Drainage Details

Some typical design details are presented in the following figures. Figure 13.40 shows the typical details for a drainage channel to be installed in the verge between the pavement and a cutting slope, Fig. 13.41 shows the likely details to be employed

hard shoulder, hardstrip
or carriageway

min. 1.20 m

Fig. 13.40 Cuttings – Standard concrete channel in verge with drain and pipe


hard shoulder, hardstrip


or carriageway

"New Jersey”

crash barrier

Fig. 13.41 Drain for use in conjunction with concrete barrier and linear slot drainage channel

hard shoulder, non-pavement verge made

hardstrip or of impervious material


Fig. 13.42 Cutting – Combined surface water and groundwater filter drain and drain pipe



in the vicinity of a traffic safety barrier such as appears in a central reservation, Fig. 13.42 shows a typical combined drainage system for both surface runoff and subterranean water collection whilst Fig. 13.43 shows a subterranean fin drain ar­rangement for pavement sub-drainage.

The Property Survey

Based on the findings of a property survey, it is possible to provide specific recommendations for any planned construction activity. Anticipated fu­ture developments in the neighborhood should also betaken into consideration.

First, map the naturally occurring terrestrial ra­diation pattern to detect anomalies in the Earth’s magnetic field as well as radioactivity.

Second, assess the risk of power frequency fields. Be aware that on days with little moisture in the air the electric fields from high-tension power lines might be overestimated, although in many cases building materials will attenuate the exter­nal fields. In contrast, alternating magnetic fields are mostly independent of the weather. Because power consumption fluctuates over any given day, week, or even season, data logging is neces­sary for proper risk assessment.

Third, measure RF radiation. Radio waves, or microwaves, ride along the airwaves with an inten­sity that varies with the distance from the source of emission and the time of day. To accurately as­sess the highly complex web of electromagnetic waves, data logging is a must. The main direction and specific frequency bands of the major sources of RF radiation need to be carefully monitored so that appropriate shielding advice can be given.

Remember that in creating a safe electrocli­mate in your bedroom any attainable reduction is worthwhile and nature is the ultimate guide.

a. Baubiologie Maes/Standard of Baubiologie Methods of Testing (SBM-2008) is available from the International Institute for Bau-Biolo – gie & Ecology, buildingbiology. net.

b. James Oschman. Energy Medicine. Churchill Livingstone, 2000.

c. Robert O. Becker. Cross Currents. Tarcher, 1990.

d. James Oschman. Energy Medicine. Churchill Livingstone, 2000.

e. Robert O. Becker. Cross Currents. Tarcher, 1990.

Vicki Warren, BSEE, is the program director for the International Institute for Bau-Biologie & Ecol­ogy (IBE). IBE is a leader in natural healthy-build- ing education. Vicki has taught in public schools and has worked in the power industry and tra­versed the globe as a test engineer and trainer. She is a certified Bau-Biologist Environmental Consul­tant (BBEC), Indoor Environmentalist (CIE), and li­censed educator. She can be reached at vwarren@ buildingbiology. net.

main or subpanel as well as on all connected outlets. To maintain proper functioning of an automatic demand switch in the long run, you should test it by inserting a control lamp once a month, just as you would test a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).

If elevated AC electric fields originate from neighboring apartments or adjoining houses, demand switches will not help and shielding strategies will have to be explored.


In the European system of standardization of asphalt mixtures according to the series of standards EN 13108, the issues of control and quality assurance have been deliberated in EN 13108-21:2006 Bituminous Mixtures—Material Specifications— Part 21: Factory Production Control (with Amendment AC/September 2008). This standard contains an outline of requirements regarding the system of quality assur­ance during the production process of a mix. Generally speaking, the FPC is in conformity with principles from ISO 9001, so that part of the standard will not be discussed here. Requirements for the production control can be found in the nor­mative Annex A, entitled “Tolerances and Test Frequencies for Finished Asphalt,” which stipulates admissible deviations and frequencies of controlling manufactured and delivered mixes.

14.8.1 Levels of Requirements

EN 13108-21 provides three levels of requirements related to the expected accuracy of production—level X, level Y, and level Z.

