The following material is presented in the format of a typical specification used by one agency for the construction of noise barriers (noise walls). In addition to the type of wall included—timber wall with concrete posts—it can be adapted to walls of other types.

A. Miscellaneous Structure Removal

Abandoned structures and other obstructions shall be removed from the right-of-way and disposed of in accordance with DOT provisions except as modified below:

All debris resulting from the removal items and all other materials that become the property of the contractor and are not recycled into the project shall be disposed of outside the right-of-way in accordance with DOT provisions. This work shall be incidental to removal and salvage operations, and no direct compensation will be made therefor.

The contractor’s attention is directed to possible privately owned appurtenances adjacent to the construction site that may need to be removed. If the private appurte­nances are damaged, the contractor will be required to reinstate the appurtenances to satisfaction of owner. This work shall be considered incidental to the removal operations, and no direct compensation will be made therefor.

B. Clearing and Grubbing at Construction Site

The engineer shall have authority to limit the surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, and borrow and fill operations and to direct the contractor to provide immediate permanent or temporary control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams and other watercourses, lakes, ponds, and areas of water impoundment. Cut slopes shall be seeded and mulched as the excavation proceeds to the extent considered desirable and practicable.

The contractor will be required to incorporate all permanent erosion control features into the project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in his/her accepted schedules. Temporary pollution control measures will be used when needed to correct conditions that develop during construction but were not foreseen during the design stage, when needed prior to installation of permanent erosion control features, or when needed temporarily to control erosion that develops during normal construction practices; by definition, such temporary measures are not associated with the permanent control features on the project.

Where erosion is likely to be a problem, clearing and grubbing operations should be so scheduled and performed that grading operations and permanent erosion control features can follow immediately thereafter if the project conditions permit; otherwise, temporary erosion control measures may be required between successive construction stages. Under no conditions shall the surface area of erodible earth material exposed at one time by clearing and grubbing exceed 750,000 ft[21] (70,000 m2) without approval of the engineer.

C. Furnishing Concrete Post and Wood Noise Wall

This work shall consist of furnishing all materials for and constructing wood noise attenuator walls complete with concrete posts, and wood retaining wall, all in accor­dance with the plan details, the applicable DOT Standard Specifications, the required specifications for pigmented sealer and exterior wood surface stain, and the following:

1. General. All thickness and width dimensions of solid sawn wood for timber facing material indicated in the plans for wood wall construction shall be construed to be nominal dimensions unless otherwise indicated in the plans or these special provisions.

D. Preservative Treatment

All lumber shall be pressure-treated with a preservative in accordance with the provi­sions of AASHTO M133 and the American Wood Protection Association (AWPA)


1. All wall facings and battens shall be treated with a pressure preservative as approved by AWPA.

2. Wood materials shall be treated as required for aboveground installation, or for installation in contact with ground or water, in accordance with the applicable pro­visions of AASHTO M133 with a retention level of 0.60 lb/ft3 (9.6 kg/m3).

3. All southern pine materials shall be free of sap stain (blue stain).

4. All wood members shall be kiln-dried to a moisture content of 15 percent or less after preservative treatment.

5. After completion of the preservative treatment, all lumber materials shall be protected from any increase in moisture content by covering or any other approved method until incorporated into the wall.

6. The same preservative treatment shall be used to treat bolt holes, saw cuts, etc., if any, and for any additional dressing deemed necessary by the engineer.

7. All treated wood members shall be cared for in accordance with the applicable pro­visions of AWPA Standard for the Care of Preservative Treated Wood Products.

E. Construction Requirements

1. Construction of wood noise attenuator walls, together with appurtenant posts, etc., shall be accomplished in accordance with the plan details, the applicable DOT Standard Specifications, these special provisions, or as otherwise approved by the engineer.

2. Nailing and fastening shall be accomplished in a manner that will avoid splitting boards. A 4-mil (0.10-mm) polyethylene sheeting may be placed between the planks and the earth for added protection when fill is being retained.

