Step Van

If you’re a professional framer, organizing your tools helps keep them in good condition and helps you find them when you need them— saving valuable time on the job.


Step Van

Saw blade


Check to make sure tape ‘ end is not bent and that it moves on the end rivets.


Saw upside – down


Step VanStep VanStep Van

Step Van

Accuracy in measuring, marking, and cutting lumber is a very important framing skill to master. Periodic checks should be made of the condition of tape measures and the squareness of saw tables and blades.

A typical saw blade removes a channel of wood approximately 1/8" wide, called a kerf. This must be taken into consideration when you make a cut.

Suppose you want to cut a board 25" long. Measure and make a mark at 25", then square a line through
the mark with a square. The work piece— the 25" piece you want to use—will be to the left of the line; the waste piece will be to the right. Guide your saw along the right edge of the line so the kerf is made in the waste piece. If your cut is perfectly made, the work piece will be left showing exactly half the width of your pencil line, and will measure exactly 25". Thus, the old carpenter’s saying: “Leave the line."

Example: Cut a 25" piece


Definitions of Reliability and Risk

In view of the lack of generally accepted rigorous definitions for risk and reliability, it will be helpful to define these two terms in a manner amenable to mathematical formulation for their quantitative evaluation for engineering systems. The unabridged Webster’s Third New World International Dictionary gives the following four definitions of risk:

1. “the possibility of loss, injury, disadvantage, or destruction,…;

2. someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard or adverse chance: a dangerous element or factor;

3. a: (i) the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of insurance

covered by a contract, (ii) the degree of probability of such loss; b: amount at risk;

c: a person or thing judged as a (specified) hazard to an insurer; d: … (insure…);

4. the product of the amount that may be lost and the probability of losing it [United Nations definitition]”

The unabridged Random House Dictionary lists the following definitions of risk:

1. “exposure to the chance of injury or loss;

2. insurance: a) the hazard or chance of loss; b) the degree of probability of such loss; c) the amount that the insurance company may lose; d) a person or

thing with reference to the hazard involved in insuring him, her, or it; e) the type of loss, such as life, fire, marine disaster, or earthquake, against which an insurance policy is drawn,

3. at risk…;

4. take or run a risk__ ”

The Oxford English Dictionary defines risk as

1. “a) hazard, danger; exposure to mischance or peril; b) to run a or the risk; c) a venturous course; d) at risk or high risk: in danger, subject to hazard; e) a person who is considered a liability or danger; one who is exposed to hazard;

2. the chance or hazard of commercial loss_____ Also,… the chance that is

accepted in economic enterprise and considered the source of (an entrepreneur’s) profit.”

With reference to the first definition of the first two (American) dictionaries, risk is defined herein as the probability of failure to achieve the intended goal. Reliability is defined mathematically as the complement of the risk. In some disciplines, often the nonengineering ones, the word risk refers not just to the probability of failure but also to the consequence of that failure, such as the cost associated with the failure (United Nations definition). Nevertheless, to avoid possible confusion, the mathematical analysis of risk and reliability is termed herein reliability analysis.

Failure of an engineering system can be defined as a situation in which the load L (external forces or demands) on the system exceeds the resistance R (strength, capacity, or supply) of the system. The reliability ps of an engineering system is defined as the probability of nonfailure in which the resistance of the system exceeds the load; that is,

ps = P (L < R) (1.1)

in which P ( ) denotes probability. Conversely, the risk is the probability of failure when the load exceeds the resistance. Thus the failure probability (risk) pf can be expressed mathematically as

pf = P (L > R) = 1 – ps (1.2)

Failure of infrastructures can be classified broadly into two types (Yen and Ang, 1971; Yen etal., 1986): structural failure and functional (performance) fail­ure. Structural failure involves damage or change of the structure or facility, therefore hindering its ability to function as desired. On the other hand, per­formance failure does not necessarily involve structural damage. However, the performance limit of the structure is exceeded, and undesirable consequences occur. Generally, the two types of failure are related. Some structures, such as dams, levees, and pavement to support loads, are designed on the concept of structural failure, whereas others, such as sewers, water supply systems, and traffic networks, are designed on the basis of performance failure.

