

RetrofitsПодпись:Подпись: Climate zonesПодпись: 4, 5: R-10 Climate zone


inished basements are a great way to add living space to a house without adding on. You often can add almost as much living space as the main floor offers. Before thinking about flooring choices and paint colors, though, think about the basics. Moisture, insulation, and air infiltration must be tackled before any finish materials are installed. In new construction, these issues are addressed from the outside before the basement is backfilled. Retrofits mean that you have to work from the inside. In either case, it is important to consider the climate before work begins.

Start with Water Management

Because basements are mostly buried in the ground, they are sometimes wet, are usually damp, and are seldom dry. Rarely do old houses have perimeter-drainage systems, in­sulation, or capillary breaks. When convert­ing a basement to living space, the basement must manage moisture better than it did before the insulating and air-sealing, because

a tighter basement is less able 2 3: R-5 to dry out when it becomes wet.

You can use grading to manage bulk groundwater on the outside, but founda­tions also have to disrupt capillarity. Water in the soil can and will wick up to the roof framing if you let it. Capillary breaks such as brush-on damp-proofing, sill sealer, and rigid insulation block this process.

Air-Sealing Saves Energy and Stops Moisture

The connection between concrete founda­tions and wood framing is almost always

RetrofitsInsulation Amount Depends on Location

The International Residential Code (IRC) specifies particular R-values for each climate zone; how you get there is up to you.

Retrofits Retrofits Retrofits
Подпись: Treated 2x4 bottom plate

For very cold climates, you may need to add extra thick rigid insulation or fill the stud cavities. Don’t, however, treat a below-grade wall like a regular wall. Expect bulk-water problems, and choose insulation that can handle it. Never include a plastic vapor barrier when insulating a basement wall, because it will trap moisture.

You can’t count on a footing drain to exist (or work properly) in an old house, so use grading to push away bulk water.


leaky because wood is often warped and concrete is rarely flat. Air leaks waste energy and cause moisture problems. Most base­ment air leaks occur between the top of the concrete wall and the bottom of the sub­floor, where there are many joints and con­
nections. The easiest way to seal and insulate the rim-joist area is with spray foam, but blocks of rigid foam sealed in place can work well, too.

Which Rigid Insulation Should I Use?


Expanded polystyrene

The least-expensive choice,

EPS is manufactured in different densities. EPS (typically white in color) is not as strong as XPS, and it’s susceptible to crumbling at the edges. EPS is the most vapor-permeable type of rigid foam.

R-value: About 4 per in.

Perm rating: 2.0 to 5.8 for 1 in., depending on density

Extruded polystyrene

Because of its high strength and low permeance, XPS (often blue or pink in color) is the most commonly used type of rigid foam for basement walls R-value: About 5.0 per in.

Perm rating: 0.4 to 1.6 for 1 in., depending on density



Polyiso has a higher R-value per inch than EPS or XPS. Many building officials allow foil-faced polyiso to be installed in base­ments without any protective drywall, making polyiso the preferred foam for basements without stud walls.

R-value: Up to 6.5 per in.

Perm rating: 0.03 for 1 in.

(with foil facing)

Mineral wool

Although many energy experts advise against using fibrous materials to insulate basement walls, some builders may want to consider using mineral-wool batts because they are less susceptible to water damage. Manufacturers include Thermafiber® and Roxul®. r-value: 3.7 per in.

Perm rating: Hasn’t been tested, but highly permeable

Подпись: ro


For concrete-slab bridges where expansion is not provided, the slab is normally sup­ported directly on the substructure, concrete on concrete. A “centerline of bearing (singular)” is denoted on plans at each support. (Some states do not identify a centerline of bearing at the end bent of a slab bridge. Instead, they measure the end span to the end of the slab.)

In other types of bridges, individual bearings are used to support the superstructure. The centerline of these devices is denoted as the “centerline of bearings (plural).” AASHTO requires that steel bridges with spans of 50 ft (15 m) or greater have a type of bearing employing a hinge, curved bearing plates, elastomeric pads, or pin arrangements for deflection (rotation) purposes. (This specification does not distin­guish between simple and continuous spans. Presumably, it was written for simple spans, and so it would make sense that a span greater than 50 ft (15 m) be allowed for pier bearings not providing for rotation when spans are continuous.)

