General View of System Reliability Computation

Подпись: Figure 7.2 Schematic diagram of a parallel system.
General View of System Reliability Computation

As mentioned previously, the reliability of a system depends on the component reliabilities and interactions and configurations of components. Consequently, computation of system reliability requires knowing what constitutes the system being in a failed or satisfactory state. Such knowledge is essential for system classification and dictates the methodology to be used for system reliability determination.

General View of System Reliability Computation

Figure 7.3 Procedure for infrastructural engineering system reliability.

STEP 2 Install the Ceiling Panels

It’s best to drywall the ceiling before you do the walls. This way, the top edges of the wall panels can butt up against the ceiling panels, supporting them along the edges. The long

edges of ceiling panels run perpendicular to the joists or joist chords. In bedrooms and other small rooms, you’ll probably be able to cover the full length of the ceiling with 12-ft. panels. If the ceiling is more that 12 ft. long, stagger the end joints where the panels butt together, just as you do on floor and roof sheathing panels. Try not to have a drywall joint land on an electrical or heat outlet, because this makes it harder to tape and hide the seam.

Measuring and cutting drywall panels

If you watch professional drywall installers measure and cut panels, you’U be impressed with the speed and accuracy of their work. Although you may not achieve speed right away, accuracy is possible from the start if you use some of the tips explained below. And with accurate cuts, you’ll have a much easier time mudding and taping the panels.

MAKE STRAIGHT CUTS. Instead of cutting a panel to the exact dimensions you measure on a wall or ceiling, cut it % in. short. This leaves a %-in. gap on both sides of the panel, allow­ing you to fit the piece without binding on neighboring walls or panels. Make a straight cut by scoring along the cut line; snap the cut open so the panel folds back on itself and slice through the resulting crease on the back.

Mark and cut on the “good” side of the panel. Use a sharp utility knife to score the sheet along the cut line. If you have a drywall T-square and need to make a square cut, guide the knife against the edge of the square (see the photo at left on p. 218). Take care not to let the knife slip and cut the hand that’s hold­ing the T-square. Just cut through the paper

STEP 2 Install the Ceiling Panels

CUT THE DRYWALL PANEL TO LENGTH. First score the sheet with a sharp utility knife. A large T-square, held to the measurement mark, guides the cut (see the photo at left).


STEP 2 Install the Ceiling Panels

Once scored, the drywall breaks right along the cut line (see the photo at right). Cut the piece free by slicing along the crease on the back.

Подпись: Helping HandПодпись: Remove fasteners that miss the framing. It's easy to tell when a drywall screw or nail misses a stud, joist, or other framing member. When that happens, remove the fastener and make a dimple (a concave mark with a drywall hammer) at the spot so the hole can be filled and hidden with joint compound.

and slightly into the gypsum core—about % in. or so. There’s no need to force the blade deep into the panel.

Once the panel has been scored, snap it away from the cut, as shown in the photo above right. Running a utility knife along the crease on the back of the panel usually sepa­rates the pieces. If they’re not quite free, bend the cut piece forward and separate the two pieces. If the cut edges are rough or uneven, smooth them with a Surform rasp (see the top left photo on the facing page).

CUT ACCURATE HOLES IN PANELS. Holes for electrical outlet boxes, heating vents, and pipes must be laid out and cut accurately. Take your measurements from a wall, ceiling, floor, or sheet of drywall already in place. I like to transfer these measurements to the drywall panel with a T-square. For electrical outlets and heating vents, use a T-square to outline the hole, then make the cut with a small dry – wall saw. Plunge the point of the saw into the panel from the “good” side and saw along the cut line (see the top right photo on the facing page). The finished cut should be within % in. of the outlet.

SMOOTH ROUGH EDGES. A Surform rasp works well when A DRYWALL SAW IS MADE FOR THE JOB. This small saw has

you need to smooth or trim the edge of a drywall panel. a pointed end for making plunge cuts in dry wall. It also

works well for making small rectangular cutouts to fit electrical outlet boxes.


STEP 2 Install the Ceiling Panels

For a dryer vent or a round electrical out­let, measure and mark the center of the cut. Then use a compass or another round electri­cal box as a template to outline the hole. To make the cut, use a small drywall saw, a utility knife, or a circle-cutting tool made specifically for this job (see the bottom photo at right).

