Steel-Beam Bridge

The steel-beam bridge uses rolled steel beams as shown in Fig. 4.8. Beam depths of 44, 40, and 36 in (1118, 1016, and 914 mm) are available, as well as shallower sections. Check with producers on current availability of the deeper sections from domestic sources because federal law applicable to federally aided projects, as well as many state laws, prohibits the use of foreign steel.

Steel beams may be made continuous by welding or bolting sections in the field. In the past, some states made welded connections at the piers, and currently at least

Steel-Beam Bridge

FIGURE 4.8 Cross-section of bridge with rolled steel beams. Conversions: 1 in = 25.4 mm, 1 ft = 0.305 m.

one state makes welded connections at contraflexure points, supporting the field sections temporarily and providing enclosures to shield the joint from wind. More commonly, field sections are spliced by high-strength bolts, using web-and-flange splice plates. Bolts may be installed using calibrated wrenches, by the turn-of-nut method, or by use of tension-indicating washers, depending on what the designer allows and what the erector prefers to use. With all methods of bolting, it is important to use a procedure and sequence of bolting that will compact the joint and prevent a bolt initially adequately tightened from losing tension when subse­quent bolts in the joint are tightened. Fasteners are generally ASTM A325 or A490 high-strength bolts.

To increase the span capacity of a rolled beam, or to permit a lighter beam to be used, cover plates may be added above the top flange and below the bottom flange in regions of high bending stress due to both positive and negative moments. The fatigue strength at the end of the cover plates, which is generally at a point of low maximum stress but high stress range, is much less than the fatigue strength of the unplated beam. Allowable fatigue stresses must not be exceeded, and this consideration may favor an unplated beam. However, an improved detail is available that uses bolts at the end of the plate, and the fatigue strength is somewhat higher. New Jersey DOT requires full-length cover plates, with termination about 2 ft (610 mm) from the end of the beam where the stress range is very small.

Prestressed-Concrete I-Beam Bridge

Prestressed-concrete beams of the basic I-shape, but with variations, can be used over approximately the same range of spans as steel beams. The deepest AASHTO standard prestressed beams (72 in or 1828 mm) have a somewhat greater simple-span capacity than 36-in-deep (914-mm) rolled steel beams, although deeper rolled beams are avail­able. This type of bridge is illustrated in Fig. 4.7.

Подпись: Prestressed I-beam

Prestressed-concrete beams are heavier to transport and erect than steel beams, and require more care in handling. A prestressed-concrete beam can be destroyed if it is not maintained in an upright position.

I-beams may be standard AASHTO-PCI sections or conform to individual state standards. Depth varies from 28 in (711 mm) for the little-used AASHTO type I to 72 in (1828 mm) for the AASHTO type VI and BT-72 (1828 mm) bulb-tee. The basic differ­ence between the AASHTO type V and type VI beams and the bulb-tee beams, all of which have 3.5-ft-wide (1067-mm) top flanges, is that the bulb-tees have a thinner web (6 in instead of 8 in or 152 mm instead of 203 mm) and shallower top and bottom flanges. The bulb-tees have a flatter slope on the top of the bottom flange, as well. A variant of both is the modified AASHTO type VI, which uses the side forms for the AASHTO type VI beam but only a 6-in (152-mm) web. Individual analysis will determine which shape is best, but only shapes that are available from local precasters should be investigated unless the project is large enough to economically justify the purchase of special forms. Sometimes, bulb-tee sections are modified to have deeper web sections to increase their capacity, hence the span length.

As with prestressed-concrete box-beam bridges, the prestressing strands may include deflected or debonded strands. When strands are deflected and a number of beams are cast in line on a casting bed, resulting in many hold-down or hold-up points, stressing procedures should be used and verified that limit the maximum prestress loss due to friction to the amount permitted by specifications.

For very long bridges with repetitive spans over water, and where there is a precasting plant at a site from which the bridge units can be delivered by barge, the option of pre­cast deck units consisting of the beams, diaphragms, and deck slab cast monolithically should be considered.

Preparing Samples with the Use of the Marshall Hammer

The procedure of preparing samples using the Marshall method is common. It is currently available in EN 12697-30 and ASTM D 6926-04.

The biggest drawback of this method is the incompatibility of laboratory con­ditions and the realism of a construction site. This type of laboratory compaction consists of tamping a mix down with strokes of a predetermined compaction effort defined by the number of impacts on the face of a cylindrical sample.[47] The Marshall method was created several decades ago for designing an optimal content of binder in fine- and medium-graded mixes with continuous grading. Despite progress in technology, the impact method of compaction is still being widely used.

