Microwave Ovens Are Tops in Efficiency

First introduced as a practical kitchen appliance in 1965, microwave ovens have revolutionized cooking and offer substantial energy savings over standard ovens (They are 5 times as energy efficient as a standard electric oven). They work by producing non-ionizing microwave radiation (a certain frequency of radio waves) with a magnetron and directing that radiation at the food. The microwave radiation is absorbed by water, fats, and sugars, producing heat. Because the microwaves penetrate the food, heating is more rapid and requires less energy than in a conventional oven. Microwave ovens are about

5 times as energy efficient as standard elec­tric ovens and more than 10 times as energy efficient as gas ovens.

Increasingly, manufacturers are combining cooking functions with microwave ovens to produce a new generation of "rapid-cook" appliances. These models combine micro­waves with electric grilling elements so that food can be browned as well as cooked. Quartz elements are often used to create ra­diant heat, though General Electric’s Advan – tium® microwave oven (www. geappliances .com) uses a halogen-lamp element. Convec­tion is another feature offered by the Advan – tium and some others, such as TurboChef®’s Speedcook Oven (www. turbochef. com). In the future, most ovens likely will include multiple heating options to speed up cook­ing and to serve a wider range of functions, from defrosting to reheating to grilling.


Tips to Cut Consumption


If you use a convection oven, keep the lid off a casserole dish. Otherwise, it will cook no more quickly than in a standard oven. On a cooktop, closing the lid on a pot will retain heat and reduce energy use.


Slow-cooking, plug-in crock pots offer an energy-efficient way to cook soups, stews, and other dishes.

Exhaust Fans Are Important to Health

Exhaust fans add to energy consumption, but their importance with regard to kitchen air quality—and the health of your home’s occupants—cannot be ignored. Chemical impurities in natural gas, along with incom­plete combustion, can result in dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO), causing headaches and fatigue at low levels and, at high concentrations, death. Because of this concern, gas ranges should be installed with quality, outdoor-venting range-hood fans, which should be operated when the cooktop or oven is on.

Exhaust fans are most efficient when placed above the cooktop or range. Down­draft fans, which are installed at the back or in the center of a range, rely on signifi­cant airflow (and power consumption) to ventilate cooking fumes effectively. Because fumes are more easily channeled into a fan installed in a range hood, fan performance is better.

If you can’t vent an exhaust fan outdoors, avoid the use of gas cooking appliances. Recirculating range-hood fans can remove odors but should not be relied on to remove combustion gases.

A significant energy-saving feature to look for in a range-hood exhaust fan is a variable-speed motor. This allows the fan to operate at a lower airflow rate when full ven­tilation capacity is not needed, thus saving energy and reducing noise.

Surface Seals

For pavement seals the following materials are used:

• asphalt layers;

• stress absorption membranes (“SAMIs”) (see Fig. 13.37); and

• junction sealing material.

SAMIs act over an old cracked pavement surface, sealing the cracks against wa­ter ingress. They often provide a small degree of differential horizontal movement between an old and a new pavement layer so that the relative movements of the parts of the old pavement either side of a crack do not cause a stress concentration in the new, overlying, pavement layer at the same point. Without this ability, a crack in the new layer can quickly form immediately above the old crack – a problem known as “reflection cracking”. Water can then, very quickly, re-enter the road and the overlay will not act as an effective seal (e. g. Fig. 13.38).


Подпись: ✓ fast code fact Exterior sewage pumps must be equipped with alarm systems. The alarms warn the property owner if the pump is not operating and the pump station is filling with sewage. Without the alarm, the sewage could build to a point where it would flow back into the building. Подпись: been there done that Some homeowners associate an overflowing toilet with a problem in their septic system. It is possible that the septic system is responsible for the toilet backing up, but this is not always the case. A stoppage either in the toilet trap or in the drainpipe can cause a backup. There are times when sewage pumps must be used to get sewage to a septic system. The pumps are normally installed in a buried box outside of the building being served. The box is often made of concrete. In these cases, the home’s sewer pipe goes to the pumping station. From the pumping station, a solid pipe transports the waste to the septic tank.

