Drainage Layers Drainage Layers in the Pavement

The sub-surface drainage system often includes a (permeable) drainage layer in the pavement. Its function is to quickly remove water entering the pavement layers, either through infiltration to the groundwater or to a sub-surface drainage system, before any damage to the road can be initiated. It is common practice to include drainage layers where the groundwater level is high compared to the location of the road, where the subgrade soil has low permeability and on high class roads (Summary of replies to the WATMOVE questionnaire, www. watmove. org).

There are situations where a drainage layer is not considered necessary. Responses to the WATMOVE-questionnaire show that a majority of countries assess the necessity of a drainage layer before deciding to include one. If the groundwa­ter level is low compared to the location of the road, the subgrade soil has a high permeability or if it is a low-class road, a drainage layer may not be included.

There are different national traditions for which layer in the pavement works as the drainage layer, when included. Answers to the questionnaire show that some countries only use one layer as a drainage layer, i. e. the sub-base, whereas other countries mention (e. g.) three different layers. Dependent on the available material and the specific construction, any one or more of these is used as a drainage layer. The questionnaire responses of pavement engineers in many European countries are shown in Fig. 13.7.

An advantage of having the drainage layer just above the subgrade is that it can also act as a capillary break which is highly desirable in cold climate areas to prevent frost-generated water movements from the subgrade into the pavement (see Section 13.3.6). If the drainage layer is placed on the top of subgrade, the

Fig. 13.7 Layer used as primary drainage layer in European pavements. (% of countries indicating that they use this layer. It was possible to indicate more than one layer)
permeability of the granular base and sub-base must be greater than the infiltration rate,[29] so that water can flow freely to the drainage layer.

Dawson (1985) reported that many UK sub-bases (typically containing as much as 10% by mass less than 75 ^m) act more like sponges, absorbing water, than as permeable drainage materials. Jones & Jones (1989) report measurements of coeffi­cient of horizontal permeability in the range 1-60 x 10-3 m/s for typical aggregate sub-bases and Roy & Sayer (1989) report in-situ measurements (by injection) of 2-110 x 10-3 m/s for similar materials. In other granular base course injection tests, Floss & Berner (1989) quote permeability values between 10-6 and 10-4 m/s for sandy gravel aggregates in-situ. Biczysko (1985) tested broadly graded aggregates in the laboratory for their horizontal permeability, obtaining reliable permeability coefficients in the range 2-50 x 10-4 m/s. However, he found that the aggregates with finest gradings (10% of material finer than 75 ^m) were difficult or impossible to saturate – yielding an apparent permeability of 3 x 10-6 m/s – indicating that the lowest values are likely to over-estimate the in-situ behaviour and that substantial

Ь r&r

Bearing capacity measure
ments (e. g. by FWD)

through flow is unlikely to take place. The laboratory values reported by Jones & Jones (1989) and by Biczysko (1985) were both obtained by a specific perme – ameter designed for highway aggregate testing (Department of Transport, 1990) as described Chapter 3, Section 3.1 (Fig. 3.6).

Therefore, it is not sufficient to have a granular base or sub-base layer and assume it will drain. Instead, when the base or sub-base layer is also to act as a drainage layer as in Fig. 13.8, its material must satisfy both the requirements of strength and the permeability requirement for a drainage layer. When the layer is on top of the subgrade, the material may also have to satisfy requirements to act as a capillary break and filter, so that the fine particles of the subgrade soil do not migrate into the drainage layer (see Section 13.3.9).

An overview, resulting from the questionnaire mentioned above, of the require­ments to ensure a successful drainage layer is given in Table 13.1.

Table 13.1 Requirements for drainage layers


No. of countries



Value/type of requirement*




Maximum percentage of fines normally limited. In countries with cold climates the percentage is limited to somewhere between 5% to 10% passing 63 pm. In Mediterranean countries the percentage is usually larger as, in these climates, there can be a risk of layers being too dry. The fines ensure some suction. Some countries also set a requirement for the coefficient of uniformity.