Bearings consist of some or all of the following components:

• Masonry plate resting on the substructure bridge seat

• Rotation device

• Sliding device

• Movement-restraining devices, or “keepers”

• Sole plate attached to the superstructure

Bearings may be fixed bearings, providing for rotation only and preventing differential movement between superstructure and substructure, or expansion bearings. Sliding expansion bearings have a finite capacity depending on the length of the contact surface, or may employ keepers to limit the movement. The range of movement accommodated by the bearing should be greater than the calculated movement.

The type of bearing is typically denoted on the elevation view of the general plan and elevation sheet in the project plans, using “E” for expansion and “F” for fixed.

The main types of bearings are

• Sliding plates

• Rockers and bolsters

• Pins

• Rollers

• Elastomeric bearings

• Disk bearings

• Pot bearings

• Seismic isolation bearings

Sliding Bearings. Sliding bearings will generally have a component made from a material that has a lower coefficient of friction than steel, and that is more corrosion-resistant. Bronze has been used in the past, but has not always maintained sliding capability over the life of the structure. When bearings “freeze,” that is, lose their sliding capability, forces much greater than those anticipated in the design can be exerted on the substructure and ends of beams, doing great damage to both. To reduce friction and prolong the life span of bronze bearings, long-lasting lubrication can be forced under great pressure into trepanned rings on the surface of the bronze. These bearings are known by the brand name Lubrite.

Low friction can be achieved by use of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sheets mated with stainless steel. This combination is included in many current bearing types to provide for expansion, while other components are used to accommodate rotation. The TFE can be in solid sheet form or woven fabric. During shipping and storage at the job site, the assembly should be banded to prevent dirt from contaminating the sliding
surface. The configuration of the bearing should be such that the sliding surface will not easily become dirty in service.


Rockers and Bolsters. Another means of allowing the superstructure to move, without sliding, is by use of rockers. Rockers, as the name implies, permit the superstructure to rock, like a person in a rocking chair, on the substructure. Rockers (Fig. 4.12a) consist of a masonry plate that is bolted to the concrete bridge seat; a rocker element, which is a heavy steel fabrication with a large-radius curved bottom surface and a small-radius semicircular convex pintle on top; and a sole plate, which has a mating concave surface. The height of the rocker is made proportional to the anticipated movement. Within the design range of movement, as the superstructure translates, the rocker tips, but the reaction

to the base plate is maintained within the geometric limits of the rocker, so that the rocker does not tip over. To help prevent the rocker from tipping over, the space between the shoulder of the rocker and the bottom of the sole plate is limited, so that the assembly will bind as its capacity is reached.

Compared with sliding plates, rockers use more massive plates and are therefore less susceptible to severe corrosion and freezing. Because their inclination is readily visible, inspectors can easily determine whether they are functioning properly. Assuming that the rockers were properly installed to be vertical at a given average temperature, one can easily see whether they are inclined excessively or in the wrong direction. In cold weather, when the tops of the rockers should be tipped toward the center of the bridge, an opposite inclination indicates either that unexpected move­ment of the superstructure has occurred, or that the substructure has moved. Sliding plates can give similar indications, but they require closer observation.

Generally, when rockers are used for expansion bearings, bolsters are used for fixed bearings. The bolster (Fig. 4.12b) is a large steel fabrication consisting of a base plate, which is bolted to the concrete bridge seat; a pintle, which extends upward from the base plate and has at its top a machined convex semicircular shape that fits into a mating con­cave shape in the sole plate; and reinforcing plates on the sides of the pintle. These side plates are tapered, being wider at the base. This configuration of the mating surfaces allows the beam or girder to rotate, but fixes the superstructure against translation.

Rockers and bolsters, being taller than sliding plates, place the superstructure higher above the substructure. This is desirable for inspection and maintenance, including painting, and in fact is in line with AASHTO requirements that beams, girders, and trusses on masonry be so supported that the bottom flanges or chords will preferably be 6 in minimum above the bridge seat. However, if rockers or bolsters are tall and narrow, they may be aesthetically undesirable for overpass structures, giving the appearance of placing the superstructure on stilts. Because of their susceptibility to seismic loads and other problems, most states have discontinued use of steel bearings of this kind.

