Trench (“French”) Drains






Item no.





geotextile liner

slotted drainage pipe

permeable aggregate filler



pomse Entwasserungsleitung

durchlassiger Zuschlagstoff


capa de geotextil

tubo de drenaje ranurado

arena fina permeable


recouvrement de geotextile

tuyau poreux de drainage

agregat permeable



tubo di drenaggio poroso

aggregato permeabile


Хтроa^ Гєшпфаap^aros aa^a

XwX’qvas A-^oarpa7^ia^s |хє Ххіа^Єs

Aia-n^parr) Хтрсоа^ ПХ^рсо aєws


warstwa geotekstylna

porowata rura drenarska

kruszywo wypetniajace dren



tubo de drenagem poroso

material drenante



porozna drenazna cev

drenazna ispuna



perforirana drenazna cev

drenazni zasip



slidset afvandingsrar



Item no.







aggregato permeabile

struttura interna


tubo di drenaggio

tubo di drenaggio poroso


Aua^epaTiq Хтрсо

Пирій vas


SwXiq vas

SwXiq vas

ПХ^рсо aeos

Гєоифа apaTos

A^oaTpa 77io^s

A^oaTpa77ia^s pe

а apa



kruszywo wypelniajace



rura drenarska

porowata rura drenarska




material drenante

estrutura interna


tubo de drenagem

tubo de drenagem poroso


drenaZna ispuna

jezgro (ispuna)


drenazna cev

porozna drenazna cev


drenaZni zasip



drenazna cev

perforirana drenazna cev






slidset afvandingsrar

The designs of fin drains vary dependant upon the flow capacity that is required. The geosynthetic has the capacity to transport a certain flow (i. e. it has a certain transmissivity) – see diagram A, above. Where this is insufficient a pipe can be added to increase the outflow capacity, diagrams B and C. The dimension of the pipe varies depending on the additional capacity that is required.

B.5.3 Core Designs for Fin Drains


Core designs other than those shown here are also used. The purpose of the core is to support the geotextile membrane without hindering the flow of water within the thickness of the geosynthetic.

The figure, above, shows a plan view of a geocomposite highway edge drain, comprising a core (3/4/5) between two geotextile sheets (1/2). Some cores have one permeable side (e. g. geotextile layer 1) and one impermeable side (e. g. in place of geotextile layer 2) where water is to be collected from one side of the fin drain and not to be drained from the other, but these are seldom employed in highway construction except where an impermeable face (e. g. part of a retaining wall) abuts the pavement. The core may be formed in a number of ways, some of which are illustrated here: 3=plastic plates with pillars to separate faces; 4=concertina waffle structure, 5=dimpled plastic sheet. Nets/grids and stiff, entangled polymeric strands may also be used to provide a permeable core.


Housekeeping is something we all grow up with. Some learn it better than others. On the job site, we all must practice good housekeeping because it affects safety and productivity. There are three main housekeeping issues: job site scraps, personnel debris, and tool organization.

Job site scraps are the cut-off ends of pieces of wood, lumber torn down that will not be used again, wrapping from lumber, empty nail boxes, and numerous other materials brought onto the job site that will not be used. You don’t always want to take the time to attend to this debris at the moment it is made, but you do need to make sure that it is not left in a location that would pose a safety problem,

such as in a walkway or at the bottom of a ladder. As you create the scraps, throw them in a scrap pile or at least in the direction of a scrap pile. Many cut-off pieces of lumber can be used for blocking and should be thrown in the direction of where they will be mass-cut later.

Whenever you have lumber with nails sticking out, pull the nails out if you are going to use the lumber again, or bend them if the lumber will be thrown away. It is easy to forget this, so be sure to attend to the nails while you are working with them and they are on your mind.

Personnel debris is the garbage individuals create personally, like lunch scraps and soda bottles. It makes it easier on your crew if you provide some sort of container near the lunch spot. You will be lucky if you don’t have to keep reminding your crew that they are responsible for their own personal garbage.

Tool organization can save you time and a lot of aggravation. With tools that are in common use by the crew, it is important to return the tool to where it belongs. If tools are not stored in a location where other framers can expect them to be, a lot of time will be wasted looking for them. When rolling out your electric cords and air hoses, keep them organized. If you have to roll out in a walkway, try to stay to one side or the other. If you have to move your hose or cord, and it is rolled out underneath someone else’s cord or hose, be careful that when you move yours, you don’t drag theirs (and possibly their tools) along with you.

Housekeeping is sometimes difficult to organize, but getting it right can be a big asset for safety and productivity.

Source: Reprinted from ASME B30.5-2004 by permission of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, all rights reserved,


To recognize outstanding VE achievements and promote awareness of the importance of this program, the AASHTO Value Engineering Task Force has established national awards to be given to state transportation agencies. These awards are presented every 2 years to agencies that have shown special achievement in either cost-effectiveness or innovation.

TABLE 10.4 Life Cycle Cost Calculations for Two Pipes

A. Annualized cost method

Type of cost

Equation for factor

Pipe A

Pipe B



cost, $



cost, $







= r/[1 — (1 + r)—n]

X 0.0548

X 0.0548

n = 50

= $8216

n = 50

= $9864











= (1 + r)— n

X 0.142 X 0.0548

X 0.1113 X 0.0548

n = 40

= 291

n = 45

= $152






= (1 + r)— n

X 0.0872 X 0.0548

n = 50

= $143




Pipe A has the lower annualized cost.

Annual difference = $9873 — 8507 = $1366.

Present worth of annual difference = (1/0.0548) X $1366 = $24,900.

*Note that salvage values are treated as negative numbers in the summations for annualized cost and pre­sent worth.

B. Direct present worth method

Pipe A

Pipe B





of cost

for factor


worth, $


worth, $







$37,400 X 0.142


$25,000 X 0.1113


= (1 + r— n

n = 40

= $5311

n = 45

= $2782






= (1 + r)- n

n = 50

X 0.0872 = $2616




Pipe A has the lower cost based on present worth.

Difference in present worth = $180,166 — 155,311 = $24,900 (same result as in part A).

*Note that salvage values are treated as negative numbers in the summations for annualized cost and pre­sent worth.

The VE Task Force presents the awards in the categories of (1) process improve­ment, (2) project delivery, and (3) preconstruction engineering (design, utilities, right – of-way, and construction). The awards for 2007 for the most value added proposals are summarized below.

Category: Improved Process

Agency: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

Project: Antioch and Dumbarton bridges Geotechnical Investigation Requirements to

Develop Retrofit Strategy


This unique study analyzed the geotechnical investigation requirements necessary to develop the strategy that leads to retrofit recommendations for the Antioch and Dumbarton bridges. Caltrans will use this study to develop an appropriate retrofit strategy for each bridge. The baseline scope placed heavy emphasis on conducting new explorations and associated labora­tory testing to obtain more dependable data (baseline estimate of $12,100,000). The value analysis (VA) team concluded that the objectives of the investigation could be achieved with fewer new exploratory borings drilled to somewhat shallower depths. Other recommended alternatives also improved the project and lowered cost, with implemented savings of $2,350,000 or 19 percent. All recommended alternatives were accepted and implemented.

Category: Project Delivery

Agency: Minnesota Department of Transportation

Project: TH 212 Design-Build Project, State Project No. SP 1017 12


The TH 212 Design-Build Project is a $238 million construction project consisting of 11.75 miles of new four-lane divided highway realignment, 7 interchanges, 28 bridges, and numerous retaining and noise walls. The VE proposal is to eliminate a bridge and provide for the realignment of a crossing road to intersect where the main line creek crossing occurs. This combined crossing concentrates impacts and construction activities in one location. This change minimizes environmental impacts to the creek, the big woods remnant vegetation, and the flood plains, and reduces slope stability issues. The VE impacts include savings in project costs, and reduced construction impacts and future maintenance activities. The new design eliminates an insufficient horizontal curve design exception, improves sight distance at an intersection, reduces the total acreage disturbed, and creates less impervious area.

Category: Preconstruction Engineering < $25 Million

Agency: Florida Department of Transportation Project: Protection of US 98 on Okaloosa Island Citation:

US 98 on Okaloosa Island has been damaged by storm surges from at least five tropical events in the last ten years, resulting in more than $16 million in repair work. The purpose of this project was to provide additional protective features to reduce the potential for future damage from similar storm events. The District wanted the additional protection in place prior to the next storm season, which required the project to be designed and constructed in less than one year. The recommendation developed by the team and accepted by management reduced the cost of the $20.6 million project by $8.3 million, or 40 percent, and also reduced the construction time by 50 percent. A key product innovation from the VE team was the rec­ommendation to use Teflon sheet piling to replace conventional concrete sheet piling.

Category: Preconstruction Engineering $25-$75 Million

Agency: Transport Canada, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, and the City of Windsor Project: Let’s Get Windsor Essex Moving, Walker Road and Howard Avenue Grade Separations VE and Risk Study Citation:

Security measures at the U. S. border have caused significant traffic problems in the City of Windsor. One of the problems was the need to x-ray rail cars entering the United States, which reduced train speed and increased traffic delays at major arterial road-rail crossings in the city. An immediate and concerted effort was put into place to grade separate two major urban road crossings. The original project cost estimates increased dramatically due to the rushed design, limited property, business and industrial activities, traffic operations, and a myriad of major utility issues. A VE study and Cost Risk analysis improved commu­nication with the city, Transport Canada, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, and designers; saved $2 million; identified risks; brought certainty to the cost estimates; and clarified project scope.

Category: Preconstruction Engineering >$75 Million

Agency: New Jersey Department of Transportation Project: Route 52 Causeway Replacement Contract A Citation:

The Route 52 Causeway Replacement Contract A project involves the replacement of 1.2 miles of existing Route 52 Causeway, including 2 structures displaying structural, geometric, and safety deficiencies. Bids far exceeded original estimates. The VE repack­aging of Contract A converted Rainbow Island from bridge structure to roadway by grade touchdown utilizing fill. Additionally, the VE changes introduced conventional fixed bridges as an alternate design to high-level bascule bridges. VE design and bridge changes reflected through this repackaging effort resulted in a low bid of $141,350,400, with a net savings of $88,636,000, and improved constructibility by acquiring environ­mental permits that allowed timely construction without seasonal delays.

Category: Preconstruction Engineering >$75 Million—Honorable Mention

Agency: Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (Sound Transit)

Project: 755 Segment of Sound Transit Central Link Light Rail Project Citation:

The 755 Segment of Sound Transit Central Link Light Rail Project extends approximately 5 miles, from the Boeing Access Road to a station at Southcenter Boulevard. This LRT guideway is mostly elevated and parallels or crosses over Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) freeways along much of its route. The design team undertook an intensive value engineering study of the 30 percent preliminary design at the beginning of the final design assignment. The VE study identified significant configuration changes that were forecast to save $23 million and approximately 8 months of construction duration. Sound Transit evaluated and accepted the recommendations for incorporation into the final design. The potential savings and other benefits identified in the value engineering work were validated by the bids received and continue to be realized during construction of the $234 million project.

[1] The alignment should be as directional as possible while still consistent with topo­graphy and the preservation of developed properties and community values.

• Maximum allowable curvature should be avoided whenever possible.

• Consistent alignment should be sought.

• Curves should be long enough to avoid the appearance of a kink.

[2] Rounding should be 4 ft where the foreslope begins beyond the clear zone or where guardrail is installed and foreslope is steeper than 6:1. No rounding is required when the foreslope is 6:1 or flatter.

Note: No attempt has been made to include every bridge type in the above tabulation.

Prestressed box beam

[5]From R. L. Brockenbrough and F. S. Merritt (eds.), Structural Steel Designer’s Handbook, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2006. Used with permission.

[6]Z. P. Kirpich, “Time of Concentration in Small Agricultural Watersheds,” Civil Engineering, vol. 10, p. 362, 1940.

[7]The modified Williams equation is found in Maidment, cited below. The original Williams reference is G. B. Williams, “Flood Discharge and the Dimensions of Spillways in India,” The Engineer, vol. 121, pp. 321-322, September 1922.

