The hit-and-miss method

Referring to Fig. 6.6, a rectangular region Ш = {(x, y)a < x < b, 0 < y < c} is superimposed to enclose the area Ф = {(x, y)a < x < b, 0 < y = g(x) < c} represented by Eq. (6.49). By the hit-and-miss method, the rectangular region Ш containing the area under g(x), that is, Ф, is hung on the wall, and one is to throw n darts on it. Assume that the darts fly in a random fashion and that all n darts hit within the rectangular region. The area under g(x), then, can be estimated as the proportion of n darts hitting the target multiplied by the known area of rectangular region Ш, that is,

G = A(6.50)

where G is the estimate of the true area G under g(x), A = c(b – a) is the area of the rectangular region, and nh is the number of darts hitting the target out of a total of n trials.

The hit-and-miss method can be implemented numerically on a computer. The two coordinates (Xi, Yi) on the rectangular region Ш, which represents the location where the ith dart lands, are treated as two independent random variables that can be generated from two uniform distributions. That is, Xi is generated from U(a, b) and Yi from U(0, c). When Yi < g(Xi), the dart hits its target; otherwise, the dart misses the target. A simple hit-and-miss algorithm is given as follows:

1. Generate 2n uniform random variates from U(0, 1). Form them arbitrarily into n pairs, that is, (u1, u[), (u2, u’2),…, (un, u’n).

2. Compute xi = a + (b – a)ui and g(xi), for i = 1,2,…, n.

3. Count the number of cases nh that g(xt) > cu.

4. Estimate the integral G by Eq. (6.50).

Note that G is an estimator of the integral G; it is therefore also a random variable. It can be shown that G is unbiased, namely,

E(G) = A x = Ap = A (A = G (6.51)

where nh/n, the proportion of n darts hitting the target, is an unbiased estimator of the true probability of hits, and p simply is the ratio of the area under g(x) to the area of the rectangular region. Furthermore, the standard error associated with the estimator G is

The hit-and-miss method

G( A – G)





OG =


As can be seen, the precision associated with G, represented by its inverse of standard deviation, using the hit-and-miss Monte Carlo integration method increases with n1/2.

A practical question is how many trials have to be carried out so that the estimated G satisfies a specified accuracy requirement. In other words, one would like to determine a minimum number of trials n such that the following relationship holds:

P(|G – G<e) > a (6.53)

in which є is the specified maximum error between G and G, and a is the mini­mum probability that G would be within є around the exact solution. Applying the Chebyshev inequality, the minimum number of trials required to achieve Eq. (6.53) can be determined as (Rubinstein, 1981)

(1 – p)p[c(b – a)]2 (1 – p)pA2

n >———— / 2——— = n * 2 (6.54)

(1 – а)є2 (1 – а)є2

Note that the required number of trials n increases as the specified error level є decreases and as the confidence level a increases. In addition, for the specified є and a, Eq. (6.54) indicates that the required number of trials n can be reduced by letting p approach 1. This implies that selecting an enclosed region Ш as close to Ф as possible would reduce the required number of trials. However, consideration must be given to the ease of generating random variates for U’ in the algorithm.

When the number of trials n is sufficiently large, the random variable T,

G — G

T = ^^ (6.55)


approximately, has the standard normal distribution, that is, T ~ N(0, 1), with sG being the sample estimator of aG, that is,

G( A – G)





sG =


Hence the (1 – 2a)-percent (a < 0.5) confidence interval for G then can be ob­tained as

Подпись: (6.57)G ± sgza

with za = Ф 1(1 – a).

Example 6.6 Suppose that the time to failure of a pump in a water distribution system follows an exponential distribution with the parameter в = 0.0008/h (i. e., 7 failures per year). The PDF of the time to failure of the pump can be expressed as

ft(t) = 0.0008e-0 0008t for t > 0

Determine the failure probability of the pump within its first 200 hours of operation by the hit-and-miss algorithm with n = 2000. Also compute the standard deviation associated with the estimated failure probability and derive the 95 percent confidence interval containing the exact failure probability.

Solution The probability that the pump would fail within 200 hours can be computed as

r-200 ,■ 200

Подпись: Pfft (t) dt = 0.0008e—00008t dt

00 which is the area under the PDF between 0 and 200 hours (Fig. 6.7). Using the hit – and-miss Monte Carlo method, a rectangular area with a height of 0.0010 over the interval [0, 200] is imposed to contain the area representing the pump failure proba­bility.