Pins. The pin bearing is used where a fixed condition is desired but rotation needs to be accommodated. As illustrated in Fig. 4.13, it consists simply of a masonry plate, a bottom plate welded to the masonry plate and machined to receive a pin, the pin, and a sole plate that is machined to bear on the pin. The pin is fabricated with shoulders to restrain it laterally within the plates. Clearance is provided between the ends of the plates and the inside faces of the shoulders to allow for lateral expansion of the bridge. For wide bridges, a greater clearance should be provided. A smooth finish is machined onto the pin and the mating surfaces. To prevent corrosion, all parts should be galvanized or metal­lized. Use of pin bearings, like rockers and bolsters, has widely been discontinued.


Rollers. For long-span bridges with large reactions, rollers have been used, sometimes in combination with a geared rocker mechanism that is used to transmit the superstructure reaction to the rollers. Several rollers are usually installed in a roller nest, which is a box having (1) a bottom plate, on which the rollers bear, (2) end plates, and (3) substantial side bars by which the relative position of the rollers is maintained. Grease is placed in the box, and a skirt is added to shield the rollers from water and dirt. Unfortunately, the measures taken to prevent corrosion have often not been successful, and the rollers end up being piles of rusted steel, with all expansion capability lost.

Elastomeric Bearings. The elastomeric bearing, in which superstructure translation can be accommodated by shear, is often the most economical type for both steel and concrete bridges. As shown in Fig. 4.14, this bearing consists of an elastomer such as natural or synthetic rubber (polychloroprene, or neoprene), with or without internal reinforcement, which may be steel plates or glass fiber fabric laminates. A steel-reinforced elastomeric bearing is cast as a unit in a mold and is bonded and vulcanized under heat and pressure; fabric-reinforced elastomeric bearings, popular in California, may be vulcanized in sheets and cut to size. Elastomeric bearings may have external steel load plates bonded to the upper or lower elastomer layer, or both. Natural rubber has better low-temperature properties than neoprene but is not as resistant to surface decay.

Подпись: Superstructure

In addition to accommodating horizontal movement by deforming in shear, elastomeric bearings can accommodate superstructure rotation. AASHTO design specifications provide methods for properly designing elastomeric bearings, taking into account both translation and rotation requirements. Another desirable attribute of elastomeric bearings is that they can tolerate movements or rotations in directions other than longitudinal. This is not true of sliding plates, rockers and bolsters, and pin bearings. For structures with large skew or curvature, where it is known either qualitatively or quantitatively that such out – of-plane rotations exist, this is a desirable quality. Elastomeric bearings can be fixed bearings (shear prevented), in which case the allowable average compressive stress may be increased 10 percent over that permitted for bearings allowed to deform in shear. Shear is prevented by placing anchor bolts through holes in the bearing, the holes being only slightly larger than the anchor bolts. Steel reinforcement of elastomeric bearings is protected against corrosion by being contained in the elastomer. A minimum cover of 1/8 in is maintained at the edges of the bearing, except at laminate-restraining devices and around holes that are entirely closed in the finished structure.

Under load, elastomeric bearings will undergo a compressive deflection that is determined by the shape factor (loaded plan area divided by the perimeter area free to bulge) and the hardness of the elastomer. Where the dead load compressive strain is significant, allowance should be made for it when establishing bridge seat elevations. The compressibility of elastomeric bearings should also be considered in the design of expansion joints. Joints with overlapping steel elements should be avoided.

A significant shear force can be induced in an elastomeric bearing by movement of the superstructure. This force should be calculated and used in design of the substructure, taking into account also the flexibility of the substructure. For large-movement bearings, a tall and uneconomical elastomeric bearing would be required if the movement were taken entirely by shear. As an alternative, a sliding surface can be combined with an elas­tomeric bearing so that the bearing initially deforms in shear until the shear force exceeds the frictional resistance of the sliding surface, at which point the bearing slides.

Disk Bearings. Disk bearings are used where rotations occur in different planes. They consist of a polyether urethane disk confined by upper and lower steel bearing plates. Fixed-disk bearings provide for rotations in all directions but do not provide for longitudinal or transverse movements.