Подпись: USE A CIRCLE CUTTER. This tool is ideal for cutting round holes in drywall for pipes or round electrical boxes.STEP 2 Install the Ceiling PanelsAnother method for marking the location of an electrical box, regardless of its shape, is to rub the face of the box with chalk or keel, place the sheet in position on the wall, and press the sheet against the outlet. The chalk will show you where to cut. Cut gently so you can avoid tearing the paper facing on the “good” side.

Scheme Accuracy

The theoretical analysis of a time integration scheme accuracy and stability is generally based on a simplified problem (Zienkiewicz et al., 1988). Let us con­sider diffusion phenomena restricted to the linear case. Introducing the discre – tised field (Eq. 11.15) into the constitutive equations gives Darcy law (Eq. 11.7) (neglecting here the gravity term for the sake of simplicity and using the more gen­eral pressure p in place of u) in the following form:

fi = – K dtp = – K (dtNL )pL (11.32)

p p

Similarly the storage law (linear case) can be re-written:

S = rp = rNLpL (11.33)

where r is a storage parameter (cf. Eq. 11.8). Neglecting source terms, the weak form of the balance equation, Eq. 11.21, then produces:

j [SSp – ft dt (8p)]dV




– Nl pl diNK 8 pKdV = 0



Considering that nodal values are not affected by the integration, this becomes:


which is valid for any arbitrary perturbation 8p. Thus:

RklP l + KklPl = 0 (11.36)

which is a simple system of linear equations with a time derivative, a storage matrix R (of which Rkl is an element) and a permeability matrix K (of which KKL is an element). One can extract the eigenvalues of this system and so arrive at a series of scalar independent equations of similar form:

pL + a2LpL = 0 (no summation) (11.37)

where L represents now the number of the eigenmode with the eigenvalue aL al­though it will be omitted in the following. The exact solution for Eq. 11.35 is a decreasing exponential function of time, t:

p(t) = p(t0)e-2t (11.38)

This problem represents the damping of a perturbation for a given eigenmode. Numerically, the modelling is approximated and numerical errors always appear. If Eq. 11.36 is well modelled, any numerical error will be rapidly damped, if the error source is not maintained. Following this analysis, the whole accuracy and stability discussion may be based on these last scalar Eqs. 11.37 and 11.38.

Introducing the time discretisation (Eqs. 11.26 and 11.27) into Eq. 11.37 gives:

PB-PA + a2 [(1 – r)Pa + трв] = 0 (11.39)

which allows evaluation of the end-of-step pressure as a function of the pressure at the beginning of the step:

Pb = UpA

with the amplification factor, U:

1 – (1 – t) a2 At
1 + та2 At

To ensure the damping process of the numerical algorithm, which is the sta­bility condition, it is strictly necessary that the amplification factor remains lower than unity:

-1 < U < 1

This condition is always verified if т > У2, and conditionally satisfied otherwise:

This last equation is not easy to verify, as it depends on the eigenvalues, which are generally not computed. Therefore, for classical diffusion processes considered in geomaterials, the condition т > /2 is generally used.

It should be noted that the amplification factor becomes negative for large time steps, except for the fully implicit scheme. Then, the perturbed pressure de­creases monotonically in amplitude but with changes of sign. This may be ques­tionable for some coupled phenomena, as it could induce oscillation of the coupled problem.

Let us now consider the accuracy of the numerical schemes. Developing in Tay­lor’s series the exact and numerical solution allows a comparison:

1 2 1 3

Uexact = 1 – X + X – X + …

2 6

^numerical = 1 – X + вX2 – в2X3 + …X = a2At (11.44)

It appears that only the Crank-Nicholson scheme т = /2 has second order accu­racy properties. However this conclusion is limited to infinitesimal time steps. For larger time steps, as in most numerical models, the Galerkin’s scheme т = 2 /3 gives the optimal compromise and should generally be used.

The whole discussion related to the stability and accuracy of the proposed time numerical schemes was based on eigenmodes of a linear problem. Can we extrapo­late them to general problems? The eigenvalue passage is only a mathematical tool allowing consideration of scalar problems, and has no influence on our conclusions. Conversely, the non-linear aspects could sometimes modify our conclusions. How­ever, it is impossible to develop the analysis for a general non-linear problem, and the preceding conclusions should be adopted as guidelines, as they appear to be fruitful in most cases.

