

Oil Residue on Metals

Expanded metal lath and other metal goods are often shipped to sites coated in rancid oil residues left over from the manufacturing process. Such residues will be odorous for a prolonged period of time unless the metal is cleaned. When these oils are left in metal duct­work, hot air blown through the ductwork distributes these odors throughout the house. To avoid this unwanted pollution source, con­sider adding the following to your specifica­tions:

• Remove oil residue from all coated metal products using a high-pressure hose and one of the acceptable cleaning products listed in these specifications.

Some builders have found that the high-pres­sure hoses at self-service car washes are effec­tive for removing oil residues.

Metals and Conductivity

The role that metals play in the electrodimate of a building, along with proper grounding considerations, will be discussed in Division 16.

Metal Termite Shielding

Where floors are joisted, the proper applica­tion of metal termite shielding, as illustrated, will create a physical barrier that is effective against subterranean termites.

Welded Steel Plate Girder Bridge

The welded steel plate girder bridge (Fig. 4.9) extends the span range of deck-type bridges (bridges having all the structural support below the deck slab) well beyond the range of rolled steel beams or precast prestressed-concrete beams.


Welded Steel Plate Girder Bridge

Whereas haunched girders were economical in the past for long spans, the current practice, strongly advocated by the steel-fabricating industry, is to use parallel-flange girders wherever possible. This is an economic consideration rather than an aesthetic one. Properly configured haunched girders are thought by many to be more pleasing. They permit a shallower structure depth at mid span, which can result in a lower grade line and consequent savings in roadway construction cost. However, parallel-flange girders can be fabricated more rapidly and economically than haunched girders. As an example of long-span parallel-flange steel girder construction, the Tennessee DOT has designed a continuous 1717-ft-long (523-m) parallel-flange five-span steel plate girder bridge of girder-floor beam-stringer type construction, including two spans of 460 ft (140 m) each. This design uses ASTM A36 and A572 steel in the webs, and A572 and A517 steel in the flanges. The A517 steel, which has a minimum yield strength of 100 kip/in2 (690 MPa), is used for the flange plates at points of maximum stress over the piers and at mid span of one of the 460-ft (523-m) spans.

In designing a steel plate girder bridge for economy, designing for minimum weight does not always result in the most economical girder. The cost saved by reducing web or flange plate width or thickness may be more than offset by the cost of making the welded splices. Cost data should be obtained from local fabricators to make this comparison. One rule of thumb is that the weight saved by a change of flange plate thickness should be at least 1500 lb (680 kg). Also, it is generally desirable to use a constant-width flange plate to reduce fabrication and construction costs.

The use of excessively thin webs and narrow flanges, while saving weight, can result in flimsy sections that require special handling and erection equipment such as strong­backs. If such measures are not employed, the girder may be damaged in handling. Either consequence may more than offset the cost saved through weight reduction. For this rea­son many states have adopted minimum plate dimensions that are greater than minimum requirements of AASHTO or industry recommendations.

The stationarity assumption

Viessman et al. (1977, p. 158) noted that “usually, the length of record as well as the design life for an engineering project are relatively short compared with ge­ologic history and tend to temper, if not justify, the assumption of stationarity.” On the other hand, Klemes (1986) noted that there are many known causes for nonstationarity ranging from the dynamics of the earth’s motion to human- caused changes in land use. In this context, Klemes (1986) reasons that the notion of a 100-year flood has no meaning in terms of average return period, and thus the 100-year flood is really a reference for design rather than a true reflection of the frequency of an event.

3.9.2 Summary comments

The original premise for the use of hydrologic frequency analysis was to find the optimal project size to provide a certain protection level economically, and the quality of the optimization is a function of the accuracy of the estimated flood level. The preceding discussions in this section have indicated that the accuracy of hydrologic frequency estimates may not be high. For example, Beard (1987) reported that the net result of studies of uncertainties of flood frequency analy­sis is that standard errors of estimated flood magnitudes are very high—on the order of 10 to 50 percent depending on the stream characteristics and amount of data available.

Even worse, the assumptions of hydrologic frequency analysis, namely, stationarity and homogeneous, representative data, and good statistical

modeling—not extrapolating too far beyond the range of the data—may be violated or stretched in common practice. This can lead to illogical results such as the crossing of pre – and post-change frequency curves illustrated in Fig. 3.8, and the use of such illogical results is based on “a subconscious hope that nature can be cheated and the simple logic of mathematical manipulations can be substituted for the hidden logic of the external world” (Klemes, 1986).

