Copper Pipe: Disconnecting, Reconnecting, and Repairing

To disconnect a soldered fitting, apply heat till the solder melts. Then gently tap the fitting off the pipe. When the metal is cool, clean the pipe end, reflux, reheat, and solder on a new fitting. Unless the fitting is an expensive one, such as a gate valve, don’t reuse fittings that have already been soldered.

When disconnecting a fitting on an existing supply line, drain the pipe first; otherwise, the solder won’t melt. Draining and reconnecting will be much easier if the pipe section can be isolated with a shutoff valve, but sometimes old valves don’t shut perfectly. In that event, ball up a piece of white bread and stick it in the pipe to block the trickle while you solder. Once the water runs again, the bread will dissolve and flush out.

Finally, here’s a fix for split pipes that doesn’t require soldering at all: Cut out the damaged section of pipe and slide a compression repair coupling over the cut pipe ends. (The coupling’s inner diameter is the same as the Vl-in. rigid copper’s outer diameter.) Use a pair of adjustable wrenches to tighten the compression fittings on both ends of the coupling, and you’re done.

Подпись: When space is tight, presolder sections in a vise. Then, when placing the section in its final position, you'll have only a joint or two to solder. If one of the materials being joined might be damaged by heat, solder the copper parts first, allowing them to cool, before making mechanical connections to the heat-sensitive material. For example, if you need to connect copper supply to a pump outtake with plastic or adapters, solder the male (protruding) or female (receiving) adapter to the copper pipe before screwing it in (or on) the pump outtake. Finally, before soldering pipe to a ball valve or a gate valve, close the valve completely. Otherwise, solder can run inside and keep the valve from closing fully. However, when soldering a shower's pressure-balancing valve or a tempering valve, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Finally, it's helpful to have unions near most valves so that sections can be disconnected without needing to undo soldered joints. FLEXIBLE COPPER TUBING Подпись: Because flexible copper tubing can be bent and run through tight spaces, it's used primarily for short runs to dishwashers (h in.), ice makers (!4 in. or 5І6 in.), and so on. Chromed copper tubing is commonly used when supply risers will be exposed because it looks good. Flexible tubing is softer than rigid copper pipe, so take pains when you cut it not to collapse the tubing walls by turning a pipe cutter too aggressively. And use a special, sleeve-like tubing bender to shape it so you don't crimp it, as shown in the photo at right. Flexible copper tubing is most often connected either with compression fittings or flared fittings. A compression fitting features a ferrule of Подпись: I A Compression Fittingimage555Repairing pipes split by freezing water is no big deal with a compression repair coupling. Each end of the coupling compresses a brass ferrule to create a watertight seal without soldering.


Use a tubing bender to shape chrome supply risers; the wire coils of the bender support the soft tubing and keep it from buckling as you gradually shape it.

soft metal that is compressed between a set of matched nuts. A flared fitting requires that you flare the tubing ends with a special tool. When using either type of connector, remember to slide nuts onto the tubing before attaching a ferrule or flaring an end. Both types of connection are easy to disconnect, and so are used where repairs may be expected, such as the supply line to a toilet. Don’t reuse ferrules, however; replace them if you need to disconnect fittings.

In most situations, braided stainless-steel sup­ply lines are a better choice than flexible copper tubing: Braided lines are strong, look good, and can be connected and disconnected as often as needed.


Galvanized pipe corrodes and constricts, re­ducing flow and water pressure, so it is no longer installed as water-supply pipe. If your existing system is galvanized and the water flow is weak, replace it as soon as possible. If you’re not quite ready to rip out and replace all of your galva­nized pipe, you can replace or extend sections with rigid copper. However, you must use a dielectric union (see the photo on p. 272) to join copper sections to steel. Otherwise, electrolysis will take place between the two metals, and cor­rosion will accelerate.

Today, galvanized pipe is largely limited to gas-supply service. Because of safety considera­tions and the difficulty of threading pipe without a power threader, have a licensed plumber install gas-supply service pipes. A plumber will install gas shutoff valves to gas-supply stubs; short lengths of flexible gas-supply pipe run from there to a fix­ture.


Most plumbing codes allow CPVC for hot – and cold-water applications, but check with local authorities to be sure. CPVC is a good choice for hard-water areas, because—unlike copper— CPVC won’t be corroded by chemicals in the water. Note: CPVC is a different material from PVC, which is widely used as drain and waste pipe; PVC may not be used as supply pipe, how­ever, because it releases carcinogens.

