Dampproofing for Foundation Walls

The use of asphaltic and bituminous tar mix­tures for dampproofing is standard practice. These petrochemical-based materials are known carcinogens. There are several other readily available products made for this pur­pose that are more healthful choices. The fol­
lowing products may be specified for damp­proofing foundation walls or other walls adjacent to soil:

Cementitious Dampproofing

• Thoroseal Foundation Coating: A ce­mentitious dampproofing for concrete and concrete masonry unit (CMU) surfaces.

• Xypex: A nontoxic (according to man­ufacturer), zero-VOC chemical treat­ment for dampproofing and protection of poured concrete, it creates a nonsoluable crystalline structure that permanently

Method for Testing the Increase in Mortar Viscosity

Some references to a method consisting of the testing of mortar viscosity and com­paring it with the pure binder viscosity may be found in the literature. By and large, such a comparison would be a stiffening factor. However, as it has been pointed out in Anderson’s work (Anderson, 1987), not only do the filler properties affect that factor but the properties of the binder used for testing do as well. Certainly the reli­ability of that method is controversial.

8.3.2 Other Factors and Filler Tests German Filler Test

An interesting and simple method of testing fillers is that discussed in the study by Kandhal et al. (1998). Called the German Filler Test,[55] it consists of determining the amount of filler required to absorb 15 g of hydraulic oil and is carried out as follows:

1. Put 15 g of hydraulic oil into a small melting pot, add 45 g of filler, and mix them together.

2. Shape the mixture into a ball.

3. If shaping the ball is successful (i. e., it does not break down) put it into the pot again and add another 5 g of the filler.

4. Having mixed both components, shape the ball one more time and inspect its cohesion.

5. Repeat with another 5 g filler batch until the ball breaks down (lost cohesion).

It is then assumed that the 15 g of hydraulic oil have been completely absorbed by the filler air voids. The test also indicates there is a lack of free oil (similar to free binder) in the mixture that might bond the mortar together. In that case, the result shows the quantity of filler (in grams) required to achieve that condition. The results of this test show a very good correlation to results from the modified Rigden test (Kandhal et al., 1998).

Inlet Location and Type

One of the major objectives in the design of the roadway drainage system is to limit the encroachment of the flow to that developed in the roadway drainage guidelines. However, this spread cannot be determined until the inlet is located. After the inlet is located, the drainage area contributing to the flow into that inlet is determined. Discharge based on the rational method is then calculated, and finally the spread is deter­mined based on that discharge and the gutter characteristics. If the spread is found to be too great (leading to possible unsafe conditions) or too small (possibly indicating an inefficient design), the inlet should be relocated and the process repeated. As can be seen, this design is an iterative process. The process is also controlled by surface features that restrict possible location of inlets, such as streets, driveways, and utilities.

There are also areas where inlets are nearly always required. These include sag points, points of superelevation reversal, street intersections, and at bridges. Where an inlet is required in the vicinity of a driveway, it should always be located upstream of the driveway. If it is located downstream, the driveway may affect the flow and cause a significant portion to bypass the inlet.

Finally, the type and size of the inlet have a direct affect on location and spacing. Similarly, designing for greater spread and allowing some bypass of the upstream inlets to occur with the residual being intercepted by those farther downstream (carry­over flow) will result in fewer inlets.

The basic types of inlets are the curb-opening inlet and the grate inlet, as shown in Fig. 5.7. Two other types frequently used are the slotted drain inlet and the combina­tion inlet (grate plus curb opening) shown in Fig. 5.8.

Curb-opening inlets, which have the drainage opening in the face of the curb, are very durable and are comparatively free from blockage by debris. This type generally relies heavily on the bordering depression to be effective at intercepting the water flow and is relatively inefficient when located in an on-grade situation. It is probably the most efficient inlet type at sag points because of its tendency to remain free of clogging by debris and its large, hydraulically efficient opening. In addition, this type of inlet opening offers little interference to vehicular traffic, pedestrians, or bicyclists. For curb-opening inlets on continuous grades, a window length that permits approxi­mately 15 percent bypass is considered optimum.

The length of the opening required for total interception of the gutter flow can be determined by the following equation:

Inlet Location and Type

FIGURE 5.7 Perspective views of grate inlet and curb-opening inlet. (From Urban Drainage Design Manual, HEC 22, FHWA, with permission)

Inlet Location and Type

FIGURE 5.8 Perspective views of combination and slotted drain inlets. (From Urban Drainage Design Manual, HEC 22, FHWA, with permission)

L = KQ0A2S03(nSX)-06 (5.20)

where Lt = length of curb opening for total interception of flow, ft (m)

Q = discharge, ft3/s (m3/s)

S = longitudinal slope of gutter n = Manning’s roughness coefficient SX = transverse slope of gutter K = 0.6 for U. S. Customary units (0.817 for SI units)

Where there is a depression, the equivalent transverse slope Se must be determined and used for SX (See Urban Drainage Design Manual, HEC 22, FHWA, for a complete dis­cussion of this and flow at sag points.)

Grate inlets come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are efficient where debris is not a problem. However, most inlets are subject to varying amounts of debris, and the selection of grate inlets, especially those located at sag points, must take this possibility into account.

For greatest hydraulic efficiency, grate inlets should be oriented with grate bars parallel to the surface flow. However, grate bars oriented parallel with traffic can cause problems where bicycles are present, and specifically designed “bicycle-proof’ grates with additional transverse bars should be used. Other factors influencing the hydraulic capacity of this type of inlet include the longitudinal and cross-slope of the gutter, the width and length of the gutter, and the size and shape of the bars. The grate inlet will intercept all of the flow that passes over the top of the grate as long as the grate is long enough. In addition, a por­tion of the side flow, or the flow that is located above the grate toward the roadway center­line, will be intercepted. The amount of the intercepted side flow depends upon the velocity of the flow, the length of the inlet, and the cross-slope of the gutter.

