Monte Carlo Integration

Подпись: Ps = Подпись: ft (t) dt Подпись: (6.47)

In reliability analysis, computations of system and/or component reliability and other related quantities, such as mean time to failure, essentially involve inte­gration operations. A simple example is the time-to-failure analysis in which the reliability of a system within a time interval (0, t) is obtained from

where ft (t) is the failure density function. A more complex example of the reli­ability computation is by load-resistance interference in that the reliability is

Ps = P[R(Xr) > L(Xl)] = P [W(Xr, Xl) > 0] = P [W(X) > 0]

= f fx (x) dx (6.48)

JW (x)>0

where R(XR) and L(XL) are, respectively, resistance and load functions, which are dependent on some basic stochastic variables XR = (X1, X2,…, Xm) and XL = (Xm+1,Xm+2,…,XK), and W(X) is the performance function. As can be seen, computation of reliability by Eq. (6.48) involves K-dimensional integrations.

Monte Carlo Integration

For cases of integration in one or two dimensions, such as Eq. (6.47), where the integrands are well behaved (e. g., no discontinuity), conventional numer­ical integration methods, such as the trapezoidal approximation or Simpson’s rule (see Appendix 4A), are efficient and accurate. For example, using Simp­son’s rule, the error in a one-dimensional integration is O(n-4), with n being the number of discretizations, and the error in a two-dimensional integration is O(n-2). Gould and Tobochnik (1988) show that, in general, if the error for the one-dimensional integration is O(n-a), the error with a K-dimensional in­tegration would be O(n~a/K). As can be seen, the accuracy of conventional nu­merical integration schemes decreases rapidly as the dimension of integration increases. For multiple integrals, such as Eq. (6.48), the Monte Carlo method becomes a more suitable numerical technique for integration.

Monte Carlo Integration

To illustrate the basic idea of the Monte Carlo integration, consider a simple one-dimensional integration

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