That noted, working with CPVC supply pipe is much like cutting and joining plastic DWV pipes, explained at some length later in this chapter.

The main difference is that waste pipes are larger. Briefly, here’s how to join CPVC: Cut the pipe ends square using a plastic-pipe saw or plastic – pipe cutting shears. Clean the pipe ends as well as the inside of the fitting. Next, apply solvent – based cement to each. Insert the pipe into the fitting, turning either the pipe or the fitting a quarter turn in one direction only to spread the cement. Finally, allow the glued joints to set ade­quately before putting pressure on the line.

Before installing CPVC, make sure that you have the adapters needed to join the new plastic pipes to existing metal pipes and fixtures.


Dormitories require the use of one laundry tray for each 50 people and one slop sink for each 100 people. However, washing machines can be used in lieu of laundry trays. This information is found in Figure 9.14 and Figure 9.2. It is also required that dormitories which are for the exclusive use of one sex or the other shall have double the number of fixtures listed under the gender-spe­cific restrooms in the table. There are also rulings in Figure 9.14 pertaining to bathtubs and showers. You will find that sizing dormitories is not difficult, but that it does involve some rules that we have not previously used.


Gathering places, such as churches, theaters, auditoriums, and similar places can be sized for plumbing fixtures by using the information in Figure 9.15. This reference table is straightforward and holds no surprises. If at any time you are not sure how to title a building’s classification, check with your local code enforcement office. Remember also to verify local standards for sizing requirements. Given the proper information from your local code, you should have no trouble determining the minimum fixture requirements for buildings.





Heavy manufac­turing, l() ware­houses1,1 foun­dries, and similar establishments12-14

Occupant content per shift, sub­stantiated by owner. Also see 407.3.2

Persons (total)



Persons (total)



One drinking fountain for






For each addi­tional 60 per-
















For each addi­tional 100











each 75 persons. One shower for each 15 per­sons exposed to excessive heat or to skin contami­nation with poisonous, infectious, or irritating material.

sons over 100,

persons over




125 add


O. l7


FIGURE 9.12 ■ Minimum fixtures for heavy manufacturing. (Courtesy of Standard Plumbing Code)

Bathtubs, showers
and miscellaneous fixtures

One drinking fountain for each 75 persons.

One shower for each 15 persons exposed to excessive heat or to skin contamination with poisonous, infectious, or irritating material.


Building or occupancy2 Occupant content2


Water closets3

Persons (total)












For each additional 60 persons over 100 persons add





Persons (total)












For each additional 100 persons over 200 persons add




Light mfg.10 Light

Warehousing11 and workshops, etc.1213


Occupant content per shift, substantiated by owner

Also see 407-3.2


FIGURE 9.13 ■ Minimum fixtures for light manufacturing. (Courtesy of Standard Plumbing Code)





50 sq ft per

Persons (total)



Persons (total)



Washing machines may be

person (calculated on sleeping area only)

1-10 11-30 31-100 For each additional 50 persons over 100, add









1-12 13-30 For each additional 30 persons over 30 add







used in lieu of laundry tubs.15

One shower for each 8 persons. In women’s dorms add tubs in the ratio 1 for each 30 females. Over 150 persons add 1 shower for each 20 persons.


FIGURE 9.14 ■ Minimum fixtures for dormitories. (Courtesy of Standard Plumbing Code)

Theaters, auditoriums, churches, waiting rooms at transportation terminals and stations



Drinking fountains

Persons Fixtures

1-100 1

101-350 2

Over 350 add one fixture for each 400.


FIGURE 9.15 ■ Minimum fixtures for gathering places. (Courtesy of Standard Plumbing Code)



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Tying off double top plates

To tie the two double top plates together, nail the overlapping double top plate of the butt walls to the double top plates of the through walls with two 16d nails (see the photo on p. 122). Do this job accurately, and it will make it
easier to plumb and straighten the walls. When there are lots of wall plates to nail off, skilled carpenters usually hop right up on the walls to do the job. I have a gymnast daughter who once worked with me during summers. She was great at walking on plates. The plates were wider than her balance beam. But for inexperienced carpenters, it’s easier— and safer—to work from a ladder (to learn about working on a ladder safely, see the sidebar on p. 123).

