The following inexpensive handsaws are handy to have:

Coping saws cut curves into any thin stock, although their primary use is coping trim so intersecting pieces fit snugly. They take both metal – and wood-cutting blades.

A hacksaw is most often used to cut metal, espe­cially bolts or nails. Sawblades will last longer if you use the full length of the blade.

A Japanese saw cuts on the pull stroke. Its thin, flexible blade is perfect for cutting flush shims and other thin stock. Most are two-sided, with rip and crosscut teeth.

A handsaw is still worth having in your toolbox, preferably a 10-pt. crosscut saw. Even if you depend primarily on a circular saw, a handsaw is handy for finishing cuts that don’t go all the way through a rafter or joist.

A dovetail saw makes clean crosscuts in small molding, doorstops, and casing beads.

A keyhole saw can cut holes in drywall for electrical boxes, without predrilling.


Full-size routers are probably too expensive for casual remod­elers, but trim routers and rotary tools are versatile and reasonably priced. Safety gog­gles are a must with any router.


Подпись: Handsaws. Clockwise, from lower right: dovetail saw, crosscut saw, Japanese saw, coping saw, and hacksaw.

Laminate trimmers are also called trim routers. In addition to trimming laminate edges, these lightweight routers are great for mortising door hinges and strike plates.

Подпись: TOOLSПодпись:image97Подпись: Cutting and shaping tools: 1, mallet; 2, flat file; 3, rat-tail file; 4, utility knife; 5, chisels; 6, block plane; 7, bullnose plane; 8,4-in-1 rasp; 9, carbide scraper.
Plunge routers can lower to precise depths in the middle of a workpiece, making them ideal for wood joinery, edge shaping, mortising door hinges, and so on.

Dremel™, variable-speed rotary tools can

dislodge tired tile grout and remove stubborn


paint from beaded or ornate woodwork. There are hundreds of specialized accessories for this tool.


In the 1960s—during the beginning stages of SMA manufacture—the need arose to incorporate stabilizing agents to prevent binder draindown. Such additives are called stabilizers; they stabilize or keep the binder in place. Because of these stablizers, an increase in the binder film thickness on the aggregate is possible.

The two main techniques of reducing binder draindown are as follows: [17]

Each of these methods will be discussed later in this chapter, but let us start with a definition of a stabilizer. A stabilizer or drainage inhibitor is an additive to an SMA asphalt mixture put in to prevent binder (or mastic) from draining-off. Stabilizers may be made up of various materials, including both binder absorbers (e. g., fibers) and viscosity boosters (e. g., polymers).

In addition to helping to retain binder on the aggregate, stabilizers may also improve other properties of the binder itself, the mastic, or the mixture (see Section There are examples of such tests available in the literature—for an example, see Behbahani et al. (2009).

But are stabilizers really necessary for SMA? Research done in the United States during the 1990s revealed a 70 times higher binder draindown in a mix without any stabilizer compared with the same mix containing 0.3% of cellulose fibers (Brown and Mallick, 1994).

The author’s experience at the beginning of 1990s showed that even with using mod­ified binders, fat spots often occurred. Then trials testing modified binders with half of the typical amount of stabilizer were conducted, and fat spots also occurred. Now, independent of binder type, at least a minimal amount of stabilizer is commonly used. So the answer to the question, should be stabilizer used or not? is evident; however, one has to note that some compositions of SMA are less susceptible to draindown.

Agricultural Waste

Recycled agricultural waste has potential for use in many applications not related to high­ways. Uses of agricultural wastes (with a few notable exceptions) in highways are usu­ally restricted to landscaping applications. It is estimated that more than 2 billion tons (1.8 X 1012 kg) of agricultural waste is produced each year in the United States. This rep­resents about 46 percent of the total waste produced in the United States each year.

Animal Manure. Animal manure is produced at a rate of 1.6 billion tons (1.5 X 1012 kg) annually in the United States. Other than its use as fertilizer or as composting material for landscaping rights-of-way, it has little recycling value for highways.