Reliability of Systems

7.1 Introduction

Most systems involve many subsystems and components whose performances affect the performance of the system as a whole. The reliability of the entire system is affected not only by the reliability of individual subsystems and components but also by the interactions and configurations of the subsystems and components. Many engineering systems involve multiple failure paths or modes; that is, there are several potential paths and modes of failure in which the occurrence, either individually or in combination, would constitute system failure. As mentioned in Sec. 1.3, engineering system failure can be structural failure such that the system can no longer function, or it can be performance failure, for which the objective is not achieved but the functioning of the system is not damaged. In terms of their functioning configuration and layout pattern, engineering systems can be classified into series systems or parallel systems, as shown schematically in Figs. 7.1 and 7.2, respectively.

A formal quantitative reliability analysis for an engineering system involves a number of procedures, as illustrated in Fig. 7.3. First, the system domain is defined, the type of the system is identified, and the conditions involved in the problem are defined. Second, the kind offailure is identified and defined. Third, factors that contribute to the working and failure of the system are identified. Fourth, uncertainty analysis for each of the contributing component factors or subsystems is performed. Chapters 4 and 5 of Tung and Yen (2005) and Chap. 6 of this book describe some of the methods that can be used for this step. Fifth, based on the characteristics of the system and the nature of the failure, a logic tree is selected to relate the failure modes and paths involving different com­ponents or subsystems. Fault trees, event trees, and decision trees are the logic trees often used. Sixth, identify and select an appropriate method or meth­ods that can combine the components or subsystems following the logic of the tree to facilitate computation of system reliability. Some of the computational

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Подпись: Figure 7.1 Schematic diagram of a series system.

methods are described in Chaps. 4, 5, and 6. Seventh, perform the computation following the methods selected in the sixth step to determine the system failure probability and reliability. Eighth, if the cost of the damage associated with the system failure is desired and the failure damage cost function is known or can be determined, it can be combined with the system failure probability function determined in step 7 to yield the expected damage cost.

The different contributing factors or parameters may have different measure­ment units. In quantitative combination for reliability analysis, these statistical parameters or factors are normalized through their respective mean or stan­dard deviation to become nondimensional, such as coefficients of variation, to facilitate uncertainty combination.

Real-life hydrosystems engineering infrastructural systems often are so large and complex that teams of experts of different disciplines are required to con­duct the reliability analysis and computation. Logic trees are tools that permit division of team work and subsequent integration for the system result. In­formation on the logic trees and types of systems related to steps 5 and 6 are discussed in this chapter.

Definitions and Test Methods

The notion of compactability has been repeatedly used in this text, especially in Chapter 10. Compactability (i. e., susceptibility to compaction) can be defined as the ability of an asphalt mixture to change density under the influence of compactive effort; or to put it another way, compactability is the material feature determined by the amount of energy necessary for the compaction of a given mass into the smallest volume (Schabow, 2005). Resistance to compaction is the reverse of compactability. Generally, it means that compactable mixtures (with a low resistance to compaction) do not need a lot of compactive effort.

Resistance to compaction is connected with features of a mixture, such as the gradation of the aggregate mix and the aggregate properties, which include the following:

• Content of crushed stone

• Particle microtexture

• Particle shape

• Hardness (resistance to crushing and wearing)

Additionally, resistance to compaction is also affected by the content and type of binder and its viscosity at the compaction temperature.

Compactability is tested in Europe in accordance with the European standard EN 12697-10, which provides for the following two methods for testing and assessing the compactability asphalt mixtures: [70]

The following equipment can be used for testing compaction resistance and com­parability according to EN 12697-10:

• Impact compaction (Marshall hammer) according to EN 12697-30

• Method I—results as compaction resistance C (units [42 Nm])

• Method II—results as compaction resistance T (units [21 Nm])

• Gyratory compaction according to EN 12697-31

• Method I—not used

• Method II—results as compactability K (dimensionless)

• Vibratory compaction according to EN 12697-32 (not applicable to SMA)

• Method I—results as compactability k (dimensionless)

• Method II—not used


Drywall is made by sandwiching a gypsum core between two sheets of paper. The “good" side of the panel is faced with smooth, white paper that takes paint easily. The “bad" side is darker in color, with a rough, porous paper surface. Panels (also called sheets) of drywall are packaged in pairs; to open the package, simply pull off the strips of paper that extend along each end.

