In areas where the termites are especially hungry (Hawaii and some southern states), entire house frames can be built of pressure – treated wood. Pressure-treatment technology was developed to repel termites and inhibit rot, and it does so effectively. During the treatment process, a preservative compound is forced under pres­sure into raw lumber, penetrating deeply into each board.

For many years the main ingredient used in treated wood was arsenic. A dangerous poison, arsenic was effective in repelling termites but also harmed the workers who manufactured and used these construction materials. The EPA eventually banned the use of arsenic in PT wood, and suppliers replaced the arsenic with copper and other less harmful chemicals. Copper is what gives PT lumber its distinctive green or brown color. Because copper is quite cor­rosive, nails and metal fasteners had to be redesigned. It’s best to used hot-dipped galvanized nails (rather than regular steel nails) when working with pressure-treated wood. Always check with your supplier to make sure you use nails and metal fasteners that won’t corrode easily.

To avoid injury when handling and cutting PT lumber, it’s impor­tant to follow these safety precautions:

■ Use gloves when working with PT wood.

■ If you handle PT wood with bare hands, wash your hands before eating.

■ Don’t burn scrap PT lumber in your woodstove or anywhere else.

■ When cutting more than a few PT boards, wear a dust mask.

Posts, girders, and beams

Posts are vertical supports for horizontal pieces, which are called girders or beams. These major horizontal members support floor joists. Posts that sit on concrete piers are often made of PT wood.


Typically spaced 16 in. or 24 in. o. c., joists are installed parallel to each other and support the subfloor and rough plumbing. They span the entire house, running from one outside sill, across any interior girders, to the other

Подпись: Plates and studs are nailed together and raised upright to form a wall.

outside sill. Most often they are made from 2x-dimension lumber (such as 2x8s, 2x10s, or 2 x12s) or from manufactured, wooden I-beam joists.

Floor sheathing

Floors are usually sheathed with 5/8-in.- or 3/4-in.-thick, 4-ft. by 8-ft. sheets of tongue – and-groove plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). Better sheets have their edges treated with paint to inhibit moisture absorption in wet weather.

Wall plates

These are the 2×4 or 2×6 horizontal members that hold together the parts of a wall. Each wall has three plates—one on the bottom and two on the top. The two uppermost plates are called the top plate and the double top (or cap) plate. When framing on a concrete slab, the bottom plate is made of PT wood.


Studs are the vertical wall members nailed to the plates, and they are typically spaced either 16 in. or 24 in. o. c. The standard, precut stud length in many parts of the country is 92/4 in. That stud, along with three F/2-in.- thick wall plates (one on the bottom and two at the top), creates a framed wall that is 963/4 in. high. That leaves room for /Tin. or 3/8-in. drywall on the ceiling and full 8-ft. sheets on the walls. In addition to solid 2x lumber, you may also encounter finger-jointed studs, which are manufactured from shorter pieces of wood glued end to end. Some houses are being built with metal studs.

PRESSURE-TREATED LUMBERMaterials matter. Builder’s felt, sometimes called tar paper, is rolled over the roof sheathing before as­phalt shingles are installed.

Подпись: Make sure that every window and door has proper flashing and caulking before setting them in place. [Photo by Don Charles Blom]

Headers, trimmers, and cripples

The weight from above a window or door opening is transferred around the hole by a header nailed horizontally between studs. Trimmers nailed to the studs at both ends of the header support the header. Cripples, or jack studs, extend from the top of a header to the top plate, as well as from the bottom plate to the underside of rough windowsills.

Roof trusses

Each of these factory-made assemblies typically consists of a bottom chord (or joist chord), a top chord (rafter or rafter chord), and interior web­bing. Trusses are often engineered to carry the entire weight of a roof’s load, transferring it to the exterior walls. That load can be considerable in snowy parts of the country. Trusses allow roof construction to be done quickly and easily. Most trusses for residential construction are spaced 24 in. o. c.

Fascia and gutter boards

These terms are often used interchangeably, but a gutter board is technically distinct from a fascia board. Both parts are installed over the ends of the rafter tails. A gutter board is nailed directly to the rafter tails, and it is covered by aluminum or vinyl cladding or by a fascia board that serves as the finished exterior’s trim surface. For more details, see Chapter 6.

Roof and wall sheathing

Roofs and walls are usually sheathed with V2-in.- or 5/8-in.-thick OSB. In some parts of the country, exterior walls, along with their gable trusses, are sheathed before they are raised upright. In earthquake and high wind areas, you are often required to sheathe some interior walls to help withstand lateral forces that can tear buildings apart. Take a look at the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf states and you begin to get the picture.