Crop (Green) Waste. Of the 400 million tons (363 X 109 kg) of crop waste produced annually from harvesting operations and grain processing, the potential to use rice husk ash to increase compressive strength in concrete is the most promising highway use. Research has also been conducted into converting cellulose waste to an oil appropriate as an asphalt extender.

Logging and Wood Waste. It is estimated that about 70 million tons (64 X 109 kg) of lumber waste from logging and milling operations is produced each year. Only about one – third of the wood from logged trees is used as lumber. Much of the remainder is used in other industry applications. Uses in highways include mulching and lightweight fill mate­rial for embankments or to repair slides. Application as lightweight fill material has been well documented and proven to be successful. Life expectancy of such embankments is estimated at 50 years.


Mechanical hands are what carpenters call the many pliers, wrenches, and clamps we use on job sites. When we
can’t tighten a nut by hand, we use a wrench. What we can’t hold with our fingers, we hold with a pair of pliers. When we can’t bring together a glued-up tabletop with our hands, we use a clamp.


Most carpenters carry a wrench or two in their toolbucket. I carry three types: a crescent wrench, an Allen wrench, and a pipe wrench.

I use the crescent wrench the most. The business end has a jaw that can be adjusted to different sizes by rotating a knob near the handle. When using a crescent wrench, make sure it fits snug on the bolt head or nut. A loose-fitting


Many items in construction are held together with bolts, so a carpenter needs to carry a few wrenches in his toolbucket. Shown clockwise from left are: two pipe wrenches, four crescent wrenches, and Allen wrenches.


wrench may slip when pressure is applied. To prevent the wrench from rapping your knuckles if it slips, pull it toward you rather than pushing it away.

A б-in. crescent wrench is great for tightening circular-saw blades and doing maintenance work on power tools. A 12-in. wrench should work for most larger jobs.

A crescent wrench can be lubricated with a bit of graphite on the rotating knob. Graphite works better than oil, because oil picks up dirt that can make an adjustable wrench hard to open and close.

An Allen wrench is a hexagonal (six – sided), L-shaped steel rod used to tighten bolts and screws that have the same pattern in their heads (called hex heads). For convenience, buy a wrench
set that comes nestled in its own case. This way they are all in one place and are protected by the case.

Pipe wrenches are large tools with adjustable, serrated jaws and are often used by plumbers. There are different sizes available, but I find that a 14-in. pipe wrench is very versatile. I use it dur­ing remodeling jobs in which I have to remove plumbing pipes under a sink. Rather than lubricating the moving parts of a pipe wrench, clean them with paint thinner if they become gummed up and hard to move.


Although a carpenter won’t use them every day, pliers are handy tools to have on the job site. There are many types and sizes out there, and I’d recommend keeping a few of these in your tool-


Nippers are great for cutting wire and rope and also work for pulling and cutting nails.



bucket: a standard pair, nippers, side­cutting pliers, channel-lock pliers, and locking pliers.

Standard pliers, called slip-joint pliers, are used to hold things a bit tighter than you could with just your fingers. They can also be used to help turn a screw­driver or to hold a small nail for setting.

Nippers have sharp cutters on the end and are used to cut rope, wire, and nails (see the photo on the facing page). They also work well for pulling nails. I keep nippers in my bucket and frequently use them rather than a hammer or a bar (which can break off the head) to pull difficult nails. To pull a nail with nippers, grab the shaft of the nail with the nip­pers, rock back and forth on the handles to loosen the nail, and then pull it out.

Side-cutting pliers, also called lineman’s pliers, are useful for holding small items in the jaws, and they are great for cut­ting and pulling electrical wires (see the left photo above). Just be sure the power is off before working with any electrical wires.

Channel-lock pliers are adjustable and can be used to grip much like a wrench (see the photo above). To adjust a pair, open the jaws and move the groove on

Wide-jaw locking pliers can be used to secure wood to a bench or sawhorse.

A C-clamp can hold wood to a sawhorse while cutting with a circular saw.

one handle into a channel on the other handle. I use mine to hold a variety of things, including flat bars, square nuts, and round pipes.