Level Z is a basic one and its application secures the fulfillment of the requirements connected with the evaluation of conformity. Levels X and Y require assurance of a higher frequency of control testing and can be adopted when such increased control is required. The determination of different levels of requirements for various types of mixes or specified contracts is also possible (e. g., a higher level for bridge deck surfacing). In these circumstances, the selection of an appropriate level (X, Y, or Z) indicates the significance of the minimum risk of nonconformity. Consequently, the frequency of testing production samples depends on the accepted level of require­ments (i. e., the desired level of conformity).

Presentation Phase

Objective. The presentation phase involves the actual preparation and presentation of the best alternatives to persons having the authority to approve the VE proposals. This phase of the VE job plan includes the following steps:

1. Prepare and present the VE proposals.

2. Present a plan of action that will ensure implementation of the selected alternatives.

3. Obtain a decision of positive approval.

Discussion. A value engineering proposal (VEP) is almost without fail a challenge to the status quo of any organization. It is a recommendation for change. The recommendation was developed through a team effort, and its adoption is dependent upon another team effort. The success of a VE project is measured by the savings achieved from implemented proposals. Regardless of the effort invested and the merits of the proposal, the net benefit is zero, or is negative, if the proposals are not implemented. Presenting a proposal and sub­sequently guiding it to implementation often requires more effort than its actual genera­tion. We review here some principles and practices that have been successfully used to facilitate the approval of VEPs:

1. Form. Presentation of a VEP should always be written. Oral presentation of study results is most helpful to the person who is responsible for making the decision; however, it should never replace the written report. A written report normally demands and receives a written reply, whereas oral reports can be forgotten and over­looked as soon as they are presented. In the rush to wrap up a project, promote a great idea, or save the laborious effort of writing a report, many proposals have fallen by the wayside because the oral presentation came first and was inadequate. The systematic approach of the VE job plan must be followed all the way through to include the sys­tematic, meticulous, careful preparation of a written report. From this will evolve a more concise and successful oral presentation.

2. Content. Management responsible for review and approval must base its judg­ment on the documentation submitted with a proposal. The proposal and supporting documentation should provide all of the data the reviewer will need to reach a deci­sion. Top management is primarily concerned with net benefit and disposition. A manager either may be competent in the areas affected by the proposal or may rely on the advice of a specialist. In either case, completely documented proposals are far more likely to be implemented. Generally, proposals should contain sufficient discus­sion to ensure the reviewer that performance is not adversely affected, supporting technical information is complete and accurate, potential savings are based on valid cost analysis, and the change is feasible.

3. VEP acceptance. There are many hints that may be offered to improve the probability of and reduce the time required for acceptance and implementation of pro­posals. Those that appear to be most successful are as follows:

a. Consider the reviewer’s needs. Use terminology appropriate to the training and experience of the reviewer. Each proposal is usually directed toward two audiences. First is the technical authority, who requires sufficient technical detail to demonstrate the engineering feasibility of the proposed change. Second are the administrative reviewers, for whom the technical details can be summa­rized while the financial implications (implementation costs and likely benefits) are emphasized. Long-range effects on policies, procurement, and applications are usually more significant to the manager than to the engineer.

b. Prepare periodic progress reports—“no surprises.” The manager who makes an investment in a VE study expects to receive periodic progress reports with esti­mates of potential results. Reporting is a normal and reasonable requirement of management. It helps ensure top management awareness, support, and participa­tion in any improvement program. There are very few instances where managers have been motivated to act by a one-time exposure at the “final presentation,” no matter how “just” the cause. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss the change with the decision makers or their advisors prior to its submittal as a formal VEP. This practice familiarizes key personnel with impending proposals, and enables them to evaluate them more quickly after submittal. No manager likes to be surprised. Early disclosure may also serve to warn the originators of any objections to the proposal. This “early warning” will give the originators opportunity to incorporate modifications to overcome the objections. Often, the preliminary discussions produce additional suggestions that improve the proposal and enable the decision maker to contribute directly. If management has been kept informed of progress, the VEP presentation may be only a concise summary of final estimates and pro and con discussions, and perhaps trigger formal management approval.

c. Relate benefits to organizational objectives. The VEP that represents an advancement toward some approved objective is most likely to receive favorable consideration from management. Therefore, the presentation should exploit all of the advantages a VEP may offer toward fulfilling organizational objectives and goals. When reviewing a VEP, the manager normally seeks either lower total cost of ownership, or increased capability for the same or lesser dollar investment. The objective may be not only savings but also the attainment of some other mission-related goal of the manager.

