height on a rake wall is not the same as a typical stud.



Selecting the binder content in a design SMA mixture is relatively easy. With a cor­rectly designed aggregate mix, it is enough to remember an appropriate content of voids in compacted samples. A thorough understanding of that subject will surely be made much easier by reading Chapter 7, including the description of both the U. S. and Dutch methods, and the section in Chapter 8 on preparing samples.

The majority of SMA guidelines have stipulated minimum contents of binder for a specific SMA mixture, and a limitation on the maximum quantity of binder has occasionally appeared. In each case, it should be kept in mind that these limits have been introduced in relation to the expected density of an aggregate mix (see Section

Designing the binder content in SMA is the next stage of work after fixing the composition of an aggregate mix (using any method). Normally, the aim is to deter­mine the content of the binder, that enables achieving the expected level of voids in compacted mix samples.

The method of compaction (Marshall versus gyratory) influences the final opti­mum binder content, therefore it is very important to use equivalent compactive efforts. For example, the number of rotations should equal 2 x 50 blows in Marshall or, alternatively, the number of gyratory revolutions should be standardized and used consistently. Improper parameters of gyratory compaction lead to misleading results of optimum binder content. The description of this topic is in Chapter 8.

Using analytical formulae that enable the determination of the optimum quan­tity of binder in a mixture is increasingly rare. These equations were invented based on the conversion of the specific surface area of an aggregate mix, and the determination of the film thickness needed to coat the aggregate. Nevertheless, it is necessary to say clearly that the probability of finding the optimum quantity of binder is not high because the most frequently used conversion factors were adopted for AC but not for SMA. Naturally, they do not take into account the specificity of forming voids among particles of a skeleton as we saw in Part I.

The a priori assumption of a specific content of binder in SMA is another very interesting aspect of selecting an optimum quantity of binder. Given an optimum binder content, an adequate aggregate mix is selected to allow the required amount of binder, making use of rules already known by the reader. The first of these rela­tions is between the content of voids and gradation of the coarse aggregate fraction. This approach is used in the Dutch method (see Chapter 7).

Framing Rake Walls

Framing Rake WallsПодпись:

There are four common ways to figure stud heights and build rake walls.

1. Chalk lines on the floor.

2. Figure lengths on paper.

3. Build and chalk lines.

4. Stick frame.

Each has its own advantages. With all these methods, you must use the pitch given in the plans to determine the wall height. The pitch is generally shown on the elevation sheet just above the roof slope.

Method 1: Chalk Lines on the Floor

The first method is to chalk out a duplicate on the floor, if you have the space. Then you can measure and cut the studs and plates right from your chalk lines.

The advantage to using this method is that it is quick, easy, accurate, and doesn’t require a lot of math. However, if you don’t have the space on the floor, if it’s raining and you can’t chalk lines, or you have a lot of rake walls in the building, it is probably best to use one of the other methods suggested.

To chalk the lines, you need to know the heights of your low point and high point. You must also ensure that the wall is square. To find the height, you can use the “Chalk the Actual Dimensions" system. The pitch on the plans gives you the relationship of the rise to the run. For example, a 6:12 pitch means that for every 12 units of run, there are 6 units of rise. To find the high point on the wall, go out 12 units of run, then up square 6 units. Mark this reference point and chalk a line from
the low point of the wall through this point, and extend it as far as necesary to reach the high point in the wall. The closer you make the reference point to the high point in the wall, the more accurate your line will be.

To find the rake wall stud heights using the “Chalk the Actual Dimensions" method, follow these steps:

1. Chalk a bottom plate line (1). Usually you can use the chalk line for your wall. (See “Chalk the Actual Dimensions" illustration.)

2. Chalk the short stud line (2). Make sure it’s square (perpendicular) with the bottom plate line (1). You can use the 3-4-5 triangle to square the line. (Explained in “To Square the Wall" and “3-4-5 Triangle" later in this chapter.)

3. Chalk a parallel line (3) with the bottom plate line (1) that aligns with the top of the short stud. Extend this line out toward the long stud (5).