Housewrap and felt paper

Housewrap or felt paper is placed under siding
and shingles to prevent wind and water from entering stud cavities or the attic. You can also use a rain screen behind siding to help prevent moisture from getting trapped in these areas, which can cause mold.


Construction adhesives, caulk, and other seal­ants are ever present on job sites. Most of those products come in cylindrical cartridges that fit inside a caulking gun, which is used to apply the caulk or sealant. Construction adhe­sives can be used to bond different materials together—floor sheathing to floor joists, for example. To prevent water leakage, caulks are used to seal around windows and doorframes, at siding joints, and where a bathtub meets the floor. They can be used under wall plates and around pipe holes to block out cold air. Gaps between baseboards and walls or door casings can be filled with caulk before painting. Be sure to buy the right type of caulk. Don’t use a basic latex painter’s caulk around exterior doors and windows, for example. Silicone caulks offer much better protection in these areas.


Drywall screws are the most universally used screws in house construction. But thanks to the popularity of cordless drill-drivers, all kinds of screws are now being used to build houses. Corrosion-resistant screws are available for deck construction and other outdoor applica­tions. Other types of screws are used to install cabinets, built-ins, and hardware. Screws are typically described by head type (main types include flat, round, pan, and hex); length (given in inches); gauge, or shank, diameter (usually between 4 and 10); and typical use (drywall, wood, sheet metal, and so on). Although popular for general-purpose use, drywall screws aren’t strong enough to support heavy loads, such as wall cabinets.

Other fasteners

Toggle bolts, molly bolts, hollow-wall anchors, and other fasteners are used to help secure items, such as wire shelving to drywall panels. When fastening materials to a masonry surface


Despite the great impact of the stabilizer on SMA quality, few countries have devel­oped testing methods and criteria for the practicality of stabilizers. Some assess­ment methods for the application of stabilizers in various countries are presented in Chapter 5.

Practice proves that a reliable stabilizer-effectiveness assessment can be carried out when the same SMA mixture (the same JMF*) is tested with different stabiliz­ers. Comparison of test results from tests on different SMA mixtures is unreliable. The results of one test will not be comparable with the those of the others because the results for each mixture depend on the SMA composition, such as the type of aggregate and binder contents.

A direct method of checking the effectiveness of stabilization (i. e., absorption capacity) is the oil-absorption method (see Chapter 5).

Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined

Making a flooded basement livable is a great example of how one type of repair is directly related to another. On one of these projects, we needed to stop water from leaking into

the old rubble foundation with a perimeter drain and a new slab. Adding insulation under the slab and inside the walls keeps the space free of condensation and also saves energy.

The durability and functional upgrades illustrated on the following pages cost a lot. By spending a bit more, we were able to reduce energy costs tremendously. After cutting energy consumption, the stage is set for the installation of affordable, renewable power sources to offset the remaining energy needs. And that 21st-century step could transform these vintage homes to net-zero energy houses or even energy producers.

Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined3-in. closed-cell spray foam (R-21)

3-in. fiberglass batts (R-10)

2-in. XPS foam (R-10)

Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined Подпись: Our First Renovation Built in the 1860s, this house was a typical New England Greek-revival farmhouse. It had a basement prone to flooding, sagging floors, a leaning barn, and old, inefficient mechanical equipment. The structural and water issues were expensive to fix, so we looked for ways to save on energy upgrades. We took different approaches to fixing the

Tar paper


Подпись:To get a high R-value (R-40) without disrupting the roof or increasing the 2×6 rafter size, we combined insulation types. We could have used only closed-cell spray foam to fill the rafters, but at the time, it was too expensive. Instead, we used 3 in. of spray foam to create an air barrier and fiberglass batts to fill the rest of the rafter bay. A layer of rigid foam under the rafters is a thermal break.

Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined

Подпись: aimed to maintain interior finishes wherever possible. Overall, our strategies worked. The house's Energy Star rating for homes was 91 out of a possible 100 points (www. We doubled the living area by bringing the barn and attached shed into the conditioned space while increasing power consumption by only 8%. We used


Built: 1860s

Renovation completed: 2,000 Conditioned space: 2,600 sq. ft. before; 5,240 sq. ft. after, including the barn Bedrooms: 4 before; 6 after Bathrooms: 2 before; 4У2 after cost of renovation: $125 per sq. ft.

annual utility cost:

• Before: $1.90 per sq. ft.; after: 86Ф per sq. ft.