3. Joints shall be constructed in a manner that will completely arrest the passage of light. No daylight shall be visible through the joints 120 days after completion of the wall. The contractor is advised to take whatever measures are necessary to avoid excessive shrinkage or shifting that would cause the passage of light. Where passage of light does occur, the contractor shall take corrective action, in the form of caulking, or other means to the satisfaction of the engineer, at his/her own expense.

4. Storage of materials within the right-of-way will be permitted only as approved by the engineer.

5. Debris shall be disposed of outside the right-of-way as specified by the engineer. Posts shall be plumb after installation.

6. The trench and trench backfill shall be compacted by the ordinary compaction method. The trench bottom shall be compacted to 90 percent of maximum density, and the bedding to 95 percent and 90 percent on each side of the footing. The den­sity control shall not apply to the topsoil. The layers of material to be compacted shall be placed and compacted simultaneously so that the backfill material will be raised uniformly throughout the entire embedment depth.

F. Noise Wall Measurement and Payment

1. Concrete posts of each size will be measured separately by the length of the posts furnished and installed complete in place as specified. Payment will be made at the contract bid price per linear foot, which shall be compensation in full for all costs relative thereto.

2. Noise wall construction will be measured by the total front face area of the wall constructed (i. e., the area between the centers of end posts, and between the top of the wall and 6 in (150 mm) below the tabulated ground line).

3. Payment will be made for noise attenuator wall at the contract bid price per square foot, which price shall be compensation in full for all costs of constructing the wall complete in place as specified, except the appurtenant concrete posts, which shall be compensated for separately under the appropriate contract item provided.

4. Instead of the hand-driven “full-head” nail as shown in the plan, a reduced-head power-driven nail may be used to meet one of the following modifications:

a. Use a nail one gauge heavier.

b. Increase the number of nails used in each pattern by a minimum of 50 percent.

For example, use 3 nails instead of 2, 5 instead of 3, 2 instead of 1.

5. In case of failure on the part of the contractor to control erosion, pollution, and sil – tation as ordered, the DOT reserves the right to employ outside assistance or to use its own forces to provide the necessary corrective measures. All expenses so incurred by the department, including its engineering costs, that are chargeable to the contractor as his/her obligation and expense, will be deducted from any monies due or coming due the contractor.

Voids Filled with Binder

The standard categorizes minimum and maximum percentages of voids filled with binder (VFB). The following are the available categories of requirements and their denotations:

• Minimum percentage of VFB range from 71 to 86% in increments of 3% (i. e., VFBmin= 71, 74, 77….)[78] plus VFBminNR, where VFBminNR means no requirement.

• Maximum percentage of VFB range from 77 to 92% in increments of 3% (i. e., VFBmax= 77, 80, 83.)f plus VFBmaxNR, where VFBmaxNR means no requirement.

14.5.5 Binder Draindown

Tests of binder draindown should be performed according to EN 12697-18. Available categories of the maximum permitted binder draindown from the SMA mixtures are D03, D06, D10, and DNR, where DNR means no requirement. However, EN 13108-20 does not indicate directly which method of EN 12697-18 should be used—basket or Schellenberg (see Chapter 8).

Flood-damage-reduction projects

A flood-damage-reduction plan includes measures that decrease damage by reducing discharge, stage, and/or damage susceptibility (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1996). For federal projects in the United States, the objective of the plan is to solve the problem under consideration in a manner that will “… contribute to national economic development (NED) consistent with protecting the Nation’s environment, pursuant to national environmental statutes, appli­cable executive orders, and other Federal planning requirements” (U. S. Water Resources Council, 1983). In the flood-damage-reduction planning traditionally done by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), the level of protection pro­vided by the project was the primary performance indicator (Eiker and Davis, 1996). Only projects that provided a set level of protection (typically from the 100-year flood) would be evaluated to determine their contribution to NED, effect on the environment, and other issues. The level of protection was set without regard to the vulnerability level of the land to be protected. In order to account for uncertainties in the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses applied in the traditional method, safety factors, such as freeboard, are applied in project design in addition to achieving the specified level of protection. These safety fac­tors were selected from experience-based rules and not from a detailed analysis of the uncertainties for the project under consideration.

