Water and Alternative Materials

Recycled and alternative materials are finding increased use in the construction of road pavements and embankments. Environmental concerns are leading to con­straints on quarrying of the materials that have, conventionally, been used while tax incentives and legislative limitations are encouraging the uptake of wastes, by-products and recycled elements in their place. These materials do not, nec­essarily, behave in the same manner in the presence of water as many conven­tional materials do. Self-cementation due to pozzolanic activity may help to sta­bilise some, others may exhibit undesirable leaching, yet others may have much higher permeability than the material they replace. As a consequence, it is im­portant for the road designer or manager to understand these characteristics and their implication for the hydrological and environmental performance of a high­way that incorporates such materials. Relying on experience alone is likely to be insufficient.

It is very common for regulators and potential users to express concern about leaching when construction with such materials is proposed – yet this is a concern that often has no basis in fact! Many alternative materials come from an indus­trial process in which some chemical has been involved which no-one would wish to become widely distributed in the environment. Thus, environmental regulators often show particular concerns about materials deriving from metal processing in­dustries – e. g. slags, foundry sands, etc. However, their real impact depends not on the actual content of the chemical of concern in the solid but on its availability to pore fluids, its solubility and its transportability. Many alternative materials have been through a hot process which vitrifies the solids making it extremely difficult for chemicals, now held in a glass-like matrix, to leave the solid phase. Alternatively, the pH level in-situ may render the contaminant essentially non-soluble. Chapters 6 and 12 discuss these issues further.

Power Tools

Although power tools can’t replace hand tools, they sure do make construction work easier and more efficient. It can be a real timesaver to not have to drag a cord behind you and yet have a tool with enough power to do a professional job. Nowadays there are numerous cordless tools powered by lithium-ion batteries that would be an asset when constructing a house. These include screwdrivers, reciprocating saws, and even circular saws. For years such tools were de­signed primarily for homeowner use, but today they are used on almost every jobsite. I wouldn’t want to be without them.

Подпись:Circular saws

The circular saw has been around since the 1920s, but it didn’t really catch on until the housing boom began after World War II.

Direct-drive saw. Sometimes referred to as a side­winder saw, a direct-drive saw is a type of circular saw. Its motor is on the side, in line with the blade.

[Photo by HFHI/Will Crocker]

Power Tools



Power Tools

Power Tools

Подпись: MAKING A PLUNGE CUT Sometimes it's necessary to cut a hole in the middle of a board or a panel. You can do this with your circular saw if you know how to make a plunge cut. (Don't attempt this unless you're an expe-rienced circular-saw user.) Start by leaning the saw forward over the cut line. Rest the front edge of the saw base on the wood, and hold the blade about 1 in. from the surface. Use the lever on the blade guard to lift the guard and expose the blade. Make sure that the blade is aligned over the cut line. Start the saw and use the front edge of the base as the pivot point. Lower the blade into the wood, using both hands to control the saw and complete the cut. When you are finished, turn off the saw and let the blade stop spinning before pulling it out. Another way to make a plunge cut is to loosen the lever that controls the cutting depth and raise the blade completely above the board. Set the saw base in position over the cut line, loosen the depth adjustment lock, and slowly lower the blade into the material. Power Tools

These days, many homeowners have one in the garage. For a builder, this portable power tool is indispensable. The most popular circular saws are designed to hold 71/4-in.-dia. blades. In the eastern part of the United States, most carpen­ters prefer direct-drive saws, often referred to as sidewinders (see the top photo on the facing page). In the West, carpenters mainly use the heavier worm-drive models (see the bottom right photo on the facing page). Check out both to see which one you prefer. Above all, buy quality. Light, low-priced homeowner models aren’t in the same league with professional models.

Here are some tips for using your saw safely and accurately. Some of them apply to other power tools as well. As with any power tool, be sure to study and follow the instructions in the manual.

• Make sure the blade guard works freely before using the tool.

• Use the right blade for the job, and replace a dull blade with a new one. Carbide-tipped blades are best for most wood-cutting work.

• To reduce friction when cutting, apply paste wax to both sides of the blade, or spray it with silicone.

• Adjust the saw’s cutting depth according to the thickness of the material. If you are cutting ‘A-in.-thick material, set the cutting depth at no more than 3/4 in. (see the top photo on p. 36). The less amount of blade that’s exposed, the less potential for injury should something go wrong.