Подпись: FIGURE 14.10 ■ Example of a pump-station septic system.

sewage pumps have floats that are lifted as the level of contents in the pump station build. When the float is raised to a certain point, the pump cuts on, emptying the contents of the pump station. The dis­charge pipe from the pump must be equipped with a check valve. otherwise, gravity would force waste down the pipe, back into the pump station, when the pump cut off. This would result in the pump having to constantly cut on and off, wearing out the pump.

Land development and management

The minor lay lords of the middle ages were all too often uninterested in the manage­ment of the land, or sometimes were simply incapable of applying techniques that went beyond their competence. So it was the monks, and in particular the Benedictines and Cistercians, who became the custodians of land development during the demographic expansion of the 12th and 13th centuries. We have already seen that these monks were quite competent in such matters.

The biggest hydraulic project for reclaiming land from the sea and swamps was in coastal Flanders. Actually there were several distinct operations, but all of them were rather similar and conducted until about the year 1300. These projects were driven by recently founded abbeys, under the authority of the powerful Count of Flanders, with increasing involvement of the rich bourgeois toward the end of the period. The region was undergoing rapid economic and demographic growth during this period; in the 13th century Gand (with 64,000 inhabitants), Bruges (42,000) and Ypres (35,000) were, after Paris, the largest cities to the north of the Alps.

This story begins with the two major incursions of the North Sea in 1014 and 1042.

Land development and management

Figure 9.13 Coastal Flanders: shoreline in about the year 1000 (after Parisee, 1994) and after the channelization of rivers and compartmentalization of estuaries, which gave the coast its form from the end of the 13th century up to the present. The cities whose names are underlined are ports founded on reclaimed land in the 11th and 12th centuries.

Sheepraising was widely practiced on the floodable portions of the lowlands. These lowlands were protected by a line of dunes, but this line was broken by the sea incur­sions. The result was the formation of two large bays, one on the lower course of the Yser, the other to the northeast of Bruges in the region that is today called the Zwin. To protect the adjoining land from these new embayments, the inhabitants built long dikes more or less perpendicular to the coast in the middle of the 11th century. Examples are the 18-km long Oude Zeedijk (the “old sea dike”), that protects the area of Fumes from the Yser bay; and the Blankenberke Dijk to the northwest of Bruges. During this same period dike construction along the Yser River began downstream of its confluence with the Iepere, the river that flows to Ypres. This resulted in the founding of Dixmunde in 1089 as the seaport for the fast-growing city of Ypres.

Another major event occurred a half-century later, in 1134. This was a new incur­sion of the sea along all the coast of the North Sea, from Calais as far as the Frise islands to the north of the present-day Holland. This event seems to have marked the beginning of much more aggressive policies to combat the sea, first and foremost by the riparian abbeys. Dikes were progressively extended out from the land in large arcs, capturing the first polders (the term first appeared at this time) on the Yser and Zwin gulfs. Ultimately, these gulfs were completely dewatered in the 13th century.[480] The course of the lower Yser River resulted from these projects. The channelization of the river was completed in 1163, at which time the Count of Flanders, Thierry d’Alsace, founded Nieuport at the mouth of the river as the new seaport for the land of Ypres. In this same year he founded Gravelines, at the mouth of the Aa further to the west, and this in turn led to efforts to drain the marshlands of Saint-Omer and channelize the Aa, conducted from 1165 to 1215.[481] All of these projects were extremely difficult, as illustrated by the

text of a charter promulgated in 1169 by Philippe d’Alsace, the new Count of Flanders: “Between Watten and Bourbourg, a swampland had deposited silt over a vast expanse making it inaccessible and refusing of any human use. At my expense, I drained this muddy sea, at the cost of significant fatigue, and almost violently extracting from it a more favorable natu­ral behavior, I transformed it into fertile land.’,z, H