Stiffness (i. e. plate bearing test or CBR) (6) Rate of compaction in-situ (2)

Durability (1)

Los Angeles value (2)

Type of rock (1)

Compression strength of rocks (1) Soundness test (1)

Atterberg limits (1)

Change of design with increased

width of



Thickness (4)

Permeability and thickness (2) Thickness and crossfall (1) Crossfall (1)





K > 1 x 10-5 m/s (Germany)

K > 9.26 x 10-5 m/s (Poland)

K > 10 x 10-5 m/s (Slovenia)

K > 10.58 x 10-5 m/s for drainage blankets laid beneath or within the pavement structure (Romania)

Design drainage time


5 h, defined as time to 15% saturation (Spain) 2h, -50% saturation (Virginia, USA)

48 h, -40% saturation (Romania)

*Name or number in parenthesis is countries using the requirement. A total of 16 countries took part in the survey.

Care must be taken if a permeability coefficient and a certain grading envelope are both specified. It would not be difficult to specify one and thereby prevent the other from being achievable. While the relationship between grading and perme­ability can not be precisely defined (see Chapter 2, Section 2.5.1), controlling one will certainly have a large effect on the other.

The performance of the drainage layer does not necessarily stay unchanged with the passage of time. Some countries report that they have noted that the layer might become more or less clogged with time. The fines content might increase caused by degradation of aggregates and/or migration of fines from other layers. This causes decreased permeability and increased frost susceptibility.

Other projects of the early Han

Other canals are constructed in the north in 113 BC. The purpose was to try to bring the region of the grand loop of the Yellow River into cultivation, and thus to settle this area that had served as an ideal corridor for the invasions of the Xiongnu barbarians.[412] These irrigation canals are built on either side of the Yellow River in the region of the present – day Yinchuan. Their construction had in fact been begun around 215 BC under the reign of the first emperor, and saw further new development under the Ming. In the end, they attained a length of about 180 km.

Between 38 and 34 BC a dam-reservoir called the Maren dam was built near the city of Nanyang on one of the principle north tributaries of the Han river. The project is attributed to Zhao Xincheng, who was prefect of Yanyang. This earthen dam is 16 m high and 820 m long, and includes six gates of stone to control flow into the irrigation canals.[413]

Reliability design with redundancy

Consider the design of a hydrosystem consisting of n subsystems that are ar­ranged in series so that the failure of one subsystem will cause the failure of the entire system. In this case, reliability of the hydrosystem can be improved by installing standby units in each subsystem (see Fig. 8.7). Figure 8.7 consists of a series-parallel configuration that is called unit redundancy. Suppose that each subsystem can install up to K standby units and that the total capital available for the hydrosystem is C. Furthermore, the cost functions are known, with Ci (ki) being the cost associated with installing ki standby units on the ith subsystem.

Suppose that the engineer is interested in determining the number ofstandby units for each subsystem to maximize the system reliability asys without

Subsystem 1


Subsystem 2


Subsystem n


Figure 8.7 Unit redundancy with series-parallel configuration.


Reliability design with redundancyReliability design with redundancy

exceeding the available capital. The optimization model for the problem can be expressed as


Maximize asys = ]^[ at (ki) (8.11a)

i = 1 n

subject to ‘^JCi(kt) < C (8.11b)


where kt is the nonnegative integer-valued decision variable, 0 < kt < K, and at (ki) is the reliability of the ith subsystem installed with kt standby units.

This optimization problem can be solved efficiently by the DP approach de­scribed in Sec. 8.1.3. The stages are the subsystems i = 1, 2,…, n. The DP backward-recursive equation can be written as

max[ai (ki)] i = n

Подпись: fi (bi)Подпись: (8.12)ki

max{ai(ki) x f i+1 [b; – Ci(ki)]} i = 1, 2,…, n – 1

ki where bi is the state variable representing the total capital available for subsystems i, i + 1,…, n.