• Always unplug your saw when changing blades and adjusting the cutting depth or angle.

• Make sure the stock is adequately supported. With proper support, the cut won’t bind on the blade, and the cut-off end will fall free.

• To begin a cut, place the saw base on the stock with the blade about 1 in. from the edge of the wood, aligned with the cut line. Hold the saw with both hands, pull the switch, and slowly push the blade into the wood, follow­ing the cut line. Go slowly, guiding the saw, and let it do the work. Eventually, you will

learn to cut with one hand on the saw and the other hand on the material.

• Don’t try to hold a short or small piece with one hand while guiding the saw with the other. Instead, use a clamp to secure the workpiece while you make the cut.

Overall View of Reliability Analysis Methods

There are two basic probabilistic approaches to evaluate the reliability of an in­frastructural system. The most direct approach is a statistical analysis of data of past failure records for similar systems. The other approach is through relia­bility analysis, which considers and combines the contribution of each factor po­tentially influencing failure. The former is a lumped-system approach requiring
no knowledge about the internal physical behavior of the facility or structure and its load and resistance. For example, dam failure data show that the overall average failure probability for dams of all types over 15 m in height is around 10-3 per dam per year (U. S. National Research Council, 1983; Cheng, 1993). This statistical approach may fit well with manufactured systems for which planned repeated tests can be made and the performance of many identical prototypes can be observed. For infrastructural systems in most cases, this di­rect approach is impractical because (1) infrastructures are usually unique and site-specific, (2) the sample size is too small to be statistically reliable, especially for low-probability/high-consequence events, (3) the sample may not be repre­sentative of the structure or of the population, and (4) the physical conditions of a dam may be nonstationary, i. e., varying with respect to time. The average risk of dam failure mentioned earlier does not differentiate concrete dams from earth-fill dams, arch dams from gravity dams, large dams from small dams, and old dams from new dams. If one wished to know the likelihood of failure of a particular 10-year-old double-curvature-arch concrete high dam, most likely one will find only very few failure data of similar dams, insufficient for any meaningful statistical analysis. Since no dams are identical and conditions of dams change with time, in many circumstances it may be more desirable to use the second approach by conducting a reliability analysis.

There are two major steps in reliability analysis: (1) to identify and an­alyze the uncertainties of each contributing factor and (2) to combine the uncertainties of the stochastic factors to determine the overall reliability of the structure. The second step, in turn, also may proceed in two different ways: (1) directly combining the uncertainties of all factors and (2) separately combin­ing the uncertainties of the factors belonging to different components or subsys­tems to evaluate first the respective subsystem reliability and then combining the reliabilities of the different components or subsystems to yield the over­all reliability of the structure. The first way applies to very simple structures, whereas the second way is more suitable to complicated systems. For exam­ple, to evaluate the reliability of a dam, the hydrologic, hydraulic, geotechnical, structural, and other disciplinary reliabilities could be evaluated separately first and then combined to yield the overall dam reliability. Or the component reliabilities could be evaluated first according to the different failure modes and then combined. Analysis tools

How to Hire a Qualified Auditor

As home-energy audits become a more important part of building and owning a home, more and more auditors are enter­ing the field. Free audits are available from local utility companies, but this avenue has its pros and cons (see the sidebar on the facing page). Independent auditors tend to offer various packages that can be tailored to your home’s needs and your goals. Look for
an auditor who has been certified by CMC Energy Services, Building Performance Insti­tute® (BPI; www. bpi. org), or RESNET.

Although they don’t provide diagnostic testing of a home, CMC Energy Services auditors are screened and complete energy – inspector training. CMC-trained auditors pay $300 and spend two classroom days learning about energy fundamentals; they also receive instruction in how to use the company’s proprietary reporting software. Online refresher courses keep inspectors up to date. CMC maintains a searchable data­base so that you can find an inspector in your area.

BPI in Malta, N. Y., trains auditors to use diagnostic-testing equipment. To get BPI accreditation, an auditor goes through "a rigorous, credible, and defensible written – and field-examination process administered to individuals by BPI or its affiliates," according to BPI’s website. BPI affiliates, such as the Metropolitan Energy Center in Kansas City, Mo., are trained to give exams to prospective auditors. Then BPI awards certification to those auditors who pass the tests.