In 1180 Philippe founds Dunkirk and Damme, the latter as a port on the Zwim River now conquered and channelized. The south bank of the Escaut River, to the west of Anvers, is similarly diked with the creation of polders. These projects began in the 12th century and without doubt were accelerated after a major flood of the Escaut in 1214; they were completed around 1300. The work was led by the neighboring abbeys, but surely also benefited from initiatives of the rich bourgeoisie of Gand and Anvers.[482] [483]

Public civil institutions called wateringues managed the hydraulic systems of Flanders, overseeing maintenance of the canals and gates and regulation of the channel­ized rivers and polders.

Another remarkable achievement is the development of the Poitevin marsh to the north of La Rochelle.[484] This vast zone of stagnant water surrounded by the waters of the Sevre, Vendee and Autize rivers, as well as by the bay of Aiguillon, had been the focus of modest developments up until the 12th century. The work included drainage and reclamation of lands bordering higher ground, and salt works. A few fishermen lived in the swamp itself. Villages and abbeys (Benedictine, Clunisian, Augustinian and Templar) are located on buttes that overlook the swamps, or on the edges of plateaus that border the swamp to the north.

In the middle of the 12th century the Cistercians settle on land that was ceded to them, further downstream and thus closer to the ocean than the land developed by their predecessors. These lands were far enough from the coast to be sheltered from danger­ously high tides and storm surges. In ten years of work that ends at the turn of the cen­tury (around 1200), they manage to drain their marshlands using the technique of the “drying basin”. Aparcel of land is surrounded by a levee, called the “bot”, and then dou­bly bordered – outside of the levee by a canal connected to a system of “achenaux”, or channels, that convey the water toward the sea or into the Sevre; and on the interior by another canal right up against the levee, and fed by drainage ditches. The system can be controlled by gates in the levee, opened to evacuate the drained water into the hydro­graphic system, or closed to protect the basin from the inflow of high water. The peas­ant-fishermen living in the marshland are forced to leave. The principal players in this theater are: south of the Sevres, the Cistercians of Charron and other monasteries of the region, allies of the Templars of Bernay; and north of the Sevre, the energetic and dom­inant figure Ostensius, abbot of Moreilles until 1208.

But this reclamation of the Poitevin marsh has a negative aspect, namely its inter­ference with the flow of water from the upstream Benedictine abbeys and villages to the sea. The first occupants of the threatened area are obliged to undertake additional work
to facilitate the seaward flow of floodwaters, while conserving the productive use of their own reclaimed land. From 1217 the “channel of five abbots” (l’achenal des cinq abbes”), a canal some 15 km in length, is constructed thanks to the coordinated efforts of the five large abbeys that occupied the land before the Cistercians arrived (Figure 9.14). Even later, in 1283, another long canal is constructed to connect the Lu$on canal to the “channel of the five abbots”. This canal makes it possible to drain the edge of the plateau upstream of the land reclaimed for Moreilles by the abbot Ostensius. For a change, this last canal, the “channel of the King” (l’achenal du Roi), does not owe its existence to the monasteries. Since the campaigns of Philippe Auguste and the Treaty of Paris, signed by Saint Louis in 1259, the south of the Poitou is royal land. This canal is thus built under the authority of the King with the financial participation of twelve lay

watercourse or canal assumed to be from before the 12th century


canal (achenal)

towns and villages

abbeys: "dry land"


Cistercian (above


Benedictine the marsh)



Land development and management
communities on the plateau.

The energy and hydraulic know-how of the Cistercian monks is seen in many other projects. To the north of Brives the Obazines achieve drainage of the land in the 13th century. They also developed the saltworks of Oleron. The Cistercians of Buzay play an important role in reclamation of marshlands in the Loire River delta.

