Egypt under the Lagide rulers: maritime commerce

In Chapter 3, devoted to Egypt of the pharaohs, we mentioned several projects that rep­resented completion or termination of efforts that the Ptolemites had begun earlier. In their development of commerce with distant partners in Arabia, and even as far as India according to Strabo, the Ptolemites needed to develop the infrastructure to access the Red Sea and to launch a fleet for this purpose. Necho’s canal, linking the pelusiac branch of the Nile with the Gulf of Suez, passing through Lake Timsah and the Bitter Lakes, is maintained or brought back into service. As we have seen in Chapter 3, a device (a single gate?) making it possible to accommodate water-level changes in the Gulf of Suez is installed. A new city, Arisone,[181] named for the sister-spouse of Ptolemy II Philadelph, is founded at the outlet of the canal. A new port on the Red Sea is con­structed at about the latitude of Aswan, 320 km southeast of the ancient Egyptian port of Gawasis;[182] this port, called Berenice after the name of the mother of Ptolemy II, is con­nected by a trail to the region of Edfou.

Culverts and Storm Drains

The open-end conduits used to convey water from one side of the roadway through the embankment to the other side are typically referred to as culverts. A network or system of conduits to carry storm water intercepted by inlets is referred to as a storm drain system. Conduits for culverts and storm drains are available in many different shapes, sizes, and materials, as discussed subsequently. Available shapes include circular, elliptical (horizontal or vertical), pipe-arch, arch, and box shapes. Factors that affect the shape at a particular site include the fill height, construction costs, and potential for clogging by debris. Where the cover over the conduit is limited, pipe-arch, arch, elliptical (horizontal), or box shapes may be more applicable. Where the fill height is great, circular shapes tend to be structurally and economically more favorable. Factors involved in the selection process include hydraulic, structural, construction, mainte­nance, and durability requirements. (See Art. 5.5 for hydraulic design of culverts.)

A system of closed conduits (storm drains and culverts) to convey the runoff from the inlets to the outfall must be designed starting at the upstream end and proceeding downstream. Each section of pipe that extends from inlet to inlet, or from an inlet to the final outfall, is called a run. Each run requires a separate analysis because of the change in flow at each, and possible changes in slope, pipe size, and type. After all runs are initially sized, the hydraulic grade line is developed (Art. 5.3.4). Unlike the sizing of the conduits, the calculations for this proceed in an upstream direction. In addition to head loss from friction along the length of the culvert, the hydraulic grade line must account for the effects of losses caused by turbulence at junctions and bends. Once the hydraulic grade line is established, it may be compared with the grade line of the system to ensure that it does not exceed an allowable high-water elevation. If it should extend above these allowable elevations, then the initial design must be adjusted.

In addition to system sizing based on hydraulic requirements, conduits should generally not be smaller than 12 to 18 in (300 to 450 mm) in diameter, and should have a minimum velocity of not less than 2.5 ft/s, to reduce the potential for debris clogging. Greater minimum diameters may be appropriate in some cases, particularly under high fills.

Flow in storm drains is assumed to be steady uniform flow. With this assumption, one of two hydraulic design approaches for sizing the run may be used, either open – channel flow or pressure flow. Open-channel flow assumes the flow in the conduit is open to atmospheric pressure; that is, the depth of the flow must be less than the height of the conduit. Pressure flow assumes the conduit is full with the wetted perimeter equal to the complete perimeter of the conduit. In this case, unlike open – channel flow, a pressure head will be above the conduit.

The maximum possible flow in a circular conduit under open-channel flow occurs when the barrel is approximately 95 percent flowing full. This is referred to as just – full capacity or just-full discharge.

Storm drain systems based on open-channel flow will have larger conduits than those based on pressure flow. This allows for a slight factor of safety when there is an unanticipated increase in runoff, which is desirable because the determination of the flow entering the system is not an exact science. However, initial construction costs will be somewhat higher.

If the design is based on pressure flow, the inlet and access hole elevations will be the allowable high-water elevations and should not be exceeded. Additionally, existing systems may need to be analyzed assuming pressure flow in order to accommodate new design flows.

It is common among state departments of transportation to design storm drain sys­tems using both open-channel flow and pressure flow. The system is initially designed for the just-full capacity using a lesser design frequency, say a 5-year or 10-year design frequency. After this initial sizing, the elevation of the hydraulic grade line is checked using the same or greater design frequency. The hydraulic grade line is then compared to critical high-water elevations, which should not be exceeded.