According to Dustin Jensen, associate executive director at Metropolitan Energy Center, a 40-hour auditor-training class costs $1,000, and the examination costs about $500, if there is no government subsidy
involved, which there often is. Affiliates are allowed to set their own prices for training, so they vary across the country. A searchable database of all BPI-certified professionals is maintained on the Building Performance Institute’s website.

RESNET has a similar teacher-mentor system. RESNET trains providers, who then train raters, who are the folks that do the audits. Certification requires a week of class­room time, and the cost varies from $1,200 to $1,500, depending on the provider. A list of providers and raters is available on the RESNET website.

The Department of Energy’s Energy Star program is not involved directly in the certi­fication of auditors, but Energy Star endorses both RESNET and BPI auditors in two sepa­rate programs. In the first program, Energy Star Qualified New Homes, houses must score at least an 85 on RESNET’s HERS-index rating. The second program, Home Perfor­mance with Energy Star, currently has locally sponsored programs in 28 states that help homeowners to improve a home’s energy ef­ficiency cost-effectively. The contractors that participate in the program are BPI-certified and are listed at www. energystar. gov.

Подпись: 1 Don’t Give Free Audits the Cold Shoulder resident Jimmy Carter's 1977 Energy Policy peak power loads, the times of day or season when Act required utility companies to provide energy energy use is at its greatest. Plus, it's not bad for a audits to their customers. These programs have company's public relations. And an electric company helped hundreds of thousands of homeowners to tune can actually save money if it doesn't have to construct up their houses. One advantage of many utility- new power plants. company audits is that they might also give you some Don't be surprised if a so-called free audit free products, such as compact-fluorescent light- comes with strings attached, though. An electrical bulbs, or perform remedial work, such as air-sealing utility in Connecticut, for example, has a great- and weatherstripping. sounding program. But for the program to be free, the Although it might seem contrary, utility companies house must be heated with gas or electricity; other- want homes to save energy. It helps them to manage wise, the service costs $300.

Regardless of certifications, ask any audi­tor you might hire for a list of customers that you can contact to find out if they were satisfied with the auditor’s work.

Measures of Reliability

In engineering design and analysis, loads usually arise from natural events, such as floods, storms, or earthquakes, that occur randomly in time and in space. The conventional practice for measuring the reliability of a hydrosystems engineering infrastructure is the return period or recurrence interval. The return period is defined as the long-term average (or expected) time between two successive failure-causing events. In time-to-failure analysis (Chap. 5), an equivalent term is the mean time to failure. Simplistically, the return period is equal to the reciprocal of the probability of the occurrence of the event in any one time interval. For many hydrosystems engineering applications, the time interval chosen is 1 year so that the probability associated with the return period is the average annual failure probability. Frequency analysis using the annual maximum flood or rainfall series is a typical example of this kind. Hence the determination of return period depends on the time period chosen (Borgman, 1963). The main theoretical disadvantage of using return period is that reliability is measured only in terms of expected time of occurrence of loads without considering their interactions with the resistance (Melchers, 1999).

In fact, the conventional interpretation of return period can be general­ized as the average time period or mean time of the system failure when all uncertainties affecting load and resistance are considered. In other words, the return period can be calculated as the reciprocal of the failure probabil­ity computed by Eq. (1.2). Based on this generalized notion of return period, the equivalent return period corresponding to the conventional return period under different levels of resistance uncertainty is shown in Fig. 1.7. As can be seen, the equivalent return period becomes shorter than the conventional return period, as anticipated, when resistance uncertainty increases. For exam­ple, with COV(R) = 5 percent, a hydrosystem designed with a 100-year return

Measures of Reliability

Figure 1.7 Equivalent return period versus design return period under COV(L) = 0.1.

TABLE 1.1 Different Types of Safety Factors

Type of safety

factor Definition

Подпись: Preassigned Central Mean Characteristic Partial Assigned number

rr /rl, where rr and rl are the true mean values of resistance and load R/L, where R and L are the mean values of resistance and load estimated from the available data

Ro/Lo, where Ro and Lo are the specified resistance and load 1/Y = Nl/Nr, where pf = P(L > yR) = P(NlL > NrR)

SOURCE: After Yen, 1979.

period under the conventional approach actually has about a 50-year return period.