[8] Entrance and exit. The deceleration and acceleration lanes adjacent to the main roadway can be lighted so that a motorist can safely transition into and out of the rest area. When the main roadway is not lighted, an average illumination of 0.6 fc (6 lx) should be maintained on the deceleration with three to five luminaires along the speed change lanes. On the exit gore and acceleration lane, 0.6 fc (6 lx) is rec­ommended to a point where the motorist can merge onto the main roadway. If the main route is lighted, the entrance and exit lanes should be lighted to a level equal to that of the main route.

• Interior roadways. These are the roads for the entrance gore to the parking areas and from the parking areas to the exit gore. The recommended illumination is 0.6 fc (6 lx) with a uniformity of 3:1 to 4:1.

The design of lighting for rest areas requires consideration of both vehicle and pedes­trian needs. Properly designed rest area lighting will enhance the architectural and landscape features of the facility, promote safety by easing the task of policing, and contribute to the rest and relaxation of motorists by adequately lighting the driving, parking, and walking areas. In areas with landscaping or in natural settings, the lighting designer often attempts to make the light poles less noticeable by causing them to blend with the environment. One cost-effective method uses colored fiberglass rein­forced poles that blend with the surrounding environment. These poles are usually of the direct burial type that can be installed with or without breakaway devices.

The lighting system designer should be mindful of motorists on the travelway by not allowing glare or spill light from the rest area luminaires to adversely affect their vision. The motorist on the main roadway should be able to see any vehicles leaving the rest area as well as traffic along the main route. The lighting concerns for rest areas can be divided into several distinct areas:

[10] Obtain soil parameters for both backfill and foundation. Usually the cohesion­less backfill is slightly larger than Rankine zone. This enables the designer to use the properties of backfill material to estimate earth loads; otherwise the properties of retained material must be used.

[11] Determine the appropriate design cases and load combinations. Load types are designated as follows: D, dead load; E, earth load; SC, surcharge; RI, rail impact; and W, wind load. Typical load combinations are as follows: sloped or leveled fill without rail, D + E; leveled fill without rail, D + E + SC; leveled fill with rail, D + E + RI; and leveled fill with rail and fence, D + E + SC + W.

[12] Determine the overall design height including footing thickness T and stem height H, and select a trial footing width dimension B. (See Fig. 8.20.) Usually the toe

Table 9.2 outlines the major steps required in the development of final construction plans for a noise abatement project on an existing highway. Considerations in several of these steps are as follows.

TABLE 9.2 Project Development Steps for Noise Barriers for Existing Highways

[14] Preliminary engineering

a. Identify project limits

b. Collect data

c. Identify alternatives

[15] Public and municipal involvement

a. Discuss alternatives

b. Decide on system

[16] Preparation of preliminary plans

[17] Preliminary approvals

a. Municipal

b. State DOT


[18] Final design

[19] Final approval and processing

[20] Contract letting

[21] Materials

a. Concrete Posts. Concrete posts shall be constructed as detailed in the plan and the required specification on pigmented sealer.

b. Wood Noise Walls. The facing lumber and battens shall be any species of south­ern pine conforming to the applicable provisions of DOT, modified to the extent that the lumber shall contain no holes and have tight knots. No intermixing of lumber species will be permitted within any continuous section of wall. If the wall abuts any earth fill greater than 2 ft (600 mm), the facing planks installed below the top of the fill shall be 8- X 3-in (200- X 75-mm) or 6- X 3-in (150- X 75-mm) lumber with the 3-in (75-mm) dimension being rough-sawn. All facing lumber and battens shall be pressure preservative-treated with an approved waterborne preservative as provided hereinafter. Lumber treated with Millbrite will not be acceptable.

Facing boards shall be surfaced on two sides, and shall be tongue-and-grooved. All plank facing lumber shall be no. 1 structural grade or better. Facing lumber and battens shall be stamped with the appropriate grade mark.

c. Hardware. All hardware for noise wall shall be galvanized and meet the requirements of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and ASTM as to strength and testing.

[22]The portions of Art. 10.2 taken from this source are used with the permission of AASHTO.


Once the carpet seams have cooled, stretch and attach the carpet to the tackless strips around the perimeter of the room, using the knee-kicker, power stretcher, and stair tool. Actually, if you must join carpet seams, you already will have used the knee-kicker to draw the carpet edges taut so the glued seam will be a straight.

Typically, stretching begins in a corner, using a knee-kicker. Place the knee-kicker about 1 in. from the wall and rap the cushion of the tool

Подпись: 9. After stretching a carpet, use an edge trimmer to cut off the excess around the perimeter of the room. Then use a stair tool to tuck carpet edges behind tackless strips or under baseboards. That’s pretty much it. Once the second corner is attached, alternate using the knee-kicker and the power stretcher, somewhat as shown in "A Carpet-Stretching Sequence,” below. There’s no one always-best sequence. Keep an eye on what the carpet is doing, and use the tool that seems right. Seen from above, your carpet-stretching movements would resemble something between a tennis match and icing a cake. Back and forth, fine tuning as you go.


Подпись:Once the carpet is secured to the tackless strips and the transition pieces in the doorways, use an edge trimmer to remove the excess; trimmers also tuck the edge of the carpet to a degree. After trimming the edge, go around the perimeter with a hammer and a stair tool, tamping the carpet between the tackless strips and the wall, or under the baseboard trim. It’s important that the trim­mer’s blade be sharp, so change razors whenever the tool drags, rather than cuts.

image1046Подпись: To stretch carpeting, alternate using a knee-kicker and a power stretcher. Typically, use a knee-kicker to secure a short section of carpet to tackless strips nearby, before using a power stretcher to stretch carpet across the room and secure it to strips along an opposite wall.

quickly with your knee. When done properly, this maneuver carries the carpet forward and onto the points of the tackless strips. Then use the stair tool to pack the carpet into the small gap between the strips and the wall, also to securely lodge the carpet on the tack point. Knee-kicking takes a little practice. But, as more of the carpet is attached, and there is some tension on it, the task becomes easier. As you work along an edge of the carpet, rest your hand on the section just attached. The extra weight will prevent the section from being dislodged by successive knee-kicks.

After securing a corner 2 ft. to 3 ft along each wall, assemble the power stretcher to stretch the carpet to an adjacent corner across the room. To do this, place the tail end of the power stretcher on a 2×4 block resting along a baseboard of the corner you just attached; the 2×4 prevents the tail end of the stretcher from damaging the finish wall. Unlike the knee-kicker, which rebounds, the stretcher has a lever that extends the tool and holds it there until the lever is released. Before you engage the stretcher’s lever, place the stretcher head 5 in. or 6 in. from the wall you’re pushing the carpet toward. Once you push down on the lever, the stretcher head should move the carpet about 2 in. forward, leaving you plenty of room to use the stair tool and secure the carpet to the tackless strip.

I A Carpet-Stretching Sequence

Подпись: | Stair-Carpeting DetailsПодпись: 1l/4-in. tack 1 i/4-in. gap Подпись:


The concepts of annualized cost and present worth are employed in LCC. Using the annual­ized cost method, all costs incurred are converted to equivalent annual costs using a base­line and a specified life span. For example, initial costs would be amortized over the life cycle and include principal and interest (similar to home mortgage payments). Replacement costs or rehabilitation costs at various points during the life cycle would also be converted to equivalent annual costs (sinking fund). The following steps can be employed:

1. Annualized initial cost. Tabulate all initial (acquisition) costs. These include the base cost of each of the alternative systems and any other initial cost. Total these ini­tial expenditures to arrive at the total initial cost (IC). Next, amortize the initial costs (IC) by determining the annual payment necessary to pay off a loan equaling the total initial cost. Using a capital recovery table or the following equation, find the periodic payment (PP) necessary to pay off $1.00 at a discount rate of r over a period of n years. Each total initial cost is multiplied by this factor to determine the annualized cost for this element.


1 – (1 + r)-n

2. Annual recurring cost. The next step is to tabulate, for each alternative, the average annually recurring costs for operations, maintenance, and other known factors.

3. Annualized nonrecurring cost. Next, determine the replacement or rehabilitation costs for all major items, for each alternative, at appropriate times during the life span. Also determine the salvage value at the end of the life span. Each of the replacement costs is then discounted from the point in time where the funds are to be expended. Multiply each cost by the present worth factor (PW) from a table or calculated by the equation

PW = (1 + r)-n

Then, the present worth of these replacement and salvage costs is reduced to a uniform series of payments by applying the same capital recovery periodic payment factor (PP) used in step 1. Salvage or residual values are treated similarly except that the resulting costs are negative.

4. Total annual cost. Finally, sum the annualized initial cost, annual recurring cost, and annualized nonrecurring cost for each alternative to determine total annual costs. These costs represent a uniform baseline of comparison for the alternatives over a projected life span at a selected interest rate. The annual differences are then deter­mined and used for recommendations.

5. Present worth of annual difference. To determine the real value of an annual cost difference, calculate its present worth. Multiply each cost by the present worth annu­ity factor (PWA), which shows how much $1.00 paid out periodically is worth today in real dollars. The factor may be obtained from a table or calculated by the equation

1 – (1 + r)-n


Thus, one may then compare the present worth of each alternative to assess the bene fit derived.

6. Effect of inflation. The effect of inflation should be considered in the calculations when determining annual recurring cost, replacement cost, and salvage value, If infla­tion is constant at a rate i, costs at a future date of y years can be found by multiplying the cost by an inflation factor (IF) given by the equation

IF = (1 + i) у

Thus, the calculations can be made using costs that allow for inflation. Using this procedure, different costs can be adjusted for different levels of inflation, if there is information to support such choices. More complex methods for handling inflation are also available.

If the items being compared do not involve different annual costs, it is more direct to make the present worth calculation directly. Future nonrecurring costs over the project design life can be reduced to their present worth value by multiplying by the PW factor given above, PW = (1 + r)“n. These are added to the initial costs to determine total pre­sent worth of each system. The present worth of alternative systems can then be compared.

10.10.1 Example of Calculations

A simple example to illustrate the above calculation method is presented in Table 10.4. In this example, inflation is handled by using a net discount rate equal to the nominal discount rate (assumed as 10 percent) minus the rate of inflation (assumed as 5 percent). Two pipe materials are being considered for a drainage application where the project design life is 50 years. Initial costs associated with pipe A are $150,000, and those associated with pipe B are $180,000. Pipe A will require a $37,400 rehabilitation at the end of 40 years, and pipe B a $25,000 rehabilitation at the end of 45 years. Pipe A will have no salvage value, and pipe B will have a salvage value of $30,000. For illustrative purposes, each is assumed to have an annual maintenance cost of $1000. Calculations in part A show that for the assumed conditions, pipe A will have the lower annualized cost and the present worth of the difference in annual cost is $24,900. Calculations in part B show the same difference in present worth, since the annual recurring costs are the same in this example. (For an example of LCC in pavements, see Art. 3.11.)

Life cycle costing is a technique to assess the total cost consequences between alternatives. The potential to optimize value through LCC is only as good as the alternatives being considered. It should be used in proper sequence as part of the VE effort.

(H. G. Tufty, Compendium on Value Engineering, Indo-American Society, Bombay, 1989; “Value Engineering and Least Cost Analysis,” Handbook of Steel Drainage and Highway Construction Products, AISI, Washington, D. C., 1994.)


Costs that must be considered depend to some extent upon the system or project analyzed,

but can generally be categorized as follows:

1. Initial costs

a. Item costs. These are costs to produce or construct the item.

b. Development costs. These are costs associated with conducting the value study, testing, building a prototype, designing, and constructing models.

c. Implementation costs. These are costs expected to occur after approval of the ideas, such as redesign, tooling, inspection, testing, contract administration, train­ing, and documentation.

d. Miscellaneous costs. These costs depend on the item and include costs for owner-furnished equipment, financing, licenses and fees, and other one-time expenditures.

2. Annual recurring costs

a. Operation costs. These costs include estimated annual expenditures associated with the item such as for utilities, fuel, custodial care, insurance, taxes and other fees, and labor.

b. Maintenance costs. These costs include annual expenditures for scheduled upkeep and preventive maintenance to keep an item in operable condition.

c. Other recurring costs. These include costs for annual use of equipment associated with an item as well as annual support costs for management overhead.