The Corps now requires risk-based analysis in the formulation of flood – damage-reduction projects (Eiker and Davis, 1996). In this risk-based analysis, each of the alternative solutions for the flooding problem is evaluated to deter­mine the expected net economic benefit (benefit minus cost), expected level of protection on an annual basis and over the project life, and other decision cri­teria. These expected values are computed with explicit consideration of the uncertainties in the hydrologic, hydraulic, and economic analyses used in plan formulation. The risk-based analysis is used to formulate the type and size of the optimal plan that will meet the study objectives. The Corps policy requires that this plan be identified in every flood-damage-reduction study. This plan may or may not be the recommended plan based on “additional considerations” (Eiker and Davis, 1996). These additional considerations include environmen­tal impacts, potential for fatalities, and acceptability to the local population.

In the traditional approach to planning flood-damage-reduction projects, a discharge-frequency relation for the project site is obtained through frequency analysis at or near gauge locations or through frequency transposition, re­gional frequency relations, rainfall-runoff models, or other methods described by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (1996) at ungauged stream locations. Hydraulic models are used to develop stage-discharge relations for the project location. Typically, one-dimensional steady flows are analyzed with a standard step-backwater model, but in some cases complex hydraulics are simulated using an unsteady-flow model or a two-dimensional flow model. Stage-damage relations are developed from detailed economic evaluations of primary land uses in the flood plain, as described in U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (1996). Through integration of the discharge-frequency, stage-discharge, and stage – damage relations, a damage-frequency relation is obtained. By integration of the damage-frequency relations for without-project and various with-project conditions, the damages avoided by implementing the various projects on an average annual basis can be computed. These avoided damages constitute the primary benefit of the projects, and by subtracting the project cost (converted to an average annual basis) from the avoided damages, the net economic benefit of the project is obtained.

The traditional approach to planning of flood-damage-reduction projects seeks to maximize net economic benefits subject to the constraint of achieving a specified level of protection. That is, the flood-damage-reduction alternative that maximizes net economic benefits and provides the specified level ofprotec – tion would be the recommended plan unless it was unacceptable with respect to the additional considerations.

Risk-based analysis offers substantial advantages over traditional methods because it requires that the project resulting in the maximum net economic benefit be identified without regard to the level of protection provided. There­fore, the vulnerability (from an economic viewpoint) of the flood-plain areas affected by the project is considered directly in the analysis, whereas envi­ronmental, social, and other aspects of vulnerability are considered through the additional considerations in the decision-making process. In the example presented in the Corps manual on risk-based analysis (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1996), the project that resulted in the maximum net economic ben­efit provided a level of protection equivalent to once, on average, in 320 years. However, it is possible that in areas of low vulnerability, the project resulting in the maximum net economic benefit could provide a level of protection less than once, on average, in 100 years. A more correct level of protection is com­puted in the risk-based analysis by including uncertainties in the probability model of floods and the hydraulic transformation of discharge to stage rather than accepting the expected hydrologic frequency as the level of protection. This more complete computation of the level of protection eliminates the need to apply additional safety factors in the project design and results in a more correct computation of the damages avoided by implementation of a proposed project.

Monte Carlo simulation is applied in the risk-based analysis to integrate the discharge-frequency, stage-discharge, and stage-damage relations and the respective uncertainties. These relations and the respective uncertainties are shown in Fig. 8.16. The uncertainty in the discharge-frequency relation is de­termined by the methods used to compute confidence limits described by the Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data (1982), which are reviewed in Sec. 3.8. For gauged locations, the uncertainty is determined directly from the gauge data; for ungauged locations, the probability distribution is fit to the estimated flood quantiles, and an estimated equivalent record length is used to compute uncertainty through the confidence-limits approach. The uncertainty in the stage-discharge relation is determined from gauge data, if available, cal­ibration results if a sufficient number of high-water marks are available, or Monte Carlo simulation considering the uncertainties in the component input variables (Manning’s n and cross-sectional geometry) for the hydraulic model (e. g., U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1986). The uncertainty in the stage-damage relation is determined by using Monte Carlo simulation to aggregate the un­certainties in components of the economic evaluation. At present, uncertainty distributions for structure elevation, structure value, and contents value are considered in the analysis.