Besides the gap between the lab and the construction site, the most important issue is the energy used for compacting SMA mixtures. Let us have a look at the compaction effort of 2 x 50 (50 strokes on each face of a cylindrical sample) and another one of 2 x 75. Greater compactive efforts—namely, 2 x 75—are typically applied when designing asphalt concrete mixes for courses under heavy traffic. Such considerable compaction efforts may also be used for mixes of continuous grading. Gap-graded mixes with a strong coarse aggregate skeleton, like an SMA, may expe­rience the following two subsequent stages of compaction:

• Compaction of the skeleton until stone-to-stone contact is achieved

• Additional compaction, which may cause the crushing of weaker grains (overcompaction)

The proper compaction of an SMA mix is achieved at the moment when the stone-to-stone contact is reached, which corresponds to a certain amount of com – pactive effort. That is why in most countries (e. g., Germany, the United States) the compactive effort of 2 x 50 has been determined as adequate, regardless of the traf­fic assignment. Though it happens rarely, in some countries the same rules are used for the specification of SMA as for asphalt concrete, specifically 2 x 50 for low – and medium-traffic loading and 2 x 75 for heavy traffic.

In some countries, additional tests of SMA sensitivity to overcompacting are required. In the Czech method (see Chapter 7), typical compaction (2 x 50) is used for design, and an additional test of 2 x 100 strokes is used to indicate the resis­tance of the aggregate mix to overcompaction. It is obvious that after such over­compacting some of the aggregates will be crushed. The requirement for the air void content (more than 2.5% with 2 x 100) in such overcompacted samples could help ensure that even in cases of overcompacting during rolling or when weak aggregates are used, the SMA layer will still have enough void space between the aggregate grains.

Research conducted in many countries (Boratyriski and Krzemihski, 2005; Brown and Haddock, 1997; Perez et al., 2004) into the compaction of SMA has demon­strated clear evidence that an excessive compaction effort put into Marshall samples leads to aggregate crushing and adverse volume changes in the mix.

Engineering projects developed in Greece by the Persians during the Median wars

Herodotus’ history of the Median wars is interesting for its representation of the first confrontation between the classical Greek world and the Orient. Certain elements of Herodotus’ writings show the technical and cultural abyss that separated the two civiliza­tions, both in their relationships to the sea and their practice of fluvial engineering.

During the first Median war, the Persian fleet suffered major losses during its pas­sage around Mount Athos, a cape that extends quite far into the northern portion of the Aegean Sea (see Figure 4.6). Anticipating the second war, king Xerxes spent three years, according to Herodotus, digging a canal to get around the mountain on the land side of the isthmus. Here is how the historian describes the organization of the project: “(…) a line was drawn across by the city of Sand; and along this the various nations parceled out among themselves the work to be done. When the trench grew deep, the workmen at the bottom continued to dig, while others handed the earth, as it was dug out, to labourers placed higher up upon ladders, and these taking it, passed it on farther, till it came at last to those at the top, who carried it off and emptied it away. All the other nations, therefore, except the Phoenicians, had double labour; for the sides of the trench fell in continually, as could not but happen, since they made the width no greater at the top than it was required to be at the bot­tom. But the Phoenicians showed in this the skill which they are wont to exhibit in all their undertakings. For in the portion of the work which was allotted to them they began by mak­ing the trench at the top twice as wide as the prescribed measure, and then as they dug down­wards approached the sides nearer and nearer together, so that when they reached the bottom their part of the work was of the same width as the rest. J

The Greeks, given their familiarity with the sea, would never have built such a canal to avoid sailing around a dangerous cape.

During the military campaign that ensued, king Xerxes had reason to be astonished at the Greeks’ lack of experience in large hydraulic works. To Xerxes, relocation of a river for military purposes is a classic maneuver, as seen in his analysis of the vulnera­bility of Thessaly, in the north of Greece:

“When Xerxes came and saw the mouth of the Peneus, he was in great amazement, and, sum­moning his guides, he asked them whether it was possible to turn the river aside from its course and lead it into the sea somewhere else.

“’They are clever men, the Thessalians (said the King). This is why they took their precau­tions long ago and conceded victory to me; it was especially because they have a country that is easy and quick to capture. It would only be a matter of letting the river in upon their country by shifting it out of that channel and turning it from the course in which it travels with a dam, and all of Thessaly, except the mountains, would be beneath the waves’.”