Alternatively, the design engineer may be interested in finding the system configuration associated with the least total capital investment while achieving some acceptable reliability for the system asys, min. The problem of this type can be expressed by the following model:


Minimize ‘^2/Ci (ki) (8.13a)



subject to ]^[ ai(ki) ^ asys, min (8.13b)


The model defined by Eqs. (8.13a-b) also can be solved by the DP approach. To illustrate the application of other optimization procedure, let the reliability
of each standby unit in each subsystem be equal to at and the unit cost be Ci, i = 1, 2,, n. Furthermore, the minimum acceptable system reliability is set equal to asys, min. Then, Eqs. (8.13a-b) can be rewritten as


Minimize Y. ciki (8.14a)



subject to [1 – (1 – ai)ki] = aSyS, min (8.14b)


Reliability design with redundancy Подпись: 1 - (1 - ai )ki

The model, Eqs. (8.14a-b), involves a linear objective function and a nonlinear equality constraint. To simplify the multiplicative relationship of Eq. (8.14b), a new variable pi is defined to satisfy the following equation:

Reliability design with redundancy Подпись: i = 1, 2, ..., n Подпись: (8.15a) (8.15b)

In terms of the new variable pi, the original decision variable ki and the con­straint Eq. (8.14b) can be expressed, respectively, as

Reliability design with redundancy Reliability design with redundancy Подпись: (8.16a) (8.16b)

Therefore, the original model, Eqs. (8.14 a-b), can be written as

Reliability design with redundancy Подпись: 1
Reliability design with redundancy

This constrained minimization problem, Eqs. (8.16a-b), can be solved by mini­mizing the following Lagrangian function:



Reliability design with redundancy

Ci d (! – asPys, min)

(1 – asys, mi^(1 – ai) dPi

+ A = 0 i = 1, 2,…, n


d L( P1, P2, …, Pn, A)


d Pi




results in


Подпись: (8.19)c aPi ln! aPi і

к i asys, min Vasys, min/

(! – asys, min)(1 – ai)

Reliability design with redundancy Reliability design with redundancy

Suppose that the minimum acceptable system reliability asys, min is chosen to be close to 1. In such a case,

Reliability design with redundancy Подпись: n Reliability design with redundancy

which renders

Then, by Eqs. (8.22) and (8.23), the new variable pi can be obtained, in terms of the unit cost ci, and reliability of standby unit ai, as

Подпись:Подпись: Pi =Подпись: i = 1, 2,..., n(8.24)

Once the values of pi’s are computed by Eq. (8.24), the number of standby units for each subsystem ki can be obtained by Eq. (8.15a). Finally, one should realize that the values of ki so obtained are not guaranteed to be integer-valued. A round-off to the closest integer may be needed.

Structure Dimensions and External Stability

Flexible cantilevered walls should be dimensioned to ensure stability against passive fail­ure of embedded vertical elements using a factor of safety of 1.5 based on unfactored loads. Vertical elements must be designed to support the full design earth, surcharge, and water pressures between the elements. In determining the depth of embedment to mobi­lize passive resistance, consideration should be given to planes of weakness (such as “slickensides,” bedding planes, and joint sets) that could reduce the strength of the soil or rock from that determined by field or laboratory tests. AASHTO recommends that for embedment in intact rock, including massive to appreciably jointed rock, which should not be allowed to fail through a joint surface, design should be based on an allowable shear strength of 0.10 to 0.15 times the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock.

8.6.2 Structure Design

Structural design of individual wall elements may be performed by service load or load factor design methods.