I first saw locking pliers, more commonly known as Vise Grips, in 1946. Back then it was such a new invention that few people had a pair, but today they are as common as hammers. I never go to a job site without my pair.

Having a pair of locking pliers is like hav­ing a small portable vise in your hand.

By turning a knurled knob at the end of the pliers’ handle, the jaws can be opened and closed. When you squeeze the handles, the jaws lock by means of a spring-loaded clamp in the handle, hold­ing the item securely. Flipping a lever on the handle opens the jaws. Special, wide-jaw locking pliers can be used to clamp wood to a bench or sawhorse for cutting (see the left photo above).


Clamps are valuable tools that serve as extra hands to hold whatever you are working on. If you had one of every type of clamp available, you would need a large truck to haul them. Carpenters use several types of clamps that are easily transported: the C-clamp, pipe clamp, bar clamp, and spring clamp.

The venerable C-clamp is the workhorse of the trade, offering straight-on holding power. This tool is a powerful holding device that clamps material steady while sanding, waiting for glue to dry, or saw­ing (see the right photo above). There are many sizes of C-clamps, ranging



Bar clamps (bottom) and pipe clamps (top) can hold wood securely during glue-up.

Подпись: Spring clamps are quick and easy to use. Here they hold a straightedge on a sheet of plywood.

from 1 in. up to more than 1 ft. (the size of a C-clamp is determined by the size of its opening). My б-in. clamps are the ones I use most on the job site.

A pipe clamp is a great job-site clamp because it can be adjusted to hold a wide variety of materials of various sizes. For instance, it can be used to clamp
glued-up boards or be expanded to grip long sections of cabinets. Pipe clamps are available that fit on either 1/нп. or 3/4-in. steel pipe. The advantage of this clamp is that it can be extended to any length of pipe, 20 ft. or more. The sta­tionary part of the clamp is called the foot. The movable part is called the head (see the top photo on p. 25).

A bar clamp works the same way as a pipe clamp, but instead of a round pipe, the head slides on a flat bar (see the bottom photo on p. 25). Bat clamps are available in sizes ranging from 6 in. to more than 6 ft.

A spring clamp works like a large clothespin. It is easy to apply but doesn’t have great holding power. Spring clamps vary in size from small ones that you can open with two fingers to large ones that take both hands to open. They work well for light holding jobs. I find my 6-in. spring clamps perfect for securing a straightedge to a door or sheet of ply­wood so I can make a straight cut with a circular saw (see the photo at left). They also work well for clamping two small glued pieces of wood or for holding one end of a chalkline. Better models have vinyl-coated tips so they don’t mar finish wood.

The scope of the book

To provide a detailed reference, the scope of the book had to be limited. I decided to focus on the parts of a building that contribute most significantly to its lon­gevity. Virtually all the drawings, therefore, describe details relating to the structural shell or to the outer protective layers of the building. Plumbing, electrical, and mechanical systems are described only as they affect the foundation and framing of the building. Interior finishes and details are not covered because they are the subject of a companion volume, Graphic Guide to Interior Details (The Taunton Press, 1996). The process of construction, covered adequately in many references, has here been stripped away so as to expose the details themselves as much as possible. Design, although integral with the concerns of this book, is dealt with only at the level of the detail.

The details shown here employ simple, standard materials. With this type of information, it should be possible to build a wood frame building in any shape, at any size, and in any style. Many local variations are included.

Mining Waste

Coal Refuse. Coarse coal refuse from mining operations is produced at a rate of 120 million tons (109 X 109 kg) per year. Coarse material is banked, while fine coal refuse is put into a silt-sized slurry mix and placed in impoundments. It is estimated that up to 4 billion tons (3.6 X 1012 kg) of coal mining refuse has accumulated in the United States. Concern about spontaneous combustion and leachate of the material (composed of slate and shale with sandstone and clay mixed in) has impeded in-depth studies of the use of coal waste. It is currently being evaluated for use in embankments and as subbase material, two applications that reportedly have been used in the past.