Combination grates—generally, curb-opening and grate inlets—are desirable at sag points. The curb opening will generally keep the inlet from clogging. At grade loca­tions, however, the efficiency of the combination inlet approaches that of the grate inlet.

Slotted drains can provide continuous interception of the flow when used on grades. However, because of the possibility of clogging, they should be used only in combination with other types of inlets at sag points. Slotted drains are also useful to supplement the existing drainage system where the roadway needs to be widened.

Inlets at grade sags deserve additional deliberation, since any blockage of the inlet will typically lead to flooding. Typical design considerations are to provide additional inlets or base the design on a relatively high assumption of debris blockage.

Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables

When nonnormal random variables are involved, it is advisable to transform them into equivalent normal variables. Rackwitz (1976) and Rackwitz and Fiessler (1978) proposed an approach that transforms a nonnormal distribu­tion into an equivalent normal distribution so that the probability content is preserved. That is, the value of the CDF of the transformed equivalent nor­mal distribution is the same as that of the original nonnormal distribution at the design point x*. Later, Ditlvesen (1981) provided the theoretical proof of the convergence property of the normal transformation in the reliability algo­rithms searching for the design point. Table 4.3 presents the normal equivalent for some nonnormal distributions commonly used in reliability analysis.

By the Rackwitz (1976) approach, the normal transform at the design point x* satisfies the following condition:

Fk (xk-) = ф(Xk – ‘k-N ) = Ф(гІ) for k = 1,2,…, K (4.59)

V ak*N J

in which Fk (xk-) is the marginal CDF of the stochastic basic variable Xk having values at xk-, ‘k-N and ok-N are the mean and standard deviationas of the normal equivalent for the kth stochastic basic variable at Xk = xk-, and zk – = Ф-1[Fk(xk-)] is the standard normal quantile. Equation (4.59) indicates that the marginal probability content in both the original and normal transformed spaces must be preserved. From Eq. (4.59), the following equation is obtained:

‘k-N = xk – – Zk-Ok-N (4.60)

Note that ‘k-N and ok-N are functions of the expansion point x-. To obtain the standard deviation in the equivalent normal space, one can take the derivative on both sides of Eq. (4.59) with respect to xk, resulting in

Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variablesfk(xk-) = – Xф (xLz»2L

Ok-N Ok-N

Подпись: Ok-N Подпись: Ф (Zk-) f k (xk-) Подпись: (4.61)

in which fk ( ) and ф ( ) are the marginal PDFs of the stochastic basic variable Xk and the standard normal variable Zk, respectively. From this equation, the normal equivalent standard deviation ok-N can be computed as

Therefore, according to Eqs. (4.60) and (4.61), the mean and standard deviation of the normal equivalent of the stochastic basic variable Xk can be calculated.

It should be noted that the normal transformation uses only the marginal distributions of the stochastic basic variables without regarding their correla­tions. Therefore, it is, in theory, suitable for problems involving independent

of X


Equivalent standard normal variable
ZN = Ф-1[Рх (x„)]


PDF, fx(xt)




ln(xt) Mln x

Oln x


Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables





xt Oln x


Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables



Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables

– -2- + P(xt – xo)


Ф (Zt)

fx ( xt)

Ф (Zt)

fx ( xt)




x – $ ( x – $

– exp


Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables

Type 1




Ф 1 < exp


– exp –




—oo < x < oo


Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables
Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables







Ф (Zt)

fx ( xt)










1 / xt – a b — a


(b – a)ф(Zt)




NOTE: In all cases, mn = xt – ZtON. SOURCE: After Yen et al. (1986).


Подпись: 181

nonnormal random variables. When stochastic basic variables are nonnormal but correlated, additional considerations must be given in the normal transfor­mation (see Sec. 4.5.7).

To incorporate the normal transformation for nonnormal uncorrelated stochastic basic variables, the Hasofer-Lind AFOSM algorithm for problems having uncorrelated nonnormal stochastic variables involves the following steps:

Step 1: Select an initial trial solution x(r).

Step 2: Compute the mean and standard deviation of the normal equivalent

using Eqs. (4.60) and (4.61) for those nonnormal stochastic basic variables.

For normal stochastic basic variables, pkN,(r) = дk and akN,(r) = ak.

Step 3: Compute W(x(r>) and the corresponding sensitivity coefficient vector

sx,(r) •

Step 4: Revise solution point x(r+i> according to Eq. (4.52) with the mean

and standard deviations of nonnormal stochastic basic variables replaced by

Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables Подпись: "MN ,(r )У sx,(r) W (x (r)) Sx,(r) D N ,(r) Sx,(r) Подпись: (4.62)

their normal equivalents, that is,

Step 5: Check if x(r) and x(r+1) are sufficiently close. If yes, compute the reli­ability index ^AFOSM according to Eq. (4.47) and the corresponding reliability ps = Ф)^^); then, go to step 5. Otherwise, update the solution point by letting x(r) = x(r+1) and return to step 2.

Step 6: Compute the sensitivity of the reliability index and reliability with respect to changes in stochastic basic variables according to Eqs. (4.48), (4.49), and (4.50) with Dx replaced by DxN at the design point x*.

As for the Ang-Tang AFOSM algorithm, the iterative algorithms described previously can be modified as follows (also see Fig. 4.10):

Step 1: Select an initial point x(r) in the parameter space.

Step 2: Compute the mean and standard deviation of the normal equivalent using Eqs. (4.60) and (4.61) for those nonnormal stochastic basic variables. For normal stochastic basic variables, pkN,(r) = Pk and akN,(r) = &k.

Step 3: At the selected point x(r), compute the mean and variance of the performance function W(x(r>) according to Eqs. (4.56) and (4.44), respect­ively.

Step 4: Compute the corresponding reliability index в(г) according to Eq. (4.8).