The maximum spacing L between vertical supporting elements depends on the rela­tive stiffness of the vertical elements and facing, the design pressure P, and the type and condition of soil to be supported. Design the facing for the bending moment Mmx at any level, as determined by the following equations:

Simple span (no soil arching):


M = —— (8.22)

max 8

Simple span (soil arching):


M = —— (8.23)

max 12



M = —— (8.24)

max 10

Equation (8.22) is applicable for simply supported facings where the soil will not arch between vertical supports (e. g., in soft cohesive soils or for rigid concrete facing placed tightly against the in-place soil). Equation (8.23) is applicable for simply sup­ported facings where the soil will arch between vertical supports (e. g., in granular or stiff cohesive soils with flexible facing, or rigid facing behind which there is sufficient space to permit the in-place soil to arch). Equation (8.24) is applicable for facings that are continuous over several vertical supports (e. g., reinforced shotcrete).

Renting a Paint Sprayer

Don’t rent spraying equipment that isn’t well maintained. A first-rate rental company will size the pump to your job, recommend spray tips, and explain how everything works. For good measure, ask for an operator’s manual, too.

Finally, get satisfactory answers to these questions: (1) Is the equipment clean? Rental companies charge extra if equipment is returned uncleaned. (2) Was the last paint used in the sprayer oil-based paint or latex? (3) Can you show me how to use this model?

The last question is especially helpful if you’re a bit macho and don’t want to admit that you’ve never operated any sprayer before. Another face-saver is, "Say, run a little water and show me how to pressurize this, would you?" Don’t leave the rental yard without understanding how the equipment works.

Подпись: Amateurs mistakenly paint from a 1-gal. paint can instead of a painter's pail. Consequently, they dip into too much paint, which they then scrape off on the can lip. Better to dip into less paint and with two flicks of the wrist, Dip-tap-tap the brush on both sides of a pail. This removes excess paint that might drip, but leaves most of the paint on the brush, letting you paint farther.Подпись: 1111Подпись: PAINT FUMES AND OPEN FLAME: AN Explosive COMBINATION Volatile paint fumes build up quickly, especially during spray painting. Minimize the risk of explosion by choosing latex paint, increasing ventilation, and using electric heaters to maintain a 60°F drying temperature. (Forced hot-air systems will kick up dust.) Open-flame heaters are not acceptable because they can ignite concentrated fumes. Likewise, appliances with pilot lights can cause an explosion, so turn off the fuel to such appliances until paint fumes have dispersed. And, of course, never smoke in such a situation. (Theoretically, even a light switch spark could cause an explosion, if fumes were concentrated enough.)

Painting Basics

A quality paint job takes preparation, patience, and experience. In addition, professionals also learn how to streamline their moves. As one pro put it, "Any time you eliminate a move in paint­ing, you save time.”


Almost all paints, including latex, contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are hazardous. So although latex is relatively benign, the follow­ing advice is pertinent for all kinds of paints and stains.

Read the label. There’s valuable information on all paint containers: drying time, coverage, thin­ner data (what to use and how much), and safety instructions. Should an emergency arise—say, a child swallows some paint—the guidance you need may later be concealed under paint drip­pings. So read up before you open the can or, better, remove and save the label.

Don’t breathe paint fumes. Breathing paint or solvent fumes can make you dizzy; impair your judgment; and, over a sustained period, damage your brain, lungs, and kidneys. Set up a fan to blow fumes away from your work area, and always wear a half-face mask with replaceable cartridges. Rule of thumb: If you can smell fumes while wearing a snug mask, change the cartridge.

Ventilation is a particular problem when chemically stripping paints because the chemi­cals are strong and because heat guns, sanders, and scrapers increase airborne particles. The now banned lead-based paints are especially dan­gerous when inhaled or ingested, so if you sus­pect that you will be stripping lead paint, always test it before disturbing it. See "Lead-Paint Safety,” on p. 442, for more.

Avoid getting paint in eyes and on skin.

Although most water-based paints are innocuous,


To minimize chemical contact with your skin, (1) wear goggles, especially when using chem­ical strippers; (2) use an extension pole so you don’t need to stand immediately beneath a roller; (3) don’t overload brushes and rollers; (4) brush or roll away from your face, espe­cially on the first few strokes after loading up with paint.

oil-based paints can be extremely irritating. In most cases, flush your eyes with water if you get paint in them, and visit a doctor immediately.