Quarry Wastes. Fairly consistent wastes consisting of fines from stone washing, crushing, and screening and wet, silty clay from washing of sand and gravel are pro­duced from quarrying operations. Most quarry waste is not reusable or sized within stan­dard specifications, are stockpiled in ponds. Reclamation through dewatering and segregating coarse and fine materials would be necessary to use the 175 million tons (159 X 109 kg) of quarry waste produced each year, or any of the approximately 4 billion tons (3.6 X 1012 kg) that have accumulated in the United States. The mineral properties and characteristics of the waste differ from quarry to quarry, limiting the beneficial end use, but quarry wastes have been used as fill and borrow material, flowable fill, and cement-treated subbase.

Mill Tailings. Mill tailings are the remains left after processing ore to concentrate it. Large amounts of mill tailing are generated from copper, iron, lead, zinc, and uranium ores.

They have been used as fill materials, in base courses, and in asphalt mixtures for years in areas where they are abundant and conventional sources are limited. Because of the metal content in the mill tailings, the stockpiles must be carefully analyzed to characterize leachate properties before use would be is deemed appropriate.

Waste Rock. Surface mining operations and subsurface mining operations produce an estimated 1 billion ton of waste rock annually in the United States. Some have been used as construction aggregate and in embankments; however, transportation costs from remote mines to construction areas often render the use of the rock economically infeasible. Where transportation is reasonable, waste rock can be used as stone fill for embankments or as riprap, or crushed for aggregate. These uses have been shown to be successful. Environmental considerations of leachate, low-level radiation, and sulfuric acid content should be investigated before use is deemed appropriate.

The plain of lower Mesopotamia: irrigation, navigation, and river engineering from the Sumerian city-states to the Persian Empire

Irrigation practice in lower Mesopotamia

Field studies have shown that the urbanization of the Inrd millennium BC developed along watercourses, whether they were natural river branches or artificial canals. Notable among these studies are those of the American archaeologist Robert McAdams (Figure 2.3). However, it seems likely that at the time of the independent city-states, secondary irriga­tion canal systems remained essentially local, their layout dictated by the nature of the soil surrounding each city: a band of gardens here, a band of irrigated cereals there. Canals effectively define the boundaries between cities. And of course conflicts over the shared use of water arose along such boundaries. For example, around 2460-2400 BC there was a long dispute between the neighboring city-states of Lagash and Umma. Land conces­sions in the plain of Gu-edinna, at the boundary between the two cities, were taxed through payments in grain. When water users defaulted on their payments, the irrigation water was simply cut off. It was then necessary to resort to force, as occurred on several occasions

under Eannatum king of Lagash, then later during the reign of his nephew Entemena: “Eannatum, the ishakku (prinice) of Lagash, the uncle of Entemena, the ishakku of Lagash, marked off the boundary with Enakalli, the ishakku ofUmma; led out its (the boundary’s) ditch from the Idnun (canal) to the Guedinna; inscribed (several) steles along that ditch (….) He (Ennatum) levied a tax on them (in compensation for conceded lands) (….) Because this bar­ley remained unpaid – (besides) Ur-Lumma, the ishakku ofUmma deprived the boundary ditch of Ningirsu (and) the boundary ditch of Nanshe of water; ripped out its (the boundary ditch’s) steles (and) put them to fire (….) and (finally) crossed the boundary ditch of Ningirsu – Enannatum fought with him in the Gana-ugigga (where are) the fields and farms of Ningirsu, (and) Entemena, Enannatum’s beloved son, defeated him (….) At that time (however) Il, the temple-head of Zabalam, ravaged (?) (the land) from Girsu to Umma. Il took to himself the ishakku-ship ofUmma; deprived of water the boundary ditch of Ningirsu, the boundary ditch of Nanshe, the Imdubba of Ningirsu, that tract (or arable land) of the girsu tracts which lies toward

the Tigris (….) Entemena (…) made this (boundary) ditch from the Tigris to the Idnun in accor-


dance with the straightforward word of Nanshe.