d. Support the decision maker. The monetary yield of a VEP is likely to be improved if it is promptly implemented. Prompt implementation, in turn, is

dependent upon the expeditious approval by the decision makers in each organiza­tional component affected by the proposal. These individuals should be identified and the entire VE effort conducted under their sponsorship. The VE group becomes the decision maker’s staff, preparing information in such a manner that the risk against the potential reward can be weighed. Like any other well-prepared staff report, each VEP should

• Satisfy questions the decision maker is likely to ask

• Respect the decision maker’s authority

• Permit the decision maker to preserve professional integrity

• Imply assurance that approval would enhance image

• Include sufficient documentation to warrant a favorable decision with reason­able risk factors (both technical and economic)

e. Minimize risk. If VE proposals presented to management are to be given serious consideration, they should include adequate evidence of satisfactory return on the investment. Often, current or immediate savings alone will ensure an adequate return. In other cases, life cycle or total program savings must be considered. Either way, evidence of substantial benefits will improve the acceptability of a proposal.

The cost and time spent in testing to determine the acceptability of a VE pro­posal may offset a significant portion of its savings potential. Committing such an investment with no guarantee of success constitutes a risk that could deter accep­tance of a VEP. In some cases this risk may be reduced by prudent design and scheduling of test programs to provide intermediate assurances indicating the desirability of continuing with the next step. Thus, the test program may be termi­nated or the proposal modified when the concept first fails to perform at an accept­able level. Major expenditures for implementing proposed VE actions should not be presented as a lump sum aggregate, but rather as a sequence of minimum risk increments. A manager may be reluctant to risk a total investment against total return, but may be willing to chance the first phase of an investment sequence. Each successive investment increment would be based upon the successful com­pletion of the previous step.

f. Combine testing. Occasionally, a significant reduction in implementation investment is made possible by concurrent testing of two or more proposals. Also, significant reductions in test cost can often be made by scheduling tests into other test programs scheduled within a desirable time. This is particularly true when items to be tested are part of a larger system also being tested. However, care must be exercised in instances of combined testing to prevent masking the feasibility of one concept by the failure of another.

g. Show collateral benefits of the investment. Often VE proposals offer greater benefits than the cost improvements specifically identified. Some of the benefits are collateral in nature and difficult to express in monetary terms. Nevertheless, collateral benefits should be included in the calculations. The likelihood of accep­tance of the VEP is improved when all its collateral benefits are clearly identified and completely described.

h. Acknowledge contributors. An implemented VE proposal always results from a group effort. There is a moral obligation to identify all individuals and data sources contributing to a proposal. Identification of contributors also provides the reviewers with a directory of sources from which additional information may be obtained. Individuals, departments, and organizations should be commended whenever possible. This recognition promotes cooperation and participation essential to the success of subsequent VE efforts.

i. Prepare the oral presentation. The oral presentation can be the keystone to sell­ing a proposal. It gives the VE team a chance to ensure that the written proposal is

correctly understood and that proper communication exists between the parties concerned. Effectiveness of the presentation will be enhanced if

• The entire team is present and is introduced

• The presentation is relatively short with time for questions at the end

• The presentation is illustrated through the use of visual aids such as mock-ups, models, slides, or flip charts

• The team is prepared with sufficient backup material to answer all questions during the presentation

Hydraulic Calculation for Drains (qL )

In order to estimate the water flow into drainage pipes, one should differentiate between the two distinct situations introduced earlier:

• pipes above the water level (intersection drains); and

• pipes below the water level (groundwater lowering) drains.

When the drainage system is above the water level, the infiltration water from edges, channels and gutters, and from some of the transverse drainage that is covered by permeable surfacing, must also be considered according to the relationship of Eq. 13.2.

qL = R ■ B ■ L (13.2)

where qL is the water flow through the pipe (m3/s), R is the surface runoff water flow (m3/(s. m2)), L is the section’s length (m) (see Eq. 13.3) and B is the width of the section requiring calculation (m) (see Eq. 13.3 as shown in Fig. 13.39).


B ■ L = Y, bi x I, (13.3)

i = 1

where b and l are individual widths and lengths, respectively (Fig. 13.39). Other non-runoff flows can be added into Eq. 13.2 by simple addition, provided they are expressed in units of m3/s.

