Terminals on Crest Vertical Curves

Mainline crest vertical curves in the vicinity of ramp terminals should be designed using stopping sight distance values 25 percent higher than the design speed value from Table 2.18. Where a crest vertical curve occurs on an exit ramp at or near the nose, the crest vertical curve should be designed using the “upper-range” design speeds of Table 2.28.

2.5.2 Ramp At-Grade Intersections

Ramp at-grade intersections are designed using many of the same criteria as outlined in Art. 2.4.1. However, one of the basic differences is the one-way nature of ramps and the fact that most traffic at ramp intersections is turning. Figure 2.44 shows the design of a typical uncurbed ramp intersection. Curbed returns are normally used in urban areas where space is more restricted.

Superelevation at Terminals

Superelevation at ramp terminals should be developed using the following guidelines. The rate of superelevation at the entrance and exit nose should be selected on the basis of the design speed of the ramp at the nose. All transverse changes or breaks in superelevation should be made at joint lines in concrete pavement. In the case of bituminous pavement, the superelevation breaks should occur in the same locations as they would in concrete pavement. For high-speed terminals, the transverse breaks in superelevation cross slope should not exceed a differential of 0.032 ft/ft (0.032 m/m) at the mainline pavement edge or 0.050 ft/ft (0.050 m/m) at other locations. When a double break occurs on longitudinal joints less than 6 ft (1.83 m) apart, it should not exceed a total differential of 0.032 ft/ft (0.032 m/m), if adjacent to the mainline, or 0.050 ft/ft (0.050 m/m) elsewhere. On low – speed terminals, the transverse breaks in superelevation cross slope should not exceed a differential of 0.05 to 0.06 ft/ft (0.05 to 0.06 m/m). For high-speed terminals, the rate of rotation of a superelevated ramp pavement or speed change lane pavement should be in accordance with rates from Table 2.13. Where possible, the terminal area pavement and shoulder should slope away from the mainline pavement so that a minimum amount of water drains across the mainline pavement.


Roof stripping is one of the nastiest, dirtiest, most dangerous jobs in renovation. If you can afford it, hire an insured contractor for this. Most roofing contractors know of tear-off crews that will obtain permits, rip off the old roof, and cart away the debris, or you might be able to sub­contract the job through a roofer. Professional stripping takes at most a couple of days, and it’s money well spent to allow the start of new work.

If you must strip the roof yourself, remove all drain gutters and then minimize the mess by buying a heavy 6-mil plastic tarp to catch shin­gles and old roofing nails. So you won’t be pick­ing shingle shards and nails from the lawn for years to come, lay tarps from the house to the Dumpster as well. To protect plants around the house, place sawhorses or 2×4 frames over them and cover with bed sheets or cloth drop cloths. Caution: Don’t cover plants with plastic or they’ll bake. Finally, lean plywood in front of win­dows so falling objects don’t break them. When the job is done, rent a magnetic roller (also called a magnetic nail broom) and roll the lawn to locate roof­ing nails—before your lawn mower does it for you.

And don’t forget the inside of the attic. Spread plastic tarps over attic floors, especially if there’s insulation between the joists. During tearoff, an immense amount of debris and fine dust falls into an attic.

Unless you catch it in plastic and remove it, you could breathe it or smell asphalt – shingle residue for years.

Other than that, stripping is mostly grunt work. Most strip­
pers use a specially designed tear-off shovel, starting at the top and working down, scooping shingles as they go. Tear-off shovel blades have a serrated edge that slides under nail heads and a fulcrum underneath that pops nails up. Be sure to tear off all old building paper (felt or rosin paper), too.


Once you’ve stripped off roofing, survey the sheathing for damage and protruding nails. As you pound down nails, be sure to place your feet directly over rafters. Probe suspect sheathing and replace any that’s soft. Cut bad sections back to the nearest rafter centers. For this, wear safety glasses and use a circular saw with a carbide – tipped, nail-cutting blade because the blade will hit a lot of nails. Replacement pieces of sheathing should be the same thickness as the original.

If the old roof was wood-shingled, it probably had skip-sheathing, which is 1 x4s spaced 5 in. on center. Skip-sheathing allows air to circulate under the shingles. If the boards are in good shape, you can nail on new wood shingles after stripping old ones. But many contractors prefer to sheathe over the 1 x4s with J2-in. exterior-grade plywood (for rafters spaced 16 in. on center) or 58-in. plywood (for rafters 24 in. on center). This stiffens the roof and makes it safer to work on, but plywood virtually eliminates air flow under shingles. Consequently, some builders install a synthetic mesh, CedarBreather®, over plywood to increase circulation, before nailing on wood shingles.