The Monte Carlo simulation procedure for the risk-based analysis of flood – damage-reduction alternatives includes the following steps applied to both without-project and with-project conditions (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1996):

1. A value for the expected exceedance (or nonexceedance) probability is se­lected randomly from a uniform distribution. This value is converted into a random value of flood discharge by inverting the expected flood-frequency relation.

Flood risk Uncertainty in discharge

Flood-damage-reduction projects


Uncertainty in stage

Flood-damage-reduction projects


Uncertainty in stage

Flood-damage-reduction projects


Figure 8.16 Uncertainty in discharge, stage, and damage as considered in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers risk-based approach to flood-damage reduction studies. (After Tseng et al., 1993.)

2. A value of a standard normal variate is selected randomly, and it is used to compute a random value of error associated with the flood discharge obtained in step 1. This random error is added to the flood discharge obtained in step 1 to yield a flood-discharge value that includes the effect of uncertainty in the probability model of floods.

3. The flood discharge obtained in step 2 is converted to the expected flood stage using the expected stage-discharge relation.

4. A value of a standard normal variate is selected randomly, and it is used to compute a random value of error associated with the flood stage computed in step 3. This random error is added to the flood stage computed in step 3 to yield a flood stage that includes the effects of uncertainty in the stage – discharge relation and the probability model of floods. If the performance of a proposed project is being simulated, level of protection may be determined empirically by counting the number of flood stages that are higher than the project capacity and dividing by the number of simulations.

5. The flood stage obtained in step 4 is converted to the expected flood damage using the expected flood-damage relation. If the performance of a proposed project is simulated, the simulation procedure may end here if the simulated flood stage does not result in flood damage.

6. A value of a standard normal variate is selected randomly, and it is used to compute a random value of error associated with the flood damage obtained in step 5. This random error is added to the flood damage obtained in step 5 to yield a flood-damage value that includes the effects of all the uncertain­ties considered. If the flood-damage value is negative, it should be set equal to zero.

Steps 1 through 6 are repeated as necessary until the values of the relevant performance measures (average flood damage, level of protection, probability of positive net economic benefits) stabilize to consistent values. Typically, 5000 simulations are used in Corps projects.

The risk-based approach, summarized in steps 1 through 6, has many similar­ities with traditional methods, particularly in that the basic data and discharge – frequency, stage-discharge, and stage-damage relations are the same. The risk – based approach extends traditional methods to consider uncertainties in the basic data and relations. The major new task in the risk-based approach is to estimate the uncertainty in each of the relations. Approaches to estimate these uncertainties are described in detail by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (1996) and are not trivial. However, the information needed to estimate uncertainty in the basic components variables is often collected in traditional methods but not used. For example, confidence limits often are computed in flood-frequency analysis, error information is available for calibrated hydraulic models, and economic evaluations typically are done by studying in detail several repre­sentative structures for each land-use category, providing a measure of the variability in the economic evaluations. Therefore, an excessive data-analysis burden relative to traditional methods may not be imposed on engineers and planners in risked-based analysis.

Because steps 1 through 6 are applied to each of the alternative flood-damage – reduction projects, decision makers will obtain a clear picture of the tradeoff among level of protection, cost, and benefits. Further, with careful communica­tion of the results, the public can be better informed about what to expect from flood-damage-reduction projects and thus can make better-informed decisions (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1996).


How can clogs be avoided? Clogs can be avoided by careful attention to what types of waste enter the septic system. Grease, for example, can cause a septic system to become clogged. Bacteria does not do a good job in breaking down grease. Therefore, the grease can enter the slotted drains and leach field with enough bulk to clog them.

Paper, other than toilet paper, can also clog up a septic system. If the paper is not broken down before entering the drain field, it can plug up the works.