To permit expansion, a polytetrafluoroethylene to stainless steel sliding surface is pro­vided above the upper bearing plate. Expansion disk bearings may be guided or nonguided. In a guided bearing, a guide bar or keyway system is used to restrict trans­verse movement, with the sliding surfaces being PTFE and stainless steel. Nonguided bearings allow rotation and longitudinal and transverse movement.

Pot Bearings. Pot bearings, like disk bearings, are used in curved or sharply skewed bridges or other complex structures where rotations occur in different planes. In a pot bearing, the rotational motion is accommodated by compression of elastomeric materi­al in a shallow steel base cylinder, or pot. The load is transmitted to the elastomer through a circular plate or piston, which is part of the upper load plate and which is just slightly smaller in diameter than the inner circumference of the pot. The surface of the elastomeric rotational element is lubricated or has PTFE attached to it to facili­tate rotation. Brass sealing rings are used between the steel piston and the elastomeric rotational element to prevent the elastomeric material from being squeezed out. This type of bearing is illustrated in Fig. 4.15. The elements of pot bearings that provide for


guided or nonguided expansion are like those described for disk bearings. As can be concluded from the discussion of disk and pot bearings, these devices require expen­sive machining and demand high-quality materials. They are therefore expensive and will not likely be used where other, less costly bearings can serve adequately.

Seismic Isolation Bearings. Sometimes referred to as base isolation bearings, they generally perform two principal functions, namely, motion isolation and restoring, to achieve seismic isolation by shifting the period of the structure or cutting-off the load transmission path to the structure. Lead-core rubber bearings are developed based on the energy-dissipating properties of lead coupled with high-damping properties of elastomer to dampen the seismic forces. In friction pendulum systems, a concave sur­face allows pendulum motion of the slider or a cylindrical roller of the bearing to lengthen the natural period of the structure to reduce the lateral forces acting on the substructure. Eradiquake™ bearings are another type of friction isolation bearings in which the restoring mechanism consists of cylindrical rubber or MER (mass energy regulator) springs. Springs are positioned in orthogonal directions within the walls of the bearing box and the PTFE/stainless bearing in the center, to help dissipating the energy generated during a seismic event.

Portable Sawmills

Jim, my next-door neighbor, recently built a major addition to his house, using the kinds of timber-framing methods described in this book. He hired a local fellow with a portable bandsaw mill to come up and cut all of the timbers from logs that Jim had hauled out of his own woods. The timbers were cut straight and were of good regular dimensions.

Some of these portable mill operators charge by the hour, some by the board foot, some will do it either way. With heavy timbers, you are probably better off paying by the hour. This is what Jim did, and what he advises. He paid $35 an hour and all the heavy timbers and boards for his addition were cut in about six hours; his addition is fourteen by twenty-four feet, two stories. A lot of the wood was ash, a genuine hardwood, but this did not present a problem for the sawyer. Jim and a friend helped by rolling the logs onto the machine. He reckons that all of the timbers and lumber for a house could be done in a couple of days for about $500, once the logs have been dragged out of the woods and gathered together where the sawmill is set up.

With lots of small boards and two-by-eights, paying by the board foot might work out just as well or better. Look sawyers up in the Yellow Pages under “Sawmills.” Call and ask their rates (by the hour and by the board foot), and whether or not there is a travel or set-up charge.

If you are blessed with having straight timbers of sufficient size on your property, hiring a portable sawmill is one of the most economical ways to obtain quality timbers. These portable bandsaws, such as Wood-Mizer and others, can make high quality timbers providing, of course, that the operator is experienced.


Adequate drainage of the deck is important for safe operation during rainstorms, to prevent accumulation of rainwater or snowmelt that could freeze and cause skidding, and to prolong the life of the deck by removing standing water, which would otherwise contribute the water element necessary for corrosion. Transverse drainage of the deck should be provided by cross-slope whereas zero gradients and sag curves on bridges should be avoided.

Design of the drainage system is frequently one of the last items listed in the scope of ser­vices for a bridge design project. This implies a secondary importance, but that is certainly not the case. On the contrary, the South Carolina DOT requires that scuppers of adequate size and spacing for high-intensity rainfall be shown in the preliminary bridge plan view. The DOT reviewers check the scupper design as part of the preliminary design review. This is the stage when deck drains should be designed. At this stage changes as major as span lay­out revision can be made with relative ease to ensure adequate drainage, including provision for longitudinal conductors with acceptable slopes, and downspouts, if necessary.