There are few things you can do to protect your skin. Before you start, apply lotion to your skin to reduce irritation and speed cleanup. Also, wear gloves, even when using latex, because any paint will irritate skin over time. Gloves are a must for oil-based paints.

When it comes to cleanup, painters have traditionally used paint thinner or turpentine to clean their hands and then washed with hot soapy water. However, hot water opens skin pores, causing them to absorb more solvent than otherwise. Instead of volatile solvents and hot water, it may be safer to use waterless hand cleaner and wipe it off with paper towels.

Store paint safely. Store paint where children can’t reach it. Solvents such as paint thinner, tur­pentine, and all paints—including latex—should be considered toxic and stored out of reach of children. (In fact, some "green” brands of latex such as Glidden’s 2000™ and AMF Safecoat® contain no VOCs, but you still wouldn’t want kids to drink them. So store these products safely, too.) Also, store paint where temperatures are moderate, because freezing ruins their bonding ability and heat increases their volatility. Close all containers completely so the paint doesn’t dry out and contaminants can’t get in. Never store rags or steel wool dirty with solvents, because of the danger of spontaneous combustion. Dispose of such articles safely: Most paint-can labels carry disposal suggestions, and many municipalities have annual curbside pickups of such materials.


Considering the technology of thin SMA layers, but not only gradation of the aggre­gate blend, but the quantity and type of binder as well, must provide a mix that can be placed by mechanical spreading of a layer up to approximately 4 cm (usually less than 3 cm) thick using a standard paver. Furthermore, the component materials and the final mix itself have to produce a layer that has the following qualities (Sybilski and Styk, 1996):

• Is impervious to water and deicers (excluding porous asphalt)

• Has a suitably high coefficient of friction

• Is resistant to permanent deformation

• Is resistant to low-temperature cracking

• Is resistant to fatigue

• Has the potential to reduce traffic noise

It is also worth remembering that, despite their many strengths, thin courses neither reinforce the pavement substantially nor solve the problem of fatigue (net) and reflected (transverse) cracking (Pandyra et al., 1994). Many countries have their own original technological solutions for courses less than approximately 4 cm thick, which usually consist of various gap-graded mixes, including SMA.

Finer SMA (e. g., 0/5, 0/8) mixes are used for thin layers rather than the 0/11 mm and 0/12.5 mm SMAs. These finer SMAs are noted for many good points, such as similar or only slightly worse resistance to permanent deformation compared with 0/11 mm and 0/12.5 mm mixes. The finer SMAs are also characterized by lower water permeability at the same void contents as coarser SMAs (Cooley and Brown, 2003). Additionally, higher contents of binder in the finer mixes lead to an increase of durability and improved mix workability. If properly designed, finer SMAs tend to reduce the appearance of fat spots, so there is a possibility to reduce the stabilizer content.

The following remarks about SMA technology deserve mention: [72]

• Excessively heavy rollers should not be used because they may crush aggre­gate grains; vibration can only be used occasionally and with great care; on ultra-thin courses the vibrations should be turned off.

• Attention should be paid to temperature drops in the mix during its spread­ing because thin layers are very susceptible to fast cooling caused by cool crosswinds or a cold sublayer.

• Almost always, a thin SMA layer can be opened to traffic sooner than can a conventional thickness layer; in the case of ultra-thin layers, owing to their rapid cooling, opening to traffic can be done in as little as 30 minutes after the end of compaction (Carswell, 2002).

Thin SMA layers have been used all over the world. Descriptions from Argentina, the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, and other countries are available in literature (Bolzan, 2002; Carswell, 2002; Carswell, 2004; Cooley and Brown, 2003; Richardson, 1997). An interesting review of the performance (e. g., macrotexture, skid resistance connected to aggregates’ PSV, visual condition) of thin layer sections after 15 years can also be found (Nicholls et al., 2008).