Подпись: ✓ fast code fact Check your local code to see if garbage disposers can be installed in homes that are served by septic systems. Many jurisdictions do not allow garbage disposers in homes that depend on private sewage disposal systems. WHAT ABOUT GARBAGE DISPOSERS,

Determination of the Void Content

The determination of the void content in compacted samples should be evaluated according to the standard EN 13108-20, Table D.2, as follows:

• Bulk density of a sample should be determined according to EN 12697-6, Procedure B (Saturated Surface Dry [SSD]).

• Maximum density of sample should be determined according to EN 12697-5, Procedure A (with the use of water).

Подпись: f Fu11 range: Vmax3, Vmax3.5, Vmax4, Vmax4.5, Vmax5 Подпись: V 55 V 6 V 65 V 7 V 75 V 8 ' ’ max^’ ’max^'^’ ’max'’ ’max'-^’ ’ max^

Calculating the void contents in compacted samples should be conducted according to EN 12697-8 (based on formulae given there).


If determining the void contents in a gyratory compactor at a set value of gyra­tions is required, testing should be conducted according EN 12697-31. In this case, methods of direct measurements of density should not be employed.

Preparation of Samples

The method of preparing SMA samples in the laboratory to determine the void content is specified in the standard EN 13108-20, Item 6.5, with details in Annex C (Table C.1). The NAD should provide values of compactive efforts. Permissible methods include the following:

• Impact compaction according to EN 12697-30, with possible energies or 2 x 25 blows, 2 x 50 blows, 2 x 75 blows, or 2 x 100 blows

• Gyratory compactor according to EN 12697-31, with different numbers of gyrations

The standard EN 13108-20 also states that the JMF should clearly state the adopted method and prevailing conditions of the sample preparation.

Refinishing Floors Safely

As the Safety Maven of Wingdale notes, "The nice thing about working on floors is that you don’t have far to fall." Nonetheless, there are safety issues to consider when refinishing.

Electrical. Before renting sanders, examine their electrical cords and plugs, reject­ing any that are frayed or appear to have been sanded over. If you don’t have a heavy – duty extension cord, rent or buy one; lightweight household cords could overheat and start a fire. User’s manuals or labels on big sanders indicate minimum cord spec’s. Household circuits must be adequately sized for the equipment:

220-volt drum sanders often require 30-amp circuits; 110-volt sanders typically require 20-amp circuits. In most cases, a drum sander’s 30-amp plug will fit a home’s 30-amp dryer receptacle.

Volatile chemicals. Finish manufacturers have reduced the volatility and strong odors of their products, but you should always limit your exposure to them by wearing an organic-vapor respirator mask, long sleeves, and gloves when sanding old finishes or applying new ones. Even water-based polyurethane is unhealthful to breathe, so as soon as finishes are dry to the touch, open windows to let vapors disperse. And sleep elsewhere till they’re completely dry.

Fire and explosion hazards. Sparks or open flames can ignite chemical fumes or dust. So before you start sanding or applying finish, turn off pilot lights for water heaters, ranges, and furnace. Also tape light switches down so they can’t generate a spark. Trash bags of moist sawdust or covered garbage cans full of oily rags can gener­ate enough heat to combust spontaneously, so don’t allow debris to collect on site. Empty sander bags often into a metal container safely away from the house and other combustibles.

Lead paint and asbestos. Floors painted before 1978 may contain lead-based paints, so don’t sand them till you’ve had the paint tested, as suggested in Chapter 18. Lead paint is generally not a problem till it becomes airborne, unless it’s flaking in an area where small children might eat it. Old linoleum floors may have been adhered with asbestos adhesive, which wasn’t banned till 1977. Here again, asbestos is usually harmless if undisturbed, so first consult a local health department to get the name of a test lab.