The area of the rectangle can be easily determined as A = 0.001(200) = 0.2. The hit-and-miss algorithm then can be outlined in the following steps:

1. Initialize i = 0 and щ = 0.

2. Let i = i + 1, and generate a pair of standard uniform random variates (ui, ui) from U(0, 1).

3. Let ti = 200ui, and compute ft(ti) = 0.0008e—00008ti, y = 0.001ui.

4. If ft(ti) > y, nh = nh + 1. If i = 2000, go to step 5; otherwise, go to step 1.

5. Estimate the pump failure probability as pf = A(nh/n) = 0.2(nh/n).

Using the preceding algorithm, 2000 simulations were made, and the estimated pump failure probability is pif = 0.2(nh/n) = 0.2(1500/2000) = 0.15. Comparing with the exact failure probability pf = 1 — exp(-0.16) = 0.147856, the estimated

ft (t)

The hit-and-miss method


failure probability by the hit-and-miss method, with n = 2000 and the rectangular area chosen, has a 1.45 percent error relative to the exact solution.

Подпись: sp f Подпись: p f (A - p f ) n Подпись: 0.15(0.2 - 0.15) 2000 Подпись: 0.00194

The associated standard error can be computed according to Eq. (6.56) as

Assuming normality for the estimated pump failure probability, the 95 percent confi­dence interval containing the exact failure probability pf is

pf ± Z0.975SPf = (0.1462,0.1538)

where zq.975 = 1.96.


Slip base designs for small sign supports consist of two components: (1) the anchor assembly up to the bottom of the slip base, and (2) the sign support, containing the top of the slip base on the lower end and the sign panel on the upper end. Small sign slip bases are categorized as unidirectional or multidirectional.

Slip base designs allow the use of stronger sign supports than can safely be achieved by base-bending or fracture designs. The anchor piece of slip base designs is fixed into a foundation and should remain immovable during an impact. The sign sup­port is connected to the anchor piece with bolts through a plate, which are attached to a similar plate on the anchor piece. The holes in the plates are slotted. When a vehicle impacts the sign support, the top plate, which is attached to the sign support, slides along the bottom plate until the bolts slide free of the slots. Inclined slip base designs, or designs with raised center cones, cause the sign support to move upward to allow the impacting vehicle to pass under the sign without being hit on the windshield by the sign during high-speed impact.

When slip base designs were first used, problems were encountered with assemblies that came apart without an impact. This was due to the wind and ice loads vibrating the assembly and causing the bolts to “walk” out of the slots, as in Fig. 7.17. This problem was solved by using a thin (0.04 to 0.02 in or 1.0 to 0.5 mm) keeper plate to ensure that the bolts remain properly located in the slots. During an impact, the bolts tear through the thin keeper plate as they slide free of the slots.

FIGURE 7.17 Loose slip base caused by vibration.

FIGURE 7.18 Installation of unidirectional slip base.


Thermal problems occurring during the manufacture and placement of SMA are often underestimated, and yet they can lead to significant defects in a new course and reduce its working lifetime. It has already been indicated in Section 11.6 that the placement of a cool SMA mixture may result in an excessive content of voids.

Aside from problems directly connected with the temperature of a mixture, the effects of wrongly adjusted equipment during placement may be observed. Now and again errors in laying and the effects of an unsuitable mixture temperature superim­pose onto each other. These problems may be divided as follows:

• Manufacture and transport

• Unsuitable temperature of an SMA ingredients during manufacturing and storing in a silo

• Wrong methods of transporting a mixture

• Laying

• Improper temperature of the supplied mixture

• Adjustment errors by the paver and in general methods of laying

Infrared cameras are increasingly being used to analyze thermal problems. Results of such research efforts may be found in several publications (Pierce et al., 2002; Stroup-Gardiner et al., 2000; Willoughby et al., 2001).


SMA surface seepage is directly related to excessive porosity of a compacted mixture (see Chapter 12) and the condition (watertightness) of the course situated just under the SMA. When assessing the watertightness of an SMA course, one must not forget that water permeability is determined not only by the contents of voids on the surface of a compacted course but also by the shape and interconnectedness of the inner pores. Finally, most national regulations and numerous publications recommend a [68]


FIGURE 11.10 The surface of an SMA course just after spreading at too low a temperature. (Photo courtesy of Krzysztof Blazejowski.)