The standard width for drywall panels is 48 in. For houses that have 9 ft. ceilings, use drywall sheets that are 4 ft. 6 in. wide. Different lengths are available, but for affordable hous­ing the most commonly used lengths are 8 ft. and 12 ft. The most common thickness for drywall is V2 in. However, 5/8-in.- thick panels are often used on ceilings where the joists are spaced 2 ft. o. c. because they are less prone to sagging. Most
codes require 5/8-in. panels between the garage and the house for fire resistance. If you use 5/8-in. drywall on the walls, be sure to order wider door jambs.

Water-resistant drywall is often used in high-moisture areas, such as bathrooms. Called “greenboard" because of its green-paper facing, it is treated to resist moisture damage but is not waterproof. It’s most often used to cover wall areas above tub and shower enclosures. Greenboard can be taped and painted just like regular drywall. It should not be installed on the ceiling unless the joists are spaced 12 in. o. c. to keep the board from sagging.

The short (48-in.) ends of a drywall panel are cut square, leaving the gypsum core exposed. The long edges of the panel are faced with paper and tapered so that the seams between panels can be leveled with the surrounding drywall during the finishing process.

Подпись: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MAKING A DRYWALL LIFTER SIZES AND TYPES OF DRYWALLПодпись: A simple tool used to lift a sheet of drywall can be put together in minutes. Cut a piece of 1x4 about 16 in. long, then cut a taper on the flat face at one end. If the drywall must be lifted more than 3/4 in., add a piece of 1x2 to the bottom of the following the advice explained here, see the sidebar above and on p. 217 for information on sizes and types of drywall and how to order and store the material.

Make sure the studs and joists are dry

Framing lumber used today often arrives at the job site with a high moisture content. Over time, it will shrink—sometimes quite a lot. When the studs and joists shrink after the drywall has been installed, the fasteners can work loose. A loose nail or screw can create a noticeable and unsightly bump, or nail pop, in the drywall surface.

To reduce the chances that nail pops will mar your drywall work, you may need to close in the house and turn on the heat for a couple of weeks. Leave a couple of windows cracked open to allow moist air to escape as the wood dries. You can ignore this advice if you’re working with dry wood or if you’ve had the good fortune to frame your house in clear, warm weather.

Подпись: їм їм їм їм їм и їм їм їм їм їм їм їм и їм їм їм їм їм їм їм и їм їм їм їм їм їм їм и їм їм їм їм їм їм и їм їм їм їм їм їм їм и їм їм їм їм їм їм їм и їм їм їм їм і STRAIGHTENING A BOWED STUD SIZES AND TYPES OF DRYWALL

Otherwise, make sure the wood dries out. You can even run a dehumidifier inside, if necessary.

Clean and mark the floor

Take time to clean up any scraps of wood or trash on the floor. Once the floor is clean, use a piece of keel (I use red because it shows up well) to mark the stud, trimmer, and cripple locations on the floor and the joist locations on the top plate. Knowing the location of studs and joists makes it easier to nail off drywall and, later, baseboard trim.

It’s also a good idea to mark the locations of electrical outlets on the floor. This helps avoid installing drywall panels over outlets, which can easily happen if you’re not paying attention. If it does happen anyway, at least there will be a mark on the floor telling you where the outlet is located. You can also mark the location of the backing placed in the walls to support towel racks, grab bars, toilet-paper holders, and so on.

To straighten a wall stud, cut a kerf into the stud at its most bowed point, pull the stud straight, then nail a 1x or 2x scab alongside it to strengthen the stud and keep it straight.

SIZES AND TYPES OF DRYWALLDryall has delicate cor­ners and edges. When you store and handle sheets of drywall, make sure you protect the panels’ edges and corners from getting damaged.

Several specialized tools make it easier to cut and hang drywall on ceilings and wall studs. [Photo by Don Charles Blom]

Подпись: Stay sharp. There are two ways to keep a utility knife blade sharp for safety and ease of use. Have some spare blades handy, and keep a small sharpening stone in your tool pocket or in a pouch on your tool belt. With a few strokes on a whetstone, a dull blade can be sharpened quite a few times before it must be replaced.

Check and correct bad studs

Even if all the studs were crowned in one direction during wall framing, it doesn’t en­sure a perfectly straight wall. Sight down the length of the walls or lay a straightedge across them to locate bad studs. Replace any badly bowed studs, or fix a bowed stud by making a cut into the bowed area, forcing the stud straight, and bracing it with a 1x cleat (see the illustration on p. 215).