Later on, development and use of the system of large canals saw coordination at a larg­er scale. Around 1800 BC, the great Babylonia king Hammurabi, who had just united the country, put forth a series of edicts, elements of a civil and penal code.

The prologue of this code notes that in the 33rd year of his reign the sovereign built a canal called “Hammurabi is the prosperity of the people”, designed to supply the Sumerian cities of Nippur, Eridu, Ur, Larsa, Uruk, and Isin. This suggests that the branch of the Euphrates flowing between Nippur and Uruk (see Figure 2.3) had been channelized.

This is also suggested by the proclamation of the 33rd year of the reign: “Hammurabi has dug the canal “Hammurabi is the prosperity of the people” – the canal that is taken care of by (the gods) An and Enlil – and thus provided the cities of Nippur, Eridu, Ur, Larsa, Uruk, and Isin with a steady supply of water for their prosperity and made it possible for the inhabitants of (the lands of) Sumer and Akkad, who had been scattered (by war), to return to their settlements”.

The code of Hammurabi includes edicts that regulate use of the irrigation system. It requires that riverside inhabitants maintain the dikes that protect the fertile lands near the rivercourses, and sets compensatory penalties for those who are remiss in this responsi­bility:

“If a man has been slack in maintaining [the bank of] his [field] and has not maintained [his] bank and when a breach has occurred in his [bank] and so he has let the waters carry away (the soil on) the water-land, the man in whose bank the breach has occurred shall replace the corn which he has (caused to be) lost.”

“If a man has released the waters and so has let the waters carry away the works on his neigh­bor’s field, he shall pay ten gur of corn for every bur of land.’0 [35] [36]

The plain of lower Mesopotamia: irrigation, navigation, and river engineering from the Sumerian city-states to the Persian Empire

Figure 2.3 Urbanization of the hydrographic network reconstituted between Nippur and Uruk, around 2500-2000 BC. This map is based on the work of the American archaeologist Robert McAdams. The hydrographic network is reconstructed from (undated!) artifacts of meander fossils and from the juxtaposition of the sites. It was not until the second half of the NIrd millennium BC (end of the ancient Sumerian dynasties and the empire of Akkad) that the rivercourses stabilized, undoubtedly under the influence of the artificial canals. The branch of the Euphrates between Shuruppak and Uruk, in particular, appears remarkably linear and regular from this period on. In the region of Umma, the principal course of the river shifts from (a) to (b) around 2400 BC. The large loop that flows toward the southwest and that supplies Bad Tibira and Larsa was most likely dug by the kings of Ur (2100-2000 BC).4 Uncertain branch locations are shown by “?”.

If gravity irrigation is to be used for large-scale cultivation of cereals, either the fields must be below grade compared to the river, whose bed is incised within the natu­ral levees caused by progressive alluvial deposits, or the canal must be constructed on raised fill to bring the water above the level of the fields.

Other texts contain evidence of a hierarchy in canal structure. The river branches or large navigable canals are called, without distinction, id in Sumerian, or naru in Akkadian. Along these narus, intake works supply secondary canals that in turn deliv­er water to basins called nag-kud in Sumerian or natbaktu in Akkadian. These basins are essentially rectangular reservoirs, varying in length from 12 to 72 m, and 1 to 12 m wide. These natbaktus are built on a plain by means of earthen dikes reinforced with grass or brush, from 1 to 5 m high. These reservoirs, apparently fitted with outlet gates, first pro­vided water storage, but also and importantly made it possible to redistribute water toward raised ditches along the top of small dirt ramparts that carried water into the fields.[37] The irrigation operations involved controlled flooding of fields to be cultivated. After sitting in the field for some time, the water is then drained, leaving the level and damp field ready to be plowed and planted. Once the new plants have germinated, the field is flooded once again, then twice more during the growth of the barley to improve the yield. This gravity irrigation was practiced from the very beginning, as shown in a collection of detailed advice from a Sumerian farmer to his son:

“When you are about to cultivate your field, take care to open the irrigation works (so that) their water does not rise too high in it (the field). When you have emptied it of water, watch the field’s wet ground that it stays even.. ,.”[38]