Подпись: I Eaves, Rake, and Underlayment Detailsimage138"Run plywood lengths perpendicular to rafters, centering plywood edges over rafter centers. Nail every 6 in. with 8d galvanized nails. Elsewhere, use H-clips to support panel joints and create Иб-in. expansion gaps. Sweep the roof well and hammer down nail pop-ups.

Basic Timber Frame Structure


y father was a mechanical engineer. When we kids had difficulty learning how to coordinate the clutch with changing gears, he would explain to us the mechanics of what was actually taking place inside the transmission, and that seemed to make learning to shift a whole lot easier. We could visualize the nasty things that would happen if the clutch were not engaged before changing gears. You don’t need to know anything about clutches to build a timber frame, but in a similar way, knowledge about a few basic principles of structure will help you to prevent nasty things from happening to your building.

Load and Line of Thrust

Any structure has to support itself and anything that is added to it, such as furniture, people, earth, snow, even wind. All of these things fall under the general category of load, but the term should be broken down even further.

The dead load or structural load is the weight of the structure. First, a building must be able to support itself.

The live load is the total of the forces acting on the frame as a result of its use, such as furniture, people, items in storage, and the like.

The snow load is a specific live load, which varies from place to place. It is the weight of the maximum accumulation of snow that can be expected in your area. Check with the local building department. Plattsburgh, New York, for example, uses a snow load of 70 pounds per square foot (PSF).

Wind load is different in that it is not predicated upon weight. We can set it aside for a moment, but it is important and we will return to it in Chapter 4, page 75, under the heading Wind Can be a Serious Problem.

Those living in earthquake zones will need to consider yet another load, a lateral live load that occurs as a building oscillates during a tremor. In a severe

• 15

quake, this lateral load can be more severe than wind loading. Check with your local building department if you live in a seismic zone.

The resultant or combined load is the total effect and resulting direction of all of the various loads that act on a structure. We’ll see an example of this when we discuss the several different loads on an earth roof.

Sam Clark, author and professional builder, explains the business of a structure in a very clear way:

Подпись: Fig. 2.1: The various loads in this structure put great strains on the jointing. The line of thrust — marked L/T — transfers the resultant load most easily by spreading the sidewalls. This event is simply a matter of time and could even happen during construction.To withstand the loads on it, a house structure must meet three criteria. One, the individual members of the structure, such as beams, joists, and studs, must be strong enough. Two, the members must be attached to one another properly. The joints must be strong. Three, the lumber must be assembled so that the structure as a whole is rigid. (Clark, 1996.)

A term frequently used in discussions of stress in structure is the line of thrust or thrust line, which can be thought of as the transfer of a load. Structural design deals with thrust lines so that the building is kept in a state of static equilibrium, which, with timber framing, often consists of balancing compression and tension forces.

Figure 2.1 shows the various loads on a section of a simple gable-roofed structure. With the exception of the wind load, most of the line of thrust from the

Подпись: resultant or combined load image6roof is downward, following gravity. But the weakness of such a building is in its joints: the connection between rafters or roof surfaces at the ridge, and the connection of the rafters or roof surface with the posts or sidewalls.

As drawn, the combined roof load will impart tremendous lateral stresses on the sidewalls, causing them to spread and, ultimately, to fall over, as shown in Fig. 4.37a, on page 88 of Chapter 4. Neither the most skilled timber joinery nor the best metal connectors can be expected to last long under these circumstances. The problem is bad design.

While you’ve got your finger on page 88, check out Figures 4.37b and 4.37c, which show two good ways to make this weak structure much stronger. We’ll revisit these particular structural considerations, as they relate to actual building, in Chapter 4.


Product Substitution Procedure

Contractors will often ask if they can substi­tute a product that is different from the one you have specified. The specified product may be unavailable, too expensive, or too difficult to apply, or contractors may have one that they have used before and prefer. New and health­ier products continue to be developed; it may be worth your while to consider certain sub­stitutions. The first step in researching alter­natives is to examine the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). (Refer to the section on MSDS that follows.) You may also request a physi­cal sample. To ensure that no substitutions are made without your consent or that of your architect, you may wish to add the following language to your agreement:

• No products may be substituted for the specified product unless agreed upon in writing by the owner or architect.

• An MSDS and product literature must be

provided on any substitution for it to be considered.

• Submit a physical sample to the owner or architect whenever possible.