Two other types of reliability measures that consider the relative magnitudes of resistance and anticipated load (called design load) are used frequently in engineering practice. One is the safety margin (SM), defined as the difference between the resistance and the anticipated load, that is,

SM = R – L (1.4)

The other is called the safety factor (SF), a ratio of resistance to load defined as

SF = R/L (1.5)

Several types of safety factors are summarized in Table 1.1, and their applica­tions to engineering systems are discussed by Yen (1979).

Preassigned safety factor. This is an arbitrarily chosen safety factor that is used conventionally without probabilistic consideration. The value chosen largely depends on the designer’s subjective judgment with regard to the amount of uncertainty involved in his or her determination of design load and the level of safety desired.

Central safety factor. Owing to the fact that both resistance and load could be subject to uncertainty, the safety factor defined by Eq. (1.5), in fact, is a quantity subject to uncertainty as well. The central safety factor rsf is defined as

RSF = R R /RL (1.6)

in which rr and rl are the true mean values of resistance and load, respectively. In practice, values of rr and rl cannot be obtained precisely from the limited data. Therefore, rsf is only of theoretical interest.

Mean safety factor. If the estimated means of R and L on the basis of data are R and L, respectively, the mean safety factor (SF) is defined as

Подпись: (1.7)SF = R/L

Characteristic safety factor. Often in a project the significant design values of the parameters are not the mean values but specified values (or range of values). For example, the load used in a spillway design is not the mean value of all the floods nor the mean value of the selected floods of an annual maximum series. It may be simply a specified flood of a given magnitude (e. g., a flood with a 100-year return period). Therefore, the characteristic safety factor (SFc) can be defined as

SFc = Ro/Lo (1.8)

in which Ro and Lo are the specified resistance and load, respectively. If Ro and Lo both are assigned without a probabilistic analysis, Eq. (1.8) is identical to Eq. (1.5). If Ro and Lo are taken to be the mean values of resistance and load, Eq. (1.8) would become like Eq. (1.6) or Eq. (1.7). In general, Ro and Lo can be determined through a probabilistic analysis. For example, Tang and Yen (1972) use the estimated mean of resistance and the specified load, that is,

SFc = R/Lo (1.9)

to develop a risk-safety factor relationship in storm sewer design. Tung and Mays (1981) used the 100-year flood from the frequency analysis for Lo in developing risk-safety factor curves for a levee system.

Partial safety factor. The preceding safety factors apply to the total load and resistance of the system. It is possible, however, that different components in the system may be subject to different degrees of uncertainty. A smaller value of the safety factor can be assigned to those elements or components associated with less uncertainty than those with more uncertainty. In Table 1.1, NR and NL are the separate safety factors assigned to the resistance and load, respectively.

Theoretically, any one of the safety factors can be applied for its quantitative evaluation. However, the central safety factor is only of theoretical importance because in practice the exact distributions and values of the coefficient of vari­ation are not known but estimated. Among the other four definitions, which one is preferred would depend on the nature of the problem. Clearly, these safety factors can be modified and refined. They are not mutually exclusive and can be made complementary. An in-depth comparative investigation of these factors in view of infrastructural system engineering applications would be de­sirable.

Acute Exposure to Pesticides with Long-Term Consequences

Louise Pape’s life changed drastically in 1993. On a warm spring day, she and her husband were slowly driving home with the windows rolled down to en­joy the cool breeze. At the roadside she spotted a man from a tree care company wearing a gas mask and spraying pesticides on the trees with a large hose. Louise suddenly felt a shower of chemicals on her face, in her eyes, nose, and mouth, as the sprayer overshot his target. She later learned that the pesticide was a mixture of malathion and car – baryl (Sevin).

That incident was the beginning of a night­mare illness for Louise, an environmental planner who, ironically, had just finished developing a safe pesticide plan for her employer, a transnational corporation. She was disabled for several months with flu-like symptoms, aching joints and muscles, severe headaches, dizziness, thyroid problems, insomnia, and shortness of breath. She was of­ten bedridden and sometimes lapsed into a near comatose state upon reexposure to even minute amounts of pesticides. Louise eventually devel­oped full-blown multiple chemical sensitivity disorder. For four years, she was virtually home – bou nd, stil I unable to tolerate the trace amounts of pesticide and other chemical exposures that occur

EPA, in the face of overwhelming evidence of negative human health effects, does decide to ban a pesticide, the process is slow and fraught with compromise. For example, on June 8, 2000 the EPA agreed to phase out home and garden uses of chlorpyrifos,5 a known neuro­toxin that is the active ingredient in Dursban and Lorsban. Between 1991 and 1996, more than 17,000 cases of unintentional chlorpyri­fos exposure were reported to poison control during routine activities out in the world. Despite her illness, Louise and her husband have become articulate spokespersons in educating the public about the hazards of pesticides and other chemi­cals. The ranch home they built in 1995 has be­come a model for nontoxic living.


