

Construction specifications are the detailed written instructions that support architec­tural drawings. Together, the “specs” and the drawings comprise the construction docu­ments. The drawings explain the physical lay­out and appearance of the building, how it will be structured, and the choice of general construction materials. Specifications con­tain instructions that cannot be shown easily on the drawings. They indicate how materials are to be handled and installed, and prescribe brand names of products and performance re­quirements. Detailed specifications are not of­ten included in the documents for residential construction. However, if you want to build a healthy home, detailed specifications are es­sential because many standard practices and materials are unacceptable.

The specifications in this book are de­signed as a guideline for homeowners, archi­tects, and builders to use in building a healthy home. To organize the specifications, we use
the 16-division Master Format list, devel­oped by the Construction Specification Insti­tute and widely recognized as the standard for construction specifications. The Master For­mat covers all aspects of construction in a se­quence familiar to architects and builders. Part II is therefore comprised of divisions rather than standard chapters. Although in 2004 CSI changed over to a 50-division format, we have kept the original 16 divisions in this new edi­tion for the sake of simplicity.

Construction specifications contain in­formation about performance standards that ensure the structural integrity and quality of construction. Our guidelines are not intended as a substitute for standard specifications but as an addition to them. For example, stan­dard concrete specifications will specify the strength of concrete to be used, how it is to be mixed and poured, and procedures for testing its strength. The specifications in this book do not include such basic information. Instead, the information appearing in the following
іб divisions focuses on the health of home oc­cupants as well as the health of home builders and subcontractors.

Where appropriate, the differences be­tween healthy and standard construction are explained. Products, manufacturers, trades­people, and consultants involved in healthy building are specified. Telephone numbers and websites are included in the Resource List in Appendix В so that you may conveniently locate the closest distributors.

Safely on the Job USING DRILLS

OLD DRILLS WERE MADE with enclosed trigger guards like those on firearms. Carpenters sometimes had their trigger fingers caught and broken from time to time, such as when a drill bit got hung up on a knot in a board and spun suddenly. For safety reasons, workers often used a hacksaw to cut out the trigger guards. These days, manufacturers have eliminated trigger guards, but that doesn’t mean drills can’t do you harm. To use a drill safely, follow these guidelines:

^ Use clean, sharp bits.

a Don’t force the drill; let it cut at its own pace.

a Use a slower speed when drilling harder mate­rials, and coat the bit with wax or silicone to reduce resistance.

a When drilling thick material, hold the drill with both hands, and Lse the side handle if the drill comes with one.

Safely on the Job USING DRILLS

a If you’re drilling a deep hole, pull the bit out of the hole from time to time to clear debris from the bit and the hole.

a Don’t rely on hand pressure alone to hold the workpiece in which you’re drilling. Instead, clamp the workpiece to a sawhorse or a workbench.

a Be especially careful when drilling from a ladder. Make sure you have proper balance.

a Release the trigger immediately if the bit begins to bind or catch.

Safely on the Job USING DRILLS

Подпись: Helping HandПодпись: Cord awareness is important. When using portable power tools, make sure there's enough slack in the power and extension cords, so that you can maneuver the tool freely. It's also good to know exactly where the cord is, so you won't cut into it while you're using the tool.

chuck (bit holder). A %-in. model can handle a bit shank diameter ot up to % in. For general carpentry work, buy either a %-in. or a k?-in. drill. Look for a model with a reverse switch (so you can remove screws) and variable speed control. A good cordless drill will also have a clutch, which makes it easier to drive screws of different sizes. A low clutch setting (1 to 3) is good for driving small screws. Higher sellings are used for bigger screws.

Extension cords

Power tools need adequate power to operate properly, and that means you need good – quality extension cords. The smaller the gauge number marked on the cord, the heavier the wire. The three most common gauges are 12, 14, and 16 (12 is the heaviest). From time to time, I’ve seen carpenters run a circular saw with a 100-ft. ]6-gauge extension cord. That’s like watering a lawn with a hose the diameter of a drinking straw. Not much water
(or, in the case of an extension cord, electric­ity) comes through. With a light extension cord, you risk burning out the motor. To pre­vent that, always use the shortest cord that


will do the job. There’s no need to use a 50-ft. cord if you are working just 15 ft. from an outlet. Here’s a rule you can use for selecting the proper extension cord: Use 16-gauge wire for a 25-ft. (or shorter) cord, 14-gauge wire for a 50-ft. cord, and 12-gauge wire for a 100-ft. cord.