Again in the Loire valley downstream of Tours, settlements had for ages been built on sandy fluvial deposits, and subsequently kept above the water by the inhabitants through accumulated fragile defenses of earth and turf. In the years 1160 – 1170, undoubtedly at the initiative of the English King Henry II Plantagenet, the first levee on
the Loire is built in the valley of Authion on the north bank of the river, extending some fifty kilometers between Langeais and Saumur. This is a turcie, a structure made of driv­en stakes, branches, sticks, and earth. Henry II settles inhabitants on the structure itself and charges them with the maintenance of the turcie; for this service, they are exonerat­ed from military duty. All of this is laid out in a charter dated in 1169. In the 14th cen­tury this levee is extended downstream until it is continuous along all the valley of Authion. Large settlements like Tours and Orleans are in their turn protected by similar turcies. This leads to a period of calm along the Loire until the middle of the 15th cen­tury, perhaps explaining the neglect in maintenance of these levees. But important and repeated floods cause inundations in 1456, 1482, 1494, and again in 1519, 1525, and 1527. Starting in 1482 King Louis XI undertakes to raise the existing turcies, to gener­alize the flood defense system, and even to set standards for the height and the method of construction of the levees. This effort is continued until the reign of Henry IV.[485]

Land development and management

Another enterprise of grand amplitude is the development of the plain of Roussillon – but in a completely different context.[486] Roussillon is in effect part of the Catalan ter­ritory. In the 10th and 11th centuries it is part of the county of Barcelona, then a posses­sion of the King of Majorca from 1262 to 1344, and finally it is integrated into the king­dom of Aragon. The land needs irrigation much more than drainage, and it seems logi­cal that the influence of Andalusian techniques is found there. Irrigation networks devel­op in the basin of the Tet, east of Perpignan, from the 9th century; they particularly flour­ish between the 12th and 13th centuries (Figure 9.15). The influence of certain abbeys such as those of Lagrass and of Saint-Michel de Cuxa would appear to be decisive inso­far as these irrigation works are concerned. As is the case in so many of the fertile regions of Europe, one finds ample evidence of donations of canals and mills from local lords to these abbeys.

Figure 9.15 The canals in the Roussillon plain: irrigation from the 11th to the 13th century; the “royal Thuir canal” and its wanderings of the 15th century, after Caucanas, 1995.

At the beginning of the 14th century the development of the cities of Perpignan and Thuir led to a major project to supply water necessary for cultivation, mills, and domes­tic use. The “royal canal of Thuir” was built by the king of Majorca at the very begin­ning of this century. The canal is 35 km long, rising in the foothills near Vinfa and cross­ing a hilly countryside. The terrain required that the canal be laid on a slope in some areas, necessitating numerous civil engineering works, and in particular several bridge – canals. The canal supplies six mills at Thuir, and seven at Perpignan where in addition it powers a noria that lifts water to the chateau. But the Mediterranean climate, with its violent floods, is a constant threat to this canal. In 1403 flood damages require that the canal be temporarily closed. It was necessary to rebuild the intake, which was accom­plished by 1416, but then the canal is again destroyed by the major inundations of 1421. At this point the actions of the Arragon sovereigns are decisive. In 1425 a new canal, the “royal rech of Perpignan”, rejoins the trace of the earlier canal downstream of Thuir. The sole purpose of this canal, issuing from an intake at Ille further downstream, is to provide water for the city of Perpignan. As for the city of Thuir, the “royal rech of Thuir” is built two years later with an intake on the Tet River at an intermediate location between Vinfa and Ille (Figure 9.15). Later still, the lord of Corbere has the ancient royal canal of Thuir rebuilt to supply water to his city.

Information Phase

Objectives. The first phase of the job plan has two basic objectives:

To obtain thorough understanding of the project, system, operation, or item under study by a rigorous review of all of the pertinent factual data

To define the value problem by means of functional description accompanied by an estimate of the cost and worth of accomplishing each basic function

Key questions. During this phase, the following key questions must be answered:

What is it?

What does it do?

What must it do?

What does it cost?