3. Nonrecurring costs

a. Repair and replacement costs. These are costs estimated on the basis of pre­dicted failure and replacement of major system components, predicted alter­ation costs for categories of space related to the frequency of moves, and capital improvements predicted necessary to bring systems up to current stan­dards at given points in time. Each estimated cost is for a specific year in the future.

b. Salvage. Salvage value is often referred to as residual value. Salvage value is not really a cost, in that this factor is entered as a negative amount in the LCC calculation to reduce the LCC amount. Salvage value represents the remaining market value or use value of an item at the end of the selected LCC life span.

Ditch and Swale (with French Drain)


Item no.







wearing course (bound aggregate)

trench (“French”) drain











capa de rodadura

zanja de drenaje





couche de roulement

tranchese drainante



couche de forme ou sol



strato di usura Хтрсоат K^Ko9opias






sottofondo Y^e 8a9os


warstwa scieralna

dren francuski





camada de regularizacao e desgaste

dreno frances

valeta larga

valeta larga

plataforma de terraplenagem


zastor (vezani agregat)

drenazni rov


odvodni jarak



vezana nosilna in obrabna plast

nevezana nosilna plast

vzdolzni drenazni jarek


odvodni jarek







This section provides general designs of french and fin drains used to drain the subsurface section of highways.

Did You Know

Did You Know


Magazine, Habitat for Humanity is the

15th largest house builder in the U. S.

a Since its founding in 1976, Habitat for Humanity has built or rehabilitated more than 40,000 houses throughout the U. S.

^ More than 350 Habitat houses have been built by all-women crews.

a According to The Chronicle of Philan­thropy Habitat for Humanity is the 23rd largest nonprofit organization in the U. S.

a The average Habitat house built in the U. S. costs just over $48,000, encom­passes 1,100 sq. ft. of living space, is held together with 20,000 nails, contains 650 pieces of lumber, and is finished with 40 gal. of paint.

a Habitat for Humanity has 1,621 affil­iates in the U. S. (including Guam and Puerto Rico) and 497 international affiliates in 83 countries.

Подпись: Helping HandПодпись: Change smoke detector batteries. Incorporate this maintenance task into your New Year's Day routine to make sure that all smoke detectors in the house receive fresh batteries at least once a year.

Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers save lives

Smoke detectors can and often do save lives, especially when a fire breaks out while you are sleeping. Most codes require that smoke detectors be installed in every bedroom and hallway. Some detectors are designed to be wired into your electrical system (with battery backup in case of power outages), while others work on battery power alone. You need to know the location of these units so you can check them every three to four months by pressing the test button that’s clearly visible

on each detector. If the unit is operating prop­erly, it will emit a high-pitched sound.

A while back, a friend was visiting and left a small towel on top of the stove not realizing that one of the burners was on. In just a minute or two, the towel was ablaze. A handy fire extinguisher quickly put an end to what could have been a major disaster. Fire extin­guishers are inexpensive and have been put in all the Habitat houses I have worked on. Install one in the kitchen where it is easily vis­ible and accessible so that anyone can locate it quickly. Drive the mounting screws into a stud so the fire extinguisher is securely attached.

[1] Clip the first nail by bending a second nail over it. Hammer the clip until both nails are fully em­bedded in the wood.

[2] Prepare for Truss Arrival and Installation

[3] Cover the inside and outside corners. This is an optional step, but one that I routinely take to provide extra protection in these crit­ical areas, especially if the siding will be installed directly over the studs. Fold a 2-ft.- wide wall-high length of wrap in half and staple it vertically over the outside corners and into the inside corners.

[4] Wrap the house from corner to corner.

If a 12-ft. roll is too tall for the house you’re working on, cut the roll roughly to length

Chronological Table

[1] Sanlaville (1996).

[2] For a recent synthesis of the birth of agriculture and the Neolithic revolution, see the book of the pre­historian and archaeologist Jacques Cauvin, Naissance des divinites, naissance de l’agriculture, la revo­lution des symbols au Neolithique, revised in 1996.

[3] Some have proposed that population pressure explains the exodus which clearly accompanied the Neolithic spread (each generation seems to have migrated 20 kilometers or so). But according to Jacques Cauvin, this explanation is inadequate; he sees in addition a profound change of mentality, responding to the call of the “new frontier”.

[4] According to Geyer and Besanfon (1997), the Euphrates was in a sedimentation phase until the VIIth millennium BC, having a braided morphology which favored early seasonal, non-irrigated agriculture. From the VIth millennium BC, the river entered a new phase of erosion of its bed into its own alluvia. The terraces that were formed as a consequence, protected from flooding a dozen or so meters above the riverbed, became favorable to permanent settlements. Irrigation then became necessary.

[5] Cauvin (1969), p. 239. Evidence of such drainage may also have been observed at Bouqras.

[6] See for example Huot (1994), describing the explorations performed by the American archaeologist John Oates in 1967-68.

[7] See reference books like Roux (Ancient Iraq, Allen & Unwin, 1964); Oates (Babylon, Thames & Hudson, 1986).

[8] This is from a tablet that also carries the very first account of the Flood. The tablet is from the Nipur collection at the University Museum of Philadelphia; the translation was published in 1914 by A. Poebel (Kramer, History Begins at Sumer, Chapter 23).

[9] Balancing device making it possible to use manpower to lift water for irrigation of fields; see Figure 2.4 in the following chapter.

[10] This account, called Royal Chronicle of Lagash, is thought to be somewhat satirical. It probably dates from the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. Livius, Articles on Ancient History, http://www. livius. org/cg-cm/chronicles/cm/lagash. html.

[11] Extract of a poem entitled “The Feats and Exploits of Ninurta” (Kramer, 1961, Chapt. 3).

[12] Kramer, History Begins at Sumer, Chapt. 23.

[13] The Epic of Gilgamesh, Translation of Timothy R.(Wolf) Carnahan http ://www. ancienttexts. org/index. html.

[14] Contenau (1927), Volume 3, p. 1507; Roux (1964), Chapter 7.

[15] A 1977 investigation in the northeast of Afghanistan uncovered ceramic remnants of the Indus civi­lization: see Lyonnet (1981).

[16] This view reflects discoveries by Russian archaeologists in recent decades. See Kohl (1984), Masson (1992), Sarianidi (1992).

[17] Quote from the historian Sima Qian, who lived about 100 BC, Sima Qian, Shi Ji 29, transl Burton Watson.

[18] The China scholar Marcel Granet has collected the legends and traditions of the ancient Chinese writ­ings. For the legend of Yu the Great, see “Danses et legends de la Chine ancienne”, first published in 1926 (pages 244 and 468 in the re-publication of 1994).

[19] Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead Translated by E. A. Wallis Budge http://www. sas. upenn. edu/African_Studies/Books/Papyrus_Ani. html.

[20] Lalouette (1984), II, Chapt. 3, adapted.

[21] Text engraved in a tomb at Amarna, after Lalouette (1984), II, Chapt. 4, adapted.

[22] After Jean-Marie Durand (1998), Documents epistolaires du palais de Mari, II, 806.

[23] Durand (1998), II, 81.

[24] Stordeur (1989); Cauvin (1997), Chapt. 16, p. 239; we have adopted the dating indicated by Cauvin, recently recalibrated.

[25] After Michaael Janssen (1988).

[26] Margueron (1991), Volume II, p. 29.

[27] Vallet (1997).

[28] Rachet (1993).

[29] De Graeve (1981), Chapt. 4, F; Roaf (1990).

[30] Eridu, State Org. of Antiques and Herritage, Baghdad, 1982.

[31] The Bahrain and Oman archaeological sites of the 3d millennium BC have been partially explored (Cleziou, 1987). It has been established that the copper used in lower Mesopotamia in this period came from the mines of the mountains of Oman. At the eastern extremity of the peninsula have been found remnants of tar used to waterproof seagoing vessels, as well as objects characteristic of the Indus civi­lization. The tasty dates of Dilmun are celebrated in Sumerian texts. Dilmun had numerous artesian wells and luxuriant palm groves.

[32] Casson (1971).

[33] The funeral chapel (mastaba) of the tomb of Akhethetep, on display at the Louvre museum, dates from 2400 BC and contains engravings of large sailing vessels with two masts, allowing a distribution of the wind force on the hull.

[34] Tablet of the Lagash Dynasty (2570 – 2340 BC), somewhat deteriorated. From Sollberger and Kupper (1971), p. 44.

[35] Kramer (1986), Chap 6. To commemorate his victory over Umma, Eannatum had the famous “stela (stone monument) of the Vultures” engraved; it can be seen in the Louvre museum.

[36] Prologue adapted from Finet (1996). Laws 53 and 56 from the Translation of L. W. King (1910) Edited by Richard Hooker http://www. wsu. edu:8080/~dee/MESO/CODE. HTM . The proclamation of year 33 of the reign is from Renger (1990), from Driver and Miles, Babylonian Laws

[37] See Steinkeller (1988) for a description of the nag-kuds according to Sumerian texts, also Van Soldt (1988) for the equivalent natbaku from a later date. The concept seemed to last more than a thousand years.

[38] after a Sumerian text called “The Farmer’s Almanac” (Kramer, 1986, Chapter 11).

[39] Herodotus, The History, Translation of David Grene, book I, 193.

[40] after Bonneau (1993), p. 94.

[41] Xenophon, Anabasis, Book II, Chapter IV, 13, Translation of C. Brownson.

[42] Strabon, Geography, (Translation of F. Lasserre), Les Belles Lettres, 1981, 16, 9-10, adapted.

On the other hand it seems now to have been established that contrary to certain legends, there is not a true dam constructed on the Tigris before the period of the Persian Empire.

[43] See Schnitter (1994).

[44] law No. 70, from the edition of Andre Finet (1996).

[45] Xenophon, Anabasis, Book I, Chapter VII, 14, Translation of C. Brownson.

[46] Strabon, Geography, 16, 10 (Translation of F. Lasserre), Les Belles Lettres, 1981, adapted.

[47] From Sollberger and Kupper (1971), “Royal Sumerian and Akkadian Inscriptions”. For the works of the kings of Larsa, see Renger (1990) and Charpin (2002).

[48] Herodotus, The History, book I, 184-186, Translation of David Grene.

[49] Ibid., book I, 191.

18 Inscription on a clay cylinder called “the cylinder of Babylon”; Translation of Lecoq (1997), Chapter


[52] Helms (1987 a-b).

[53] Helms (1987 b).

[54] Helms (1987b).

[55] Ibid.

[56] Margueron (2004).

[57] Margueron (2003).

[58] J.-M. Durant, Documents epistolaires du palais de Mari I, (1997), doc. 157-159, adapted.

[59] Inscription on the head of a clay spike, found in the Mari palace, adapted from Sollberger and Kupper (1971).

[60] Margueron (1988), Geyer (1990), Monchabert (1990), Margueron (1991), Calvet and Geyer (1992).

[61] Calvet and Geyer (1992), Chapter 9. This dam, built with limestone blocks cemented with a chalk – based mortar, could be a Hellenistic or Roman reconstruction, given the proximity of Doura Europos, of a structure from Mari or even from an earlier time, for there is a very ancient inhabited site here.

[62] Akkadian texts engraved in cuneiform writing on tablets of baked clay; this evidence dates from the reign of Zimri-Lim, one of the Amorite successors of Yahdun-Lim, who reigned 14 years and was the last king of Mari.

[63] Durand (1998), II, 793. This document suggests that the canal Isim-Yahdun Lim extends to Terqa, a hypothesis that we have adopted in Figure 2.11.

[64] Ibid., II, 784.

32 Durand (1998), II, 796.

33 Ibid., II, 804.

34 Ibid., II, 805.

[66] cit. after Lafont (1991); see also Durand (1998), II, 813. If indeed it is of the Mari canal that one speaks here, it must have extended to Der. The wadi Der is called Balih, from the name of one of the major tributaries of the Euphrates, which seems to be a common practice in usage.