The storm drain system can outfall into a body of water, a stream or river, an existing storm drain system, or a channel. Conformance to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and local water quality regulations may be necessary whenever discharging pavement runoff. (See Chap. 1.) Regardless of the type of outfall, the flow line of the outfall should be lower than the elevation of the outlet. The outlet should be positioned so that the flow of the outfall is directed downstream, thus limiting erosion. (See Highway Drainage Guidelines, Vol. IX, AASHTO, 1999; and Design and Construction of Storm and Sanitary Sewers, ASCE, 1986.)


By and large, the production of an SMA in contemporary asphalt plants does not present particular problems. The following are a few general tips about the production of SMA:

• SMA requires some production consistency with no breaks, stoppages, or similar “jerking” of the production process. Any alterations to the type of mixture being produced require adjustments of the batching device con­trols, the weight of mixture constituents for the mixer, and so on. Potentially more troublesome, any stoppages necessitate restarting the machine and beginning the production again.

• The moisture content of the aggregate leaving the dryer should not be higher than 0.5%, optimally less than 0.2% (USACE Handbook, 2000).

• When initial batching (cold feeders) limits the machine’s output, an addi­tional batching device should be considered; bear in mind that coarse aggregates constitute more than 70% (m/m) of the mixture and may require more than one bin to feed that large a quantity.

• Due to the small amount of sand in an SMA, coarse aggregates passing through the dryer’s drum are exposed to more intense heating; therefore it is important to make sure that the asphalt mixture is not overheated.


At this point, you need to add backing (some­times called deadwood) to walls that run paral­lel to the joist chords. The backing provides a nailing base for ceiling drywall (see the illustra­tion on p. 127). It’s easier to put the backing in now rather than after the roof is complete and hampered by sheathing. This is a good place to use knotty, crooked 2x stock. Nail the stock, one 16d nail every 16 in., to the double top plate of parallel walls so that the 2x backing overhangs the double top plate by at least 1 in. on both sides. Some builders use drywall clips instead of solid backing, but I like to fasten nails

Doing carpentry on the ground is easier than doing carpentry on top of the house. You really have to watch your step.

We handle the trusses carefully.

Plenty of bracing is required to tie the trusses together and to the rest of the house.

STEP 5 ADD DRYWALL BACKINGWhen the trusses are up, you can see what the completed house will look like.







into something solid. (Details on drywall instal­lation are covered in Chapter 9.)

This process is different for trusses that are allowed to expand and contract. In this case, nail flat 2×4 “ladder” backing between the joist chords on a parallel wall. Use truss clips to at­tach the backing to the double top plate of the wall, as explained on p. 124. This allows the trusses to expand and contract without stressing the drywall.

Pathways and Targets

Once having entered the road area, pollutants may start their transport to other ecosystem compartments. Any ecosystem compartment that may be affected by a pollutant can be considered a target. The pollutants will not be permanently trapped at these destinations but may stay there for a prolonged period of time.

Pollutants in the solid and in the liquid form are transported to the environment in various ways (see Fig. 6.5):

• infiltration into the road structure and further transport to the groundwater;

• pavement runoff;

• splashing to the road shoulders and ditches;

• spray.

The relationship between different sources of pollution and different targets will be a function of

• the “strength” of the source (i. e. the rate of the emission);

• the pollutant pathway from the source to the target;

• the physical and chemical processes affecting the pollutant during the transport; and

• the “vulnerability” of the target.

Water-borne transport of pollutants occurs on the road surface and on top of the adjacent soil but also in the interior of the road structure. Even if there is good knowledge of parts of these processes, there is insufficient knowledge to provide a quantitative appraisal of these pollutant fluxes on top of, inside and around the road structure towards the different targets. Therefore only a qualitative description of the possibly impacted targets can be provided.

The wearing course of a road is not an impervious layer. Under the influence of rainfall infiltration, pollutants previously settled on the surface course can infiltrate into the road structure. Pollutants included in the matrix of road materials can even­tually be made soluble. Then, the first target (A1[15]) is the soil underlying the road structure (the vadose zone). As the “road leachate” can go on percolating towards the saturated zone of the subsoil, the second possible target (B) is groundwater. The distribution of pollutants between targets A1 and B will vary depending on the pollutant, the nature of the underlying soil, the prevailing physical and chemical conditions in the soil, the thickness of the vadose zone and the dynamics of the aquifer.

Another part of the rainfall will be transported on the surface of the road. Runoff water can infiltrate into the road shoulder that is usually made of permeable mate­rial. In cold climates the winter precipitation as snow melts in one or more short periods of time during winter and spring. The polluted melt water may infiltrate into the road shoulder/ditches, or run away on the top of a still frozen soil. Even when

the runoff pathway is somewhat different from those described above, the targets remain the same. Where roads are equipped with an impervious collection system, the runoff water can be transported to a permeable ditch or to more sophisticated water treatment facilities such as infiltration basins and settling basins (retention basins) – see Chapter 13, Section 13.4.8. In the first case, the soil adjacent to the road structure (A2) is a target. In the second case (infiltration down to the saturated zone), the groundwater (B) will also be a target.