Scupper Size and Shape. Bridge scuppers are unlike roadway drains, which can have large grates through which the storm water flows and drops into a large sump and then is conducted away by transverse or longitudinal drain pipes. Bridge scupper outlet pipes generally must be small circular, square, or rectangular pipes, and so any enlarge­ment of the scupper surface opening must be limited to prevent debris from being trapped, clogging the scupper and making it ineffective. A minimum surface opening larger than the diameter of a beverage can is desirable and should be maintained to the outlet end. Some states require the use of bicycle-safe grates on bridges where bicycle traffic is allowed. Bicycle-safe grates have smaller individual openings that would pre­vent catching of the tire but should provide the same overall opening area required by the drainage design. An open 4-in – (100-mm) or 6-in-diameter (150-mm) pipe meets this requirement and is economical compared with scuppers having large fabricated boxes with crossbars, so that more of them can be provided at the same cost. Where the dis­charge can be corrosive, such as where deicing salts are used, the pipe should extend below the bottom of an adjacent beam to prevent the discharge from being blown onto the beam. This is especially important on weathering steel bridges, and is also important on painted steel and concrete bridges. In areas that do not experience freezing, a formed opening in the deck may be acceptable, or the pipe need not extend below the beam. In this case one can expect a stain to develop on the beam onto which the discharge is blown. Some states prohibit drainage directly onto unpaved embankments or natural ground where erosion could undermine structural elements, or onto any traveled way, either vehicular or pedestrian.

Deck Drainage Criteria. Deck drainage design is based on preventing storm water from spreading in the gutter more than an acceptable amount during a rainfall of a given intensity. For example, the maximum permissible spread may be the width of the shoulder, or the spread may be permitted to extend across half of the outside lane of a multilane directional roadway. One source of such drainage design criteria is the U. S. Department of Transportation document “Drainage of Highway Pavements,” Hydraulic Engineering Circular 12 (HEC 12).

Scupper Design Procedure. After the size of the scupper opening is established, the spacing may be determined. It’s a common practice to locate the scuppers just ahead of the bridge joints to collect most of the runoff water therefore reducing the possibility of rainwater leaking through damaged bridge joints and causing deterioration in super­structure and substructure. In bridges with longer spans, rather than try to directly determine the spacing, it may be easier to select a trial spacing and then check the ade­quacy of that spacing by using a hydraulic analysis method acceptable to the client. The use of computer programs greatly expedites this task.

Collection of Runoff. In areas such as reservoirs and sensitive wetlands, it may be necessary to provide a collector system and temporarily detain the first half inch or inch of rainfall from each storm. It is assumed that the initial rainwater that falls at the beginning of a rainstorm will contain most of the roadway pollutants that can be carried away with the runoff. The objective is to prevent these pollutants, especially petro­chemicals (crankcase drippings, fuel spills, etc.), from polluting the area under the bridge. The collected storm water is treated and then discharged. In some cases this protection is extended to the roadway as well.

Vacuum, pressure, and the first hydrodynamic devices

The writings of our 3rd century BC authors have unfortunately been lost for the most part. We know them primarily through citations and references contained in the writings of the subsequent period, in particular those of the Roman Vitruvius (about 25 BC) and of Heron of Alexandria (around 60 BC). It is thought that Straton of Lampasaque con­ducted the first studies of a vacuum and may be at the origin of the concept reported by Heron that “an absolute vacuum does not exist, but one can artificially produce vacuum in opposition to nature.” Straton was the private tutor of the future Ptolemy II Philadelph in about 290 BC, and, after 286 BC, he was the successor of Theophraste as the head of the Academy of Athens. One of the experiments reported by Heron, but very likely inspired by Straton, consisted in blowing air into a hermetically sealed metallic sphere through a small tube: “This shows clearly that the compression of bodies contained in the sphere enables them to reside in the dispersed pockets of the vacuum.” Inversely, one can suck out the air contained in the sphere through the same tube, “a considerable quantity can be withdrawn, without any substance taking its place inside the sphere.”[172] [173] Vitruvius credits Ctesibios of Alexandria with the invention of the “fire pump” (Figure 5.5). This would appear to be the first hydrodynamic device in which the flow of water is not driven by gravity, but by the action of an artificially induced pressure. Philon of Byzantium appears to have pursued this interest in flow devices “under pres­sure” through his interest in connected vases and siphons, and perhaps also under the influence of the work of Archimedes that we will now discuss.