[67] Geyer (1990).

[68] Jean-Claude Margueron is a strong proponent of the hypothesis of an ancient navigation canal (see his various publications). Prior to the era of Zimri Lim, from which the texts cited herein are drawn, a message sent by a king of upper Mesopotamia, whose domains include Mari and its region, is of inter­est. The message asks that precious wood coming from Qatna in Syria, coming down the Euphhrates to Suprum, “be brought upstream by boat to Saggaratum, from there (again by boat) to Qattunan (further up the Khabur). From there, the wood can be transported on carts…” (Durand, letter No. 187). J. C. Margueron brought this letter to my attention. The importance that it gives to Suprum as a transfer port, and to Saggaratum as a stopover, is quite consistent with the notion of a grand navigation canal.

[69] Calvet and Geyer (1992), chapt. 2.

[70] This name does not have great significance; the Greeks tended to attribute numerous ancient works to the legendary Semiramis.

[71] “Etapes de Parthie”, cited from Calvet and Geyer.

[72] Callot (1983).

[73] Contenau (1927), Volume 3, p. 1373.

[74] Ghirshman, 1968.

[75] Inscription of Sennacherib, cited from Jacobsen and Lloyd (1935).

[76] See Jacobsen and Lloyd (1935) for a report of field studies on the dam and the inscriptions of Bavian and the aqueduct of Jerman; and Schnitter (1994) for details of the weir of Ajileh.

[77] A stela mentions Rusa without further note. According to Paul Zimansky (1985), the king Rusa II (680 – 654 BC) deserves credit for this project.

[78] Regarding supply of water from the Tushpa and Rusahinili, see Garbrecht (1980, 1988).

[79] This title could be contested by the Homs dam in Syria that is attributed by some to the Egyptians, but that probably dates from the Roman occupation. We come back to this in Chapter 7.

[80] This process is known to us through the quite complete study of Henri Goblot (1979).

Modern studies tend to disagree with his belief that the qanats originated in Urartu.

[81] Account of the eighth campaign of Sargon II against Rusa I, tablet conserved in the Louvre museum, citation after Goblot (1979).

[82] Ctesias, History of the Persians, 13, adapted from the Translation of J. Auberger. Later, Polybius mentions even more clearly the “underground canals” of this region (extract cited in Chapter 7).

[83] Strabon, Geography, (Translation of F. Lasserre), Les Belles Lettres, 1981, adapted.

[84] Bader, Gaibov, Gubaev, and Koshelenko (1996);Gaibov and Kochelenko (2002): according to these authors, irrigation of the Merv oasis began as early as 2100 BC.

[85] This exploration was led by Jean-Claude Gardin, with the participation of P. Gentelle and B. Lyonnet. For the layout of the canals, see Gentelle (1989); for a synthesis of the hydraulic works, with dating of the canals revised from analysis of ceramics, see Gardin (1998).

[86] We nevertheless discuss in this chapter certain projects of the Ptolemites, the successors of Alexander and sovereigns of Greek culture, when these projects are continuations of work of the Pharaonic era.

[87] This account, called the “stela of famine”, relates the difficult years that were said to have occurred under the reign of Djoser, 2nd Pharaoh of the 3rd Dynasty (about 2600 BC). The stela was engraved after the fact, under the Ptolemites, but it is likely the retranscription of a much older text or tradition. Translation by Lichtheim, http://www. touregypt. net/faminestele. htm.

[88] Geography, book XVII, 1,3, Translation of Pascal Charvet.

[89] See Daniele Bonneau (1986), Gunther Garbrecht (1987), and the commentaries of Jean Yoyotte and Pascal Charvet (1997) in “The Voyage to Egypt” of Strabo.

[90] slabs of black stone, a fragment of which can be seen in the Cairo museum; the main slab, the “Palermo Stone”, is in that city’s museum (see for example Roccati, 1982).

[91] Geography, book XVII, 1, 48, Translation of Pascal Charvet.

[92] Macehead said to be of Khashkemoui, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.

[93] Ibid., Book 2, 99.

[94] According to Nicolas Grimal (1992).

[95] Kerisel (1999).

[96] the Arabs have given this name to the remains of the works; it means “dam of the nonbelievers”

[97] Gunther Garbrecht (1985) gives a detailed account of the conclusions of this exploration.

[98] Funeral inscription of prince Ouni (2400 – 2350 BC), from Claire Lalouette (1984), I.

[99] Grimal (1988), Chapter 6.

[100] Goyon (1986).

[101] Herodotus, The History, book II, 29, Translation of David Grene.

[102] citation from Jean Vercoutter (1991).

[103] Mirgissa was explored between 1962 and 1968 by a French expedition directed by Jean Vercoutter. For an overview, see Vercoutter (1991). For navigation between Aswan and Semna, see Goyon (1986).

[104] Geography, book XVII, 1, 35, Translations of Pascal Charvet, adapted.

[105] 10 cm per century, according to Butzer (1998). The normal level of the Nile at the latitude of Fayoum, today at an elevation of +24 m, was probably about +20 m at the beginning of the IInd millen­nium BC.

[106] These data are from the geological studies synthesized and analyzed by Butzer (1997). The eleva­tion of -2 m reached around 2000 BC is derived from the geological work of Gardener and Caton – Thomson (1929), cited by Garbrecht (1996). Annual evaporation in this region is estimated at 1.7 m; the lake level could therefore fall some 20 m in a dozen years.

[107] Butzer (1998).

[108] Grimal (1988), Chapter 7.

[109] see the synthesis of Gunter Garbrecht (1996).

[110] and even at +9.7 m for the temple of Medinet Madi, according to Butzer (1998).

[111] Butzer (1998).

[112] Herodotus, The History, Book 2, 149, Translation of David Grene.

[113] Regarding the fact that the “lake of Moeris”, that is to say the entire depression, was excavated arti­ficially, it is clear that our author’s sources were not straightforward with him. See for example the notes of Jean Yoyotte in his edition of Strabo’s The voyage in Egypt, page 142.

[114] Garbrecht and Jarritz (1992). See also Garbrecht (1996).

[115] citation after Redmount (1995).

[116] The classical authors attribute many things to “Sesotris”, as they do to Semiramis of Mesopotamia.

[117] This zone is unoccupied in the Middle and New Empires, as attested to by Jean Yoyotte (see his note 266 in Strabo’s Travels in Egypt (Le voyage en Egypt); see also Carol Redmount, 1995). This author raises the possibility of a canal to Tell el-Rebatah built in the New Empire; the canal would be more to the north, and more modest, than the actual canal of the two seas. The text of Linant de Bellfonds nice­ly describes the remains of two distinct canals to the west of this site, one on the north flank of the wadi Tumilat valley, the other on its south flank.

[118] See the synthesis of C. A. Redmount (1995).

[119] Grimal (1998), Chapter 14.

[120] Herodotus, The History, book II, 158, Translation of David Grene

[121] Soule (1997), II, 2.

[122] Stela of Chalouf, after Pierre Lecoq.

[123] Bibliotheque historique, book I, 33, 11.

[124] Geography, XVII, 25, Translation of Pascal Charvet, adapted.

[125] We will see in chapter 9 that it is not until the 10th century AD that a true gated lock appears, in China.

[126] Redmount (1995); Mayerson (1996).

[127] after Henri Goblot (1979).

[128] Everyone knows the legend of the Queen of Sheba who is said to have visited king Solomon at Jerusalem. In reality, there is no historical evidence of this queen. Regarding Arabia Felix, the reader can consult, for example, the articles of Jaqueline Pirenne (1979) or the work of Jean-Franfois Breton (1998).

[129] Breton (1998), p. 28. See also Breton, Arramond, Coque-Delhuile and Gentelle (1988) for the wadi Bayhan; also Coque-Delhuile (2001). The earliest settlements at Shabwa date from 1900 – 1800 BC.

[130] after C. Robin (1992), “Inventory of sudarabic inscriptions, I”, Haram 2. The reference to the god Matabnatiyan indicates that this text dates from before the 2nd century BC.

[131] Robin (1992), Haram 49.

[132] citation from Jacqueline Pirenne (1982). The inscription of easement has also been found: “Karib’Il Bayyin reserved (for water flow) around the city of Nasq to its boundaries: 60 sawahit (?)”

[133] Robin (1992), Haram 10. The date of this inscription is doubtless from between the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD.

[134] Breton (1998), p. 64.

[135] Ryckmans (1979); Breton (1998), p. 34

[136] sourate 34, verses 15 and 16.

[137] See for example Rachet (1993) for the prehellenistic period.

[138] Sporting games (or rituals) using the bull are practiced by the Minoans in many-roomed palaces that less civilized people might have taken to be frightening labyrinths. But in their frescoes, the Minoans seem rather to express the joy of living.

[139] see J. W. Graham (1987), p. 219-221; N. Platon (1988), volume 1, pa. 350-410.

[140] This is the building that Arthur Evans calls the caravanserai.

[141] according to Rodney Castleden (1990), p. 73.

[142] City situated near the northeast extremity of Crete, to the north of Zakro.

[143] Akrotiri was uncovered in 1967 by Spiridon Marinatos. Thera is the ancient name of Santorin.

[144] after Sylvie Muller (1996, 1997).

[145] Castleden (1998).

[146] Plato, Critias, 118 Translated by Benjamin Jowett http://classics. mit. edu/Plato/critias. html

[147] Homer, Iliad, XXI, 250, translated by Samuel Butler http://darkwing. uoregon. edu/~joelja/iliad. html#b21

[148] Taylour (1983), Chapter 5.

[149] Ibid.; Nicolas Platon (1988), volume 2, pp. 277-292.

[150] This reconstitution is due to E. Zangger. Our source is the article of C. W. Shelmerdine (1997).

[151] Strabo, Geography, IX, 2, 16, Translation of H. C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M. A. http://www. perseus. tufts. edu.

[152] Strabon, IX, 2, 40, Translation of R. Baladie, adapted.

[153] see Guy Rachet (1993), pages 71 and 470, and Nicholas J. Schnitter (1994), pages 11-13. The reports of both these authors are based on the work directed in the 1980’s by J. Knauss, University of Munich. The studies show that, contrary to what had been thought beforehand, lake Copais had never been completely drained by the Mynians.

[154] All these details are known thanks to the work of a German team, directed by Eberhard Zangger, who studied the site between 1984 and 1988 (Zangger, 1994).

[155] The structural details of the dam are provided by Schnitter (1994), from an early study of the dam by Balcer.

[156] from Praxitelis Argyropoulos (1979). See also Trevor Hodge (1995), Chapter 1.

[157] Numerous works mention the tunnel of Samos; among them, see Jacques Bonnin (1984), Chapter 9; Trevor Hodge (1995), Chapter 1.

[158] Herodotus, The History of Herodotus, III, 60, Translation of George Rawlinson http://classics. mit. edu/Herodotus/history. html

[159] Ibid., VII, 23.

[160] Ibid., VII, 128-130.

[161] Aristotle, Physics, VIII, III, Translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye http://classics. mit. edu/Aristotle/physics.8.viii. html.

[162] Ibid., IV, VIII

[163] See Dickinson (1994).

[164] From the Translation of Pascal Charvet, after Strabo, The journey to Egypt commented by Jean Yoyotte (1997).

[165] Our principal general sources concerning the Library and Museum of Alexandria are the works of Geoffrey Lloyd (1973), Luciano Canfora (1986) and the article of Anita Measson (1994).

[166] Sometimes acquisition by force: on transiting boats stories were told of books that were confiscated, only copies to be returned to the owners.

[167] But many fewer books: only the shortest of books could be contained in a single roll. This estimate is discussed in detail by Luciano Canfora (1986).

[168] We recall that Greek science had established that the earth was round in approximately the 6th centu­ry BC. The circumference obtained by Eratosthene was 250,000 stadia or 39,690 km, taking the stadi­um to be 157.5 m, compared to the modern accepted Figure of 40,009 km (Lloyd, 1973)

[169] Vitruvius, X, 7, 4.