In conventional infrastructural engineering reliability analysis, the only uncertainty considered is that owing to the inherent randomness of geophysi­cal events, such floods, rainstorms, earthquakes, etc. For instance, in hydrosys­tem engineering designs, uncertainties associated with the resistance of the hydraulic flow-carrying capacity are largely ignored. Under such circum­stances, the preceding mathematical definitions of reliability and failure prob­ability then are reduced to

ps = P(L < r*) and pf = P (L > r*) (1.3)

in which the resistance R = r * is the designated value of resistance, a deterministic quantity. By considering inherent randomness of annual maxi­mum floods, the annual failure probability pf for a hydraulic structure designed with a capacity to accommodate a T-year flood, i. e., r* = lT, is 1/T.

Figure 1.6 shows the effect of hydraulic uncertainty on the overall failure probability under the assumption that both random load and resistance are independent log-normal random variables. The figure can be produced eas­ily from the basic properties of log-normal random variables (see Sec. 2.6.2). Figure 1.6 clearly shows that by considering only inherent randomness of hydrologic load [the bottom curve corresponding to the coefficient of variation (COV), COV(R) = 0], the annual failure probability is significantly underesti­mated as the uncertainty of resistance COV(R) increases. As shown in Fig. 1.1, the inherent natural randomness of hydrologic processes is only one of the many uncertainties in hydrosystems engineering design. This figure clearly demonstrates the deficiency of the conventional frequency-analysis approach in reliability assessment of hydrosystems.

Definitions of Reliability and Risk

Figure 1.6 Effect of resistance uncertainty on failure probability under COV(L) = 0.1.

Federal Requirements Protecting Disadvantaged and Minority Populations

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of1964 (42 USC 2000d et seq.). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was arguably the most instrumental piece of legislation in providing an opportunity voice for minorities to participate in the review of federal capital programs. The Act pro­hibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in projects or programs receiving federal financial assistance.

The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-646). The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act provides benefits and protection for persons whose real property is acquired or who would be displaced from acquired property because of a project or program that receives federal funds. A displaced person may be an individual, family, business, farm, or nonprofit organization. Just compensation is required, and guidelines exist for ensuring fair treatment.

Environmental Justice—Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environ­mental Justice in Minority Populations and Low Income Populations (February 11, 1994). Executive Order 12898 was issued to address disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental impacts on low-income and minority populations. The U. S. DOT issued DOT Order 5680.1 on April 15, 1997, to ensure that each modal agency within the DOT complies with this executive order. A number of state agencies have adopted analogous procedures requiring an evaluation of projects to determine whether they would result in a disproportionate adverse impact on minority or low-income populations.

Federal Requirements Protecting Significant Historical and Cultural Resources

National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The purpose of the NHPA is to protect the historical and cultural foundations of the nation. The NHPA created the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and provides for the review of federal projects that may affect a significant historic site. Section 106 of the NHPA requires all federal agencies to take into account the effects of their actions on significant historic properties. In the Section 106 process, a federal agency must identify affected historic properties, evaluate the effects of an action on such properties, and explore ways to avoid or mitigate those effects.

The NHPA established a partnership with the states, as administered through State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs) appointed by the governor of each state, to estab­lish a statewide cultural resources preservation program tailored to state and local needs. The federal agency often conducts the Section 106 process with the ACHP, SHPOs, repre­sentatives of Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations, and other interested parties.

On large projects, a programmatic agreement (PA) or a memorandum of agreement (MOA) is often needed. A PA clarifies roles, responsibilities, and expectations of all par­ties engaged in federal projects that may have an effect on a historic property. An MOA specifies the mitigation measures that the lead federal agency must take to ensure the pro­tection of a property’s historic values.