From roadside soil, pollutants can become available for plants (C1) or soil – inhabiting animals (D1). These plants and animals can act as sources of contamination of herbivorous (E1) and carnivorous (F1) organisms. Some hazardous substances can accumulate in the organisms and further be biomagnified in the food chain.

As groundwater (B) can be used for drinking water supply or for irrigation, the plant and animal targets can also be impacted through this target.

Runoff water, sometimes collected in treatment facilities, is eventually dis­charged into natural surface waters. The water in streams, lakes and ponds can thus be a target of pollution (G). In cases of heavy use of road de-icing salt, lake targets may become permanently stratified due to high-density salt water concentrating in the deep water layer. The result is stagnant hypolimnion water (the lower part of the lake volume) with oxygen depletion and biologically dead areas.

As runoff-water pollutants are often adsorbed to particles, the bottom sediments of lakes and slow flowing streams become significant targets (H). Lake sediments may become almost permanent traps for the pollutants. Eventually the water and sediments become sources of contamination of aquatic organisms being plants (C2), decomposers (D2), herbivores (E2) or carnivores (F2) (Bskken, 1994a; Bskken & Fsrovig, 2004). As humans are users of water resources, and often the top predator in the food chains, they are the ultimate target (F1).

Similar targets (C2, D2, E2 and F2) can be reached in cases where it is the impacted groundwater (target B) that feeds a surface water body. In streams and lakes, herbivorous (target E1) or carnivorous (target F1) terrestrial consumers can be impacted through the consumption of targets C2, E2 and F2. And finally, similarly to groundwater, surface water bodies can be used for drinking water supply and for irrigation and can therefore impact targets C1, D1, E1 and F1.

Chainsaw Mills

There is an alternative timber procurement strategy for those with their own stand of large straight trees, and that is to make the timbers yourself with a chainsaw mill, essentially an attachment for a chainsaw. There are several different styles and qualities and costs vary a great deal. Here are some choices, with contact information for all of them found in Appendix C:

• The Beam Machine. First, you nail a two-by-four to the log that you want to make into a beam. The Beam Machine is an inexpensive ($40) bar attachment that slides along the two-by-four. Their ad says the “dog-tooth pivoting action takes most of the strain out of sawing because it supports the weight of the saw and provides you with a smooth, leveraged sawing motion.” See Sidebar, on pages 54-55. [4]

The Production of SMA

Having designed and checked the SMA mixture, the time has come to produce it according to the job mix formula (JMF). In this chapter we shall deal with

• Requirements for the organization of an asphalt plant

• Assumptions and control over the SMA production process

• Production of the SMA mixture in a batch plant or in a drum-mix plant

• Storage of manufactured SMA in a silo


The organizational requirements of an asphalt mixing plant and its surround­ings are much the same for the production of SMA as for other asphalt mixtures. Some special issues may arise, however, when dealing with SMA, such as the following:

• Storage of aggregates

• Stockpiled aggregate should not be mixed with underlying-soil material.

• Covered aggregate stockpiles may be desirable, especially for the fine aggregate stockpiles; a lower aggregate moisture content improves the plant’s output; aggregates may also be stored in silos, after preliminary drying, but this is still rarely done (see Figure 9.1).

• Storage of stabilizers—covered storerooms may be used; dry storage is especially important when storing loose stabilizers (nongranulated).

Two types of asphalt plants may be singled out with regard to the manner of mixing components—batch plants and drum-mix plants. Batch plants are the most popular in Europe, whereas drum-mix plants may be seen elsewhere in the world. Drum-mix plants can be adapted for SMA production, however, they require some special solutions for batching stabilizers.

The output of a particular asphalt plant should be adjusted to the intended place­ment efficiency (e. g., the width and thickness of a course, the distance from the work site, and the number of trucks for transportation) in order to organize the SMA laydown so that the stops of the paver are kept to a minimum. Keeping the paver moving forward steadily helps improve the smoothness of the final pavement and limits differential cooling of the mat.


It is easier to produce the SMA mixture in conformity with a job mix formula if the sieves in the screen deck of a batch asphalt plant are properly selected, making control of the mineral mix easier. Improperly selected sieves may results in too wide a hot-bin size range (e. g., 2/10 mm for SMA 0/12.5), which may cause problems with adequately controlling the mix production in accordance with the mix design.