FIGURE 11.11 Seepage of water through an SMA layer. (Photo courtesy of Bohdan Dolzycki.)

limit of 6.0% (v/v) air voids in a compacted course, above which a course becomes partially permeable to water.

A tight intermediate course under the SMA, which prevents the penetration of water and water vapor deep into the pavement, is conducive to the development of SMA surface seepage (Figure 11.11).


Just as it is possible to find an SMA course that is too closed, so too it is possible to find a course that has too high a void content. This problem may occur over very large areas, which are marked by excessive porosity. Local porosity over smaller areas, is described in Sections through

The issue of how open the SMA structure should be has been debated for some time. True enough, we happen to find a quite porous SMA structure every now and then. An investor or may owner sometimes agrees to leave in place an SMA that is too closed (after an antiskid treatment); unfortunately an SMA that is too open more often falls victim to a road-milling machine. An open structure (Figure 11.9) of a mixture consisting of lots of mutually connected pores is conducive to water and air penetration (see Chapter 12), which results in a shorter service life of the course.

An excessively open structure of an SMA course may be caused by any of the following: [67]


FIGURE 11.9 A close-up of an SMA course surface with a high content of voids. (Photo courtesy of Krzysztof Blazejowski.)

High contents of free voids in a compacted SMA course may result from a mistake made while designing the mixture. Usually the cause is a result of one of the following:

• An undue shifting of the grain size curve to the right and an increase of the coarse aggregate fraction to greater than 80%, with a simultaneous decrease in both the sand fraction and the filler, plus a reduced content of binder—as we remember, an increased amount of material on the 2.0 mm sieve requires an increase in the binder content to fill the voids of an SMA mixture

• A reduction of SMA binder contents, sometimes practiced for the sake of economy

• The application of excessive temperatures and increased energy during the compaction of samples in the laboratory,* resulting in an incorrect mixture design.

If porosity appears over larger areas and is not an error of composition, one may expect that the number of rollers or passes have not been suitably selected or that too cool a mixture has been spread. Sometimes the difference may be noticed when watching the layout structure of aggregate grains. Grains of a mixture spread at too low a temperature look as if they have been pulled by the paver screed; they are not arranged tightly side by side (Figure 11.10).


Chamfering the tops of railing posts or the ends of beams is a nice finish­ing touch you can add when building a deck or a porch. A plain, square-topped post looks clunky, but in a few minutes’ time you can give the post a more dis­tinguished appearance. All you need is a Speed square and a circular saw. For best results, use a sharp, fine-toothed blade on your saw. If you haven’t tried this technique before, practice on a spare length of 4×4. Also, you may find it easier to make chamfer cuts “on the flat," with the 4×4 set on some saw­horses. It takes a little more experience with a circular saw to chamfer a post that’s already installed verti­cally. Here’s how to chamfer a post in four simple steps:

LAY OUT THE CHAMFER LINES. As shown in the photo above, a pair of lines, spaced about 1 in. apart, should extend around all four sides of the post. The upper line represents the length of the finished post.

CUT THE POST TO LENGTH. Make a square end cut to sever the post along the upper layout line. Two cuts from opposite sides of the post should do it.

MAKE THE CHAMFER CUTS. Loosen the angle-adjustment knob or lever on your circular saw and adjust the cutting angle to 45 degrees. An exact 45-degree angle isn’t necessary, but be sure to tighten the adjustment securely. Now make an angled cut along

each side of the post, following the layout line. If you have trouble maintaining a straight cut, clamp a Speed square to the post to guide the base of your saw. Another trick for ensuring a smooth cut is to retract the blade guard with your forward hand before you start to cut. SAND THE POST SMOOTH.

Use some 120-grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough areas. You can also slightly soften sharp corners.