While the NHPA is the principal federal law concerning the preservation of significant historic resources, there are other statutes that relate to various aspects of the federal his­toric preservation program. These range from the protection of archeological sites on fed­eral lands, to the recognition of properties of traditional cultural or religious significance to Native Americans. These include

• Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (AHPA)

• Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA)

• American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 (AIRFA)

• Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 (NAGPRA)

The ACHP has established implementing regulations for the protection of historic prop­erties (36 CFR 800). These procedures must be followed for federal undertakings. An undertaking is defined as any project, activity, or program that can result in changes in the character or use of historic properties, if any such historic properties are located in a defined area of potential effects (APE).

Under these procedures, an opportunity for early public involvement must be provided for federal actions during the phase of the project development process. For categorically excluded projects, when properties eligible for inclusion on the National Register of

Historic Places are present or potentially present (such as in an archaeologically sensitive area), there must be early public involvement. Projects are excepted from this requirement if (1) they have been defined as having a minimal APE and therefore do not fall within the Section 106 definition of undertakings and (2) no known historic resources are present. Opportunity for involvement by the public generally occurs at the identification, evalua­tion, and consultation stages for projects categorically excluded from review under NEPA.

For those actions requiring evaluation in an EA, notices concerning the initiation of the environmental review process or opportunities for public review must state whether any alternatives could potentially involve historic properties. If this uncertain then the notices must request the names of those persons who may have information relating to historic properties that may be affected or who may be interested in the effects of the undertaking on historic properties. At any hearing, the effects of any alternatives on such properties must be identified.

For projects where an EA or EIS has been prepared, documentation of completion of the Section 106 process should be included in the completed document. For categorically excluded projects, Section 106 documentation is completed separately when resources have been identified.


Подпись:Knives have their places in a carpenter’s toolkit. Most every carpenter has a utility knife, and many also carry a pocket knife. A utility knife can be used to open packages, to cut building paper, fiber­glass insulation, composition shingles, linoleum, and drywall, as well as to

Safety for cutting tools

• When using a cutting tool, don’t force it. Just like people, every tool has its own pace.

• When working with sharp tools, pay close attention; don’t allow yourself to be distracted.


sharpen pencils. The most common util­ity knife has a retractable blade, so it’s easy to carry it in a nail apron or on your toolbelt without fear of accidentally cut­ting yourself. Extra blades are stored in a compartment in the handle.

A pocket knife with a good carbon-steel blade is another tool that has many uses in carpentry work. I use mine to sharpen pencils, to cut strings, to open packages, and to trim excess caulk from around windows. Keep the blade sharp with a sharpening stone. If the knife becomes difficult to open and close, apply a little three-in-one oil on it.


One of the first hand tools I learned to use as a young man was the handplane.

I vividly recall watching a carpenter shape the edge of a door using a long, shiny jointer plane. Long curls of wood rose from the plane, covering his work area and filling my nostrils with the sweet smell of pine. Much of the shap­ing work I do these days is done with power tools, but I still find use for hand – planes, chisels, files, and rasps.


I bring a jack plane and a small block plane to all my jobs. I use a 14-in. jack plane to shave a door to fit in its open­ing or to smooth the rough edges of a board. I use the block plane to round a corner of a board or to remove a bit of wood from a piece of molding. The small block plane is very handy because it fits easily into a toolbelt or toolbucket and can be used with one hand.

When a piece of drywall doesn’t quite fit, I use a small, БУг-іп. Surform to trim it down (see the top photo on the facing page). It resembles a handplane, but instead of a cutting iron, the Surform has a plate on the bottom that looks like a food grater. It’s also handy for rough shaping other materials as well.