Product Evaluation

Since the last edition of this book, the avail­ability of products considered acceptable for a healthy house has skyrocketed. An emerg­ing problem when evaluating products for use in your healthy home is determining just how healthy a product will be. Some manufactur­ers have deliberately sought to capitalize on the burgeoning green market by engaging in what is being termed “green washing,” mak­ing claims that are not necessarily borne out by evidence. Others have created acceptable products to satisfy regulatory compliance. Not all products that are promoted as green are acceptable for a healthy home and some are more acceptable than others. Some prod­ucts are considered green because they use re­cycled materials; others may be labeled green because they come from a sustainable resource or conserve energy. Chemical formulations may be “safe for the environment” but when confined in an indoor area may still cause ad­verse reactions for people. Very few products will be universally acceptable for people with multiple chemical sensitivities. Consumers interested in healthy construction need to re­main vigilant and do their homework. Chemi­cally sensitive individuals will need to be the most vigilant.

Several resources have emerged to help consumers do their own research to find safer and more environmentally sound prod­ucts. In 1986, California voters passed Propo­sition 65, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic

Enforcement Act.1 It was intended by its au­thors to help protect Californians by inform­ing them about chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects, and other kinds of harm. The law states that “no person in the course of doing business shall knowingly and inten­tionally expose any individual to a chemical known to the state to cause cancer or repro­ductive toxicity without first giving clear and reasonable warning…” The governor is re­quired to publish annually a list of chemicals that are considered problematic. The current list contains several hundred chemicals.

In 2003, the law was amended by the leg­islature to set aside a sizable amount of any penalties collected under this law to help pay for future enforcement. The results have been far-reaching. The law’s requirement that prod­ucts with any of the hazardous ingredients listed have a warning on the label has served as an inducement for manufacturers to create healthier products for the California market, which are then often distributed nationwide. Since the list is updated annually, it is in a man­ufacturer s best interest to develop products that are safe so they do not have to be refor­mulated later.

Other incentive certification programs have been developed to help promote prod­ucts that meet low-emissions criterion. One of these is the GreenGuard Certification Pro­gram for Low Emitting Products, founded in 2001. The certification is a voluntary program available to manufacturers who choose to sub­mit their products for regular evaluation. The program is supported by fees paid by the man­ufacturers. Product criteria vary with the type of product, but in general a product must be tested to release less than the preestablished levels of volatile organic compounds, alde­hydes, formaldehyde, and styrene. Adhesive and sealant products also have limits on the amount of 4-Phenylcyclohexene (4-PC) they can emit.

While GreenGuard certified products may be better than many of the conventional prod­ucts available, certification doesn’t guaran­tee that the products are free of all emissions. Therefore, because products are tested indi­vidually, the total impact of several low-emis­sions products used together may affect sensi­tive individuals. Furthermore, the tests reflect levels at seven days after installation, and levels of emissions will be higher when first installed, before the rooms are flushed out. Ingredi­ents that are listed under California’s Proposi­tion 65, the US National Toxicology Program, and the International Agency on Research on Cancer are not prohibited for certification but must be listed. Primary or secondary outdoor pollutants cannot exceed concentrations per­mitted by National Air Quality Standards. Volatile organic compounds must be less than one-tenth of the Threshold Limit Value set for industrial exposure by the American Confer­ence of Government Industrial Hygienists. Products are tested in a chamber following a set protocol and not under actual use condi­tions. Because the tests use an amount of ma­terial with the same “exposed surface area to room volume” found in a typical indoor envi­ronment, the results are intended to approxi­mate an accurate picture of emissions in real – life situations.

While GreenGuard provides some level of independent certification of emission levels, it does not provide an evaluation of the products themselves and how well they work or other considerations for usage. The McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry firm offers a certification based on the principles popular­ized by their book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. Throughout their lifecycle, products certified by Cradle to Cra­dle must satisfy established criteria for both human and environmental health. To qual­ify, materials need to be sustainable and able to be recycled or broken down to form ben­eficial nutrients. Products must identify their ingredients down to a level of 100 parts per mil­lion, meet other toxicity requirements, have a plan for using solar energy for their manufac­ture, conserve water, not pollute water, and be socially responsible. Cradle to Cradle certifi­cation is offered at various levels. Because at the lowest level it can be used by products that have not been evaluated for emissions, being certified does not necessarily demonstrate ac­ceptability from a health standpoint. Even be­ing rated at the highest level does not ensure that a product will be suitable for all chemi­cally sensitive individuals.