We also have direct external testimony, albeit delayed, of these irrigation works from Greek travelers. Perhaps in trying to understand the origin of war, Herodotus of Halicarnassae, a Greek citizen of the Persian Empire, traveled the known world follow­ing the Median wars during which the Persians burned Athens. Around 460 BC he vis­ited Egypt and Mesopotamia. Here is what he wrote about irrigation practices in the Babylonian region:

“Very little rain falls in the land of Assyria, and this little is what nourishes the root of the crop; but it is in its watering from the river that the corn crop wins to its ripeness and the bread grain comes into being. It is not as in Egypt, where the river itself rises over the fields; in Babylon the watering is done by hand-operated swing beams.”[39]

This text illustrates a second irrigation method – lifting of water to the crops to be irri­gated. The technique was probably used only for small-scale agriculture on the marshes. The “machine” most often used in this period was the shaduf a balance beam provided with counterweights (Figure 2.4). Its use appeared in Mesopotamia in the IVth millenni­um BC, and likely migrated into Egypt in the beginning of the IInd millennium BC.[40]

Подпись: Figure 2.4 The balance beam, or shaduf. - reproduction of a bas relief from the palace of Sennacherib at Ninveva, Moussly, 1951

The system relied on muscle power, but it was simple, efficient, and easy to main­tain. It became a permanent feature of traditional irrigation techniques of the Near East.

The plain of lower Mesopotamia: irrigation, navigation, and river engineering from the Sumerian city-states to the Persian Empireopposite, illustration from 1885 (Poillon, ancient archives of the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees ENPC)

Another traveler, somewhat less of a passive observer than Herodotus, was Xenophon, a former student of Socrates. In about 400 BC, he joined in the adventure of an army of mercenary Greeks, the Ten Thousand, hired to support the revolt of a prince within the Achaemenids royal family. After the death of the prince and his generals, it was Xenophon who had to lead the difficult retreat. He crossed numerous canals between the Euphrates and the Tigris, a bit to the north of Babylon:

“…crossing on their way two canals, one by a stationary bridge, and the other by a bridge made of seven boats. These canals issued from the Tigris river, and from them, again, ditch­es had been cut that ran into the country, at first large, then smaller, and finally little chan­nels..”[41]

The irrigation principles of lower Mesopotamia were followed beyond the end of the Persian Empire of the Achaeminides. In the lowest areas of the plain, where the silts deposited by the two rivers caused the soil to be cohesive and sticky, constant work was necessary to keep the network in good operating condition. Later on, around the begin­ning of the modern (i. e. Christian) period, the Greco-Roman geographer Strabo writes: “Now this is the origin of the canals; but there is need of much labor to keep them up, for the soil is so deep and soft and yielding that it is easily swept out by the streams and the plains are laid bare, and the canals are easily filled, and their mouths choked by the silt; and thus it results again that the overflow of the waters, emptying into the plains near the sea, form lakes and marshes (….) And indeed there is also need of quick work in order to close the canals quick­ly and to prevent all the water from emptying out of them. For when they dry up in the sum­mer, they dry up the river too; and when the river is lowered it cannot supply the sluices with water at the time needed, since the water is needed most in summer, when the country is fiery hot and scorched; and it makes no difference whether the crops are submerged by the abun­dance of water, or are destroyed by thirst for water.”[42] [43]

We will see in Chapter 7 that this delicate equilibrium is not sustainable, though this does not become apparent for several centuries to come. Even so, a large canal will be built parallel to the Tigris and on its left bank (the nahr Awan), departing from the river at a point situated 24 km upstream of Samarra (about a hundred kilometers upstream of the present-day Baghdad), and terminating about a hundred kilometers southeast of Baghdad, collecting the waters of the Diyala along its way. It will be completed in the sixth century AD under the reign of the Sassanide sovereign Khusraw I.11

From Mesopotamia to the Syrian Shore: The land of the water pioneers

The triangle of land framed by the Tigris and Euphrates delta, Armenia, and the Syrian coast saw the development of the earliest large-scale techniques for water exploitation. From the IVth millennium BC through the conquest by Alexander the Great (in 331 AD), truly exceptional development occurred in this area.