The floating bridge that Xerxes cast across the Hellespont for passage of his immense army must also be included among the many great hydraulic works of the Persians during the second Median war. [159] [160]

Prestressed-Concrete Box-Beam Bridges

The span range of a shallow bridge may be extended beyond the limits of a slab bridge by using precast prestressed-concrete box beams as illustrated in Fig. 4.6. The beams are prefabricated off-site. They are rectangular and, except for very shallow beams [12 in (305 mm)], which may be solid, have from one to three rectangular or circular voids. The void forms are either waterproofed cardboard or solid polystyrene foam and are left in the beams. Void drains must be provided to prevent entrapment of water. Prestressing strands are located on the bottom and in the sidewalls of the box, and may include debonded or deflected strands. The selection depends upon owner preference or, where the designer and owner allow the option, fabricator preference.

Wearing surface

This type of bridge can be constructed using adjacent beams or spread beams. In adjacent box-beam construction, prefabricated box beams are placed side by side, abutting each other. The box beams are connected by transverse tie rods or posttensioned tendons, or by welded connection of tie plates to plates embedded in the tops of the beams. Shear keys between beams are grouted. The combination of transverse connection and grouted shear keys is intended to make the beams act together as a unit and prevent relative movement and cracking at the longitudinal joints. This type of bridge can be erected quickly, and temporary traffic can be maintained on partially completed portions of the bridge. These features have made this a popular type of bridge, despite at least one shortcoming discussed below, and sometimes cause it to be selected over a com­petitive type when both types are viable candidates for a bridge of a given span length.

For low-traffic-count roads, the tops of the beams may constitute the riding surface, but on most bridges a topping will be used. This may be a composite concrete slab, which adds to the strength of the bridge, or an asphalt concrete overlay, which is used to smooth out any irregularities between beams, to compensate for difference between roadway profile and final camber of the beams, and sometimes to maintain continuity of pavement type when the adjacent roadway is asphalt concrete. A waterproofing mem­brane should be used with this type of construction, with special attention to the joints.

The elimination of movement at the longitudinal joints and the maintenance of a water­proof condition has not always been achieved, even when a composite concrete slab has been used. Leakage of roadway drainage containing deicing salt through longitudinal joints has sometimes resulted in corrosion of the prestressing strands. In some cases, wires have broken.

In spread-box construction, the beams are spaced apart, and a reinforced-concrete slab is constructed on top. The slab between the beams is formed, and stay-in-place steel forms are frequently used. This has been an economical type of construction in Pennsylvania. In bridges with end spans shorter than interior spans, the beams can be the same depth for aesthetic reasons, with the spacing between beams varied to meet structural requirements. However, diagonal and vertical cracks have been observed in the sidewalls of spread-box beams near supports in sharply skewed bridges. The fine diagonal cracks were most evident on the acute sides of the box beams.

Install foam sheathing

There are many areas in the country where ply­wood or OSB sheathing is required only at exte­rior corners and every 25 ft. along exterior walls. This allows you to install nonstructural sheathing material everywhere else. On this house, we used /fi-in. foam sheathing. The foam board is light and easy to handle, though it can be damaged by a stray hammer blow or by someone stepping on it. Attach foam sheathing with l’/Tin. roofing nails. Sheathe right over window openings, then go inside the house with a handsaw and cut out the foam from the openings (see the right photo on p. 109).

If you’ve come this far, congratulations!

Install foam sheathingПодпись: It's exciting to see an entire wall nailed together on the subfloor. We line up and grab part of the top plate to get ready to l ift. Then up it goes. At first, we're not worried about making sure the walls are plumb or straight—we just keep them up with diagonal braces. Then we start finding the exact positions with a level. As soon as the exterior walls are up, we start on the inside. It's amazing to think that just a short while ago we had only piles of lumber and a bare floor. This is going to be a great house! Make sure you spend some time cleaning up the job site at this point in your project. There are bound to be plenty of offcuts, such as 2x stock, plywood or OSB scraps, and stray fragments of foam sheathing. Remove the debris and get set to raise the roof.

Install foam sheathing

Install foam sheathing

Analyses and Laboratory Tests

The components of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) and methods of SMA design have been discussed in the previous chapters of this book. In addition to the basic mix design processes, however, there are additional laboratory tests and procedures that are recommended to supplement the mix design work. Some unique tests focus on special properties of SMA mixes that may be encountered from time to time. Therefore it is necessary to undertake a short review of some selected tests. Some guidance is also offered on the interpretation of test results to avoid misunderstand­ings caused by inaccurately defined properties or incorrect test parameters. Such cases are also described in this chapter.


At present, two methods of preparing samples in a laboratory are commonly applied worldwide: the use of a Marshall hammer or a gyratory compactor. These meth­ods and the problems related to them will be discussed here. Comparisons of other laboratory methods of compacting samples may be found in several publications (Gourdon et al., 2000; Hunter et al., 2004; Renken, 2000).