What is it worth? (What is the least the function could cost?)


1. Use good human relations. The matter of human relations is of utmost impor­tance to the success of any VE study. “People” problems are sometimes more difficult to resolve than technical problems. The effectiveness of a VE team leader’s efforts depends upon the amount of cooperation the leader obtains from the engineers, designers, estimators, managers, etc. If one is skillful in approach, diplomatic when resolving opposing viewpoints, and tactful in questioning a design requirement or specification, one will minimize the problems of obtaining the cooperation necessary to do the job effectively.

2. Collect information. All pertinent facts concerning the project, system, operation, or item must be drawn together. Getting all the relevant facts and getting them from the best sources are of paramount importance. The VE team should gather complete infor­mation consistent with the study schedule. All relevant information is important, regard­less of how disorganized or unrelated it may seem when gathered. The data gathered should be supported by tangible evidence in the form of copies of all appropriate documents. Where supported facts are not obtainable, the opinions of knowledgeable persons should be documented.

In addition to specific knowledge of the item, it is essential to have all available information concerning the technologies involved, and to be aware of the latest technical developments pertinent to the subject being reviewed. Knowledge of the various con­struction processes that may be employed is essential. The more information brought to bear on the problem, the more likely the possibility of a substantial cost reduction. Having all the above information would be the ideal situation, but if all of this informa­tion is not available, it should not preclude the performance of the VE effort.

10.4.1 Function Analysis Phase

The determination of functions is a requisite for all value studies. The decision to pursue the project through the remaining phases of the job plan can be made only by determin­ing function, placing a worth on each required function, and then comparing worth against actual or estimated cost. The determination of function should take place as soon as sufficient information is available to permit determination of true requirements. All members of the VE study team should participate in this exercise because the determina­tion of required function is vital to subsequent phases of the job plan.

Resistance to Fuel on Airfields

This requirement regarding resistance to fuel exclusively applies to SMA mixes for airfields. The method of testing this property of SMA is elaborated in the standard EN 12697-43. The categories of the requirements are good, moderate, poor, or NR (no requirement).

14.5.11 Resistance to Deicing Fluids for Application on Airfields

This requirement concerning resistance to deicing fluids applies to SMA mixes for airfields only. The method of testing this property of SMA is described in the stan­dard EN 12697-41. The test is conducted using the pull-off method on samples sub­jected to conditioning in a deicing fluid and on nonconditioned, comparable samples. The categories of requirements are marked with the indexed symbol в: P100, в 85, P70, P55, and PNR, where PNR means no requirement. The в is a ratio of conditioned to unconditioned sample result.

Multiple-Framer Tasks

Some tasks require more than one framer, for example, lifting large walls. Any time framers have to be called from other tasks to perform a common task, care must be taken not to waste time. The cost per minute of a 5-framer task is 5 times that of a single framer task. The person organizing the task needs to take responsibility for making sure the task is ready for all framers. If it is lifting a wall, the organizing framer should make sure the wall is completely ready so framers don’t stand around while one person makes last-minute adjustments.

Learning Curve

Studies have been done that show that as output is doubled, the time required decreases according to a constant ratio. The common ratio is about 4 to 5, or 20%. For example, the fourth set of stairs built will take 20% less time than the second.

Multiple Cutting Analysis

Multiple cutting becomes efficient when you have to cut a number of pieces of lumber the same size. Trimmers, cripples, and blocks are good examples.

To multiple cut, first spread all the lumber to be cut out on the floor or a table. Then measure each piece, mark each piece with your square, and finally cut each piece.

Analysis has shown it takes 36% less time to cut ten pieces of 2 x 4 when the tasks of spreading, then measuring, then marking, and then cutting are done for all the pieces at one time.

For very large numbers of cuts it may be worthwhile to make a template or a measuring/cutting jig.

Motion Analysis

Question: Can significant time (and money) be saved by moving faster?