• Gas: $3,000 a year before; $2,400 a year after

• Electric: $1,950 a year before; $2,100 a year after

„…….. .


12-in. screws



Because we wanted the timber­framing visible, we put the insulation outside the barn after wrapping it with plastic. Why plastic? Because struc­tural and water-related repairs had drained our budget, and we thought we could save by using plastic (rather than self­adhesive roofing membrane) to control air and vapor while act­ing as a drainage plane.


V2-in. plywood


10-in. EPS foam (R-40)


6-mil poly


3/4-in. plywood strips


Existing timber frame


8-in. EPS J3F-

foam (R-32) —

3/4-in. furring strips


Existing sheathing


6-mil poly





6×6 sill beam


New 2×10 floor joist


the renovated bam as our office space for 10 years while fighting a zoning battle to allow this "commercial" use. In the end, we lost the zoning battle, and now the barn is a huge guest house with full kitchen and bath.

We did what we thought we could afford at the time, but in trying to save money, we scrimped in ways we would not do again. The 6-mil polyethylene (see the drawing above) was a risky control layer for the barn and has been working except for some areas where the roof leaked at the intersection of the new cupola that we installed. Today, we would use a peel-and-stick roofing mem­brane rather than plastic and be very dili­gent with the flashing and counterflashing around the cupola.

The waterproof membrane covering


8-in. EPS / foam (R-32)


2-in. metal stud wall with drywall


Dense mesh drainage mat


Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined







4-in. crushed stone (no fines)





leads to




Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined


The granite-block foundation in this 150-year-old barn quit blocking water many years ago. The solution? Pump it out. Peel-and-stick roofing membrane acts as a drainage plane, directing water to the perimeter drainpipe leading to a sump pump. Closed-cell insulation keeps the basement warm and dry.


Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined

ШГ – i


Durability and Energy Efficiency Are Intertwined


Built: Circa 1860 Renovation completed:


Conditioned space:

2,150 sq. ft. before; 2,750sq. ft., after, plus

1,0 sq. ft. of dry warm basement space Bedrooms: 2 before;

4У2 after

Bathrooms: 2 before;

4V2 after

Cost of renovation: $125 per sq. ft.

Annual utility cost:

• Before: $2.34 per sq. ft.; after: 83Ф per sq. ft.

• Gas: $3,600 a year before $1,474 a year after

• electric: $1,440 a year before; $830 a year after

a deeper roof is cheaper TO iNsuLATE

Because the 2×4 rafters were sagging under the weight of the slate, we sistered 12-in.-deep rafters to them. Deep rafter cavities such as these mean that the more-economical open­cell foam can be used and still get high R-values. Along with 2 in. of XPS (extruded polysty­rene) under the rafters, we got an R-value

of 5°. Conditioned space behind the

kneewall is ideal for air-handling equipment or ductwork.

Two-inch-thick XPS foam board (R-10) adds insulation and is a class-II vapor retarder.



The procedure for the quantitative selection of a stabilizer in a mix is simple, although it may be a little laborious. One of the draindown testing methods described in Chapter 8 may be adopted here. A series of SMA samples of the same composition should be prepared, but with different quantities of stabilizer. If the procedure is carried out with a proven product (e. g., cellulose fibers), testing may be limited to 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4% (m/m). If it is a product that has not yet been used, the testing series ought to cover a somewhat wider range based on the expected behavior (e. g., 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%,

0. 4%, and 0.5% [m/m]). Draindown should be determined for each stabilizer content, and the results should be plotted as shown in Figure 4.10. An important remark—the test temperature should be as close as possible to the real production temperature of the mix in the asphalt plant (see Chapter 8). The amount of stabilizer required for complying with the contract specifications may then be read off the diagram.



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Stabilizer (drainage inhibitor) content in SMA, % (m/m)

FIGuRE 4.10 Example relationship between draindown and stabilizer content used for the selection of an effective content of stabilizer in an SMA mix.

The optimal content of a stabilizer is the one that produces less than 0.3% by mass draindown material (recommended value is less than or equal to 0.2% m/m), unless otherwise specified.



lumbing and pipe fitting are similar, but not always the same. Modern plumbers usually work with copper tubing and various forms of plastic piping. Cast-iron pipe is still encountered, and steel pipe is used for gas work. Finding a plumber working with threaded joints is not nearly as com­mon as it once was. But, threaded pipe is still used in plumbing, and it is used frequently in pipe fitting. Figuring the fit for a pipe where threads are to be inserted into a fitting is a little different from sliding copper or plastic pipe into a hub fitting. However, many of the calculations used with threaded pipe apply to other types of pipe.