Using a handplane A handplane is easy to use if you follow a few simple guide­lines. For optimum performance, keep the blade sharp and clean. A sharp blade will remove wood smoothly, leaving long shavings. A dull blade will chop at the wood, leaving a rough surface. Like any tool, it works better when it is kept clean. You can clean a blade with paint thinner or steel wool. When you are fin­ished cleaning it, coat the blade lightly with three-in-one oil.

It’s also important to adjust the blade so you remove only a small amount at a time, keeping the shavings paper thin. Trying to remove too much wood will just clog the plane.

Hold the plane flat against the surface of the wood and cut with the grain. If you cut against the grain, you’ll feel it. The plane will cut into the wood fiber and will jump, resulting in torn fibers and a rough cut. When you are finished with a handplane, retract the blade so that it won’t get nicked. I wrap mine in a soft cloth for storage.

Pavement Materials – Geotechnical Behaviour

The upper, bound layers in a pavement are little affected by pavement moisture. “Stripping” can occur in repeated wet weather when the traffic loading causes pulses of pressure of water which has seeped into cracks in the bound materials. Exploiting micro-cracks this water can separate the binder from the aggregate it is supposed to bind, leading to ravelling of the bound material. Similarly, water may cause delamination of one bound layer from another, thereby reducing pavement load-carrying capacity, by exploiting inter-layer cracks.

A whole book could be written on this aspect alone, but this volume only devotes part of Chapter 5 to this topic as its focus is on the lower unbound and subgrade soil layers. These are geotechnical materials and behave according to the basic prin­ciples of soil mechanics as described in many standard text books on the subject. As explained further in Chapter 9 (Section 9.2) mechanical performance depends, largely, on the frictional interaction developed between one particle and the next. When the grains in an aggregate or soil are pushed together, greater friction is de­veloped between the grains. The greater friction leads to improved strength of the subgrade soil or unbound granular pavement material, greater stiffness and greater resistance to rutting.

These inter-particle forces, considered over a large volume of particles, can be treated as a stress, known as the effective stress, o’, which is defined as:

o’ = a — u (11)

where o is the stress applied externally to the volume of particles and u is the pres­sure of water in the soil pores which may be trying to push the particles apart. Thus, well-drained pavements lead to higher values of o’ which means more fric­tion which, in turn, yields a material (and thus a road) that lasts longer and/or is more economic to construct and maintain. For this reason it is the road engi­neer’s task to keep the effective stress high and, from Eq. 1.1, it can be seen that this condition is achieved when the pore pressure is smallest. This is the under­lying reason why drainage is so important for efficient pavement and earthworks structures.

Nevertheless, even if it were possible, a completely dry geotechnical mate­rial is not wanted, instead a partially-saturated condition is often desired. When soil or aggregate is kept relatively (but not totally) dry, matric suctions will de­velop in the pores due to meniscus effects at the water-air interfaces. This suction would be represented in Eq. 1.1 by a negative value of u such that the effective stress, o’, increases as the suction develops additional inter-particle stresses by pulling the soil grains together. The topic of suction is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.

For these reasons the pavement engineer wants to stop surface water (i. e. rain) from entering the pavement and wants to help any water that is in the pavement to leave as quickly as possible. Sealed layers and sealed lateral trenches may be used as barriers to prevent water from entering into the pavement or earthworks although, in practice, barriers are often not very effective due to defects or flow routes around them. Thus, drains to aid water egress are the primary weapon in the highway engi­neer’s fight against water-induced deterioration. Although there are other techniques than drains that may be employed to stop ingress and aid drainage (discussed fur­ther in Chapter 13), for now it is sufficient to mention drains as interceptors that both cut-off the arrival of groundwater at the pavement and that provide an exit route for water already in the pavement and earthworks. The scope for drainage of pavements is somewhat limited by the need to keep the pavement trafficable – thus steep longitudinal or cross-carriageway slopes cannot be used. For this reason
drainage gradients are, typically, small (^5%) necessitating that highly permeable materials are used that exhibit low suction potential.