Examples of thin SMA layers evaluated after a minimum of 10 years in opera­tion can be the most interesting. One case in point may be the wearing course on the DK3 route in Poland. The 2.5- to 3-cm thin SMA layer of 0/6.3 mm grading was laid in 1993. It was still in very good condition after 13 years in operation (Figure 13.3).


In recent years, spray-painting equipment has become much easier to operate and maintain. Spraying is most appropriate where you’ve gota whole house to paint or where surfaces are ornate (gingerbread trim), multifaceted (shin­gles), textured (stucco), or otherwise difficult to cover with a brush or roller. Spraying is also smarter when you need to apply numerous thin, even applications, as on cabinet doors. The key to successful spray-painting, as with any painting, is thorough prep work. That is, begin by correcting moisture problems, removing loose paint and dirt, caulking and filling holes and gaps, and priming unfinished substrates.

Spray-painting safety begins with a respirator mask with two replaceable organic-vapor filters. If you’ll be spraying exteriors, a half-face mask should be adequate. For interiors, where paint concentrations build up quickly, wear a full-face respirator mask, gloves, a spray sock to keep paint mist off your head, and coveralls taped at the wrists and ankles. The greater the concen­tration of paint mist, the sooner filters will clog and cease filtering. Review additional comments on mask safety on p. 436.

Spraying equipment typically consists of a pump to pull paint out of a bucket, a connecting hose, and a spray gun. At this writing, you can

Подпись: Painting contractors overwhelmingly favor airless sprayers with reversible spray tips. Reversible tips allow you to clear clogs quickly—by turning the tip 180° and blowing out the obstruction—without needing to disassemble the spray gun. If you're concerned about applying too much paint with an airless sprayer, choose a smaller spray tip: say, a no. 511 or no. 611 tip for spraying cabinet doors and drawers.Подпись: ■ ill


The right protective gear can keep paint mist off your skin and out of your lungs. This includes a respirator mask with replaceable vapor-filters, as well as a “spray sock" over your head, safety goggles, and disposable gloves.

rent contractor-grade equipment for $50 to $75 per day, or buy a quality setup for $1,200 to $1,500.

Compact, efficient airless sprayers have largely replaced the earlier units with their bulky com­

pressors, pressurized paint pots, and two hoses. Today, single-hose, airless sprayers deliver paint at up to 2000 lb. of pressure, atomizing paint at the spray tip. High-volume airless sprayers can apply coatings of varying viscosity, from thin to extra-heavy.

High-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) sprayers are usually recommended for novices because the lower pressure makes spray patterns easier to control and less likely to overspray. The disadvan­tage of HVLP sprayers is the risk of applying insufficient paint, resulting in a uneven, “orange – peel” paint texture.

Spray tips control paint volume and pattern, or fan. Fixed-size tips are coded with three-digit numbers: The first digit (2-9) indicates in inches half the width of the paint fan when you hold the tip 1 ft. from the surface being painted. The next two digits (00-99) indicate the size of the tip opening in thousandths of an inch. So a no. 518 tip will spray a 10-in.-wide fan (at 1 ft. away) and has an 0.018-in. opening.

A few manufacturers make adjustable spray tips, but they’re a specialty item. If, for example, you’ll be at the top of a 20-ft. ladder, need several different spray patterns, and don’t feel like climb­ing down the ladder to change tips, use an adjustable tip. But 99 percent of the time, fixed – size tips are the way to go: they cost less and maintain a precise aperture longer.