[170] These hanging gardens are described by Strabo (Geography, XVI, 1, 5), but not by Herodotus who wrote during the period of the Achaemenid Persians. Thus it seems probable that they were not devel­oped until the Hellenistic period.

[171] A passage in the work of Philon may suggest hydraulic force to turn a lifting waterwheel (noria). But we know this work only through an Arabic transcription, and there is some doubt as to the authenticity of the passage (it could be an addition from the Islamic era, during which the use of hydraulic energy is widespread). We share this doubt. There is no evidence of the use of hydraulic force before the 1st cen­tury BC (see further on), and even during the era of Strabo’s voyage in Egypt (25 BC), there are no hydraulic machines on the Nile. His account is perfectly clear on this point (we cite an extract further on).

[172] Heron, “Pneumatics”, I, 16, cit. after Lloyd (1973).

[173] Note the dedication of Archimede’s treatise “The Method”: “Archimedes to Eratosthene, prosperi­ty! I earlier sent you certain theorems that I had discovered, giving you only the statements and invit­ing you to discover the proofs…” (Vol. III of Works of Archimedes, Edited in French by Les Belles Lettres, 1971, adapted).

[174] On Architecture, book X, 7, 1 – 3, adapted from the Translation of Louis Callebat.

[175] Of floating bodies, Translation of Charles Mugler.

[176] Here, in summary, is how this proposition is deduced from the initial postulate: if this were not the case for a liquid at rest, two points inside the liquid, situated on a sphere centered at the center of the earth would be compressed by different water heights above them, thus “the part that is the least compressed is displaced from its position by a more compressed part; it follows that the liquid cannot remain at rest.”

[177] The Roman engineer Vitruvius writes later, in book VIII of his treatise On Architecture (V, 3): “Perhaps those who have read the works of Archimedes will say that one cannot establish an exact level using water, since Archimedes teaches that a water surface is not a level plane, but a sphere having as its center the precise center of the terrestrial globe. But whether the water surface is planar or spheri­cal, if a horizontal straightedge is laid upon the surface of water in a gutter, then this straightedge, at its left and right extremities, necessarily is at the same distance above the water surface; if, on the other hand, the straightedge is laid on a slope, one end of it will be above the water while the other touches it.”

[178] Gunther Garbrecht (1983) gives an excellent overview. See also Trevor Hodge (1995).

[179] According to Gunther Garbrecht, many of these elements were secretly sold to collectors, but the three pipelines are quite visible at certain locations.

[180] 22 cm according to Gunther Garbrecht (1979), only 17.5 cm according to Trevor Hodge (1995). These dimensions are suppositional, no element of this conduit having been recovered. The exterior diameter of 30 cm is, on the other hand, well established on the basis of the diameter of holes in the blocks that supported the conduit.

[181] Several cities are given with the name of this queen, who was first married to Lysimachus, the king of Thrace.

[182] On a site that had perhaps already been used during the period of the Pharaohs: it is the site called “Head of Nekheb” in Figure 3.1.

[183] Citation from Fabienne Burkhalter (1992). See also Bonneau (1993).

[184] There were crocodiles in the region, and the ancient Egyptians venerated the sacred crocodiles there. This city is today called Medinet el-Fayoum.

[185] In effect, Claude Orrieux (1983) situated the “domain of the 10,000 aroures” between the altitudes +20 m and -10 m. Other studies have situated this elevation at -2 m (Garbrecht, 1996).

[186] One can consider that Apollonius served the king in an intermediate function, between that of a Finance Minister and Prime Minister, according to our references. He very closely followed the agri­cultural performance, this being the principal source of fiscal revenue.

[187] After Claude Orrieux, The papyrus of Zenon (1983), Chapter VI.

[188] Garbrecht (1996).

[189] Orrieux (1983), Chapter VI.

[190] Ibid., Chapter V.

[191] Strabo, The Geography of Strabo, William Heinemann Ltd., London, 1932, XVII, 1, 30, transl. Horace Leonaard Jones.

[192] Ibid., XVII, 1, 52.

[193] Amaseia is the native city of Strabo. The ancestors of Strabo participated in the dynastic unraveling of the kings of Pontus, and in the wars between the Mithridates and the Romans.

[194] Strabo, The Geography of Strabo, William Heinemann Ltd., London, 1932, XII, 3, 30, transl. Horace Leonard Jones.

[195] Greek Anthology, IX, 418 (Loeb ed. Vol. 3 p 233).

[196] Strabon, Geographic, XVI, 4, 21 (Translation of F. Lasserre), Les Belles Lettres, 1981, adapted

[197] Deletie and collaborators, 1995.

[198] After sources cited by Gilbert Argoux (1994).

[199] This type of pump is used as a fire pump, as well as a bilge pump, up until the beginning of the 20th century (Figure 5.6).

[200] Heron, Pneumatics, II, 11.

[201] Dioptra, cit. after Gunther Garbrecht (1987).

[202] Galien is born at Pergamon, studies at Smyrna, Corinth, and Alexandria, and then lives in Rome as a renowned doctor (Lloyd, 1973, Chapt. 9).

[203] In Egypt, due to the practice of embalming, human dissection is not taboo as it is in the Greek world. It is thus generally permitted at Alexandria, leading to numerous anatomical discoveries.

[204] Commentary on the Physics of Aristotle, 639, 30, adapted from the translation of Cohen and Drabkin, cit. after Lloyd (1973).

[205] Sartre (1991), p. 418.

[206] Archimedes, Philon of Byzantium and several others will be translated into Arabic. Certain of these works owe their survival to this translation.

[207] The reader can consult the work of Luciano Canfora (1986).

[208] See Goblot (1979), pp. 188-192.

[209] Keller (1976), p. 52-54, 274.

[210] Heurgon (1989), p. 170.

[211] Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, Book XXXVI, 24, Translation ed. John Bostock, M. D., F. R.S., H. T. Riley, Esq., B. A. http://www. perseus. tufts. edu/cgi-bin/ptext? lookup=Plin.+Nat.+toc

[212] Frontinus, Aqueducts of the city of Rome, IV-V, adapted from the translation of P. Grimal. We pres­ent this author further on.

[213] Frontinus, Aqueducts of the city of Rome, XXIII, adapted from the translation of P. Grimal.

[214] Vitruvius, On Architecture, VI, 1 and 2, translated by Joseph Gwilt, London: Priestley and Weale, 1826. http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Vitruvius/8*.html (adapted)

[215] For water in Pompeii, see the two publications of Hans Eschebach (1983). Note that one does not find the distribution scheme described by Vitruvius in the castellum of Nimes, constructed in the mid­dle of the first century AD under the emperor Claudius (Figure 6.17).

[216] Frontinus, “The Aqueducts of Rome”, 16, Translation of Charles E. Bennett in the Loeb edition, 1925 http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Frontinus/De_Aquis/text*.html

[217] Fabre, Fiches, Leveau, Paillet (1992).

[218] Leveau and Paillet (1983).

[219] Rakob (1979); Clamagiraud, Rais, Chahed, Guefrej, Smaoui (1990).

[220] Balty (1987).

[221] This is of course not the Hellenistic aqueduct of Mandradag (Chapter 5), but rather the Roman aque­duct of the Kaikos valley. It comes from the east; even though its elevation is high enough to supply only the lower quarters of the city, it transports a much larger quantity of water than the Hellenistic aque­duct.

[222] This indication is somewhat uncertain (5 cm/km?) It does not correspond to actual slopes in the aqueducts.

[223] Vitruvius, On Architecture, VIII, VI, 1 and 3, translated by Joseph Gwilt, London: Priestley and Weale, 1826. http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Vitruvius/8*.html

[224] See for example Leveau (1979), Fabre, Fiche, Leveau, Paillet (1992).

[225] Vitruvius, On Architecture, VIII, VI, 5 and 6, translated by Joseph Gwilt, London: Priestley and Weale, 1826. http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Vitruvius/8*.html

[226] See Fahlbusch, 1979, 1987.

[227] Frontinus, “The Aqueducts of Rome”, 18, Translation of Charles E. Bennett in the Loeb edition, 1925 http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Frontinus/De_Aquis/text*.html

[228] Some authors mention that after the fire of Rome, Nero, to his credit, took a certain number of pos­itive measures making it possible to use the water in the aqueducts for fire fighting.

[229] Fahlbusch, 1987).

[230] From Frontinus and the commentaries of P. Grimal.

[231] Frontinus, “The Aqueducts of Rome”, 74-75, Translation of Charles E. Bennett in the Loeb edition, 1925 http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Frontinus/De_Aquis/text*.html

[232] Pelletier (1983).

[233] The reader can consult the article of Marcel Bailhache (1979).

[234] Sources: Grenier (1960), Bailhache (1979), Burdy (1979, 1996), Jeancolas (1983), Pelletier (1983), Fabre et al (1992), Andrieu (1997), Andrieu and Cazal (1997), Ardhuin (1997), Jaccotey (1997), Lefebvre (1997), Provist and Lepretre (1997), Rigal (1997).

[235] One reference study, unfortunately disappeared, is that of Germain de Montauzan (1909). Here we have based our discussions primarily on the study of Louis Jeancolas (1977, published in 1983), on the synthesis of Jean Burdy (1979), and on the monograph of Jean Burdy on the Gier aqueduct.

[236] This is the “traditional” dating estimated by Germain de Montauzan; Jeancolas, based on the remains of a tomb that is said to have preceded the aqueduct, estimated that the aqueduct could date from the second part of the 2nd century AD. In this case, the aqueduct would be the most recent of the four.

[237] the water velocity is greater than that of the wavespeed. For more detail, see Chanson (2000).

[238] This is the hypothesis of Louis Jeancolas, from his observation of a piling of the Craponne aqueduct that is particularly reinforced, suggesting that it could have supported the structure at the junction of two aqueducts.

[239] ”Chagnon Stone”, discovered in 1887, visible under the playground of the Chagnon school. A sec­ond inscription, apparently identical, was discovered in 1996 along the main path of the aqueduct, but further downstream (Burdy, 1996).

[240] Difference in water level between the head tank and exit basin.

[241] These data have an unexplained anomaly. An elementary hydraulic calculation shows that the ratio of the head losses must be equal to the ratio of the lengths of the two parts of the double siphon, if the pipes are identical and of the same number.

[242] Our principal sources here are the article of Victor Lassalle (1979), conservator of the museum of Nimes, and the work of Guilhem Fabre, Jean-Luc Fiches, Philippe Leveau, and Jean-Louis Paillet (1992) who coordinated, from 1984 to 1990, a program of research on the aqueduct of Nimes and the Pont du Gard.

[243] This new date is that established by Fabre, Fiches, Leveau and Paillet (1992). Earlier, the aqueduct had been attributed to Agrippa, the son in law of Augustus, also presumed father of the first aqueduct of Lyon (around 19 BC). The Brevenne aqueduct is also attributed to the era of Claudius.

[244] The ancient writings refer to an elevation of 76 m for the tapping of the Eure fountain. We have adopted here the more recent estimate of Fabre et al. (1992), namely 72 m.

[245] It is probably to reduce the height of the Pont du Gard that the aqueduct’s slope is steeper upstream than downstream of it.

[246] It is about 150 km long; see Figure 6.32 below (Balty, 1987).

[247] Rakob (1979); Clamagirand, Rais, Chahed, Guefrej, Smaoui (1990).

[248] The bridge has disappeared, but the alignment of the arches of wadi Milliane is still well preserved

[249] Al-Idrissi (12th century), III, 2 Translation of Jaubert.

[250] Vitruvius, On Architecture, X, 5, 1 and 2, translated by Joseph Gwilt, London: Priestley and Weale, 1826. http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Vitruvius/8*.html

[251] Although Vitruvius does not cite Archimedes in this context, he does very explicitly refer to Ctesibios, as shown by the extract that we cited in Chapter 5.

[252] See the notes of Louis Callebat in his edition of Vitruvius’ book X.

[253] See, for example, Jacques Bonnin (1984). See Viollet (2005) for more detail.

