Flaminia – elite Italian bathroom equipment
Flaminia – elite bathroom equipment. The exclusive distributor of Flaminia factory on the district of the Russian Federation – JSC TD Zolotoy Keith. Flaminia – the world favourite on production of luxury bathroom equipment. Always available. www.ceramicaflaminia.ru elite bathroom equipment, the Italian bathroom equipment, bathroom equipment, color bathroom equipment, санфаянс, hinged toilet bowls, toilet bowls, sinks, a bidet, mixers, devices, delivery of bathroom equipment, the plumber wholesale, a complete set of objects, a dark toilet bowl, a cover with the microlift, ceramicaflaminia, the dark pallet, exclusive bathroom equipment.
In our modern world of people of times a day is exposed to loadings and stresses, that losing own natural balance, physical and spiritual wellbeing. There are not enough places in the house where it can return the forces: one of which bathroom – a place for meditation and strengthening of forces. In bathing LEGGERA of people can return the forces and be released from efforts of daily life. LEGGERA is a bathroom shower of the spacious sizes. As its model the usual scarf with the lifted edges which, it seems, braids served and wraps up you.
The IO collection is a faultless combination of grace, geometry and smoothness of forms, a result of the most leading technologies. All integrated sinks and baths are offered together with a wide palette of table-tops which are developed specially for this collection. One, from which BRIDGE series of the various sizes and furnish, both for one, and for 2 sinks. Both hinged, and floor models of sinks are elements which, in the best way describe a collection, huge volumes of ceramics, are connected to the bent lines for this purpose to make visual esthetic influence. Baths of this series can be established as in the room center, and very tightly to a wall. Everything in these models profitably specifies a combination not only only forms and structures that do the IO collection remarkable.
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