Answer: Motion analysis studies have shown that something as simple as walking more quickly around the site can substantially raise productivity. For instance, if a framer spends 2 hours in an 8-hour day walking from point to point on a job site, a quick walk can save about 30 minutes per day over a relaxed walk.

Speed Versus Quality

Speed or quality: Which should it be? How good must the work be if it must be done as fast as possible? The two variables to consider when answering these questions are:

• Strength

• Attractiveness

First and most important is the structural integrity of the building. The second is creating a finished frame that will be pleasing to the eye. Once requirements for strength and attractiveness are satisfied, the faster the job can be done, the better.

Material Movement

Framing requires a lot of material movement. It is estimated that one-quarter to one-third of a framer’s time is spent moving material, so any time or energy saved is a cost reduction.

The following hints will help you save time, energy, motion and, in the last analysis, money.

• Whenever material is lifted or moved, it takes time and energy; therefore, move material as little as possible.

• When stacking lumber, consider the following:

—Where will it be used next?

—Will it be close to where it is going to be used?

—Will it be in the way of another operation?

—Will it obstruct a pathway?

• Always stack material neatly. This helps to keep the lumber straight and makes it easy for framers to pick up and carry it. Stack 2 x 4 studs in piles of eight for a convenient armful.

• Have second-floor lumber dumped close to the building so framers can stand on the lumber stack and throw it onto the second floor.

• When stacking lumber on a deck, place it where walls will not be built, so it will not have to be moved again.

Tool Maintenance Schedule

Draw up a schedule such as the one shown in the following table for your specific equipment; post it, and assign a reliable crew member to take charge of it.

• Use mechanical aids, such as levers, for lifting. Remember your physics—the longer the handle in relation to the lifting arm, the easier it will be to lift the load.

• Two trips to the lumber stack or tool truck cost twice as much as one trip. If you have to go to the tool truck for a tool, check to see if you need nails or anything else.


When you started reading this chapter, you were probably hoping for some nice clean answers on how to manage a crew-answers that you could put to use tomorrow. Now you are probably thinking that you have more questions than you did when you started reading-and that’s the way it should be. Managing a crew is a never-ending job that
will challenge you every day. The information presented in this chapter should give you a base for the common-sense decisions you will have to continually make in response to the questions that come up as you manage your crew.

Additional Conditions for Preparing Samples

The SMA wheel tracking test is carried out on samples (slabs) prepared in a labora­tory or cut out of a pavement. Additional requirements for samples may be deter­mined in the following two ways:

• Requiring a void content in the slab; in this case the requirement has a range of 3% (v/v), (e. g., 3-6% [v/v]).

• Requiring the compaction factor; in this instance a requirement with a range of 2% (e. g., 98-100%) should be imposed.

All the aforementioned requirements actually specify the quality of the prepared sample (slab) before testing.

14.5.10 Reaction to Fire

When an SMA mix has to meet requirements for resistance against fire specified in other regulations, this property should be tested and classified according to the method described in EN 13501-1.

Radio Frequency Radiation

The higher the frequency of the electromagnetic

radiation, the more the electric and magneticfield components meld. The energy level of radio fre­quency (RF) radiation is billions of times stronger than the natural high-frequency energies from the cosmos that existed during our biological de­velopment. Research shows that cataracts, blood composition changes, hormone alterations, and chromosomal abnormalities are induced at high – frequency energies.0 Sources of high RF radiation located outside a home require changing the lo­cation of the bed or shielding with RF-reflective paint and/or material.

Internal RF sources, such as cellular phones, wireless communications, and cordless phones, should not be in or near the bedroom, or at least not while you sleep. Cordless phones based on 2.4 or higher gigahertz technology emits pulsed RF energy 24 hours a day. Choose analog 900 mega­hertz models instead and use them sparingly. It is also important to consider avoiding light dimmer switches and fluorescent lighting of any type, as they can create RF signals that travel on the elec­tric house installation, contaminating the entire living space.