Many plumbers don’t spend a lot of time using mathematical functions to figure offsets. Heck, I’m one of them. How often have you taken a forty-five and held it out to guesstimate a length for a piece of pipe? If you have a lot of experience, your trained eye and skill probably gave you a measurement that was close enough for plastic pipe or copper tubing. I assume this because I do it all the time. But, there are times when it helps to know how to use a precise formula to get an accurate measurement.

FORMULAS FOR PIPE FITTERSПодпись: ► sensible shortcutПодпись: When you test gas piping for leaks, you can use soapy water or a spray window cleaner to find the leak. Wipe or spray the solution on pipe threads and watch for bubbles to form. If they do, you have found the leak.The need for accuracy is more important when installing threaded pipe. For exam­ple, you can’t afford to guess at a piece of gas pipe and find out the hard way that the threads did not go far enough into the receiving fitting.

In the old days, when I was first learning the trade, plumbers taught their helpers and apprentices. Those were the good-ole days. In today’s competitive market, plumbing companies don’t spend nearly as much time or money train­ing their up-and-coming plumbers. As the owner of a plumbing company, I understand why this is, but I don’t agree with it. And, the net result is a crop


of plumbers who are not well prepared for what their trade requires. Sure, they can do the basics of gluing, soldering, and simple layouts, but many of the new breed don’t possess the knowledge needed to be true master plumbers. Don’t get me wrong; it’s not really the fault of the new plumbers. Responsibility for becoming an excellent plumber rests on many shoulders.

Подпись: been there done that If you are entering the plumbing trade, shop yourself to companies who will train you. I turned down jobs that offered more money than other companies when I was a helper. Why did I do this? Because I wanted to be a plumber. It is often the companies who pay less who will invest in training a rookie. The knowledge you gain will be worth much more than the extra money that you might make at another company. The money is likely to be gone in a year, but the knowledge will be with you for life. ideally, plumbing apprentices and helpers should have classroom training. Company supervisors should authorize field plumbers some additional time for in-the-field training for apprentices. Working apprentices should go the extra mile to do research and study on their own. When I was helper, I used to spend my lunch break reading the codebook. There is no single individual to blame for the quality of education that some new plumbers are, or are not, receiving. Money is probably the root of the prob­lem. Customers are looking for low bids. Contractors must be competitive, and this eliminates the ability to have a solid on-the-job training program. Many helpers today seem to be more interested in getting their check than getting an education. So, here we are, with a lot of plumbers who don’t know the in­ner workings of the finer points of plumbing.

FORMULAS FOR PIPE FITTERSПодпись: ► sensible shortcutПодпись:I was fortunate enough to be what might have been the last generation of plumbers to get company support in learning the trade. Plenty of time was spent running jackhammers and using shovels, but my field plumber took the time to explain procedures to me. I learned quickly how to plumb a basic house. Then I learned how to run gas pipe and to do commercial buildings. As a part of my learning process, I read voraciously. Later I became a supervisor, then the owner of my own company, and eventually an educator for other plumbers and for apprentices. I could have stopped anywhere along the way, but I’ve taken my interest in the trade to the limits, and I continue to push ahead. No, I don’t know all there is to know, but I’ve worked hard to gain the knowledge I have. Now is the time for me to share my knowledge of pipe fit­ting math with you.


Offsets for 45° bends are common needs in both plumbing and pipe fitting. In fact, this degree of offset is one of the most common in the trade. I mentioned



FIGURE 2.1 ■ Calculated 45° offsets.


earlier that many plumbers eyeball such offset measurements. The method works for a lot of plumbers, but let’s take a little time to see how the math of such offsets can help you in your career.

To start our tutorial, let’s discuss terms that apply to offsets. Envision a horizontal pipe that you want to install a 45° offset in. For the ease of vision, think of the horizontal pipe resting in a pipe hanger. You have to offset the pipe over a piece of ductwork. This will have a 45° fitting looking up from your horizontal pipe. There will be a piece of pipe in the upturned end of the fitting that will come into the bottom of the second 45° fitting (Fig. 2.1: off­set drawing).

Подпись:As we talk about measurements here, they will all be measured from the center of the pipe. There are two terms you need to know for this calculation.

Travel, the first term, is the length of the pipe between the two 45° fittings. The length of Travel begins and ends at the center of each fitting. The distance from the center of the lower horizontal pipe to the center of the upper horizontal pipe is called the Set. Now that you know the terms, we can do the math.