Green Seal is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to safeguarding the environment. It is continually establishing new standards and certification programs for various product and service categories. Once a product category standard is developed by Green Seal, manufacturers can submit their products for evaluation. After they become listed, products are reviewed each year to en­sure they continue to comply. The Green Seal program is discussed further in the section on commercial cleaning products later in this chapter. Other product categories include ad­hesives and floor care products. The reader should review the standards for products of interest to determine acceptability. For ex­ample, the standard for compact fluorescent lighting allows up to 10 milligrams of mercury per lamp, although lower-level compacts are available.

Scientific Certification Systems offers an Environmental Certification Program for products meeting voluntary indoor air quality goals. The company has participated in creat­ing independent third-party standard verifi­cations for a number of programs. Their In­door Advantage Gold program sets limits for formaldehyde, aldehydes, and 4-PC in paints and other household maintenance products. Requirements for products vary and should be checked on the Scientific Certification Sys­tems website.

Although certifications provide informa­tion that products meet certain minimum cri­teria, the actual test results for products are kept confidential, so it is not possible for the consumer to compare the various certified products to one another to see which have the lowest emissions. Forums are beginning to emerge that provide a platform for consumers to post their experiences with a product. The potential of these venues is tremendous, espe­cially for chemically sensitive individuals, but only time will tell which will emerge as having the greatest value. One resource for consumer review and comment on green building prod­ucts is Rate It Green, which lists many of the products we recommend and will hopefully emerge as a strong companion to our book for the consumer interested in constructing a healthy house.

In the Mesopotamian north: the kingdum of Urartu. The oldest dams still in use

The kingdom of Urartu, in the south of Armenia, was a powerful rival of Assyria during the period from about 850 BC to 600 BC. Its capital was Tushpa, on the shores of the lake Van, whose water is too salty to be potable. Therefore this capital city’s thirst led to the development of a vast water management program in this mountainous region, developed in successive stages (Figure 2.18).

In about 800 BC, the king Menua brought water to the capital from a perennial and abundant spring located some thirty kilometers to the southeast. The 56-km canal – aqueduct built for this purpose carried at least 1.5 m3/sec, and was destined to be used

In the Mesopotamian north: the kingdum of Urartu. The oldest dams still in use

Figure 2.18 Water supply for the two successive capitals of Urartu (Tushpa and Toprak Kale) in the 8th century BC – after Garbrecht (1980, 1988).

for 2,500 years until it was partially renovated in 1950.

Later, probably about 670 BC, the king Rusa II[77] [78] moved the capital some ten kilome­ters to the north (Rusahinili, today Toprak-Kale). The two rivers that supply the two cities, the Engusner and the Doni, are intermittent. Therefore the sovereign created an artificial reservoir, the Rusa lake (today this is the lake Keshish Golti, whose water level is 10 m lower than at the time of king Rusa). The lake was created by damming two nat­ural outlets of a mountain basin. The north dam has been measured at 15 m high and 75 m long, and the south dam at 7 m high and 62 m long.

This south dam has been well preserved (it is no longer in contact with water, for the lake is now 10m lower). It is constructed of two walls of dry stone, each 7 m thick, con­taining an earth fill of thickness 13 m. Water is conveyed from this south dam to a secondary dam-reservoir on the Doni Cayi, in part to provide for irrigation of the Tushpa region. Later, other dams are built downstream on the two rivers, to increase the stor­age capacity.

Thus we see that the water management system of lake Rusa includes several dams. Over the centuries, the north outlet of the lake has apparently been destroyed and rebuilt several times, which may explain the existence of a dam attributed to Roman times, downstream on the Engusner Cayi. Its most recent reconstruction, lower than its origi­nal height, dates from 1950. The dam-reservoirs upstream on the Doni Cayi are still in service today. These are probably the oldest dams still in use[79] in the entire world.

Development of Assyria. The waters of Nineveh

The sovereigns of Assyria begin development of their land on the upper course of

Development of Assyria. The waters of Nineveh

Подпись: Figure 2.16 Fluvial transport of wood beams. Bas-relief from the palace of Sargon II at Khorsabad, on display at the Louvre museum (photo by the author).

Figure 2.15 Irrigation and water supply works in Assyria in the 9th and 8th centuries BC (after Jacobsen and Lloyd, 1935; Roaf, 1990; Schnitter, 1994; Bagg, 2000)

the Tigris in about 900 BC. This date marks the flowering of an Assyrian Empire des­tined to reign over all of Mesopotamia, and even as far as Egypt, for about three cen­turies. In 860 BC, Ashurnasirpal builds a new capital Kahlu (today Nimrud) on the left bank of the Tigris near its confluence with the upper Zab. A canal called babilat nuhshi (“bringer of abundance”) is dug to irrigate the plain with waters of the Zab diverted into the canal by a dam or weir.