Proper care of cords is essential. Looping a cord into a daisy chain, or a simple crochet stitch, makes for easy storage (see. he photo below). If a cord is frayed or nicked, i cpaii it. A cord with exposed wires can be extremely dangerous. If that happens, the cord should he cut and rewired with new plugs. You can buy – cords equipped with a built-in ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCl). In the event of a short, the GFCI automatically shu. s off power, preventing electrical shock.

Подпись: CURRENT ISSUES. Extension cords for builders are designed for outdoor use, with properly sized wires. One good way to store a long cord is to loop it together in a daisy chain.Safely on the Job USING DRILLSSafely on the Job USING DRILLS

Nail Fascia & Bargeboard

Two nails at 24" O. C.

Подпись: Bargeboard (rake) • 1" fascia - use 8d galvanized box nails ■ 2" fascia - use 16d galvanized box nails Nail Fascia & Bargeboard


Framers (and the eventual homeowner) like to have the roof installed as soon as possible. The roofing provides a dry workspace and protects all the installed framing from the weather. Be careful not to leave hammer head marks in the fascia, since it is a finish product.


Porosity is defined as the space inside a rock or sediment (soil), consisting of pores. The total volume of pores is defined as the total porosity. For water, only those pores that are interconnected are important. The interconnected part of the pore system is defined as the effective porosity. The porosity can be described as a three phase system comprising solids, water (liquid) and air (gas), see Fig. 2.5.

The definition of porosity, и, of an aggregate skeleton is the ratio of volume of voids and its bulk volume or:

n = V (m3/m3) (2.6)

Porosity Подпись: ♦ Va І t

Void ratio, e, is, on the other hand, defined as the ratio of the same volume of voids but now over its aggregate volume or:

The porosity represents the total amount in a unit volume that can be filled with wa­ter. The volumetric water content, в, is defined as the volume of water of a specific element to its total volume or:

в = Vw (m3/m3) (2.9)

and gives therefore the actual fraction of water in the pores. It is therefore obvious that the volumetric water content must lie within the range 0 < в < n.

The gravimetric water content, w (also referred to as the gravimetric moisture content), is on the other hand defined as the ratio of mass of water of an element to its mass of the solids or

Подпись: (2.10)mw

w = (kg/kg)


Gravimetric water content is a much more commonly used measure than the volumetric water content. Therefore, unless stated otherwise or as required by the context, the gravimetric water content is indicated by the short form ‘water content’.

There is a simple relationship between the gravimetric water content, w, and the volumetric water content, в:

e = V (m3/m3)

A simple relationship exists between the porosity and the void ratio, that is:

Vv V n e

= = ^ n =

V – Vv 1 – V 1 – n 1 + e

Подпись: (2.11)

Подпись: Vv = Є Vs
Подпись: (2.7)
Подпись: (2.8)

W mw m w ‘ g Pw ‘ Vw pw в

ms ms ■ g pd ■ V pd

Porosity Porosity Подпись: (2.12)

where pw is the water density, pd is the dry density of the material and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The degree of water saturation is the volume of water per volume of void space, or:

The saturation range becomes, therefore 0 < Sr < 1 (100%).

Porosity of a geological material can change with time. According to their origins two types of porosity can be recognized, that is a primary and secondary porosity. The primary porosity refers to the original porosity of the material where the sec­ondary porosity refers to the portion of the total porosity resulting from diagenetic processes such as dissolution, post compaction, cementation or grain breakage.

Further Reading

Anderson, Nina et al. Your Health and Your House. Keats Publishing, 1995. A resource guide to health symptoms and the indoor air pollutants that aggravate them.

Banta, John. Extreme Weather Hits Home: Protecting Your Buildings from Climate Change. New So­ciety Publishers, 2007. Discusses measures that can be taken to prevent or lessen the effects of climate change on your home.

Bower, John. Healthy House Building: A Design and Construction Guide. Healthy House Institute, 1993. Step-by-step guide illustrating the authors construction of a model healthy house.