Step 5: Compute the values of the normal equivalent directional derivative akN,(r), for all k = 1,2, •••, K, according to Eq. (4.46), in that the standard

deviations of nonnormal stochastic basic variables ak’s are replaced by the corresponding OkN,(r)’s.

Step 6: Using во) and akN,(r) obtained from steps 3 and 5, revise the location of expansion point xо+1) according to

Подпись: (4.63)Xk,(r + 1) = PkN,(r) – akN,(r)во)akN,(r) k = 1, 2, … , K

Step 7: Check if the revised expansion point x(r+p differs significantly from the previous trial expansion point x(r). If yes, use the revised expansion point as the new trial point by letting xо) = xо+p, and go to step 2 for an­other iteration. Otherwise, the iteration is considered complete, and the latest reliability index во) is used to compute the reliability ps = Ф(во)).

Step 8: Compute the sensitivity of the reliability index and reliability with respect to changes in stochastic basic variables according to Eqs. (4.47), (4.48), and (4.49) with D x replaced by DxN at the design point x*.

Example 4.10 (Independent, nonnormal) Refer to the data in Example 4.9 for the

storm sewer reliability analysis problem. Assume that all three stochastic basic vari­ables are independent random variables having different distributions. Manning’s roughness n has a normal distribution; pipe diameter D, lognormal; and pipe slope S, Gumbel distribution. Compute the reliability that the sewer can convey an inflow discharge of 35 ft3/s by the Hasofer-Lind algorithm.

Solution The initial solution is taken to be the means of the three stochastic basic vari­ables, namely, xq) = p, x = (pn, xd, xs) = (0.015, 3.0, 0.005)г. Since the stochastic basic variables are not all normally distributed, the Rackwitz normal transformation is applied. For Manning’s roughness, no transformation is required because it is a normal stochastic basic variable. Therefore, fin, N,(1) = Xn = 0.015 and an, n,(i) = an = 0.00075.

For pipe diameter, which is a lognormal random variable, the variance and the mean of log-transformed pipe diameter can be computed, according to Eqs. (2.67a) and (2.67b), as

Подпись: .2 'ln D

Treatment of nonnormal stochastic variables

= ln( 1 + 0.022) = 0.0003999

The standard normal variate zd corresponding to D = 3.0 ft. is

zd = [ln( 3) — xln D iMn D = 0.009999

Then, according to Eqs. (4.60) and (4.61), the standard deviation and the mean of normal equivalent at D = 3.0 ft. are, respectively,

Xd, N,(1) = 2.999 ад, n,(1) = 0.05999

For pipe slope, the two parameters in the Gumbel distribution, according to Eqs. (2.86a) and (2.86b), can be computed as

в = ,°S = 0.0001949


§ = дS — 0.577в = 0.004888

The value of reduced variate Y = (S — §)/в at S = 0.005 is Y = 0.577, and the corresponding value of CDF by Eq. (2.85a) is Fev1(Y = 0.577) = 0.5703. According to Eq. (4.59), the standard normal quantile corresponding to the CDF of 0.5703 is Z = 0.1772. Based on the available information, the values of PDFs for the standard normal and Gumbel variables, at S = 0.005, can be computed as ф(Z = 0.1722) = 0.3927 and /"ev/Y = 0.577) = 1643. Then, by Eqs. (4.61) and (4.60), the nor­mal equivalent standard deviation and the mean for the pipe slope, at S = 0.005, are

Hs n (1) = 0.004958 &s n (1) = 0.000239

At x(1) = (0.015, 3.0, 0.005/, the normal equivalent mean vector for the three stochas­tic basic variables is

VN ,(1) = (Дп, N ДЬ VD, N ДЬ д-S, N,(1)/ = (°.°15, 2.999, °.°04958)< and the covariance matrix is


an, N






D N,(1) =




aD, N 0



aS, N.







0.0002392 _

At x(1), the sensitivity vector sx,(1) is

sX;(1) = (9W/дn, dW/дD, dW/дS) = (—2734, 36.50, 4101/

and the value of the performance function W(n, D, S) = 6.010, is not equal to zero. This implies that the solution point x(1) does not lie on the limit-state surface. Apply­ing Eq. (4.62) using normal equivalent means vn and variances Dxn and the new solution x(2) can be obtained as x(2) = (0.01590, 2.923, 0.004821/. Then one checks the difference between the two consecutive solutions as

9 = | x(1) — x(2)| = [(0.0159 — 0.015)2 + (2.923 — 3.0)2 + (0.004821 — 0.005)2]a5 = 0.07729

which is considered large, and therefore, the iteration continues. The following table lists the solution point x(r), its corresponding sensitivity vector sx,(r), and the vector of directional derivatives aN,(r) in each iteration. The iteration stops when the dif­ference between the two consecutive solutions is less than 0.001 and the value of the performance function is less than 0.001.








x (r +1)


