Category Baths

How truly to choose a bath

Now I wish to write about the major making a bathroom, actually, to the bath. The bathroom with fine and comfortable bathroom equipment is capable to cheer you up at its visit.

Let’s carry out the small price and high-quality analysis of baths and materials of which they are made.

Pig-iron baths

Actually in overwhelming majority of apartments Continue reading

Spain-Russia: new creation

Spain-Russia: new creation
Zabugornye the companies all open branches of own plants in the Russian Federation more often, than provide inflow of investments to economy of our country and give new workplaces. And those from us whom it does not concern outright, can wait for drop in prices on production – after all in this case expenses on transportation of a product become Continue reading

With what to begin repair in a bathroom

With what to begin repair in a bathroom
Fine bathroom everyone wishes. The bathroom is a place for tension removals after wearisome working day. The bathroom helps us to cheer up in the mornings and to relax in the evening.

Before, than to start repair of a bathroom follows обмыслить a color palette of bathroom equipment and furnish materials that everything harmoniously mixed up on Continue reading

Mold in a bathroom

Mold in a bathroom
The suitable ecology of the environment of housing of the person is formed by an abundance of the reasons. One of the negative phenomena worsening a condition of life, quite often appearing mold in a bathroom is. Plesnevye mushrooms consist of a mycelium and breed with disputes. The main way of distribution – air. Disputes, getting to conditions Continue reading

Now and meter 30 …

Now and meter 30 …
At the end of last year the recognizable European producer of the sanitary equipment presented on Russian market a novelty – an iron bath longish 1м 30см.

It is clear that all baths «Estap» (Slovakia), which length before release of a novelty was various, but did not make 1.3м, are enameled by way of an electrostatics, guaranteeing long and Continue reading

On 3rd whales

Practically for each of us the feeling small slackness at the end of labor day represents completely everyday occurrence. What after all it is necessary to make for this purpose to overcome these feelings and to cheer up? Certainly, it is simplest to take a bath simply. Warm water will give the chance to you to relax and already in few minutes will Continue reading

Concrete baths and Dade Design company sinks.

This collection of concrete baths and sinks from the Dade Design company carries Wave title that perfectly depicts temper of all parts because their forms distinctly repeat outlines of waves, at all this internal sides are maleficiated enough very much that does them very comfortable in use.

Concrete baths and Dade Design company sinks.

But between all models communication not Continue reading

Main types of restoration of baths

Repair in a bathroom is difficult mnogoetapny process which comprises the most different recovery operations concerning walls, ceilings, floor and natural most bathing for bathing. Certainly, it is possible to get the latest such bathroom, but now in the main thing prefer to return and restore old, and for this purpose now there are many unique different Continue reading

Bathing water and pig-iron world

Bathing water and pig-iron world
All of us remember and we honor a strong pig-iron bath which differs wear resistance and reliability in operation. But many already long since changed this eternity for more modern baths or shower cabins.

Designers of the French brand of Jacob Delafon managed to revive standards of metal baths, to those gave them simply the latest life. Two Continue reading

There is not enough place? Not failure!

There is not enough place? Not failure!
The average family living in the city apartment, in the most part cannot повытрепываться truly a spacious bathroom. It is necessary to dodge in every possible way more often to arrange on the malekhanky area all necessary bathroom equipment and furniture. So, aspiring to save up a place, many are simply released from a sink and wash specifically Continue reading