To make doing the math easier, I am including tables for you to work from (Fig. 2.2: 45° offset math tables). Let’s say that the Set is 563/4 inches. Find this measurement in the table in Fig. 2.2. This will show you that the Travel is 80.244 inches. Now you can use the table for converting decimal equivalents of fractions of an inch (Fig. 2.3: decimal equivalents of fractions of an inch) to convert your decimal, the 80.244 inches. Finding the decimal equivalent of a fraction is a matter of dividing the numerator by the denomi­nator. The chart in Fig. 2.3 proves the measurement to be 80V4 inches. You can find the Set if you know the Travel by reversing the procedure.

If the Travel is known to be 80V4 inches, what is the Set? We both know that it is 563/4 inches, but how would you find it? Use the table in Fig. 2.2 and look under the heading of Travel. Find the 80.244 listing that represents 80V4 inches. Refer to the Set heading. What does it say? Of course, it says 563/4. It’s that easy. All you have to do is use the tables that I’ve provided to make your life easier in calculating 45° offsets.





































































































































































































































FIGURE 2.2 ■ Set and travel relationships in inches for 45° offsets.


Techniques USING A HAMMERTechniques USING A HAMMERПодпись: NAILING WITH A HAMMERПодпись: Drive nails with a fluid stroke, involving shoulder, arm, and wrist action. . •Подпись: Wrap your thumb around the handle.Подпись: The hammer face needs to strike the nail head flat.Подпись: Driving nails is sort of like swinging a tennis racket. Your grip on the handle should be secure but relaxed, and thp swing should involve your entire arm and wrist.Techniques USING A HAMMER


delivering a blazing tennis serve, driving nails quickly and accurately takes time and practice to master. Like most athletic endeavors, efficient nailing has at least as much to do with rhythm and coordination as it does with power and force. Learn to nail using your entire body; make a fluid shoulder, elbow, and forearm movement that ends with a decisive snap of the wrist (see the illustration at right). Practice your tech­nique. Grasp the handle near the end with an easy, firm grip, making sure your thumb is wrapped around it. Buy a box of 8d or 16d framing nails, find a hunk of wood, and start driving nails. In time, you’ll be amazed at the speed and force with which you can drive nails.

When pulling nails with a wooden-handled hammer, hook the nail and push the hammer to one side and then the other, rather than straight

back (see the photo at left). Otherwise, you could break the handle right at the hammer’s head. To pull nails with a metal-handled hammer, you can lever the hammer sideways or backward. To increase your lever­age, put a block under the head of the hammer.

Techniques USING A HAMMERПодпись: HAMMERS HAVE DIFFERENT HFADS AND HANDLES. A corrugated face on the head (far left hammer) is the best choice for framing, because it tends to slip less on nail heads. For finish work, you'll need a smaller hammer with a smooth face.і

Helping Hand

Shrink-wrap strengthens a wooden handle. Available from electrical suppliers, plastic shrink-wrap can add strength to a wooden ham­mer handle right where it counts—where the handle meets the head. Slip a 6-in.-long piece of the plas­tic wrap onto the handle, then shrink it in place with a hair dryer.


strength, feel well balanced, and be comfort­able in vour hand. When I brine a new ham – mer home, I usually reinforce the upper part of the wooden handle by wrapping it with electrical tape.

Utility knives and tinsnips

A few more essential tools round out a car­penter’s basic, must have kit. Perhaps fore­most on this list is a utility knife. On the job site, a utility knife may be used to open pack­ages or cut building paper, fiberglass insula­tion, shingles, vinyl, or drywall. You’ll also need it several times a day to sharpen a car­penter’s pencil (see the photo at right). 1 rec­ommend using a knife with a retractable, replaceable blade and a handle with space inside to hold several replacement blades.

When a blade becomes dull, replace it or restore its edge with a whetstone. A dull blade doesn’t cut as neatly and is dangerous because of the extra force required to make it cut.

You’ll need a good pair of tinsnips to cut steel packaging bands around lumber. Snips are also essential when working with alu­minum cladding and vinyl siding. Be careful
when using these cutting tools. Accidents with utilitv knives are common.

Cat’s paws and flat bars

These prying tools really come in handy dur­ing new construction and remodeling work. Your hammer’s claw vvi 1 generally work fine for removing exposed nails. When a nail is buried, though, a cat’s paw is the tool to use. With a couple of hammer blows, you can sink

Подпись: І іПодпись: Helping HandПодпись: Builder's suspenders can lighten your load. Available where tool belts and pouches are sold, builder's suspenders can help take some weight off your waist and put it on your shoulders. They look good, too.Подпись:Techniques USING A HAMMERthe cat’s paw into a board, grab the head of a nail, and lever it above the surface. From there, your hammer takes over to completely remove the nail.