In cases where the drainage system is used not only as an interceptor but also to lower the water level, dimensioning should consider specific calculations for the underground flow into the drain. In this situation the projected flow should be the sum of the aforementioned value and that estimated through the application of Darcy’s Law.

Such a flow estimate and the depth of installation for the drain are based on the assumption of specific tests and sophisticated calculations. Nevertheless, in most

Fig. 13.39 Drainage zones for a section of carriageway and hinterland (adapted from Carreteras (2004))

cases they are revealed to be of limited practical relevance because, in the range of commercial diameters, perforated pipes have a considerably larger capacity for in-flow than is strictly required and the depths at which they are installed usually guarantees the lowering of the water level in the zone between drains.

Having said this, and in order to simplify dimensioning, some authors consider that the in-flow to the drain amounts to approximately 35% of the total flow gener­ated as slope runoff with 20% of the surface runoff from the road pavement being added to cater for flows originating in the road platform, i. e.:

qL = 0.35qE + 0.20qp (13.4)

where qL is the water flow to the pipe (m3 /s); qE is the surface runoff water from slopes (m3/s) and qP is the surface runoff water from the platform (m3/s).

Regarding the depth of installation of the drains, one can make a first estimate using the formula:

{IR 05

z = zro + 0.5 ■ b ■ к (13.5)

where z is drain depth (m), zw is the depth at which the groundwater level should stabilize (m), b is the distance between drains (m), IR is the rate of infiltration into soil (m/s) and K is the soil permeability (m/s).

A specific hydro-geological calculation must be done whenever the drainage sys­tem aims to lower the water level. When deciding on the transverse profile to use in a new road’s project, the details of the subterranean drainage, based on tables and criteria, are very important.

Finally, one should add that in order to satisfy the criteria for self-cleansing and guarantee an adequate geometry, the drains should have a minimum longitudinal inclination of 0.5%, which, in exceptional cases, can be reduced to 0.25%. This inclination should not exceed 20%.

There are various computer software codes on the market that can perform cal­culations of flow as described, e. g. CANALIS, HYDRA and MOUSE.


If you have been framing long enough to understand advanced techniques or to be considering a career as a lead framer, you have probably seen enough accidents to make you aware of the importance of safety. Common sense will help guide you in knowing what is safe and what is not, but you must also be aware of the potential dangers. This information is usually acquired from the lead framer who taught you, from apprenticeship classes, and from weekly safety meetings, as well as state and federal regulations for the job site.

The safety topics presented in this chapter are not intended to be a complete list, but rather to cover the items you will come in contact with or have questions about most often.

Personal Protective Equipment

What we wear can either help prevent accidents or help cause them. Think about what you are going to do during the day, and prepare for it. It’s a good idea to discuss personal protective equipment needed for specific tasks at your safety meetings. Keep an eye on new framers so you can detect any potential safety problems.

Hard hats are the symbol of the construction industry. Some jobs require that hard hats be worn. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says that a hard hat needs to be worn if there is a possible danger of head injury from impact, or from falling or flying objects.

Eye protection is required by OSHA when there is a reasonable probability of preventable injury when equipment such as a nail gun is used. Eye protection can be provided by safety glasses. Safety glasses can be found that are lightweight and also look good. They should always be worn when using power saws.

Safety glasses

Ear protection is recommended when you are exposed to high levels of noise. High noise levels can cause hearing impairment and hearing loss, as well as physical and psychological stress. There is no cure for hearing loss caused by exposure to noise. Framers are exposed to these high levels at various times, not so much from their own work as from surrounding operations. The easiest way to protect yourself from hearing impairment is to keep disposable earplugs handy. They are easy to use and once they are in, you barely notice them.

Foot protection can be provided by a pair of leather work shoes or boots with hard soles. The boots will help protect your ankles. Steel toes provide extra protection for your toes and can be useful as support for lumber you are cutting. Rubber boots are good in wet weather and provide an extra measure to prevent electric shock.

Pants and shirts should be fit for work. If they are too loose, there is the chance they can get caught in something like a saw or a drill and pull you into the drill bit, which might throw you off a ladder. If your pants are too loose or frayed at the bottoms, they can cause you to trip and fall. Be careful with other clothing, such as belts and coats, so that they don’t hang loose and get caught.