The corner marks you drew on the plates earlier act as guides when nailing off the top plates. Make sure that the double top plate is on these lines and

Подпись: Drive two 16d nails through the overlapping double top plate of the butt wall into the top plate of the through wall. (Photo by Roe A. Osborn.)

that the top plates of both walls are touching, just as they were on the floor. If necessary, toenail a 1 6d nail into the top plate of the through wall up into the double top plate of the butt wall to draw everything together (see the photo on the facing page).

Plumbing and lining walls

A woman once called me after moving into a fairly new house, wondering why her pictures wouldn’t hang flat against the wall. She thought she was doing
something wrong. The real problem was that her wall was leaning in 1V2 in. from top to bottom! This kind of error is not acceptable. Take care not to make the same mistake. Once the walls are up and tied together, you need to plumb and line them.

Plumbing means making sure the walls are standing straight up and down. Lining means straightening the top plates from one end of a wall to the other. Neither job is difficult, but it’s

Transitions to Bridge Railings

Most of the principles previously discussed for median transitions (Art. 6.9.3) apply

here as well. Transition designs should gradually stiffen the approach system to avoid

vehicle pocketing, snagging, or penetration. Some considerations of importance follow.

The concepts are appropriate for both new construction and retrofits.

• The splice between the rail of the approach barrier and the bridge rail should develop the tensile strength of the approach rail.

• Strong-post systems, or combination normal-post and strong-beam systems, can be used for transitions. These systems normally should be blocked out to avoid snagging. Also, a rub rail may be desirable with W-beam or tube-type transitions. Tapering the rigid bridge railing end behind the transition members may also be desirable. The rub rail and railing taper are specially appropriate when the approach transition is recessed into the end of a concrete railing or other rigid hazard.

• Use a gradual transition, typically 10 to 12 times the difference in lateral deflection of the two systems. Gradually stiffen by decreasing post spacing, increasing post size, and strengthening the rail (nested W-beams or thrie-beams, for example).

• Eliminate curbs, inlets, and other drainage features in front of the barrier. Keep the slope between the edge of the driving lane and the barrier to 1:10 or less.

• When possible, relocate roads that intersect near the end of the bridge and interfere with a proper transition. Crash cushions may provide an option in some cases.


Подпись: Lacey, Washington Подпись: Portland, OregonEXAMPLES FROM THE DEMONSTRATION PROJECTSTypical parking areas in Lacey are built on a 6-inch subbase and a 2- inch crushed stone base. After conducting soil-bearing tests, the developer of The Park requested and received approval to construct parking areas with a 2-inch crushed stone base and a 2-inch asphalt cover.

Lacey standards also require concrete wheel stops to be located 2 feet in front of an asphalt curb. At The Park, the city approved use of wheel stops without curbs, thereby elimi­nating the need for 4,936 linear feet of curbing.

These modifications resulted in cost savings of $38,000, or $215 per unit.

Black Bull Enterprises, builder/developer of North Meadow Village, received permission to install parking bays along streets in lieu of driveways, thereby saving land that would have been required for full driveways.

At Lynton Place, the John Crosland Company revised their original cul – de-sac plans to provide off-street visitor parking in the center of the paved area.

Подпись: White Marsh, MarylandEXAMPLES FROM THE DEMONSTRATION PROJECTSThe developer of Lawrence Hill clustered homes in groups of four or five with common off-street parking provided for each cluster. This not only reduced the parking load on the street, but also enhanced the develop­ment’s aesthetics, provided large rear yards, and enabled existing trees to be saved.

Crash-Tested Bridge Railings

Testing criteria and test levels for bridge railings are the same as previously discussed for roadside barriers (Art. 6.4). The FHWA maintains a list of designs that have been tested to NCHRP Report 350 levels, as well as designs that were tested to earlier guidelines and have been assigned an equivalent Report 350 test level. Railings are seldom evaluated for TL-1. Examples of railings designs that meet higher levels are as follows:

TL-2. Thrie-beam bridge railing, side mounted. Consists of a thrie-beam rail cen­tered 22 in (550 mm) above the deck, supported on steel or wood posts mounted on the side of the bridge. It is intended for use on lower-volume secondary roads. Actually tested only to NCHRP 230 criteria, it is considered to meet TL-2.