Bower, John. The Healthy House: How to Buy One, How to Build One, How to Cure a Sick One. 4th ed., Healthy House Institute, 2000. Describes in great depth a three-step approach consisting of elimination, isolation, and ventilation. As many toxins as possible are identified and eliminated; a tight air barrier isolates occupants from infiltra­tion; and air is exchanged and purified by means of mechanical ventilation. The author speaks from firsthand experience in successfully creat­ing a chemical-free sanctuary for his spouse.

Breecher, Maury M. and Shirley Linde. Healthy Homes in a Toxic World. John Wiley and Sons, 1992. The authors identify household health haz­ards, the human health conditions associated with them, and solutions for healthier environ­ments.

Colburn, Theo et al. Our Stolen Future. Plume, 1997. A gripping account of the scientific research linking reproductive failures, birth defects, and sexual abnormalities to synthetic chemicals that mimic natural hormones, causing disruption of the endocrine system.

Dadd, Debra. Nontoxic, Natural and Earthwise. J. P. Tarcher, 1990. A practical, easy-to-use guide to nontoxic alternatives for cleaning products, per­sonal care products, lawn and garden supplies, baby care items, pet care products, and house­hold furnishings.

The Green Guide. Available from Mothers and

Others for a Livable Planet, 40 West 20th St., New York, NY 10011, 888-ECO-INFO. This newsletter discusses various relevant topics and promotes safe and ecologically sound consumer choices.

Green, Nancy Sokol. Poisoning Our Children. The Noble Press, 1991. Tire contemporary pesticide problem comes alive as the author relates the nightmare she endured after unwittingly poison­ing herself in her own home with repeated pesti­cide exposures.

International Institute for Bau-Biologie & Ecology Correspondence Course. Available through Helmut Ziehe, IBE, Box 387, Clearwater FL 33757, 727-461-4371, buildingbiology. net. This certified home-study course has been translated into Eng­lish from the original work of Anton Schneider, the driving force behind the Bau-Biologie move­ment in Europe. The course provides a compre­hensive discussion of the interrelationship of the built environment, human health, and planetary ecology.

Lawson, Lynn. Staying Well in a Toxic World: Un­derstanding Environmental Illness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chemical Injuries, and Sick Building Syndrome. Lynnword Press, 1994.

A highly readable, informative, and comprehen­sive overview of the devastating effects of toxic surroundings by a former medical writer with a thorough understanding of the contemporary chemical problem.

Leclair, Kim and David Rousseau. Environmental by Design. Hartley and Marks, 1993. Provides a “cradle to grave” environmental analysis of com­mon building materials.

Lstiburek, Joseph. Builders Guides. Available

through The Energy & Environmental Building Association, 10740 Lyndale Avenue South, Suite 10W, Bloomington, MN 55420,952-881-1098, eeba. org. A series of climate-based field guides with explanations, details, and techniques to effectively implement energy – and resource – efficient residential construction.

Our Toxic Times. Published by the Chemical Injury Information Network, PO Box 301, White Sul­phur Springs, MT 59645,406-547-2255. A useful newsletter for people interested in understand­ing how chemicals impact human health.

Pearson, David. The Natural House Book: Creating a Healthy, Harmonious, and Ecologically Sound Home Environment. Fireside, 1989. The author gives a thoughtful explanation of the human health and environmental impacts associated with standard building practices. He then shows an inspiring array of natural building materials and systems from around the world.

Rea, William J. Optimum Environments for Opti­mum Health and Creativity. Crown Press, 2002. Rea is the founder of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas. He has extensive experience working with patients who have extreme multi­ple chemical sensitivities. His book is a guide for healthier homebuilding practices. It has broad general application and a special emphasis on strategies for creating clean homes for chemi­cally sensitive individuals.

Rogers, Sherry A. Tired or Toxic? A Blueprint for Health. Prestige Publishing, 1990. Detailed and comprehensive medical explanations of how chemicals are impacting human health.

Roodman, David Malin and Nicholas Lenssen. A Building Revolution: How Ecology and Health Concerns Are Transforming Construction. World­watch Paper 124,1995.

Schoemaker, Joyce and Charity Vitale. Healthy Homes, Healthy Kids. Island Press, 1991. The authors discuss ways to protect children from everyday environmental hazards found in the home.

Stih, Daniel. Healthy Living Spaces: Top 10 Hazards Affecting Your Health. Healthy Living Spaces, 2007. Stih speaks from his experience as a home inspector about common causes of sick build­ings and what you can do to prevent and remedy these hazards.

