Bathroom equipment? Statue!

Bathroom equipment? Statue!
What associations in you are caused by the word "sink". For certain, the first remembers a bathroom equipment subject, and it is completely reasonable, after all we contemplate such sinks every day. And here the 2nd association, completely can be, there is a sea sink – a cockleshell, the spiral curl "filled" with noise of a surf…

Well, the sea subject appeared is close to the designers developing new models of bathroom equipment. Speech not about sinks cockleshells as it would be possible to think However, will go. No, there are also other, more noteworthy methods to give to bathroom equipment a unique look and to surround it Bathroom equipment? Statue!
with a nimbus of ocean romanticism.

The Palomba collection from the Laufen company comprises the most different types of bathroom equipment, from sinks and baths to toilet bowls and a bidet. In it eight models of one only wash basins! And everything them is connected воединыжды by one general detail.

The matter is that all these subjects are more similar to statues, than on household subjects of daily use. Designers say that on creation of a collection they were inspired by outlines of the proud rocks towering over boundless sea widths, and it is difficult to disagree with that interpretation.

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