It is interesting to note also that a ventilation system comprising chimneys (“air doors”) provides fresh air taken from the roofs of the royal palace to its grand rooms. But it is Sennacherib, the destroyer of Babylon, whom we are now going to see in a dif­ferent light. He was a lover of gardens. Since Khorsabad, the ephemeral city created by his father Sargon II, was too austere, Sennacherib re-adopts Nineveh as his capital. Taking advantage of his unlimited supply of manpower, he immediately sets out to acquire the water necessary for his horticultural aspirations (Figure 2.15). His first proj­ect, in 703 BC, is a 16-km long canal, fed by the Khosr, that brings water to the plain to the west of Nineveh. The waters of this canal, diverted into it by means of an overflow weir at Kisiri, irrigate orchards on plots allocated to the inhabitants of the capital through a lottery system:

. from the environs of Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, across mountains and valleys, using iron picks, I dug a canal. Along a distance of one beru and a half (16 km) I took water from the river and made it flow down to irrigate the orchards.”[75]

Several years later, the area is in need of even more water. Sennacherib himself sets off into the mountains to see what springs existed. In 694 BC he had water tapped from the springs in the hills northeast of the city and brought to Ajileh, on the Khosr. The remains of two diversion weirs, constructed of large blocks of cut stone, are still visible there. But this new influx of water exacerbated the damaging floods in the Khosr. Therefore the king built a weir downstream of Ajileh to divert floodwaters into a canal going around the city to the south, and thence into artificial lakes. The king had plants and birds brought from the marshes of Babylonia, where he had admired them, to these lakes. The diversion weir was of serpentine shape, having a long crest length of 230 m that thus limited the rise of water during floods. The height of the weir itself was three meters.

But in the end even this additional water supply was insufficient, so its most spec­tacular feature was added to finally complete the system in 690 BC. Water was divert­ed from the Gomel, a tributary of the Zab to the north, and brought to the Khosr through a 55-km lined canal-aqueduct formed of lateral walls of cut stone crossing valleys on arches. At Jerwan (Figure 2.17) one can still see the remains of a magnificent bridge – aqueduct 275 m in length and 22m wide, crossing a valley by means of five arches each 4.75 m high. The diversion works on the Gomel at Bavian apparently included an oblique weir across the river. The canal, 6 m wide at its origin, passes through a short tunnel to cross a rocky spur.

Above the intake there are inscriptions that praise the hydraulic works of Sennacherib.[76] These inscriptions also describe an incident that occurred during the inauguration of the project, an incident that would surely have been very unfortunate for the engineers had the king not been in a good mood. The water pressure caused the closed gates to fail before they had been opened, allowing water to surge into the canal:

Development of Assyria. The waters of Nineveh

Figure 2.17 A central portion of the bridge-aqueduct of Sennacherib at Jerwan. It is made of essentially cubical 50-cm stone blocks, and is inscribed with the following text: “Thus says Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: over a great distance, bringing waters (…) of the river called Pulpullia (…), and from springs here and there along its course, I dug a canal to the edge of Nineveh. Across steep ravines, I threw a bridge of white stone blocks. And these waters, I made them cross over on this bridge.” (sketch and citation from Jacobsen and Lloyd, 1935).

“To inaugurate the canal, I summoned the priests (…) and made offerings of lapis lazuli (a semiprecious stone), precious stones and gold to Ea, god of springs, fountains, and prairies, and to Enbilulu, god of rivers. I prayed to the great gods, and they heard my prayer. The gate yielded and let water enter in abundance. Even though the engineers had not opened the gate, the gods assured that the water found its way. After having inspected the canal and put things back in order, I offered sacrifices to the great gods (….) To the men who had dug the canal, I offered white linen cloth and colored woolens; I decorated them with rings and daggers of gold.”

This system is perhaps the first example of cross-basin water transfer.

It is also likely during the era of the Assyrian Empire that irrigation canals were con­structed on both banks of the Khabur, nearly continuously along the length of the river.