The most important Sumerian city-states of lower Mesopotamia were Uruk and Larsa to the west; Umma, Lagash, and Girsu to the east; the large port of Ur to the south, and Nippur to the north. These cities imported wood and metals as raw material. The source was Bahrein (Dilmun) in the Persian Gulf, to which the following IIIrd millenni­um BC text attests :

”Ur Nanshe, the king of Lagash (…) dug a canal ( …) so that Nanshe could bring water into

the canal. Boats from Dilmun, that far-distant country, brought wood to him.”1

But these cities also traded with the upper valley of the Euphrates and Syria, and from this trade arose new cities on the Euphrates, like Habuba Kebira in the IVth mil­lennium BC, then Mari from the IIIrd millennium BC, as well as a veritable explosion of Syrian cities like Ebla, Aleppo, and Qatna.

The first political unification in this vast area from the Persian Gulf to the Syrian coast was achieved by Sargon of Akkad in the Kish region. But his successors (2340 to 2200 BC) found it difficult to maintain this union. The fall of this first Empire ushered in a new era of autonomy of the Sumerian principalities, including the grand kingdoms of Lagash, Ur, and then Larsa and Mari under Semitic dynasties. Later came the estab­lishment of the first empire of Babylon, which more or less included the domain of the conquests of Sargon of Akkad (1792 to 1594 BC).

A troubled period in the middle east began in the middle of the IInd millennium BC. This period saw competition among three great powers for Syria-Palestine: the Assyrian kingdom, the grand Hittite kingdom centered in Anatolia, and Egypt. At this time there was also rivalry for the plains of lower Mesoptotamia among the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Elamites.

Major migrations marked the transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age, around 1200 BC. In the near east, the Sea People (perhaps the Aegeans, themselves chased out by newcomers) left almost all the cities near the coast in ashes, and ended the Hittite Empire. Only Egypt, thanks to its power, successfully repulsed them. This troubled period does not end until the arrival of the Arameans from Arabia. They established a kingdom centered in Damascus about 1100 BC. Somewhat later, in about 1000 BC, David took Jerusalem from the Canaanites.

The great empires of Assyria, and then of Persia under the Achaemenids, were built on the ruins of this tumultuous period in the Ist millennium BC. The Assyrian Empire [34] reached its pinnacle between 890 and 606 BC, a period of delicate stability given the powerful rival Urartu to the north (Armenia), the revolts of Babylon, and the rise of the power of the Medes to the east. Assyria even extended its domination into Egypt, but only for a brief period. With the fall of the Assyrian Empire, Babylon again came to the forefront of the political scene in Mesopotamia, but not for long (604 to 539 BC). This period ends when the Persian, Cyrus the Great, and Cambyse, his successor, conquer the entire region, including Syria-Palestine, Anatolia, Egypt, and even Bactria.

From Mesopotamia to the Syrian Shore: The land of the water pioneers

Figure 2.1 Principal sites of ancient Mesopotamia; overview of the major hydraulic works.

This region is topographically unbounded, without natural limits or constraints. Civilizations came and went, but all of them depended on the efficacy of the irrigation systems inherited from their predecessors. Hydraulic technology, including the first great canals and dams, are passed from one civilization to another and spread outwards from the region. Let us first look at the great alluvial plain of lower Mesopotamia, the ancient land of Sumer and of Akkad.

From Mesopotamia to the Syrian Shore: The land of the water pioneers

Figure 2.2 The Euphrates valley and the irrigated plain upstream of Mari – looking downstream from the cliffs of Doura-Europos (photo by the author).

Stabilizers (Drainage Inhibitors)

Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixtures require a high content of binder, which results in thick binder films on the aggregate grains. To avoid the draindown effect, stabi­lizing additives (drainage inhibitors) are indispensable in most cases. This chapter describes the types of stabilizers and methods of testing them.