"Oh, my aching back." Everybody has heard those words. In fact, back injuries are the most common type of injury in the workplace. Framing is lifting­intensive work—so measures to prevent back injuries deserve your attention. Stretching each morning and strengthening exercises are good for your back, but more important is making sure you lift properly. (See “Proper Lifting" photo.) Make it a point to use your legs to lift, and not your back. When you are lifting walls, remind your crew to lift with their legs. When picking something up, bend your knees and keep your back straight. When carrying, keep objects close to your body, and avoid twisting and jerky motions.


From Locks to Smoke Detectors to Landscaping

it was the great Yankee catcher, Yogi Berra, who said of baseball, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” The same is true of building a house. Even as you finish the interior painting, install the cabinets, and complete all the plumbing and electrical work, there’s still plenty to do before a new house is ready to welcome its first inhabitants. Although most of these final tasks are small compared to the major construction stages that have already been done, there are a surprising number that belong on what some contractors refer to as a punchlist. Such tasks range from installing the toilet-paper holder and mounting a fire extinguisher to nailing up house numbers and putting in the medicine cabinet. Taken together, these little assignments can demand just as much of your time—and possibly more—than some of the bigger jobs you did earlier. The step-by-step format in this chapter will help you divide these details into manageable chunks of work.


Most finish hardware will be seen and used for the life of the house, so take your time installing items such as door locks, drawer pulls, and towel bars. Once they’re installed neatly and accurately, they’ll look attractive and work well for a long time. Keep in mind that safety items, such as grab bars, also need to be installed securely so that they’ll be safe to use.

Choose and install exterior-door locksets and deadbolts

Подпись: STEP BY STEPПодпись: 1 Install the Hardware and Fixtures p. 269 2 Select and Install the Finish Flooring p. 272 3 Get to Know Electrical and Mechanical Systems p. 215 4 Prepare for the Worst p. 216 5 Landscaping p. 211 DETAILSThese days, security is a concern in many areas. When a house is first closed in, it’s a good idea to buy an inexpensive door lock to seal it off. That way, you can

Подпись: Find a comfortable seat. A small workbench or even a 5-gal. bucket allows you to sit down when installing latches and locksets. [Photo by Don Charles Blom] Buy your wel­come mat early! To reduce the amount of dirt that gets tracked into a house after new carpeting and vinyl and wood flooring have been installed, set up some sort of dirt-catching mat. Put it by the front door near a sign that says, “Please wipe your feet or remove your shoes.”

Подпись: Use an easier handle. A lever-type door handle is easier to open than a round knob is, especially for older folks and those with arthritis or carpal-tunnel pain. [Photo © Rex Cauldwell]

have a bunch of keys made and give a key to any contractor who needs to get in. There is no need to install the finished locks until after the paint­ing is done and just before the final inspection.

With door locksets, you’ll find a wide range of prices for different products. The quality range is just as broad. You don’t need to buy the best lock on the shelf, but you shouldn’t buy the cheapest, either. The exterior lockset is used many times every day, and a bargain-basement lock won’t hold up over the long haul.

LEVERS, KNOBS, AND KEYS. Instead of buying a lockset that opens with a round knob, consider one that opens with a lever, as shown in the photo at left. This type of lockset and handle is much easier on the hands of older folks and people with arthritis. Also, be sure to buy exterior locks and deadbolts that open with the same key. If a supplier doesn’t have enough identical-key locksets in stock, order them. This will eliminate the hassle of having different keys for all the exterior doors.

и и їм и їм їм и їм їм и їм и їм їм и їм їм и їм їм и їм и їм їм и їм їм и їм и їм їм и їм їм и mi и



latch assembly has been installed, you can install the handles and screw them together. It’s often necessary to use a sharp chisel to deepen the mortar for latch assembly.

For good reason, fire-safety code requires that deadbolts open with a lever (not a key) from the inside. You wouldn’t want to look for a key with fire licking at your heels. INSTALLATION DETAILS. Prehung exterior doors are drilled at the factory to receive both a lockset and a deadbolt. If you buy your doors this way, you should have an easy time installing the lockset. The installation instructions that come with each unit aren’t difficult to follow (see the illustration on the facing page). When installing locksets, I like to sit on my workbench with my tools and hardware on the shelf below. This is easier and more comfortable than kneeling or bending over (see the photo on the facing page).

The spring-loaded latch assembly and dead­bolt are installed first. The factory-cut mortises for the latch and deadbolt plates, as well as those in the door jamb for the strike plates, all have rounded corners. If the plates in your hardware set aren’t rounded also, you’ll need to cut the mortised corners square with a sharp chisel to
make the plates fit. You may need to deepen the latch bolt mortise to ensure that the plate fits flush with the surface of the door edge.