Given the many potential problems with hydrologic frequency analysis, what should be done? Klemes (1986) suggested that if hydrologic frequency theorists were good engineers, they would adopt the simplest procedures and try to stan­dardize them in view of the following facts:

1. The differences in things such as plotting positions, parameter-estimation methods, and even the distribution types, may not matter much in design optimization (Slack et al., 1975). Beard (1987) noted that no matter how reli­able flood frequency estimates are, the actual risk cannot be changed. Thus the benefits from protection essentially are a function of investment and are independent of uncertainties in estimating flood frequencies. Moderate changes in protection or zoning do not change net benefits greatly; i. e., the benefit function has a broad, flat peak (Beard, 1987).

2. There are scores of other uncertain factors in the design that must be settled, but in a rather arbitrary manner, so the whole concept of optimization must be taken as merely an expedient design procedure. The material covered in Chaps. 4, 6, 7, and 8 of this book provide methods to consider the other uncertain factors and improve the optimization procedure.

3. Flood frequency analysis is just one convenient way of rationalizing the old engineering concept of a safety factor rather than a statement of hydrologic truth.

Essentially, the U. S. Water Resources Council (1967) was acting in a manner similar to Klemes’ approach in that a standardized procedure was developed and later improved (Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, 1982). However, rather than selecting and standardizing a simple procedure, the rel­atively more complex log-Pearson type 3 procedure was selected. Beard (1987) suggested that the U. S. Water Resources Council methods are the best currently available but leave much to be desired.

Подпись: Problems

Given are the significant independent peak discharges measured on the Saddle River at Lodi, NJ, for two 18-year periods 1948-1965 and 1970-1987. The Saddle River at Lodi has a drainage area of 54.6 mi2 primarily in Bergen County. The total data record for peak discharge at this gauge is as follows: 1924-1937 annual peak only, 1938-1987 all peaks above a specified base value, 1988-1989 annual peak only (data are missing for 1966, 1968, and 1969, hence the odd data periods).




Qp (ft3/s)




Qp (ft3/s)




Qp (ft3/s)













































































































































































3.1 Determine the annual maximum series.

3.2 Plot the annual maximum series on normal, lognormal, and Gumbel probability papers.

3.3 Calculate the first four product moments and L-moments based on the given peak – flow data in both the original and logarithmic scales.

3.4 Use the frequency-factor approach to the Gumbel, lognormal, and log-Pearson type 3 distributions to determine the 5-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year flood peaks.

3.5 Based on the L-moments obtained in Problem 3.3, determine the 5-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year flood peaks using Gumbel, generalized extreme value (GEV), and lognor­mal distributions.

3.6 Determine the best-fit distribution for the annual maximum peak discharge series based on the probability-plot correlation coefficient, the two model relia­bility indices, and L-moment ratio diagram.

3.7 Establish the 95 percent confidence interval for the frequency curve derived based on lognormal and log-Pearson type 3 distribution models.

Housewraps Are Susceptible to Certain Chemicals

Builders have debated the chemical compat­ibility of housewrap for years. Studies have found that certain types of wood siding, like cedar and redwood, leach surfactants (surface-active contaminants) that can affect the water resistance of housewraps. The sur­factants reduce the surface tension of water, easing its ability to pass through micro­scopic openings in the membrane. To com­bat the problem, manufacturers recommend back-priming potentially troublesome wood siding with a water-repellent primer. In a
limited study, Fisette found that the newest version of Typar had superior resistance to surfactants compared to the performance of similar products.

In addition to the water-soluble extractives found in wood siding, the water resistance of housewrap also can be compromised by soaps, power-washing chemicals, and even some types of latex paints. The perforated variety is most susceptible, so consider choosing a high – quality, nonperforated housewrap.

It’s also important not to leave housewrap exposed for longer than necessary. House- wrap left uncovered for longer than its intended UV-rating will deteriorate and decline in performance, and should be

Housewrap Choices continued

Rain screen and housewrap combined


o matter how tight the joints, how thorough the flashing installation, or how far the roof over­hangs the walls, water always finds a way behind the siding of a house.