Have you ever seen fat spots on an SMA surface? Or binder running out of a truck hauling a hot SMA mixture? If you have, those troubles may have been caused by a binder or mastic draindown.

An SMA asphalt mixture has an intentional binder surplus. The specific surface of the mineral mixture is too small in relation to the designed binder volume. Under normal conditions, that binder is not bonded with the mineral mixture grains and does not remain on the grains’ surface; instead it drains-off. The draindown effect results from the separation of part (binder or mastic) of the SMA asphalt mixture. Keeping in mind that SMA has a lot of binder—in fact, SMA has a deliberate excess of binder—one should always take into account the risk of draindown.

In many countries, in the early applications of SMAs there were some cases of hot binder running out of a silo that held a hot SMA mix. Similar occurrences took place out of the backs of trucks carrying SMA to construction sites, eventually appearing as fat spots (bleeding) on the finished surfaces.

Methods to determine the amount of draindown are explained in Chapter 8 and other problems that may occur on the construction site in Chapter 11.

Selection of a Binder

In countries where paving grade bitumens (unmodified) are used in SMA, it is usu­ally assumed that the application of hard binders to ensure improvement in rut resis­tance is not necessary. It is generally accepted that, ensuring rut resistance should be accomplished by creating the correct mineral skeleton. So medium-grade binders are justified for use in SMAs, such as the popular 50/70 binder used in Germany or the 70/100 used in the Netherlands. A very soft binder like a 160/220 may be seen in Europe (e. g., in Finland); in very cold climate conditions, use of such a soft binder in not surprising.

The selection of a binder for an SMA wearing course is determined, on the one hand, by the temperature range over which the pavement is expected to perform and, on the other, by the expected traffic loads. The type of binder selected is limited by the local temperature conditions, which in most cases disallow for the application of excessively hard binders to prevent low-temperature cracking. In cold climate coun­tries, softer PMBs are applied due to their high elastic recovery at low temperature. Some examples of these binders are presented in Chapter 5. A tendency to change the type of binder in consideration of the increase in traffic load—from paving grade, through multigrade, and up to a low penetration PMB—is clearly evident.

Despite particular emphasis being placed on securing rutting resistance mainly by the SMA skeleton, there is no doubt that the proper selection of a binder is an extra element supporting the stone skeleton performance. German research studies (Graf, 2006; Kreide, 2000) show that in most cases modified binder significantly increases SMA rutting resistance.


• SMA mastic consists of fine (or passive) aggregate, filler, stabilizer, and bituminous binder. Binder and filler together create mortar.

• One reason for using fine aggregate is to fill the voids among the coarse (active) grains and participate in their interlocking.

• The term filler denotes all the aggregate that passes through the limit sieve (0.063 mm in Europe or 0.075 mm in the United States). It is suggested that the properties of the whole filler fraction passing through limit sieve (i. e., added filler plus aggregate fines) be tested. Test results for the entire filler fraction may differ from the results of testing only the added fillers.

• An excess of filler leads to the stiffening of the mortar or mastic and an increase in its susceptibility to cracking.

• The correct filler-binder (F:B) ratios and mortar properties have an impact on the workability, compaction, and permeability of a given mixture. In

fact, formulating a universal F:B index is a kind of approximation; such an index should be defined for each filler individually.

• Fillers with high contents of voids (analyzed according to any Rigden’s method) should be used cautiously due to the insufficient content of free binder in a mortar, which results in stiffening the mortar.

• Adding hydrated lime at a rate of about 1.0-1.5% (m/m) is a positive solu­tion, improving water resistance and the adhesion of the binder-filler to the aggregate.

• SMA binders can be divided into paving grade (unmodified) binder, PMB and special (most often multigrade) binder. Each of these types can be success­fully used, providing the mix is well designed with properties appropriate for the traffic loading and local climate.

• The application of hard (low-penetration) paving grade binder (e. g., 35/50) for wearing courses is not recommended due to the high risk of low-tem­perature cracking.

Selection of a Binder