Once the latch and deadbolt plates have been screwed to the door edge and the strike plates have been screwed to the jamb, you can install the knobs or handles. On exterior doors, standard practice is to orient the keyhole so that the key can be inserted with the smooth side down. Most folks find that this makes it easier to fit the key in the lock when unlocking a door in the dark.

Optimization of Hydrosystems by Chance-Constrained Methods

In all fields of science and engineering, the decision-making process depends on several parameters describing system behavior and characteristics. More often than not, some of these system parameters cannot be assessed with certainty. In a system-optimization model, if some of the coefficients in the constraints

are uncertain, the compliance with the constraints, under a given set of solu­tions, cannot be ensured with certainty. Owing to the random nature of the constraint coefficients, a certain likelihood that constraints will be violated al­ways exists. The basic idea of chance-constrained methods is to find the solution to an optimization problem such that the constraints will be met with a speci­fied reliability. Chance-constrained formulations have been applied to various types of water resource problems such as groundwater quantity management (Tung, 1986), groundwater quality management (Gorelick, 1982; Wagner and Gorelick, 1987, 1989; Morgan et al., 1993; Ritzel et al., 1994) and monitoring network design (Datta and Dhiman, 1996), reservoir operation (Loucks et al., 1981; Houck, 1979; Datta and Houck, 1984), waste-load allocation (Lohani and Thanh, 1978; Fujiwara et al., 1986, 1987; Ellis, 1987; Tung and Hathhorn, 1990), water distribution systems (Lansey et al., 1989), and freshwater inflow for estuary salinity management (Tung et al., 1990; Mao and Mays, 1994). This section describes the basic properties of chance-constrained models. In the next section an application to waste-load allocation is presented for illustration.

Refer to the general nonlinear optimization problem as stated in Eqs. (8.1a-c). Consider a constraint g(x) < b, with x being a vector of decision variables. In general, decision variables x in an optimization model are controllable without uncertainty. Suppose that some of the parameters on the left-hand-side (LHS) of the constraint g(x) and/or the right-hand-side (RHS) coefficient b are subject to uncertainty. Because of the uncertainty, the compliance with the constraint under a given solution set x cannot be ensured with absolute certainty. In other words, there is a possibility that for any solution x, the constraint will be vio­lated. Consequently, the chance-constrained formulation expresses the original constraint in a probabilistic format as

P [g(x) < b] > a (8.42)

where P [ ] is the probability and a is the specified reliability for constraint compliance. Since this chance-constrained formulation involves probability, it is not mathematically operational for algebraic solution. For this reason, the deterministic equivalent must be derived. There are three cases in which the random elements in Eq. (8.42) could occur: (1) only elements ing(x) are random,

(2) only the RHS b is random, and (3) both g(x) and b are random.

The simplest case is the case 2, where only the RHS coefficient b is random. The derivation of deterministic equivalent of the chance-constraint for this case can be done as follows: The constraint can be rewritten as

P [g(x) < B] > a (8.43)

where B is a random RHS coefficient. Since Eq. (8.43) can be written as then Eq. (8.44) can be expressed as

Fb [g(x)] < 1 – « (8.45)

in which Fb [ ] is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of random RHS B. The deterministic equivalent of the original chance-constraint Eq. (8.43) can be expressed as

g(x) < b1-a (8.46)

where, referring to Fig. 8.17, b1-a is the (1 – a)th quantile of the random RHS coefficient B satisfying P(B < b1-a) = 1 – a. If the RHS coefficient B is a normal random variable with mean цb and standard deviation ab, Eq. (8.46) can be written as

g(x) < ^b + Z1-aab (8.47)

with z1-a being the (1 – a)th standard normal quantile.