The RF detector (50-3000 megahertz) and RF analyzer (800-3300 megahertz) are used to detect pulsed radio frequency signals, track down their sources, and test the effectiveness of mitigation. Goal: Exposure limits are: pulsed less than 0.1 mi­crowatt per square meter and nonpulsed less than 1 microwatt per square meter.

Static Electric Fields or DC Electric Fields Static electricand static magneticfields (also called DC fields) occur in nature, where they can surprise us with enormous intensities. These fields do not vibrate at any frequency but are static — that is, independent of time and unchanging. Adverse

health effects from static fields can occur when the fields deviate from the natural background even to a small degree. Thus, fora healthy environment, deviations from these natural static fields need to be eliminated. Unfortunately, this condition is of­ten overlooked by indoor environmentalists who are not Bau-Biologists.

Static electricity is produced between electric charges at rest. At the right dose, air electricity is essential for sustaining life, but, when unbalanced, static electric fields can cause subtle health effects that are not as obvious as a shock. These effects re­sult when static electricity generating materials upset the natural air ion balance and concentra­tion. Synthetic carpeting, stuffed animals, uphol­stered furniture, and blended bed sheets are the major sources of static electricity in the bedroom. The cure is easy: use natural materials that can­not become so highly charged and that discharge quickly, such as cotton, hemp, silk, and wool. If replacement is not possible, cover the offending material.

Static Magnetic Fields or DC Magnetic Fields Often while sleeping we are not in sync with the Earth’s natural static magnetic field because of highly magnetic metal mattress springs. A DC gaussmeter or a liquid (oil) filled compass moved slowly across a bed can detect static magnetic field anomalies. A compass is sufficiently accurate for risk assessment of the innerspring mattress. Goal: Size changes under i milligauss (100 micro­teslas) when using a DC gaussmeter, or less than a 10-degree change in direction in 3 inches (7.5 centi­meters) when using a compass.


Building materials such as concrete, glazed tiles, and granite countertops may show radioactivity levels far above the ambient level. Select materi­als with lower radiation. All radiation exposures should be As Low As Reasonably Attainable (the ALARA principle). Even the smallest radiation ex­posure should be avoided. All homes and sites should be tested for radon following the EPA guidelines.

A Geiger counter compares the ionization ef­fect of radioactive radiation to the natural back­ground. To establish the natural background radiation, it is necessary to take several measure­ments at various spots, diligently avoiding poten­tial sources of radioactivity. Goal: Less than a 70 percent increase and ideally less than 50 percent.


The VE job plan outlines those tasks or functions necessary to properly perform a VE study. Adherence to a definite plan is essential to achieving optimum results. Good results come from a good system, and a good system is one that covers all aspects of a problem or situation to the necessary degree. Use of the job plan provides

1. A vehicle to carry the study from inception to conclusion

2. A convenient way to maintain a written record of the effort as it progresses

3. Assurance that consideration has been given to facts that may have been neglected in the creation of the original design

4. A logical separation of the study into units that can be planned, scheduled, budgeted, and assessed

5. Assurance that proper emphasis is given to the essential creative work of a study and its analysis so that superior choices can be made for further development

The job plan attempts to generate, identify, and select the best-value alternative(s) by making specific recommendations supported with the proper data and identifying the actions necessary for implementation. Further, it provides a proposed implementation schedule and a summary of benefits to the user. The VE job plan is a planned program that has been tested, is being used, and has been proved to work.

The VE effort must include all phases of the job plan. However, the proper share of attention given to each phase may differ from one application to another. Judgment is required in determining the depth to which each phase is performed, with consideration given to the resources available and the results expected.

An orientation (pre-workshop stage) is usually conducted by a VE manager prior to the assembling of a VE task team. This activity relates to the selection of ideas for VE projects and their planning and authorization. The VE team follows the VE job plan starting with the information phase after the item to be studied has been selected. The number of members of the VE team varies considerably, but usually the job plan is completed by a team of at least five persons.