Housewrap or felt paper is a good safeguard for protecting sheathing and framing, but many builders also add a Уд-іп. to 3/8-in. drainage plane between the housewrap and the siding by tacking up vertical furring strips. This vented space allows moisture to dissipate naturally so that paint won’t peel prema­turely, surfactants from the siding won’t be in contact with the housewrap, and bulk water won’t be trapped behind the siding with nowhere to drain.

Подпись: DrainWrap™ (DuPont) Type: Nonwoven polyolefin Perm rating: 50.0 Notes: Uses accordion-style vertical grooves to channel water. Because the product behaves like wrinkly housewrap, it isn't as rigid as other rain- screen products. 800-448-9835; Several manufacturers have started combin­ing the water-shedding benefits of rain-screen-wall construction with the ease of installation and the added benefits found in typical housewrap, creat­ing a separate category sometimes referred to as “drainscreen.”

To the right are a few different designs that aim to accomplish the same basic task.

covered with a fresh layer before siding is installed.

Weatherproofing Comes with Workmanship

Here’s the bottom line: Installation is more important than material choice. No matter what brand of housewrap you choose, you will be wasting money unless the stuff is in­stalled carefully.

Poorly installed housewrap will cause more problems than it solves. Getting the installation right is not hard, but it requires a basic understanding of how housewrap
works. Detailed installation instructions can be found on manufacturers’ websites and often at the lumberyard or home center where housewrap is purchased.

The basic installation premise is to think like a raindrop. Imagine a drop of water hitting the side of your house at the top of the wall. Gravity pulls the drop down along the face of the wall, and as long as all the courses, joints, tears, and penetrations are sealed and lapped in shingle fashion, the drop eventually will reach the ground. The moment that raindrop finds a puncture, a reverse lap, or an unflashed component, it will seep behind the housewrap and into the framing.

Housewraps Are Susceptible to Certain Chemicals

Housewraps Are Susceptible to Certain Chemicals


Weather Trek®

(Berry Plastics Corporation)

Type: Perforated polyethylene Perm rating: 6.5 Notes: A clever nondi­rectional surface pattern (reminiscent of the texture of a basketball) ensures that water drains easily, regard­less of orientation to the sheathing. 877-832-0333; www. berryplastics. com



(Pactiv Corporation) Type: Woven polyolefin Perm rating: 10.0 Notes: Relies on drainage channels woven into the surface to direct water down and out. Channels must run vertically to be effective. 800-241-4402; www. green-guard. com


When a carpenter first arrives at the job site, the foundation is often poured and ready for sill plates, joists, and floor sheathing. Just make sure you’re building on the right foundation. I once started building on the wrong lot in a tract of houses. My crew was well under way when the owner of the property arrived and said he appreciated our efforts but wasn’t intending to build just yet


Like most things in life—from cooking to marriage—if you get started right, things just seem to go better the whole way. This is certainly true in construc­tion. So before attaching the wooden sill plates to the foundation, you must be sure that the foundation itself is accu­rate. Problems get worse by the day unless you get started square, plumb, and level.

Begin with a visual on-site check. Get down and sight along the foundation. The concrete wall should sight straight and true, with no dips or waves. Next, use your tape measure and level to check for foundation accuracy (see the sidebar on the facing page).

Walls that are out of parallel can be corrected by adjusting the sill-plate chalklines. Say, for example, that the


Chalklines on top of the concrete foundation indicate the position of the sill plates. (Photo by Roe A. Osborn.)

walls are out of parallel V2 in. and the sill plates are SV2 in. wide. Go to the narrow end of the foundation and measure in from the outside 35/s in. on each corner. Then go to the wide end and measure in 33/s in. at each corner. By making a small, Vs-in. change at each corner, you


gain У2 in. overall, and the walls are now parallel. Pressure-treated shims can be put under the sill plates to bring every­thing up to level.

Once you know the condition of the foundation, take the time to sweep any debris from the concrete walls and to straighten the anchor bolts. Bolts can be
straightened by placing a З-ft. length of Унп. pipe over a tipped bolt and bend­ing it upright. The next step is to snap chalklines on the concrete to mark where the sill plates will be bolted (see the photo on the facing page). Be sure to use straight pressure-treated stock for the sill plates. Set the crooked ones aside to cut up for short walls later.

Flow, Transport and Transformation Processes

Road and traffic pollutants are emitted in gaseous, solid or liquid form.

Materials used for the construction of pavements and embankments contain pol­lutants mainly in the solid state. However, pollutants initially in the solid state can be released into water. Two processes are at work:

• desorption – chemicals are detached from the solids to which they are loosely bound, and

• dissolution – chemicals are dissolved by adjacent water. Together these are known as leaching.