TL-3. Wyoming Two-Tube bridge railing. Consists of two horizontal tubular rails, 6 X 2 X 0.25 in (152 X 51 X 6.4 mm), supported by fabricated steel posts on 10-ft (3-m) centers, mounted on and flush with concrete curb. Height of top rail is 29 in (740 mm) and height of bottom rail is 16 in (405 mm). A heavier version meets TL-4.

TL-4. (1) Solid concrete railings. The current New Jersey, F-shape, single-slope, and

vertical wall types meet TL-4 when adequately reinforced and built to a minimum height of 32 in (810 mm). (2) Massachusetts S3 Steel Bridge Railing. This is a beam and post system with three tubular rails on W6 X 25 (W150 X 37) posts, mounted flush on the outside edge of a sidewalk or on top of a curb. The tube size varies. Steel tube pickets are bolted to the back to provide an aesthetic look. (3) Wyoming Two – Tube bridge railing. Consists of two horizontal tubular rails, 6- X 4- X 0.25-in (152- X 102- X 6.4-mm) top rail and 152- X 76- X 6.4-mm (6- X 3- X 0.25-in) bottom rail], supported by fabricated steel posts on 10-ft (3-m) centers, mounted on and flush with concrete curb. Height of top rail is 33 in (830 mm) and height of bottom rail is 19 in (480 mm). (4) BR27C railing. This railing may be mounted on a curb or flush mounted

on the bridge deck. The lower portion consists of a concrete parapet, 24 in (610 mm) high by 250 mm (10 in) thick. The upper portion consists of steel tube posts 4 X 4 X 3/16 02 X 102 X 4.8 mm)/6.5 ft (2 m) spaced at on center. A horizontal steel tube

rail [4 X 3 X 0.25 in (102 X 76 X 6.4 mm)] is mounted to the face of the posts.

TL-5. Solid concrete railings. The current New Jersey, F-shape, single-slope, and vertical wall types meet TL-5 when adequately reinforced and built to a minimum height of 42 in (1070 mm).

TL-6. Texas Type TT (Tank Truck). This system consists of a very heavily rein­forced and widened concrete safety shape, with a heavily reinforced continuous concrete member and post system above.

Upgrading Bridge Railing Systems

The first step in an upgrading project is to identify potentially deficient systems. Bridge railing designs prior to 1964 are particularly suspect. Strength and performance should be documented. Verify critical details such as base plate connections, anchor bolts, material (strength, toughness, and condition), welding details, reinforcement development, etc. Open-faced railings may cause snagging. Curbs or sidewalks adjacent to a railing may cause an impacting vehicle to vault or roll over. Approach transitions may be inadequate.

Retrofits can be developed to address inadequacies. When possible, use crash-tested designs in such updating. One common improvement is to rebuild the approach barrier and transition to current standards, continuing the metal-beam rail element, for example, across the structure to provide continuity. If a curb is in place, a retrofit railing can

Upgrading Bridge Railing Systems

FIGURE 6.36 Barrier placement for sloped medians. (From Roadside Design Guide,

AASHTO, Washington, D. C., 2002 and 2006, with permission)

often be blocked out to minimize rollover and ramping. Some specific retrofit concepts are discussed in the following.

Concrete retrofit (safety shape or vertical). The concrete safety shape can be used most effectively when it can be constructed in front of an existing railing that can remain in place. A vertical-faced concrete shape creates an effective barrier when added on top of and flush with an existing safety curb. The structure must be evaluated for the extra dead load imposed, and for the development of the required anchorage to resist impact forces.

W-beam and thrie-beam retrofits. A partial solution sometimes used is to continue an approaching W-beam or thrie-beam roadside barrier across the bridge. It may not bring the bridge into full compliance with AASHTO criteria, but may be satisfactory as an interim solution, particularly on low-volume roadways. Adequate anchorage is provided by the continuous system. Gradual stiffening in the transition area is advised to avoid snagging.

Metal post-and-beam retrofit. Where a sidewalk is present, a steel post (S shape or channel shape) can be anchored to the top and a pair of steel tubes attached to the roadway side to provide a smooth traffic barrier between the sidewalk and the roadway. The tube elements must be in line with the face of the curb. The postattachment can be designed to resist the impact loads, or a yielding design can be developed to mini­mize possible bridge deck damage. The existing bridge railing on the outside of the sidewalk can be adapted to a pedestrian railing.