[254] Vitruvius, On Architecture, X, 9, 5 and 7, translated by Joseph Gwilt, London: Priestley and Weale, 1826. http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Vitruvius/8*.html

[255] Pliny was born in the summer of 23 or 24 AD, and was, around 70 AD, in the Orient with Titus, to whom he dedicated his book, The Natural History, in 77 AD. He died in 79 AD during the eruption of Vesuvius, attempting to awaken the inhabitants of Pompei.

[256] Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, Book XVIII, 23, Translation ed. John Bostock, M. D., F. R.S., H. T. Riley, Esq., B. A. http://www. perseus. tufts. edu/cgi-bin/ptext? lookup=Plin.+Nat.+toc

[257] See the census of remains established by J.-P. Brun, in Brun and Borreani (1989), p. 308-309, or the census of Wilson (2002), Wikander (2000), or Viollet (2005).

[258] Scare (1995), p. 128; Wikander (2000).

[259] Hodge (1995).

[260] The first description comes from the discoverer of the site, Fernand Benoit, in 1935. We have used here the results of the more recent study of Sellin (1979) for the flour mill itself, and of Leveau (1995) for its water supply.

[261] The first studies of the site supposed that this distribution system was a triangular reservoir. Sellin showed that it was more likely two canals, laid out in the form of a “V”, supported on walls that are still visible today, conveying water into the headraces. We have adopted this hypothesis in Figure 6.24.

[262] Leveau (1995).

[263] Schnitter (1994), p. 59.

[264] Augusta-Boularot and Paillet (1997).

[265] Ibid., p. 60.

[266] Smith (1992); Schnitter (1994); Fernandez Ordonez (1984).

[267] Strabo, Geography, book III, 2, 10, Translation of H. C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M. A. http://www. perseus. tufts. edu/cgibin/ptext? doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0239&query=head%3D %2319.

[268] Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, Book XXXIII, 21, Translation ed. John Bostock, M. D., F. R.S., H. T. Riley, Esq., B. A. http://www. perseus. tufts. edu/cgi-bin/ptext? lookup=Plin.+Nat.+toc

[269] Domergue (1986).

[270] Schnitter, 1994, p. 70.

[271] Goblot (1979), pp. 117-125.

[272] Inscription found at Timgad: opus aquae paludensis conquiriendae concludenaeque, citation after Goblot (1979).

[273] Sartre (1991), Chapter 5.

[274] Ibid., chap. 10; Bonneau (1993).

[275] Goblot (1979), p. 114.

[276] C. Scarre (1995), p. 77.

[277] Garbrecht (1991). See also Schnitter (1994), p. 74.

[278] Our sources for this dam of Homs are especially Calvet and Geyer (1992), Chapter 3, as well as Schnitter (1994), p. 76.

[279] This is the length indicated by Calvet and Geyer (1992), who thought the length of 2,000 m indicat­ed by other authors to be excessive.

[280] Strabon, Geography, XVI, 2, 19 (Translation of F. Lasserre), Les Belles Lettres, 1981, adapted.

[281] Goblot (1979), p. 130.

[282] Here again, our sources are essentially Calvet and Geyer (1992), Chapter 7, as well as Schnitter (1994).

[283] Sartre (1991), p. 55.

[284] Rome has a monopoly on the importation of Egyptian wheat, prior to the creation of Constantinople.

[285] Strabo, Geography, book V, 3, 5, Translation of H. C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M. A. http ://www. perseus. tufts. edu/cgi-bin/ptext? doc=Perseus%3Atext%3 A1999.01.023 9&layout =&loc=5.3.1

[286] Le Gall (1981).

[287] Suetone, Claude, XX, 3 (cited after Redde, 1983).

[288] Santa Maria Scrinari (1983).

[289] Redde (1983).

[290] Le Gall (1981).

[291] It was the construction of the Rome airport that led to the discovery of the remnants of the port of Claudius (Santa Maria Scrinari, 1983). Traces of the concrete used to fill Caligula’s ship were found in the shell of the hull. The west breakwater is visible. The hexagonal basin of the port of Trajan, which was used as an irrigation storage basin in the 19th century, has been restored.

[292] Mayerson (1996).

[293] Sartre (1991), p. 230, after Suetone and Pausanias.

[294] This was a frequent argument in Antiquity. It was used at the time of the Pharaoh Necho in the con­text of the canal of two seas.

[295] For example, in the aqueduct of Nimes with a discharge of 66,000 m3/day, if one takes as a simpli­fication a constant slope of 0.38 m/km upstream of the Pont du Gard, and a smaller slope of 0.18 m/km between the bridge and the city of Nimes, one finds that the water depth should be approximately 0.96 m along the first segment and 1.3 m along the second one, these values representing the useful depth of the canal (calculations done with a wall roughness of 5 mm and a canal width of 1.22 m).

[296] After Viollet, Chabard, Laurence, and Esposito (1998); the calculated velocities and discharges cor­respond to a slope of 1.3 m/km and a wall roughness of mean height 3 mm.

[297] Frontinus, “The Aqueducts of Rome”, 35, 36, Translation of Charles E. Bennett in the Loeb edition, 1925 http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Frontinus/De_Aquis/text*.html

[298] Ibid., 73.

[299] From Sanskrit texts translated by Louis Renou, The civilization of ancient India, (1950), pp. 148-151

[300] Needham and Ling, Science and Civilization in China, IV, II (1965), p. 361

[301] Schnitter (1994), p. 34.

[302] Schnitter (1994), p. 98.

[303] Basham (1954).

[304] Porter (1992).

[305] Ibn BattUta, 1995, adapted.

[306] Polybius, Histories, X, 25, Translation of W. R. Paton, http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Polybius/home. html

[307] Goblot (1979); Landry (1990).

[308] The Parthian period marks the beginning of the concentration of habitation at Marw, associated, according to Bader et al (1996) with the construction of a dam. Hiebert (1992) places the origin of this dam in the time of the Seljuks.

[309] Marco Polo, Le devisement du monde, XXXVIII, adapted.

[310] Citation from Goblot (1979)

[311] Beaumont (1989)

[312] Schnitter (1994), p. 87.

[313] Al-Muqaddasi, Arab geographer, citation after Hill (1997) in History of Arab science, p. 21, adapted.

[314] Ibn Batthta, 1995, adapted.

[315] Hiebert (1992).

[316] Schnitter (1994), pp. 89-92.

[317] Ducellier, Kaplan, Martin (1990), p. 132; see Sadler (1990) for a detailed study of such a fertile com­plex in Syria.

[318] Citation from Schnitter (1994), p. 80.

[319] Strabo had already described the difficulty of maintaining the hydraulic system of this region; the reader can refer to the extract cited in Chapter 2.

[320] Al-Baladhori, in “Arab Historians” (Sauvaget, 1988).

[321] Ibn Jubayr (beginning of the 12th century), Relations de Voyage, adapted from the translation of Paule Charles-Dominique.

[322] Ibid.

[323] Al-Baladhori, in Arab Historians (Sauvaget, 1988).

[324] Al-Qalqashandi, Arab author of the 15th century. Citation after Micheau, in History of the Arab Sciences, III.

[325] Berthier (1990).

[326] Zakri (1990).

[327] Safadi (1990).

[328] Ibn Jubayr, Accounts of a Voyage, adapted from the translation of Paule Charles-Dominique.

[329] Ibid.

[330] Zaqzouk (1990).

[331] Haj Ibrahim (1990).

[332] Saliby (1990), Calvet and Geyer (1992).

[333] The dating of the nahr Said and the nature of its use are documented thanks to the investigations of Berthier and d’Ont (1994). The first canal, from at least the 10th century, is the one whose use is described here. A second canal along the same alignment but more recent, may have supported gravity irrigation.

[334] After Kassem Toueir (1990).

[335] Bianquis (1986).

[336] Hill (1997), in History of Arab Science, III, pp. 14 and 47.

[337] Schnitter (1994), p. 82.

[338] Ibn Jubayr, Accounts of a voyage, adapted from the translation of Paule Charles-Dominique.

[339] Ozis (1999).

[340] Smith (1992).

[341] Al-Idrissi (12th century), IV, 1, Translation of Jaubert.

[342] Zakri (1990).

[343] Fernandez Ordonez (1984).

[344] Fernandez Ordonez (1984), Smith (1970).

[345] Al-Idrissi, IV, 1, Translation of Jaubert.

[346] Lagardere (1991 and 1993).

[347] Goblot (1979).

[348] Al-Idrissi (12th century), 31, Translation of Hadj Sadok; a revised translation and analysis of this cita­tion is given in El Fai’z (2005).

[349] Joffe (1989); see also El Faiz (2005).

[350] Brignon, Amine, Boutaleb, Martinet, Rosenberger (12967), p. 187.

[351] Al-Idrissi, 49, Translation of Hadj Sadok.

[352] Brignon, Amine, Boutaleb, Martinet, Rosenberger (1967), pp. 90 and 202; Madani (1999) for the hydraulic network of Fez.

[353] Al-Muqaddasi (10th century); citation from Brignon et al. (1967).

[354] Al-Idrissi, 22, Translation of Hadj Sadok.

[355] Messier (1997).

[356] Lambton (1989).

[357] Goblot (1979), pp. 163-164; Bisson (1989).

[358] Kitab inbat al-miyah al-hafiyya (The art of extracting hidden water), citation from Landry (1990).

[359] Ibid.

[360] Hill (1997), p. 45.

[361] Al-Jahiz, in Arab Historians (Sauvaget, 1988).

[362] Delpech, Girard, Robine, Roumi (1997).

[363] Hill (1997), p. 46.

[364] After a text dated from 1691 (Chhih Pei Ou Than of Wang Shih-Chen, cited by Needham and Ling (1965), p. 560 (adapted).

[365] In Antiquity, China is known, in the West, by two principle names: Seres, derived from the Chinese Si signifying silk, and Sina, that is thought to have come from the name of the Qin Dynasty. The first name arrived in the Occident through the intermediary of the Greek world; the second seems to have come by the route of the Indies (Needham, 1978).

[366] These are the excavations of Kjoumboulak Koum, where the remains of a vast irrigation network have been found in an ancient delta of the Kenya river, in the region of Khotan, after Corinne Debaine – Francfort (personal communication).

[367] According to the Chinese historian Sima Qian, who lived around 100 AD, Historical Memoires (Shi Ji), 123.

[368] Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 116.

[369] For example, Robert (1997).

[370] see Blunden & Elvin (1983).

[371] There are two important rivers called Luo; one in Shaanxi, the other in Henan. To avoid confusion, we call the first Luo and the second Lo.

[372] This does not mean there was nothing further to the south. Archaeology has indeed shown the exis­tence of a culture of rice in the basin of the Yangtze (the Blue river) from 6000 BC. But it is clearly in the north that organized civilization, destined to spread, was established (see for example Debaine – Francfort, 1998).

[373] Mencius, citation from Granet (1929), p. 89 in the edition of 1994.

[374] The reader can find deeper analyses of the evolution of Chinese philosophy and science in, for exam­ple, Needham (1978), and Gernet (1990).

[375] Extract of a work entitled Lhshi chunqiu, 239 BC. Citation from Needham (1978), p. 117.

[376] Needham (1978).

[377] Joseph Needham is an indispensable reference for those who are interested in the history of science and technology in China. He is the author of a monumental work, Science and Technology in China, to which we will often refer in this Chapter (Volume IV in particular for matters concerning hydraulics).

[378] Extract of Book of Documents (Shujing). Citation after Needham.

[379] The differences between these theories and the dates make it very unlikely that there was any con­nection between them.

[380] Granet (1929), p. 151.

[381] Gernet (1990).

[382] Herein we use the official modern transcriptions of Chinese into the Roman alphabet.

[383] Sima Qian, Shi Ji 29, English translation of Burton Watson.

[384] The slope of the Yellow River is about 1.1 m/km along its upper course (3,472 km); 0.74 m/km on its middle course (1,200 km); and only 0.11 m/km along the 786 km of its lower course – after Lian Ruiju, Zheng Zhaojin, Hu Jialin (1987).