High permeability materials are, characteristically, those with open pore struc­tures. In geotechnical terms, the permeability is described using the coefficient of permeability, K, such that

q = -AKi = – AK (1.2)


where q is the volume of water flowing in unit time through an area, A, under a hydraulic gradient, i, and i is defined as the change in head, dh, over a small distance, dl. The negative sign is a mathematical indication that water flows down the hydraulic gradient. Inspecting Eq. 1.2 it is apparent that more effective drainage can be achieved by:

• increasing the area of flow intercepted – e. g. by providing drains with greater face area;

• increasing the hydraulic gradient – e. g. by installing deeper drains or drainage layers with steeper cross-falls; and

• increasing the coefficient of permeability – e. g. by selecting a more open-graded drainage material.

A Drainage Classification of Pavements

It is conventional to classify pavements according to their construction – flexible (i. e. principally made of asphalt or only granular), rigid (i. e. concrete) and semi-rigid (i. e. made of both concrete and asphalt layers). From the point of view of water movements these classifications are not very relevant. Instead, pavements may be classified by the way in which water enters and moves in the pavement. On this basis the following classification is more appropriate:

A. Impermeable throughout the construction

B. Impermeable surface and structural layers

C. Permeable surface over impermeable structural layers

D. Permeable throughout with water storage capacity within the structure

E. Permeable throughout without water storage capacity

F. Cracked or jointed surface layers over permeable lower layers

Each type of pavement can be constructed on pervious or impervious ground and the ground – (or surface-) water level could be below or above the bottom of the construction. Thus each of the above 6 classes could, in principle, be sub-divided according to these conditions. In fact, except in limited circumstances, only a few of the classes and their sub-divisions have meaning in situations that are at all frequent. Thus circumstances in which the surrounding water is above the base of the con­struction are rare. Normally drainage (e. g. in the form of lateral drains) is provided to avoid this possibility.

Class A constructions are relatively rare. Full-depth asphaltic construction has been used in a few situations, most often in city streets, but its adoption has not been widespread. In this case significant water flows to the subgrade through the pavement layers are not expected but if water does become trapped at the subgrade surface (e. g. where the subgrade is impermeable), then it may be difficult to get it out of the pavement.

Class B pavements are probably the most common in developed countries, typi­cally comprising asphalt or Portland concrete over a granular base or sub-base. The granular layers can act as drainage layers if they are permeable enough and have appropriate falls and outlets.

Class C constructions have become relatively common in recent years. The most common form of these is a flexible asphalt pavement with a porous asphalt surfac­ing. Rain water infiltrates the surface and then runs sub-horizontally within the as­phalt to a drain that must be provided (some more details are included in Chapter 5).

Class D pavements seem, at first an undesirable concept. Storing water in the pavement will be likely to reduce the structural capacity of the construction. However, the chief motivation for this is to reduce runoff rates to surface water bodies (streams, rivers, lakes). With increasing urbanisation and areas of “hard” surfaces, rainfall arrives more rapidly at receiving watercourses than it does in “green” environments where vegetation and partial sorption into soil delay the ar­rival. The consequence is that river hydrographs become more “peaky” and flood­ing more common. Therefore, the provision of water storage within the pavement reverses this trend, delaying arrival of rain to the watercourse. Furthermore, the slowing of water as it percolates through the storage area means that it drops partic­ulates. Also, some sorption of contaminants from the percolating water is achieved. Thus, the water arriving at the water body is also cleaner than it would otherwise have been. They are discussed a little more in Chapter 13.

Class E pavements are usually those with no sealed surface. They are common in parts of Scandinavia and form the minor road networks in many countries. Although unsealed, a well compacted surface of material with sufficient fine particles to block the pores and without potholes and ruts can shed a large proportion of the rain that falls on it. Conversely, distressed pavements of this type rather easily take in water and then tend to rapidly deteriorate further.