Tool up to hang drywall

The tools you need to install drywall are pretty basic. In addition to the chalkline and tape measure you’ve used for the work covered in earlier chapters, you’ll need the following tools:


Most straight cuts in drywall are made with a utility knife. Have a good supply of new blades handy. A sharp blade cuts cleanly through a panel’s paper facing, whereas a dull blade can tear the paper.

DRYWALL SQUARE. This large, aluminum, T-shaped square enables you to quickly and easily make straight, square cuts in drywall. SCREW GUN. A screw gun takes the guesswork out of fastening drywall because it sinks drywall screws just the right distance into the panel. This tool resembles an electric drill and holds a replaceable Phillips-head bit. DRYWALL HAMMER. This hammer looks like a small hatchet with a convex hitting surface. The curved face allows you to set the nail below the surface of the drywall without breaking the paper. The hatchet end is not sharp and can be used for levering or wedging drywall into place.

SURFORM® TOOL. Designed to function like a handplane, this shaping tool is very useful for trimming small amounts off the edge of a panel to improve its fit on the wall or ceiling. Avoid large Surform tools; the smaller versions are more maneuverable and fit in a pouch on your tool belt.

Arab Science and Hydraulic Machinery Hydrodynamics and Marvelous Machines

We have seen that a political climate favorable to intellectual activity evolved under the Abbassides – and this climate coincided with important needs for hydraulic develop­ment. Scientists and often engineers made use of all the fruits of Greek and Hellenistic science in parallel with major construction projects. They produce precise mechanisms, water clocks (clepsydres) and other marvelous machines following the tradition of the ancient scholars of Alexandria, Philon, Ctesibios, and Heron.

Three brothers – Muhammad, Ahmad, and al-Hasan Banu Musa, known to the caliph al-Mamun around 820, wrote numerous treatises on these mechanisms. Of par­ticular note is the Kital al-Hiyal, Book of Ingenious Mechanisms, written in Baghdad about 850. This book contains descriptions of many devices that reveal a perfect mas­tery of hydrostatics.

The fact is that Archimedes, as well as other authors such as Aristotle, Euclid, and Heron, had been translated into Arabic by that time. Al-Khazini, a scientist of the 12th century, put together a synthesis of the hydrostatics of Archimedes and the premises of dynamics of Aristotle and his commentators. In his book, called Kitab mizan al-hikma (book of the balance of wisdom), he differentiates between the two types of action that can be exerted on mobile bodies in water – hydrostatic forces, and hydrodynamic forces arising from the movement of the body. These latter forces “differ because the shapes of the bodies differ”. He also extends the theories of Archimedes to hollow bodies, as well as to hollow bodies carrying a load. Here the theory of ship buoyancy makes its appearance.

A characteristically Aristotlean trait appears in the vision of groundwater developed in the 11th century by the mathematician al-Karagi, a vision that we cited earlier in the context of his treatise on qanats:

“God – may he be blessed and exalted – created a compact universe without empty space, and attributed to each element – the celestial sphere, stars, fire, air, water, and earth – its own place, a place to which it tries to return if separated from it. Dense bodies like earth and water (…) seek the center of the universe, and the most dense arrive there first; from which it follows that the earth is at the center of the water that surrounds it.”[358]

And from this comes the explanation of groundwater movement:

“It is in the nature of water to seek, by its movement, the center of the earth, and not to rise.”

Springs are then explained by the slope of the impermeable layers over which groundwater flows:

“When the groundwater has its bed upon a hard surface, and this hardness, lying next to a fis­sure where the water flows, extends to the summit of a mountain, the water emerges and can be tapped at this summit, if it is nearer the center of the earth than the place from which the fissure is supplied.”[359]

Other authors also reveal a great deal of refinement in Arab research into these mechanisms. One is al-Muradi, who in the 11th century describes automatic controls that are powered by waterwheels. Another is al-Jazari who, at the very beginning of the 13th century, brought the art of the clepsydre (water clock) to its pinnacle.