Single-Lane Ramp Terminals

A ramp terminal is the portion of a ramp adjacent to the through lane on the mainline. It includes both the taper and the speed-change lane. Ohio has recently revised its ter­minal criteria and uses two basic terminal classifications:

High-speed terminals are intended for use on all facilities with a design speed of 50 mi/h (80 km/h) or higher. They are used in both rural and urban locales. Figure 2.41 shows the details for high-speed single-lane entrance terminals. This terminal is a taper-type design for the last 1250 ft (381 m), tapering from a 25-ft (7.6-m) offset from the mainline to zero. Tables A and B in Fig. 2.41 provide information for designing the length of the terminal to provide adequate distance for entering vehicles that matches or nearly matches the design speed of the mainline. This must be achieved by the time the terminal narrows to 12 ft (3.7 m) in width (see Fig. 2.41). Figure 2.42 provides design information for high-speed single-lane exit terminals that are used in both rural and urban locales. In the urban environment, a sharper departure curve is permitted for the exit curve, which allows for a slower speed exit. Once again, Tables A and B are provided in Fig. 2.42 to determine the proper termi­nal length based on mainline speed, first curve speed, and vertical grade adjustment.

Single-Lane Ramp Terminals

* lanijth Stay За fncraassd Far Sup*rm ft *o т гол Transition +* To Do tor mint Lp. Sub f roc t is Ana Lt Fro» i„

* + + ІЛаШіпа pawad shouldtr width os rtqvi’td by

Подпись: 167
л*о r*j For Si/ufft Ian* £t1raoct Тагмілаіш

L Tht minimum accolorotiaa tangth* і &ho! t b* It *■ Lt.

2. Tht 9r to 2У woriab/t rid lb of trtoftd shootdar of Ihs *n franco tor mine I stroll bt s/apsd for 12′ as raqvirtd for яоіпііщ da sign /у*иоііу j£jm. Sft+l tectpt (or tha tost /00′ to 200′ at ths 9′ and. which It to b* stopmd os rtparrtd for praptr tarm/not grading.

X Normally sing ft font romps *гШ ho r# о width pf t6 Ths width shat! bo incr+ostd to whan th r romp гв^у)

is lass than 200′. ШЬ»л an /S’ w ids romp »j mod. ths 25* oatroac-щ tarminot width shaft to rtfoinad and th* 9‘ width rodvcod by 2*.

A. if tp tparoflol isngtht is not ropairod H f- S50*L than th» 2QQ" minimum spiral shootd b* tango* t to ths SOft Гарт

Uo in line Design Speed. V (mph)

Acceleration length, L (ft) for design speed of lost romp curve, Vr (mph)

























































TABLE B High-speed entrance terminal adjustment factors as a function of grade

Mainline Design Speed (mph)

Ratio of length on grade to length on level for design speed of lost romp curve ImphJn








AH Speeds

3 to 4X upgrade

3 to AX downarode




1. 40






і 40





















1. 70







I. 70




5 to 6X upgrade

5 to 6X downarode




1. 70






1. 70




0. 525


1. 70















2. 75











No adjustment required for grades less than 3X.

* Ratio from this table multiplied by acceleration length inTobfeA gives occeierotion length on grade.

The ‘’grade" in the table is the overage grade measured over the distance for which the occe ter at ion length applies.

FIGURE 2.41 High-speed single-lane entrance terminal. Conversions: 1 mi/h = 1.609 km/h, 1 ft = 0.305 m. (From Location and Design Manual, Vol. 1, Roadway Design, Ohio Department of Transportation, with permission) (Continued)

• • The Угпітит Deceleration Length, L, After Adjustment for Gradet

Подпись: 169Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Single-Lane Ramp Terminals

Подпись: first Ramp Curve Design Speed, vr cmiihj •••

Table B, S^xj// Be 600′

• •• Or Other Design Speed Li/nitlnq Geometric Control Such As The Stopping
Sight Distance for A Vertical Ctxve Or The воск Of A Traffic Oueoe.

* uainline paved shoulder width os retired by ТсЫе 2.22 Of 223.

Notes for Single-Lone Exit Terminals

1. The Exit Cirve should nor mol I у be Г-JO’ (RuroU or 49-00′ (Jr bon) where The mainline is on Tangent. Where the mainline is on curving alignment, the maximum differential between the Exit Curve and the mcinline curve should normally

be f-JO’ iRuroll or 49-00‘ IUrbant. This differential. however, moy vary by as much os one degree in order to

ovoid a tangent exit oligrvr>ent. (See Section SOJ.6.4 for The oliowoble tronsverse breaks in superelevation cross-slope.>

2. When the First Ramp Curve does not exceed в9, the Exit Curve moy be compounded directly with the first Romp Ciwe ot a RCC КЮ’ beyond the nose. When the first Ramp Curve does exceed 69, c spiral should be placed between the Exit Curve and the first Ramp Curve and the beginning of the spiral (CS) should be ot the nose.