Pollutants will move from the solid phase to the dissolved phase until:

• The water cannot hold more (“solubility limit”); or

• There is no more solid phase to be desorbed or dissolved (“source limit”); or

• There is insufficient contact time for the processes of desorption or dissolution to complete (“availability limit”).

Road construction materials may contain a variety of potentially harmful chemi­cals. The quantity of pollutants leached depends on factors including the surface area exposed to leaching, the material history and the pH, redox potential and other chemical and physical characteristics of the leachate.

A presentation of a conceptual model of water fluxes from the road construction is presented in Fig. 2.1.


A Roof Overhead

The walls for our house are up and we now have something to show for our work. At this stage, we can walk through the structure; admire the view through rough window openings; and imagine how the finished siding, painted drywall, and flooring will look. But first, we need to raise the roof.

Before we reach for a hammer, we need to make some decisions about the roof trusses. We also have to prepare the site for their delivery and do some layout work so that the installation process can go smoothly. Once the trusses are installed, we’ll move on to the fascia boards, sheathing, and shingling.

Roof Trusses

Early in my building career, I was taught how to lay out rafters with a site-made template containing the plumb and bird’s-mouth cuts. You can still cut and frame a roof one rafter at a time (see the illustration on p. 114), but today most roofs are constructed with factory-made trusses. Trusses are designed on a computer, built on an assembly line, and delivered to the job site ready to install. If you’re building a simple gable-roof house like the one shown here, roof trusses can save time and keep the construction process simple—something that everyone will appreciate.

Подпись:SHELTEREach truss includes a pair of rafters and a bottom chord that functions as a ceiling joist inside the house and as level soffit framing outside the house. Short lengths of wood, called webbing, connect the rafters with the bottom chord; barbed steel gusset plates (gussets, for short) are pressed into place over the joints to hold all the parts together. For a basic look at the different truss configura­tions, see the illustrations on p. 115. The basic roof installation process that we’ll use on this house will be very much the same for other houses, regardless of size.

Подпись: Order trusses at least two to three weeks early. It's best not to order them over the phone, though. Fax the plans directly to the manufacturer or take them to the lumberyard or the manufacturer. This is the best way to avoid expensive mistakes. Подпись: RAFTER AND RIDGE-BOARD FRAMING DETAILSSHELTERПодпись: The run of a rafter is half its span. The span is measured from one outside edge of the building to the other. A 4-in-12 roof rises 4 in. vertically for every 12 in. horizontally.Подпись:SHELTER

Porch considerations

On the house we’re building, the main roof extends over a small porch. In this situation, you need to have at least some of the porch framed before installing the roof trusses. Some builders choose to erect temporary posts to support the top beams on which the roof trusses (or rafters) will bear. When the porch is completed later, these temporary posts are replaced with per­manent ones. This strategy allows roof framing to follow wall framing directly, without the interruption of porch construction work. For details on how to build a porch or a deck that’s attached to the house, see Chapter 7.

Ordering roof trusses

After you make a few basic decisions about the trusses for your house, it’s fairly easy to order them. I like the raised-heel design of the trusses we used on this house (see the top illus­tration on the facing page). This type of truss
provides an overhang along the eave walls as well as framing for a level soffit. Because the rafter is elevated above the wall’s top plate, there’s ample room for ceiling insulation and ventilation space above.

However, as shown in the illustration on the facing page, other truss designs are also possible. Depending on your budget and design prefer­ences, you can use a scissor-type truss and have a cathedral ceiling inside the house. Or perhaps you like the rustic appearance of an open soffit and exposed rafter tails along the eaves. A good lumber dealer has different truss designs to show you, and it’s worth taking a look. Once you decide, here are the basic specifications the manufacturer needs to design and construct your trusses:

TYPE OF TRUSS. The major types of trusses for gable roofs are shown in the illustrations on the facing page.


span is measured from one outside edge of the building to the other.

EAVE DETAILS. The amount of overhang at a building’s eaves is usually shown on the plans. The plans should also tell you whether the soffit will

Basic floor plan


Basic floor planBasic floor plan

this plan is on paper, you can start to figure out how to build the project and calculate what materials you will need.