A flat bar can also be used to pull nails, or it can be used as a prybar. In new construc­tion, I often use a flat bar to separate boards that have been temporarily nailed together and to slip aluminum or vinyl trim under a drip edge (see the photo above).

Tool Carriers

Once you have a few tools, you’ll need to carry them with you as you frame walls and install siding or shingles. It doesn’t work well to carry a measuring tape in your jeans and to fish nails from a shirt pocket. Fifty years ago, when I started working as a carpenter, we wore white carpenter’s overalls with a lot of little pockets for nails and tools. Those soon gave way to cloth aprons, which were replaced by heavy leather aprons with a wide leaner bclt. Today, nylon pouches seem to be taking over, and for good reason: The best versions are lighter than leather and just as durable.

As with tools, the selection of tool belts,
pouches, and holders can be confusing. There are good bell and pouch systems for both men and women. Inexpensive versions are available for novice and occasional builders.

If you’re serious about construction work, consider some of the tool belt systems that allow you to add pouches and holders as you need them.

For larger items, or for tools that are used only occasionally, the traditional carpenter’s toolbox has given way to the carpenter’s tool bucket (see the photo below). This is іust a 5-gal. bucket fitted with a bag insert that

allows vou to carry manv individual tools. For

/ * і

organizing specialized tools (collections of drill bits, chisels, or screwdrivers, for exam­ple), inexpensive storage boxes in many sizes are available from supply stores. Label the boxes so you know what’s inside.


CREATE A TOTE FOR TOOLS. Fitted with a pouch – covered canvas or nylon insert, a 5-gal. plas­tic bucket replaces an old-fashioned carpen­ter’s toolbox.



A MEASURING TAPE IS SIMPLY a long ruler in a convenient easy-to-use package. Just like a ruler, a tape is laid out in feet, inches, and fractions of inches. Knowing how to read a tape quickly and accurately is an essential skill for anyone involved in the building trades.

The key to being able to read a tape is learning and understanding all the subdivisions of an inch (see the illustration at right). Each inch is divided into halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths. Once you can discern the mean­ing of all these little marks, you’ll have no problem measuring 13 ft., 9}/is in., or any other odd dimension. Study the drawing and your own tape until you can rattle off accurate readings at a glance.

In addition to feet and inches, a tape also has special marks at 16 in., 32 in., and so on to indicate the layout of most floor joists and wall

studs. Some tapes also have decimal equivalents and a metric conversion scale on the back.

Подпись: Helping HandПодпись: Check a level for level. To check a level's accuracy, place it edge to edge against another level and against a flat surface that's close to level. If the level vials on both tools read the same, you can assume both levels are accurate. Test the vials that read for plumb in the same way.

cause rust and friction, which can shorten the tape’s life span.


Checking for level (horizontal) and plumb (vertical) are construction tasks that carpen­ters do every day. both 2-ft. and 4-ft. levels are

4 4

good to have around. The 2-ft. model allows you to get into tighter spaces—to check a header or rough sill for level, for example. A 4-ft. or 6-ft. model provides greater accuracy across longer distances, such as when checking walls for plumb. More so than perhaps any other carpentry tool, a level must be treated with loving care to remain useful (an inaccu­rate level does you no favors). Check your
levels for accuracy before you put them to work (see the tip at left).


Most things a carpenter builds are either square or rectangular. With a good square or two, you can mark square lines exactly and make square cuts precisely. These days, the most useful square is a small rafter square, often called a Speed square™—the brand name of a popular model (see the top right photo on the facing page). This triangular square fits conveniently inside a nail hag. It’s rugged and easy to use and lets you lay out almost any desired angle, in addition to 45-degree and 90-degree angles.



HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL. Available in differ­ent lengths, levels can quickly test for plumb (vertical) and level (horizontal).



GET THE RIGHT ANGLE. A small, triangular rafter square is designed to lay out 90-degree and 45-degree angles quickly, but it’s also capable of laying out just about any angle you might need.



Marking tools

Once you’ve measured* its hire lo mark. A carpenters pencil and a lumber crayon, or keel, are the two most common marking tools you’ll need. A carpenter’s pencil is flat (so it won’t roll away if you set it down), and it’s less apt to break than a regular pencil. Keel marks easily where pencils can’t—on materials such as tarpaper, housewrap, and concrete. It’s waterproof, loo.