The influence of Alexandria in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC Mathematicians and inventors[165]

Is it to increase their prestige that the first Ptolemites set themselves up as protectors of the sciences, techniques and arts? Ptolemy I created the Library of Alexandria – more of a personal collection than a true institution. The Library is then completed by the Museum, either by Ptolemy I himself, or by his successor Ptolemy II Philadelph, who reigned from 285 to 246 BC. The Library is dedicated to the acquisition[166] and conserva­tion of books, whereas the Museum was what one would call today a research institute. The director of the Library and the members of the Museum are supported by the Ptolemites and in general, the financing of the two institutions is entirely assured by the state. It is believed that the Museum and the royal Library – the latter thought to have contained 500,000 rolls of papyrus[167] – were housed in the same building, in the interior of the royal palace grounds. A library annex, open to the public, was set up outside the palace grounds in a temple called the Serapeum.

Scholars from the entire Hellenistic world flocked to Alexandria, either to live there, or to study or make extended stays. This is why one can confidently use the term school

of Alexandria to describe the vast intellectual movement associated with it.

First there was mathematics. The foundations had been laid by the Greeks during the classical period, and the easterners, Babylonians and Egyptians, were equally known for their mastery of geometry. In about 300 BC Euclid set forth the foundations of our modern geometry, and through his students the mathematical school of Alexandria becomes a reference for Antiquity. Geometry underpins and enables many lines of thought and activity; we will see this later in the context of Archimedes of Syracuse. Geometry enabled Eratosthene of Cyrene, director of the Library during the era of Ptolemy III Evergete (who reigned from 246 to 221 BC), to determine the circumference of the earth with remarkable precision.[168] Eratosthene deduced this circumference from measurement of the height of the sun at noon at Alexandria when the sun is at its zenith at Syene (Aswan) – a city which is near the Tropic of Cancer – taking into account the measured distance between Alexandria and Aswan.

The new element here, compared to Greek science, is that the applied sciences are for the honor of Alexandria, even if their function is often only to “please our senses in charming our eyes and ears.”[169] Ctesibios of Alexandria (around 270 BC) and Philon of Byzantium (around 200 BC) invented “marvelous machines” – water clocks, pumps, automata, diverse mechanical devices. The invention of the hydraulic organ is credited to Ctesibios. The invention of the hydraulic screw (called cochlea (snail) by greco – roman historians, with reference to the snail’s spiral shell) as a mechanism for lifting water, is attributed by ancient authors to Archimedes at the time of his sojourn at Alexandria. During the Hellenistic period it is these Archimedes screws (Figure 5.3) which make it possible to create the famous hanging gardens of Babylon.[170] Other lift­ing devices, always muscle-powered,[171] appear during this period: the waterwheel and the bucket chain, or saqqya (Figure 5.4). Strabo, at the beginning of the roman occupation, notes the use of the lifting waterwheel in Egypt, a device that will be widespread in Asia during the roman period.

The influence of Alexandria in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC Mathematicians and inventors[165]

Figure 5.3 The Archimedes Screw (Poillon, 1885 – ancient archives ENPC)

In Antiquity, the Archimedes screw was used on a relatively small slope, and it was operated by foot, rather than with a crank handle.


Figure 5.4 The Bucket Chain, to be called saqqya by the Arabs (Poillon, 1885 – ancient archives ENPC).


The influence of Alexandria in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC Mathematicians and inventors[165]


Repainting of bridges over highways or railroads may necessitate use of protective covers, or require traffic lanes to be diverted or work interrupted during passage of trains, while existing paint is removed and new paint applied. These factors all favor use of a bridge material or protection system that does not require maintenance reapplication of a coating. (See Art. 4.13.)

Removal of Existing Paint. Complete removal of the existing paint on a bridge that is to be recoated with a paint system that requires it can be extremely expensive, particularly if the existing paint contains lead. Lead-based paints were used extensively in the past because they provided good protection. Because of the health issue involved, portions of bridges where lead-based paints are being removed are often required to be completely enclosed, and the paint particles contained and properly disposed of, often at great cost. Severe monetary penalties can be imposed if violations occur. (See Art. 1.4.)