We have been emphasizing the influence of the Greek and Hellenistic scientists on Arab thought. But we must not ignore the Chinese influence insofar as technology is concerned. After the battle of Talas, Chinese prisoners introduced the Chinese technol­ogy of the hydraulic pestle to the nascent paper industry at Samarcand; we will come back to this in Chapter 8.[360] This technology subsequently spreads to all the Arab world, then into the Occident. A century later, in 850, the historian al-Jahiz assembles an inven­tory of “products” imported from China to Iraq. In this inventory he naturally mentions silk, but also includes a curious list that contains, in order, “female slaves” and “hydraulic engineers.”[361]

Test Results

A fairly comprehensive range of methods and test parameters can be found in publi­cations on SMA fatigue properties. For example, in Australian research (Stephenson and Bullen, 2002) the strain-controlled mode was used to conduct a four-point bend­ing beam test at 20°C, with continuous haversine loading at a frequency of 10 Hz and a range of strain levels from 100 to 1000 pe. On the grounds of the test results, it can be stated that the fatigue limit of an SMA mixture is higher than a comparative specimen of AC.


The concept of workability has been used for determining a series of mixture prop­erties significant at the time of placement of a pavement. Workability is the property that determines the ability of a mixture to be placed mechanically or spread manu­ally and finally compacted (Asphalt Institute Handbook MS-4, 1989; Gudimettla et al., 2003). Naturally, compactability is a feature of less extensive significance, so it is a reflection of workability.

Obviously, workability is affected by the content and type of binder and the mix­ture temperature. It has been stated in U. S. research (Gudimettla et al., 2003) that workability is also influenced by the properties of the aggregate mix and the maxi­mum particle size.


Contractors Sell Large Systems because They Fear Complaints

In defense of the people selling and install­ing large air-conditioning systems, they do so for a reason. Profit plays a part, sure: If you install a bigger system, you make more money. More important, though, contrac­tors fear complaints about their systems’ inability to maintain set temperatures in extremely hot conditions. Using a rule-of-

thumb measurement or some other method, the contractor sizes the system larger. If 3 tons is good, 4 is better, right? Besides, "Maybe Manual J sizing isn’t quite big enough," a contractor might say, or "Here, it gets hotter than that."

A recent study, however, puts these fears to rest. Proctor Engineering Group (PEG), Electric Power Research Institute, Nevada Power, and Arizona Public Service tested a typical house with outdoor temperatures of up to 116°F (3°F above the mean extreme). The actual cooling required was less than Manual J predicted in all but three of the 1,316 hours that the house was monitored.

It’s not necessary to oversize beyond Manual J, which has a built-in oversizing margin. On the first page of the introduc­tion, Manual J states that "slightly under­sized cooling equipment—by a margin of 10% or less—may actually provide more comfort at a lower cost."

Most Air-Conditioning Systems Are Installed Improperly

Another major reason for poorly performing air-conditioning systems is faulty installation: incorrect refrigerant levels, low airflow, and poorly designed and installed duct systems.

In one study of 55,000 air-conditioning sys­tems by PEG, refrigerant levels were wrong 62% of the time; in another study, the figure was 68%.

Condenser units arrive from the factory with the proper amount of refrigerant for a given length of piping—usually 15 ft. or 25 ft.—to connect the indoor and outdoor units. Refrigerant levels often are wrong because line length in the field can vary, and technicians frequently don’t make adjust­ments according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

What difference does it make if refriger­ant levels are wrong? According to Armin Rudd of Building Science Corporation, if

Подпись: How Do You Find a Good Installer?Подпись: Because 70% of all central air-conditioning systems are installed improperly (according to a California new-home construction study), you could be paying anywhere from 25% to 50% too much in air-conditioning bills. Choose your airconditioning installer carefully, or pay the difference in higher energy and maintenance costs. One measure of a technician's expertise is whether he or she has completed a training program. All the major manufacturers offer training on installing their systems. In addition, several national certification programs are available through NATE (National Association of Training Excellence®; www.natex .org) and CheckMe! (through Proctor Engineering Group; www. CheckMe! is available in California, much of the Northeast (in some places under the Cool Smart name), and several other states. Technicians who complete their program perform diagnostic tests on each system and call in their results to a CheckMe! staff person to receive immediate feedback on the health of the system. Afterward, PEG sends a certificate of completion to the homeowner. Local electric utilities are another source for installer- certification programs similar to NATE or CheckMe! Rebates or incentives might be available for high-efficiency equipment. In addition to asking about certified training, here are some other questions to ask installers: • Do they use Manual J for sizing air-conditioning systems? • Are they using proper design temperatures for your area? • Will they verify that the indoor unit's evaporator coil and the outdoor unit's con- Contractors Sell Large Systems because They Fear ComplaintsПодпись: denser coil match and that the system has the proper amount of refrigerant? • Do they seal the ducts and test the system for leaks to a level of 10% or less? • Do they test airflow at the evaporator coil? • Can they provide references?

they are a little low, up to 20%, there’s some loss of cooling. More than that, and there’s an unacceptable loss of cooling along with frosting of the evaporator coil and, eventu­ally, complete loss of cooling. If refrigerant levels are too high, the story is similar: loss of cooling with possible damage to the compressor.