Method of Successive Iterations

This method, also called the method of iteration, is known chiefly by those who have practiced ready-mix concrete design in a laboratory. It is a laborious procedure because numerous tests need to be conducted (so now it is rarely used). It involves selection of consecutive aggregate fractions so that smaller particles can fit in among bigger ones with no increase in the mix volume (i. e., so that no larger particles are shoved aside by smaller ones).

We start by fixing the proportion of the coarsest aggregate (N1) with a finer frac­tion (N2). Having found such proportions for which we have a minimum of air voids with an unchanged volume of the mix, we mark the acquired mixture as aggregate N1,2. Then we start establishing the proportion of the aggregate N1,2 with the finer aggregate N3, and so on. The process involves making consecutive batches of aggre­gate and determining air voids for each mix. Its comprehensive description has been explained in the publication by Sliwitiski (1999).

Despite the completely different primary purpose of this method, it seems that nothing stands in the way of making use of its principles for determining a suitable gradation of an SMA aggregate mix.

Method of Successive Iterations

Bailey’s Method

The Bailey method was created in the United States in the early 1980s by Robert Bailey of the Illinois Department of Transportation. It enables the selection of an aggregate gradation that guarantees the best interlocking of aggregate particles, a suitable amount of VMA, and proper voids in the final asphalt mix. It was primarily intended for designing continuously graded mixtures with high deformation resis­tance, but it may also be applied to designing SMA gradation.

The method for gradation selection is based on the principle of the packing char­acteristics of aggregates and finally allows designing mixtures with expected aggre­gate interlocking. The complete method is used only for aggregate gradation design, not for full SMA (with binder) recipe design.

Those who are interested in Bailey’s method can refer to the publication by Vavrik et al. (2002), which contains a very detailed description of the consecutive stages of the procedure, calculations, and some examples of design.


Work is not complete when the house frame is standing or when all of the trim and siding are nailed in place. From sandpaper to tape, from adhesive to caulk, other important materials are available to help carpenters put the fin­ishing touches on our work.


The simplest thing to do when buying sandpaper is to pay attention to the grit. Look on the back of the sheet for the number of the grit. The higher the num­ber, the finer the sandpaper grit, and the smoother the finished surface will be.

So, for example, 40 grit is coarse paper, 80 grit is medium, and 120 grit is fine. I try to buy sandpaper in bulk rather than in expensive precut pieces. Cut larger sheets of sandpaper grit-side down using a straightedge and a utility knife.


The two tapes I keep in my tool bucket are duct tape and electrical tape. I never go to the job without my roll of duct tape. Carpenters use it for a variety of jobs, such as holding plastic in place, patching torn building plans, pro­tecting sharp sawblades and chisels, and even for mending ripped jeans. The orig­inal gray roll of duct tape is cloth backed and strong.

It’s always good to have a roll of electri­cal tape on hand. I use it to wrap my hammer handle near the head (to pro­tect it) and to repair damaged power cords. Like duct tape, it can be used to protect the tip of a sharp chisel or to seal a tube of caulk.


As a child, I mixed flour and water to make the paste for my kites and art proj­ects. This paste held about as well as anything I could buy in the store. Not so today. Now there are many types of super-strong adhesives available. The most common used by carpenters are construction adhesive and yellow glue.

Construction adhesive unites wood to wood and is used extensively by carpen­ters. It comes in small or large tubes that fit into a caulking gun. A bead of this adhesive is often spread on floor joists before laying down plywood sheathing or under stair treads.

Yellow glue is also used to join wood. Smear it on two edges, hold them together with clamps until the glue dries, and you have a joint as strong as the wood itself.

Polyurethane glue is a fairly new water­proof glue that can be used inside or outside (Gorilla Glue; see Sources on p. 198). It bonds to stone, metal, ceram­ics and plastic, and even works well on wood that has a high water content. It
foams as it bonds, so it fills small gaps, and the foam is easy to scrape off and sand after it sets. While it costs a bit more, it’s a versatile glue I use often.


If they make a mistake, carpenters joke that they can leave it for the painters to fix with caulk. While there is no excuse for poor work, many minor problems can be solved with a long-lasting, flexi­ble caulk. For instance, a gap between a door and the subfloor can be closed with a good waterproof caulk (see the photo on the facing page). Caulk is flexi­ble, so it allows for wood expansion
without cracking and creating holes where rain can enter. Cracks between wood trim and a wall can also be filled with caulk.

There are a number of different types and colors of caulk on the market, and the type you choose depends on the job you need it to do. The one most of us use is a latex caulk with acrylic or sili­cone added.


Anything a carpenter builds—a work­bench, a sawhorse, a house—comes to life because someone had a plan. Once


Carpenters use plans to figure out how the parts of a building will go together and to order all of the building materials.