J. Normally single lone romps will hove a width of (S’. The width shall be increased to Ш’ when the ramp rod>us is lass than 200′. when an I6‘ wide romp Is used, the J9′ exit Terminal width shall be retained and the 2J’ width reduced by 2‘.

Mo in line Design Speed. V (mph)

Deceleration length, L (ft) for design speed of first ramp curve, Vr (mph) ***


























































Подпись: Mointin9 Design Speed. (V)

0 P. C.C. Or Mid-Point of 200′ Spiro I

00 Th» Minimum Deceltrotion Length, L. After Adjustment For Grode (Table В ) fS BOO*

000 Or Other Design Speed Limiting Geometric Control Such As The Stopping
Sight Distance For A Verticol Curve Or The воск Of A Troffic Queue.

TABLE B High-speed exit terminal adjustment factors as a function of grade

Mainline Design Speed (mph) •

Ratio of length on grade to length on level for design speed of first ramp curve (mph)*

AH Speeds

All Speeds

3 to 4X upgrade

3 to 4X downgrade

AH Speeds

0. 90


5 to 6X upgrade

5 to 6X downgrade

All Speeds



No adjustment required for grades less thon 3X.

* Ratio from this table mult ip tied by dece lerot ion length in Table A gives dece lerot ion length on grade.

The ‘grade" in the toble is the average grade measured over the distance for which the dece lerot ion length applies.

FIGURE 2.42 High-speed single-lane exit terminal. Conversions: 1 mi/h = 1.609 km/h, 1 ft = 0.305 m. (From Location and Design Manual, Vol. 1, Roadway Design, Ohio Department of Transportation, with permission) (Continued)

Low-speed terminals are intended for use on highways that have little or no access control except through an interchange area. Many of the features of low-speed terminals are applicable to a terminal of one ramp with another ramp in complex interchanges. Low-speed terminals are also used with collector-distributor roads. Figure 2.43 and Table 2.29 provide design details for low-speed terminals.


Single-Lane Ramp Terminals
Single-Lane Ramp Terminals
Single-Lane Ramp Terminals





Shoulder 7


Single-Lane Ramp Terminals

FIGURE 2.43 Low-speed ramp terminals. (a) Entrance terminals. (b) Exit terminals. See Table 2.29 for notes. Conversions: 1 ft = 0.305 m, 1 in = 25.4 mm. (From Location and Design Manual, Vol. 1, Roadway Design, Ohio Department of Transportation, with permission)


Single-Lane Ramp Terminals

TABLE 2.29 Design Notes for Low-Speed Entrance and Exit Terminals

See Fig. 2.43

A. General

1. Low-speed terminals are intended for use on highways which have little or no access con­trol except through an interchange area. Many of the features of low-speed terminals are applicable to a terminal of one ramp with another ramp in a freeway interchange.

B. Exit terminal

1. The curve differential between the through roadway and exit curve DC1 may vary from a minimum of 4° to the maximum allowable differential.

2. Exit curve DC1 may be either compounded or spiraled into ramp curve Dc2.

C. Entrance terminal: type A and type B

1. Type A is preferred and shall normally be used; however, when a ramp enters as an added lane or as a combined acceleration-deceleration lane, type B may be used if its use would result in a substantial savings in cost (i. e., reduced bridge width).

2. The acceleration lane of type A shall be a uniform taper (35:1) relative to the through pavement edge for either tangent or curving alignment.

3. The curve differential between the through roadway and entrance curve Dc5 of type B shall be 4°.

4. The design of the entrance terminal shall be based on the following:

(a) Ramp curve Dc3 of 8° or less. When the through roadway is on a tangent or a curve to the right, Dc4 shall be a 150-ft-long simple curve of a degree such that the differen­tial between it and the through roadway will not exceed 4°. When the through road­way is on a curve to the left, a 150-ft tangent shall be substituted for Dc 4.

(b) Ramp curve Dc3 greater than 8°. A 150-ft spiral shall be substituted for Dc4.

D. Ramp width

1. Normally, single-lane ramps will have a width of 16 ft. The width shall be increased to 18 ft when the ramp radius is less than 200 ft. When an 18-ft-wide ramp is used, the 35-ft exit and 20-ft entrance terminal widths shall be retained and the 19- and 4-ft widths reduced 2 ft.

E. Treated shoulder

1. The width of the treated shoulders along the speed change lane shall be as shown in Fig. 2.25.

2. If the ramp or through roadway has a curb offset greater than 6 ft (or 3 ft) the greater width shall be used at the terminal. Retain the 19-ft width.