The speed and the volume of air mov­ing through air-conditioning systems were incorrect (usually too low) in about 72% of units tested in the PEG study. This was due partly to mismatched indoor and outdoor units, which occurs more often on retrofits than on new installations because only the exterior compressor/condenser unit typically is replaced. Also, airflow at the evaporator coil often is low because it usually isn’t tested, so no one actually knows what it is.

Fan speeds at the evaporator coil should be around 400 cfm (cu. ft. per minute) per ton of cooling capacity. Slightly lower fan speeds improve dehumidification. In dry cli­mates, fan speed should be increased.

Tied to airflow and directly affecting it are duct design and installation. Ducts are the least expensive part of the system and fre­quently are given short shrift. A properly de­signed duct system begins with determining the cooling load for each room (not based on the square footage), which can vary greatly. Duct runs need to be as short as pos­sible; they need to be insulated; and when possible, they should be installed within conditioned space. Ducts also should be sealed. Leaky ducts waste energy and in the right conditions might draw dust, spores, or combustion gas from a gas appliance back into the house.

Adequate return air also is important to minimize air-pressure imbalances that can affect cooling. The placement of registers in the room and the quality of the grilles greatly affect the duct system’s ability to throw air across the room and to mix the air properly.

Chris Green is a carpenter and cabinetmaker in New Milford, Conn.

Подпись: 10

Resampling Techniques

Note that the Monte Carlo simulation described in preceding sections is con­ducted under the condition that the probability distribution and the associated population parameters are known for the random variables involved in the system. The observed data are not used directly in the simulation. In many statistical estimation problems, the statistics of interest often are expressed as functions of random observations, that is,

© = ©( X1, X 2,…, Xn) (6.110)

The statistics © could be estimators of unknown population parameters of in­terest. For example, consider that random observations Xs are the annual max­imum floods. The statistics © could be the distribution of the floods; statisti­cal properties such as mean, standard deviation, and skewness coefficient; the magnitude of the 100-year event; a probability of exceeding the capacity of a hydraulic structure; and so on.

Note that the statistic © is a function of the random variables. It is also a random variable, having a PDF, mean, and standard deviation like any other

random variable. After a set of n observations {X1 = x1, X2 = x2,___________________________________________ , Xn = xn}

is available, the numerical value of the statistic © can be computed. However, along with the estimation of © values, a host of relevant issues can be raised with regard to the accuracy associated with the estimated ©, its bias, its confi­dence interval, and so on. These issues can be evaluated using the Monte Carlo simulation in which many sequences of random variates of size n are generated from each of which the value of the statistic of interest is computed ©. Then the statistical properties of © can be summarized.

Unlike the Monte Carlo simulation approach, resampling techniques are de­veloped that reproduce random data exclusively on the basis of observed data. Tung and Yen (2005, Sec. 6.7) described two resampling techniques, namely, the jackknife method and the bootstrap method. A brief description of the latter is given below because the bootstrap method is more versatile and general than the jackknife method.

The bootstrap technique was first proposed by Efron (1979a, 1979b) to deal with the variance estimation of sample statistics based on observations. The technique intends to be a more general and versatile procedure for sampling distribution problems without having to rely heavily on the normality condition on which classical statistical inferences are based. In fact, it is not uncommon to observe nonnormal data in hydrosystems engineering problems. Although the bootstrap technique is computationally intensive—a price to pay to break away from dependence on the normality theory—such concerns will be dimin­ished gradually as the calculating power of the computers increases (Diaconis and Efron, 1983). An excellent overall review and summary of bootstrap tech­niques, variations, and other resampling procedures are given by Efron (1982) and Efron and Tibshirani (1993). In hydrosystems engineering, bootstrap pro­cedures have been applied to assess the uncertainty associated with the dis­tributional parameters in flood frequency analysis (Tung and Mays, 1981), op­timal risk-based hydraulic design of bridges (Tung and Mays, 1982), and unit hydrograph derivation (Zhao et al., 1997).