Development of the historic heart of China

Development of the Wei basin is actively pursued under the early Han and, particularly under the long reign of the grand Emperor Wudi (141 to 87 BC). This is the region of the capital Chang’an (Figure 8.8). Major extensions to the Zhengguo canal are made in 111 BC, then again in 95 BC. The marshy nature of much of the land led to the devel­opment of a special technology for digging a canal deep into very unstable soil. This is the technique called canals with wells. The first of such works is the canal of the drag­on s head. Let us listen again to Sima Qian:

“The emperor called up a labour force of over 10,000 men and set them to work digging a canal leading off from the Luo River at Zheng and extending to the foot of Mt Shangyan. There, however, it was found that the banks of the canal kept collapsing, so the men dug wells, some of them over forty zhang deep, at various points along the course and induced the water to flow from one well to another. Thus the water disappeared from sight at Mt Shanyang and flowed underground to the eastern side of the mountain, a distance of over ten li. This was the beginning of the so-called well-canals. In the course of the digging a dragon bone was dis­covered and the canal was therefore named Dragon Head Canal. It has been over ten years now since it was constructed but, although the water flows through it fairly well, the land has not yet shown much improvement.”[409]

One can wonder whether the inspiration for these “canals with wells " could not have been traced to qanats.

During this period there was apparently a shortage of grain in the historic heart of China. It was therefore necessary to bring grain from the east up the Yellow River and the Wei. It was costly and dangerous to tow boats upriver, especially through the Sanmen pass (the three gates). Two projects were undertaken to ameliorate the situa­tion, specifically to reduce the time required for transport of grain from the plain to Chang’an. A proposal to the emperor described construction of a transport canal. Here is the argument developed in 133 BC by Zheng Dangshi, minister of agriculture of Wudi: “Up to now grain from east of the Pass has been brought to the capital by being transported up the Wei River. The operation requires six months to complete and the course is over 900 li and beset with dangerous places. Now if we were to dig a canal from the Wei River, begin­ning at Chang’an and following along the Southern Mountains to the Yellow River, the dis­tance could be reduced to something over 300 li. We would have a much easier route for trans­porting grain, and the trip could be accomplished in three months. Moreover, the people liv­ing around the canal could utilize the water to irrigate over 10,000 qing of farmland.”[410]

The emperor gives the go-ahead for this project. An engineer named Xu Bo from the land of the Qi (in present-day Shangdong) is called upon to construct the canal, an

Development of the historic heart of China

Figure 8.8 The transport and irrigation canals in the Wei basin, during the Han era, adapted from Lian Ruiju, Zheng Zhaojin, Hu Jialin (1987) and other sources.

effort lasting three years and requiring the mobilization of 20,000 to 30,000 peasants.[411] Nonetheless, towage problems remain on the Yellow River. Therefore to further aug­ment production in the region it is decided in 129 BC to construct a canal from the Fen to irrigate the Yellow River valley in the present-day Shanxi. Again, 20,000 to 30,000 peasants work on this project for several years; but in the end the Yellow River changes course and thus nullifies any benefit from this effort. The land, having been prepared for cultivation, must now be abandoned.

Organizing Tools &amp

In addition to organizing and teaching the crew, you will have to organize your tools and materials. Each crew and job will require a different type of organization. To give you an idea of how to go about this, we will discuss three aspects: tool organization, material storage, and material protection.

Tool Organization

Following is an example of how the crew’s tools might be organized using a job site tool truck.

Clear descriptions are important on pick­up lists. If you don’t have a detailed pick­up list, you can count on returning to the job to fix at least one task.


Put tools away, in their designated place, after using them.

• Hang safety harnesses and lines on hooks.

• Stand sledge hammers and metal bars in corner.

• Place saws on saw table.

• Place nail guns in safety box.

• Place electrical tools in wood box.

• Hang up screwdrivers.

• Place metal wrenches and sockets in metal box.

• Place nails out of weather.

• Place trash in designated container.


Roll up largest, bulkiest items first.

• Four-way electric extension cords

• Air hoses

• Electric cords

Take equipment to truck in following order:

• Miscellaneous hand electrical tools

• Air hoses and electric cords

• Circular saws and old saw blades

• Air compressors (Drain every Friday.)

• Ladders

The person responsible for the truck:

• As soon as roll-up begins, start picking up and taking tools to the truck.

• Take tools from framers and put them in their place in the tool truck.

• Clean/organize truck when not busy putting tools away.

— Put similar nails together.