Biological Processes

Usually, roadside soils are or become covered by vegetation. Especially where the plant cover is large or the vegetation dense, the vegetation as a physical body influ­ences the air-borne transport of pollutants from the road and traffic to the surrounding environment. Usually, however, the vegetationis kept low by mowing andbushcutting. To some extent, pollutants deposited on leafy surfaces enter the interior of the plant.

Under good growing conditions, plants will produce a more or less dense root system. Their root mass will greatly influence the movement not only of water but also of pollutants in the soil. Root uptake can withdraw large quantities of water from percolation. Root uptake also forms an important pathway of pollutants into the plant. The tendency to be taken up by roots differs greatly between contaminants and also between plant species. Once absorbed, the pollutants become trapped within the plant and they are therefore removed from the soil system until either the plant is consumed or decomposed.

The vegetation is also a producer of organic matter. Upon death, the plant with its shoot and root parts will form plant litter which will eventually be decomposed to form soil-organic matter. Soil-organic matter is an important factor in a range of biological, chemical and physical processes in the soil.

The ability of plants to take up pollutants, especially through their roots, is ac­tively or passively utilised for run-off treatment. This form of bio-remediation can be an efficient means of treating pollutants accumulating in the road environment. Ditches are often vegetated, and plants such as tall-growing grass or sedge species often absorb and retain heavy metals and other pollutants to a considerable de­gree. In the case of organic pollutants, the plants help degrade at least some of the compounds. In the case of heavy metals, the pollutants will stay in the roadside environment unless cut vegetation (or the ditch mass) is removed and transported elsewhere. Heavy metals in themselves are not degradable. The use of plants for either absorption or biodegradation (organism-mediated breakdown of substances) of contaminants in soil is known as phytoremediation.

Roadsides are inhabited or otherwise utilised by a variety of animals. Through grazing, animals will ingest pollutants present in or on the biomass. Likewise, animals of prey will ingest any pollutants present in their prey. In the case of mobile animals, this will form a pathway of pollutants to the environment away from the roadside.

Roadside soils also accommodate a range of animals exploring the soil resources. Burrowing organisms such as earthworms and arthropods ingest large quantities of soil. Soil ingestion and excretion is an important means of contaminant transport within the soil. This process may also mobilise contaminants that had previously been bound to soil particles by sorption processes. Tunnelling will also create chan­nels for water flow, which increases soil permeability to water. This will result in any future intrusion of contaminated water passing through the soil more rapidly, which reduces the ability of the soil to adsorb the contaminants.

Every soil is also inhabited by micro-organisms. Micro-organisms are highly in­volved in the turnover of organic matter in the soil. In natural soils, a wide range of complicated microbial processes involving enzymes participate in the prolonged process in which organic substances from plant, animal and microbial matter are decomposed into simple compounds. Some of these constitute nutrients necessary for biomass build-up with the help of photosynthesis. Organic exudates produced by micro-organisms also greatly influence soil structure.

Bacteria, algae and fungi are highly involved also in the transformation of soil pollutants. Many organic pollutants are gradually degraded to less harmful com­pounds by the action of micro-organisms. Also heavy-metal pollutants are influ­enced by micro-organisms. Chelating agents exuded by micro-organisms greatly influence the chemical form and mobility of heavy metals in the soil. Unlike organ­ics, heavy metals, which in themselves are elements, are not decomposed, even if they are transformed into chemical compounds which may render them either less or more available to plant and animal life. The availability and toxicity of heavy metals to plants, animals and micro-organisms is greatly influenced by the heavy-metal speciation. Often, the free hydrated form is the most prevailing form, and also the most available and toxic to biota.

In the vicinity of roads, road pollutants accumulate in soil, water and other ecosystem compartments. There is a wealth of literature documenting various types of detrimental effects of road and traffic pollutants on plants, animals and micro­organisms (see, e. g., Scanlon, 1991). Even if micro-organisms are especially sensi­tive to toxic substances, plants and animals are also sensitive. The sensitivity differs greatly between various plant, animal and microbial groups, and between toxic sub­stances.

Of the substances occurring in elevated concentrations in road environments, heavy metals, PAH and de-icing salt are the most relevant and most studied. Generally, biological processes involving enzymes are known to be especially prone to disturbance from heavy-metal pollutants. Micro-organism-mediated pro­cesses such as organic-matter breakdown, humification, and nitrogen and phos­phorus mineralization are largely susceptible to disturbance from elevated heavy – metal concentrations. Such effects have been reported from the vicinity of roads (Tyler, 1974). Reduced photosynthesis rate, growth and reproductive ability are among the most commonly reported effects of heavy-metal exposure to plants and animals (Bazzaz et al., 1974; Rolfe & Bazzaz, 1975; Sprague, 1987; Holdway, 1988; Weis & Weis, 1991; Sarkar, 2002).