Thompson, Athena. Homes That Heal and Those That Don’t: How Your Home Could Be Harming Your Family’s Health. New Society Publishers,

2004. A thorough guide that takes the home­owner on a room-by-room tour of the home, identifying sources of pollution and offering healthy solutions for each potential problem.

Thrasher, Jack and Alan Broughton. The Poisoning of Our Homes and Workplaces: The Indoor Form­aldehyde Crisis. Seadora, 1989. Detailed analysis of the indoor formaldehyde crisis in the United States.

Venolia, Carol. Healing Environments: Your Guide to Indoor Well-being. Celestial Arts, 1988. The au­thor takes the reader through a series of environ­mental awareness-raising exercises, expanding a holistic approach to health and the built environ­ment that includes the wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

Venolia, Carol and Kelly Lerner. Natural Remodeling for the Not-So-Green House. Lark Books, 2006. This practical and inspiring book, written by two architects, is a guide to remodeling with plan­etary and personal health in mind.

Wilson, Cynthia. Chemical Exposure and Human Health. McFarland, 1993. A reference guide to 314 chemicals, with a list of symptoms they can produce and a directory of organizations.

Zamm, Alfred and Robert Gannon. Why Your House May Endanger Your Health. Simon and Schuster, 1982. Based on a ten-year scientific study, this book explains how millions of Ameri­cans may be suffering ill health because their homes have become toxic chambers. The authors discuss remedies for many of the major health hazards found in the home.

Retail Outlets and Catalog Distributors

Allergy Relief Store, 250 Watson Glen, Franklin, TN 37064, 800-866-7464,615-790-3525, allergyrelief store. com. Mail order catalog offering supplies and building products for the allergy-free home.

Allergy Resources, 557 Burbank St., Suite K, Broom­field, CO 80020,800-873-3529. Nontoxic clean­ing compounds and body care products.

American Environmental Health Foundation, 8345 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 225, Dallas, TX 75231, 800-428-2343,214-361-9515, aehf. com. Sells a wide range of household, building, personal care, and medical products as well as organic clothing, books, and vitamins.

Aubrey Organics, 4419 N. Manhattan Ave., Tampa, FL 33614,800-282-7394, aubrey-organics. com. Over 200 hair, skin, and body care products made from herbs and vitamins, without syn­thetic chemicals.

Building for Health — Materials Center, PO Box 113, Carbondale, CO 81623,800-292-4838 (orders only), 970-963-043 7, buildingforhealth. com. Distributor of a wide variety of healthy building products. The owner, Cedar Rose, is also a build­ing contractor who has practical experience with most products sold by the Center.

The Cutting Edge Catalog, PO Box 4158, Santa Fe, NM 87502,800-497-9516, cutcat. com. Full-line catalog with state of the art products for immune system protection.

Dasun Company, PO Box 668, Escondido, CA 92033,800-433-8929. Catalog sales of air and water purification products.

Eco Design/Natural Choice, 1365 Rufina Circle, Santa Fe, NM 87505,800-621-2591. Catalog sales of natural paints, stains, and healthy home prod­ucts.

Eco Home Center, 3101 Main Ave., Suite 2, Durango, CO 81301,970-259-8326, ecohomecenter. com. Ecological building and home supplies.

Eco-Products, 3655 Frontier Ave., Boulder, CO 80301,303-449-1876, ecoproducts. com. Ecologi­cally sound building products.

Environmental Home Center (ecohaus), 4121 ist Ave. South, Seattle, WA 98134,800-281-9785, 206-682-7332, environmentalhomecenter. com. Green building supplies and household prod­ucts.

Green Nest, 18662 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 200, Ir­vine, CA 92612, (888) 473-6466, GreenNest. com. This on-line store is owned and operated by Lisa and Ron Beres, certified Baubiologists. The site is a source for a wide diversity of products and in­formation for the healthy home.

Healthy Interiors (Casa Natura), 328 Sandoval St., Santa Fe, NM 87501,877-650-1600, 505-820-7634, casanaturainc. com. Organic mattresses, bedding, and clothing, wool carpeting, and wood furniture.

Janice’s, 30 Arbor St. South, Hartford, CT 06106, 800-526-4237 (orders), 860-523-4479 (infor­mation), janices. com. Supplier for natural and organic bedding and linens and hypoallergenic and unscented personal care products.