In countries with a network of jointed concrete pavements – Class F pavements – entry of water through joints can be significant, especially as the pavement ages and the joint fill compounds become less effective at keeping the water out. Asphaltic pavements that have suffered significant cracking could also be placed in Class F.

Where water does enter the pavement through the upper layers (Classes D, E and F) then the type of subgrade is likely to have more significance than in other pavements. Impermeable subgrades will necessitate horizontal or sub-horizontal egress. Permeable subgrades will allow vertical drainage towards the water table. Impermeable pavement subgrades are typically comprised of clay. When water reaches these it can cause softening and deterioration of the mechanical behaviour of the pavement (see Fig. 1.6).

Porous pavements that are designed to beneficially carry water through their lay­ers (Classes C and D) are liable to deteriorate in their ability to do so, with time, as solid particles block the pore spaces. Porous surfacings are prone to ravelling as direct trafficking and the induced water pressure pulses in the pores and micro­cracks between particles tends to cause particles to separate one from another. This process, known as “stripping”, is common to all asphaltic mixtures to some degree, but is more prevalent in porous asphalts where, of necessity, particles are less firmly fixed together than is conventional in densely-graded materials (see Chapter 5).


In 2005, I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. I had heard a lot of horror stories about the price of properties in the region, so I sold Tumbleweed and built myself an even smaller house to take with me. I figured I had better have something I could parallel park, in case I had to live on the street for a while.

Подпись: 15Tumbleweed’s desk (left) and gas heater (above)


Tumbleweed’s ladder (above), kitchen (opposite) and exteior (page 18)

• ^








XS exterior (page 19), loft (above)…


… and downstairs. 20

I called my next home XS-House (as in, “extra small”). It measured about 7’ x 10’. Like Tumbleweed, it was on wheels, it had a steep metal roof, classic proportions and a pine interior punctuated by a metal heat­er on its central axis. A bathroom, kitchen, and sleeping loft featured essentially the same utilities as my previous residence. Unlike Tumbleweed, there was a four-foot long, stainless steel desk and a couch, and the exterior walls were clad in corrugated steel.

All things considered, my move westward went smoothly. Gale-force winds broadsi­ded my tiny home all the way from Omaha to central Nevada, but both the house and the U-Haul came through unscathed.

I parked in front of the Sebastopol Whole Foods for three days. The U-Haul was al­most due when a woman approached to ask if I would consider parking on her land to serve as a sort of groundskeeper. I would live just yards from a creek at the edge of a clearing in the redwoods. I would pay noth­ing and do nothing other than reside on the property. I was lodging amongst the red­woods by nightfall.

With my fear of having to live on the streets allayed, I built a new house and sold the XS before I had even settled in. I call my most recent domicile, "Tumbleweed 2.” At 8’ x 12’ with a steep, metal roof over cedar walls, it looks just like the first Tumbleweed on the outside. I reconfigured the inside to ac­commodate a couple of additional puffy chairs and a five-foot long, stainless steel desk. I have been living in this house for nearly three years, and I have no intention of moving out any time soon (see pages 24 and 130 – 137 for photos).


to the original german method

The original German approach (by Dr. Zichner) to designing SMA aggregate blends is based on having adequate ratios of various aggregate fractions. In that context, the stone-to-stone contact is neither specifically analyzed nor controlled.

Since the beginning of the SMA concept, the ratios established by Dr. Zichner have been only slightly changed. Thus we may emphasize clearly that Dr. Zichner’s mixture is a really genuine SMA. The contemporary weight ratios of coarse aggre­gate fractions preferred in Germany (Druschner and Schafer, 2000) are shown in Table 2.1.