= 1


0.1500 x


0.1500 x 10—01

0.7500 x 10—03

—0.2734 x 10+04

—0.6497 x 10+00


x 10—01


0.3000 x


0.2999 x 10+01

0.5999 x 10—01

0.3650 x 10+02

0.6938 x 10+00


x 10+01









0.4958 x 10—02

0.2390 x 10—03

0.4101 x 10+04

0.3106 x 10+00


x 10—02


= 0.7857 x 10—01

W = 0.6010 x 10+01

в = 0.0000 x 10+00


= 2


0.1590 x


0.1500 x 10—01

0.7500 x 10—03




x 10—01


0.2923 x


0.2998 x 10+01

0.5845 x 10—01

0.3237 x 10+02

0.7255 x 10+00


x 10+01


0.4821 x


0.4944 x 10—02

0.1778 x 10—03

0.3675 x 10+04

0.2505 x 10+00


x 10—02


= 0.1113 x 10—01

W = 0.4371 x 10+00

в = 0.1894 x 10+01


= 3


0.1598 x


0.1500 x 10—01

0.7500 x 10—03

—0.2190 x 10+04

—0.6369 x 10+00


x 10—01




0.5823 x 10—01

0.3210 x 10+02

0.7247 x 10+00


x 10+01


0.4853 x


0.4950 x 10—02

0.1880 x 10—03

0.3607 x 10+04



x 10—02


= 0.1942 x 10—04

W = 0.2147 x 10—02

в = 0.2049 x 10+01


= 4


0.1598 x


0.1500 x 10—01

0.7500 x 10—03

—0.2190 x 10+04

—0.6373 x 10+01


x 10—01


0.2912 x


0.2998 x 10+01

0.5823 x 10—01

0.3210 x 10+02

0.7249 x 10+00


x 10+01


0.4849 x


0.4949 x 10—02

0.1867 x 10—03

0.3609 x 10+04

0.2614 x 10+00


x 10—02


= 0.2553 x 10—04

W = 0.3894 x 10—05

в = 0.2050 x 10+01

After four iterations, the solution converges to the design point x* = (n*, D*, S*)г = (0.01598, 2.912, 0.004849)г. At the design point x*, the mean and standard deviation of the performance function W can be estimated by Eqs. (4.42) and (4.43), respectively, as

Hw* = 5.285 and aw* = 2.578

The reliability index then can be computed as в* = iw l°w* = 2.050, and the corre­sponding reliability and failure probability can be computed, respectively, as

ps = Ф(в*) = 0.9798 pf = 1 — ps = 0.02019

Finally, at the design point x*, the sensitive of the reliability index and reliability with respect to each of the three stochastic basic variables can be computed by Eqs. (4.49) and (4.50). The results are shown in columns (4) to (7) in the following table:





aN,* (3)

дв/д z (4)

д ps |д z (5)

дв/д x (6)

дps/д x (7)

хдв/вдx (8)

xд psl psд x (9)

























— 68.32



The sensitivity analysis yields a similar indication about the relative importance of the stochastic basic variables, as in Example 4.9.

Curbs, Gutters, and Inlets

The roadway surface water can be removed by a series of drains that carry the water into a collection and disposal system. The curb, gutter, and inlet design must keep flooding within the parameters established in roadway drainage guidelines. The hydraulic efficiency of inlets is related to the roadway grade, the cross-grade, the inlet geometry, and the design of the curb and gutters.

Curbs are divided into two classes: barrier and mountable. Barrier curbs are steep­faced and generally 6 to 8 in (150 to 200 mm) high. Mountable curbs are generally 6 in (150 mm) high or less with relatively flat sloping faces to allow vehicles to cross them when required. Neither barrier curbs nor mountable curbs should be used on high­speed roadways. (See Chap. 6, Safety Systems.)

Gutters begin at the bottom of the curb and extend toward the roadway a varying distance, usually 1 to 6 ft (300 to 1800 mm). They may or may not be constructed with the same material as the roadway.

The longitudinal grade of the gutter is controlled by the highway grade line. For drainage purposes, it is important to maintain some minimum longitudinal slope to
ensure that runoff does not accumulate in ponds. Gutter cross-slopes of 5 to 8 percent should be maintained for a distance of 2 to 3 ft (600 to 900 mm) for that portion of the gutter adjacent to the curb.

Подпись: Q Подпись: K_ n Подпись: 1.67S 0.5T 2.67 Подпись: (5.19)

The following modification of Manning’s equation may be used to determine the spread of the gutter flow as well as the maximum depth at the curb face. This applies to a section with a single cross-slope. (For additional information, nomographs, and flow solutions for gutters with composite cross-slopes, see Urban Drainage Design Manual, HEC 22, FHWA.)

where Q = rate of discharge, ft3/s

K = 0.56 for U. S. Customary units (0.376 for SI units) n = Manning’s coefficient of roughness SX = cross-slope S = longitudinal slope

T = spread or top width of flow in gutter = d/Sx, ft d = depth of flow at face of curb, ft

Example: Gutter Flow Spread and Depth. A concrete gutter for a roadway with a grade of 0.05 and a cross-slope of 0.04 must accommodate a flow of 1.4 ft3/s. Determine the spread of the flow and its depth at the curb face. Assume n = 0.15. Substitute in Eq. (5.19) and solve for the spread T as follows:

1.4 = ( KK )(0.04)1 67(0.05)05T267

T267 = 36.23

T = 3.84 ft (1.17 m)

It follows that the depth at the curb is d = TSX = 3.84 X 0.04 = 0.15 ft (46 mm).

Openings in Brick Walls

If you want to add a door or window to a brick wall, hire a structural engineer to see if that’s feasible. If so, hire an experienced mason to create the opening; this is not a job for a novice. If the house was built in the 1960s or later, the wall will likely be of brick veneer, which can be relatively fragile because the metal ties attaching a brick veneer to wood – or metal-stud walls tend to rust out, especially in humid or coastal areas. In extreme cases, steel studs will rust, and wood studs will rot. Thus, when opening veneer walls, masons often get more of a challenge than they bargained for.

Brick homes built before the 1960s are usually two wythes thick (with a cavity in between), are very heavy, and have very likely settled. Undisturbed, such walls may be sound; but openings cut into them must be shored up during construction, adequately supported with steel lintels, and meticulously detailed and flashed. Moreover, openings that are too wide or too close to corners may not be feasible, so a structural engineer needs to make the call.

To close off an opening in a brick wall, remove the window or door and its casings, and then pry out and remove the frame. Prepare the opening by toothing it out—that is, by remov­ing half bricks along the sides of the opening and filling in courses with whole bricks to dis­guise the old opening. The closer you can match the color of the existing bricks and mortar, the better you’ll hide the new section. As you lay up bricks, set two 6-in. corrugated metal ties in the mortar every fourth or fifth course, and nail the ties to the wood-frame wall behind. Leave the steel lintel above the opening in place.