Many of the most harmful pesticides fall into three categories: organochlorines, organophosphates, and carbamates. In the above case, the onset of ill­ness was associated with a single large exposure to an organophosphate and carbamate mixture. The cause of the prolonged illness was obvious. In most cases, however, the cause is not so obvi­ous. Many people are exposed to repeated low – dose applications of pesticides, which can result in general malaise with flu-like symptoms, chronic fatigue, and subtle neurological deficits. When patients complain of such symptoms to their doc­tors, they are rarely questioned about exposures to pesticides or other chemicals. Most emergency room doctors are familiar with acute pesticide poi­soning, but few physicians have knowledge of the long-term, chronic effects of pesticide exposure.

centers. Although less toxic and nontoxic al­ternatives are available for all chlorpyrifos ap­plications, more than 11 million pounds of the ingredient were being applied annually. The phase out allowed:

• home and garden use sales to continue through December 31,2001

• existing stock to be sold in retail outlets until depleted

• continued use on food crops (except to-

Biohazards of Lead

A bioaccumulative substance such as lead can be stored in various organs and tissues of the body. As lead-containing tissues are consumed by larger organisms in the food chain, a cumulative effect occurs in each subsequent organism. For example, a fish in a lead-contaminated environment may be exposed to lead in the water and in the organ­isms that it eats, which have accumulated lead from their food source, and so on down the chain. Organisms at the top of the food chain are, therefore, exposed to higher con­centrations of lead.

In humans, long-term exposure can result in brain and nerve disorders, anemia, elevate blood pressure, reproductive problems, decreases in red blood cell formation, and slower reflexes. In high enough doses or after long-term bioaccumulation, lead exposure can cause death. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Interim Final Rule on Lead Exposure in Construction (29 CFR 1926.62) describes long-term overexposure effects of lead and provides uniform inspection and compliance guidance for lead exposure in construction.

The primary methods of exposure to toxic levels of lead are through inhalation and ingestion. For example, paint removal workers may inhale leaded dust or, in the absence of proper cleaning and preventative measures, may ingest lead after it has settled on food, cigarettes, utensils, or other items placed in their mouths.

Toxic Byproducts of Combustion

Gas, oil, coal, wood, and other fuels burned in­doors consume valuable indoor oxygen unless air for combustion is supplied from the out­doors. In tight, energy efficient buildings, these fumes can cause serious health consequences.

Подпись: Plastered walls, recycled wood flooring over radiant floor heating and specialty finishes are used in this straw bale home in New Mexico. Interior view shows deep window seat in the country kitchen. Architect: Baker-Laporte and Associates; Builder: Prull and Associates; Photo: Julie Dean.

Indoor combustion is found in fireplaces; woodstoves; gas-fired appliances such as ranges, clothes dryers, and water heaters; fur­naces; gas – and kerosene-fired space heaters; and oil and kerosene lamps. Some of the po­tentially harmful emissions include nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, sulfur oxides, hydro­gen cyanide, carbon monoxide, carbon di­oxide, formaldehyde, particulate matter, and hydrocarbons from natural gas fumes such as butane, propane, pentane, methyl pentane, benzene, and xylene. The indoor levels of these pollutants are determined by the amount of fuel burned and the rate of exchange with out­door air.

What are some of the potential health

effects of combustion byproduct gases? In a study of 47,000 chemically sensitive patients, the most important sources of indoor air pol­lution responsible for generating illness were the gas stove, the improperly vented hot wa­ter heater, and the furnace.2 Hazardous fumes can leak at the pipe joints and remain unde­tected, especially if they occur under floor­ing. In addition, every pilot light adds fumes, and the burning process itself releases fumes into the air. The primary effects of exposure to gas fumes are on the cardiovascular and ner­vous systems, but they can affect any organ of the body. Some of the earliest symptoms from exposure to gas fumes include depression, fa­tigue, irritability, and inability to concentrate.