In the case that only the elements in g(x) are random and the distribution functions are known, the chance-constraint can be expressed as

P [G(x) < b] > a (8.48)

For a general nonlinear function G(x), the difficulty lies in the derivations of exact probability distribution and statistical moments of G(x) as functions of unknown decision variables. In this circumstance, statistical moments of G(x) can be estimated by uncertainty-analysis methods such as those described in Tung and Yen (2005). The assessment of the distribution for G(x) is, at best, to be made subjectively. For the sake of discussion, assume that the distribution function of G( x) is known. The deterministic equivalent of the chance-constraint Eq. (8.48) can be expressed as

FG(i>(a) > b (8.49)

Optimization of Hydrosystems by Chance-Constrained Methods

Figure 8.17 Probability density function of the random right-hand-side coefficient B.

where F—yia) is the ath quantile of the random G(x), which is the function of unknown decision variables x. In general, FG(X)(a) in Eq. (8.48) is a nonlinear equation of x even if G(x) is a linear function of x, as will be shown later.

The third case is when both G(x) and the RHS coefficient B are random. The chance-constraint then can be expressed as

P [G(x) – B < 0] > a (8.50)

The deterministic equivalent of Eq. (8.49) can be derived as

Fg^-b (a) > 0 (8.51)

where Fc-(1x)_B (a) is the inverse of the CDF of random G(x) – B taken on the value of a.

As a special case, consider an LP formulation as stated in Eq. (8.3) in which technological coefficients A and/or RHS coefficients b are subject to uncertainty. By imposing a reliability restriction a on the system constraints, the LP model can be transformed into the following chance-constrained formulation:

Maximize c lx (8.52a)

subject to P (Ax < b) > a (8.52b)

In a chance-constrained LP model, the elements in A, b, and c can be random variables. When the objective function coefficient Cj’s are random variables, it is common to replace them by their expected values. Consider the follow­ing three cases: (1) elements of the technological coefficient matrix (Aij’s) are random variables, (2) elements of the RHS vector Bi’s are random variables, and

(3) elements Aij and Bi are simultaneously random variables. In the following derivations, it is assumed that random technological coefficients and random RHS coefficient are correlated within a constraint and that these coefficients are uncorrelated between constraints.

Consider that the RHS of the ith constraint Bi is subject to uncertainty. Fur­thermore, assume that its distribution and statistical moments are known. In this case, the deterministic equivalent of the chance-constraint can be obtained easily from Eq. (8.46) as


5^aijXj < bi,1-ai for i = 1, 2,…, m (8.53)


and the constraint form remains linear.

Consider the case that the technological coefficients aij’s of the ith constraint are random. The deterministic equivalent of the chance-constraint

Подпись: aiP (53 AijXj < bi ) >


can be derived as (Kolbin, 1977; Vajda, 1972)


Y. E(Aij)xj + FzHai)vXCX < bi (8.54)


where E (Aij) is an expectation of the technological coefficient Aij, Ci is an n x n covariance matrix of n random technological coefficients (Ai 1, Ai2, …, Ain) in the ith constraint, and F—1(ai) is the appropriate quantile for the ai percentage given by the CDF of standardized left-hand-side (LHS) terms. That is,

Подпись:LHSi – E(LHSi) Sn=1 AijXj -£n=1 E(Aij)x}


If all Aij’s are independent random variables, that is, p(Aij, Aij>) = 0, for j = j’, matrix Ci is a diagonal matrix of variances of Aij. To quantify F—1(ai), the distribution of LHS must be known or assumed. Note that the LHSs in an LP model are the sum of several random variables. By the central limit theorem (see Sec. 2.6.1), the random LHS can be approximated as a normal random variable. Therefore, Eq. (8.54) can be written as

E(Aij)Xj + Ф 1(«i)y/x*Cix < bi (8.56)


with Ф( ) being the standard normal CDF. From Eq. (8.55) one realizes that when Aij’s are random, the resulting deterministic equivalents of the chance constraints are no longer linear functions of the decision variables. The chance – constrained model has to be solved by nonlinear programming algorithms. In the next subsection of application, a sequential LP algorithm is used to linearize Eq. (8.56).

Optimization of Hydrosystems by Chance-Constrained Methods

Finally, when both the technological coefficients and the RHS coefficient of the ith constraint are random, the chance-constraint format, referring to Eq. (8.50), can be written as

Solar Hot Water


Подпись: Unobtrusive, efficient, and energy-smart. Heating water with the sun can be almost as simple as installing a solar collector on the roof. Resembling skylights, these collectors can provide hot water for baths, laundry, and even heat.


here’s nothing like a looming energy crisis to bring history full circle. More than a century has passed since Clarence Kemp, a Baltimore heating-equipment deal-

er, came up with the first commercial solar water heater. His patented Climax Solar Water Heater, which sold for $25, was a hit.