In the German design of the SMA coarse aggregate skeleton, all fractions of aggregate bigger than 2 mm are used. For example, for an SMA 0/11 we take not only aggregate sizes 8/11 and 5/8 but 2/5 mm as well. Manipulation of the ratios of these different sizes is required (see Table 2.1) to provide the desired skeleton by minimizing the share of 2/5 mm aggregate down to one part in seven (15%) of coarse aggregates’ mass fraction. Consequently the German SMA gradation curves have no sharp breaks related to the absence of successive aggregate fractions and do not exclude any fractions larger than 2 mm (i. e., all fractions of coarse aggregates are used). In a way, most of the original German gradations are дийш’-continuous grad­ings (all fractions are present in the mix), with a minimal share of specific coarse aggregate fractions. It should be emphasized that in most German guidelines the amount of coarse aggregates (bigger than 2 mm) are not very high. For example, for SMA 0/11 the lower limit of this fraction has been changed from 75% (in 1984) to 73% (in 2001). There were many reasons for this change, including better com – pactability, lower permeability, and improved rutting resistance.

The success of SMAs designed according to the ratios of aggregate sizes presented in Table 2.1 has been proven through long-term pavement evaluations, although these ratios have been refined now and then (within a limited scope). So the strength of the


Weight Ratios of Coarse Aggregate Fractions in sMAa

sMA Type

2/5 mm

5/8 mm

8/11 mm

SMA 0/8

2.5 parts

4.5 parts


SMA 0/8S

2 parts

5.5 parts


SMA 0/11S

1 part

2 parts

4 parts

Source: Druschner, L. and Schafer, V., Splittmastixasphalt.

DAV Leitfaden. Deutscher Asphaltverband, 2000. With permission.

Note: NA = not applicable; S = mix for heavy traffic. a Based on the German DAV Publication.

German method is a designed SMA skeleton composition based on long observation and experimentation. (See Chapter 7 for a detailed description of the method used in Germany.)

Federal Requirements Governing Use of Farmland Recreation Lands and the Coastal Zone

Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA). The Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 (73 USC §4201 et seq.) requires that a federal agency evaluate the effects a project may have on prime farmland before that agency can approve any action that may result in the conversion of farmland from agricultural use to nonagricultural use. The FFPA requires that before any federal action that would result in conversion of prime farmland is approved, the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) must examine the effects of the action using criteria set forth in the FFPA. If it is determined that there are adverse effects, alternatives to lessen them must be considered. This process requires an inventory, description, and classification of affected farmlands be completed in consultation with the U. S. Soil Conservation Service within the USDA.

The evaluation of land for agricultural use includes productivity, proximity to other land uses, impacts on remaining farmland after the conversion, and indirect or secondary effects of the project on agricultural and other local factors.

Federal Coastal Zone Management Act. The federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 USC §§1451-1464) requires states with coastlines to develop and implement federally approved coastal zone management programs (CZMPs). Once a state has an approved management program, federal projects or federally permitted development affecting the coastal zone must conform to the requirements of the state program “to the maximum extent practicable.” A determination of consistency with the approved CZMP is required from the state before federal approval can be granted.

Federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 USC §§1271-1287) provides that rivers and their immediate environment that meet specified criteria shall be preserved in free-flowing condition, and that they and their immediate environments shall be protected for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future gener­ations. A river placed in the Wild and Scenic River System may not be degraded in its wild and scenic value as a consequence of an action by a federal project or agency. Any pro­posed federal construction projects on the river or in its immediate environment must be brought before Congress with an explanation of how the river can maintain its wild and scenic recreation value despite the proposed construction activity.

Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 USC

§§661-666) requires coordination and consultation among (1) the agency proposing the highway project, (2) the FWS, and (3) the state agency responsible for protecting wildlife resources whenever the waters of any stream or other body of water are proposed to be impounded, diverted, or otherwise modified. Full consideration and evaluation of the costs and benefits on a resource and public welfare must be performed including proposed miti­gation measures for potential impacts.

Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of1965. 16 USC 460-4 to -11,

Public Law 88-578, protects public recreational land developed using federal funds under this act. Replacement lands converted to nonrecreational uses must be approved by the Secretary of the Department of the Interior.