A chalkline is also essential. The first chalk­line 1 used was simply a string pulled through a solid chunk of chalk. Today’s chalklines come in cases or reels that hold both a string and a supply of powdered chalk. You pull the chalk-covered string out of the case, snap your line, and then rewind the string inside the case, where it becomes covered in chalk again, ready for the next line. The chalk comes in many colors, including a few neon shades.

Подпись:Подпись:Chalk that leaves a permanent line is good for working in rainy weather.


Carpenters can be a bit touchy about their hammers. You may have more luck borrowing a carpenters pickup truck than a favorite hammer. These days, most framers west of the Mississippi prefer a 21-oz. hammer with a ser­rated face and a 16-in.- or 18-in.-long wooden handle. My preference is the well-balanced Dalluge® hammer. Women friends in the trade tell me they like the Stiletto®, a 14-oz.

framing hammer made of titanium with a steel face. East of the Mississippi, Ї see carpen­ters mostly using smooth-faced hammers with metal or fiberglass handles.

Hammer faces and weights vary greatly (see the top photo on the facing page). The best advice I can give is to select a professional – grade hammer that feels good to you. Defi­nitely check out a hammer in person before you buy it. It should match your pnysical

Binder Viscosity Promoters

The second way to counteract the draindown phenomena is to use a binder viscos­ity promoter. The most common agents used to be polymers, either plastomers or elastomers. Test results show, however, that the efficiency of polymers is not as good as that of fibers. Currently in many countries, regardless of the type of applied binder (modified or paving grade), fiber stabilizers are required. Binder modified with special materials may be considered, except for polymers directly metered into a pugmill at an asphalt plant. Polymer stabilizers also have a higher viscosity over the preferred range of production temperatures. This is when the use of a classic stabilizer is indispensable because, as a number of failed attempts have shown, modified binder itself does not protect an SMA mix from segregation.

The application of viscosity promoters acting at temperatures of 100-160°C may also increase problems with compaction on site because an SMA mix is hard to compact, even without an additive that stiffens the binder and makes compacting the mix even more difficult. This fact should not be forgotten when choosing a stabilizer to use.


A 10-in. sliding compound-miter saw is the ulti­mate tool for a wide range of finish work. The extended crosscut length, combined with adjustable angle and bevel settings, allows com­plicated cuts in larger materials such as 6-in. by 6-in. deck posts, 10-in.-wide siding boards, and large crown molding.


Moderately priced and incredibly useful, a power planer can plane down studs to create a flat plane for drywall, trim a little off an exterior door, and quickly cut a slot so the nailing flange of an elec­trical box is flush to the edge of a stud (see the photo on p. 167).


Renting a h-in. right-angle drill will let you avoid burning out your own drill while roughing in plumbing and electrical runs. The right-angle drill is a godsend in the tight spaces between framing members, and the drill’s long handle gives you more leverage to control the torque of this slow-drilling powerful machine.

When drilling through framing, self-feeding, double-spiral bits clear wood well, but use a hole-cutting bit when bigger holes are required. Whatever bit you use, wear goggles and watch for nails. The better right-angle drills will have a clutch that disengages if the bit meets a certain level of resistance.


It may take 20,000 to 30,000 nails just to sheath an average house. Add to that the nails needed

Подпись:image108Подпись: Rotary hammers. From left-.'k-'m. hammer drill and 1 ’A-in. hammer drill. for framing, roofing, and shin­gling, and you can begin to imagine the number of hammer strokes required. Pneumatic nailers, commonly called nail guns, can reduce those strokes to a small fraction.

Control of the workpiece is the other big advantage of these nailers—with a hammer and nail, you need one hand for each. A pneumatic nailer delivers the nails, giving you a free hand to hold a stud or top plate in place. The nail goes in quickly without requiring hammer blows that cause the wood to “drift.”

And unlike hammer heads, pneumatic nailers won’t slip and ding expensive pieces of trim. Consequently, among profession­als, pneumatic finish nailers have all but replaced the hand nailing of door and window casings.

There are framing nailers, finish nailers, and brad nailers (also called pin tackers). These nail­ers are powered by air hoses running to a com­pressor and calibrated by a pressure adjustment on the nailer. Staff at rental companies can explain such adjustments as well as safety fea­tures and correct operation.

Hard hats, safety glasses, and hearing protec­tion are musts.


Potentially very dangerous, powder-actuated tools are useful for shooting nails into concrete, as when framing an interior wall on a concrete slab or securing pressure-treated lumber to a founda­tion wall. But such connections need to be non­structural. Engineers specify bolts instead for all structural connections to concrete.