The capacity of the foundation soil should be determined using accepted engineering prin­ciples and measurement of material parameters such as cohesion and angle of friction, or on the basis of field data such as the standard penetration test or the shear vane test. (See Chap. 8 for pertinent information.) One agency uses the following for default values:

1. Use angle of friction ф = 30° for granular soils and a cohesion value of c = 1000 lb/ft2 (48 kPa) for plastic soils to determine post embedment. Water encountered in soils above embedment depths will require special designs.

2. Use 2000 lb/ft2 (96 kPa) for allowable bearing capacity unless higher values are approved by the soils engineer.

3. A maximum of 2 ft (600 mm) of unbalanced fill on one side of the noise wall will be allowed. Good compaction must be achieved on the low side of the wall prior to placing unbalanced fill.

The AASHTO Guide Specifications recommend the following safety factors for the design of spread footings that support noise walls:
















For walls supported on two or more rows of piles, the design should follow procedures in Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (AASHTO, Washington, D. C., 2004). For walls supported on a single row of piles, the pile must be designed as a column, considering both axial loads and bending. Also, the pile must be designed for the shear from the lateral loads.

For panel-and-post type walls, the embedment depth of the post can be determined using Rankine or Coulomb earth pressure theories. The following equation follows from static equilibrium analysis and applies for a pile or post on level ground:

applied ultimate lateral load, lb (N)

vertical distance from lateral load to top of embedment, ft (mm) (disregard upper 6 in (150 mm) of soil at ground surface)

net horizontal ultimate lateral soil pressure limit, lb/ft2 (Pa) per ft (mm) of depth required depth of embedment, ft (mm)

Note that both P and R are ultimate values. The design load must be increased by an appropriate load factor, and the resisting soil pressure decreased by an appropriate load factor.

Example—U. S. Customary units. P = 200 lb, h = 6 ft, and R = 600 (lb/ft2)/ft. Determine d.

By trial and error, it is found that d = 3.2 ft satisfies Eq. (9.3). The final trial gives

0 = 1638 – 427 – 7 – 1200 0 « 4 (close enough; OK)

The post should be embedded a distance of 3.2 + 0.5 = 3.7 ft below the ground surface.

The maximum moment in the pile or post can be expected to occur at a depth of

0. 25d. In this case, the maximum moment is

M = P(h + 0.25d)

= 200(6 + 0.25 X 3.2)

= 1360 ft • lb

Example—SI units. P = 890 N, h = 1830 mm, and R = 0.0287 Pa. Determine d. By trial and error, it is found that d = 975 mm satisfies Eq. (9.3). The final trial


0. 0287(975)3 _ 2(890)(975) _ (890)2

12 3 3(0.0287)(975)

2,216,739 _ 578,500 _ 9,436 _ 1,628,700

103 (close enough; OK)


To avoid splintering wood floors when sanding them, keep at least ‘h in. of solid wood above the tongue of T&G flooring. The easiest way to assess the floor’s thickness is to remove a forced-hot-air floor register and look at the exposed cross sec­tion of flooring. If that’s not possible, pull up a threshold or a piece of trim and bore a small hole to expose a cross section. Or drill in a closet, where no one will see the hole. If you’ve got engi­neered flooring, its wear layer (top veneer layer) won’t be very thick to start with—Vn in. is typical— so start sanding with a less aggressive sandpaper, as suggested in "Floor-Sanding Materials,” on p. 490. In most cases, you can sand an engineered floor at least one or two times. But even if you have solid-wood flooring, avoid sanding into board tongues: T&G flooring is nailed through its tongues, and if you hit nails, the sandpaper will shred quickly.



How Deep Can You Sand?





Most sanding equipment can be rented. Be sure to have a knowledgeable person at the rental company explain how to operate the machines safely, how to change sandpaper and adjust wheels and drive belts, and what size circuit breaker or fuse each tool requires. Finally, inspect each piece of equipment. Sander drums and edger disks should be smooth and free of nicks or metal spurs that could scar floors. Check


You can sand only the top veneer layer of engineered flooring. Solid-wood, tongue-and-groove (TaG) flooring is a lot thicker, but you can sand only to the top of its tongue. If you sand lower, you’ll hit flooring nails. TaG nail heads should be just flush, as shown.