Repainting. Maintenance paint should be applied with the same care as paint on new bridges, but it must be applied in a more difficult environment. Painting must be done under acceptable atmospheric and environmental conditions, particularly in regard to temperature, humidity, wind, and absence of dirt. Overspray onto vehicles and other objects must be prevented. Some painting contractors are consciously careless about this, preferring to take their chances and let their insurance company pay claims, rather than taking necessary precautions. This results in bad public relations between travelers and the owner.

Because of the cost associated with complete removal of existing paint, paint systems that do not require complete removal, but only removal of loose paint and minimal preparation of sound paint and exposed steel, are much desired. Some such systems are on the market. While longevity can be projected by accelerated testing, only real­time exposure will truly prove their worth.

Inspection. Thorough inspection during repainting contracts is essential to satisfactory performance. Painting contractors often work during off-hours, and so the owner’s inspectors should be prepared to work those same hours. Inspectors should follow closely behind the painters. On high bridges, the use of inspection devices such as high lifts, Reach-Alls, Snoopers, or cherry pickers, which permit inspectors to reach areas otherwise not readily accessible, will keep the painters on their toes just through awareness of their availability to the inspector.



TO PLUMB WALLS, you can use a wall-high level that costs hundreds of dollars or you can make a plumb stick from any 2-ft. level and a straight 2×4 stud. Even a

battered, inaccu­rate level can be used. Select the straightest stud you can find and nail a 16-in. 1×2 strip onto each end, letting the strips overhang the stud ends by about 3 in. Use some duct tape to attach a 2-ft. level to the opposite edge of the 2×4 (near the center) and your plumb stick is nearly ready to use (see the photo above).

It’s important to check your plumb stick for accu­racy. To do so, hold it veilical and flat against a wall. Keep the bottom end fixed in place as you move the top end back and forth until the bubble is exactly cen­tered in the vial. Make pencil marks on the top and bottom of the wall along the lx extensions. Now turn the plumb stick side for side—not end for end—so that :he level is flat against the wall on the other side of ;he lines you marked. Carefully line up the extensions with the marks on the plates. If the bubble returns to the exact center of the vial, the plumb stick is accu­rate. (By the way, you can check the accuracy of any level with this method.)

If the bubble is not centered in the tube, the level needs to be adjusted. Stick a wooden shim, a “’olded piece of paper, or an 8d nail under one end of the level (between the level and the 2×4), and then check the plumb stick again. Keep adjusting the shim thickness until the bubble is centered both ways.

Tool Talk MAKING A PLUMB STICKPLUMB THE WALLS. While one person holds the level, another person can nudge the wall to get it plumb, then nail off a diagonal brace to keep it that way.

EXERT EXTRA PRESSURE WITH A PUSH STICK. When a wall needs extra coaxing to get it plumb, wedge a 1×4 or 1×6 push stick against the top of a stud. Your foot can anchor the bottom end of the stick. Flexing the stick upward pushes the wall outward.

the facing page). If you need more force, use a push stick, as shown in the bottom right photo on the facing page. Cut a push slick from a 1×4 or 1×6, making it about 116 in. long. Use the natural flex in the push stick to exert force on the wall. Position the top of the stick under the top plate and against a stud. Diagonally extend the stick down to the floor, as parallel as possible to the wall. Bend the stick down, holding the bottom end against the floor with one foot. Now pull the middle of the stick up. As the board straightens, the wall moves.

Tool Talk MAKING A PLUMB STICKПодпись:Подпись: SOME WALLS NEED TO BE PUSHED OUT. Walls that need to be moved out slightly can simply be pushed with a stud brace nailed to a wall stud. Nail the brace to the subfloor when the top plate is straight.Подпись: stud at about header height. Pushing on the brace, move the top plate out until it’s straight, then secure the bottom of the brace to the floor with two 16d nails. If you are framing on a slab, first nail a 4-Іl. 2x flat on the bottom plate at a right angle to the wall, then nail a brace to the wall and to the flat 2x. Moving a wall in is a little trickier, dry this: Nail a long I x or 2x under the top plate and against the subfloor. Then place a short 2x under the center of this diagonal brace After the wall is plumb, finish nailing in the metal braces or use temporary 2x stud braces nailed at an angle to hold the wall plumb until it is sheathed. When the exterior walls are plumb, proceed to the interior walls. You can’t straighten a wall until the walls that butt into it have been plumbed.