— Hang up rain gear.

— Put tools in proper place.

— Check and account for number of tools.

— Put all loose garbage in bucket.


• Use up partial boxes of nails first.

• Follow established storage procedures. For example, starting at the right-hand side of back of truck

— 1st: 16d sinkers 4th: joist hanger nails

— 2nd: 8d sinkers 5th: concrete nails

— 3rd: roofing nails 6th: fascia nails

• On right-hand side under seat, 10d gun nails.

• On left-hand side under seat, 8d gun nails.


• Check oil in air compressors every morning.

• Oil nail guns every morning.

• Check oil in circular saws the first of every month.

• Check staging and ladders.

• Check safety devices in all tools.

This list should be discussed at the first crew meeting on the job, then the list should be posted on the tool truck.

1. If your lumber is being dropped by a truck, check to make sure the lumber is loaded so that the items being used first are on top.

You might need to contact (or have the superintendent contact) the lumber company to make sure they think about the loading order. Sometimes it helps to make up a quick list to help them out. For example:

• Treated mudsill plate

• Floor joists

• Floor sheathing

• Wall plates

• Studs

• Headers

• Wall sheathing

• Rafters

• Roof sheathing

The lumber company may not be able to load the material exactly the way you want, but a little concern for the loading order can make a big difference in the amount of lumber you have to move.

2. When using a forklift, store like items together so that you do not have to move other material to get at what you need.

3. When storing items, always think about where you are going to use them. If you don’t have a forklift, store them as close to where you are going to use them as possible.

4. If you have to store items in front of each other, make sure the items needed first are available first.

5. Consider using carts or other mobile devices for moving lumber in the building.

Pallet jack and drywall cart for moving lumber

Hold a crew meeting before you start a job, then once a week after that. Monday morning meetings can help ease everyone back from the weekend. You can have these meetings right before or after your safety meetings, while you already have everyone together. It’s nice if the crew meeting can be a relaxed time, while still covering important points such as:

• Task assignments

• Crew procedures (crew organization)

• Tool organization (tool truck)

• Job-specific items

Teaching While Assigning Tasks

Most of your teaching will occur when you are assigning tasks to framers. You won’t have to say anything to your experienced framers, but new or apprentice framers benefit from seeing you follow a certain procedure to make sure you don’t forget anything.

When assigning a task:

• Always assume your framers are seeing the task for the first time.

• Explain everything you know about the operation.

• As you’re explaining the operation, tell your framers why it’s done this way.

• Ask them if they understand. (Have them explain it to you.)

• If they ask you a question and you don’t have the answer, tell them you’ll find out and get back to them.

Check on them:

• After five to ten minutes.

• Repeatedly until you’re confident that they know what they’re doing.

When you’re teaching a framer trainee, remember that they’re learning as a student, so expect that it may take a little while for them to catch on. Don’t expect all trainees to learn instantly, but always assume they want to learn.

The best way to communicate how to do a job is to actually do the job, and let the trainee watch. At the same time, explain as much of what you’re doing as possible.

Water Pressure and Drainage

Flexible cantilevered walls must be designed to resist the maximum anticipated water pressure. For a horizontal static groundwater table, the total hydrostatic water pressure can be determined from the hydrostatic head by the traditional method. For differing groundwater levels on opposite sides of the wall, the water pressure and seepage forces can be determined by net flow procedures or other methods. Seepage can be controlled by installation of a drainage medium. Preformed drainage panels, sand or gravel drains, or wick drains can be placed behind the facing with outlets at the base of the wall. It is important that drainage panels maintain their function under design earth pressures and surcharge loadings. AASHTO requires that they extend from the base of the wall to a level 1 ft (300 mm) below the top of the wall.

Where thin drainage panels are used behind walls, saturated or moist soil behind the panels may be subject to freezing and expansion. In such cases, insulation can be provided on the walls to prevent soil freezing or the wall can be designed for the pres­sures that may be exerted on it by frozen soil.