The Living Source, PO Box 20155, Waco, TX 76702, 254-776-4878 (customer service/orders), 800-662-8787 (voice mail orders), livingsource. com. Catalog sales of “products for the environ­mentally aware and chemically sensitive.”

NEEDS, 6010 Drott Dr., East Syracuse, NY 13057, 800-634-1380, needs. com. Mail order service offering a wide array of personal care products for the chemically sensitive.

Nirvana Safe Haven (formerly the Nontoxic Hot­line), 3441 Golden Rain Rd., Suite 3, Walnut Creek, CA 94595,800-968-9355, nontoxic. com. Catalog sales of products for achieving and maintaining indoor air quality and safety for homes, offices, and automobiles.

Planetary Solutions, 2030 17th St., Boulder, CO 80302,303-442-6228, planetearth. com. Environ­mentally sound materials for interiors.

Further Reading

Porous Media

Roads and embankments are made up by a finite number of layers. They can be considered as porous media that consist of aggregates or granular materials and soils through which fluid can flow. The road layer can appear either unbound or stabilized with bitumen or cement to increase their strength. In roads, most surface layers have very low permeability properties and can often be treated as impervious, at least in roads in good conditions. Usually, all others layers are permeable. The fluid flow behaviour of the different layers is strongly dependent on their particle size distribution and pore space openings.

2.4.1 Grain Size Distribution

The grain size distribution of unbound aggregates or soils is determined by either sieving or by the rate of settlement in an aqueous suspension. Table 2.1 shows the classification of soil particles or aggregates by size according to EN ISO 14688­1 (CEN, 2002). The distribution of coarse and very coarse soil fractions can be estimated through sieving but the size distribution of the fine soil particles needs to be estimated in a settlement rate test (hydrometer test).

Table 2.1 Classification of soil particles according to the size (CEN, 2002)

Soil fractions



Particle sizes (mm)

Very coarse soil

Large boulders


> 630






> 63-200

Coarse soil



> 2.0-63



> 20-63



> 6.3-20



> 2.0-6.3



> 0.063-2.0



> 0.63-2.0



> 0.2-0.63



> 0.063-0.2

Fine soil



> 0.002-0.063



> 0.02-0.063



> 0.006-0.02



> 0.002-0.006



< 0.002


Figure 2.4 shows then the grain size distribution curve for three soils where the particle size is plotted on the x-axis and the percent mass retained (percent larger than the given size) is plotted on the y-axis.

The uppermost curve in Fig. 2.4 includes the highest proportion of fines (typi­cally defined as silt particles and smaller, i. e. those less than 0.06 mm (60 ^m) in size), about 60%, and the rest are sand sized. The fines content of the middle curve is about 4% and about 54% is sand and what remains is gravel. Finally the lowest curve only has about 1% fines, sand forms about 23% of the material and the rest is gravel.

Porous Media

Particle size, D (mm)


Porous Media Подпись: (2.4) (2.5)

Based on the grain size distribution curve three parameters are frequently deter­mined, that is the effective size D10, the uniformity coefficient Cu and coefficient of gradation Cc. The parameter D10 is the diameter of the largest particle that can be found in the smallest 10% of the particle-size distribution curve. The uniformity coefficient Cu and coefficient of gradation Cc are given as:

where D30 and D60 are the diameter on the particle-size distribution curve, similar to D10 but corresponding to 30% and 60% finest fractions respectively. These three parameters are sometimes used to estimate the saturated coefficient of permeability of some types of soils.

The question of the long navigation canal (the nahr Daourin)

Another project in the Mari region has left us with considerable evidence of its existence. This is the canal whose traces today are called nahr Daourin, with a width of 8 to 11 m, and a reconstituted length of some 120 km. Rising at Khabur, it joins the Euphrates downstream of Mari on the left bank, cutting into the cliffs in places (Figures 2.11 and 2.12). The canal has a fairly regular slope of about 0.2 m/km, though it is somewhat flat­ter in its upstream portions (0.12 m/km).[66] [67]

The letter of Yaqqim-Addu, from which we have cited extracts earlier, mentions the existence of a canal issuing from Khabur at Saggaratum, at the beginning of the IInd mil­lennium BC. This canal irrigates the Mari district on the left bank of the Euphrates, and is very likely the nahr Daourin. It was undoubtedly used for irrigation in particular given the context of the last years of Mari. But navigation was clearly the canal’s pri­mary purpose, as evidenced by its large cross section and length, and the fact that in