Build up. The rest is basic bricklaying technique. String a bed of mortar as wide as the edge of a firebrick across the back of the firebox and press the bricks firmly into it, working from one side to the other. Bricks should be damp but not wet. Butter the ends of each brick to create head joints, and when you’ve laid the first course, check for level. Use the handle of your trowel or mason’s hammer to tap down bricks that are high. Typically, you’ll need to cut brick pieces on each side of the back wall, to "tooth into” the staggered brick joints on the sidewalls, but that step can wait till the back wall is complete. As you lay up each course of firebrick, lay up the rubble brick courses, which needn’t be perfect, nor do you need to point their joints.

Unless yours is a tall, shallow Rumford fire­place, firebricks in the back wall should start tilt­ing forward by the third or fourth course. To do that, apply the mortar bed thicker at the back. Build up the firebox and rubble-brick walls till you reach the throat opening. Then fill in any space between the firebox and rubble-brick walls with mortar, creating a smoke shelf. The smoke shelf can be flat or slightly cupped.

Once the back wall is up, fit piece bricks where the back wall meets sidewalls. Clean and repoint the mortar joints as needed. With a mar­gin trowel serving as your mortar palette, use a tuck-pointing trowel to "cut” a small sliver of mortar and pack it into the brick joints. Allow the mortar to dry a month before building a fire. Make the first few fires small.


After cutting back deteriorated mortar joints, pack them with fresh mortar. Fill a margin trowel with refractory mortar, as shown. Then use a thin tuck­pointing trowel to scrape mortar from it into the joint. Refractory cement is so sticky that it will cling to the margin trowel’s blade even if held vertically.

image409image410image411Dressing Up a Concrete Wall

If you’re bored with the drab band of foundation concrete around the bottom of your house, dress it up with a glued-on brick or stone facade. A number of adhesive materials will work well.

In the project shown here, the mason used SGM Marble Set™, intended for marble or heavy tiles, but epoxies would work too. Whatever adhesive you choose, check the manufacturer’s instructions for its suitability for exterior use in your area, especially if you have freezing winters. Use exterior-grade bricks, too.

How traditional or freeform you make the facade depends on your building’s style and your sense of fun. The clinker brick, tile, and stone facade shown completed on p. 182 nicely complemented the eclectic style of the Craftsman house. It would probably also look good on the foundation of a rambling brown shingle, a Gothic revival house, or a more whimsical sort of Victorian.

Not relying on mortar joints to support the courses gives you a cer­tain freedom in design, but it’s still important that you pack joints with mortar and compress them with a striking tool so they shed water— especially if winter temperatures in your region drop below freezing.

Todays masonry adhesives are so strong that they can adhere heavy materials—such as brick, stone, and tile—directly to concrete. Freed from needing to support much of anything, mortar joints can be as expressive as you like.

Подпись: Butter the backs of masonry elements with adhesive, in this case, a mortar designed to adhere marble and heavy tile to concrete.Use short sticks to space bricks, stones, and tiles. Thi prevents what little slippage may occur before the adhesive sets and creates a joint wide enough to pac mortar into. Compress and shape the mortar to mak it adhere and keep the weather out.

Algorithms of AFOSM for independent normal parameters

Подпись: W '(z (r)) a |Vz' W'(Z (r ))| (r>

Подпись: Z (r +1) ( a(r ) z (r )) a(r )
Подпись: for r = 1,2,... (4.51)

Hasofer-Lind algorithm. In the case that X are independent normal stochastic basic variables, standardization of X according to Eq. (4.30) reduces them to independent standard normal random variables Z’ with mean 0 and covariance matrix I, with I being a K x K identity matrix. Referring to Fig. 4.8, based on the geometric characteristics at the design point on the failure surface, Hasofer and Lind (1974) proposed the following recursive equation for determining the design point z (.

Подпись:Подпись: for r = 1,2, 3,... (4.52)

Подпись: Vx ) S(r) — W (x (r)) s(r)D xs (r)
Подпись: x (r + 1) — + D xs(r)

in which subscripts (r) and (r + 1) represent the iteration numbers, and —a denotes the unit gradient vector on the failure surface pointing to the failure region. Referring to Fig. 4.9, the first terms of Eq. (4.51), — (—al(r z(r))a(r), is a projection vector of the old solution vector z (r) onto the vector —a (r) emanating from the origin. The quantity W'(z(r))/|VW'(z(r))| is the step size to move from W'(z(r)) to W'(z’) = 0 along the direction defined by the vector —a(r). The second term is a correction that further adjusts the revised solution closer to the limit-state surface. It would be more convenient to rewrite the preceding recursive equation in the original лт-space as

Based on Eq. (4.52), the Hasofer-Lind AFOSM reliability analysis algorithm for problems involving uncorrelated, normal stochastic variables the can be outlined as follows:

Step 1: Select an initial trial solution x(r).

Step 2: Compute W(x(r>) and the corresponding sensitivity coefficient vector

s (r).

Step 3: Revise solution point x(r+1), according to Eq. (4.52).

Step 4: Check if x(r) and x(r+1) are sufficiently close. If yes, compute the reli­ability index eAFOSM according to Eq. (4.47) and the corresponding reliability

Algorithms of AFOSM for independent normal parameters

Algorithms of AFOSM for independent normal parameters

Figure 4.9 Geometric interpretation of Hasofer-Lind algorithm in standard­ized space.


ps = ФС^їге^; then, go to step 5. Otherwise, update the solution point by letting x(r) = x(r+1> and return to step 2.

Step 5: Compute the sensitivity of the reliability index and reliability with respect to changes in stochastic basic variables according to Eqs. (4.48), (4.49), and (4.50).