A reputable rental company will demonstrate the tool’s safe use, describe (and rent) safety equipment, answer your questions, and supply appropriate cartridges and drive pins. Some local codes prohibit renting powder-actuated tools to nonprofessionals.

When using this tool, wear safety glasses, hearing protection, and a hard hat.


A rotary hammer is also known as a hammer drill or RotoHammer®, after a brand name. On
the hammer setting, the tool punches as it turns, somewhat like a jackhammer.

Smaller hammer drills (И in.) typically offer two settings: rotation only and hammering with rota­tion. Such drills are adequate to drill small holes in concrete, for anchoring door thresholds to slabs and for predrilling pilot holes for masonry screws.

Larger hammer drills (U2 in.) usually offer only hammering with rotation. If you need to drill dozens of M-in. holes for standard %-in. anchor bolts, this is the tool. Get a model with padded handles as well as vibration reduction.

Wear safety glasses, hearing protection, heavy gloves, and hard hat.


Whenever you need to replace defective concrete, change the configuration of foundations, or get down to soil level to put in new drainage, rent a concrete breaker (see the photo on p. 215) and special high-volume compressor.


Use a gasoline-powered soil tamper tool before you pour a concrete slab, lay a brick walk, and so on.


Although you can rent Dumpsters by the day or week, carefully plan (and stick to) demolition schedules so you fill and get Dumpsters removed as quickly as possible. Other people’s debris has a way of filling your Dumpster when it sits too long, so don’t even order one until you’re well into tearout and have accumulated a half week’s worth of debris.

If you’re demolishing masonry, rent a “low boy,” which is a small unit (10 cu. yd.) specially built for the great weight of concrete, brick, and the like. For other jobs, rent the largest size avail­able, usually 20 cu. yd. Be advised that you’ll also pay for the dumping fee the company must pay to your municipality.


Pneumatic nailers have several types of triggers. The safest is a restrictive trigger, which you must squeeze and release to shoot a nail. A second type, a bounce-fire trigger, shoots a nail each time you depress the gun’s nosepiece. Bounce-fire triggers are usually favored for sheathing, which requires a lot of 8d nails (2У2 in. long) spaced relatively close to one another. Until you become accustomed to nailers, restrictive triggers are far safer.

Conditional probability

The conditional probability is the probability that a conditional event would occur. The conditional probability P (A | B) can be computed as

P(AI B) = PAA <2.6)

in which P (A | B) is the occurrence probability of event A given that event B has occurred. It represents a reevaluation of the occurrence probability of event A in the light of the information that event B has occurred. Intuitively, A and B are two independent events if and only if P (A | B) = P (A). In many cases it is convenient to compute the joint probability P (A, B) by

P (A, B) = P (B) P (A | B) or P (A, B) = P (A) P (B | A)

Подпись: P Conditional probability Подпись: P (Ai) x P (A2 | Ai) x P (A3 | A2, Ai) x- ■ ■ x P ( AK | AK-1,..., A2, Ai) (2.7)

The probability of the joint occurrence of K dependent events can be general­ized as

Example 2.3 Referring to Example 2.2, the probabilities that tributaries i and 2 would overflow during a major storm event are 0.5 and 0.4, respectively. After exam­ining closely the assumption about the independence of overflow events in the two tributaries, its validity is questionable. Through an analysis of historical overflow events, it is found that the probability of tributary 2 overflowing is 0.6 if tributary i overflows. Determine the probability that at least one tributary would overflow in a major storm event.

Solution Let Ei and E2 be the events that tributary i and 2 overflow, respectively. From the problem statement, the following probabilities can be identified:

P(Ei) = 0.5 P(E2) = 0.4 P(E2 | Ei) = 0.6

in which P(E2 | Ei) is the conditional probability representing the likelihood that tributary 2 would overflow given that tributary i has overflowed. The probability of at least one tributary overflowing during a major storm event can be computed by

P(Ei U E2) = P(Ei) + P(E2) – P(Ei, E2)

in which the probability of joint occurrence of both tributaries overflowing, that is, P(E1, E2), can be obtained from the given conditional probability, according to Eq. (2.7), as

P(E1, E2) — P(E2 | E1)P(E1) — (0.6)(0.5) — 0.3

The probability that at least one tributary would overflow during a major storm event can be obtained as

P(E1 U E2) — P(E1) + P(E2) – P(E1, E2) — 0.5 + 0.4 – 0.3 — 0.6