[385] The main bed of the river, the narrow channel in which the river flows during low-water periods, is formed in the bed’s sediment, and therefore is not significantly super-elevated compared to the plain. The overflow bed, on the other hand, is much wider and is occupied during periods of high water; and can be more than ten meters above the level of the surrounding plain.

[386] After Liang Ruiju, Zheng Zhaojin, Hu Jialin (1987).

[387] Granet (1929).

[388] Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 232, according to a tradition that comes from the Han era.

[389] The hypothesis that Ye is near Handan is taken from the work of Henri Maspero (p. 145) and Jacques Gernet (p. 65). This localization is consistent with the fact that Ye was irrigated by Ximen Bao, using water taken from the Jian, which is precisely what Sima Qian said. It is curious, however, that this city, still active as the center of the cult of the river around 400 BC, was not located on the course of the river itself in this period, since the course had changed in 602 BC. Marcel Granet (Dances and legends, p. 474) situates Ye more to the south, near the place where the ancient course of the Yellow River arrives on the plain and turns toward the north.

[390] After Marcel Granet (1926).

[391] Historical memoires (Shi Ji) of Sima Qian, 126, adapted from the translation of E. Chavannes (cita­tion from Granet, 1926, p. 474).

[392] Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 29. See also Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 271, and Zheng (1991).

[393] Needham, Lian, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 271; Zhang (1991); Schnitter (1994), p. 41.

[394] Sima Qian, Shi Ji 29, transl Burton Watson.

[395] After Joseph Needham, Wang Ling, Lu Gwei-Djen (1971); p. 270 in the edition of 1987.

[396] Granet, 1926.

[397] Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 29, Transl. Burton Watson

[398] Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 289; Li and Du (2003)

[399] Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 29, transl Burton Watson.

[400] Granet (1929), p. 119. Marcel Granet attributes the construction of the Hong canal to Zheng. We prefer the hypotheses of Joseph Needham who believes this canal is older.

[401] Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 112, transl B. Watson.

[402] Needham, Lin, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 300 and following in the 1987 edition. See also Granet (1929), p. 140, Zheng (1991), and Schnitter (1994), p. 45.

[403] According to Needham, Li mentions the idea of separation. It is therefore possible that the name of the river – the Li – comes from the structure mentioned here, separating the discharge from the Xiang. One could say the same of the Li escarpment, at Dujiangyan: it is separated from the hill by the notch through which the canal passes.

[404] Extract from a treatise of 1178 called Ling Wai Tai Taby Chou Chhh Fei. Adapted from the citation of Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p 304.

[405] Citation after Blunden and Elvin (1983), p. 81.

[406] See for example Debaine-Francfort (1998), p. 93.

[407] Sima Qian, Historical memoires (Shiji). Citation from Debaine-Francfort (1998). This account is corroborated by the discovery of traces of mercury in the soil of the tomb.

[408] Blunden and Elvin (1983), p. 30.

[409] Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 29. transl B Watson.

[410] Ibid.

[411] Granet (1929), p. 142. See also Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 29.

[412] Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 110.

[413] Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 281 and following in the edition of 1987; Zheng (1991); Schnitter (1994), p. 41.

[414] Sima Qian, Shi Ji, 29.

[415] Ibid.

[416] Gernet (1990), p. 112.

[417] Siman Qian, Shi Ji, 29, transl B Watson.

[418] Liang Ruiju, Zheng Zhaojin, Hu Jialin (1987).

[419] Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p 234.

[420] Adapted from Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 346.

[421] Needham (1978), p. 58; Dars (1992).

[422] Gernet (1990), p. 128.

[423] Needham and Ling (1965), p. 369.

[424] Ibid., pp. 344-345.

[425] Steens (1989), p. 422.

[426] Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 345, adapted.

[427] Ibid., p. 348.

[428] The Hongze lake is shown on our maps; but is it possible that it did not exist prior to the develop­ment works of the 15th century (see the end of this chapter)?

[429] For the work done under the Song, see the work of Jacques Dars (1992), pp. 149-150.

[430] Adapted from Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen (1971), p. 350.

[431] Account of a traveller named Kuang Lu from 1585, adapted from Needham, Ling, Gwei-Djen(1971), p 306.

[432] 1194 according to Joseph Needham, Wang Ling, Lu Gwei-Djen (1971); 1187 according to Liang Ruiju, Zheng Zhaojin, Hu Jialin (1987).

[433] Marco Polo, Le devisement du monde, 149, adapted

[434] Ibid., 136.

[435] Gernet (1990), p. 340.

[436] Schnitter (1994), p. 105.

[437] Adapted from History of the Christian expedition to the kingdom of China, IV, 2.

[438] Ibid.

[439] After Pierre-Etienne Will, in Dictionary of Chinese Civilization, p. 344.

[440] The Book of Wonders, 153

[441] By the traveller and poet Chu Mi, in 1280 – transl by R Strassberg

[442] Needham, Ling (1965), pp. 320-323.

[443] Will (1998), p. 344.

[444] Needham and Ling (1965), p. 323.

[445] Ibid., p. 344.

[446] Ibid., p. 345.

[447] Belidor (1737) describes it under the name of “rosary mill”, as a machine in widespread use.

[448] These dates and facts are taken from Needham and Ling (1965), pp. 356-362. These authors hypoth­esize that the noria could have been introduced in China as early as the 2nd century, but we do not see strong evidence of this.

[449] Ibn Battuta, Voyages, Translation of C. Defremey and B. R. Sanguinetti, IV, p. 255, adapted.

[450] Needham and Ling (1965), p. 356.

[451] Ibid.

[452] Extract of a work called San Kuo Chih, Needham and Ling (1965), p. 370.

[453] Needham and Ling (1965), p. 400.

[454] Needham, 1978.

[455] From a text dating from the end of the Songs or from the Yuan Empire (Lao Hsueh Tshung Than by Sheng Jo-Tzu), citation from Needham and Ling (1965), p. 560.

[456] Needham (1978), p. 20.

[457] Dars (1992), Gernet (1990), p. 273.

[458] Ibn BattUta, 1995, adapted.

[459] Dars (1992), p. 62 and following.

[460] Guillerme (1979).

[461] Coates-Stephens, 1998.

[462] Champion (1996).

[463] Citation from Zettler (1996).

[464] Zettler (1996), Hoffmann (1996).

[465] After Sylvie Caucanas (1995).

[466] The rapid growth of references to mills in deeds from Picardy in the 11th and 12th centuries may not be significant, for the number of deeds being rediscovered and archived is, in itself, growing rapidly (see Gies and Gies, 1994; Derville, 1994).

[467] Hills (1994); Benoit and Berthier (1998).

[468] Hoffman (1996).

[469] Guillerme (1983).

[470] Such installations on the Charente (France) are mentioned by Jean Chapelot and Eric Rieth (1995).

[471] Gies and Gies (1994), p. 117; according to Belidor (1737), the Garonne mills of the 18th century have horizontal wheels; such is evidently the case for this dam, following the Arab tradition that inspired it.

[472] Gies and Gies (1994).

[473] Boithias and de la Verne (1989).

[474] Al-Idrissi, IV, 2, Translation of Jaubert.

[475] Hills (1994), p. 35.

[476] Ibid, p. 36.

[477] Hills (1994).

[478] Azema (1995).

20 After Bernadette Barriere (1996).

[479] From Karine Berthier (1996).

[480] These projects have been studied by Adriaan Verhulst (1990).

[481] Derville (1994).

[482] Charter relative to draining of the swamp of the Aa; citation from Trenard (1972), p. 99.

[483] Verhulst (1990).

[484] See the article by Jean-Luc Sarrazin (1996).

[485] See the work of Roger Dion (1961) and the article by k«lle Burnouf and Nathalie Carcaud (1999).

[486] Our source for the canals of Roussillon is the work of Sylvie Caucanas (1995).

[487] Fichou, Le Henaff, Mevel (1999), pp. 17-19. According to these authors, the Romans had also built beacons at Dover and at Coruna on the Atlantic coast. We have already described, in Chapter 6, sever­al Roman ports developed on the Mediterranean.

[488] Guillerme (1983); Heers (1990), pp. 300-325.

[489] Lacordaire (1979), pp. 66-81.

Dates History and Civilizations Hydraulic Science and Technology

9500 BC

Beginnings of agriculture in the Near-East

6500 BC

First evidence of irrigation (Choga Mami) Earliest evidence of drainage in houses.

6000 BC

Copper metallurgy

Beginnings of agriculture in China

First wells in Mesopotamia

4000 BC

Development of irrigation in lower Mesopotamia

First cities in the land of Sumer (Uruk)

Development of navigation on the Euphrates. First appearance of the sail (Eridu)

3500 BC

Beginning of the Bronze Age Appearance of writing (Uruk, Suse, then Egypt)

Sewers perfected at Habuba Kebira, Sumerian Trading post on the Euphrates Irrigation at Geoksyr in Margiana (Turkmenistan)

Invention of the wheel

Oldest known dams (Jawa)

Earliest water-lifting machine in Mesopotamia (the shaduf)

First evidence of sailboats on the Nile

3000 BC

Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, Founding of Memphis Beginning of the Indus civilization Founding of Mari

Irrigation in Margiana and Bactria Dams and reservoirs at Khirbet el-Umbashi Irrigated oases in Oman Irrigation system of Mari, navigation canal Dam of Sadd el-Kafara (Egypt)

2500 BC

Maritime civilization of the Cylades

Irrigation at Shorughai in eastern Bactria

Beginning of the Minoan civilization in Crete

Legend of Yu the Great on the Yellow River Sargon of Akkad unifies Mesopotamia

First water supplies in Crete

(Yu was said to have “dug the river”) Irrigation at Marw(Merv) in Margiana

2000 BC

1st intermediate period (2180-2040) and beginning of the Middle Empire in Egypt Reign of Hammurabi in Babylon (1792­1750)

Hydaulic developmens of Fayoum by Amenemhat III (Moeris)

Destruction of Mari (1760)

End of the Indus civilization

Beginning of the Mycenaean civilization in


Bronze metallurgy appears in China; begin-

ning of the Shang Dynasty, in the basin of

the Yellow River

Hittite Empire in Anatolia

1500 BC

2nd intermediate period (1730-1560) and beginning of the New Empire in Egypt End of the Minoan civilization Reign of Ramses II

Irrigation of the western Bactrian oases Irrigation in the ghouta of Damascus Artificial port of Pylos; drainage of lake Copais

Hebrews arrive in Palestine

1200 BC

The Trojan War

The “Sea People” plunder the Levantine; destruction of Ugarit. End of the Hittites

Catastrophic inundation at Tiryns; construction of a dam and canal

1100 BC

End of the Mycenaean civilization Beginning of the Iron Age

1000 BC

Reign of David in Palestine

900 BC

Appearance of the Phoenician alphabet

Beginning of the Assyrian Empire

800 BC

Founding of Carthage Arrival of the Etruscans in Italy

Canal of Menua in Urartu (Armenia) Appearance of the qanat

Development of irrigation in Arabia Felix (Yemen)

700 BC

Reign of Sennacherib in Assyria (704-681) Reign of Karib’ll Watar in the land of Sheba

Water supplied to Nineveh; bridge-aqueduct of Jerwan

Dams of lake Rusa in Urartu

600 BC

End of the Assyrian Empire (606); reign of Nebuchadnezzar in Babylonia; Saite renais­sance in Egypt

The Phoenicians found Marseilles

Necho II, pharaoh of the Saite Dynasty, con­structs the first canal between the Nile and the Red Sea

Thales of Milet establishes that the earth is round

Tarquin the Elder constructs the cloaca maxima at Rome

Dam-reservoir Anfengtang, in the Huai basin (China)

550 BC

Birth of Buddha Birth of Confucius

Cyrus the Great enters Babylon (539) and founds the Achaemenid Persian Empire

Hong Canal, first great navigation canal in China Polycrate constructs the “tunnel of Samos”

500 BC

Median wars in Greece (490-480 Beginning of the Republic of Rome (509) Voyages of Herodotus in Egypt and Babylon (460)

Peloponnesian war

Arrival of the Nabatians in Palestine?