Placement Considerations

Bridges should provide a full, continuous shoulder that maintains uniform clearance with approaching roadside elements. However, if the bridge is narrower than the

Placement ConsiderationsAASHTO Designation

Подпись: SWC01Test Level:

Nominal Barrier Height: Maximum Dynamic Deflection:

Remarks: This proprietary portable barrier system is suitable for both permanent (unbalanced traffic flow) and temporary applications. It is composed of a chain of safety-shape concrete barrier segments 37 in long which can be shifted laterally. Even though the cost is relatively high, the system becomes cost-effective when frequent lateral movement of the temporary barrier is required while maintaining traffic.

‘Deflections may be reduced by using CRTS or SRTS.

FIGURE 6.35 Movable concrete median barrier. Conversion: 1 in = 25.4 mm. (From Roadside Design

Guide, AASHTO, Washington, D. C., 2002 and 2006, with permission)

approaching roadway and shoulder, the appropriate flare rate should be provided where the railing is within the shy distance (Art. 6.7.3). Curbs higher than 8 in (200 mm ) in front of bridge railings should be avoided. If a sidewalk is present, use a bridge railing between the traffic and the sidewalk to protect pedestrians, and a pedestrian railing along the outside of the bridge. End treatment of the bridge railing is difficult under these circumstances. If a crash cushion or other barrier cannot be used, a vertically tapered end section may be the best solution. The location and extent of the taper must be carefully considered for the conditions present.


Some countries require special finishing techniques for SMA surfaces. Those requirements are described here.

10.7.1 G ritting

Applying a layer of grit to the finished surface is often specified. Why has gritting been applied? Soon after placement, the SMA layer is characterized by relatively low friction (the so-called postconstruction slipperiness) caused by a thick film of binder on particles of aggregate. Spreading additional aggregate on the surface of the hot SMA, followed by rolling (to embed the grits) is aimed at breaking the binder film on the coarse particles. Due to its microtexture, well-embedded grit breaks the water film, hence increases the skid resistance of SMA.

Without gritting, the process of rubbing the binder film off the aggregate particles that provide the SMA macrotexture proceeds slowly under the action of traffic, first in the wheel paths, and then, after some time, all over the roadway surface. This pat­tern of wear brings about the development of nonuniform friction characteristics of the wearing course. Dutch researchers (Jacobs and Fafie, 2004) have demonstrated low values of friction coefficients appearing on both a dry and a wet SMA course:

• On a dry pavement in summer, the binder film on the surface of the aggre­gate particles softens at high temperature, changing the binder film into a lubricant, reducing the friction between tires and aggregate particles.

• On a wet pavement, because of the thick binder coat, the aggregate micro­texture is not able to break a water film on the surface of an SMA course.

If the SMA contains a PMB, the binder film remains intact for a longer period of time.

Therefore some additional solutions for enhancing the friction coefficient should be applied to increase the friction in the early stages of trafficking the roadway while the binder film remains intact. Some observations prove that it might take as long as 6 months to rub off the binder film on the coarse particles.

Measuring and Fitting Pipe

When measuring water-supply or dwv pipe runs, keep in mind that most pipe slides into fitting sockets. The depth of the socket is its seating distance (seating depth), which you must add to the face-to-face measurements between pipe fittings. When running pipe between copper fittings with a seating depth of VI in., for example, add 1 in. to the overall measurement. Rigid 3/4-in. copper fittings have a 3/4-in. seating depth.

As important, after you dry-fit pipes so fit­tings point in the correct direction, use a grease pencil or a builder’s crayon to create alignment marks on the pipes and fittings. That way you’ll be sure the fittings are pointing in the right direction when you make the final connections. Alignment marks are particularly important when cementing plastic pipe because you must turn plastic pipes one-quarter turn after inserting them into fittings; the marks tell you when to stop turning.

Socket Depths of ABS/PVC Fittings*




DEPTH (in.)







* Fitting sockets vary, always measure depth to be sure.

threaded end. A sweat/female adapter has a threaded receiving end. Adaptors are also called transition fittings because they allow a transition in joining, as just described, or a transition in pipe materials. A dielectric union can join galva­nized and copper, without the electrolytic corro­sion that usually occurs when you join dissimilar metals.