It is possible that a given performance function might have several design points. In the case that there are J such design points, the reliability can be calculated as

Ps = №(^afosm)]J (4.53)

Ang-Tang algorithm. The core of the updating procedure of Ang and Tang (1984) relies on the fact that according to Eq. (4.47), the following relationship should be satisfied:


У> (pk – Xk> – ak>P*vk) = 0 (4.54)


Since the variables X are random and uncorrelated, Eq. (4.35) defines the fail­ure point within the first-order context. Hence Eq. (4.47) can be decomposed into

Подпись: (4.55)Xk = Pk – ak>в*°k for k = 1, 2,…, K

Ang and Tang (1984) present the following iterative procedure to locate the de­sign point x+ and the corresponding reliability index ^AFOSM under the condition that stochastic basic variables are independent normal random variables. The Ang-Tang AFOSM reliability algorithm for problems involving uncorrelated normal stochastic variables has the following steps (Fig. 4.10):

Step 1: Select an initial point x(r) in the parameter space. For practicality, the point iix where the means of stochastic basic variables are located is a viable starting point.

Algorithms of AFOSM for independent normal parameters

Figure 4.10 Flowchart of the Ang-Tang AFOSM reliability analysis involving uncorre­lated variables.

Step 2: At the selected point x (r), compute the mean of the performance func­tion W (X) by

MW = w(x(r)) + s r)(^x – x(r)) (4.56)

and the variance according to Eq. (4.44).

Step 3: Compute the corresponding reliability index ) according to Eq. (4.34).

Step 4: Compute the values of directional derivative ak for all k = 1, 2,, K according to Eq. (4.46).

Step 5: Revise the location of expansion point x(r+p according to Eq. (4.56) using ak and в(г) obtained from steps 3 and 4.

Step 6: Check if the revised expansion point x(r +p differs significantly from the previous trial expansion point x (r). If yes, use the revised expansion point as the new trial point by letting x(r) = x(r+p, and go to step 2 for an additional iteration. Otherwise, the iteration procedure is considered complete, and the latest reliability index is eAFOSM and is to be used in Eq. (4.10) to compute the reliability ps.

Step 7: Compute the sensitivity of the reliability index and reliability with respect to changes in stochastic basic variables according to Eqs. (4.48), (4.49), and (4.50).

Referring to Eq. (4.8), the reliability is a monotonically increasing function of the reliability index в, which, in turn, is a function of the unknown failure point. The task to determine the critical failure point x+ that minimizes the reliability is equivalent to minimizing the value of the reliability index в. Low and Tang (1997), based on Eqs. (4.31a) and (4.31b) developed an optimization procedure in Excel by solving

Mm в = ^J(x – fxxУC-1(x – fxx) 57)

subject to W(x) = 0

Owing to the nature of nonlinear optimization, both AFOSM-HL and AFOSM – AT algorithms do not necessarily converge to the true design point associated with the minimum reliability index. Madsen et al. (1986) suggested that dif­ferent initial trial points be used and that the smallest reliability index be cho­sen to compute the reliability. To improve the convergence of the Hasofer-Lind algorithm, Liu and Der Kiureghian (1991) proposed a modified objective func­tion for Eq. (4.31a) using a nonnegative merit function.

Example 4.9 (Uncorrelated, normal) Refer to Example 4.5 for a storm sewer relia­bility analysis problem with the following data:



Coefficient of variation

n (ft1/6)



D (ft)



S (ft/ft)



Assume that all three stochastic basic variables are independent normal random variables. Compute the reliability that the sewer can convey an inflow discharge of 35 ft3/s using the AFOSM-HL algorithm.

Solution The initial solution is taken to be the means of the three stochastic basic variables, namely, x(1) = fix = (^n, xd, xs)t = (0.015, 3.0, 0.005^. The covariance matrix for the three stochastic basic variables is






D x =














For this example, the performance function Qc — Ql is

W(n, D, S) = Qc — Ql = 0.463n—1D8/3S1/2 — 35

Note that because the W(^n, гD, XS) = 6.010 > 0, the mean point fix is located in the safe region. At x(1) = fix, the value of the performance function W(n, D, S) = 6.010, which is not equal to zero. This implies that the solution point x(1), does not lie on the limit-state surface. By Eq. (4.52), the new solution x(2) can be obtained as x(2) = (0.01592,2.921,0.004847). Then one checks the difference between the two consecutive solution points as

5 = |x (1) — x (2)| = [(0.01592 — 0.015)2 + (2.921 — 3.0)2 + (0.004847 — 0.005)2]05 = 0.07857

which is considered large, and therefore, the iteration continues. The following table lists the solution point x(r), its corresponding sensitivity vector s(r), and the vector of directional derivatives a (r) in each iteration. The iteration stops when the differ­ence between the two consecutive solutions is less than 0.001 and the value of the performance function is less than 0.001.



x (r )

s (r )



r = 1


0.1500 x 10—01

—0.2734 x 10+04

—0.6468 x 10+00

0.1592 x 10—01


0.3000 x 10—01

0.3650 x 10+02

0.6907 x 10+00

0.2921 x 10+01


0.5000 x 10—02

0.4101 x 10+04

0.3234 x 10+00

0.4847 x 10—02

5 = 0.7857 x 10—01

W = 0.6010 x 10+01

в =

0.0000 x 10+00

r = 2


0.1592 x 10—01

—0.2226 x 10+04

—0.6138 x 10+00

0.1595 x 10—01


0.2921 x 10+01

0.3239 x 10+02

0.7144 x 10+00

0.2912 x 10+01


0.4847 x 10—02

0.3656 x 10+04

0.3360 x 10+00

0.4827 x 10—02

5 = 0.9584 x 10—02

W = 0.4421 x 10+00

в =

0.1896 x 10+01




x (r )

s (r )