Carbon monoxide is commonly produced during incomplete combustion, especially from gas-fueled appliances. Carbon mon­oxide quickly diffuses throughout the entire house. Typically, these appliances must be re­moved from the homes of chemically sensitive patients to restore their health. Chronic expo­sure can result in multiple chemical sensitivi­ties because carbon monoxide has the ability to interfere with the detoxification pathways in the liver, allowing the accumulation of toxic substances. Other effects of chronic carbon monoxide exposure include heart arrhyth­mia, decreased cognitive abilities, confusion, and fatigue.

Carbon dioxide is produced from burning natural gas. Elevated levels result in decreased mental acuity, loss of vigor, and fatigue. Nitro­gen oxides are also released from gas appli­ances. A major source of contamination is the gas stove, particularly older models with pilot lights. These gases are known to impact the nervous and reproductive systems.

Coal, gas, and woodburning fireplaces that are not equipped with sealed doors emit par­ticulate matter as well as toxic fumes. They also consume indoor oxygen unless fresh outdoor air is supplied to them. Particles not expelled by blowing or sneezing can find their way into the lungs, where they can remain for years.

It is important to mention that when an automobile is parked or operated in an at­tached garage, gas, oil, and other volatile or­ganic compounds diffuse into the structure and will affect air quality in the home. Garages therefore must be properly isolated from the main structure.

Well-ventilated and well-sealed sources of combustion can be operated with very little degradation of the indoor air. However, even sources of minimal exposure must often be re­moved from the homes of chemically sensitive patients to restore their health.


Although some pesticides may technically be considered VOCs, these often odorless and in­visible substances have become such a health threat that they warrant a separate discussion. Pesticides, or biocides, are poisons designed to kill a variety of plants and animals such as in­sects (insecticides), weeds (herbicides), mold (mildewcides), and fungus (fungicides). They were first developed as offshoots of nerve gas used during World War II. Most pesticides are synthetic chemicals made from petroleum. They are composed of active ingredients — the chemical compounds designed to kill the target organism — and inert ingredients — chemicals that deliver the active ingredients to the target, preserve them, or make them easier to apply.

Many people believe that the pesticides they buy, or those used by lawn and pest con­trol companies, are “safe.” They assume that the government is protecting them; that pes­ticides are scientifically tested; that if used ac­cording to the instructions on the label they will do no harm; and that the products would not be on the market if they were unsafe. All of these assumptions are incorrect.

EPA registration does not signify pesticide safety.3 The EPA approves pesticides based on efficacy, not safety. Efficacy means the pesti­cide will kill the targeted pest. Out of the hun­dreds of active ingredients registered with the EPA, fewer than a dozen have been adequately tested for safety.4 In fact, it is a violation of fed­eral law to state or imply that the use of a pesti­cide is “safe when used as directed.” When the

Sources of Indoor Pollution

Indoor air pollutants can be classified into five main categories: volatile organic compounds, toxic byproducts of combustion, pesticides, electromagnetic fields, and naturally occur­ring pollutants. Each category of pollutant is described in a following section.

Volatile Organic Compounds


’ЇЇІЖггі C%MY6 /м ЙЗДМеьт Шіь, * гииш FZti&vWTiat*

Подпись: «5* СоЩОЬКЪ 1№
Sources of Indoor Pollution

Organic compounds are chemicals contain­ing carbon-hydrogen bonds at the molecular level. They are both naturally occurring and

manufactured. Most synthetic organic com­pounds are petrochemicals derived from oil, gas, and coal. Organic compounds can exist in the form of a gas, a liquid, or solid particles. Substances that readily release vapors at room temperature are called volatile organic com­pounds (VOCs). This outgassing is a form of evaporation of volatile compounds contained in solid material and results in a slow release of chemicals into the air.

VOCs constitute a major source of toxic overload and can threaten individual health. Any organ of the body can be affected. Some of the more common symptoms include rashes, headaches, eye irritation, chronic cough, chronic sinus infections, joint and muscle pain, memory loss, inability to concentrate, irritability, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and an increasing number of allergies.