Valves are specialized fittings with moving parts. Gate valves are the most common type of shutoff valve, although lever-handled ball valves are gaining popularity because they are easier to operate. Hose bibs have a threaded outlet that you can screw a garden hose to. Angle stops are shutoff valves that control water flow to lavatories, sinks, bidets, and toilets. TPR (temperature – and pressure-relief) valves are spring-loaded safety valves that keep water heaters from exploding should the water get too hot or the tank pressure too great.


Type M rigid copper is the most commonly used copper supply pipe in houses, although type L, which is thicker, may also be specified. Type K, the thickest of the three, is usually specified for commercial and industrial jobs.

To cut rigid copper, place a tubing cutter on the pipe, so that its cutting wheel is perpendicular to the pipe. Score the pipe lightly at first, till the cut­ting wheel tracks in a groove. Gradually tighten the cutting jaw as you rotate the tool, until you cut through. If you tighten the tool too aggressively, you will flatten the pipe or score erratically, thus creating a weak joint.

When the cut is complete, clean the end of the pipe with the deburring attachment on the cutter so that you get a good, solid joint. Leftover burrs also increase turbulence and thus decrease flow through the pipe. Use plumber’s sand cloth or

I Pipe Fitting


When measuring pipe, allow for socket depths. Also when dry-fitting pipe assemblies, draw alignment marks on pipes and fittings to help you point the fittings in the right direction when assembled. This is particularly helpful when giving plastic fittings one – quarter turn after glue is applied.

emery paper to polish both ends of the pipe, and a round wire brush to clean the insides of fittings.

To solder copper pipe, first use a flux brush to apply self-tinning flux (soldering paste) to the outside of the pipe and the inside of the fitting. Then slide the fitting over the pipe. If the fitting is a directional fitting, such as a tee or an elbow, make sure that the fitting points in the correct direction.

Heat the fitting (not the pipe), moving the sol­dering torch so that all sides of the fitting receive heat directly. The flux will bubble. From time to time, remove the torch, and touch solder to the fitting seam. When the fitting is hot enough, the solder will liquefy when touched to it. After a few trials, you’ll know when a fitting is hot enough. When the fitting is hot, some fluxes change color, from milky brown to dull silver.


Подпись: 1. Hold the tubing cutter square to the pipe and score it lightly at first. Once the cutting wheel tracks in a groove, gradually tighten the cutting jaw as you revolve the tool.

Подпись:Подпись: 3. Use a strip of plumber's sand cloth to polish the pipe ends slightly beyond the fittings' seating depths. Put on clean disposable gloves after polishing, because skin oils can impair a solder bond. Подпись: 4. Use an acid brush to apply flux liberally to the outside of the pipe ends; put a thin, even coat on the inside of pipe fittings, all the way to the bottom of the fitting sockets. Подпись: 5. Heat the fitting—not the pipe—and apply solder to the lowest fitting hub first. Periodically remove the torch and touch the solder tip to the fitting joint. When the fitting is hot enough, the solder will liquefy and disappear into the joint. (Note: The flame shield behind the fitting was set aside temporarily to get a clearer photo.)image553Подпись: SAFETY ALERT Check the solder label to make sure it is lead free. Though lead has long been known to be a neurotoxin, plumbers continued to use 50:50 (half-lead) solder till it was banned in 1986. Modern solders are typically tin-antimony, tin-silver, or tin- copper-silver alloys. llllll Two passes with the solder, completely around the joint, will make a tight seal; more than two passes is a waste. The solder is sucked into the joint, so don’t worry if you don’t see a thick fillet of solder around the joint. Let solder cool before putting pressure on a joint. After a soldered joint

Подпись: Quality solder, such as a silver alloy, is easier to work with than standard 95/5 solder: You'll have a wider working temperature range, better void filling, and fewer leaks. Quality solder can cost 50 percent more than standard types, but it's worth it. 1111 image554has cooled for a minute, you can immerse it in water to cool it completely; but be careful when handling hot metal.

Soldering in tight spaces can’t always be avoided. If a fitting has several incoming pipes— at a tee, for example—try to solder all pipes at the same time. That is, reheating a fitting to add pipes will weaken earlier soldered joints. Clean and flux the pipes, insert them in the fitting, and keep the torch moving so you heat both ends of the fitting equally. If you must reheat a fitting to add a pipe later, wrap the already soldered joint in wet rags to keep its solder from melting. When soldering close to wood, wet the wood first with a plant spritzer filled with water and then use a flame shield to avoid scorching or igniting it.