The question of the long navigation canal (the nahr Daourin)

Figure 2.12 The nahr Daourin at one of the points in its course where it is deeply entrenched into the plateau on the left bank. (Photo: French archaeological mission of Tell Hariri – Mari (Syria)

places it is excavated into the high banks of the flood plain. It is entirely possible that the project is closely related to the very founding of Mari in the IIIrd millennium BC. Indeed, it was from this period on that bulk material, such as the charcoal necessary for metallurgy, had to be brought down to Mari from upper Khabur. It is much easier to imagine the empty boats being hauled back upstream on a canal then on the irregular course of a large river. This hypothesis would explain the particular site on which Mari was founded – on the right bank on a road that leads to Syria, but near the downstream end of the canal. Suprum, where the canal bends toward the river on the left bank a lit­tle to the north of Mari, could well be the port where merchandise was transferred between the Euphrates and the canal. In connection with this navigation canal, there would have had to be a weir on the Khabur upstream at Saggaratum, to maintain the water level during low flow. But there are no longer any remains of such a weir.

The remains of another project of this type, including a weir across the river and a [68]

lateral canal, have been found on the Euphrates somewhat further upstream. This is the

canal of Semiramis.

Fragrant Fumes

In 1996 E. B. was a 58-year-old man with a ten-year history of chronic sinus congestion, hoarseness, and headaches. By the time he consulted with Dr. Elliott, he had tried many forms of treatment, in­cluding nasal surgery, frequent courses of antibi­otics, decongestants, and steroid nasal drops. After removing dairy products from his diet, he noticed only a partial improvement in the congestion. Dr. Elliott then suggested that he try eliminating all scented products from his body, including deter­gents, soaps, and colognes. Through a process of trial and error, E. B. discovered that his aftershave lotion was a significant cause of his symptoms. His voice has now returned to itsformer resonance and he is without headaches and sinus congestion.


Manufacturers of fragranced products need list only"fragrance"on the label, not the actual chemi­cals. The perfume industry is self-regulated and is not required to provide formulations, test results, safety data, or consumer complaints to the Food and Drug Administration. Millions of people are made ill by artificial fragrances, which are now used in almost every cleaning, laundry, and per­sonal care product on the market. Most people are unaware that fragrances can cause or contribute to health problems. The most common symptoms related to fragrances include asthma, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, mental confusion, memory loss, nausea, irritability, depression, rashes, and muscle and joint pains. With increasing awareness and growing demand, products are now becoming available that are frag ranсe-free or scented with purely plant-derived substances.

building exterior, including drainage, roof gutters, roofing, painting, and staining

• a checklist of regular maintenance re­quirements for which outside services may be called upon, such as chimney sweeping and ductwork cleaning

• warranties and contact numbers of appro­priate subcontractors

Proper Use of Exhaust Fans,

Smoke Detectors, and CO Monitors

Smoke detectors and CO (carbon monox­ide) monitors will warn occupants only when functional. Exhaust fans will prevent excess moisture or remove pollutants from cooking only if the occupant remembers to use them.

When exhaust fans are in operation, the owner may need to provide make-up air by opening a window or manually turning on a supply switch. Understanding and maintaining such devices is an important part of maintaining a healthy home.

Avoiding Artificial Fragrance in the Home

The use of toxic fragrances is so prevalent in our culture that many chemically sensitive individuals have a hard time finding a home to rent or buy that is free of acquired odors from scented products. In fact, these com­mon synthetic fragrances pose a health threat to any occupant and should not be used in a healthy home. As Dr. Elliott explains, artificial fragrances are found throughout most homes and workplaces in body and hair care prod­ucts, household cleaners, detergents, fabric softeners, air fresheners, and even some mag­azines. Fragrance is cited as an indoor irritant and pollutant in several major studies.17

In the days before “better living through chemistry,” fragrances were made from flow­ers. Now approximately 95 percent of all in­gredients used by the fragrance industry are synthetic.18 According to the US Food and Drug Administration, about 4,000 petroleum derived chemicals are used in fragrances.19 These include toluene, formaldehyde, ace­tone, benzene derivatives, methylene chloride, phenyl ethyl alcohol, methyl ethyl ketone, and benzyl acetate. A single fragrance can contain as many as 600 different chemicals.