r = 3


0.1595 x 10—01

—0.2195 x 10+04

—0.6118 x 10+00

0.1594 x 10—01


0.2912 x 10—01

0.3209 x 10+02

0.7157 x 10+00

0.2912 x 10+01


0.4827 x 10—02

0.3625 x 10+04

0.3369 x 10+00

0.4827 x 10—02

S = 0.1919 x 10—03

W = 0.2151 x 10—02


= 0.2056 x 10+01

r = 4


0.1594 x 10—01

—0.2195 x 10+04

—0.6119 x 10+00

0.1594 x 10—01


0.2912 x 10+01

0.3210 x 10+02

0.7157 x 10+00

0.2912 x 10+01


0.4827 x 10—02

0.3626 x 10+04

0.3369 x 10+00

0.4827 x 10—02

S = 0.3721 x 10—05

W = 0.2544 x 10—06


= 0.2057 x 10+01

After four iterations, the solution converges to the design point x* = (n*, D*, S*)г = (0.01594, 2.912, 0.004827)г. At the design point x*, the mean and standard deviation ofthe performance function W canbe estimated, by Eqs. (4.42) and (4.43), respectively, as

pw* = 5.536 and aw* = 2.691

The reliability index then can be computed as в* = IW/&w* = 2.057, and the corre­sponding reliability and failure probability can be computed, respectively, as

ps = Ф(в*) = 0.9802 pf = 1 — ps = 0.01983

Finally, at the design point x*, the sensitivity of the reliability index and reliabil­ity with respect to each of the three stochastic basic variables can be computed by Eqs. (4.49) and (4.50). The results are shown in columns (4) to (7) ofthe following table:







9в/9 X (4)

9ps/9 X (5)

9в/9 x (6)

9 ps/9 x (7)

хдв/в’д X (8)

хдps/ps 9x (9)



— 0.6119



















— 0.3369

— 0.01619





From the preceding table, the quantities 9в/9х’к and 9ps/9x’k show the sensitivity of the reliability index and reliability for one standard deviation change in the k-th stochastic basic variable, whereas 9в/9Xk and 9ps/9Xk correspond to one unit change of the k-th stochastic basic variables in the original space. As can be seen, the sensitivity of в and ps associated with Manning’s roughness coefficient is positive, whereas those for pipe size and slope are negative. This indicates that an increase in Manning’s roughness coefficient would result in an increase in в and ps, whereas an increase in slope and/or pipe size would decrease в and ps. The indication is confusing from a physical viewpoint because an increase in Manning’s roughness coefficient would decrease the flow-carrying capacity of the sewer, whereas, on the other hand, an increase in pipe diameter and/or pipe slope would increase the sewer’s conveyance capacity. The problem is that the sensitivity coefficients for в and ps are taken relative to the design point on the failure surface; i. e., a larger Manning’s would be farther from the system’s mean condition, thus resulting in a larger value of в. However, larger values ofpipe diameter or slope would be closer to the system’s mean condition, thus resulting in a smaller value of в. Thus the sign of the sensitivity coefficients is deceiving, but their magnitude is useful, as described in the following paragraphs.

Furthermore, one can judge the relative importance of each stochastic basic vari­able based on the absolute values of the sensitivity coefficients. It is generally difficult to draw a meaningful conclusion based on the relative magnitude of дв/дx and дps/dx because units of different stochastic basic variables are not the same. Therefore, sensi­tivity measures not affected by the dimension of the stochastic basic variables, such as дв/дx’ and дps/дx’, generally are more useful. With regard to a one standard deviation change, for example, pipe diameter is significantly more important than pipe slope.

Algorithms of AFOSM for independent normal parameters

An alternative sensitivity measure, called the relative sensitivity or the partial elasticity (Breitung, 1993), is defined as


Roadway drainage includes the entire system from pavement drainage through storm drains. Drainage features that make up the system include curbs, gutters, drop inlets, median drains, overside drains, roadside ditches, and storm drains. The basic design procedure for roadway drainage includes hydrology, surface water removal, and dis­posal. A properly designed system must adequately accommodate the design runoff by removing it from the roadway surface and conveying it to the outfall, avoiding damage to adjacent property and roadway hazards from overflowing and ponding.

3.4.1 General Considerations

Pavement may be drained in one of two ways. The runoff may be allowed to sheet – flow across the roadway surface and into roadside ditches. This may not always be possible or cost-effective, because of right-of-way constrictions. Alternatively, a curb and gutter section is used to channel the flow.


Подпись: t C-J ■— h ■- ■* -_ 4


FIGURE 5.6 Illustration of design water spread. (From Highway Drainage Guidelines, Vol. IX, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D. C., 1999, with permission)

An appropriate design storm must be selected so that the drainage facilities may be properly designed. This design storm must relate to an acceptable level of flooding of the roadway with regard to both area and frequency. The acceptable level of flooding is termed the design water spread (Fig. 5.6) and is defined by the acceptable amount of encroachment on the roadway surface that is assumed to have a certain probability of occurrence. It may not be economically feasible to completely prevent encroach­ment on the roadway. Alternatively, it is unwise to allow spread that results in unsafe driving conditions. Greater water spread produces hydroplaning, greater splash and spray effect, and an accompanying decrease in visibility and vehicle control by the users of the facility. The amount and frequency of encroachment should vary with the type of roadway being designed, because roads with higher volumes and speeds can tolerate less loss of visibility than local and collector roads.

AASHTO has developed general guidelines on highway drainage that may be used to formulate roadway surface drainage criteria. Table 5.7 shows the suggested AASHTO procedure for relating the road classification, the frequency of the design storm, and

TABLE 5.7 Minimum Design Frequency

Design spread

Road classification

Design frequency, years




Partial driving lane

(К, 12, З4)




1. High-volume divided highway

a. <45 mi/h (70 km/h)



b. >45 mi/h (70 km/h)



c. Sag point



2. High-volume bidirectional

a. <45 mi/h (70 km/h)



b. >45 mi/h (70 km/h)



c. Sag point



3. Collector

a. <45 mi/h (70 km/h)



b. >45 mi/h (70 km/h)



c. Sag point



4. Local streets

a. Low ADT*



b. High ADT



c. Sag point



*Average daily traffic.

Source: From Highway Drainage Guidelines, Vol. IX, American Association of State

Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D. C., 1999, with permission.