4. Framing Rake WallsChalk a square line (4) to the parallel line that is close to the long stud line (5), but convenient for figuring its length. The length of the square line (4) will be in a relationship to the parallel line (3), depending on the pitch of the rake wall. If, for example, the pitch is 6/12 and the parallel line is 12, the square line will be 6.

5. Chalk a line square (4) with the bottom plate line (1) where the long stud line (5) should be.

6. Chalk a line from the short point of the short stud (2) through the top of the square line (4) and on past the long stud line (5). This will be your bottom of top plate line (6).

7. Once you have these lines, you will be able to fill in all the remaining studs.

To Square the Wall:

• Draw a straight line where you want to place your bottom plate, then make a perpendicular line at the high point of your wall.

• Use a 3-4-5 triangle to double-check that the line is exactly perpendicular or square. (See “3-4-5 Triangle" illustration.)

A 3-4-5 triangle will help you establish that two lines are square or at right angles to each other. To establish square, just follow these steps:

1. Start with the line you want to square from; this will be the 4-unit line—also referred to as the run.

2. Measure a line perpendicular to the run line at 3 units in length, called the rise.

3. Measure the diagonal from the outside of the 4-unit line (run) and the 3-unit line (rise), and adjust the 3-unit line so that the diagonal (hypotenuse) is exactly 5 units.

The units can be anything as long as they are in the same ratio. For example, they could be 3′, 4′, and 5′, or they could be 15′, 20′, and 25′. The longer the units, the more accurate your measurement will be.

Method 2: Figure Lengths on Paper

With this method, you figure the stud heights, plate lengths, and layout anywhere you want— whether in the office, at home, or on the job site. All you need is a set of plans. Once you have the heights and lengths figured, you can build the wall anywhere, then move it into position.

Use the “Rake Wall Stud Heights" worksheet later in this chapter to figure the stud heights, the plate lengths, and the layout points. Give the completed worksheet with all needed information to whoever is framing the wall.

A construction calculator, such as Construction Master IV®, can be used to figure lengths accurately. With a construction calculator, you can work in feet and inches and use a memory function for repetitive calculations.

depending on how the rafter or lookouts rest on the rake wall.

Framing Rake WallsFraming Rake WallsA typical beginning height would be slightly lower than the adjoining wall, as shown in the "Rake Wall Beginning Stud Height" drawing.

In this example, the beginning stud height is only 3/8" less than the adjoining wall stud height because the plates on the rake are thicker on a slope than they are when flat.

To find the layout points for the studs and the length of the plates, use the formula D x DP.

DP is the diagonal percent, or the relationship between the Diagonal and the Run. This relationship tells you the length increase of the top plate or layout point per increase in the distance of the bottom

To use the Rake Wall Stud Heights Worksheet,

just fill in the blanks and find the stud heights.

The column "D" is where you write the distance on the bottom plate from the start of the rake wall to the short point on the stud. There is less confusion if you always use the short point on the studs. It is also easier to cut the short point than the long point when using a worm drive saw.

plate. This relationship is shown in the "Rise & Diagonal Percent" illustration, which also provides the formula for finding DP. The drawing gives the Diagonal Percents for the common roof pitches and the saw angles—the different angles at which you can set your saw to cut the top of the studs and the ends of the top plate and double plate.

Framing Rake WallsThe stud height to the short point is found by using the formula (D x RP) + BH. RP is the rise percent, or the relationship between the rise and the run. The relationship gives you the height increase of the studs per increase in the distance of the plate. This relationship is illustrated in the filled-in version of the Rake Wall Stud Heights Worksheet. The formula for finding RP is also shown, in the "Rise & Diagonal Percent" illustration later in this chapter.

The "Rake Wall, RP, DP, Saw Angle" illustration provides the rise percent for common roof pitches. The "BH" from the formula is the beginning stud height. BH is a constant and is the height of the first stud at the lowest point. This height can vary

Wall location /Jorjf)b/Afoom


D = Distance from start of rake wall


Framing Rake Walls

1 Length of top plate long to short =


BH = Beginning stud Height =


Roof pitch = W/7r Angle for saw =


(DP)-Diagonal Percent = /.US


Framing Rake Walls
Framing Rake Walls

L = D X DP












B = Backer KS = King Stud Top PL = Top Plate


Framing Rake Walls