In a 1988 study, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health identified 884 toxic substances in a partial list of 2,983 chem­icals now being used by the fragrance indus­try. 20 Many of these substances are capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders, reproductive disorders, and skin irritation. According to the National Academy of Sciences, there is minimal or no data on toxicity for 84 percent of the ingredi­ents found in fragrances.21

Currently there is no agency regulating the fragrance industry. Tlie FDA is aware of the serious nature of the problem but is unable to undertake the astronomical expense of test­ing each of the chemicals found in fragrances. Without such testing, the FDA would be sub­ject to lawsuits by manufacturers if fragrances were banned. Thus, as is often the case, the onus falls on the consumer to make informed choices. At the end of this chapter you will find the names of some companies that supply fragrance-free products or products with fra­grances derived from natural sources.

Avoiding Biocide Use in the Flome and Garden

Pesticide use should be unnecessary in a well – built home. Similarly, a well-planned and healthy garden with site-appropriate plant selections and careful gardening practices should not require the use of any toxic herbi­cides. There are almost always effective benign methods for dealing with house and garden pests. Because of the potentially devastating health consequences of pesticide use, more benign solutions should be rigorously pursued when a pest problem arises. The principals of integrated pest management are discussed at greater length in Division 10.

Healthful Flome Cleaning

Cleaning substances with a skull and cross­bones abound in our grocery stores for use in home care, but these highly toxic and caustic substances should not be used for the main­tenance of a healthy home. Fortunately, safe and environmentally friendly cleaning prod­ucts are readily available. Please refer to the list at the end of this chapter and to the general cleanup section in Division 1 for healthy sug­gestions for every cleaning need.

A Healthy Home Must Be a Smoke-Free Home Almost everyone knows of the threat caused to personal health by smoking tobacco. Most people are also well aware of the threat caused by inhaling passive smoke. Once smoke is absorbed into the surfaces of a home, it takes extensive renovation to eliminate it. A no­smoking policy along with the careful design and use of fireplaces is essential to the mainte­nance of good air quality.


2.2.1 Design Controls

Once a route has been selected for a new highway, or a decision has been made to perform major work on an existing facility, the next step is to establish the design controls. The various factors considered for design controls may be generally grouped into five categories: functional classification, traffic data, terrain, locale, and design speed.

Functional classification is a way of grouping roadways together by the character of service they provide. The initial division is between urban and rural roadways. The urban classification may be defined differently in various parts of the country, but one definition is incorporated areas having a population of 5000 or more (Ref. 1). Rural areas are those areas outside of urban areas.

Each of these may be further subdivided into other classifications defined as follows:

Interstate. Roadways on the federal system with the highest design speeds and the highest design standards.

Freeway. An expressway with full access control and no at-grade intersections. Expressway. A divided arterial highway with full or partial control of access and generally having grade separations at major intersections.

Arterial. A facility primarily used for through traffic, usually on a continuous route.

Collector. An intermediate roadway system which connects arterials with the local road or street systems.

Local road or street. A road whose primary function is to provide access to residences, businesses, or other abutting properties.

Traffic data are an important foundation in highway design. The information used in design is usually a future forecast on the basis of existing traffic counts and expanded on the basis of normal expected growth in the area or enhanced by estimates of future business, commercial, or residential development. Most highway designs are based on what traffic demands will be 20 years from the current year. Shorter time periods, such as 10 years, may apply to resurfacing projects or other minor repair projects. It is impor­tant that within the same jurisdiction traffic data be forecast using the same methods and techniques, in order to ensure similar designs for similar type roadways. This is especially true for roadways in a given state jurisdiction.

The following types of traffic numbers are used most frequently in design:

Average daily traffic (ADT). The average number of vehicles using a roadway in a 24-hour period.

Design hourly volume (DHV). The estimated number of vehicles using the roadway in the 30th highest hour of the year. This number is generally 8 to 12 percent of the ADT and is used extensively in determining lane widths and shoulder characteristics of the roadway cross section.

Directional design hourly volume (DDHV). The estimated number of vehicles traveling in one direction of a two-way roadway in the 30th highest hour of the year. This number must be at least 50 percent of the DHV and is usually in the range of 50 to 60 percent. A higher value would indicate that the roadway is a major link in the commuter network, carrying a heavy inbound load in the morning and reversing that flow in the evening.