The basic algorithm of the bootstrap technique in estimating the standard deviation associated with any statistic of interest from a set of sample observa­tions involves the following steps:

1. For a set of sample observations of size n, that is, x = {x1, x2,…, xn}, as­sign a probability mass 1/n to each observation according to an empirical probability distribution f,

f: P (X = xi) = 1/n for i = 1,2,…, n (6.111)

2. Randomly draw n observations from the original sample set using f to form a bootstrap sample x# = {x1#, x2#,…, xn#}. Note that the bootstrap sample x# is a subset of the original samples x.

3. Calculate the value of the sample statistic ©# of interest based on the boot­strap sample x #.

4. Independently repeat steps 2 and 3 a number of times M, obtaining bootstrap replications of в# = {в #1, в#2,…, B#M}, and calculate

Resampling Techniques





Resampling Techniques

where в#. is the average of the bootstrap replications of ©, that is,


в# =Y. в#m/M (6.113)


A flowchart for the basic bootstrap algorithm is shown in Fig. 6.15. The boot­strap algorithm described provides more information than just computing the

Подпись: Figure 6.15 Flowchart of basic bootstrap resampling algorithm.
Resampling Techniques

standard deviation of a sample statistic. The histogram constructed on the basis of M bootstrap replications 0# = {0#i, 0#2,…, в#м} gives some ideas about the sampling distribution of the sample statistic ©, such as the failure probability. Furthermore, based on the bootstrap replications 0#, one can construct con­fidence intervals for the sample statistic of interest. Similar to Monte Carlo simulation, the accuracy of estimation increases as the number of bootstrap samples gets larger. However, a tradeoff exists between computational cost and the level of accuracy desired. Efron (1982) suggested that M = 200 is generally sufficient for estimating the standard errors of the sample statistics. However, to estimate the confidence interval with reasonable accuracy, one would need at least M = 1000.

This algorithm is called nonparametric, unbalanced bootstrapping. Its para­metric version can be made by replacing the nonparametric estimator f by a

parametric distribution in which the distribution parameters are estimated by the maximum-likelihood method. More specifically, if one judges that on the basis of the original data set the random observations x = (x1, x2,…, xn} are from, say, a lognormal distribution, then the resampling of x’s from x using the parametric mechanism would assume that f is a lognormal distribution.

Note that the theory of the unbalanced bootstrap algorithm just described only ensures that the expected number to be resampled for each individual ob­servation is equal to the number of bootstrap samples M generated. To improve the estimation accuracy associated with a statistical estimator of interest, Davi­son et al. (1986) proposed balanced bootstrap simulation, in which the number of appearances of each individual observation in the bootstrap data set must be exactly equal to the total number of bootstrap replications generated. This constrained bootstrap simulation has been found, in both theory and practical implementations, to be more efficient than the unbalanced algorithm in that the standard error associated with © by the balanced algorithm is smaller. This implies that fewer bootstrap replications are needed by the balanced algorithm than the unbalanced approach to achieve the same accuracy level in estima­tion. Gleason (1988) discussed several computer algorithms for implementing the balanced bootstrap simulation.

Example 6.15 Based on the annual maximum flood data listed in Table 6.4 for Miller Creek, Los Molinos, California, use the unbalanced bootstrap method to estimate the mean, standard errors, and 95 percent confidence interval associated with the annual probability that the flood magnitude exceeds 20,000 ft3/s.

Solution In this example, M = 2000 bootstrap replications of size n = 30 from {yi = ln(Xi)}, i = 1, 2,…, 30, are generated by the unbalanced nonparametric boot­strap procedure. In each replication, the bootstrapped flows are treated as lognormal

TABLE 6.4 Annual Maximum Floods for Mill Creek near Los Molinos, California


Discharge (ft3/s)


Discharge (ft3/s)





























































Resampling Techniques

variates based on which the exceedance probability P(Q > 20,000 ft3/s) is computed. The results of the computations are shown below:


P(Q > 20,000 ft3/s)



Coefficient of variation


Skewness coefficient


95 percent confidence interval

(0.000719, 0.03722)

The histogram of bootstrapped replications of P (Q > 20,000 ft3/s) is shown in Fig. 6.16.

Note that the sampling distribution of the exceedance probability P (Q > 20,000 ft3/s) is highly skewed to the right. Because the exceedance probability has to be bounded between 0 and 1, density functions such that the beta distribution may be applicable. The 95 percent confidence interval shown in the table is obtained by truncating 2.5 percent from both ends of the