House plans are like road maps. If you want to drive from Oregon to New York, for example, you look at a map. You know you can’t visualize everything you will see along the way, but if you follow the lines and symbols properly, you will arrive at your destination. The same goes for building: Learn to follow the plans step-by-step, and you will com­plete the project.

Scale and dimensions

When reading plans or doing layout on a building, pay attention to the scale of the drawings and how the dimensions are marked. These are critical to making a good estimate of materials and to building the structure.

If house plans were drawn full size, you would need very large paper—and a lot of it. That’s why maps and plans are scaled down (called a scale drawing). To make a scale drawing, designers and
architects assign a smaller dimension to the real-life dimensions. For instance, the most common house-plan scale is Уд in. = 1 ft. (on the plans this would read Уд" = 1’0"). This means that each Уд in. of line on a plan represents 1 ft. of actual house. So if you measure 1 in. on the plans, the real-life dimension would be 4 ft.

Types of plans

A typical set of house plans tells you everything you need to know to build a house, from where to site it on the lot to how the finished house will look.

In addition to site plans and elevations (which provide a horizontal look at the house from all angles), house plans also typically include floor-framing plans, sections, and detail drawings. While all of these plans are useful, the plan that is used most often is the floor plan.

The floor plan (see the drawing on the facing page) gives a bird’s-eye view of a horizontal surface. A lot of information can be crammed onto this plan, includ­ing the size of the rooms; the size and location of doors and windows; the location of electrical, plumbing, heating, and structural elements; the size of lumber needed for headers, posts, and beams; and the size, spacing, and direc­tion of ceiling joists and roof rafters.

Подпись: WALL SECTION Section views give yet another perspec­tive. Slice down through the house or part of the house, just as you would through an apple, remove one half, stand back, and look at the other to get a section view. Section views give carpenters a close look at the differ­ent elements that will be put in the floors, walls, and ceilings (see the draw­ing at right).

Basic floor plan


If many of the balusters are loose, check the rail­ing and the newel post: They may not be firmly attached. Or if the upper end of the railing dead ends into a wall on the floor above, the railing may be anchored with a bracket beneath. Make sure this bracket is tight.

If the newel post is shaky, try shimming underneath its base or screwing the post down

Anatomy of a Hollow Newel Post



Unlike modern newel posts, older ones are often hollow and attach to railings in various ways. One common way is a star nut centered in the end of a railing, which is accessed by removing a plug on the underside. The bottom of the post may be screwed to a stringer or held fast by an adjustable rod-and-plate assembly running down the middle of the post.


This three-piece railing assembly mockup has two skirt (side) pieces that cover the tops of the balusters and a cap. This unusual assembly will create a massive, magisterial look.



The doweled end of this square-cut baluster fits precisely into a hole predrilled into a stair tread.



With skirt pieces glued and clamped to both sides of the rough cap, the finish railing cap is test-fitted.

with predrilled 3-in. Torx screws. If this easy repair doesn’t suffice, see if the internal hardware needs tightening. Quite often newel posts are hol­low, with a long, threaded rod inside, as shown in "Anatomy of a Hollow Newel Post,” on p. 173.

You may be able to tighten the upper end of this rod, concealed by the post cap, by turning a nut against a restraining plate. Because you may have difficulty finding the cap joint under many years of polish and grime, loosen the cap by rapping the side of it with a rubber mallet. The bottom end of the threaded rod often emerges on the underside of the subflooring—if it’s exposed, have a look.

On occasion, newel posts also connect to another plate-and-rod assembly on the inside of the nearest stair carriage. About the only way to get at that assembly (if it exists at all) is to pull up the first tread. Where the railing meets the newel, the railing is held tight by wood joinery or by a double-ended hanger bolt accessible through a plug on the underside of the railing.


Treads crack because they aren’t supported cor­rectly or they weren’t made from good stock. To replace them, you’ll need to pry or cut them out. Prying is preferable but rarely possible, especially if the treads are rabbeted to risers or housed in stringers.

To cut a tread out, first remove the balusters from the step’s open end, saving that end as a template for the new tread. Drill into the middle of the tread and, driving a chisel with the wood grain, split out the old tread. Clean up any old glue or wood fragments. After fabricating the new tread and testing its fit, apply glue to its edges and to the tops of the carriages on which it will sit. To each carriage, screw down the tread with two or three trim-head screws, predrilled to prevent splitting. Reinsert and glue balusters and nosing.