Truck percentage (T). The portion of the ADT which consists of B and C trucks. Traffic counts are usually separated according to vehicle type:

P = passenger cars (%)

A = commercial (%), consisting of light delivery trucks, panel trucks, and pickup trucks

B = commercial (%), consisting of semitrailer and truck-trailer combinations

C = commercial (%), consisting of buses or dual-tired trucks having single or tandem rear axles

Traffic counts sometimes group the P and A vehicles together and the B and C together.

Terrain is a factor that can significantly influence design features, especially in rural areas. Various categories of terrain are level, rolling, and hilly. They are further described as follows:

Level terrain. Any combination of grades and horizontal and vertical alignment permitting heavy vehicles to maintain approximately the same speed as passenger cars. Grades are generally limited to 1 or 2 percent.

Rolling terrain. Any combination of grades and horizontal and vertical alignment causing heavy vehicles to reduce their speeds substantially below those of passenger cars, but not to operate at crawl speeds.

Hilly terrain. Any combination of grades and horizontal and vertical alignment causing heavy vehicles to operate at crawl speed.

Heavy vehicles are defined as any vehicle having a weight (pounds) to horsepower ratio of 200 or greater (Ref. 1). Crawl speed is defined as the maximum sustained speed heavy vehicles can maintain on an extended upgrade. See Ref. 1 for graphs showing the effect of grades on acceleration and deceleration of heavy vehicles.

Locale describes the character and extent of development in the vicinity. It can be considered commercial, industrial, or residential, as well as rural or urban.


Design speed is defined as “a selected speed used to determine the various geometric design features of the roadway” (Ref. 1). When designing new or reconstructed roadways, the design speed should always equal or exceed the proposed legal speed of the roadway.

Table 2.1 (Ref. 7) shows the relationship of the functional classification, traffic data, terrain, locale, and design speed to the various geometric design features listed on the chart.

It should be noted that there are situations when it will not be possible or reasonable to meet the design standard for a particular feature in a given project. When this occurs, the designer must bring this to the attention of the reviewing authority for approval of what is being proposed, or suggestions on what other course of action to take. A design exception must be approved by the reviewing authority when a substandard feature is allowed to remain as part of the design. In this way, it can be documented that this was not an error or oversight on the part of the designer and that every effort has been made to provide the best design possible in the given situation.

Detail Design Phase

During the detail design phase, various design elements are finalized and construction plans are developed. Project development in this phase can include many intermediate reviews prior to final plan submission. These may include some or all of the follow­ing, depending on the complexity of the plan:

Traffic request/validation Traffic signal warrant analysis Airway-highway clearance study Alignment, grade, and typical section review Conceptual maintenance of traffic review Structure type study Retaining wall justification Service road justification Preliminary drainage review Preliminary right-of-way review Bridge type, size, and location study Drive review

Detail Design Phase

FIGURE 2.1 Example of map used in study of alternate routes showing four possible corridors. Conversions: 5 mi = 8 km, 2000 ft = 610 m. (From Justification Study for Crossroad Grade Separations, US 30, by Balke Engineers for Ohio Department of Transportation, with permission)
















£crWj.’ J



Residence With Farm Buildings


Residence Only


Commercial Facility


Residence With Potential Historic Significance


Road Closure tcul-de-sac)




Detail Design Phase





Residence Wilh Farm Buildings

Residence Only


Commercial Facility


Residence With Potential Historic Significance



Road Closure (cul-de-sac)











L – Jtr nil


I US 30










CR 2




Detail Design Phase

Detail Design Phase

Detail Design Phase





:|SR 182f:







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<1 TR 55 |




Detail Design Phase

180 = Estimated 2000 ADT 270 = Estimated 2020 APT


Detail Design Phase



Detail Design Phase







US 30




Detail Design Phase
Detail Design Phase







I US 30




J CR 18 Г







Detail Design Phase



Detail Design Phase

Detail Design Phase

Slope review Traffic control Lighting Waterline Sanitary sewer

Final roadway, field and office check

This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. The designer should contact the government agency having review and final acceptance authority to see what reviews are required during this phase of plan development.

Following acceptance of the final plans, specifications, and estimates, the project is processed for letting. Any necessary consent legislation is obtained. The project is then advertised, bids are taken, and the construction contract is awarded.