Maryab dam in the land of Sheba (Yemen)

Irrigation at Djouboulak Koum (Taklamakan desert)

400 BC

Expedition of the Xenophon’s “Ten Thousand” in Babylon (401)

Plato adopts the theory of the “four elements”, later taken up by Aristotle

350 BC

Founding of Alexandria (331). The same year, Alexander the Great enters into Babylon

Laozi (Lao-Tse) founds Taoism (unknown date)

The Qin, coming from the valley of the Wei, occupy Sechuan (316)

Aristotle creates the Lyceum at Athens

Irrigation system of Sechuan, with its intake works at Dujiangyan

TheAquaAppia, first Roman aqueduct (312)

300 BC Ptolemy I founds the Museum and Library of Alexandria

Euclid founds modern geometry

Straton of Lampasaque defines a “vacuum”

Ctesibios invents the fire pump

First reservoir-dams in Ceylon

Zou Yan constructs the Chinese theory of “five


250 BC

First lifting wheels (Philon of Byzantium?) Irrigation works in the Fayoum; dam of Mala’a The Archimedes screw or lima£on Zhengguo irrigation canal in China

Maurya Dynasty in India (313-180)

The Parthians evict the Seleucides from Mesopotamia

Shi Huangdi, first Emperor of China (221)

Beginning of the Han Dynasty in China (206)

Fall of Carthage (202)

Archimedes founds hydrostatics

Eratosthene of Cyrene measures the radius of the earth

“Magic Canal”, communication route to south­ern China

200 BC Apogee of the Greek kingdom of Bactria

First water supplies using the inverse siphon, in the Orient then at Rome (Aqua Marcia) Completion of the great siphon of Pergamon

150 BC Wudi of the Han, Emperor of China (141-87)

Irrigation and transport canals in China

In 109, the Yellow River is restored to the course

Rome inherits the Pergamon kingdom (133)

it had abandoned in 132

100 BC

Appearance of the water mill (first evidence in the lands of Mithridate, king of Pontus)

Death of Cleopatra and annexation of Egypt byAugustus (31)

Strabo writes Geography, Vitruvius writes

On Architecture

Augustus refounds Carthage

Hydraulic developments of the Nabatians (Petra, Negev desert)

Vitruvius describes the water mill and the noria

The first known arch dam near Glanum in Provence (date uncertain)

Kouchan Empire in central Asia

Earth dam at Nanyang (China)

1 AD Jesus Christ in Palestine

Pontius Pilate constructs the “pools of Solomon”

and the Jerusalem aqueduct

The Yellow River breaks through its dikes and

changes course (11)

First mention of the water wheel in China, to power pestles (21), then forge bellows at Nanyang (31)

50 AD

Claudius is Roman Emperor (41-54)

Roman Emperors Nero (54), Vespasian (70), Titus (79)

Domitian is assassinated (96); Nerva is elect­ed emperor at Rome

Numerous aqueducts at Rome, Lyon, Nimes… The “port of Claudius” at the mouth of the Tiber Development of the water mill in Italy (Pliny) Heron ofAlexandria: the aeolipile, discharge calculation in a canal (continuity principle) Frontinus studies the 9 Roman aqueducts and reforms the water distribution system The axial rudder and the modern sail appear in China

100 AD

Trajan is Roman Emperor (98-117)

The “port of Trajan” at the mouth of the Tiber. Numerous aqueducts in the Roman provinces:

End of the Han Dynasty (185).

Apamea, Carthage.

Fragmentation of China

Invention of the square-pallet chain pump in China

Roman dams in Spain and the Orient Roman flour mill at Barbegal (in Provence)

200 AD

Valerius is captured by the Sassanide Shapur

Dams and Roman qanats in Tunisia, in Cyrenaica (Libya) and in the Orient


Mills at Rome (Janicule, Thermes of Caracalla)

400 AD

The Bishop Theophilos destroys the Serapeion atAlexandria (391)

Fall of the Occidental Roman Empire (410)

450 AD

Proof of the existence of norias on the Oronte (Apamea mosaic, 469)

500 AD

Repeated dike ruptures on the Tigris. Definitive rupture of the Maryab dam (Sheba) Dara arch dam in Anatolia

600 AD

Yang Jian reunifies China and founds the Sui

Dynasty (604)

Tang Dynasty (618)

The Grand Canal of the Sui and the Tang

The hegira of Mohammed in Arabia (622)

Jean Philopon of Alexandria explores resistance

Taking of Alexandria by the Arabs (640)

and motion through the air

650 AD

Beginning of the Umeyyade Dynasty (661)

The “Persian” windmill at Seistan

700 AD

The Arabs in Spain (711)

750 AD

End of the Umeyyades. Beginning of the Abbasids (750)

Founding of Baghdad (762)

The Chinese armies are beaten by the Arabs

Chinese prisoners introduce the paper industry to

at Talas (Ferghana)

Samarcand (pestle mills)

800 AD

Harun al-Rashid founds the great library of

The Book of Ingenious Mechanisms of the Banu


Founding of Fez

Musa brothers in Baghdad Construction of qanats at Madrid

900 AD Song Dynasty in China (960)

The Ghaznavid Turks (977), then Seljuk Turks (1040) in central Asia

Invention of the chamber lock in China

Tidal mill at Bassora

Major irrigation works in Andalusia

1000 AD End of the caliphate of Cordoue (1031) The Almoravides in Morocco Founding of Marrakesh

Beginnings of demographic expansion in western Europe

First qanats (khettaras) at Marrakesh Al-Karagi explains the flow of groundwater Drainage, drying of polders in Flanders

1100 AD Beginning of the Crusades

Voyage of the Andalusian Ibn Jubayr in the Orient

The Song are chased out of northern China by the Jurchen (1126), they destroy the dikes

Al-Khazini picks up the work of Archimedes on hydrostatics

Invention of the post windmill (Flanders or England); development of the tidal mill on the Atlantic coast

First public fountains in the West since the Roman Empire

First levees on the Loire (1169)

Course of the Yellow River shifts to the south of Shandong (1194)

1200 AD The Mongols raze Samarcand (1219), then Baghdad (1258)

The Mongols occupy Kaifeng (1233), Hangzhou (1276), and in China take the name of the Yuan Dynasty (1271)

Sojourn in China of the Venetian Marco Polo

Destruction of hydraulic infrastructures in Mesopotamia, Bactria, and Khorassan Drainage of the poitevin marsh (1190-1283)


The Andalusians lose Cordova (1236), Valencia (1238), Sevilla (1248)

The Grand Canal of the Yuan

Invention of the double-action piston bellows in China

The Yellow River shifts completely to the south (1288)

1300 AD Voyages of the Tangerian Ibn Battuta (1330­1350)

Beginning of the Hundred Years’ War (1337) The great plague in the West (1348-1349) The Mongols are chased out of China; begin-

Dike ruptures on the Yellow River (1327; 1344)

ning of the Ming Dynasty (1368)

Arch dam of Almansa (1384)

1400 AD The Mongols of Tamerlan pillage Delhi (1398) then Baghdad (1401 Great maritime expeditions of the Ming (1405-1433)

Taking of Constantinople by the Turks (1453)

Dam-reservoir for the upper portions of the Grand Canal (1411)

Louis XI reinforces and extends the levees of the

End of the Reconquest of Spain (1492) The Occidental Renaissance

Loire (1482)

The course of the Yellow River stabilizes (1495) Turk-Mongol dams in Persian and in Afghanistan; arch dams Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) rediscovers the principle of continuity

Trench (“French”) Drain (Subsurface Drainage Only)


Item no.








8 9







base course



permeable filler



porous drainage pipe

geotextile liner

cohesive subgrade
















undurchlassiger Untergrund Fuller



Item no.











tierra vegetal

capa de rodadura

capa de base

arena fina permeable

asrido permeable

tubo de drenaje poroso

capa de geotextile


cohesivo/arena fina impermeable



terre vegetale couche de roulement

couche de base

matesriau de remplissage permesable



tuyau poreux de drainage

recouvrement materiau de de geotextile remplissage impermesable

couche de forme ou sol




strato di usura


filler permeabile



tubo di

drenaggio poroso








2трм o^

Хтрсоo^ Besoms (Аиа^єрат(3


XwX’q va9




ko sbayos

K^KXo9opia9 (AoisvSeTo (A8pav£9 |xe A8pav£9)


Хє^то kkoko dXlk(3)

A8pav£ 9

A’rcooTpa 771 o^9^e nopo"U9

Гєшг^а o IxaTosa o^a

E 8a9os/













kruszywo drenu

porowata rura drenarska








Portuguese terra vegetal

camada de regularizacao e desgaste

camada de base





tubo de dreno poroso


enchimento em



plataforma de





zastor (vezani agregat)


drenaZna ispuna

drenaZna ispuna (agregat)

porozna drenazna cev


koherentno tlo – nepropusni sloj




vezana nosilna in obrabna plast

nevezana nosilna plast

drenaZni zasip

drenaZni zasip

perforirana drenazna cev


glinasti naboj

posteljica/ temeljna tla


overfladejord asfalt



filter materiale

filter materiale

dran med por0se r0r


tet materiale (leret)


B Terminology for Pavement and Drainage Items 375


Item no.














XwXiq va9


Y’TCe 8афО9

A8ia ppoo

є 8афО?

K’uкXoфОp^a9 (ASpave9 |хє атлетик))

(AoiuvSeTo ASpave 9)


A^oCTTp(i 7710^9 |хє no po^9

Гєшгіфа а^ат o9(i ст^а

(orpoo є 8pao^9)

(ASua^e paoTO) YXiko nX’qpwCT^9






kruszywo drenu

porowata rura drenarska








terra vegetal

camada de regularizacao e desgaste

camada de base



tubo de dreno poroso


plataforma de terraplenagem

enchimento em





zastor (vezani agregat)




drenazna ispuna

porozna drenazna cev



nepropusni sloj



vezana nosilna in obrabna plast

nevezana nosilna drenaZni zasip plast

perforirana drenazna cev


posteljica/ temeljna tla

glinasti naboj






filter materiale

dran med por0se r0r



tet materiale (leret)

B Terminology for Pavement and Drainage Items 377


Item no.










couche de roulement

couche de base

bordure de trottoir


matesriau de remplissage


couche de forme ou sol


strato di usura



construzione impermeable con canal drenanti intervallati per tutta la lunghezza dell’ autostrada




dreno a pinna




KuKXo9opta9 (A8pave9 |xe auvSeTiKo)

Хтрсо Bcta^s (AoUvSeTo A8pave 9)

Kpcs CT^e8o

E^wTepiKo 9 A7W7(3 9

Ae^Tokkoko uXiko

nX^pco oew9

A^oaTpa77iCTTiK(3 Y/rce8a9o9 ‘тсХе 7^a






konstrukcja szczelna z otworami odwadniajacymi w odstjpach wzdluz jezdni

kanal odbiorczy


dren zebrowy





camada de regularizacao e desgaste

camada de base


construcao impermeasvel com canais drenantes em intervalos ao longo do comprimento da rodovia

canal de drenagem


ecran drenante

plataforma de




zastor (vezani agregat)





Nepropusni zastor sa drenaznim kanalima na intervalima duz puta

drenazni kanal


drenazni filter (rov)



vezana nosilna nevezana nosilna robnik in obrabna plast plast

odvodni kanal


vzdolzno drenazno posteljica/temeljna rebro tla






tet konstruktion med drankanaler j^vnt fordelt langs vejen


tet materiale



B Terminology for Pavement and Drainage Items 379


Item no.










strato di usura





tubo di drenaggio

dreno a pinna






Baa^s (p, e






Кра a’bsbo







warstwa scieralna








dren zebrowy





camada de regularizacao e desgaste

camada de base

caixa sumidouro grelha



ecran drenante

plataforma de terraplenagem


zastor (vezani agregat)




odvodna cev



drenazsna cev

drenazni filter (rov)



vezana nosilna in obrabna plast

nevezana nosilna kanalizacijska plast cev



drenazsna cev

vzdolzsno drenazsno rebro













B Terminology for Pavement and Drainage Items 383