Подпись: to see that sander wheels roll freely and that electrical cords aren't frayed or swathed in tape because they're been run over by the sander. A large floor sander does most of the heavy sanding. Most professional refinishers favor large belt sanders, as shown in the photo on p. 482, because their belts are continuous; whereas rental companies usually rent drum sanders, because the paper is somewhat easier to change. Typically, a special wrench or key turns a nut at the end of the drum, which opens a paperclamping slot on the face of the drum. Drum sandpaper must be tight or it will flap and tear: Use old pieces as templates for new ones. Caution: A drum sander is a powerful machine that can gouge even the hardest wood, so always keep the machine moving when the sanding drum is down. A lever on the handle lowers or raises the drum. Start the machine only when the drum is up. Then, as you walk, gradually lower the drum. Worth a look: The Trio Floor Sander, a new triple-headed random orbital sander, won't gouge floors as drum sanders can and doesn't need to sand with wood grain, so it's great for parquet floors. Подпись: Empty sander bags when they become about one-third full. As bags fill up, they become less efficient filters, and more dust will stay in the air or on the floor. 1111 Подпись:An edger (disk sander) goes where drum or belt sanders can’t—along the perimeter of floors and into tight nooks. (Large floor sanders should not be used within 6 in. of walls.) Edgers may be smaller than floor sanders, but they can still gouge flooring quickly. So first practice on ply­wood. The edger’s paper is held in place against a rubber disk by a washered nut. To prevent goug­ing the floor with the edger, many professionals leave three or four used disks beneath the new one, which cushions the cutting edge of the sand­paper somewhat.

A buffer is a versatile tool. With abrasive buffer screens, it can lightly sand floor finishes you want to restore or fine-sand a floor that you’ve stripped down to bare wood. Its slow, oscillating move­ment is perfect to scuff-sand between finish coats. Or, when the final coat is down, you can

Tidal mills

The notion of using tidal energy certainly came naturally to the people on the Atlantic coast, already familiar with both the tide and river mills. The appearances of tidal mills at several different locations would appear to have been essentially independent. We have already mentioned the Bassora mill, in Iraq, built in the 10th century. According to Frances and Joseph Gies there may be some evidence of such a mill in Ireland around the 8th century.[472] But the real development of such mills did not begin until the 12th century, more or less simultaneously at several locations in western Europe: at Bayonne (1120-1125) and in the Basque country; at Wooton in Hampshire (1132); then along all the east coast of England; at La Rochelle where there are the remains of a gift of Alienor of Aquitaine to the Templars (1139); in Suffolk and near London (1170-1180); in the

Tidal mills

Figure 9.6 The dam on the Serein (renovated in modern times) that forms the race of Pontigny. At the left one can see the start of the race (photo by the author).

land of Guerande (1182); in Brittany at Saint-Coulomb in Ille-et-Vilaine (1181) and at Pencastel in the Gulf of Morbihan (1186); in Normandy at Dieppe (1207) and then Carentan (1277); at Zuicksee in Holland (1220); on the Tagus at Alcantara (1313); at Rupelmonde on the Escaut (1388);[473] and so forth. Mills continue to appear up until the 18th century, becoming particularly common along all the coasts of the British Isles, as well as in Brittany, where some hundred could be found (25 in the gulf of Morbihan, 15 on the Rance). All of the mills in Spain and Portugal had horizontal wheels (a vestige of their Arab heritage); those in England had vertical wheels; and those in Brittany and along the Gulf of Gascogny were both of horizontal and vertical design (but the latter enclosed). These installations most often had a single basin formed by a closure dike into which were installed the headrace, the gate, and the millwheel below it, outside the basin. The mills could begin to operate about three hours after high tide when the dif­ference in water levels between the basin and the sea became sufficiently large. The mills then ran for about six hours, until just after the hour of low tide. This daily operat­ing period could be extended if it was possible to divert the flow of a small river into the basin. But the Middle Ages did not see the development of bidirectional tidal mills; there was no operation during rising tide.