More-efficient designs soon came along, and by 1941, half the houses in Florida had solar hot-water systems. Roof-mounted solar collectors were common in California, too. But natural-gas discoveries in the West and a utility blitzkrieg to sell more electricity in

Florida brought the solar hot-water business to its knees.

Does the story sound familiar? It should. A spike in energy prices and short-lived gov­ernment incentives created a solar hot-water boomlet in the 1970s and 1980s. The inter­est withered when energy prices dropped and government subsidies dried up, stick­ing homeowners with systems that didn’t always work and couldn’t be serviced due to the lack of qualified technicians. Rising energy prices are once again making solar attractive. But this time around, the industry

Solar Hot Water

Подпись: Passive Systems Are an Affordable Option in Warm ClimatesПодпись: Hot water to storage tank Solar Hot WaterSolar Hot WaterSolar Hot Water

is offering more-dependable, better-designed hot-water systems that give homeowners in all parts of the country a reliable way to cut energy bills.

Heating water with the sun can be pretty simple. In the right climate, a 55-gal. drum painted black and perched on the roof pro­vides plenty of hot water. Collectors like that, called batch heaters, are producing hot water all over the world. But technology has a lot more to offer these days, making solar hot water feasible for any region of the country and for just about any application, from swimming pools and hot tubs to do­mestic hot water and even space heating.

There Are Many Ways to Heat Water, but Keeping It Hot Is Another Story

Although solar hot-water systems vary widely in design and complexity, they share some basics. The sun heats water, or another liquid capable of transferring heat, in a col­lector. Specialized materials called selective coatings are made to absorb available solar radiation. They include black chrome, black nickel, and aluminum oxide combined with nickel or titanium nitride oxide.

Once water is hot, it’s either moved to a storage tank or piped directly to where it’s needed. That much seems simple, but the trick is making sure the water doesn’t cool down too much or, worse, freeze. To cover the wide range of temperatures and solar potential that hot-water systems can encounter, manufacturers offer a variety of equipment and plumbing options.

In general, systems are either active or passive, meaning they operate with or without electric pumps. They also can be direct or indirect (sometimes called open loop or closed loop), which means the col­lectors heat the water that’s used in the house or, alternatively, heat a nonfreezing transfer medium that in turn heats potable

In their simplest form, these systems consist of a batch collector (also known as integrated collector stor­age, or ICS) that’s pressur­ized by the household-water supply and exposed to the sun. When a hot-water tap is opened, water is forced from the batch collector to a conventional water heater or directly into the distribu­tion system. Relatively easy to install, these systems are suitable only for warm – weather areas. Solar Direct (www. solardirect. com) sells a passive-system kit for about $1,400.

water in a heat exchanger. In virtually all cases, solar-heated water is routed through a conventional water heater, where it gets a temperature boost (if necessary) before being distributed to its point of use.

Eave with soffit

Eave with soffit

The drawing above shows an easy soffit to build. It has rafter tails cut square, and once the fascia is nailed to the tails, the rafters can be sheathed with exterior plywood, 1 x cedar or pine, or even cov­ered with stucco. A common way to cover this soffit is to take a long board, butt it against the fascia, and nail it to the rafter tails with 8d galvanized nails or drywall screws. Break all joints over a rafter tail so the ends can be nailed into it. Then install a strip of continuous screened vent (the vent has a lip that fits under wood and is easy to install). Next, nail in a second board to fill the gap between the vent and the wall.

If you cut the rafter tails plumb, you can build a level soffit (see the drawing on p. 184). To prepare for this soffit, install a subfascia or cut a 3/4-in. groove in the fascia during framing. Next, level over from the bottom of the subfascia or top
of the groove to the wall and make a mark on each end of the building. Connect these two marks with a chalk­line and nail 2x stock flat against the wall along the line with a 16d nail into each stud. If you plan on installing a continuous vent—or if the distance between the wall 2x and the subfascia or groove is more than 1 б in.—nail short joists between these two points every 16 in. or 24 in. Now you can cover the soffit as described previously.

There are many ways to close in the ends of a soffit. One way is to let the wall covering extend over it. The over­hang at the gable end of the building, running from the eave to the ridge, can be covered much the same way, espe­cially if the barge rafter is supported by 2x lookouts. Nail in a few more flat 2xs, one at the fascia and another at the ridge. Now you can cut soffit stock,