Chemical Processes

The road construction is a multi-component system which is not isolated but open to physical, chemical and biological interaction with its surroundings. Reactions taking place in the road construction thus influence and are influenced by adjacent systems. For instance, the washing of the road surface by run-off brings organic and inorganic compounds (from sources mentioned in Section 6.2) to road shoulder materials and to neighbouring soils with which they may interact when water infiltrates. Seepage from the road surface into the road structure will also lead to chemical reactions with materials in the various road layers and the underlying soil.

Chemical reactions occurring in the road construction and adjacent soil systems commonly involve the solid and the liquid phases, but the gas phase can also play a role. The most significant chemical processes are sorption/desorption, dissolu – tion/precipitation and ion exchange reactions.

Any transformation occurring during the chemical reaction induces a decrease in the total energy of the system. Under constant conditions, systems tend to evolve more or less quickly (depending on the chemical kinetics) towards a lower energy level. Chemical processes will occur as long as an equilibrium state is not reached or as long as the system is modified. Modifications can be induced by inputs and outputs of material or energy.

In natural waters, metals occur in various forms, so-called species. The speciation (the distribution of the various forms of a metal in a solution) depends on a wide range of factors. One of the most important factors is the presence of compounds capable of forming complexes. Other important factors are the acidity and the re­dox potential. The speciation greatly influences the solubility and mobility of heavy metals in soils.

In water, metals mainly occur either in ionic form or are associated with particu­late matter. For practical reasons, filtering with a mesh size of 0.45 ^m is often used to define a limit between ions and particulates.

Organic chemicals may also be present in natural waters, sometimes from nat­ural sources, for example animal carcasses and excreta, decaying vegetation, etc., but often from the consequences of human actions – deliberate or accidental. The concentration of organic solids in the porous media greatly affects the partitioning of organic compounds between the aqueous and the solid phase as dissolved organic substances are, usually, preferentially sorbed to (or released from) organic solids.

The brief introduction given in this sub-section can only provide a few brief pointers to the complex description that would be required to fully explain the inter­action between chemicals carried in groundwater and each other and their interac­tion with the solid structure through which they travel. It is sufficient, here, to make readers aware of the complexity of these and to be aware that both inorganic and organic chemicals, too, can undergo a wide range of reactions and transformations that can result in unexpected outcomes, both good and bad from an environmental point of view.

Rough Carpentry

Sill Plates

Sill plates or mudsills are decay – and insect – resistant wood members used in frame con­struction wherever wood comes into contact with concrete or soil. For many centuries be­fore toxic petrochemicals came to be used, builders had devised natural means for avoid­ing rot and insect infestation. They commonly charred the portions of wood that were to be placed in the ground or else used naturally re­sistant woods. From about 1974 to 2003, the standard building practice was to use lumber pressure treated with chromated copper ar­senate (CCA) or ammoniacal copper arsenate (АСА). CCA and АСА contain arsenic salts and chromium compounds that can leach out onsite and be absorbed through the skin or in­gested by mouth. They are extremely toxic to


both humans and the environment. The use of these chemicals for sill plates is now banned but they still will be found in most existing frame homes. CCA imparts a green tinge to the wood. You have probably seen this toxic wood used in childrens playground equipment.

It is important that no recycled sill plates containing CCA or АСА find their way into new construction, and you may wish to add the following to your specifications:. [7]

* ACQ Preserve: Wood treatment con­taining alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ)

* Nature Wood: A waterborne wood preservative containing ACQ

* TimberSIL: A nontoxic, arsenic-free wood treatment process that uses sodium silicate technology (SST)

• The heartwood of untreated farmed cedar or redwood is acceptable for use as sill plates where approved by local code officials.

* Where the sill plate is at least 18 inches above grade, a metal termite shield may be used instead of a treated sill plate if acceptable to local code officials.


Wall Framing

Where wood 2x wall framing is used, follow the guidelines for wood selection and storage in this Division.