Water, Insects, Rot, and Mold

Whether structural damage is caused by insects or rot fungi, excess water is usually the heart of the problem. Thus, before treating the specific agent causing the deterioration, reduce excess water by maintaining gutters, improving drainage, grading the soil away from the building, eliminating wood-soil contact, improving ventilation, and so on.

The fungi that rot wood reproduce by airborne spores, so they’re virtually every­where. But they can’t establish colonies on wood with a moisture content (MC) less than 28 percent; and they go dormant if the MC drops below 20 percent or the air temperature drops below 40°F. Household molds, also caused by fungi, thrive in a similar moisture and temperature range. So if moisture-meter readings in your basement or crawl space are too high, reducing excess moisture may solve both wood rot and mold problems.

How you reduce moisture, however, is something experts can’t agree on (see Chapter 14 for more on mitigating moisture and mold). Many building codes recom­mend covering dirt floors in crawl spaces or basements with sheet plastic and installing screened vents to circulate air and disperse moisture: 1 sq. ft. of vent per 100 sq. ft. of floor space is the standard formula. Whereas another group of builders argues that it makes more sense—especially in the humid South—to close vents, insulate crawl space or basement walls, seal air leaks, and install a dehumidifier. That, they argue, will stop mold from colonizing and migrating to living spaces. Best bet: See which approach builders in your region favor.

Подпись: StairПодпись:image357Подпись: As shown below, stringers and carriages support steps. Stringers serve as the diagonal support frames on each side. And carriages carry by means of a sawtooth pattern cut into them. Stringers and carriages are often fastened together. Another option is a housed stringer, in which a stringer has routed grooves that receive and support tread and riser ends.image358

Stair Repairs

Stairs are complicated to build, and problems can be tricky to diagnose. For example, it may be possible to repair squeaky stairs with glue and a few screws. But if squeaking is widespread, stairs tilt to one side, and there’s a gap along a stairwell wall, the diagonal supports beneath the staircase may be failing. In that case, you’ll probably need to expose those supports to find out.


If the underside of your staircase is covered and you have only a few squeaks, try fixing them without tearing out finish materials. Many peo­ple mistakenly attempt to fix squeaks by nailing down offending treads with finish nails, but nails alone won’t work. The nails may split the nosing, and they’ll almost certainly pull loose. It’s far bet­ter to predrill and countersink Torx screws

through the tread into a riser or center carriage beneath.

If stairs can be painted or carpeted over, caulk the squeaky joint with subflooring adhesive. This doesn’t bind the pieces together as well as screws do, but the adhesive cushions them, in effect. Keep people off the stairs until the compound has cured. If that doesn’t eliminate squeaking, expose the underside of the staircase to examine its underpinnings.

What you do next depends on the construc­tion of the stairs. If there are blocks glued along the riser-tread joint, it’s likely the glue has failed. First, eliminate tread movement by nailing through the back side of risers into treads: predrill, and use two or three 6d finish nails per tread. Then reglue errant blocks with white glue or, better yet, with construction adhesive.


Broken balusters can usually be doweled, glued, and filled. But if you’re disappointed with the repair, see if your lumberyard can order a replacement in the same pattern. Stair parts have been mass-produced for a century or more, so there are catalogs full of stock balusters. Custom mills can create new balusters to match old ones, but the process is labor intensive and costly.

Thus, if you have many damaged or missing balusters and can’t find stock replacements, con­sider replacing all with another pattern.


The rough cap atop this baluster section of a custom – built staircase will be covered by a three-piece railing assembly. The short fillet strips between the baluster tops can be removed, should balusters need replacing later.

If balusters are intact but shaky, remove and reglue them; simply nailing them won’t do much good. To get at balusters, pry free the return molding at the end of the tread by inserting a putty knife or small chisel into the nosing seam. Once you start prying, you’ll see small finish nails holding the nosing in place; remove these nails. Then gently tap out the bottom of the baluster, which is usually joined to the tread by a dovetail joint or a dowel. The top of the baluster is held in place by fillet strips that fit tightly between balus­ter tops and are toenailed with tiny finish nails to the plow (routed channel) in the underside of the railing. Pry out the fillets first, shown in the photo on the facing page.

To fit the baluster back in place tightly, lightly coat both ends with white glue and replace the tenoned or doweled end first. Replace fillets to evenly space the tops of the balusters. Replace the return molding and wipe off the excess glue. To prevent marring during this operation, cush­ion blows with a rubber mallet or scrap wood.