Monte Carlo Integration

Подпись: Ps = Подпись: ft (t) dt Подпись: (6.47)

In reliability analysis, computations of system and/or component reliability and other related quantities, such as mean time to failure, essentially involve inte­gration operations. A simple example is the time-to-failure analysis in which the reliability of a system within a time interval (0, t) is obtained from

where ft (t) is the failure density function. A more complex example of the reli­ability computation is by load-resistance interference in that the reliability is

Ps = P[R(Xr) > L(Xl)] = P [W(Xr, Xl) > 0] = P [W(X) > 0]

= f fx (x) dx (6.48)

JW (x)>0

where R(XR) and L(XL) are, respectively, resistance and load functions, which are dependent on some basic stochastic variables XR = (X1, X2,…, Xm) and XL = (Xm+1,Xm+2,…,XK), and W(X) is the performance function. As can be seen, computation of reliability by Eq. (6.48) involves K-dimensional integrations.

Monte Carlo Integration

For cases of integration in one or two dimensions, such as Eq. (6.47), where the integrands are well behaved (e. g., no discontinuity), conventional numer­ical integration methods, such as the trapezoidal approximation or Simpson’s rule (see Appendix 4A), are efficient and accurate. For example, using Simp­son’s rule, the error in a one-dimensional integration is O(n-4), with n being the number of discretizations, and the error in a two-dimensional integration is O(n-2). Gould and Tobochnik (1988) show that, in general, if the error for the one-dimensional integration is O(n-a), the error with a K-dimensional in­tegration would be O(n~a/K). As can be seen, the accuracy of conventional nu­merical integration schemes decreases rapidly as the dimension of integration increases. For multiple integrals, such as Eq. (6.48), the Monte Carlo method becomes a more suitable numerical technique for integration.

Monte Carlo Integration

To illustrate the basic idea of the Monte Carlo integration, consider a simple one-dimensional integration

Begin with the posts

The most difficult part about building any railing is making sure the posts are well secured to the deck or stairs. Remember:

People will be leaning against the railings, so make them strong. A post that extends up to the roof framing will be solid and secure.

Short posts that support only the railing are more of a concern. Railing posts should be evenly spaced across a deck or porch and no more than 6 ft. apart. A good height for a rail­ing is 36 in. to 42 in.

I like to notch railing posts to fit against the rim joist and on top of the decking (see the photo below). A notched post, installed with a couple of %-in. or l^-in.-dia. carriage bolts, makes for a strong and attractive instal­lation. For a 4×4 post, make notches I/ in. deep and long enough so the notched post can cover the full width of the rim joist. If the top

of the railing posts won’t be covered by a 2×4 or a 2×6 cap, consider letting those posts run a few inches higher than the top rail and cham­fering the top of each post. This technique, explained in the sidebar on the facing page, can enhance the appearance of any railing.

Posts for stair railings can be fastened to an

outer stair stringer. Use carriage bolts rather than screws for stronger connections. At the base of a long stairway, where extra strength is

required, the post can be anchored in concrete or to a steel post base embedded in concrete.

RAILS AND BALUSTERS. Once the posts are installed, cut and install the rails. I use PTor cedar 2×4 rails for most of my deck railings. They can be fastened to the outside or the inside of posts, depending on the overall design of the railing. Some builders even notch their posts to accept the rails. No matter which method you choose, secure each rail-to-post connection with two 3-in. deck screws. If your railing design calls for top and bottom rails, install the bottom rail ЗА in. from the deck.

If you like the look of the railing we installed on the Charlotte house, set up a chopsaw to cut balusters 31A in. long, with a 45-degree angle on the top to let water run off. Install the tops of the balusters 1 in. below the top of the top rail, and use 2H-in.-long deck screws to attach each baluster at both the top and the bottom. Using a gauge between balusters is helpful and speeds the process (see the bottom photo on the facing page). Just make sure you keep the balusters plumb as you attach them. Check every now and then with a 2-ft. level, and correct gradually, if necessary.

The handrail on a staircase should be about l A in. wide so that it can be grasped

Begin with the postsПодпись:Begin with the postsBegin with the posts

CHAMFERING THE TOPS of railing posts or the ends of beams is a nice finishing touch you can add when building a deck or a porch. A plain, square – topped post looks clunky. But in a few minutes’ time, you can give the post a more distinguished appearance. All you need is a Speedsquare™ and a circular saw. For best results, use a sharp, fine­toothed blade on your saw. If you haven’t tried this technique before, practice on a spare length of 4×4. Also, you may find it easier to make chamfer cuts "on the flat," with the 4×4 set on some sawhorses.