3. The special detail drawings shall apply when the through roadway is curbed.

F. Left side terminals

1. Left side entrance and exits shall be designed similarly to the drawing shown, but of opposite hand.

Conversion: 1 ft = 0.305 m.

Source: Location and Design Manual, Vol. 1, Roadway Design, Ohio Department of Transportation,

with permission.


An interchange ramp is a roadway that connects two legs of an interchange. Ramp cross­section elements are discussed in Art. 2.3, Cross-Section Design. Elements contributing to horizontal and vertical alignments are designed similar to any roadway once the ramp design speed has been determined.

2.5.1 Ramp Design Speed

To design horizontal and vertical alignment features, a design speed must be determined for each ramp. Since the driver expects a speed adjustment on a ramp, the design speed may vary within the ramp limits. Table 2.28 includes three ranges of ramp design speeds that vary with the design speed of the mainline roadway. The ramp design speed range is determined by judgment based on several conditions:

• The types of roadways at each end of the ramp and their design speeds

• The length of the ramp











FIGURE 2.40 Common types of interchanges. (a) Trumpet. (b) Three-leg directional. (c) One quadrant. (d) Diamond. (e) Single-point urban. (f) Partial cloverleaf. (g) Full cloverleaf. (h) All directional four leg. (From A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State Highway Officials, 2004, with permission)



TABLE 2.28 Guide for Selecting Ramp Design Speed

Mainline design speed, mi/h










Ramp design speed, upper range, mi/h










Ramp design speed, middle range, mi/h










Ramp design speed, lower range, mi/h










Mainline design speed, km/h










Ramp design speed, upper range, km/h










Ramp design speed, middle range, km/h










Ramp design speed, lower range, km/h










Source: Location and Design Manual, Vol. 1, Roadway Design, Ohio Department of Transportation, with


• The terminal conditions at each end

• The type of ramp (diamond, loop, or directional)

Diamond ramps normally have a high-speed condition at one end and an at-grade intersection with either a stop or a slow turn condition at the other. Upper – to middle – range design speeds in Table 2.28 are normal near the high-speed facility. Middle – to lower-range design speeds are usually used closer to the at-grade intersection. Loop ramps may have a high-speed condition at one end and either a slow – or a high-speed condition at the other. Loop ramps, because of their relatively short radius, usually have lower-range design speeds in the middle – and slow-speed end of the ramp, and upper – to middle-range design speeds nearer the high-speed terminal(s). Directional ramps generally have high-speed conditions at both ends. They are normally designed using an upper – range design speed, and the absolute minimum design speed should be from the middle range.


If you take a lot of pride in your work or are working to detailed piping dia­grams, you may find that the spacing of your offsets must be equal. Equally – spaced offsets are not only more attractive and more professional looking, they might required. You can guess and eyeball measurements to get them close, but you will need a formula to work with if you want the offsets to be accurate. Fortunately, I can provide you with such a formula, and I will.

Again, we will concentrate on 45°, 60°, and 22V2° bends, since these are the three most often used in plumbing and pipefitting. We will start with the 45° turns. In our example, you should envision two pipes rising vertically. Each pipe will be offset to the left and then the pipes will continue to rise ver­tically. For a visual example, refer to Fig. 2.6. It is necessary for us to deter­mine uniform symbols for what we are doing, so let’s get that out of the way right now.

In our measurement examples, we will refer to Spread, the distance be­tween the two offsetting pipes from center to center, as A. Set will remain with the symbol of S. Travel will be T and it will be the same as Distance of D. Run will be noted by the letter R. The letter F will be the length of pipe threads.

Now for the deal. Travel is determined in an equally-offset pipe run at a 45° angle by multiplying the Set by 1.414. Run is found by multiplying Set by


FIGURE 2.6 ■ Two-pipe 45° equal-spread offset.

1.000. The F measurement is found by multiplying the spread (A) by.4142. Remember that T and D are the same. Want to do the same exercise with a 60° setup? Why not?

To run a similar deal on 60° angles of equally – spaced offset pipes, you follow the same basic principles used in the previous example. Multiply the Set by 1.155 to find the Travel. Run is found by multiplying Set by.5773. The F measurement is found by multiplying the spread (A) by.5773. Remember that T and D are the same.

Need to find numbers for 22V2° bends? Well, it’s not difficult. To find fig­ures for equally-spaced pipes with 22V2° bends, multiply the Set by 2.613 to find the Travel. Run is found by multiplying Set by 2.414. The F measurement is found by multiplying the spread (A) by.1989. Remember that T and D are the same.