Design water spread

Highway type/category/feature

4% 10% (25 yr) (10 yr)

or parking lane






Through traffic lanes, branch connections, and other major ramp connections

x —


Minor ramps

— x


Frontage roads Conventional highways



High-volume, multilane, speeds over 45 mi/h (70 km/h)



High-volume, multilane, speeds 45 mi/h (70 km/h) and under



Low-volume, rural, speeds over 45 mi/h (70 km/h)



Urban, speeds 45 mi/h (70 km/h) and under All state highways



Depressed sections that require pumping: Use a 2% (50-year) design storm for freeways and conventional state highways. Design water spread at depressed sections should not exceed that of adjacent roadway sections. A 4% (25-year) design storm may be used on local streets or road undercrossings that require pumping.

Source: From Highway Design Manual, California Department of Transportation, with permission.

the design spread. However, more specific local or regional guidelines are usually developed and should be referenced for highway drainage design. An example of a regional guideline developed by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is shown in Table 5.8. It is apparent that a more severe storm (25-year versus 10-year mean recurrence interval) is used for roadways with higher volumes and speeds, as well as a more limited design water spread.

Symbolic Meaning

Vernacular architects have at their disposal not only what they have assimil­ated from books, travel and the work of their ancestors but a lot of hard-wired knowledge as well. Human beings have an innate understanding of certain forms. We are born liking some shapes more than others, and our favorites turn up frequently in the art of young children and in every culture. Among these is the icon representing our collective idea of home. Everyone will un­doubtedly recognize the depiction of a structure with a pitched roof, a chim­ney accompanied by a curlicue of smoke and a door flanked by mullioned windows. Children draw this as repeatedly and as spontaneously as they do faces and animals. It represents our shared idea of home, and, not supris – ingly, it includes some of the most essential parts of an effective house. With little exception, a pitched roof to deflect the elements, with a well-marked entrance leading into a warm interior, with a view to the world outside are ex­actly what are necessary to a freestanding home. For a vernacular designer, any deviation from this ideal is dictated by the particular needs posed by local climate.

The symbolic meaning of common architectural shapes is as universal as the use of the shapes themselves. Just as surely as we look for meaning in our everyday world, the most common things in our world do become meaning­ful. That the symbolism behind these objects is virtually the same from culture to culture may say something about the nature of our less corporal desires. It seems necessary that we see ourselves as part of an undivided universe. Through science, religion, and art, we strive to make this connection. On an intuitive level, home reminds us that the self and its environment are inextri­cable. Archetypes like the pierced gable are not contrived, but rather turn up naturally wherever necessity is allowed to dictate form and its content.

Mac Callum House in Mendocino, CA

It just so happens that the most practical shapes are also the most symbolic­ally loaded. Those forms best-suited to our physical needs have come to hold special meaning for us. The standard gabled roof not only represents our most primal idea of shelter, but also embodies the most universal of all abstract concepts, that of All-as-One. This theme has been the foundation for virtually every religion and government in history, and there may very well be an illustration of it in your purse or wallet at this very moment.

The image of the pyramid on the back of the U. S. dollar represents the four sides of the universe (All) culminating at their apex as the eye of God (One). The phrase "E Pluribus Unum” (from many, one) appears elsewhere on the bill along with no less than three other references to the archetype.

The common gable with a window at its center is vernacular architecture’s one-eyed pyramid. The duality of its two sides converging at their singular peak represents divinity, and is again underscored by a single central win­dow. All of this rests on four walls, which are universally symbolic of the cosmos.

Tumbleweed Tiny House Company’s Epu with the wheels removed.

Form and Number

The meaning of numbers and shapes is as universal as the use of the shapes themselves. Those that turn up in nature most often, like circles, squares, 1,1.6, 2, 3, 4, 12 and 28 tend to be the most sym­bolically loaded.

One is a single point without dimension, typically represented by the circle created when a line is drawn around the point with a compass. One symbolizes the divine through its singularity.

Two adds dimension through the addition of a second point. It is commonly depicted by the Vesica Piscis shape that occurs when two circles overlap. It represents duality and creativity.

Three brings balance back to two. It is represented by the triangle and symbol­izes variations on the Trinity.

Four, as embodied by the square, typi­cally represents the world we live in, with its four cardinal directions.


On small houses, trusses are generally engi­neered to obtain their support from exterior walls without needing further support from interior walls. Still, it’s not uncommon for trusses to cross over and bear on interior walls. In most regions, these trusses can usually be nailed directly to the interior wall with two 16d toenails on one side and one on the opposite side. This is not the case, however, if you live in a part of the country where the weather may be freezing one day and boiling the next. In areas with extreme temperature fluctuations, trusses must be able to expand and contract freely. Otherwise, drywall ceilings nailed to these trusses tend to crack. Check with your building department for the code requirements in your town or city. In addition, ask area builders what the local practice is.

STEP 4 SECURE THE TRUSSES TO THE INTERIOR WALLSInstalling permanent brac­ing inside. Shown in the photo on the facing page, a diagonal brace from the top of a truss down to a wall plate helps hold the trusses plumb. Install a 1×6 or 2×4 catwalk on top of the trusses’ bottom, or joist, chord. The brace should be nailed into every joist chord and into the end-wall top plates (photo below). Nail­ing 2x bracing across the webbing provides the roof structure with additional rigidity (photo above). [Photo on the facing page by Don Charles Blom, courtesy Fine Homebuilding magazine © The Taunton Press, Inc.]

Подпись: Be aware of overhead issues. If you're working on the ground while people are working overhead, stay alert while you are in the “drop” zone. Even though workers know not to drop things from above, it's easy to drop tools and materials accidentally.

To secure a truss to a wall while still allow­ing it to adapt to fluctuations in temperature and humidity, use a truss clip, as shown in the illustration on the facing page. These clips, which are nailed both to the wall plates and to the truss, feature a slot that allows the truss to move up and down as it expands and contracts— just make sure the nail is slightly loose in the joist chord.