It takes a little more expe­rience with a circular saw to chamfer a post that’s already installed vertically. Here’s how to chamfer a post in four simple steps: Lay out the chamfer lines. As shown in the photo at left, a pair of lines, spaced about 1 in. apart, should extend around all four sides of the post. The upper line represents the length of the finished post.

Cut the post to length. Make a square – end cut to sever the post along the upper layout line. Two cuts from opposite sides of the post should do it

Make the chamfer cuts. Loosen the angle adjustment knob or lever ц on your circular saw, and adjust the cutting angle to 45 degrees. An exact 45-degree angle isn’t nec­essary, but be sure to tighten the adjustment securely. Now make an angled cut along each side of the post, follow­ing the layout line. If you have trouble maintaining a straight cut, clamp a Speedsquare to the post to guide the base of your saw. Another trick for ensur ing a smooth cut is to retract the blade guard with your forward hand before you start to cut.

Sand the post smooth. Use some 120-grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough areas. You can also slightly soften sharp corners.

Begin with the postsПодпись:

easily as people go up and down. A 2×6 on edge can be used for a top rail. Position it so the top edge is 32 in. to 36 in. Plumb from the front edge (nose) of the stair treads.

Balusters for the stairs must be individually measured for length on this stair handrail.

Keep the tops of the balusters 2 in. below the top of the handrail, as shown in the photo at right. Screw the bottom of each baluster to the stringer. The area under the stairs (and under the porch) can later be hidden with 4×8 vinyl or wooden lattice panels.




It happens that, after the completion of an SMA course, a sight reminiscent of mas­tic asphalt may unfold before the observer’s eyes (Figure 11.8). Such a closed SMA structure means utter failure and the likely removal and replacement (possibly by recycling) of the layer. This kind of problem is directly connected to the discussion in Section 11.2 about fat spots of mastic (without segregation) but usually occurs over most or all of the layer.

Reasons for such a significant setback include the following:

• Errors of mixture design

• Too much mastic in relation to the voids’ volume among the compacted coarse aggregates

• Upward designing of a gradation curve in the filler-sand fraction

• Use of weak aggregates

• Errors of compaction—application of excessive compaction energy (too high a vibration amplitude), which causes the crushing of grains and their closer arrangement, thus reducing voids meant for mastic

• A combination of these two causes—an application of weak aggregates is conducive to such a superposition; then we can speak about an error of design (selection of aggregates) and an error of placement (excessive energy of compaction).

If we happen to observe a large, closed SMA surface accompanied by a distinc­tive odor, it is worthwhile reading Section 11.11.

Begin with the posts

The most difficult part about building any rail­ing is making sure the posts are well secured to the deck or stairs. Remember: People will be leaning against the railings, so make them strong. A post that extends up to the roof fram­ing will be solid and secure. Short posts that support only the railing are more of a concern. Railing posts should be evenly spaced across a deck or porch and no more than 6 ft. apart. A good height for a railing is 36 in. to 42 in.

I like to notch railing posts to fit against the rim joist (see the photo below). A notched post,

installed with a couple of ‘/s-in. or ‘T-in.-dia. carriage bolts, makes for a strong and attractive installation. For a 4×4 post, make notches 1/2 in. deep and long enough so the notched post can cover the full width of the rim joist. If the top of the railing posts won’t be covered by a 2×4 or a 2x 6 cap, consider letting those posts run a few inches higher than the top rail and chamfering the top of each post. This technique, explained in the sidebar on the facing page, can enhance the appearance of any railing.

Posts for stair railings can be fastened to an outer stair stringer. Use carriage bolts rather than screws for stronger connections. At the base of a long stairway, where extra strength is required, the post can be anchored in concrete or to a steel post base embedded in concrete. RAILS AND BALUSTERS. Once the posts are installed, cut and install the rails. I use PT or cedar 2×4 rails for most of my deck railings. They can be fastened to the outside or the inside of posts, depending on the overall design of the railing. Some builders even notch their posts to accept the rails. No matter which method you choose, secure each rail-to-post connection with two 3-in. deck screws. If your railing design calls for top and bottom rails, install the bottom rail ЗУ2 in. from the deck.

Carriage bolts are strong and attractive. The rounded head looks appealing, and the bolt provides excellent holding strength for major structural connections.