Contaminants, especially those with high mobility, often reach surface waters and the groundwater. De-icing-salt contamination of groundwater and surface water bodies is often a problem in countries using de-icing salt (Johansson Thunqvist, 2003).


We will start our sizing exercises with homes where less than two bath­rooms are present. You will see tables for gas-fired, electric, and oil-fired water heaters. The number of bedrooms in our sample homes can range from one to three. You will have to use the chart to size a water heater for the examples given. Let’s start with a gas-fired water heater. The house we will size it for will have two bedrooms and one bathroom. What size water heater is needed (Fig. 7.1)?

All you have to do is scan the table for the answer to sizing question. Look under the heading for two bedrooms and run down to the column that lists storage. You will see that a 30-gallon water heater is the minimum size recommended for the application. You will also note that the water heater will recover fully in one hour. Personally, i’d probably up the size of the

Number of bedrooms




Storage capacity (gallons)




Input in Btuh




Draw (gallons per hour)




Recovery (gallons per hour)




FIGURE 7.1 ■ Water heating sizing table for gas heaters (minimum recommendations). Assume less than two full bathrooms.

Number of bedrooms




Storage capacity (gallons)




Input in Btuh

2.5 KW

3.5 KW

4.5 KW

Draw (gallons per hour)




Recovery (gallons per hour)




FIGURE 7.2 ■ Water heating sizing table for electric heaters (minimum recommendations). Assume less than two full bathrooms.

Number of bedrooms




Storage capacity (gallons)




Input in Btuh




Draw (gallons per hour)




Recovery (gallons per hour)




FIGURE 7.3 ■ Water heating sizing table for oil-fired heaters (minimum recommendations). Assume less than two full bathrooms.

heater to 40 gallons, but by code in my region, a 30-gallon tank is all that would be required.

Now, suppose we had the same house but wanted to put an electric wa­ter heater in it? What size would we use? Refer to the table in Figure 7.2 to find your answer. In this case, the storage capacity for an electric heater is the same as that required of a gas-fired heater. A 30-gallon tank is all that is needed. But, look at the recovery rate for the electric heater. It’s about half as good as the recovery rate for a gas heater. This could be good reason to up­grade the heater to something larger or more powerful.

Let’s consider an oil-fired water heater. The basic table (Fig. 7.3) is the same, in terms of use. Again, using the same scenario, what size oil-fired heater would be needed? You will find that a 30-gallon tank is, once again, adequate. Check out the recovery rate. It’s great. As you can see, sizing water heaters with the tables provided here is truly easy.

Formation of Aqueous Complexes (“Particle”[14] Exchange)

Complexes are chemical compounds consisting of a central atom (metal) and ligands (consisting of a group, molecule or ion) tied to the central atom with at least one co-ordination bond. A chelate is a special form of complex where the ligand is attached to the central atom by at least two bonds. The most common ligand in water solutions is the water molecule itself but anions such as hydroxide, carbonate, hydrocarbonate, sulphate and organic acids also form ligands. The formation of a complex from a metal and a ligand is a balanced reaction characterized by a constant (Kc) that is often pH dependent. Some complexations can be considered as “surface complexation” reactions (e. g. of a metal with an iron oxide) as opposed to “aqueous complexation” reactions.

Organic and inorganic complexes are present in all natural waters. Organic acids such as humic acids (originating in humus formation upon decay of plant litter) make up one of the most important types of ligands in natural waters. Humic acids and other types of humic substances greatly affect the solubility and thus the availability of heavy metals to biota. In soil water, humic substances occur in dissolved form and in more or less insoluble aggregates. Compared to heavy metals occurring as insoluble aggregates, heavy metals occurring in the dissolved form are much more mobile and available and therefore more toxic to biota (Berggren Kleja et al., 2006).

Among the inorganic complexes, hydroxides of Fe and Mn are common in nat­ural soils. From a pollution point of view, it is of great importance whether the hy­droxides are present in dissolved or precipitated form because hydroxides regulate the mobility of heavy metals. The stability of the hydroxide complexes is greatly governed by the pH. Depending on the soil type, but also on the degree and charac­teristics of the pollution load, roadside soils vary greatly in pH. In many cases, pH is higher close to the road than further away (James, 1999).

Components present in the road/soil environment and likely to form complexes with heavy metals include hydroxides, carbonates, hydrocarbonates, sulphates and organic acids. They originate from deposition, road materials and infiltrating water.