Organic compounds can be classified into three categories based on derivation from pe­troleum products. The primary organic com­pounds include components directly derived from gas, oil, and coal and include propane, butane, benzene, xylene, paraffins, toluene, and styrene. These products are then used to derive the intermediate substances such as formaldehyde, phenols, acetone, isopropanol, and acetaldehyde. The end products produced include solvents, waxes, lacquers, synthetic detergents, synthetic fibers, and paints. Com­mon sources of volatile organic compounds occurring in the indoor environment include:

• plywood

• particleboard

• wood paneling

• carpets and carpet pads

• insulation

• paints

• finishes

• solvents

• adhesives

• synthetic fabrics

• cleaning products

• body care products

• mothballs

• insecticides

• aerosol products

• art and hobby materials

• dry cleaned garments

• air fresheners

VOCs can also be generated from natural sub­stances. These include terpenes, which outgas from wood, and aromatics from natural oils. Some more chemically sensitive individu­als react to naturally occurring VOCs. These individuals are urged to test their reactions to each product before making a major pur­chase, even if the product is derived from a natural source.

You are undoubtedly familiar with the distinctive smell of a new house. The odor is composed primarily of outgassing chemicals from toxic volatile organic compounds. Some building products now report the parts per million of VOCs on their labels, but this infor­mation can be misleading. Yes, it is true that the fewer parts per million the better, but cer­tain chemicals such as dioxin are not safe in any detectable amount.1 One of the goals in constructing a healthy house is to reduce the use of toxic VOCs.


Подпись: SAVING YOUR BACK WHEN LIFTING A LOAD Подпись: Start off squatting, with your back straight and your knees bent, then grasp the load.Подпись: Begin to lift, keeping your back straight, and gradually straighten your legs.Подпись: Finish with both your back and your knees straight, but don't lock your knees.WORKING SAFELY ON A CONSTRUCTION SITEПодпись: One of the reasons so many carpenters have lower back pain is that they never learned to lift heavy loads properly.

Working on a construction site is not a sunny stroll in the park. There are all kinds of unusual, uncomfort­able, and potentially hazardous conditions you may encounter—uneven ground, troublesome weather, boards with protruding nails, and sloped roof sur­faces that challenge your balance. Learning how to work safely and effectively in a construction environ­ment is just one more skill that you need to acquire, such as hammering a nail or sawing a board. Here are some basic suggestions to keep you safe and productive:

■ Wear good shoes, clothes that fit well, long­sleeved shirts, long pants, a hat with a brim, and sunscreen. (see Resources on p. 279). Leave jewelry at home, and bunch up long hair, so it doesn’t get caught in a power tool.

■ Protect your eyes with safety glasses or goggles when sawing or nailing.

■ Protect your ears. Hearing damage is cumulative and permanent; once you’ve damaged your ears, you can’t undo it. I keep a few sponge earplugs in a 35mm film canister stored in my tool bucket.

■ Protect your lungs with a dust mask.

■ To prevent back injuries, remember to lift with your legs, not your back. If you’ll be working on your knees, wear kneepads.

■ To reduce the risk of tripping or stepping on a nail, keep your work area clean.

■ If you see any nails sticking out of boards, either bend the nails or remove them.

■ Never throw anything off a roof without looking to see whether anyone is below.

■ Don’t drink (or do drugs) while doing construction work.

■ No one under 18 years of age should be permitted on a construction site with hazardous materials.

■ No one under 16 years of age should ever be per­mitted on a construction site.

■ Work with a clear head and pay attention to what

you and others around you are doing. Be especially careful toward the end of the day, when you are physically tired.

■ Pay attention to your inner voice. If you feel that something might be dangerous, ask for help or figure out a better way to do it.

■ Don’t forget to rest and drink plenty of water. Your body can become dehydrated rapidly on a hot, dry day. If you aren’t visiting the Porta Potti® regularly, you aren’t drinking enough water.

■ Keep your tools sharp and clean, take care of them, and treat them well.

■ Take a courseinbasic firstaid.

Подпись: Keep portable power tools accessible. Instead of storing your circular saw on the ground or subfloor, fasten a stick to a stud or sawhorse to keep the tool handy. That way, you won't have to bend over every time you need to make a cut.WORKING SAFELY ON A CONSTRUCTION SITE

you to carry many individual tools. For orga­nizing specialized tools (collections of drill bits, chisels, or screwdrivers, for example), inexpen­sive storage boxes in many sizes are available from supply stores. Label the boxes so you know what’s inside.